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(11) EP 3 446 695 A1


(43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.:

27.02.2019 Bulletin 2019/09 A61K 35/644 (2015.01) A61K 9/48 (2006.01)
A61K 31/59 (2006.01)
(21) Application number: 18194526.2

(22) Date of filing: 08.09.2015

(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventor: Philipp, Jessica

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB 16928 Pritzwalk (DE)
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (74) Representative: adares Patent- und
(30) Priority: 08.09.2014 GB 201415862 Reininger & Partner GmbB
Tauentzienstraße 7 b/c
(62) Document number(s) of the earlier application(s) in 10789 Berlin (DE)
accordance with Art. 76 EPC:
15766194.3 / 3 177 301 Remarks:
This application was filed on 14-09-2018 as a
(71) Applicant: Ayanda GmbH divisional application to the application mentioned
16928 Pritzwalk (DE) under INID code 62.


(57) The present invention provides a method for pro- range of 11 to 28°C; and drying the soft gel capsule in
ducing a soft gel capsule comprising uncoated probiotic one or more steps to a water activity of at the most 0.25
bacteria, the method comprising gentle mixing the un- at a temperature of at the most 25°C, as well as soft gel
coated probiotic bacteria with at least one oil to obtain a capsules produced by this method.
soft gel capsule fill material at a temperature in the range The present invention further provides a soft gel cap-
of 5 to 15°C, encapsulating the fill material in a soft gel sule comprising dried, uncoated, non-spore-forming pro-
capsule made of a gelatin having a melting point in the biotic bacteria.
EP 3 446 695 A1

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

EP 3 446 695 A1



5 [0001] The present invention relates to the field of soft gel capsules comprising probiotic bacteria and to an improved
process for producing a soft gel capsule comprising probiotic bacteria.


10 [0002] For soft gel capsules comprising probiotic bacteria it is common practice to mention the number of probiotic
bacteria at the time of manufacture or at the end of shelf life. Various attempts to produce soft gel capsules comprising
viable probiotic bacteria having a long shelf life have been described in the prior art e.g. as summarized in WO
2012/021432 which is incorporated herein by reference.
[0003] WO 2012/021432 describes a process of manufacturing a soft gel capsule containing microencapsulated pro-
15 biotic bacteria which is stable at room temperature for at least 24 months. The solution is to provide the probiotic bacteria
with at least one coating comprising at least one vegetable lipid having a melting point of between 35°C and 75°C.
[0004] Tests of products presently commercially available showed that generally in the analyzed products the water
activity level was relatively high, above 0.3. Often the water barrier properties of the applied packaging system were low
e.g. an aluminum/PVC blister and that combined with no active desiccant material present after a certain time period
20 has a detrimental effect of the number of viable bacteria in the products.
[0005] CA 2 675 892 describes packaging for soft gel capsules in a resealable container in the inside wall(s) of which
an absorbent and at least one channel former is embedded, at least over part of the area. Examples of moisture-sensitive
compounds which are preferably present in the soft gel capsules are vitamins and probiotic cultures. The examples of
CA 2 675 892 show data for vitamins only.
25 [0006] None of the above documents describe or point to the process for producing a soft gel capsule comprising
viable probiotic bacteria nor to the soft gel capsules comprising viable probiotic bacteria of the present invention.


30 [0007] The present invention relates to a method for producing and storing a soft gel capsule comprising probiotic
bacteria which process has been improved by optimization of the production process to minimize the loss of viable cells
during production.
[0008] Probiotic bacteria are live microorganisms and this can be a challenge during production and formulation of
final dosage forms. Probiotic bacteria are especially sensitive towards temperature, moisture content, and other ingre-
35 dients in a formulation matrix.
[0009] Using a low fill temperature, and correspondingly using a gelatin with lower gelling and melting point than
conventionally, ensures the survival of the probiotic bacteria during production. The wedge temperature (for filling and
assisting the sealing), and the spreader box temperature (for forming the gelatin to a sheet suitable for entering the
dierolls) must be adjusted accordingly. Mechanical stress must be avoided.
40 [0010] Further, the packaging of the soft gel capsules comprising probiotic bacteria should be optimized by carefully
controlling the water activity during storage.
[0011] It is well known to the person of skill in the art that survival of probiotic bacteria is improved by a low water
activity. However, a soft gel capsule will become brittle and leak if the water activity is too low. The optimal water activity
is thus a delicate balance between survival of probiotic bacteria and intact soft gel capsules. It was found that the water
45 activity should preferably be at the most 0.2 for storage at room temperature, such as 25°C.


[0012] The present invention relates to a method for producing a soft gel capsule comprising uncoated probiotic
50 bacteria, the method comprising mixing the uncoated probiotic bacteria with at least one oil to obtain a fill material at a
temperature in the range of 5 to 15°C, encapsulating the fill material in a soft gel capsule made of a gelatin having a
melting point in the range of 11 to 28°C; and drying the soft gel capsule in one or more steps at a temperature of at the
most 25°C to a water activity of at the most 0.25.
[0013] Water activity (aw) is defined as the partial vapour pressure of water in a composition at a specified temperature
55 divided by the standard state partial vapour pressure of water at the same temperature. Water activity thus acts as a
measure of the amount of free (i.e. unbound) water in a compsition. It may be calculated as:

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where p is the partial vapour pressure of water in the composition and p0 is the vapour pressure of pure water at the
5 same temperature.
[0014] Alternatively, water activity may be calculated as:


where lw is the activity coefficient of water and xw is the mole fraction of water.
[0015] The two calculations above which define aw are equivalent.
[0016] Water activity may be measured by methods known to those skilled in the art, for example by applying a Rotronic
Hygrolab instrument.
[0017] A soft gel capsule is defined as a soft gelatin based shell surrounding a fill material. The term "fill material"
refers to the entirety of materials encased within the shell. As such, the fill material can for example be a homogenous
solution or a suspension.
[0018] The use of soft gel capsules in the delivery of dietary supplements or pharmaceutical products is widespread.
The common soft gel capsule is mostly produced by the so-called Rotary Die Encapsulation process (invented by Robert
20 Pauli Scherer), where two flat semi-solid ribbons of gelatin based shell material are produced from a liquid gelatin solution,
the two ribbons are then brought together on a set of rotating dies (die rolls), which cut the gelatin ribbon, while sealing
the two parts together. Simultaneously, precise addition of the correct amount of liquid fill material through the filling
wedge expands the gelatin ribbon into the die pockets, before the final sealing of the soft gel capsule. After sealing, the
still too soft gel capsule is dried, either in an in-line process or on trays in controlled atmosphere, in order to achieve the
25 optimal hardness of the shell.
[0019] The fill material must be liquid at the production temperature used and also stable under the production con-
ditions, but the flexibility in the composition of the fill material is large. The most common and easiest fill materials are
purely oil based, such as fish oils or fat-soluble vitamins in an oil carrier. The ease of encapsulation and stability of the
product will depend on any fill material/shell interactions, i.e. substances which are water soluble will interact with the
30 water dissolved in the soft gel shell, altering the characteristics of the shell. Suspensions of solids in an oil carrier are
also possible to incorporate into a soft gel, and in addition to the active ingredients, carriers/suspending agents to make
a homogenous dispersion, antioxidants to prevent oxidation of the oil and excipients may be added if considered ap-
propriate. The particle size of the solids in the suspensions should be low, and this may be achieved by milling the fill
material prior to encapsulation.
35 [0020] A certain amount of solid, such as dried probiotic bacteria, may be included in the fill material but in order to
keep the viscosity of the fill material at a level where it is possible to produce the soft gel, the amount of solid is limited
to up to approximately 30% (w/w) of the fill material, preferably 10 to 25%, e.g. 15 to 20%. Increasing the amount of
solid further will then mean increasing the amount of fill material, hence the capsule size. This can only be done to a
certain extent otherwise the dimension of the soft gel capsule will be unrealistically large for a person to swallow.
Generally, soft gel capsules have a weight in the range of 0.05 to 2.0 g, preferably 0.5 to 1.5 g, e.g. 0.7 to 1.0 g. Most
often soft gel capsules are defined as a size (e.g. 10 oval, 12 oval etc. or oblong 4, 6 etc.).
[0021] Thus, in order to obtain a soft gel capsule comprising probiotic bacteria having a long shelf life a high degree
of survival of viable bacteria has to be ensured during the production process and this high amount has to be maintained
by carefully controlling the water activity of the soft gel capsules during shelf storage after the production and initial one
or more drying step(s).
[0022] The inventor realized that a substantial improvement of the production process to minimize the loss of probiotic
bacteria through the production process by using a lower temperature of the fill material than conventionally used was
necessary. The preparation and storage of the fill material is the most time-consuming unit operation, hence where the
probiotic bacteria are most vulnerable. It was realized that when using a lower fill temperature than conventionally used
50 also adjustments in the process conditions in the rest of the process in order to accommodate the lower fill material
temperature are necessary.
[0023] Most importantly, the gelatin utilized must accommodate a low fill material temperature. The gelatin must have
a lower gelling point and a lower melting point, than conventionally used so that the gelatin stays soft enough through
the cold filling. This softness is important to make a proper seal by the final action of the dieroll; a bad seal will lead to
55 leaking capsules.
[0024] The inventor realized that fish gelatin generally has melting points below that of mammalian gelatins (Karim et
Bhat, 2009). The different known fish gelatins generally have gelling points between 8 and 25°C, and melting points

EP 3 446 695 A1

from 11-28 °C. The lower values belong to cold water fish gelatins that rarely have bloom strengths sufficient for soft
gel production. The bloom strength generally used for soft gel production would typically be between 150-200 bloom
(Podczeck et Jones, 2004), but based upon the experience of the present inventors the bloom strength could be between
100-300 bloom. Typical gelling points for porcine and bovine gelatins range from 20-25°C and typical melting points
5 range from 28-31°C, with porcine gelatin exhibiting the highest gelling and melting points. Fish gelatins are generally
derived from either cold water fish (for example cod, haddock, hake, pollock, cusk, sole, flounder, turbot, halibut, plaice,
lump fish, redfish, pike, trout and salmon) or warm water fish (for example tilapia, shark or carp). These differ in their
gelling and melting points, with cold water fish gelatins (CWFGs) often having gel points below 15°C, typically 4 to 12°C,
and melting points below 22°C, typically 12 to 19°C, while warm water fish gelatins (WWFGs) often have gel points
10 above 15°C, typically 18 to 24°C, and melting points in the range 22 to 32°C. For present purposes, cold water fish may
be taken to mean any species of fish living predominantly in water of 18°C or below.
[0025] The present process uses a gelatin having a melting point in the range of 11 to 28°C. Preferably the melting
point is in the range of 19 to 27°C, even more preferably in the range of 21 to 26°C, most preferably in the range of 23
to 25°C.
15 [0026] The present process preferably uses a fish gelatin having a bloom strength in the range of 100-300, such as
at least 180, at least 190, preferably 200-285 or 200-250 bloom. However, a suitable bovine gelatin fulfilling the above
parameters could also be suitable if it accommodates the parameters necessary to be used in the low temperature soft
gel capsule production method according to the present invention.
[0027] Optionally the gelatin having a melting point in the range of 11 to 28°C may be a mixture of gelatins from different
20 origins (e.g. a mixture of cold water fish gelatin and warm water fish gelatin, a mixture of fish gelatin and bovine gelatin,
or a mixture of fish gelatin and porcine gelatin) provided that the overall gelatin mixture retains a melting point in the
range of 11 to 28°C, preferably in the range of 19 to 27°C, even more preferably in the range of 21 to 26°C, most
preferably in the range of 23 to 25°C, and/or a bloom strength in the range of 100-300, such as 200-285 bloom. The
gelatin used, however, is preferably substantially free of mammalian gelatins, i.e. containing no more than 1%, preferably
25 0% wt relative to the total gelatin weight. Particularly preferably the gelatin is at least 90% wt, more preferably at least
95% wt, especially 100% wt, fish gelatin.
[0028] As noted above, cold water fish gelatins tend to have low or non-existent Bloom values and are therefore not
always suitable for soft gel production (e.g. due to low mechanical strength and/or poor thermal stability). However, soft
gel capsules composed of a significant amount of cold water fish gelatins can be manufactured using standard encap-
30 sulation equipment if an amount of warm water fish gelatin is also used. Suitable blends of cold water and warm water
fish gelatins are described in WO 2009/095670, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. Thus, for
example, in the method and capsule of the present invention the gelatin may be a blend of gelatins including at least 40
wt% cold water fish gelatin (relative to the total weight of gelatin), e.g. 20 to 80% wt, 35 to 70% wt, 40 to 65% wt, or at
least 55% wt; or the gelatin may comprise cold water and warm water fish gelatin in a weight ratio of 99.9:0.1 to 35:65,
35 especially 65:35 to 40:60; provided that the overall gelatin mixture retains a melting point in the range of 11 to 28°C
and/or a bloom strength in the range of 100-300.
[0029] Optionally the gelatin employed in the present invention may further comprise a carrageenan (e.g. kappa-
carrageenan), for example at a content of 0.01 to 2% wt of the gelatin on a dry solids basis, especially 0.05 to 1% wt,
particularly 0.06 to 0.5% wt. To improve gelling, a physiologically tolerable metal salt (e.g. a potassium salt such as
40 potassium chloride for kappa-carrageenan), may also be included. Typically this will be at a concentration in the gelatin
of up to 50mM, especially 10 to 30mM.
[0030] Gelatins suitable for use in the capsules and methods of the invention may of course be defined in terms both
of bloom strength and melting point. Thus gelatins having any combination of the above bloom strengths and melting
points are contemplated, for example a gelatin having a melting point in the range 11 to 28°C and a bloom strength of
45 100 to 300 bloom.
[0031] The soft gel capsule shell may, in addition to gelatin, contain additional ingredients such as plasticizer(s), water,
colorant(s), flavor(s), opacifier(s), and/or preservative(s), which are all known ingredients to the person skilled in the art
(see also Stanley, J.P., "Part Two. Soft Gelatin Capsules", in The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy, Lachmann,
L., et al., eds. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 398-412 (1986). Examples of plasticizers include glycerol, sorbitol
50 and mixtures thereof. Where present, the plasticizer may be present in an amount of up to 35% wt, e.g. 5 to 35% wt or
15 to 30% wt of the gelatin.
[0032] A probiotic bacterium is defined as a live microorganism which when administrated in adequate amounts may
confer a health benefit to the host (FAO/WHO 2001).
[0033] Under conditions of lack of nutrition certain bacteria such as Bacilli and Clostridia are able to form endospores,
55 a dormant, tough, non-reproductive structure. Endospores can survive without nutrients. They are resistant to ultraviolet
radiation, desiccation, high temperature, extreme freezing and chemical disinfectant. Some probiotic products contain
Bacilli. As evident from the above, the method of the present invention is, however, not necessary for spore forming
bacteria to survive the encapsulation process. In a preferred embodiment, therefore, the bacteria employed in the soft

EP 3 446 695 A1

gel capsules of the invention are non-spore-forming bacteria.

[0034] The fill material comprises at least one species of a dried uncoated non-spore forming probiotic bacterium.
Bacteria may be dried according to methods known in the art. Examples of such probiotic bacteria are Lactococcus,
Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, and Streptococcus and more preferably at least one species selected from the group con-
5 sisting of Bifidobacterium spp., Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium animalis, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium
longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactococcus lactis, Lactococcus cremoris, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus
casei, Lactobacillus kefir, Lactobacillus bifidus, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus paracasei,
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus sake,
Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus delbreuckii, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus johnsonii and
10 Streptococcus thermophilus.
[0035] Particularly preferred strains are Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis, e.g. the strains deposited as DSM 15954
(marketed by Chr. Hansen A/S, Denmark, as BB-12®); ATCC 27536, and DSM 10140, respectively; Lactobacillus
acidophilus, e.g. the strain deposited as DSM 13241 (marketed by Chr. Hansen A/S, Denmark, as LA-5®), Lactobacillus
rhamnosus, e.g. the strain deposited as ATCC 53103 (marketed by Chr. Hansen A/S, Denmark, as LGG®), Lactobacillus
15 paracasei subsp. paracasei, e.g. the strains deposited as ATCC 55544, (marketed by Chr. Hansen A/S, Denmark, as
L. casei 431®) and CCTCC M204012, respectively, Lactobacillus reuteri, e.g. the strain deposited as ATCC 55845
(marketed by Chr. Hansen A/S, Denmark, as RC-14®), Lactobacillus rhamnosus, e.g. the strain deposited as ATCC
55826 (marketed by Chr. Hansen A/S, Denmark, as GR-1®), Lactobacillus paracasei, e.g. the strain deposited as LMG-
P-17806 (marketed by Chr. Hansen A/S, Denmark, as F19®), Streptococcus thermophilus, e.g. the strain deposited as
20 DSM 15957 (marketed by Chr. Hansen A/S, Denmark, as TH-4®), and Lactobacillus fermentum, e.g. the strain deposited
as NM02/31074 (marketed by Chr. Hansen A/S, Denmark, as PCC®).
[0036] Combinations of several species or strains of probiotic bacteria can be used, i.e. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 or even more of the above listed species and strains. In presently
preferred embodiments, only one, two, three, four or five different strains are present in the soft gel capsule according
25 to the invention.
[0037] By the term "viable" is meant that the cell is alive and capable of forming a colony in a petri dish during pour
plating or spread plating. The number of viable probiotic bacteria is determined as the number of colony forming units
(CFU) by pour plate or spread plate methods with incubation under conditions suitable for growth of the probiotic strain(s).
By this method cells capable of growing and forming colonies will be counted. When a number is given in the present
30 specification and claims, it should be understood as CFU/soft gel capsule unless the context indicates otherwise.
[0038] The terminology used to describe micro-particulate formulations can sometimes be inconsistent and confusing
to readers unfamiliar with the field. The term "microparticle" as used herein refers to a particle with a diameter of 1-1000
mm, irrespective of the precise interior or exterior structure and the subcategory of "micro-capsules" applies to micro-
particles which have a core surrounded by a material which is distinctly different from that of the core. The core may be
35 solid, liquid, or even gas.
[0039] Microencapsulated materials have a core active ingredient, surrounded by a material that is distinctly different.
A substance may be microencapsulated for a number of reasons. Examples may include protection of reactive material
from their environment, safe and convenient handling of the materials which are otherwise toxic or noxious, taste masking,
means for controlled or modified release properties, means of handling liquids as solids, preparation of free flow powders
40 and in modification of physical properties of a drug.
[0040] WO2012/021432 describes microencapsulated probiotic bacteria and defines the term "microencapsulated"
as coated with a composition. Consistent herewith, the term "uncoated" used in the present specification and claims
means that the probiotic bacteria are not microencapsulated or coated.
[0041] A coating step may well lead to a cell loss during the coating process and a different release profile than natural,
45 uncoated cells, and will also lead to a lower concentration of probiotic bacteria through the addition of coating material
to the formulation.
[0042] As evident when comparing the results of the examples of the present invention with the results of the examples
in WO2012/021432, the present invention provides an improved survival of the probiotic bacteria during long term storage
at room temperature compared to the results described in WO2012/021432 even without using coating of the probiotic
50 bacteria. The bacteria employed in the present invention are therefore uncoated, i.e. non-microencapsulated.
[0043] An excipient may be added to the probiotic bacteria, e.g. in order to obtain a dry blend with a standardized
concentration of probiotic bacteria. Presently preferred embodiments have end concentration of 40-100% (w/w) in the
blend of one or more active ingredients such as probiotic bacteria, such as 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% or 90%, the remaining
part being excipient(s) such as maltodextrin. A concentration of 100% (i.e. dried bacteria only) is presently preferred in
55 order to have a high concentration of bacteria and to reduce the amount of solid to be added to the oil - adding too much
solid makes the suspension too viscous.
[0044] In order to make a suspension of the dried bacteria for the fill material, a suspending agent, for example a
hydrogenated/partly hydrogenated vegetable oil, mono-glyceride or mixture thereof, lecithin, a wax or silicon dioxide

EP 3 446 695 A1

may be added in a range of 1-10% (w/w) of the total fill material, such as 1.5-7.5%, e.g., 1.5-5% (w/w). The use of a
suspending agent aids in the preparation of a homogeneous fill material by preventing sedimentation of the probiotic
bacteria even though the bacteria are added in dry powder form.
[0045] Essentially all edible oils can be suitable for the present invention. The oil may be considered as an active
5 ingredient or a carrier oil only, such as MCT (medium chain triglyderide), soya bean oil, or sunflower oil. Particularly
preferred oils for use according to the present invention are oils containing omega 3 fatty acids, such as docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), fish oil, and krill oil, and combinations of EPA, DHA and other omega 3 fatty
acids, and vegetable oils providing e.g. DHA, EPA, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), or gamma linolenic acid (GLA), such as
rapeseed oil, borrage oil/evening primrose oil, linseed oil, perilla oil, or garlic oil.
10 [0046] Sources of DHA, EPA and ALA include, but are not limited to, fish oils, yeasts, algae or other microorganisms
or monocellular sources and vegetable oils, primarily flaxseed, soy, and rapeseed oil. Sources of GLA include, but are
not limited to, evening primrose oil/borage oil.
[0047] Oils suitable for use according to the present invention also includes any modified oil from vegetable, marine
or mammal origin, such as, but not limited to hydrogenated oils, diacylglycerols, monoacylglycerols, medium chain
15 triglycerides (MCT) and combinations thereof.
[0048] At least one oil, such as one, two, three, four or more of the above listed oils, may be used in the method of
the present invention.
[0049] As noted above, the method of the present invention involves mixing the uncoated probiotic bacteria with at
least one oil to obtain a fill material at a temperature in the range of 5 to 15 °C. Therefore, the oil (or oil mixture, where
20 two or more oils are used) should be liquid at temperatures in the range 5 to 15 °C. This means that the oil (or oil mixture)
should have a melting point of not more than 15 °C, e.g. a melting point in the range 5 to 15 °C or preferably a melting
point below 5 °C.
[0050] In addition to the probiotic bacteria, one or more other active ingredients, for example one, two, three, four or
more active ingredients selected from the group consisting of vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, K2, C, B2, B6, B12,
25 biotin, niacin, folic acid; minerals such as zinc, selenium, chromium, copper, calcium, chloride; vegetable oils such as
rapeseed oil, borrage oil/evening primrose oil, linseed oil, perilla oil, garlic oil, and vegetable extracts such as cranberry
extract/juice, royal jelly could be included in soft gel capsules.
[0051] Presently preferred compositions include Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis as the only active ingredient,
such as Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis in MCT; Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis and at least one omega-3
30 oil, such as Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis and ALA, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis and DHA, and Bifido-
bacterium animalis subsp lactis, DHA and EPA; as well as combinations with other active ingredients e.g. Bifidobacterium
animalis subsp lactis, DHA, vitamin B6, folic acid, and Vitamin D3.
[0052] The mixing of the fill material and the encapsulation of the fill material into the soft gel capsule should take
place in a low humidity environment. In the context of the present invention, the phrase "low humidity environment" refers
35 to an environment with a relative humidity (RH) of less than 50%. Preferably, it refers to an environment with a relative
humidity of less than 45%. More preferably, the relative humidity is in the range of 10%-40%, more preferably in the
range of 20-35%. The low humidity may be reached by any method known the person skilled in the art for reducing the
relative humidity, and includes the use of dry compressed air, cooling, air conditioning, and purging with an inert gas
e.g. nitrogen or argon. Purging with an inert gas also reduces oxidative stress both on the bacteria cells and other
40 components of the fill material.
[0053] In order to ensure good content uniformity in the soft gel capsules it is important to keep the bacteria evenly
suspended in the oil. Gentle agitation and high viscosity, obtained by e.g. lowering the temperature, can assist in making
an even suspension of the bacteria. By "gentle" is meant agitation which is sufficient to assist the formation of a homo-
geneous suspension without giving rise to mechanical forces which cause significant disruption of bacterial cell walls.
45 Suitable methods for gentle agitation/mixing include, but are not limited to, stirring or circulation pumping. Other methods
will be identifiable by those skilled in the art.
[0054] Table 1 summarizes the differences between the conditions used in the method of the present invention and
the conditions generally used in this field.

50 Table 1
Production parameters for production of probiotic soft gel capsules
Parameter Standard values Probiotic production values
Spreader box temp. 50 - 68°C 40 - 68°C
Wedge temperature 28 - 48°C 28 - 36°C
Room temperature 18 - 22°C Max 20°C

EP 3 446 695 A1


Production parameters for production of probiotic soft gel capsules

Parameter Standard values Probiotic production values
Fill temperature Room or above 8 - 15°C

[0055] Reduction of the fill material temperature necessitates the use of a lower melting gelatin and changes in the
whole production chain. Most importantly, the wedge temperature (involved in the precise filling and subsequent sealing
10 of the capsule) must be reduced in order to have a good seal of the capsule (not re-melting the gelatin). The spreader
box will ensure that the liquid gelatin mass is formed into a thin film before the encapsulation process. The temperature
in the spreader box will not heat the fill material, and the upper temperature limit may be as high as for normal production,
although preferably lower.
[0056] As evident from the table the major difference from the conventional process is the lower fill temperature.
15 Example 1 clearly demonstrates that it is important to lower the temperature of fill material from the conventionally used
room temperature. According to the method of the present invention, the fill temperature should be 5-15°C, preferably
6 to 14°C, most preferably 7 to 13°C. 8 to 12°C, such as 9 to 11°C may also be feasible. The temperature depends on
the gelatin chosen. The use of a lower melting fish gelatin ensures that the sealing process of the capsule is still effective;
with the colder fill material and wedge, the gelatin must still be soft enough to give a solid seal after the filling process.
20 It is contemplated that the spreader box temperature may be as low as 40°C to adjust to lower room and fill temperatures,
preferably in the range of 45-55°C. In the examples the lowest spreader box temperature used was 51 °C.
[0057] The particle size of any solid component of the fill material i.e. the dried probiotic bacteria and possible excip-
ient(s) such as maltodextrin, is important to ensure homogeneity of the product, and enable the actual physical process.
The average particle diameter size of the component comprising the probiotic bacteria should be less than 400 microns,
25 such as about 150 to 250 microns, and preferably less than 200 microns. The particle size for smooth large scale
production must be optimized, and can be obtained by careful particle size reduction by milling or sieving.
[0058] Due to the fact that the probiotic bacteria are delicate living microorganisms, it is, however, important to minimize
stress to the probiotic bacteria/energy input. Thus, in order to maintain the viable count of bacteria procedures such as
milling of the solid components of the fill material should be avoided to the extent possible.
30 [0059] The soft gel capsules according to the invention are to be firm, but not brittle or fragile The quality of the capsule
shell after drying is most commonly measured as Newton (hardness of shell), where a value of 9-11 N designates a
shell hardness that will not cause leaking capsules. Hardness may be determined by methods known in the art, for
example by use of a hardness tester such as the digi test II Gelomat Härtemessgerät (manufactured by Bareiss Prüf-
gerätebau GmbH) and other similar devices.
35 [0060] At room temperature (25°C/60% relative humidity (RH)), soft gel capsules have a water content of about 4 to
10% by weight. If the water content is significantly below this, for example due to excessively dry storage or drying, this
results in embrittlement of the capsule shell, with the consequences of increased fragility of the capsule wall and the
formation of cracks. In an embodiment the soft gel capsules therefore have a water content of at least 4 wt%.
[0061] As will be known by the person skilled in the art, the water content refers to the total water. The total water
40 content of the soft gel capsule (free water + bound water i.e. water bound in cells and gelatin) will mostly be found in
the shell, since the hydrophobic capsule fill material will not absorb water. As stated above, the total water content in
the capsule can be in the range of 4-10%, but the total percentage is not relevant for the survival of the bacteria. The
water which is tightly bound by e.g. hydration of the gelatin in the shell cannot be utilized or be harmful to the bacteria,
and it is only the water which is free to utilize which needs to be measured (the water activity, aw). Water activity is by
45 definition the free or non-chemically bound water in a product and can be measured on the whole soft gel capsule by
applying a Rotronic Hygrolab instrument.
[0062] The probiotic bacteria are dormant, and to keep them in this condition, a water activity of not more than 0.2 is
preferable. Normally, a soft gel capsule stored under standard soft gel conditions would create an environment with a
water activity (aw) which is too high for the probiotic bacteria to stay dormant. Thus, a careful control of the drying of the
50 soft gel capsule comprising the probiotic bacteria, and a careful control over the atmospheric water that can re-enter the
soft gel is necessary.
[0063] During the drying process the water content, hence the water activity, reach an equilibrium through a process
where desiccant, if present, removes water from the shell, and any water in the fill material is taken up by the shell. The
equilibrium between the shell, fill material and desiccant ensures the correct low water activity, without risking that the
55 shell becomes too brittle.
[0064] According to the method of the present invention, the soft gel capsules are dried in one or more steps at a
temperature of at the most 25°C to a water activity of at the most 0.25. Any drying method known to a person of skill in

EP 3 446 695 A1

the art may be used for drying the soft gel capsules which comprise the bacteria. In a preferred embodiment of the
invention, the capsules are primarily dried by tumble drying at for example about 18 to 23°C for from about 10 to about
40 minutes, followed by tray drying at about 19 to 22°C at a humidity of 15 to 22% for at least about 1 or 2 days to about
14 days until a shell hardness of 9-11 N is obtained. Alternatively to the above method, in-line drying tunnels can be used.
5 [0065] After the initial drying process, the dried soft gel capsules are sorted and capsules not being properly filled,
having air bubbles or odd sizes are discarded. The quality checked soft gel capsules can then be packaged in the final
packaging with a sufficient amount of desiccant as will be known to a person of skill in the art.
[0066] It is, however, presently preferred to add a further drying step where the soft gel capsules are kept as a bulk
in an appropriate packing material with a sufficient amount of desiccant so as to obtain a further, slow reduction in water
10 content with a target water activity (aw) of 0.2 measured on the whole soft gel capsule. The capsules are kept at a
temperature of at the most 25°C, preferably at a low temperature such as 2-8°C, in this phase, so as to minimize the
loss of bacteria before packing in the final packaging.
[0067] As evident from the above the desired low water activity does not need to be reached before packing into final
packaging, but the correct water activity before the packing into the final packaging will prolong the life of the desiccant
15 in the final packaging and therefore also the shelf life of the soft gel capsules. Preferably the water activity should be
≤0.25 before final packaging.
[0068] The time needed to reach this low aw can be in a range from days, weeks to months, e.g. 3 months, but as
long as the capsules are kept at a low temperature, the stability is not compromised.
[0069] The most suitable packing material for this bulk packing is aluminum foil based packing materials. Other packing
20 materials such as HDPE polymers, or other high water barrier polymers can be used, but then an increased amount of
desiccant is needed to control the water activity. Suitable desiccants include any suitable desiccant such as silica, silica
based desiccants, molecular sieves, and zeolites.
[0070] In a presently preferred embodiment of the invention, the soft gel capsules are dried after the final repackaging
(i.e. during the shelf storage) to a water activity (aw) of at the most 0.2, such as 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14,
25 0.15, 0.16, 0.17, 0.18, 0.19, 0.20, 0.21, 0.22, or 0.23.
[0071] Capsules obtained or obtainable by the methods herein described form a further aspect of the invention.
[0072] In another aspect, the present invention provides a soft gel capsule comprising a capsule shell and a fill material,
said capsule shell comprising at least one gelatin having a melting point in the range 11 to 28°C and/or a Bloom value
of 100 to 300, and said fill material comprising at least one strain of uncoated, non-spore-forming probiotic bacteria
30 dispersed in an oil, wherein said soft gel capsule a water activity of at most 0.25.
[0073] The present invention provides a soft gel capsule comprising dried, uncoated, non-spore-forming probiotic
bacteria which soft gel capsule comprises at least 2 E+09 viable bacteria after 12 months of storage at 25°C, more
preferably at least 3 E+09 viable bacteria, most preferably at least 4 E+09 viable bacteria, even more preferably at least
5 E+09 viable bacteria.
35 [0074] Within the scope of the invention are a soft gel capsule comprising dried, uncoated, non-spore-forming probiotic
bacteria which soft gel capsule comprises at least 1 E+09 viable bacteria after 24 months of shelf storage at 25°C,
preferably at least 2 E+09 viable bacteria, more preferably at least 3 E+09 viable bacteria, even more preferably at least
4 E+09 viable bacteria, most preferably at least 5 E+09 viable bacteria.
[0075] Further, the invention provides a soft gel capsule comprising dried, uncoated, non-spore-forming probiotic
40 bacteria which soft gel capsule comprises at least 4 CFU/g after 12 months of shelf storage at 25°C, preferably at least
5 CFU/g, more preferably at least 6 CFU/g, even more preferably at least 7 CFU/g, most preferably at least 8 CFU/g.
[0076] Even further the invention provides a soft gel capsule comprising dried, uncoated, non-spore-forming probiotic
bacteria which soft gel capsule comprises at least 2 CFU/g after 24 months of shelf storage at 25°C, preferably at least
3 CFU/g, more preferably at least 4 CFU/g, even more preferably at least 5 CFU/g, most preferably at least 6 CFU/g.
45 [0077] As evident from the results provided in the examples, the soft gel capsules prepared by the method of the
present invention are very stable.
[0078] The use of the terms "a" and "an" and "the" and similar referents in the context of describing the invention
(especially in the context of the following claims) are to be construed to cover both the singular and the plural, unless
otherwise indicated herein or clearly contradicted by context. The terms "comprising", "having", "including" and "con-
50 taining" are to be construed as open-ended terms (i.e., meaning "including, but not limited to,") unless otherwise noted.
Recitation of ranges of values herein are merely intended to serve as a shorthand method of referring individually to
each separate value falling within the range, unless otherwise indicated herein, and each separate value is incorporated
into the specification as if it were individually recited herein. All methods described herein can be performed in any
suitable order unless otherwise indicated herein or otherwise clearly contradicted by context. The use of any and all
55 examples, or exemplary language (e.g., "such as") provided herein, is intended merely to better illuminate the invention
and does not pose a limitation on the scope of the invention unless otherwise claimed. No language in the specification
should be construed as indicating any non-claimed element as essential to the practice of the invention.

EP 3 446 695 A1


[0079] Figure 1 shows CFU values of soft gel capsules produced in trial 2 during storage at 25°C/60%RH for up to 18
months. The soft gel capsules are packed in three different packaging systems. (1)Aluminum foil+ silicate bag, eblister
5 card, (•) box+silicate bag.
[0080] Figure 2 shows CFU values of soft gel capsules produced in trial 2 during storage at 8-12°C for up to 18 months.
The soft gel capsules are packed in three different packaging systems. (1)Aluminum foil+ silicate bag, eblister card,
(•) box+silicate bag.



[0081] All trial batches have a batch size of 65,000 capsules.

Fill material:

[0082] The oil and oil soluble components are charged by vacuum to a stainless steel mixing vessel. The components
are mixed at 12 °C, and added silicon dioxide. The mixture is further mixed and homogenized until the silicon dioxide is
20 dispersed. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis is charged by vacuum and the complete mixture is mixed (without
homogenization). The finished fill material is then discharged through a sieve with a sieve opening between 0.7 and 1.2
mm to a pre-cooled (12 °C) transfer tank. The transfer tank is then connected to an encapsulating machine.

Gelatin solution
[0083] The batch size of the gelatin solution is 100 kg. Gelatin, glycerol and water are weighed into stainless steel
production vessel equipped for heating and stirring. The mixture is heated, stirred and evacuated until a stable viscosity
is achieved. The gelatin is then filtered (150 microns) into a preheated stainless steel container. Coloring agents are
then added and slowly mixed until homogenous. The gelatin is held at 50-68°C during encapsulation.

[0084] The first drying is performed in rotary tumble dryers at 19.0 to 20.3°C , where the lubricant of the gelatin ribbons
is removed by cleaning towels in the dryers. Final drying is done by spreading the capsules on trays in a single layer,
35 and placing the trays in air-conditioned cabinets at controlled humidity of 14-23% RH and temperature of 21-24°C. Drying
is terminated when a shell hardness of 9-11 N is reached. The typical drying time is 31-130 h, with an average of 100 hours.

Inspection and packaging

40 [0085] The soft gel capsules are inspected and sorted to remove deformed capsules, capsules not properly sealed
and other errors and packaged in bulk packages of 3500 soft gel capsules containing probiotic bacteria with 30 g of
desiccant in an aluminum bag and heat sealed.
[0086] In Table 2 the composition of the batches produced in five different trials are shown.

45 Table 2
Composition of five different batches produced
Trial No 1 2 3 4 5
Ingredients in mg per capsule, 10 oval
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis 21.875 120.000 50.000 50.000 50.000
Particle size, average, mm by microscopy <730 < 166
Particle size, average, mm by laser scattering 139 139 223 (unfiltered) 115
D90 (90% of batch), mm 291 291 465 (unfiltered) 231

EP 3 446 695 A1


Composition of five different batches produced

Trial No 1 2 3 4 5
D-a-Tocopherol 1000 9.000 9.000 9.000 9.000 9.000
Medium Chain Triglycerides 500
Total fish oil 550.000 500.000 500.000 500.000
10 Silicon dioxide 25.125 25.000 9.300 31.000 31.000
Fish gelatin 139.20 139.20 140.00 140.00 140.00
Glycerine 99.5% 63.86 63.86 67.49 69.96 67.49
Water 16.94 16.94 5.75 4.82 5.75
Lemon Oil 3.50 3.50 3.50
Colouring agent * 4.36 3.26 1.72 3.26
Total weight of fill 606.0 654.0 568.3 590.0 590.0
20 Total weight of capsule 826.0 878.0 788.3 810.0 810.0
*Iron Oxide, Titanium oxide, riboflavin

[0087] During the production of the two first trial batches, the temperature was closely monitored throughout the
25 encapsulation process in order to identify where reduction of number of CFU took place.
[0088] The soft gels produced in trial 1 showed significant loss of viable cells through the production process. Changing
the processing conditions and repeating the trial gave a significantly more stable production process. The results are
shown below in Table 3:

30 Table 3
Comparison of the temperatures and CFU values during the first two trials
Trial no. 1 2
Sample Sampling point CFU/capsule Fill Temp./°C CFU/capsule Fill Temp./°C
Mixing vessel Upper part 1.39 E+09 20 1.90 E+10 7.5
Mixing vessel Lower part 1.64 E+09 20 7.20 E+09 7.5
Capsules Beginning of encapsulation 1.84 E+04 20 1.31 E+08 7.5
40 Capsules Middle of encapsulation 5.10 E+05 20 1.24 E+08 7.5
Capsules End of encapsulation 1.70 E+05 20 4.97 E+07 7.5
Capsules Rotary dryer, start 2.12 E+05 20 2.62 E+08 20
Capsules Rotary dryer, middle 1.64 E+05 20 3.00 E+08 20
Capsules Rotary dryer, end 5.64 E+05 20 4.91 E+08 20
Capsules Tray drying, start 4.73 E+05 19 2.94 E+09 20
Capsules Tray drying, middle 1.03 E+08 19 2.62 E+09 20
50 Capsules Tray drying, end 7.27 E+04 19 2.49 E+09 20

[0089] The impact of the reduction in fill temperature from 20°C to 7.5°C is evident, the survival of the probiotic bacteria
is significantly better.
55 [0090] Looking more into the details of the results, Table 3 shows a drastic reduction of CFU/soft gel capsule during
the encapsulation in trial 1 and that even at the low fill temperature in trial 2, the cell count is reduced through the
encapsulation process. During drying the CFU/capsule is increasing, the reason being that during drying water is lost,
so that the total concentration of bacteria increases (most clearly for trial 2).

EP 3 446 695 A1

[0091] This temperature was used for the subsequent trials except for some variations in the temperatures for the fill
material (12-14°C). In the subsequent trials only a minimal production loss was found. As an example, in trial number
4 probiotic bacteria were added corresponding to a calculated amount of 3.0 E+10 CFU/soft gel capsule if all the cells
would be available after the soft gel capsule production. The CFU value found when the stability study was started was
5 9E+09 CFU/soft gel capsule. These two values confirm the minimal loss of probiotic bacteria observed when manufac-
turing soft gel capsules comprising probiotic bacteria applying the improved process.
[0092] The batch of trial 2 was distributed into different packaging systems having different amounts of drying media
availability and stability studies were initiated at different temperatures. The packaging systems were a) an aluminum
foil bag containing 100 soft gel capsules and a 1g silica bag, b) a blister card (PVC/PVDC foil, 10 soft gel capsules per
10 blister card and c) an aluminum bottle with PE plug and PP cap with ALU/PE liner containing 60 soft gel capsules and
a 0.5g silica bag. The samples were stored at 8-12°C and at 25°C/65%RH for up to 18 months. The results are provided
in Figures 1 and 2.
[0093] The results in Figure 1 show the importance of having an active desiccant present in the packaging system for
the probiotic soft gel capsules.
15 [0094] The results in Figure 2 demonstrates that if the storage temperature is low - in the range of 8-12°C - the effect
of desiccant material present in the packaging is less important for the CFU values of the soft gel capsules comprising
probiotic bacteria.


Karim A.A. and Bhat, Rajeev,"Fish gelatin: properties, challenges, and prospects as an alternative to mammalian
gelatins", Food Hydrocolloids 23 (2009) 563-576
25 Lachmann, L., et al., eds. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 398-412 (1986)
Podczeck, Fridrun and Jones, Brian E., Pharmaceutical Capsules, 2004, pp. 195-204
Singh et al., "Microencapsulation: A promising technique for controlled drug delivery", Res Pharm Sci. 2010 Jul-
Dec; 5(2): 65-77


1. A method for producing a soft gel capsule comprising uncoated probiotic bacteria, the method comprising:

35 a) mixing the uncoated probiotic bacteria with at least one oil to obtain a soft gel capsule fill material at a
temperature in the range of 5 to 15°C,
b) encapsulating the fill material in a soft gel capsule made of a gelatin having a melting point in the range of
11 to 28°C; and
c) drying the soft gel capsule in one or more steps at a temperature of at the most 25°C to a water activity of at
40 the most 0.25.

2. A method according to claim 1 wherein the uncoated probiotic bacteria are non-spore-forming.

3. A method according to claim 1 or claim 2 wherein at least one oil is selected from the group consisting of omega
45 3s, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), fish oil, and krill oil.

4. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein at least one oil is selected from the group consisting of
vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil, borrage oil/evening primrose oil, linseed oil, perilla oil, or garlic oil.

50 5. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein the fill temperature is in the range of 6 to 14°C.

6. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 5 wherein the gelatin has a bloom strength in the range of 100 to 300

55 7. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 6 wherein the probiotic bacteria are Lactobacilli, Lactococci, Pediococci,
Streptococci or Bifidobacteria, or a mixture thereof.

8. A method according to claim 7 wherein the probiotic bacteria are from the strain Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies

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9. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 8 wherein the soft gel capsule comprises one, two, three, four or more
active ingredients selected from the group consisting of vitamins, such as vitamin A, D, E, K2, C, B2, B6, B12, biotin,
5 niacin, folic acid; minerals, such as zinc, selenium, chromium, copper, calcium, chloride; and vegetable extracts,
such as cranberry extract/juice or royal jelly.

10. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 9 wherein the soft gel capsule is dried during shelf storage to an aw
of at the most 0.2.
11. A soft gel capsule produced by the method according to any one of claims 1 to 10.

12. A soft gel capsule according to claim 12 for use as a dietary supplement, nutraceutical or pharmaceutical.










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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• WO 2012021432 A [0002] [0003] [0040] [0042] • WO 2009095670 A [0028]

• CA 2675892 [0005]

Non-patent literature cited in the description

• Part Two. Soft Gelatin Capsules. STANLEY, J.P. et • PODCZECK ; FRIDRUN ; JONES ; BRIAN E. Phar-
al. The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy. maceutical Capsules, 2004, 195-204 [0095]
Lea & Febiger, 1986, 398-412 [0031] • SINGH et al. Microencapsulation: A promising tech-
• KARIM A.A. ; BHAT, RAJEEV. Fish gelatin: proper- nique for controlled drug delivery. Res Pharm Sci.,
ties, challenges, and prospects as an alternative to July 2010, vol. 5 (2), 65-77 [0095]
mammalian gelatins. Food Hydrocolloids, 2009, vol.
23, 563-576 [0095]


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