Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge of College Teachers and Its Influence On The Academic Performance of Pre-Service Teachers
Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge of College Teachers and Its Influence On The Academic Performance of Pre-Service Teachers
Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge of College Teachers and Its Influence On The Academic Performance of Pre-Service Teachers
This study anchored by TPACK framework and the three theories which are the self-determination
theory of Ryan and Deci, the theory of constructivism and the theory of Connectivism by Seiemen
and Downes. To confirm this, the researchers made a self-administered questionnaire on the extent of
influence of TPACK and its influence on the respondents’ academic performance. The PSTs were
chosen to participate in the study using a purposive random sampling method because they were
assumed to have the highest level of influence to the technology towards their academic performance.
The study employed a descriptive-correlational method of the quantitative approach to determine the
relationship of the two variables. The mean scores of the holistic development of students were
analyzed according to the performance survey of the PSTs. The study revealed that technology did
not fully influence the academic performance of the pre-service teachers. The study also revealed that
there were no significant results between technologies towards the PSTs performance in academics,
as the survey has been through that we’ve got the clear results with the use of self-administered
questionnaires. On the other hand, when the respondents’ performance was analyzed, it was
concluded that the respondents have a greater level of their academics than utilizing technology to
their school performances. Among the recommendations made was to motivate teachers to always
provide opportunities where students can have good experiences and develop positive outcomes by
integrating in their lessons in academics with the role of technology.
parallel to the results of similar studies conducted by in the college instructors' student achievements and
Cavirn (2007), Koh and Divaharan (2011), and Hofer quality instructions. Some college students have low
and Grandgenett (2012). In their studies, PSTs were performance on campus during the current pandemic.
provided with some coursework and the opportunity of For many, the so-called “campus life” feeds their sense
designing their lessons, which caused an increase in of academic performance and even their overall well-
their TPACK. In the present study, learning about the being. The virtual classes are oftentimes confusing and
TPACK framework explicitly, developing contain an overload of information to keep track of.
technological materials, designing technology- Deadlines are full of uncertainty, assignments are
integrated lessons, and teaching them in a real misleading, and exams are extremely difficult for
classroom setting might also have helped PSTs of students to study for. Hence, on this premise, the
English develop their TPACK concerning EFL researcher wishes to find out the rationale of these
teaching. These findings contribute to understanding problems that may contribute to the planning for
the nature and development of TPACK-based effective programs that will help the teachers develop
instruction among pre-service English teachers, more effective strategies and approaches in school and
suggesting that the integration of content, pedagogy, guide the students towards their success. Due to the
and technological knowledge into the existing teacher given circumstances, the researchers investigate the
education paradigm and fostering a technologically significant relationship between the knowledge of the
rich environment for language learners will contribute teachers on technological pedagogical and content
to quality learning and teaching (Öz, 2015). knowledge and the academic performance of the PSTs.
In the Philippine context, one study revealed that pre- Research Questions
service teachers have ‘strong knowledge’ in the seven
elements. This study evaluated the application of The study primarily focused on the influence of the
TPACK of pre-service teachers in different public knowledge of the teachers on Technology- Integration
schools around Bulacan. The pre-service teachers of to the Academic Performance of Pre-Service Teachers
the university received enough knowledge and skills to of Compostela Valley State College New Bataan
apply their learning in terms of TPACK to their Campus, New Bataan, Davao de Oro from the school
cooperating schools. Moreover, it was evident the year 2020-2021. Specifically, it sought to answer the
PSTs had a positive attitude towards TPACK and following questions:
welcomed the opportunity to further develop their
knowledge and skills for technology integration. They 1. What is the level of the teachers on the
came to understand how purposeful integration of technological pedagogical and content knowledge as
technology enhances student learning experiences. assessed by the Pre-Service Teachers in terms of:
1.1. Pedagogical knowledge;
With that said, PSTs also appreciated the need for
1.2. Technology knowledge;
ongoing professional development to support their
1.3. Content Knowledge
ability to effectively implement TPACK in their
1.4. Pedagogical content knowledge;
practice (Redmond & Lock, 2019).
1.5. Technological pedagogical knowledge;
Students value the use of technology in the 1.6. Technological content knowledge; and
classrooms. Moreover, teachers seemed to appreciate 1.7. Technological Pedagogical Content
that technology is available to them to enhance Knowledge?
education and make it more authentic for the students 2. Is there a significant relationship between the
(Ruggiero & Mong, 2015). In this era where students knowledge of the teachers on technological
are exposed to the advancement of technology, they pedagogical and content knowledge and the academic
find it not just a tool for teaching but a help for them to performance of the PSTs?
learn. Teachers are another benefactor of the 3. Which domain of the IV significantly influences or
advancement of technology in the teaching-learning is significant to the academic performance of the
process. This advancement makes their preparation of PSTs?
learning materials easier. But, judicious use of
technology is a must in every class setting. It must be Literature Review
used to enhance the students' learning and thus
improve their achievement.
The subsequent related literature and studies were
The study has relevance to the Compostela Valley considered to support and validate this study's
State College on sustainable institutions, particularly findings.
Pedagogical knowledge. Kong et al. (2020) stated integration has great effectiveness for both teachers
that the declarative general pedagogical knowledge of and the students, and it is a big help for the pre-service
adaptively (assessed via a standardized test) is a teachers. Findings indicated that teachers' well-
significant predictor for the situation-specific skill of equipped preparation with ICT tools and facilities is
pedagogical adaptively in written lesson plans one of the main factors in technology-based teaching
especially to the education students, and the latter and learning success. It was also found that
affects pre-service teachers' self-reported instructional professional development training programs for
practice of teaching that lesson. This means that the teachers also played a key role in enhancing students'
pre-service teachers of CVSC support it, New Bataan quality learning (Ghavifekr et al., 2015). This study is
supports student learning to a higher degree due to a a big help for the pre-service teacher’s especially in
better fit between learning prerequisites of students CVSC
and activities assigned to students. Differentiation of
tasks for students' different learning needs is a typical Hermans, Tondeur, Van-Braak, and Valcke (2008)
element of constructive support (Fauth et al., 2014). In have identified three main stages for ICT to be highly
addition, the study showed how pedagogical valued and regarded by the teachers; integration,
knowledge practices may be linked to student enhancement, and complementary. The integration
outcomes (knowledge, understanding, demonstration approach is about implementing the right use of ICT in
of skills, and values and attitudes) for the pre-service particular subject areas that involve complex concepts
education teachers in CVSC. For instance, "planning" and skills to improve student's achievement and
involved devising a student booklet as a resource for attainment. This approach allows students to be more
students to understand the tasks required of them for organized and efficient in which they can obtain the
constructing and teaching practice. The mathematics notes from the computer, submit their works by email
and science concepts were embedded in the planned from home as long as they meet the deadline, and look
resources to aid students' understandings of the pre- for information from various sources provided online
service teacher's activity (Hudson et al., 2015). to fulfill the task given to them (Hermans et al., 2008).
In addition, the Integration of ICT obtained and can
Probing the Amalgam: the relationship between provide information of the pre-service teachers in
science teachers' content, pedagogical and pedagogical CVSC, New Bataan to fulfill the given tasks.
content knowledge. We review the five papers (Sorge
Previous research proved that ICT use in teaching will
et al; Gess-Newsome et al; Kind; Pitjeng-Mosabala
enhance the learning process and maximize the
and Rollnick; and Liepertz and Bronowski) by
students' abilities in active learning (Finger &
discussing evidence these present regarding the
Trinidad, 2002; Jorge et al., 2003; Young, 2003;
relationships between content knowledge (CK),
Jamieson-Procter et al., 2013).
pedagogical knowledge (PK), and pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK); the development, of CK, PK and According to Meyer and Sinani (2009), local firms
PCK in novice and experienced secondary science view FDI as both competition and a source of
teachers and how CK, PK and/or PCK impact students' advanced technologies and managerial knowledge. It
learning. In conclusion, we draw these findings is a fundamental concern to scholars investigating how
together in offering proposals for future research via firms and local (and national) economies grow in
reconsideration of Shulman's amalgam. This includes a terms of technological knowledge, which functions as
post-doc examination of a PCK model known as 'the a base for developing sustainable competitive
Consensus Model' (Gess-Newsome, 2015). advantage.
It has been suggested that, if pedagogical and learning Technology can be defined in many ways, but
theories are integrated into lesson and learning study, researchers usually refer to the words 'technology' or
systematic construction of pedagogical knowledge is 'technological knowledge' as 'a way of doing
possible (Elliott, 2012). In this Special Issue, it is something' and 'a collection of physical processes that
reported how theory and theoretical concepts can add transform inputs into outputs and knowledge and skills
value to the lesson and learning study. The purpose of that structure the activities involved in carrying out
this paper is to introduce the Special Issue and explore these transformations in CVSC, New Bataan.
the above concepts. In addition, this study refers to the
pre-service teachers of Compostela Valley State Pre-service teachers can also consider their TK in
College, New Bataan. terms of the broad developments of technology and
how new kinds of ICT tools can be used to support the
Technology knowledge. One study revealed that ICT 21CL dimensions that they have chosen. Essentially,
this process describes how pre-service teachers can Widiaty, 2019; Kurt, 2019). It includes facts, concepts,
draw upon their general understanding of TK. Angeli structures, and rules that incorporate those facts and
and Valanides (2009) emphasize that ICT integration ideas (Ozudogru & Ozudogru, 2019) as well as the
needs to address learner difficulties. Therefore, when field’s best practices and established approaches to
designing 21CL, pre-service teachers need to consider communicating information to students in the field of
how its associated dimensions can be exploited to education (Kurt, 2019).
address specific learning issues as well as to enhance
students’ understanding. Initially, pre-service teachers in CVSC, New Bataan
must have an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter
Most of the previous convergence studies have taken a to teach content in logical and organized ways before
retrospective view in measuring the degree of mastering other aspects of teaching. It is one of the key
convergence and monitoring the converging trends. components of pre-service teacher competence that
This paper proposes a quantitative future-oriented affect student progress (Kleickmann, 2013). Simpson
approach to technological opportunity discovery for (2008) concluded that successful teaching depends on
convergence using patent information. In a future- a real understanding of the teaching context. In this
oriented approach, technological opportunities for very context, the Chinese teachers in the study by Ma,
convergence are suggested by predicting potential An et al, and Wang and Paine cultivated their
technological knowledge flows (TKFs) between knowledge for teaching. It is essential to note that
heterogeneous fields. The potential TKFs are predicted Pompea and Walker (2017) emphasized the value of
by a link prediction method in a directed network, content knowledge for the development of the
which is suggested in this paper to represent the curriculum. Accordingly, the pre-service teachers of
direction of the predicted TKFs by adapting the CVSC, New Bataan emphasized the value of content
concept of bibliographic coupling and edge- knowledge for the development of the new curriculum.
betweenness centrality.
On the same note, SEI-DOST & MATHTED (2011)
Rapid developments in technology in the present age concluded that the amount and depth of mathematics
have made it necessary for communities to follow the pre-service teachers learned were essential for
technological developments and adapt themselves to teaching proper and correct mathematics to students.
these developments. One of the fields that are most By having a deep understanding of mathematics, pre-
rapidly affected by these developments is undoubtedly service teachers can guide students in learning
education. Determination of the attitudes of pre- mathematics well. However, the results revealed that
service teachers, who live in an age of technology and respondents only had 80-84% sufficiency of
get ready to raise future individuals, is of paramount knowledge on mathematics content.
importance both educationally and professionally
(Crano, & Prislin, 2006). Pre-service teacher's understanding helped students
understand the specific subject matter. It includes
Technological innovations that have entered into knowledge of how particular subject matter topics,
education systems are new to teachers (pre-service problems, and issues can be organized, represented,
teachers), what is important in this regard is that and adapted to the diverse interests and abilities of
teachers should develop positive attitudes towards learners, and then presented for instruction. Content
these innovations of ICT integration, adopt, and put knowledge has been shown to affect pre-service
them into practice. Attitudes of teachers and pre- teachers' instructional practice as well as student
service teachers towards technology were investigated learning in the domain of mathematics (Baumert et al.,
extensively in several studies in the past. Researchers 2010; Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005).
stated that teachers’ attitudes towards technology
significantly influence the integration of technology Historically, researchers have focused on many aspects
into learning and teaching environments as well as the of teaching, but often scant attention has been given to
success of teaching processes. how pre-service teachers need to understand the
subjects they teach. Further, when researchers,
Content Knowledge. Accordingly, content educators, and policymakers have turned attention to
knowledge refers to the amount and organization of pre-service teacher subject-matter knowledge the
experience in the mind of the education which it helps assumption has often been that advanced study in the
the pre-service to attain the following (Zhang, Liu & subject is what matters. Debates have focused on how
Cai, 2019). It describes the pre-service teachers’ much preparation teachers need in the content strands
knowledge of the subject matter (Malik, Rohendi, & rather than on what type of content they need to learn.
Given the crucial role of subject matter knowledge for making, enactment, and reflection. In terms of
student progress, this means a severe social inequality understanding, teachers used their knowledge of the
of learning opportunities. The quantity of the learning learner and curriculum to diagnose learners'
opportunities for CK available in different pre-service difficulties. Science teaching orientation directs
teacher education programs (BEED, BSD, etc.). teachers while they are making their decisions on how
Further research is needed to investigate the impact of to remedy learners' difficulties in the decision-making
differences in the quality of those learning component. During enactment, knowledge of
opportunities (Baumert et al., 2010). instructional strategy and assessment were
contributors. Finally, teachers reflect on the
Given the importance of pre-service teacher instructional decisions that they made.
knowledge for student progress, pre-service teacher
education can be regarded as a key target and lever of Hanuscin (2013) noted that by using scenarios that are
educational reform. However, understanding how rooted in-classroom experience, student teachers'
teacher education programs affect the development of learning of how to teach is fostered through discussion
professional knowledge remains limited (Cochran- and reflection on critical incidents: 'Growth in one's
Smith & Zeichner, 2005). One of the main challenges knowledge for teaching comes about when reflection
for research on pre-service teacher education lies in the on critical incidents involves a challenge to and
assessment of teacher knowledge. Only recently, test critique of one's self and professional values, which in
instruments have been developed to proximally assess turn can lead to changes in practice' (p. 937). Amade-
components of teacher knowledge—primarily, in the Escot (2005) argued that focusing on critical incidents
domain of mathematics (Hill et al., 2005; Krauss, when teaching a specific subject matter, demonstrating
Brunner, et al., 2008; Schmidt et al., 2007; Tatto & failure or success, is a tool that invites us to take the
Senk, 2011). development of content more into consideration and to
better understand the functioning of a teaching and
Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Pedagogical learning activity.
content knowledge (PCK) is an academic construct
that represents an intriguing idea. It is an idea rooted in According to Niess, subject matter knowledge is
the belief that teaching requires considerably more important as it defines and develops the teacher's
than delivering subject content knowledge to students, content of instruction. In the modern method of
and that student learning is considerably more than instruction, technology has become an integral
absorbing information for later accurate regurgitation. component for learning across subject matter
PCK is the knowledge that teachers develop over time, areas—an intersection of technology-based subject
and through experience, about how to teach particular matter knowledge with pedagogical content
content in particular ways to lead to enhanced student knowledge as it requires a thorough understanding of
understanding (Van Driel, 2010). Pedagogical content the methods of the integration process. Therefore,
knowledge (PCK) is generally accepted as positively science and mathematics teachers must develop
impacting teaching quality and student learning. pedagogical content knowledge with the integration of
Therefore, research on PCK development in technology-based approaches. In the study conducted
(prospective) teachers is highly relevant (Evens, 2015). by Barak and Dori, ICT-supported learning
environments could significantly enhance students'
Aydin and Boz (2013) utilized the strategy of ability to traverse chemistry understanding levels and
mapping, enumerating, and then comparing PCK their understanding of chemical concepts, theories, and
maps. They observed two experienced chemistry the structure of molecules. In addition, other
teachers' teaching of electrochemical cells and redox researchers claim that the PCK-guided lesson study
reactions. Aydin and Boz (2013) enumerated was an effective method to improve teacher's
interplays by developing a scoring rubric in which competence and student achievement in terms of
interplays were graded based on their quality and conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills
usefulness for students' learning. Analysis of data in chemistry (Lucenario et al 2019).
revealed new features of interplays, in addition to
those stated by Park and Chen (2012). First, the nature Pedagogical content knowledge for 21CL
of interplays differed based on their complexity. (PCK-21CL) knowledge of teaching methods
Second, the least frequent connection was observed concerning subject matter content to support 21CL
between knowledge of curriculum and assessment. dimensions without using technology. It is most
Lastly, interplays are composed of many diverse effective in the case of separate content and
components, including understanding, decision- pedagogical content courses or whether both pieces of
training should be integrated into one course remains when particular technologies are used. This includes
an important question for future research. knowing the pedagogical affordances and constraints
of a range of technological tools and resources as they
The gaps in prospective teachers' knowledge base not relate to disciplinarily and developmentally
only demonstrate the need to strengthen the pre- appropriate pedagogical designs and strategies. Pre-
service CK- and PCK training, but also point to the service teachers in CVSC New Bataan must have the
need for lifelong professional training. To meet this knowledge and skills that allow them to appropriate
requirement, educational policy should initiate and technologies for pedagogical purposes, so that they can
support professional development initiatives that aim use Excel, for example, to help the children to
at coaching beginning teachers in the acquisition and organize and analyze data, and they can create
application of appropriate CK and PCK when teaching podcasts as ways to share constructed knowledge with
rational numbers, the more since a review of others. Thus, TPK must include a forward-looking,
educational practices has revealed that a systematic creative, and open-minded seeking of technological
and embedded approach to in-service teacher training application, not for its own sake, but the sake of
remains scarce (e.g., European Commission, 2007). advancing student learning and understanding (Harris
2019). Additionally, the pre-service teachers in CVSC
Pre-service teacher training should aim at developing New Bataan will be able to prepare themselves to
in prospective teachers a thorough mathematical work in their field someday in a very nice organization
content and mathematical pedagogical content as they know using technology in the field of teaching.
knowledge base, which will hopefully result in e in the
long run e in increased student learning outcomes. This is supported by Heitink et al. (2017) argued that
Courses on mathematical content should address teachers' reasoning about pedagogy elicits their
prospective teachers' conceptual and procedural technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK). Data
knowledge of rational numbers. from 29 video cases show how elementary teachers
used ICT to facilitate specific pedagogical strategies
In line with our finding that prospective teachers (e.g., activating learning, classroom management,
mainly struggle with operations implying fractions dealing with diversity, fostering learning strategies).
e.g., in transforming more complex word problems Findings indicate that teachers used ICT mostly to
into an appropriate mathematical model e the training promote the activation of learning. Equally important,
should certainly address these particular contents. teachers who strive to survive in the era of cloud
Furthermore, mathematical pedagogical content pedagogy, which provides more affordable technology
training should aim at enhancing prospective teachers' than before, are advised to acquire knowledge on
knowledge of students' (miss) conceptions and technology, pedagogy, and content. When teaching,
learning difficulties with rational numbers. In instructors are responsible for reviewing their practices
particular, we think of research evidence from the at any time with appropriate and effective tools to
natural number bias (Vamvakoussi et al., 2012). improve upon their weaknesses and strengthen their
professional abilities. By doing so, teachers enhance
In the elementary and secondary school curriculum, their teaching efficiency and provide students with a
teaching them requires an appropriate knowledge base better quality of teaching and learning (Hsu & Chen,
of teachers to properly deal with students' difficulties. 2019). In the future, the pre-service teachers in CVSC
We investigated prospective teachers' content New Bataan will no longer struggle in applying their
knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge knowledge of using those ICT tools in their field
(PCK) on rational numbers, the relationship between someday, since they already have the background of
CK and PCK, and differences in CK and PCK among using them.
prospective elementary teachers (trained as general
classroom teachers) and lower secondary teachers According to Simons (2002), most teachers do not
(trained as subject-specific classroom teachers). The automatically develop the required technological-
results revealed gaps in prospective teachers' CK and pedagogical knowledge, and Owston (2007)
PCK, a positive correlation between CK and PCK, and emphasized that pedagogical innovation using ICT
a better CK but not PCK for secondary compared to requires specific teacher support 'for without this
elementary school teachers. [support] the innovation simply cannot occur' (p. 69).
A well-respected model that portrays the professional
Techno log ica l Pedagog ical K no wledge. knowledge teachers should possess.
Technological pedagogical knowledge is an
understanding of how teaching and learning change Research has shown that these pedagogical strategies
can be ordered from very basic (providing a safe education. ICT should provide opportunities for all
learning climate and classroom management) to more learners to learn better and faster in an enjoyable
complex (adaptive teaching and teaching-learning environment. It is believed that these models will
strategies) (Van de Grift et al., 2014; Van de Grift et increase the understanding of ICT integration into
al., 2011; Van der Lans, van de Grift, van Veen, 2015). teaching and learning of middle and high school
subject matters. One study showed that both the
Regarding ICT and pedagogy, the lion’s share of the teachers and pupils had positive perceptions towards
research addressed integrated support for the ICT as an examinable curriculum subject as the
advancement of teachers’ technological-pedagogical majority of the participants strongly felt that the
knowledge. In a typical study, Chai et al. (2010) current times demanded ICT knowledge for people to
presented several pedagogical approaches to promote fit well in the modern world of technology (Moono, S,
meaningful learning and simultaneously introduced 2017).
ICT as a way to enhance student-centered instruction.
The integrated technological and pedagogical support Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge.
has a positive effect on pre-service teachers’ in CVSC Recent research in the subjects pointed towards
New Bataan of having the integration of ICT and teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge
pedagogy in lesson planning justifications. It engages (TPCK) as one of the most influential factors
pre-service teachers in thinking about both ICT and contributing to students' learning and achievement
pedagogy when considering the use of ICT in class. (Gess-Newsome, 2013). Keller et. al ( 2017)
However, to ensure that ICT is used effectively, concluded that teacher technological pedagogical
extended or further support is needed on how and why content knowledge mainly influences student learning
ICT could advance pedagogical strategies. whereas teacher motivation mainly influences students'
Technological Content Knowledge. This is explained
by Harris, 2019 that technological content knowledge Delgado (2016) asserted that the use of technology in
(TCK) includes an understanding of how technology learning provides opportunities for all students to build
and content influence and constrains one another. In their skills, and the various levels of tasks that all
planning for instruction, content, and technology are students could do with technology, allow the students
often considered separately. For the same reason, the to work by themselves at their own pace. As the
pre-service teachers of CVSC New Bataan must lessons designed with technology integration are
understand which technologies are best suited for essentially more interesting and engaging for both
addressing which types of subject matter, and how teachers and students, it is proven that students'
content dictates or shapes specific educational learning could be fostered, students can learn better
technological uses, and vice versa. Furthermore, the and more effectively (Ghavifekr & Wan Athirah,
pre-service teachers need to master more than the 2016). Furthermore, technology has allowed students
subject matter they're going to teach, they must also to internalize and explore more by themselves, and it
have a deep understanding of how the subject matter helps them to develop and be more resourceful than
(or the kinds of representations that can be before. Therefore, teachers need to be more creative
constructed) can be changed by the application of and shift their roles in teaching, since they are no
technology. The pre-service teachers must understand longer the sole provider of information. It was found
which specific technologies are best suited for that teachers today are more motivated and interested
addressing subject-matter learning in their domains to learn about technology integration, due to its
and how the content dictates or perhaps even changes flexibility and autonomy (Delgado, 2016).
the technology—or vice versa (Mishra & Koehler,
2007). Concerning students' learning, there is substantial
evidence that teachers' technological pedagogical
According to Çapuk, 2015 stated that to prepare content knowledge (TPCK) as the knowledge to make
students with the skills and knowledge that are the subject matter accessible to all students (Krauss et
necessary for the information society, ICT should be al., 2008) is a key element explaining student learning
integrated into all levels and all subject matter and achievement (Baumert et al., 2010). Particularly,
curriculum in an appropriate way. In this matter, the teachers with a high level of TPCK can provide
pre-service teachers are necessary to be prepared with creative instruction in a way that is challenging but
the skills and knowledge of academic areas especially also supportive (Baumert et al., 2010), a feature of
in ICT, and in pedagogies for both integration. instruction which is called cognitive activation
Teaching merely ICT, should not be the goal of (Lipowsky et al., 2009; Praetorius et al., 2012).
Therefore, in the present study, the impact of small sample, can increase credibility to get the exact
supportive teachers' TPCK on students' achievement is result of respondents in which the largest sub-
addressed as well as whether this effect is mediated by population comprised the largest part of the sample
cognitive activation as the explanatory instructional size while the smallest sub-population comprised the
feature. smallest part of the sample size.
To explain this matter, the researchers want to pursue a Fourth Year College students of the school year 2020-
study to know how technology integration of 2021 from the school of CVSC were the respondents
knowledge of CVSC teachers influences the academic of this study. Considered to be in the highest grade
performance of the Pre-service teachers in CVSC New level in the college curriculum, Fourth Year College
Bataan. students were the primary participants of this study
because they were considered as the learners who
possess the highest level of experience and sample
Methodology judgment among all students at the college level.
Research Locale
For this study, the Compostela Valley State College, Our respondents are 110 pre-service teachers from
New Bataan district was selected as a site of interest as CVSC, New Bataan, who are divided into two
it was the only state college. New Bataan is located in programs (BEED & BSED). There are 26 male
the province of Davao de Oro, Philippines. For this respondents with a total percentage of 23.63 percent
Academic Year 2020-2021, as of this year, the total and 50 female respondents with a total percentage of
number of enrolled students is 943, comprising three 45.045 percent in the BEED category. In BEED, there
departments (Bachelor of Elementary Education, were a total of 76 respondents, with a total percentage
Bachelor of Secondary Education, and Bachelor of of 69.09 percent. In the BSED group, there were a
Science and Entrepreneurship). The school is being total of 34 respondents with a total percentage of
selected for this study, as it is the only college in that 30.630 percent, with 8 male respondents with a total
municipality. percentage of 7.207 percent and 26 female respondents
with a total percentage of 23.423 percent. The total
Research Respondent/s
number of people who took part in the survey was 110, the exact result of respondents.
with a response rate of 99.999 percent.
Administration and Retrieval of the Research
Research Instrument Instrument. The administration of the questionnaires
to the student-respondents of CVSC New Bataan
The quantitative design involved the self-administered followed the scheduled date and time of appointment
questionnaire using the TPACK-21 instrument. The with the researcher. The data were collected over five
study adopted the TPACK-21 instrument proposed by days in April. This was administered by the
Valtonen et al. (2017) with some items being re- researchers. Moreover, instructions were given to
worded to suit the context of the study. The ensure an honest, clear, and complete answer before
respondents were asked to respond to the 36-item answering the questionnaires. After which,
questionnaire, hence there are 7 indicators in the questionnaires were retrieved immediately. Before the
TRACK 21 instruments. respondents answer the questions, the researcher
orients the respondents that they must apply those
Likewise, the academic performance of the students as health protocols (were facemask and face shield, social
part of the data of which their 1st Semester grades were distancing, and hand sanitizer) if they can't access the
taken. The data was taken from 110 pre-service online interview. All responses of the respondents
teachers of Compostela Valley State College who were were checked, collated, and consolidated in the
selected through simple random sampling. The Microsoft Excel File. The said file was submitted to
instrument's validity and reliability were assessed the statistician for statistical analysis to seek answers
using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and to the problems raised in the first chapter of this
Cronbach's Alpha test. The result of the validity test research.
through Pearson Correlation showed that all the items
are valid. To test the questionnaire reliability through Collation and Tabulation of Data. After the
Cronbach's Alpha test, 0.975 was obtained. The data of collection of the survey questionnaire, after the
this study were analyzed descriptively. The data were collection of data, the researcher carefully tallied and
collected concerning respondents' consent. submitted them to the statistician for statistical
treatment. After which, the data were subjected to
Data Gathering Procedures analyses and interpretations using the three-point scale
as indicated in the research instrument.
The following steps were followed in the gathering of
Results and Discussion
Asking Permission to Conduct the Study. After the
researcher-made questionnaire was checked by the
adviser and validated by the panel of examiners, the Table 1. Content Knowledge
researcher conducted pilot testing to ensure validity.
After a few revisions of the questionnaire, the
researcher made a letter of request to the School
President branch and faculty of Compostela Valley
State College to conduct a study on the Technological
Pedagogical and Content Knowledge of College
Teachers and Its Influence on the Academic
Performance of Pre-service Teachers. After receiving
approval from the school president branch, the
researcher asks the permission of the respondent to
conduct and start the study and orient the respondents
that they must apply those health protocols (were
facemask and face shield, social distancing, and hand
sanitizer) if they can't access the online interview.
It can be gleaned that the overall mean is 3.91 to a Pedagogical Knowledge is much extensive.
good extent. This means that the influence of Content
Knowledge (CK) of the pre-service teachers has a Table 2. Pedagogical Knowledge
major impact when it comes to content.
Table 3. Pedagogical Content Knowledge over time, and through experience, about how to teach
particular content in particular ways to lead to
enhanced student understanding (Van Driel, 2010).
have identified three main stages for ICT to be highly as a platform for critical thought interaction with
valued and regarded by the teachers; integration, students with a mean score of 3.94 and lastly they
enhancement, and complementary. The integration know how to use ICT as a platform for students'
approach is about implementing the right use of ICT in critical thinking in the classroom and knows how to
particular subject areas that involve complex concepts use ICT in the classroom as a method for community
and skills to improve student's achievement and problem solving (2-5 students). The remarks imply
attainment. that the extent of Technology Pedagogical Knowledge
is much extensive.
Table 5 shows the data regarding the perceptions of
the Technological Pedagogical Knowledge that The result implies that the technologies helpful of the
influences the pre-service teachers. pre-service teachers were described as often
influential. It engages pre-service teachers in thinking
Table 5. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge about both ICT and pedagogy when considering the
use of ICT in class. However, to ensure that ICT is
used effectively, extended or further support is needed
on how and why ICT could advance pedagogical
Technology Content Knowledge (TCK) of the pre- Table 7. Technological Pedagogical Content
service teachers has a major impact on understanding Knowledge
how technology and content influence and constrains
one another.
The result implies that the influence of TPACK is the Tab le 8. S u mma r y Ta b le on the TPAC K-
key element explaining student learning and achieving Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
the knowledge to make the subject matter accessible to
all students and able to provide creative instruction in
a way that is challenging but also supportive, a feature
of instruction which is called cognitive activation.
Presented in Table 8 are the summary data regarding The results imply to the recent research in the subjects
the perceptions of the academic performance of pre- pointed towards teachers' technological pedagogical
content knowledge (TPCK) as one of the most
service teachers.
influential factors contributing to students' learning
and achievement (Gess-Newsome, 2013). Keller et. al
It can be gleaned that the overall mean is 3.97 on the
( 2017) concluded that teacher technological
good level; this means that the results of these content
pedagogical content knowledge mainly influences
knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical
student learning whereas teacher motivation mainly
content knowledge; technology knowledge,
influences students' interests.
technological pedagogical knowledge, technology
content knowledge, and technological pedagogical The domain of the IV that Significantly Influences
content knowledge has a major impact. or Significant the Academic Performance of the
Data revealed that all items displayed a good extent
and in much extensive. Technology Content
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3.97. Next, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge Knowledge and the Academic Performance of the
with a mean of 3.96. It is then followed by PSTs. The study was tested at a .05 level of
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Jessica P. Morales
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future primary and secondary teachers: Methods and findings from Philippines
the Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics.
J o u r n a l of T e a c h e r E d u c a t i o n , 62 , 115-120. Rodney Soreen A. Dayday
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Tutak, F. A., & Adams, T. L. (2015). A study of geometry content
knowledge of elementary preservice teachers. International
Gabrele D. Cubero
Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 7(3), 301- 318.
Davao De Oro State College New Bataan Branch,
Vamvakoussi, X., Van Dooren, W., & Verschaffel, L. (2012). Philippines
Naturally biased? In search for reaction time evidence for a natural
number bias in adults. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 31,