Setiyo Pamungkas, Maire Flavien, and Salley Baptiste, ADNOC Onshore
Setiyo Pamungkas, Maire Flavien, and Salley Baptiste, ADNOC Onshore
Setiyo Pamungkas, Maire Flavien, and Salley Baptiste, ADNOC Onshore
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 12-15 November 2018.
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An updated geological and dynamic model for a giant Middle East carbonate reservoir was constructed
and history matched with the objective of creating an alternative model which is capable of replicating the
reservoir production mechanisms and improving predictability, allowing optimizing the field development
plan and water injection strategy. Giant Middle East carbonate fields often have long production history and
exhibit high reservoir heterogeneity. It is always challenging to get a robust history matched model aligned
with geological concepts and dynamic behavior understanding.
The objective of this paper is to present an improved and integrated reservoir characterization, modeling
and history matching procedure for a giant Lower Cretaceous carbonate reservoir in the Middle East. The
applied workflow integrates all available geological data (stratigraphy, depositional facies, and diagenesis),
petrophysical data (RCA and minipermeameter data, Petrophysical Group definition, cut-off definition) and
the extensive database of dynamic data (long production history, well test, RST, open-hole log saturation
over more than 40 years of development drilling, and MICP). The process was initiated with the reservoir
review by means of a fully integrated study that allowed having better understanding of the reservoir
behavior and production mechanisms. The key heterogeneities (high permeability and intra-dense layers)
which control the flow behavior were identified during this process. Geological trend maps were generated
to control the distribution of high permeability and intra-dense in the model. Well test data, open-hole
logs from development wells and time-lapse saturation logs from observation wells were used to calibrate
the trend and permeability log data. A phenomenological model was constructed to test the main factors
impacting the production mechanism as identified during the reservoir review. Multiple iterations were
performed between the static and dynamic models in a way that allowed a quick and efficient work that is
consistent with all disciplines assumptions.
Such continuous loop between the dynamic and geological models, with focus on the geological
heterogeneities driving the dynamic reservoir behavior, has led to a more robust model capable of replicate
the production mechanisms, which represents a major improvement compared to previous model in term
of predictability.
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Carbonate reservoirs are often extremely heterogeneous, which causes poor sweep efficiency due to
complex flow paths. Very often it is found that in giant carbonate reservoirs with long production history, it
is difficult to have a robust history matched model aligned with the geological and production mechanism
understanding. Consequently, the optimization of the field development plan including water injection
strategy can be very challenging. There are many reasons for this and some of them are the lack of
understanding of reservoir heterogeneity and the insufficient integration between static and dynamic data
in the model.
The objective of this paper is to present an integrated workflow of the 3D static and dynamic
models, which allows replicating the dynamic behavior and production mechanisms of the reservoirs. The
applied workflow integrates all available geological data (stratigraphy, depositional facies, and diagenesis),
petrophysical data (RCA and miniperm-meter data, Petrophysical Group definition) and the extensive
database of dynamic data (long production history, well test, RST, open-hole log saturation over more than
40 years of development drilling, and MICP). By means of this integrated reservoir review large amounts of
field data including pressure, production/injection data, and time lapse saturation are also considered which
give us better understanding of the dynamic behavior. This workflow was established, implemented and
optimized based on the data available.
The present paper outline is as follows. Start with the overview of the studied field and general reservoir
description. The next section discusses the study road map and the workflow applied to it. The integrated
process from reservoir characterization into dynamic modeling is described in the following chapter. Then
the history match process and the applied sensitivities to the model are discussed in a new section and finally
the conclusion is presented.
Reservoir description
The carbonate reservoir under study is Lower Cretaceous in age and is part of a field situated in onshore
Abu Dhabi, UAE. This field is a faulted elongated doubly plunged anticline with the longer axis trending
roughly northeast-southwest. The field dimension is about 30 km long by 10 km wide, with a closure area
of approximately 280 sq. km at the top of reservoir. The reservoir thickness ranges from ~200ft on the crest
to ~150ft on the flank. The difference in thickness between crest and flank is largely due to the impact of
compaction and diagenesis processes (cementation and stylolization) differences.
The studied reservoir was deposited in an extensive, low to moderate energy, low-angle ramp setting that
stack into an overall shallowing-upward carbonate depositional sequence. It is a layered system where strata
measuring a few feet in thickness can be correlated field-wide. For each well, regionally based published
frameworks (Sharland et al., 2001, van Buchem et al., 2011, Strohmenger et al., 2006) and the vertical
stacking pattern of the depositional facies (i.e. shallowing and deepening trends), have been used to infer
a sequence stratigraphy framework. The 3rd to 5th order sequence stratigraphic framework in the reservoir
formation was used to constrain the stratigraphic modeling.
The studied reservoir consists of two zones, the Lower and Upper zones, which exhibits a high contrast
of permeability. The Lower zone has relatively low permeability, ranging from 1 to 20 mD, with limited
heterogeneity. Whereas the Upper zone is characterized by high permeability layers ranging from 10 to
5000 mD interbedded with low permeability layers (1-100mD). The porosity in the reservoir ranges from
10 to 34%. There is no clear trend in the porosity-permeability relationship, particularly in the Upper zone; a
given porosity may correspond to a permeability value raging 2 to 3 orders of magnitude. The reservoir also
contains denser intervals corresponding to thin units (1 to 3 ft thick) which, are called intra-dense layers and
are explained either by early diagenetic processes and replacive dolomite rhombs associated with burrowed
sediments or to late diagenetic processes linked to mechanical compaction and development of stylolite.
The Hydrocarbon Initial in Place is split approximately 45% in the Upper zone and 55% in the Lower zone.
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The reservoir contains light oil with the average API being 40 degree. The field has been under production
for more than 40 years with the development scheme based on horizontal well infill drilling and peripheral
water injector.
High contrast of permeability between Upper and Lower zones (could be up to 100 times) with some
degree of communication between layers, leading to water over-ride and reverse coning (water injected into
lower reservoir moves to upper reservoir and producers in lower reservoir draw water from upper reservoir)
results in poor sweeping of the Lower zone. To date, the development strategy to recover the Lower zone
bypassed oil is through the tighter infill drilling.
Study Roadmap
This study objective is to have an improved history matched model which is capable of replicating the
reservoir production mechanism and improves predictability to assess alternative water injection strategy.
The sector model was constructed within the full field model covering an area of interest for revised water
injection strategy. The legacy model outside of the sector was kept to have boundary conditions representing
the global flows/pressure trends around the sector. The permeability in the sector was redefined through
an integrated approach.
The sector model is about 7km along the dipping direction and 5km perpendicular to it and is located in
the Eastern part of the reservoir. It contains 142 wells of which 82 are horizontal and 60 are vertical. There
14 cored wells and 15 vertical well tests available in the sector model. Figure 1 illustrates the location of
the sector model.
Figure 1—The sector model location with wells in respect to the full field model
The workflow was initiated by the reservoir review through a fully integrated study that allowed having
a better understanding of the reservoir behavior and production mechanism.
4 SPE-193273-MS
A phenomenological model was constructed to test the main factors impacting the production mechanism
as identified during the reservoir review.
The layering schemes applied in the sector model were reviewed with the objective to have common
layering schemes between the static and dynamic models without overlooking the heterogeneities in
the model. Calibration of core, log and dynamic data (well test) was performed to ensure the model
properly captures reservoir heterogeneities such as high permeability intervals. The permeability model was
redefined considering the geological understanding and dynamic synthesis. The feedback loops from the
dynamic and static model were conducted and played key role in the model improvement. Multiple iterations
were performed between the static and dynamic models allowing a quick and efficient workflow that is
consistent with all disciplines assumptions. Figure 2 is showing the schematic workflow used in the study.
sweep efficiency, permeability contrast between Upper and Lower zones, and the remaining oil saturation
distribution. Pressure Transient Analysis was conducted to review areal characterization. The heterogeneity
between crest and flank is seen on PTA. However, there is no clear trend between the North and South part
of the field in the oil pool; the Kh values are quite similar between those regions. The Kh data from PTA
in the highly faulted area does not show any different trend than the rest of the wells. RFT analysis and
interference test were used to review the vertical connectivity performance showing that the intra-dense
layers within the reservoir are more likely to act as baffles rather than as barriers. The formation pressure
testing (MDT and RST) data shows that pressure communication exist between the Upper and Lower zones.
The laboratory test study on stylolite zones demonstrated that the displacement across a stylolitic zone is
possible at the plug and whole core scales.
Based on this review, the production mechanism can be defined as follow and illustrated in Figure 3:
1. Peripheral Lower zone water injection override to Upper zone; driven by the permeability contrast
between Upper and Lower zones
2. Water hold-up in Upper zone due to permeability contrast and presence of capillary pressure barrier
3. Rapid water front movement in Upper zone caused by the presence of high permeability streak in
Upper zone and Kv/Kh
4. Water slumping (reverse coning), triggered by the production from Lower zone wells and kinetic
driven by intra-dense layers and Kv/Kh.
Figure 3—Schematic of reservoir behavior and production mechanism define during Integrated Field Review.
Phenomenological model
The objectives of the phenomenological model is to check the main factors which impact the production
mechanism identified in the integrated field reservoir review. A slice model was taken from the full field
Thamama model and tried out both in fine and coarse layering using simplified development scenarios
containing few wells.
During this analysis, it was observed that the water over ride can only be reproduced if there is a high
permeability contrast between Upper and Lower zones. The difference in Pc imbibition curve between the
most dominant rock type in Lower zone and Upper zone could explain the water hold-up phenomenon in
Upper zone. Therefore the filling of the rock-type in the model will define the way water will sweep into
the Lower zone. The phenomenological model also indicated that the capillary pressure has a big impact
on determining the amount/kinetics of trapped oil; therefore it is essential to consider the sensitivities on
the capillary Pressure/Pc (Figure 4).
The phenomenological model helped to focus rapidly on the keys elements affecting the history match
process to achieve the objective to replicate the dynamic behavior and production mechanism of reservoirs.
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Well Test Calibration. The first approach in the permeability model update is to calibrate the static data and
dynamic data. Calibration of core, log permeability and well test data was carried out to ensure the absolute
permeability values are represented in the small scale data (well logs data) which later will be used as input
in the modeling. Masalmeh, et al. (2012), clearly pointed out that the permeability measurement from the
core data which is used to characterize the reservoirs only represents a fraction of the possible scales and
corresponds to a biased dataset. Therefore, a careful integration of permeability data from the plug to the
well scale, going back to core description is crucial to obtain a realistic model. Figure 6 illustrates example
of closer core investigation indicating how the core plugs data underestimates the permeability values due
to a biased plug selection. The high permeability intervals that are often are only a few centimeters thick
were missed in the standard sampling procedure, therefore the core data could significantly under represent
the heterogeneity present in the reservoir. Minipermeameter measurements can also be used to identify
the presence of the higher permeability intervals. Masalmeh, et al. (2012) demonstrated in their study that
the minipermeameter measurement taken along the core with a sampling distance of 1 cm suggested the
presence of higher permeability at a much higher frequency than that encountered by the RCA data.
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Figure 6—Example of biased core plugs data selection leading to underestimating the permeability values
Trend maps. The geological trend maps were generated to control the distribution of the main heterogeneity
in the model. As a result of the feedback from the integrated field reservoir review, the permeability model
update focused on two main heterogeneities: the high permeability streaks and the intra-dense layers. Based
on the core description, two main types of high permeability streaks have been identified; these are rudist
facies and stormy type deposits of grainstone facies. High permeability streaks are characterized by well-
developed intergranular porosity and local intragranular pores consisting primarily of a preserved syn-
depositional to shallow burial pore network that is a result of very early to early diagenetic processes.
Core and thin section descriptions, as well as the geochemical data, consistently indicate that no obvious
dissolution feature is involved in the origin of the high permeability streaks. The static model distribution
"laws" should be related to depositional environment maps. However, these thin layers (sometimes < 1 ft to a
maximum 3-4 ft) show significant heterogeneity vertically and laterally based on the core data. Mapping the
high permeability streaks is then a very challenging task, as the high permeability streaks could be present
across stratigraphic layers, and it cannot be based on well correlation (Pamungkas,, 2016).
A high permeability streak flag was generated in order to help identify the high permeability intervals at
wells and enable to generate the proportion maps for each zone. Core permeability statistics per subzone
were used to define the cut-off for the high permeability flag. Zones displaying a steep slope on the quantile
distribution indicate the presence of heterogeneity and high permeability streaks. 2D proportion maps were
generated based on the high permeability streak flags for each zone. Multiple scenarios of high permeability
boundary were defined based on different cut-off scenarios to capture the uncertainty on the lateral extension
of the high permeability streak (Figure 7). The geological concept and depositional model was used to
adjust the proportion maps. Lastly, the calibration with the well test data and time-lapse saturation logs was
conducted in order to align with the dynamic synthesis.
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Layering refinement. In order to allow fast and efficient iteration loops between the static and dynamic
models, a common layering scheme was applied. The new layering rationale was applied by considering
the key geological heterogeneities and selecting the optimum numbers of layers that allowed the dynamic
model running and preserving explicit modeling of the highest permeability. The high permeability streak
flags were used to check whether the new layering schemes are capturing the heterogeneity by ensuring that
no very high permeability information was lost during the upscaling process. For the intra-dense layers, as
they were modeled as specific layers/sub-zones no further refinement was required.
Permeability model. In this study, the modeling strategy is to apply different approaches to model the
main geological heterogeneities: High permeability intervals, intra-denses, and the background. As there is
a weak relationship between poro-perm in the high permeability intervals, modeling permeability in these
intervals using conventional cloud transforms or stochastic co-simulation with porosity will be misleading.
Therefore, different geological heterogeneities (high permeability streaks/Intra-denses) require specifically
adapted modelling strategies. Trend maps for high permeability streaks and intra-dense layers were used to
constrain the permeability model in those intervals. Later in the modeling, the 2D trend maps were used as
horizontal trends in the Truncated Gaussian Simulation and the vertical proportion curve as vertical trend
to generate the 3D proportion cubes of high permeability and intra-dense. This approach allowed body
geometry and magnitude of the high permeability and intra-denses to be a key history-match parameter.
In the background intervals Sequential Gaussian Simulation was used to model the permeability by co-
simulating it with the porosity. The base case variogram ranges used in the full field model (FFM) were
applied in the sector model.
History Match
The dynamic model was simulated in full field mode with the legacy full field model used for outside the
sector model and the refined new model in the sector model. The legacy model outside of the sector model
10 SPE-193273-MS
was kept to have boundary conditions representing the global flows/pressure trend around the sector (Figure
The principle applied in the simulation is to have a multi-scenario approach to be able to understand
and assess the different levers for history match. Two main steps have been followed, based on production
mechanism understanding:
• Match the events that drive the Upper zone quick flooding:
– Early production / injection (1980's)
– Water ingress by looking at Saturation logs and Well water cuts: early Water breakthrough and
water front in preferred pathway, in specific sub layers
– Pressure response: connectivity peripheral injectors to producers
Figure 8 illustrates the results of an experimental design for several Upper zone water cut.
Figure 8—Upper zone - Example of Water Cut Match of an experimental design plan
▪ Water breakthrough time: due to presence of high water saturation in upper, water slumping
to Lower zone triggered by Lower zone well drawdown
▪ kinetic of the slumping (water cut evolution) controlled by Kv/Kh and Intradense
Figure 9 illustrates the results of an experimental design for several Lower zone water cut.
Figure 9—Lower zone – Examples of Water Cut match of an experimental design plan
For each step, a matrix of parameters (Experimental Design) following Geological contour have been
generated (e.g. permeability multiplier in a given region, Kv/Kh at a given interface between Upper and
Lower zone). The analysis using Objective function has been used to select best realizations, while mapping
the quality of the match (water cut, saturation or pressure). Based on the analysis, iterations to the static
model are performed to adjust the contour within geological understanding and re-generate regions and
permeability map. In this study, nine loops back/iterations have been conducted to achieve an acceptable
alignment between static and dynamic.
12 SPE-193273-MS
The feedback loop from the dynamic model into the static model plays a key role in the model
improvement. Sharing the same layering schemes between static and dynamic models allowed having fast
and efficient loop iteration without having to deal with the upscaling impact. This was especially important
to be able to focus a small volume of water travelling very quickly through thin layers as it is observed
in reality.
Iterative simulations were performed using different scenarios and various sensitivities. Several iterations
with some changes on the parameters / filtering / adjustment of values led to the final batch of cases.
During this process, a few points were selected allowing to look at the breakthrough and end value as
well as the trend by tracking the watercut parameter. Depending on how close the simulated values are from
the trend, a grade was given to the model. The best ones being selected are the ones with the lower grades.
This approach proved to be a very efficient way of selecting models with a good match. An example of well
point selection for history match is showing in the next figure (Figure 10).
An overall very satisfying match was obtained during this study, while honoring the production
Figure 11 show the example of the history match in which the reservoir production mechanism is also
replicated in the model.
The following figures present some examples of the quality of the history match:
Figure 15—Example of the quality of the saturation match in the sector model
The integrated reservoir review helped to understand the reservoir behaviors and the main heterogeneities
impacting the fluid flow. The calibration of permeability logs and well tests was required in the beginning
of the process to ensure the alignment between small scale and large scale data.
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The phenomenological model helped to focus rapidly on the keys elements affecting the history match
process to achieve the objective to replicate the dynamic behavior and production mechanism of reservoirs.
Continuous loop back from dynamic to the static model, with focus on geological heterogeneities
driving the dynamic reservoir behavior, played a key role in the model improvement. Multi-realization with
experimental design allowed to screen and selects the best match model.
This applied workflow resulted in improved and more robust history match models which are capable
of replicate the production mechanism. The fully integrated approach allowed a quick and efficient work
with consistent hypotheses in all disciplines.
Based on the success of this approach, a similar workflow will be applied to the entire reservoir. The
updated sector model is being used to assess alternative development scheme such as new water injection
strategy and EOR mechanism.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the management of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)
Onshore for their support and permission to publish this paper and TOTAL E&P for their technical support.
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