Article On Green Fin and in India

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2) 698-712 ISSN 2319-4979


P. Dhoot1 and S. Awate2
D.Y. Patil Institute of Management and Research, Pune 44
Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Computer Applications, Lonavala
[email protected], [email protected]
Green financing is a term that refers to sustainable development projects and initiatives, environmentally
friendly products and policies that encourage financial investment to stimulate more sustainable economy. This
paper mainly aims to study the kind of green financial products and services being offered by Indian markets
and to analyze the trends in green financing in India. The research is based on the secondary data in the
descriptive and analytical nature. The study observed that Indian green Finance market is at an emerging stage
and it has not been able to attract ample number of investors.. It requires proper framework for making these
green finance products more attractive to the investors. The current market practices, regulations monitoring
the market and financial incentives are becoming a great hurdle in the success of financial instruments.
Therefore it is suggested that Awareness among Investors and consumers about the green finance is essential
for the sustainability of the economy. Conferences, newspaper report, seminar can be useful tools for imparting
the knowledge about the necessities of green products, technologies for energy efficiency for the sake of the
future generation because a socially responsible consumer creates the market for green products.
Keywords: Green finance, Green bonds, Green Banking

Introduction protection. Particularly green finance can be

divided in two parts:
The Finance sector of an economy forms the
1. The finance to minimize environmental
backbone of the country. It has a direct
impact on the country‘s economic growth
2. The finance to support green growth.
and development. However in order to
In India green growth is an adopted agenda
achieve sustainability in economic growth
where the concern has been increased on
the philosophy of Environmentalism plays a
environmental degradation caused by
very crucial role. Therefore, with increasing
industrialization. There has been realization
environmental concerns both at national and
of the need to take corrective measures to
global level; it has become important for the
protect environment, the focus has shifted to
finance sector to become responsive to these
adopt appropriate production processes to
environmental issues. This gave rise to the
minimize energy conservation and hence
concept of Green Finance which is an
Reduce (Waste), Reuse and Recycle have
innovation in the field of finance. Green
emerged as thrust areas of various activities.
Finance thus involves making investments
But there is still lack of information about
in environmentally sustainable products and
availability of alternative clean technologies
projects which aims at reducing or avoiding
and advantages of investing in such
greenhouse gas emissions, controlling
technologies. In India, SIDBI has taken
industrial pollution, water sanitation, waste
several initiatives to promote lending for
management and overall biodiversity
green and energy efficient technology in
protection. It also includes green
MSME (Micro, Small and Medium
investments i.e... The stocks, exchange
Enterprise) sector such as:
traded funds and mutual funds of the
companies whose operations aims at  Focused lending schemes for
improving the environment. promoting investment in clean production
Green finance is future oriented which and energy efficient technologies.
pursues economic growth, financial  Promoting investments in production
industries development and environmental process underbilateral lines of credit from
Germany and Japan.

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2) ISSN 2319-4979

Financial Institution have started going maintain intended for sustainable

green by offeringgreen products and development. It includes both public and
services to appeal to more environmentally private finance.
friendly consumers such as: Green Car
Historical Background Of Green Finance
loans, Energy efficient mortgages, Eco-
savings deposits and green credit card. In 1992, The United Nations Environment
Along with the green financing, green Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) was
investment is another instrument to achieve launched when UNEP joined with a group
green growth. Green Investment activities of commercial banks to promote
focus on companies or projects that are consciousness of the environmental program
committed to the conservation of natural into the banking industry. The UNEP
resources, the production/discovery of Finance initiative is a unique corporation
alternative energy sources, implementation among UNEP and the economic region. It
of clean air and green finance projects and can be seen as the initial idea of Green
other environmentally conscious business Finance. Later on, the initiative keeps
practices. engaging more financial institutions,
Research Methodology including investment and commercial
banks, insurers and fund managers into
Present study is based on Descriptive close dialogues about connecting
Research. Present research work is set to environmental protection with sustainable
study following objectives. economic development. It aims to integrate
1. To study the kind of green financial environmental considerations into present
products and services being offered by financial services and practices. Currently,
Indian markets. around 190 financial institutions beginning,
2. To analyze the trends in green financing greater than 40 nationas have signed to the
in India. UNEP FI statement. Signatory institutions
3. To examine various challenges in the to the UNEP FI statement also have the
area of green financing in India. chance to learn from the network about the
Required data is collected from various latest trends and practices on how to seize
reports of Government Agencies, Different green opportunities for growth as well as to
Financial Institutions reports and websites. shape sustainable finance agenda in their
This study is restricted to green finance own development (UNEP FI, 2010, 2011).
instruments available in India only
How Green Finance Work
Meaning Of Green Finance
Green businesses and innovations are all at
There is refusal universal definition of green various levels of development, in this way,
finance. Green Finance means finance only requiring distinctive levels of subsidizing
those projects and businesses which protect from various wellsprings of capital. There
or less deteriorates the environment. It are by and large three sources: residential
considers the negative and positive open fund, worldwide open back and private
environmental effects while financing the part back. Residential open back alludes to
projects and business investment in the immediate subsidizing by a legislature
renewable energy, resource while worldwide open fund alludes to
efficiency/energy efficiency, clean energy, subsidizing from universal associations and
control of pollution, waste management, multilateral advancement banks; private
water sanitation, mitigation and adoption segment fund comprises of both local and
strategies of climate change, bio-diversity global financing sources. Green financing
protection and development of green can be bundled in various routes through
products for end user like cloth- cotton bag different speculation structures.
etc. Green finance refers to financial

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2) ISSN 2319-4979
The Green Finance Interface

Financial Green fund is a Centre piece of low carbon

Industry green development since it interfaces the
money related industry, ecological change
and monetary development "One missing
connection amongst 'knowing' and 'doing' in
the progress to green industry is 'green
Green back'. All green modern suggestions cost
Environmental cash, and numerous green industry plans of
Improvement Finance Green Finance
action are as a general rule untested or
Interface eccentric. Hence, conventional fund may
think that its troublesome or economically
ugly to back these green modern
recommendations." (Gao, 2009).


Importance Of Green Finance availing of the global warming and the need for
more sustainable business practices, Green
Green Finance is important as it promotes and
Finance Initiatives have also been addressing
supports the flow of financial instruments and
the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
related services towards the development and
(SDG‘s) Agenda by emphasizing the shift of
implementation of sustainable business models,
focus from shareholders‘ value creation
investments, trade, economic, environmental
(economic) to the generation of stakeholders‘
and social projects and policies. As the financial
value (economic, environmental and social).
sector plays a key role through its intermediary
Green Finance represents the future of the
functions and risk management in advancing
financial sector through innovative financial
sustainable economic development while
mechanisms and by supporting the investments
directing investment to the real economy, the
in projects with positive and sustainable
intertwinement of these two is crucial.
Moreover, based on the lessons learned from
the global financial crisis in 2006-2009, the
Key Actors In The Success Of A Green Finance Uptake
 To deliver on NDCs while balancing GOVERNMENT  No formal tracking of budget allocations
inclusivegrowth to assess if flows are sufficient to meet
o To deliver on long-term low carbon NDCtargets
vision, government launched a number of  Inadequate guidance at policy level to
efforts in areas such as Clean and efficient drive capital flows into climate-
energy, Smart Cities, Green Buildings, Make friendlyprojects
in India, Urban Mobility,etc.  Existing efforts mostly focused on RE
o Pricing fossil fuel consumption (solar and wind) and not being replicated "at
through coal cess and incentivizing through a similar scale" across other sectors like
PAT schemes, Feed-in-tariffs and renewable sustainable transport, greenbuilding
energy certificates

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 Sensitized banking sector about REGULATORS  Environmental risks yet to be recognized

international initiatives like Equator principles as a 'major' threat to financialstability
(2007), accorded priority for banks to provide
loans with a threshold of INR 150million to  Climate change risk assessment not part
specific borrowers in renewable energy of insurance and pension fund investment
sector(2015) guidelines. Regulatory provisions heavily
rely on rating agencies to identify high-rated
 SEBI issued green bond issuance investments, limiting scope for support to
guidelines (Total Issuance of INR 6billion by climate-friendlyprojects
2017); mandatory business responsibility
reporting for top 500 listed entities to
mainstream sustainability reporting although
current format doesn't add value to carbon
emission disclosurepractices

 Limited focus on climate changerisk

 Follow E&S risk assessment although BANKS  No specific focus on lending to

mostly for compliancereasons environment-friendly sectors; focus limited
to RE based on priority sector lendingrules
 Banks play a key role in providing long-
term financing at competitive rates. However,  Insufficient clarity on what constitutes
Basel III compliance requiring larger capital green finance and no guidance to enable
requirements (compliance deadline March clear differentiation between green from
2019 for Indian banks) and existing pressures non-greensectors
on loan books (12.1% gross non-performing
assets as of 2018) limit banks‘ ability (and in  Do not consider climate risk in
turn willingness) to deploy funds in emerging lendingpractices
sectors where risk is perceived to behigher

 Institutional investors, that have access to CAPITAL  Insurance, pension, and mutual funds not
long-term funds, do not consider climate MARKET focused on greenfinancing
change risk in their investment PLAYERS
decisionmaking  Limited sectoral knowledge and
assessment tools to categorize and assess

 Have the capacity but no guidance to


 Current models do not recognize RATING  Not integrating climate change risk into
climaterisks AGENCIES rating models and do not have enough
framework or motivation to undertake this
 No premium placed when assessing without regulatory guidance and investor
project, activity or green associated in demand
environmentally-friendly sectors. No
additional risk attached to conventional
investments that are not aligning to

 Have access to climate finance DEVELOPMEN  Focus may be skewed or limited to

(NABARD, SIDBI are Green Climate Fund T FINANCIAL selected sectors like agriculture
(GCF) accredited direct access entities) INSTITUTIONS
(DFI)  No mandate to focus on sectors like
 NABARD has an Environment and Social clean energy, waste and pollution control,
policy that covers 36 eligible activities under water management, transportation
agriculture and related sector, social sector and
ruralconnectivity  Limited technical expertise, skills and

undertake a broader approach in green

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Figure2.3–Green Finance ,byIssuerSector,2012-2018($billion)

140 60
Developed Markets 50
Financial Institution
120 Corporate 40
Financial Institution
Government Agency 30 Government Agency
Municipal Municipal
Sovereign 10 Sovereign

0 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Finance Scenario

Table 1 Green Finance by issuance sector

While financial institutions in developed finance issuance, followed by non- financial

markets accounted for some 18 percent of corporates (25 percent), government
total green greenfinance issuances, they agencies (14 percent), sovereigns (2
were the largest-issuing sector in markets, percent), and municipals (1 percent)
making up 57 percent of cumulative green

Table 2 Funds Requirements for various purposes of development of Green finance in

India. (In billion dollars)
Purpose Demand in 2010 Demand in 2020 Demand in 2030
Domestic products 42 56 73
Green Products 541 688 910
Energy products 8 12 23
Food 2 5 15
Others 41 52 72
Total 634 813 1093

Above table shows that there is increase in Green Finance products from the year 2010 to the
year 2020. And it is also expected that there would be increase in requirements of green
financein the year 2030
Table 3 Green Finance Associate Companies
States Amount (In corers) No of Companies Amount (In corers)
Andhra Pradesh 10292 480
Assam 509 24.09
Bihar 32 110.5
Chattishgarh 945 119
Gujarat 576 96.68
Karnataka 2318 158.27
Kerala 4079 149.09
Madhya Pradesh 10282 152
Maharashtra 1329 49
Orissa 13434 104
Rajasthan 506 61.65
Punjab 957 16.95
Tamil Nadu 1566 59.40
Uttar Pradesh 279 10.55
West Bengal 10000 37

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Above table shows that Orissa, Andhra 2. Paying bills online instead of mailing
Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh are having them.
maximum number of companies who are 3. Opening up accounts at online banks,
providing green finance at large extent. instead of large multi-branch banks
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan are 4. Finding the local bank in your area that is
having very few companies who are dealing taking the biggest steps to support local
with Green Finance. green initiatives.
Green Financial Products And Services Green Banking Products
In India Green Loans: means giving loans to a
Green Banking project or business that is considered
Green Banking is like a normal bank, which environmentally sustainable.
considers all the social and environmental Green Mortgages: refers to type of
factors; it is also called as an ethical bank. mortgage that provides you a money-saving
Ethical banks have started with the aim of discount or a bigger loan than normally
protecting the environment. These banks are
permitted as a reward for making energy-
like a normal bank which aims to protect the efficient improvements or for buying a
environment and it is controlled by same home that meets particular energy-
authorities as what a traditional bank do. efficiency standards.
There are many differences compared with Green Credit Cards: Be it in form of
normal banking, Green Banks give more environmentally friendly rewards or using
weight to environmental factors, their aim is biodegradable credit card materials or
to provide good environmental and social promoting paperless banking, credit cards
business practice, they check all the factors are going green.
before Green Saving Accounts: In case of Green
lending a loan, whether the project is Saving Accounts, banks make donations on
environmental friendly and has any the basis of savings done by customer‘s
implications in the future, you will awarded .The more they save, the more the
a loan only when you follow all the
environment benefits in form of
environmental safety standards Defining contributions or donations done by banks.
green banking is relatively easy. Green
Mobile banking and online
Banking means promoting environmental – banking:These new age banking forms
friendly practices and reducing your carbon include less paperwork, less mail, and less
footprint from your banking activities. This travel to branch offices by bank customers,
comes in many forms all of which has a positive impact on the
1. Using online banking instead of branch environment.
Table 4
Green Banking Initiatives by Indian Banks
Green Banking Initiatives by Indian Banks include both public sector banks and private
sector banks.
Sr.No Name of bank Initiatives
1 State Bank of India: SBI has launched green banking policy and set up windmills in Tamil Nadu,
Maharashtra and Gujarat in generating 15MW power. This is the first bank
in India which is in green banking and promoting green power projects.
2 Punjab National taken various steps for reducing emission and energy consumption.
3 Bank of Baroda: giving preference to environment friendly green projects such as windmills,
biomass and solar power projects which help in earning the carbon credits.
4 Canara Bank: doptedenvironmental friendly measures such as mobile banking, internet
banking, telebanking, solar powered biometric operations.
5 ICICI Bank Ltd: started ‗Go Green‘ initiative which involves activities like Green
products/offerings, Green engagement and green communication with
6 HDFC Bank Ltd Taking up various measures for reducing their carbon footprints in waste
management, paper use and energy efficiencies
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7 Kotak Mahindra Through the ‗Think Green‘ initiative this bank had taken several initiatives
Bank such as to reduce the paper consumption and encouraging their customers to
sign for e-statements and they had become partners with ‗Grow-‘
to plant one sapling for every e-statement on behalf of its customers.
8 IndusInd Bank Initiated its Green Office Project under which it had installed solar powered
ATMs in different cities targeting energy saving as well as reducing CO2
9 IDBI is providing various services in the field of Clean Development
Mechanisms (CDM) to its client.
10 YES Bank It has projects portfolio in the areas of alternative energy and clean
Source: Money Control (2018)

Green Bonds Yes Bank has issued a 10 year Green

Infrastructure bond in February 2015 raising
Green bond is a debt instrument which has
an amount of
characteristics similar to that of a standard
Rs.1,000 crores. The amount raised by the
coupon bond but the difference is only that
bank would be diverted towards the
the issuer of this bond utilizes the proceeds
financing of the Green Infrastructure
from this bond in energy efficient projects
projects such as solar power, biomass, wind
relating to renewable energy, emission
power and small hydel projects. It has tied
reduction, reforestation, etc.
up with KPMG India to provide Assurance
Following are some facts of International
services annually in accordance with the
Bond markets are as follows:
green bond principles. Hindustan Power
 High currency hedging costs.
Project entered the green bond market with
 Poor sovereign ratings (currently at
an issue of bonds fully underwritten by Yes
 Low tenure (currently concentrated
In 2016 Yes Bank issued another green
between 3 to 10 years)
bond as a private placement with
 There are some recommended policy
International Finance Corporation (IFC) as a
measures which the government can
sole investor for INR 3.15 billion. The bond
take to overcome the challenges faced
has been rated as AA+ by ICRA and CARE
by green bonds:
EXIM Bank of India issued a five year $500
 Development of an exchange risk
million green bond in March 2015. It is the
liquidity facility through foreign
India‘s first dollar denominated green bond.
reserves to the participantsof green
The bank would utilize the proceeds in
bonds for specified period.
funding the green projects in India,
 Complying with the guidelines of Green
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Climate Fund (GCF) to provide risk
NTPC Ltd. had planned to raise $ 500
mitigationproducts such as partial credit
million by way of green bond issue. The
guarantees, risk guarantees or hedging
proceeds from this issue will be used for
product, etc.
setting up 10 GW solar power capacities.
 One of the policy measures to reduce
The state governments of Andhra Pradesh,
hedging risks can be indexing electricity
Telangana, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan
tariff toinflation.
have asked the company set up large scale
In India, Indian Renewable Energy solar power projects for which it has issued
Development Agency (IRDA) issued a tax tenders worth 1.25 GW solar PV power
free Green Bond in February 2014 for capacities. Re New Power Ventures issued
Rs.1,000 each. It issued bonds with 10 year, green bonds for raising $68 million backed
15 year and 20 year terms carrying interest by Goldman Sachs. Greenko, a clean energy
rates at 8.16%, 8.55% and 8.55% p.a. player issued a $550 million high yield
respectively. CARE and Brick Works gave corporate bond to re-finance its wind and
it AAA rating. hydro power projects carrying a interest rate
of 8% p.a. It was rated B by Fitch. CLP

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India Ltd. issued Green bonds to raise Rs.  Development of an exchange risk
600 crore offering a coupon rate of 9.15 % liquidity facility through foreign
p.a. in three series of equal amounts and its reserves to the participants
maturity would take place every year in of green bonds for specified period.
April 2018, 2019 and 2020.  Complying with the guidelines of Green
IDBI Bank Ltd. raised US $350 million by Climate Fund (GCF) to provide risk
issuing a five year Green Bond priced at mitigationproducts such as partial credit
Treasuries plus 255 bp, which was guarantees, risk guarantees or hedging
oversubscribed by three times i.e. US $1 product, etc.
billion.  One of the policy measures to reduce
There are some recommended policy hedging risks can be indexing electricity
measures which the government can take to tariff toinflation.
overcome the challenges faced by green
Table 5 Green Bond Market in India

Above table shows that Green Insurance

 Average coupon rate on Green Bonds for Green insurance schemes are those schemes
domestic issuers is significantly which provide risk cover at a low premium
higher7.5%compared with 4.7% for and enhanced coverage for green products
international issuance; this difference is to minimize the impact of climate change,
because of currency riskfaced by INR. thereby fostering good corporate behavior.
Hedging cost would beadditional In India at present HSBC collaborated with
 InIndia, the coupon rates for bonds Allianz to provide its customers with green
ranges from 7% to 10%, reinvestment insurance. It provides cover to
anrangeis2.5%—8 buildings obtaining certification from
international environmental standards such
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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2) ISSN 2319-4979
as US Leadership in Energy and ICICI Bank has launched a scheme of
Environmental Design (LEED) and Vehicle finance which aims at reducing the
Building Research Establishment interest rate by 50% on the loans taken by
Environmental Assessment Methodology the consumers on purchase of cars
(BREEAM). This cover provides an employing renewable sources of energy like
additional 5% over and above the normal the Civic Hybrid of Honda, Tata Indica
insured loss amount with a only minor CNG, Reva electric cars, Mahindra Logan
increase in premium. This would encourage CNG versions, Maruti's LPG version of
the builders to create more energy efficient Maruti 800, Omni and Versa and Hyundai's
buildings. Santro Eco. Under its Home finance
Green Loan Schemes schemes the bank attempts to reduce the
processing fees of customers purchasing
Green loan schemes are the financing
homes in LEED certified buildings.
schemes offered by commercial banks and
(Raghupati&Sujhatha, 2015)
financial institutions at concessional interest
Union Bank of India offers schemes
rates directed towards providing support to
extending loans to farmers for purchase of
investment in energy efficient projects.
solar water heaters, solar water pumps and
State Bank of India (SBI) had launched a
installing of solar home lighting system.
Green Home Bank loan scheme at low
Punjab National Bank offers medium term
interest rates toencourage the customers to
loan schemes to farmers for construction of
opt for Green housing i.e. the buildings that
green houses, setting up of biogas plants
are certified by ratingagencies such as
with sanitary latrines and has a scheme of
Leadership in Energy & Environmental
PNB‘s Saur UrjaYojna for small farmers to
Design (LEED) India, India Green Building
finance the purchase of solar home lighting
Council (IGBC) and TERI – GRIHA from
and water heaters.
India being a developing country has a bond
market operating in the nascent.

Policy and Regulatory Interventions to catalyze green finance at scale

Policy action Regulatory action Market action

Macro approaches to increase Risk assessment guidance and

green finance availability and dislcosure mandates to enable Markets need to be more
allocation in the economy. market-wide reforms responsive to institutional needs,
Earmarking a portion of Statutory RBI: Stronger risk assessment esp. from international investors
Liquidity Reserves (SLR) from frameworks that recognize and Stock exchange: Promote listing
commercial banks for green measure green and non-green of green equities and green bonds
investments through issuance of exposures of banks (green through incentives (lower listing
green government securities – tagging), credit quota (under fee), creation of dedicated green
Green SLR priority sector lending), green indices, lower brokerage fee for
Creating a dedicated green lending as a collateral for green investors
financial institution /bank which refinancing from RBI Mutual funds: Issue risk guidance
develops capacity and knowledge Pension and Insurance Funds: materials for investors (especially
to access green and climate Minimum capital allocation to retail investors) that highlight
finance sources green projects, making climate climate exposure risks, work with
Using a small part of Forex change risk assessment of regulator to explore climate risk
reserves to leverage and crowd in portfolio a fiduciaryresponsibility grading of funds
additional climate finance flows SEBI: Mandatory disclosure of Credit rating agencies:
from international carbon
by creating
risk financial
vehicles outsideIndia
incorporation of
disclosure of listed companies, climate change risks into rating
promotion of green equities and models, realign credit ratings
bonds, adjusting ,green premium approach to promote green
to valuation of companies in the ratings
IPO stage

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Growth of nations will increasingly get In India a Council on Climate change under
defined and measured by their ability to the supervision of Prime Minister was
balance economic growth and constituted in 2007 and reconstituted in
environmental considerations. Many 2014 for adaptation and mitigation of
developing and developed nations are climate change. It has launched various
making significant strides, challenging the programs like National Action Plan on
economic and financial status quo, and Climate change, Jawahar Lal Nehru
upgrading themselves with eco-friendly and National Solar Mission, National water
environmentally-aware institutions and Mission, National Mission for Enhanced
processes. India needs to undertake similar Energy Efficiency, National Mission on
bold steps that are strategic to its growth in Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change,
the next few decades. While creating a National Clean Energy fund. Other
green finance taxonomy is only a first step programs like Auto Fuel vision and Policy
to this longer-term endeavor, it is a 2025, Expert groups on Low Carbon
significant one that can ensure ―growth‖ and Strategies, etc. In 2015 the Green Climate
―green‖ are emphasized in parallel to foster Fund set up under the framework of the
in a modern era of ―green growth‖. United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) has accredited
Future Scope Of Green Finance In India
NABARD as National Implementing Entity
Environment sustainability being a key (NIE) to finance clean energyprojects in
issue on worldwide level has increased the India.
scope for investment in green projects
utilizing renewable energy resources. Recent Government Policies And
Therefore, many banks and financial Incentives Of Green Finance In India
institutions would look forward at tapping The Recent Government Policies and
this growing sector. Thus, there will be Initiatives which have increased the Scope
increase in demand for Green bonds and of Green Financial Products In India are as
structured green funds. Moreover, investors follows:
would get the benefit of diversification from 1. India‘s National Action Plan on Climate
investment in such bonds. This is true in Change recommended that country
context of India also as a study of Mc shouldgenerate10% of its power from
Kinsey &co. found that a probable increase renewable energy resources by 2015 and
in carbon emissions to 5 – 6.5 million MT in 15% by2020. Of India‘sinstalled power
India could be lowered by 30% to 50% by generation capacity of 2, 55,012.79
2030 by investing in energy efficient megawatt(MW), renewable power has
technologies in building infrastructure and ashare of 12.42% or 31,692.14 MW
for this purpose there would be need for an which shows thatthere exists a huge
additional 600 – 750 billion Euros even scope for investmentin this sector.
after accounting for steep decline in cost of 2. The Ministry of New and Renewable
renewable energy technologies. Energy (MNRE) has revised its targets
International Finance Corporation (IFC) has forenergycapacity to 1, 75,000 MW till
taken a step in this regard. It has decided to 2022, comprising 1, 00,000 MW solar,
invest $75 million in green bonds issued by 60,000MW wind,10,000 MW biomass
Punjab National Bank Housing Finance Ltd. and 5,000 MW small hydro. These
in 2015. These are secured non – revised targets demand a huge
convertible debentures whose proceeds will investment. Since, the sanctioned budget
be directed towards the construction of would not suffice so MNREhas asked
Green residential buildings certified by the public and private sector financial
World Bank‘s EDGE. institutions such as Power
FinanceCorporation (PFC), Rural

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Electrification Corporation (REC), 4. Mechanism for measuring the

Indian RenewableEnergy Development Viability of Green Industries:
Agency (IREDA), Investors want to invest in those projects
3. IFCI Ltd, SBI Capital Markets ltd and which are commercially viable. There is
ICICI bank ltd to raise funds. no proper mechanism to choose
4. The finance ministry has increased the commercially viable green projects.
clean energy cess on coal by Rs.100 Conventional projects look more viable
permetric tonne tofund clean than green projects because of less
environment initiatives. The scope of incorporation of positive and negative
National CleanEnergy fund (NCEF) has externalities in measuring the viability
beenexpanded to include financing and of the projects.
promoting cleanenvironment initiatives 5. Less Awareness among Consumers
and fundresearches towards that end. for Green Products: Private sector will
5. The government has also proposed the produce green products only when there
use of renewable energy resources in is sufficient market for that. Because of
railwayssector. Itincludes use of CNG in high cost and lack of awareness about
train operations, setting up of water the importance for green products
recyclingplants, use of solarenergy to people hardly buy green products.
illuminate coaches, station buildings and 6. Less Awareness among Investors
platforms. about Green Finance: Besides low
profitability, low awareness among
Constraints For Green Financing
investors about the importance of green
1. Stable Policy and Regulatory finance is also a major constraint. Also
Framework: Private sector does not investment in energy efficiency
want to invest when there is instability technology and solar energy etc. are
regarding policies of Government. An considered as cost, not investment.
unpredictable policy creates 7. Less availability of green financial
uncertainties about risk and returns of products: Limited number of green
the projects. There should be a stable financial products is also a major
policy environment which provides obstacle for the development of green
guidance, assurance and encourages the finance
investors for long term green
investment. Future Scope Of Green Finance In India
Environment sustainability being a key
2. An Environmental Performance
issue on worldwide level has increased the
Disclosure: Disclosure and reporting
scope for investment in green projects
about the environmental performance of
utilizing renewable energy resources.
the firms is essential for green financing.
Therefore, many banks and financial
Socially responsible investors want to
institutions would look forward at tapping
invest in green firms but lack of
this growing sector. Thus, there will be
information about environmental
increase in demand for Green bonds and
performance of the companies makes
structured green funds. Moreover, investors
green finance difficult.
would get the benefit of diversification from
3. Low Profitability of Green Industries:
investment in such bonds.
Private sector is more inclined to make
This is true in context of India also as a
investment in polluting industries
study of Mc Kinsey & co. found that a
because of low cost and high return in it
probable increase in carbon emissions to 5 –
than green industries. Moreover, green
6.5 million MT in India could be lowered by
investments are long term in nature
which makes them less attractive for 30% to 50% by 2030 by investing in energy
efficient technologies in building
infrastructure and for this purpose there

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2) ISSN 2319-4979

would be need for an additional 600 – 750 for energy capacity to 1, 75,000 MW till
billion Euros even after accounting for steep 2022, comprising 1, 00,000 MW solar,
decline in cost of renewable energy 60,000 MW wind, 10,000 MW biomass
technologies. International Finance and 5,000 MW small hydro. These
Corporation (IFC) has taken a step in this revised targets demand a huge
regard. It has decided to invest $75 million investment. Since, the sanctioned budget
in green bonds issued by Punjab National would not suffice so MNRE has asked
Bank Housing Finance Ltd. in 2015. These the public and private sector financial
are secured non – convertible debentures institutions such as Power Finance
whose proceeds will be directed towards the Corporation (PFC), Rural Electrification
construction of Green residential buildings Corporation (REC), Indian Renewable
certified by World Bank‘s EDGE. Energy Development Agency (IREDA),
In India a Council on Climate change under IFCI Ltd, SBI Capital Markets ltd and
the supervision of Prime Minister was ICICI bank ltd to raise funds.
constituted in 2007 and reconstituted in 3. The finance ministry has increased the
2014 for adaptation and mitigation of clean energy cess on coal by Rs.100 per
climate change. It has launched various metric tonne to fund clean environment
programs like National Action Plan on initiatives. The scope of National Clean
Climate change, Jawahar Lal Nehru Energy fund (NCEF) has been expanded
National Solar Mission, National water to include financing and promoting
Mission, National Mission for Enhanced clean environment initiatives and fund
Energy Efficiency, National Mission on researches towards that end.
Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change, 4. The government has also proposed the
National Clean Energy fund. Other use of renewable energy resources in
programs like Auto Fuel vision and Policy railways sector. It includes use of CNG
2025, Expert groups on Low Carbon in train operations, setting up of water
Strategies, etc. In 2015 the Green Climate recycling plants, use of solar energy to
Fund set up under the framework of the illuminate coaches, station buildings and
United Nations Framework Convention on platforms. There is also a proposal to
Climate Change (UNFCCC) has accredited change the design of locomotive cabin
NABARD as National Implementing Entity to reduce the noise level.
(NIE) to finance clean energy projects in 5. Other initiatives on part of government
India. includes its plans for creating a solar
The recent government policies and army, providing venture capital to
initiatives which have increased the scope of ambitious solar power generation
Green financial products in India are as projects and setting up of solar parks
follows: totaling 20,000 MW over a period of
1. India‘s National Action Plan on Climate five years.
Change recommended that country 6. Indian Innovation Lab, a new initiative
should generate 10% of its power from of MNRE aims at bringing the public
renewable energy resources by 2015 and and private leaders on common platform
15% by 2020. Of India‘s installed power to develop innovative instruments that
generation capacity of 2, 55,012.79 would mitigate risks and direct more
megawatt (MW), renewable power has a investment for green growth in India. It
share of 12.42% or 31,692.14 MW has launched four winning ideas: Loans
which shows that there exists a huge for SME, Rooftop Solar Private Sector
scope for investment in this sector. Financing Facility, P 50 Risk solutions
2. The Ministry of New and Renewable and RenewableEnergy Integrated
Energy (MNRE) has revised its targets Hedging, Equity and Debt fund.

June 2021 709

Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2) ISSN 2319-4979

Above chart indicates that asper the interest, short maturity period and non-
government estimates, India would required existence of non-recourse debt.
USD 2.5 trillion (at 2014-15 prices) to meet 3. The current market practices,
climate change action committed to be regulations monitoring the market and
achieved till2030 financial incentives are becoming a
Further, India has embarked upon the great hurdle in the success of financial
ambitious target of building 175 GW of instruments.
renewable capacity by 2022, from just over 4. Several risks associated with the green
30 GW now, this requires the massive finance in the form of technology related
funding of USD 200Bn. Achievability is risk, currency risk, off taker risk
contingent upon requisite funding at becomes hurdle in the availability of
reasonable capital cost; green bonds fits the financial resources.
bill perfectly. According to Bank of 5. Lack of awareness amongst the
America-Merrill Lynch, the domestic green investors about the innovative financial
bond market has a $125-billion opportunity instruments also creates hurdle in green
by 2025. It expects around $32 billion of financing.
such bonds being sold over the next five 6. Lack of efficient framework for project
years. evaluation of a sustainable project
Findings mainly in case form early stage
innovation becomes a challenge for
1. Indian green Finance market is at an
channelizing funds towards green
emerging stage and it has not been able
to attract ample number of investors.. It projects.
requires proper framework for making 7. As far as blocks to green investments
these green finance products more are concerns there are there physical
attractive to the investors. barriers such as limited access to grid
2. Due to high cost of debt capital the connections which can limit the march
investment in green projects becomes of green finance along with financial,
very expensive. High cost of debt is behavioral and informational hurdles.
attributed to the factors like high rate of Hence for the transition to a green
growth pathway, dramatic upgrades in

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2) ISSN 2319-4979

technology, skills, policies and more economy. Conferences, newspaper

viable business projects, along with an report, seminar can be useful tools
aligned public consciousness are forimparting the knowledge about the
needed. necessities of green products,
Suggestions technologies for energyefficiency for the
sake of the future generation because a
1. Government should bring stable policy
socially responsible consumer createsthe
framework for green finance which
market for green products.
encourages private sector to finance
7. More numbers of green financial
sustainable development programme.
products should be available to investors
For this, India has launched its National
so that they can make investment easily
voluntary guidelines for responsible
For examples green loans, green equity,
financing which mainly focus on
green bonds, green credit card etc.
disclosure of information.
8. The government should set out a
2. Environmental performance of the
―green‖ investment programme in
companies can be shown through index.
consultation with the states and the
Although India has 4 ESG index, there
private sector defining its vision,
should be more ESG index in India to
direction and priorities for investment in
show the environmental performance of
both mitigation and adaptation efforts.
the companies. There should be green
This should necessarily include levels of
rating agencies also in the country.
preparedness of different sectors to
3. Government should intervene to
determine the right mix of capital
increase the profitability of green
source, smart time bound incentive
projects. It can be increased by giving
structures and institutional ownership
the tax exemption, subsidies and
and strategies to build bankable pipeline.
concessional loans to green projects
9. The SEBI disclosure requirements for
which reduce the cost of green projects.
green bonds and securities is a valuable
It can also be done by charging high tax
first step in helping India define long-
and by reducing the subsidies of
term sustainable investments and
polluting industries that means
mobilising green finance, but it does not
increasing the cost of polluting industry.
go far enough. The next step must be to
4. There should be a mechanism to
establish a comprehensive set of criteria
evaluate the projects and business etc.,
for defining ―green‖ assets in sync with
in terms ofenvironmental, social and
international frameworks. This would
governance (ESG) risk. Objective
meet an urgent market demand for
should be to give more emphasis on
definitional consistency, standardisation,
environmental risk.
and comparability important for issuers,
5. 45% of the production comes from
investors and appropriate public policy
medium, small and micro enterprises.
So, MSME has greatscope to use energy
efficient technology which reduce green 10. Review and redesign Priority Sector
house gas emission and Lending to introduce green sub-
sectors with targets: Banks have a
generaterenewable energy sources.
special role to play in primary lending to
Although, in India SIDBI and SBI
households and businesses. Priority
provide the financial support tosmall
Sector Lending sub-targets should be set
scale industries for using the energy
on the basis of green taxonomy. This
efficient technology, but more funds
recommendation will help track and
should beprovided for the same.
motivate financial flows into the green
6. Awareness among Investors and
economy but other measures will be
consumers about the green finance is
needed to kick-start bank lending.
essential for thesustainability of the

June 2021 711

Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2) ISSN 2319-4979

Conclusion development of green finance is essential.

This requires concerted efforts, a cohesive
Global warming is creating various
approach and the collective vision of
problems in the economy. Scientists and
policymakers, regulators and actors in the
environment experts believe that it is due to
financial system. The way forward is to
green house gas emissions. India is in a race
accelerate the dialogue at the highest level
against time in meeting its climate goals and
and initiate a narrative around sustainable
greening all finance has become an
imperative. Green financing will reduce
There should be a unified approach around
green house gas emissions significantly.
taxonomy, green guidelines, financial
Though Government of India has taken
products, as well as defining the roles of
various steps for sustainable development
private and public sector and bankers and
but the private sector participation for
asset managers. This will stimulate action to
sustainability is in the nascent stage.
align the financial system with green
Because of the limited public finance,
finance and in turn support the sustainable
private finance has immense importance in
growth of the country.
the sustainable development. So, the

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