1 s2.0 S0267726123000957 Main
1 s2.0 S0267726123000957 Main
1 s2.0 S0267726123000957 Main
Keywords: The elastic modulus of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA) is between normal structural steel and
Shape memory alloy (SMA) viscoelastic materials. To enhance the initial stiffness and self-centering capability of viscoelastic (VE) dampers,
SMA cable an innovative self-centering high-damping rubber damper (SC-HRD), which is parallel composed of an SMA-
Viscoelastic (VE) damper
cable-controlled self-centering system and a traditional high-damping rubber damper, was proposed and
Residual deformation
investigated in this study. The influence of initial strain, loading amplitude, and strain rate on the behavior of
Parametric analyses SMA cables after training and pre-tensioning was also tested for the SC-HRD application. Configuration and
working principles of the SC-HRD were subsequently illustrated, followed by numerical studies on the behavior
of the novel damper. Parametric analyses were then carried out on several design parameters of the SC-HRD to
optimize its mechanical performance. Results show that the initial stiffness and residual self-centering strength of
the SMA cables, which are essential for the SC-HRD application, can be enhanced with the increasing initial
strain and loading strain rate. Compared with traditional VE dampers, the SC-HRD has better initial stiffness and
self-centering capacities. Initial strain and relative area ratio of the pre-tensioned SMA cables in the proposed SC-
HRD are suggested to be designed as about 2% and 0.123%, respectively, to achieve appropriate initial stiffness,
energy dissipation, and residual deformation of the proposed SC-HRD.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Qian), [email protected] (D. Wei), [email protected] (Y. Shi), [email protected] (Z. Li), hnli@dlut.
edu.cn (H. Li).
Received 18 October 2022; Received in revised form 9 February 2023; Accepted 20 February 2023
Available online 24 February 2023
0267-7261/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
SMA cable is much lower than the room temperature, and its interme
diate phase (R phase) is not obvious. This indicates that the SMA cables
after this annealing procedure are still in a relatively deeply superelastic
state at room temperature and probably exhibit a satisfactory super
elasticity and self-centering capability.
The total length and free length of each cable specimen before cyclic
tensile training are about 250 mm and 120 mm, respectively. Epoxy and
screwed iron ferrules were used to coat the two ends of each cable
specimen, as shown in Fig. 4, to alleviate the stress in gripping regions
and to facilitate the assembling of SMA cables into the loading devices or
equipment. The free length is defined as the length of the region between
the two coated ends of each specimen, which can be freely stretched
under test loads. Table 1 summarizes the details of each cable specimen
for the training process, pre-tensioning procedures, and cyclic tensile
tests. The specimens (A1-A3) prepared for testing the basic mechanical
properties of the conventional 7 × 7 × 0.4 mm SMA cables were virgin
without being trained before their cyclic tests; while the other speci
Fig. 3. DSC result of the SMA cables after 300 ◦ C annealing. mens, which were prepared for the investigations on the cyclic behavior
of the pre-tensioned SMA cables, were suffered two different procedures
of cyclic tensile training with different constant strain amplitudes for 50
laps and several different procedures of pre-tensioning before their
official cyclic tensile tests.
Table 1
Test details for the prepared SMA cable specimens after training and pretensions.
Test Specimen designation Training laps Initial strain (%) Loading protocol Strain rate (s− 1) Maximum strain (%)
A1 V-NP-I 0 0.0 Incremental 6.94 × 10− 10
A2 V-NP-C6 0 0.0 Constant 6.94 × 10− 6
A3 V-NP-C7 0 0.0 Constant 6.94 × 10− 7
B1 T6-NP-I 50 0.0 Incremental 6.94 × 10− 8
B2 T7-NP-I 50 0.0 Incremental 6.94 × 10− 8
B3 T7-2.0-I 50 2.0 Incremental 6.94 × 10− 10
C1 T7-2.0-C-R5 50 2.0 Constant 6.94 × 10− 4.5
C2 T7-2.0-C-R10 50 2.0 Constant 1.39 × 10− 4.5
C3 T7-2.0-C-R15 50 2.0 Constant 2.78 × 10− 4.5
C4 T7-2.0-C-R20 50 2.0 Constant 5.56 × 10− 4.5
D1 T7-1.0-D 50 1.0 Diminishing 6.94 × 10− 4.5
D2 T7-1.5-D 50 1.5 Diminishing 6.94 × 10− 4.5
D3 T7-2.0-D 50 2.0 Diminishing 6.94 × 10− 4.5
D4 T7-2.5-D 50 2.5 Diminishing 6.94 × 10− 4.5
D5 T7-3.0-D 50 3.0 Diminishing 6.94 × 10− 4.5
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
applied, respectively, and both were repeated 300 times. It is believed 7% for 50 cycles before their official tensile tests. For B1 and B2, the
that these loading protocols can adequately demonstrate the hysteretic loading processes of the official tests start with an initial amplitude of
behavior of the SMA cables under seismic excitations and provide 0.5% and proceed with a strain amplitude incremental interval of 0.5%
enough degradation information for the training procedures of the SMA until the strain amplitude reaches 8%. For B3, an initial strain of 2% was
cables. pre-tensioned on the cable specimen. Moreover, the official loading
Second, incremental loading protocols were employed to investigate process of B3 starts with an initial amplitude of 3% and proceeds with a
the effect of training amplitude, loading amplitude, and initial strain on strain amplitude incremental interval of 1% until the strain amplitude
the mechanical properties of three SMA cables after training (samples reaches 10%, while the unloading process of each stretch cycle always
B1, B2, and B3). The B1 was trained by applying cyclic tensions with ends with the strain returning to the initial strain of pre-tensioning (2%).
constant strain amplitudes of 6% for 50 cycles, while the B2 and B3 were At last, after training and pre-tensioning, nine specimens (C1–C4 and
trained by applying cyclic tensions with constant strain amplitudes of D1-D5) were tested to investigate the influences of the strain rate of
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
Fig. 7. Strength and stiffness properties of cable specimens: (a) yield strength, (b) peak strength, (c) elastic modulus, (d) EVD, (e) strength of upper and lower
platforms, (f) residual strain,(g) yield strength and peak strength of untrained SMA cable,(h) residual strain of untrained SMA cable, and (i) EVD of untrained
SMA cable.
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
with the monofilament SMA wires, which may indicate that the struc
tural relaxation of the tested cables has a more important impact than
the transformation induced fatigue of the material itself.
To systematically and quantitatively evaluate the cyclic tensile per
formance of the cable specimens, indexes such as the “yield” strength
σ AM
s , maximum stress σ max , elastic modulus EA , residual strain εres , and
equivalent viscous damping ratio (EVD) ξeqv were further calculated and
discussed. The EVD, which is commonly utilized for equating the energy
dissipated per vibration cycle of a nonlinear system and an equivalent
linear system, can be calculated as:
ξeqv = (1)
2πσ max εmax
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
Fig. 9. Mechanical properties of cables with different strain rates. (a)Peak strength; (b) Elastic modulus (b) Self-centering strength.
Fig. 10. Mechanical properties of cables with different initial strains. (a)Peak stress; (b) Self-centering strength; (c) Elastic modulus.
Fig. 8(d) shows the maximum residual strains at maximum loading Effects of initial strain. Fig. 10 studies the influence of prestress
strains of 1.65% and 2.84% for the SMA cables with training amplitudes on the peak strength, reset force, and elastic modulus of SMA cable. The
of 6% and 7%, respectively. This indicates that an increase in the initial pre-strain has a significant effect on the peak strength of the SMA
training amplitude will improve the residual strain of the cable at larger cable, with a pre-stress of 3.5% compared to 1%, which increases the
strain amplitudes. peak strength by 234.8%. The self-centering force of the cable is stabi
lized at 51 MPa, 65 MPa, 108 MPa, 130 MPa, 175 MPa, and 235 MPa
2.3.4. Properties of pretensioned SMA cables respectively when the prestressing force is from 1% to 3.5%.
The elastic modulus can be significantly increased by applying a Effects of strain rate. To investigate the effect of loading rate on certain initial pre-strain. The elastic modulus of the pre-stretched SMA
the mechanical properties of SMA cables, experiments were conducted cables ranged from 15 to 24 GPa at initial strains of 1.0%–3.5%, where
on SMA cables with 2% pre-strain and different loading rates after 100 higher initial pre-strains increased the elastic modulus of the SMA ca
turns of training at 7% strain amplitude. As can be seen from Fig. 9(a), bles. Therefore, in the proposed SC-HRD, the SMA cable can be used in
the peak stresses were stabilized at 367 MPa, 377 MPa, 396 MPa, and the pre-stretched condition so that a higher initial stiffness can be
401 MPa with the increase of loading rate, respectively. The peak obtained.
strength of the SMA cable increased by 9.26% when the loading rate was To sum up, the specimens show stable and superior strength and
increased from 5 mm/min to 20 mm/min. stiffness, and desired self-centering capability and energy dissipation,
Fig. 9(b) shows that the loading rate can appropriately increase the after the cyclic tensioning at 7% strain for more than 100 times.
elastic modulus of SMA cables, which ranges from 6.5 GPa to 8.5 GPa. Therefore, the specimen under cyclic tension for 100 times at 7% strain
Fig. 9(c) shows the “self-centering strength” of the pre-stretched SMA is used as the self-centering element of the proposed SC-HRD in the
cables with different strain rates versus the number of cycles. The self- following theoretical and numerical studies.
centering strength is estimated as the stress of SMA cables when the
strains are unloaded to their respective initial strains. With the increase
in the number of cycles, the self-centering strength of SMA cable with
different strain rates tends to decrease, but the effect of strain rate on the
self-centering force of cable is not obvious.
Fig. 11. The name of each part of the damper and the connection method.
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
4. Numerical investigations
Fig. 12. Working principle diagram of the SC-HRD. 4.1. Modeling of SMA cables
3. Proposed SMA-cables-based SC-HRD The hysteresis properties of the shape memory alloy were simulated
using the superelastic intrinsic model available in the ABAQUS material
3.1. Structure of proposed SC-HRD library. As shown in Fig. 13, the flag model requires only a limited
number of control parameters that can be calibrated based on the test
The self-centering high-damping rubber damper (SC-HRD) is a results of pre-trained and pre-tensioned SMA cables. The SMA filament
hybrid passive control device that strategically combines a viscoelastic rope parameters are referenced to Ref. [34], and the parameters are
device and shape memory alloys in parallel. Fig. 11 illustrates the 3D adjusted during the simulation to achieve a better match between the
renderings of the SC-HRD. In the SC-HRD, the SMA elements are pri simulation of the filament rope and the experiment. Solid cells were used
marily employed to achieve re-centering capability while a viscoelastic to model the SMA cable with a diameter of 2.8 mm, a length of 120 mm,
component is used to dissipate input seismic energy. a mesh type of C3D8R, and a linear expansion coefficient of Ni–Ti of
The core of the damper consists of a steel plate fixed by vulcanization 1.1E-05 and the pre-stressing method was applied by the cooling
with high-damping rubber. The inner core is placed in the inner cylin method.
der. In this case, the right end of the inner barrel is slotted and welded to In this paper, the simulation is carried out with the equivalent area of
the flange of steel plate 2, and the left end is slotted and in contact with the SMA cable, and only the overall mechanical properties of the SMA
the flange of steel plate 1 and can move against it. Similarly, the flange of cable are considered. The simulated working condition is the variable
steel plate 1 is welded to the slotted left end of the outer barrel. The two amplitude stretching of the SMA cable with different pre-strain after 100
end plates are assembled with holes in the middle of the end plate on turns of training with 7% amplitude strain. The parameters of the cable
steel plates 1 and 2 respectively, and the SMA cable is fixed to the two are shown in Table 2, where Esma is the initial elastic modulus of the
end baffles with anchors. superelastic SAM; σAMs and σ AM
f are the beginning and end stresses of the
martensitic phase transformation induced by the gravitational force of
3.2. Working principle of proposed SC-HRD the superelastic SMA, respectively, while σ MA
s and σ MA
f are the beginning
and end stresses of the inversion of the unloading phase of the supere
The damper is mainly subjected to axial force in the process of use, lastic SMA, respectively. εL is the maximum accumulated residual strain
and the damper components are set up with a high degree of symmetry. of SMA material during the simulation; α is the tensile-compression
As shown in Fig. 12, when the damper is pressed, steel plates 1 and 2 hysteresis correlation coefficient of hyperelastic SMA. A comparison of
drive the rubber to produce inward displacement, thus causing the the simulated results with the experimental example is shown in Fig. 14.
rubber to be sheared. At the same time, steel plate 1 drives the outer
barrel to the left, and steel plate 2 drives the inner barrel to the right and 4.2. Highly damped rubber simulation validation
acts on the end plate, and the two-produce relative displacement thus
causing the SMA cable to be pulled. When the damper is stretched, steel The hysteresis performance of the highly damped rubber was simu
plate 1 and 2 drive the rubber to move to both sides, also making the lated numerically using ABAQUS. The simulation of the viscoelastic
rubber shear. At the same time, steel plate 1 drives the outer cylinder to material constitutive model was based on the generalized Maxwell
the right, and steel plate 2 drives the inner cylinder to the left and acts on model, including the hyperelastic constitutive and viscoelastic consti
the end plate, the two-produce relative displacement so that the SMA tutive models. As shown in Fig. 15, the model is modeled using the
cable is pulled. Due to the restoring force of the prestressed SMA cable ABAQUS standard analysis module, in which the rubber is 400 mm in
and the elastic restoring force of the high-damping rubber, SC-HRD has a length and width and 25 mm in thickness, the steel plate is 15 mm thick,
good restoring effect when unloading. and the rubber is bonded to the steel plate on both sides. The steel plate
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
Table 2
Key parameters of SMA cable models with different pre-stretched schemes.
Scheme Target pre-strain (%) Recovery force after unloading (MPa) Controlling parameters for the superelastic SMA material model in the software ABAQUS
Fig. 14. Comparison of simulated tensile responses of the pre-tensioned SMA cables with the past test results.
rubber. The comparison of the simulated results with the tested data
reported in a previous study [45] is plotted in Fig. 16.
The comparison of mechanical indexes is shown in Table 3. The
maximum errors of positive peak stress, negative peak stress, hysteresis
loop area, and residual displacement for the highly damped rubber
simulations and experiments were 7.58%, 6.64%, 6.66%, and 6.94% at
loading amplitudes ranging from 25% to 112%, respectively. As can be
Fig. 15. Finite element model of simulated test pieces. seen from Table 4, the maximum errors of positive peak stress, negative
peak stress, hysteresis loop area, and residual displacement for the
is a hexahedral cell with a mesh type of C3D8R, and the rubber is an highly damped rubber simulations and experiments were 3.11%,
incompressible and isotropic material with a mesh type of C3D8H. The 6.25%,1.65%, and 5.26% at loading frequencies ranging from 0.1 Hz to
upper and lower plates are completely fixed, and RP-3 is coupled to the 1 Hz, respectively. The maximum error is not greater than 8%, which
right end face of the middle plate. indicates that the numerical model can capture the nonlinear mechan
The Mooney-Rivlin model applies to strain amplitudes from 20% to ical performance of the high-damping rubber at different strain ampli
150%, so the Mooney-Rivlin model is used to simulate the hyper tudes and loading frequencies.
elasticity of rubber and the Prony level to simulate the viscoelasticity of
Fig. 16. Comparison of simulation results with experimental data. (a) Comparison of different shear strain data with 0.3hz loading frequency. (b) Comparison of data
with different loading frequencies for 100% shear strain.
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
Table 3 Table 5
Comparison of model results with experimental results for different loading Q345 steel parameters.
amplitudes. Elastic modulus (MPa) Plastic strain Poisson’s ratio
Yield stress (N/mm2 )
Evaluating Test Model Error (%)
266000 345 0 0.3
Shear strain 266000 450 0.01 0.3
Table 4 Parametric studies were carried out to investigate the effects of the
Comparison of model results with experimental results for different loading initial strain of the pre-tensioned SMA cables, the sectional area of SMA
cables in proportion to those of rubber core, loading frequency and
Evaluating indication Test Model Error (%) displacement amplitude elements on the axial resistance, energy dissi
Damper pation, and self-centering potential of the proposed SC-HRD. The main
Loading frequency
parameters studied are the hysteresis response, EVD ratio, and residual
0.1 Hz、0.3 Hz、0.5 Hz、1 Hz
deformation of SC-HRD. The objective is to investigate the optimal
Positive peak force (kN) 166.81、171.28 164.41、174.45 1.44、
preload scheme for SMA cables and the hysteresis response under
179.72、203.37 188.71、209.69 5.03、3.11 different loading conditions to achieve the desired hysteresis energy
Negative peak force (kN) − 166.70、- − 164.38、- 1.39、 dissipation as well as the appropriate residual deformation response of
169.84 175.30 3.22、 SC-HRD.
− 175.13、- − 187.64、- 7.14、5.31
199.62 210.22
Hysteresis loop area (J) 5062.12、 5141.99、 1.58、
6161.81 6172.88 0.18、 5.1. Effects of SMA cable cross-sectional area on SC-HRD
7388.78、 7506.54、 1.59、1.65
10407.08 10235.24 The ratio Sr of the SMA cable cross-sectional area to the highly
Residual displacement 11.2、13.6、 12.2、14.4、 6.25、 damped rubber area will largely affect the resetting ability and energy
(mm) 5.88、
15.2、18.8 17.0、18.2 5.26、3.19
dissipation of the damper when the rubber thickness is certain. To study
the influence of its ratio on the damping force, reset capacity, and energy
dissipation capacity of the damper, finite element models of the damper
with Sr of 0, 0.062%, 0.092%, 0.123%, and 0.154% were established
respectively. The 0.3 Hz simple harmonic load was used for loading. The
initial strain and the maximum tensile strain of the SMA cables are
designed as the constant values of 2% and 5%. Fig. 18 shows the force-
displacement curves under various Sr for the SC-HRD at strain ampli
tudes of 50% and 100%. Fig. 19 shows the variation of the peak damping
force, residual strain, and EVD with the Sr .
It can be observed from Table 6 and Fig. 19 that Sr has a significant
effect on the peak damping force, residual strain, and EVD of the SC-
HRD. Compared with that when Sr is 0, the peak strength of SC-HRD
with Sr equal to 0.123% increases 139% and 47.9% at 50% and 100%
of shear strain, respectively, and the residual strain decreases 95.5% and
95.3%, respectively, and the EVD decreases 54% and 63%, respectively.
Meanwhile, the peak strength of SC-HRD with Sr equal to 0.154%
increased by 165% and 68% at 50% and 100% of shear strain, respec
tively, and the residual strain decreased by 94.3% and 99.2%, respec
tively, and the EVD decreased by 58% and 66.4%, respectively,
compared with that when Sr was 0. The results show that when Sr rea
ches 0.123%, the residual strain reduction of the damper is not signifi
cant, but the EVD is significantly reduced. In other words, when the
initial strain and maximum tensile strain of the SMA cable are designed
as constants, the self-centering capability increases with increasing Sr ,
Fig. 17. Damper core dimensions. but the energy dissipation capability decreases and the economical ef
ficiency decreases. Therefore, it is crucial to select the appropriate Sr .
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
Fig. 18. Hysteretic curve of SC-HRD under various Sr at (a) 100% and (b) 50% shear deformations.
Fig. 19. Variation of (a) peak damping force,(b) residual strain, and (c) EVD with different Sr .
Fig. 20. Hysteretic curve of SC-HRD under various pre-strain at (a) 100% and (b) 50% shear deformations.
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
Fig. 21. Variation of (a) maximum force, (b) residual strain, and (c) EVD with initial pre-strain.
increases by 7%, the EVD increases by 77.9%, and the residual strain
Table 7 increases by nearly 80 times at 1 Hz loading compared to 0.1H loading
Simulation data of 50% and 100% strain amplitude under different SMA wire frequency. This indicates that the loading frequency has no significant
rope pre-strain. effect on the peak force of SC-HRD, and the increase of frequency is
initial pre-strain (%) beneficial to the energy dissipation of the damper, but the residual strain
1% 1.5% 2% 2.5% 3% 3.5%
Peak force (kN) 50% 27.74 28.55 32.82 34.22 37.42 40.97
100% 43.60 44.69 50.05 56.43 60.88 73.48 5.4. Effects of displacement amplitude
Residual strain 50% 22.30 16.80 3.40 3.30 2.70 4.00
(%) 100% 22.20 18.19 3.82 3.37 2.86 1.71
EVD (%) 50% 4.05 3.98 3.66 3.62 3.36 3.38 To investigate the effects of displacement amplitude on the me
100% 6.95 6.81 6.20 5.30 4.81 3.86 chanical properties of SC-HRD, a finite element model was built at a
loading frequency of 0.3 Hz at five different displacement levels
Table 8
Simulation data of 100% strain amplitude at different loading frequencies.
loading frequency (Hz)
Fig. 22. Hysteretic curve of SC-HRD under various frequencies at 100% shear
Fig. 23. Variation of (a) maximum force, (b) residual strain, and (c) EVD with loading frequency.
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
Fig. 25. Variation of (a) peak damping force, (b) EVD, (c) residual strain with shear strain.
Table 9 Table 10
Simulated data of different strain amplitudes at 0.3 Hz loading frequency. List of abbreviations.
strain amplitude (%) Abbreviations Full spellings
(1) The mechanical properties of SMA cables can be stabilized by CRediT authorship contribution statement
proper training procedures. When the working strain amplitude
of SMA cables does not exceed the difference between the pre- Hui Qian: Conceptualization, Methodology, Project administration,
training strain amplitude and the maximum accumulated resid Funding acquisition, Writing - review & editing. Dexin Wei: Concep
ual strain during training, the training with constant amplitudes tualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing - original draft. Yifei
can greatly reduce the residual strain within the subsequent Shi: Conceptualization, Methodology, Project administration, Investi
designed working strain amplitude of SMA cables. gation, Writing - original draft. Zongao Li: Visualization, Investigation,
(2) Compared with the SMA cable trained at 6% amplitude for 50 Data curation. Hongnan Li: Conceptualization, Writing - review &
cycles, the SMA cable trained at 7% amplitude for 50 cycles has editing.
the similar elastic modulus and EVD ratio, and a lower yield
strength, but the larger peak strength and working strain ampli
tude as well as the smaller peak strength reduction rate and re Declaration of competing interest
sidual strain accumulation rate. After comprehensive
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
H. Qian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168 (2023) 107850
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence Mater Syst Struct 2017;28(12):1533–52. https://doi.org/10.1177/
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