Forms and Function Code Mixing Used in Twitter by Tweet Netizen

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Advisor I : Dr. Mujiono, M.Pd

Advisor II: Siane Herawati, M. Pd

Putri Arum Bangsa Panguale 170402010038




1.1 Background of The Study

Language is a means of communication that is very important in society. Speak about the

language we can know that language cannot be separated from humans because with a

language we can communicate with other people. According to (Zaid 2019) “Language is

the first learning that humans have since they were born, every parent teaches their children

how to speak because language is an important medium for communicating both orally and

in writing”. In communicating, language can play a very important role as the main subject

that determines whether communication itself can be carried out successfully or not.

Language can also describe human behavior as a communication tool to express their ideas

and identities with each other in their daily lives so language is a very important thing in our

life. Language is also used to form thoughts, desires, feelings, and actions to be carried out.

Language can also be used to influence and be influenced.

Individual and social have a variety of languages this is based on the use of different

languages. The part of linguistics that studies language and society is called sociolinguistics.

According to (Wardhaught and M.Fullar 2015) "Sociolinguistics is the relationship between

language and society with the aims of a better understanding of the structure of language and

how the function of language". Thus, Sociolinguistics provides insights on language change

during communication in a society. Sociolinguistics is concerned with how people

communicate with each other and concerning language. (Sprott and Andini 2020)

Sociolinguistic is a branch of linguistics that deals with the relationship between people in

different social contexts and identifies social functions to develop social and language in the
sense of community that can learn the dialect and they were interested to learn about the

social context.

Sometimes speak not only using on language in communication because everyone using

more than one language based on the need to communicate. Besides, the way to speak

depends on where they speak and the situation during communication. The ability to use

more than one language in communication and interaction is often referred to as bilingual or

multilingual. The use of bilingual or multilingual aims to establish good communication

based on social factors. The ability to use two different languages at the same time is often

called bilingual. When people mix two or more languages it seems that there is something

that demands to mix languages usually environmental factors. This is what we often call


The communication process in which two languages are shared by a speaker is called

Code-Mixing. Speakers do not need to change languages, but they mix languages and use

them together in a statement. Code-mixing is usually used by Indonesian people to achieve

good communication within a community.

In this modern era, everyone needs to master more than one language at their disposal.

Most people do not only speak one language but can speak two or more at the same time.

(Sutrismi 2014) said that Code Mixing refers to mixing two or more languages or a variety

of languages in speaking. This means that in mixing code using two or more languages

simultaneously. At this time most people communicate with others not only through face to

face but also through social media.

In the era of globalization, the Internet developed many aspects of life including

communication. Nowadays, many people communicate not only through face to face
meetings but also through a platform called social networking or social media. Social media

allows people to communicate with people around the world to share feelings, ideas, and

experiences in a fraction of a second. The Internet has become a global phenomenon that

cannot be separated by human life. With the internet, we are connected with all of the people

around the world.

Nowadays, all of the people are using the internet to start with the child until adulthood.

Lately, we often hear the terms netizen. The term netizen comes from the word internet and

citizen. It describes someone actively involved in online communities.

Social media has various types, one of which is twitter. Twitter is one of the most popular

social media that can share tweets in the form of short messages, videos, and photos to other

users to be able to see it. Twitter is also a social media that quickly get information or news.

Almost everyone knows this social media, ranging from children to adults. Most of the

netizens like to interact with fellow twitter users as well as with public figures. They usually

interact by commenting on posts by twitter users and public figures. Most of them use more

than one language in their interactions.

Although previous researchers have explained a lot of interesting points to be solved and

explained, the research also has a unique side of previous studies above. in this era of

globalization are many young people who use Twitter in terms of interacting. The first

previous study is a graduation paper journal proposed by (Sofiatun 2019). In this study was

descriptive qualitative research. This research is to find out the forms and to examine the

function of code-Switching and Code-Mixing used by Indonesia netizens. The techniques of

collecting data were observing and analyzing the interaction of Indonesia netizens through
their comments in public figure's posted photo on Instagram. In this case, she was more

focused on the comment netizens.

The second previous study is a graduation paper journal proposed by (Rosyidha 2017).

The research uses descriptive qualitative and validated through theoretical triangulation.

This research mainly focusing on grammatical items usage and functions of Code-Switching

and Code-Mixing performed in the written form of Celebgram’s interaction on Instagram. In

this case, it is more focused on the functions of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing contained

in the interaction of celebrities such as Raditia Dika, Deddy Corbuzer, Dewi Sandra, Zazkia

Mecca, and Laudia Cyntia Bella. This research is also different from the first study because

in this second research only focuses on the functions of code-switching and code-mixing

which means found in public figures interactions on Instagram. Although specific two of

them have in common that their research is focused on Code-Switching and Code-mixing

that are used for interaction by their public figures through comments on Instagram.

The last study is a journal graduation paper proposed by (Kalangit 2016). This study

directs to identifies, analyze, and describe the Code-Switching that performs on Instagram

and explains the reasons for this phenomenon. In this study, the data were collected from

captions and comments on Instagram in Indonesian - English. The data is descriptive

qualitative practicing the theory of Hoffman (1991). The study has completion special that

are three types of code-switching on Instagram namely emblematic, inter-sentential, and

intra-sentential switching. Besides, the predominant reason for changing the use of Code-

Switching on Instagram is because of a specific reason for something (express solidarity).

In this case, the researcher made a difference from the previous study. The first previous

study only focused on knowing the form and function of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing

through comments on Instagram. The second, this previous study only focuses on the use of

grammatical items, and the Code-Switching and Code-Mixing functions are carried out in

the form of written interactions of Celebgram on Instagram. The third study is also different

from the first and second previous studies because it aims to ascertain the type of Code-

Switching and the reasons for the emergence of this phenomenon. In this respect, they are

similar in using Instagram as a medium to collect data, but this study is different from the

first and second studies because this study principally focuses on identifying Code-

Switching and Code-Mixing and the functions performed in that data.

Although the previous study has explained many interesting points to solve and explain,

this research also has a unique side from the previous study above. In this era of

globalization, many people use Twitter to interact. This was found when researchers

observed Twitter accounts that many netizens interacted would tweet attractive things.

Researchers discovered a lot of phenomena applying Code-Mixing in Netizen interactions

on this Twitter application.

Example :

@wanniemond Lagi bad mood gara-gara SM ma admin akun RV

@markyourlee Untuk teaser imagenya ga one-one ya…

@amyracle As always hyung keren banget, ternyata akhirnya bikin mewek.

In that interaction, Netizen is using both Bahasa and English at the same time. It means

that they use Code-mixing in their social media account. It happens because Netizen is

mixing insert English words within Bahasa in their Tweet. Based on the phenomena above,

the researcher is interested in comprehending more Code-Mixing on Twitter. The researcher

focuses on analyzing the forms and the functions of Code-mixing in interaction by Tweet

Netizens on Twitter.

1.2 The problem of The study

According to the background of the study in the previous discussion, the following study

problems were formulated:

1. What are the forms of Code-Mixing used by netizens on Twitter?

2. What are the functions of Code-Mixing used by netizens?

1.3 Objectif of The Study

Dealing with the questions of the study above, the writer intends to achieve some

objectives through the research as follows:

1. To describe the Forms of Code-mixing used on Tweet Netizens.

2. To describe the Code-Mixing function used through tweet Netizens.

1.4 Scope and limitation of The Study

The study focuses on the forms and the functions of Code-Mixing used by Netizen on

Twitter. The researcher decided to study Netizen’s interaction into account Twitter. The

researcher observed the interaction by Tweet Netizens on Twitter. Besides, the researcher
only analyzes the Indonesian Code-Mixing included in the Tweet to make the study to focus

more. Furthermore, the researcher chooses 10 Twitter accounts of Netizen to be studied.

1.5 Significant of the Study

The result of the study is expected to contribute both theoretically and practical

significance to improve sociolinguistics, especially in the form and function code-mixing.

1. Theoretically

This study aims to contribute knowledge about the use of Code-Mixing. This study

contains not only Code-Mixing but also its use in interactions based on its function and

form. how people interact with them using code-mixing in their comments on social media.

in this case, we can find out the development of language in Code-mixing based on the use

in the form of written interactions on social media.

Participants have various kinds of social media accounts from Twitter, Instagram, and

Facebook. Researchers also have various kinds of social media accounts so they want to

examine how the language contained in code-mixing is used on social media. This study is

intended as a reference for participants while studying Code Mixing. Besides, this study was

created as a bridge to fill the gap between previous studies and further studies on Code-

Mixing. Besides, participants are expected to be able to apply Code-mixing to establish

bilingual communication with their friends.

2. Practically

The result of this study is expected to be useful for lectures, readers, and further

A. Sociolinguistics Lecture

This study aims to enrich the knowledge of lecturers about Code-mixing studies in the

Sociolinguistics subject so that lecturers can teach this to students, especially about Code-

Mixing. Lecturers can also find out about the development of language in code-mixing at

this time based on the use in the form of written interactions both the forms and functions

that exist on social media, especially on Twitter.

b. Sociolinguistics Student

This study can be a reference material for students majoring in language and literature to

help them in assignments about code-mixing in sociolinguistics class, especially in learning

to find out what forms and functions are contained in code-mixing. Besides, this study is

also expected to increase their knowledge, especially in the use and function of Code-


c. Further Researchers

This study is expected to be a preliminary study for future researchers who will study the

form and function of code-mixing, especially for language and literature researchers. This

study is intended as a reference for students while studying Code-Mixing. This topic is

related to the era of globalization, which has a way of communicating with people using

social media.

1.6 Definition of Key Term

The researcher defines some of the key terms used in the study. To avoid

misunderstanding about those terms, here is the list of definition which has been conducted

by the researcher:

1. Code-Mixing

Code-mixing is a language mixing that combines more than one language in a


2. Twitter

Twitter is one of the most used social media in this modern era. Twitter can

communicate with people, this is also how we can get acquainted with friends who are

out there.

3. Netizen

Netizen Is a term for people who are on the Internet or people who use the

internet. Netizen comes from the term citizen, referring to an Internet citizen, or

someone who uses network resources

1.7 Literature Review

1.7.1 Empirical Review

There are several previous studies on the form and function of code-mixing that

can support this study. The first is about analyzing the form and function of Code-

switching and Code-mixing Found in the written form of Celebgram interactions by

Alfin Rosyda (2017). The data is taken by observing the interaction between

Celebgram and fans using social media called Instagram. To analyze the data, the

authors used descriptive qualitative methods and validate them through theoretical

triangulation. To analyze the data, initially, the researcher will make observations or
look for the first Celebgram account to be analyzed, then the researcher will select 10

or more commentaries on the posts of the celebrities. in this case, the researcher has

provided the codes in every interaction that is obtained from the interaction. The

results of the data, the researchers found 88 code-mixing, each of which has been

analyzed, and 107 code-switching which has 72 sentences, 1 data clause, and 34

elliptical sentences.

The last on analyzing coherent forms. This study discusses the form and function

of code-switching and code-mixing on netizen comments on public figures' accounts

on Instagram by Dwi Sofiatun (2019). This study chooses a descriptive qualitative

method. The technique used by this researcher is to collect data through observation

and analysis of the form of commentary netizens on Instagram. The results of this

study, the researcher found 385 code-switching, each of which has 49 data tag

switching, 217 inter-sentence switching, and 119 intra-sentence switching. The 555

data units from the code-mixing each have several sections.

1.7.2 Theoretically Review

Kalangit, Rani Frisilia. 2016. “ALIH KODE DALAM INSTAGRAM.” (August).

Roswitha, Alfin. 2017. “An Analysis of the Functions of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing

Found in the Written Form of Celebgram Interactions.” : 175.



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Sprott, David, and Erin Bella Andini. 2020. “DIGLOSSIA ON NOVEL ‘SWORD AND


Andini.” Block Caving – A Viable Alternative? 21(1): 1–9.

Sutrismi. 2014. “The Use of Indonesian English Code Mixing in Social Media.”

Wardhaugh, Ronald, and Janet M.Fullar. 2015. An Introduction To Sociolinguistics. The

Seventh. ed. John Wiley 7 Sons. WILEY Blackwell.

Zaid, Maulida Azzahra. 2019. “An Analysis of Idiomatic Expression Used By Characters in

Hotel Transylvania Movies Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State Islamic

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