Impact of Organizational Culture and Work Environment On Occupational Health and Safety, Mediated by Work Motivation (At PT Manunggal Jaya Makmur)

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Impact of Organizational Culture and Work

Environment on Occupational Health and Safety,
Mediated by Work Motivation (At PT Manunggal
Jaya Makmur)
Lisa Budiyanti Kasmir, Kasmir
Mercu Buana University Mercu Buana University
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract:- This study at PT Manunggal Jaya Makmur can be effectively conveyed by the employer to all workers
intends to examine the effects of organizational culture participating in the work, it will be successful.
and work environment on workers' occupational safety
and health using work motivation as a mediating Table 1. Accident data involving PT Manunggal Jaya
variable. All employees make up the study's population, Makmur employees
which included a sample size of 50 people. The Structural
Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) data
analysis technique is used. Based on the findings of the
study and the discussion, it can be said that
organizational culture affects occupational safety and
health in a positive and significant way. This indicates
that increasing organizational culture's level of self-
awareness will improve occupational safety and health. A
strong company culture will boost employee motivation
since it has a favorable, significant impact on job
motivation. The working environment has a positive and
significant impact on occupational safety and health,
therefore working conditions in terms of employee
interactions, specifically employee cooperation, have an
effect on enhancing occupational safety and health. A
good work environment will influence employee work
motivation since the work environment has a positive and
significant impact on it. Workplace safety and health are According to Table 1 of 2019, up to 70% of accidents
dramatically improved by work motivation. Workplace are the result of poor work discipline on the part of employees
safety and health will both rise dramatically with a strong since the organization did not create effective SOPs for them
organizational culture. Workplace harmony will greatly to follow. The organization's management put together
boost safety and health at work as well as employee corporate SOPs at the end of 2019 to lessen the effects of
motivation. workplace accidents, including the registration of BPJS
Health and BPJS Employment. 2020 shows a reduction in
Keywords:- Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), Work work accidents from 70% to 60%, with a majority of these
Motivation, Organizational Culture. accidents being brought on by workers' negligence in failing
to follow established SOP rules. Additionally, 20% of work
I. INTRODUCTION accidents are brought on by erratic machine maintenance
checks and an unfavorable work environment, and 20% are
Human resources are crucial to any organization, brought on by unforeseen and uncontrollable bad weather
including businesses and organizations, and they cannot even conditions. Because the business has put the proper SOP in
be separated from them. They are also the primary factor in place for its employees, you can see that the statistic for 2021
determining how a firm will develop. In order for employees indicates that 50% of workplace accidents caused by
to perform jobs effectively and efficiently and help the firm negligence are declining every year.
accomplish its goals, human resource management (HRM) is
the first stage in developing quality human resources for One of the businesses in the Tangerang region offering
businesses. Although occupational safety and health are two cargo services is PT Manunggal Jaya Makmur. In order to
distinct concepts in practice, they are always brought together implement an organizational culture with good discipline at
and discussed at the same time in human resource work, the company must be able to make the appropriate SOP
management. If an occupational safety and health program

Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
and supervise its employees. The company must also findings revealed certain study gaps in the areas of workplace
regularly check the work environment to see if there are issues culture, work environment, and employee motivation for
between employees as well as check for maintenance. to occupational safety and health.
lessen how negatively work accidents impair workers' ability
to operate. The issue the company is currently dealing with is II. READING REVIEW
a result of a decline in organizational culture, specifically the
lack of work discipline among employees who are influenced A. Safety and Health at Work
by themselves and unfavorable workplace variables that affect Mengginson claims that safety encompasses both safety
these employees' safety and risk of workplace accidents as risk and health risk, with the two categories being
well as their level of motivation at work. A culture of strong distinguished in the context of the workplace
work discipline, appropriate occupational health and safety, (Mangkunegara, 2015). While occupational health is a
and an accommodating work environment are required to general state of the physical, mental, and emotional well-
stabilize employee motivation. being of employees where they work, according to Mathis
and Jackson (2009), work safety is a condition in which the
Elmi (2018) claims that occupational health is a type of physical well-being of employees is protected.
health insurance provided to a person while they are working.
Elmi (2018) asserts that the primary method for preventing B. Company's Culture
accidents that result in injuries or fatalities at work is Organizational culture, according to Mangkunegara
workplace safety. (2016), is a set of presumptions or a system of beliefs, values,
and norms formed within the company that serves as a model
It was determined from earlier studies by Thorvaldsen for how its members should behave in order to overcome
(2022) and June et al. (2020) that workplace safety and health external adaption and internal integration.
and environment have a major impact. Based on the study's
findings, it was determined how important it is to implement C. Environment at work
occupational safety and health at work. Because some The work environment, according to Sedarmayanti
employees are still unaware of the significance of (2017), consists of all the equipment and supplies used, the
occupational safety and health, businesses need to pay surroundings where a person works, his work processes, and
attention to the workplace environment in order to maintain his work arrangements both individually and as a group.
employee performance. According to Nielsen's (2014)
research, corporate culture significantly and favorably affects D. Motivation at work
occupational safety and health. According to Rukhyanti's Wibowo (2016) proposes that goal-oriented behavior
research findings from 2007, ensuring worker safety is viewed can be used to characterize job motivation. Workplace
as a component in boosting employee motivation. This is encouragement and excitement are produced through work
similar to research conducted by Munandarr (2014) because it motivation (Sedarmayanti, 2018).
has been established that occupational health is a factor
significantly influencing job motivation. According to the E. Framework
findings of Santoso (2021), the company's safety performance
will be better the better the occupational safety and health
work program, the factors that lead to work accidents and
learning, the culture or work climate, and the occupational
safety and health competencies implemented. Occupational
safety and health at PT are impacted by the work environment
and organizational culture, according to research by
Setyowidodo (2022). Rajawali I simultaneously with PG.
According to research by Rio, Andini, and Oktafian (2022),
work motivation acts as an intermediary variable to mediate
the favorable effects of occupational safety and health, work Hypothesis:
environment, and work discipline on performance. Research
H1: Employees' occupational safety and health are positively
findings by Marzuki et al. The formation of organizational
and significantly impacted by organizational culture.
culture requires a process of thinking and acting to become
H2: The workplace has a positive and significant impact on
safe work habits, takes time, and of course the support of
employees' occupational safety and health.
existing management systems so that employees are exposed
H3: Employees' occupational safety and health are positively
to work safely, so it is known (as of 2018) that organizational
and significantly impacted by their work motivation.
culture does not affect occupational safety and health
H4: Employee motivation is positively and significantly
performance. According to Utami's research from 2017, there
impacted by organizational culture.
is no discernible relationship between workplace safety and
H5: Employee motivation is positively and significantly
employee performance when the work environment acts as an influenced by the workplace.
intervening element. Darmawan, Winarno, and Krisnandini's H6: Through employee motivation, organizational culture has
research findings from 2021 demonstrate that work a positive and considerable impact on occupational safety
motivation is unable to mitigate the impact of corporate
and health.
culture and work environment on performance. These studies'

Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
H7: Employee motivation at work has a favorable and Table 3. Results of the discriminant validity test (Fornell
considerable impact on occupational safety and health. Lacker Criteria)


In this study, quantitative research methods were

employed. Explicit, methodical, planned, and organized needs
that are stated at the outset and used to create the research
design are what constitute quantitative research. This study
used a survey as its primary technique of data collection,
which involves developing a list of questions that are then
distributed to respondents as a questionnaire. Organizational
culture (X1), work environment (X2), motivation at work (Z),
and security at work (Y) are the four Xs. Also serving as a According to Table 3, each intended construct's loading
mediating variable is the motivational variable (Z) mentioned value is higher than that of the other constructions. As can be
above. The sample population of this study consists of 50 observed, the correlation variable for organizational culture
employees from PT Manunggal Jaya Makmur who have has a loading value of 0.779, which is higher than the
permanent employment status. A non-probability sampling correlation value for the variable with other variables. The
strategy is used in this investigation. A form of sampling Fornell-Lacker Criterion test has thus met the criterion for
called saturated sampling or census involves choosing or discriminant validity.
taking all members of the population (Kasmir, 2022).
Table 4. Results of the Composite Reliability Test and
Internal company documents are used as both Cronbach's Alpha
quantitative primary data and qualitative secondary data. The
Component Based Structural Model or Variance was utilized
for analysis, and Partial Least Square (Smart-PLS) version 3.0
was employed for data processing.


A. Testing of the measurement model's outer model

The measurement model's or outer model's test findings All latent variable values have a Composite Reliability
are used to gauge the validity and dependability of the model. value of less than 0.7, according to Table 4's findings from
The convergent and discriminant validity of the indicators as the Composite Reliability test. All latent variable values have
well as the composite reliability of the indicator block were a Cronbach's Alpha value of less than 0.7, according to the
used to evaluate the outer model with reflexive indicators. findings of the Cronbach's Alpha test. The occupational
The outcomes of the AVE convergent test are displayed in safety and health variable has the greatest composite
the table below: reliability score (0.960), and the work motivation variable
has the lowest (0.920).
Table 2. Value for Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
According to the test findings for Cronbach's Alpha, the
variable measuring workplace safety and health has the
highest value at 0.954 and the variable measuring job
motivation has the lowest value at 0.895. The construct has
strong reliability, or the questionnaire utilized as a research
tool is consistent and dependable based on these findings
(Ghozali, 2015).

B. Evaluation of the Inner Model for Measurement

Table 2 above demonstrates the PLS results, which To analyze the structural model (inner model) or test the
indicate that all variables have an AVE value > 0.5. Each hypothesis in this study by analyzing the R2, Predictive
variable in the study is thus valid or satisfies convergent Relevance (Q2), and Overall Structural Model Validation
validity requirements. (GoF) values.

Table 5. Results of the R-Square Calculation (R2)

Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
It is evident from Table 5 above that the Work Table 7. Results of Indirect Effect Value
Motivation (Z) construct's R Square value (R2) is 0.516.
These findings suggest that the exogenous variables
Organizational Culture (X1) and Work Environment (X2)
may explain 51.6% of the endogenous variable Work
Motivation (Z), while other exogenous variables can explain
the remaining 48.4%. At the same time, exogenous variables
such as organizational culture (X1), work environment (X2),
and motivation (Z) can account for 82.4% of the construct of
occupational safety and health (Y). While other external
factors can account for the remaining 17.6%.

C. Indicator of Goodness of Fit (GoF) The following figure shows the outcomes of evaluating
According to Ghozali and Latan (2015), the criteria for the study hypothesis :
the GoF value are 0.10 for a small GoF, 0.25 for a medium
GoF, and 0.36 for a high GoF. The following formula must
be used to manually search for the GoF value in PLS.

𝐺𝑜𝐹 = √AVE x R2
(0.607 + 0.666 + 0.619 + 0.659)/4 = 0.637 is the average
AVE value.
Average R2 value is equal to 0.67 (0.516 + 0.824)/2.
GoF = √0.637 × 0.67 = √0.426 = 0.653

The Goodness of Fit Index (GoF) calculation results

show a value of 0.653. These findings lead to the conclusion
that the measurement model's (outer model) and structural
model's (inner model) combined performance is good since
the Goodness of Fit Index (GoF) value is more than 0.36
(GoF big scale).

D. Possibility Development E. Discussion

If the T-table significance is higher than 1.98 at a The route coefficient value is 0.228, the t-statistic value
significance threshold of 5% (alpha = 0.05), the estimated is 2,969 > 1.98, and the P-Values = 0.003 = 0.05 are all
value of the route coefficient is considered significant. The known based on Table 6. This indicates that the variable for
research hypothesis can be concluded after reviewing the organizational culture (X1) has a favorable and significant
data that was gathered. If the T-statistic value is higher than impact on the variable for occupational safety and health (Y).
the T table used to test the research hypothesis in this study, Therefore, the study's hypothesis (H1) that "Organizational
the research hypothesis is considered accepted. Culture (X1) Has a Positive and Significant Effect on
Occupational Safety and Health (Y)" is accepted. The
Table 6. Results of Hypothesis Testing findings of studies by Setyowidodo (2022), Erlina (2017),
and Nielsen (2014), which claim that organizational culture
can affect employee safety and health, are consistent with

According to Table 6, the path coefficient value is

0.370, the t-statistic value is 4,350 > 1,988, and the P-Values
are 0.000 = 0.05. It follows that the Work Motivation
variable (Z) is significantly and favorably impacted by the
Organizational Culture variable (X1) in this relationship.
Therefore, the study's hypothesis (H2) that "Organizational
Culture (X1) Has a Positive and Significant Effect on Work
Motivation (Z)" is accepted. The findings of study by
Alamsyah (2023), Lathiifa (2023), and Noniulpa (2023),
which claim that corporate culture might affect employee
motivation, are consistent with this.

The values of the path coefficient (0.470), the t-statistic

(4,955 > 1.98), and the P-Values (0.000 = 0.05) are known
based on Table 6. This indicates that Occupational Safety and
Health (Y) is positively and significantly impacted by the

Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Work Environment variable (X2). Thus, the study's demonstrate that motivation can act as a mediator between
hypothesis (H3) that "Work Environment (X2) on the impact of the workplace environment and employee
Occupational Safety and Health (Y)" is true is accepted. This performance. According to Mattajang, Nurwulandari, and
is consistent with the findings of M's investigation. Hardin's research findings from the year 2022, the motivating
According to Syariffudin and Parma (2020), the workplace variable has the greatest direct impact on employee
environment can have an impact on occupational safety and performance, followed by the variables related to workplace
health. safety and health, work environment, and work discipline.
The findings of Andan's (2018) study demonstrate that
The path coefficient value is 0.478, the t-statistic value motivation might mediate the link between the impact of
is 6,262 > 1.98, and the P-Values are 0.000 = 0.05, according workplace safety and health and worker productivity.
to Table 6. This indicates that Work Motivation (Z) is
positively and significantly influenced by the Work V. CONCLUSION
Environment variable (X2). Thus, the study's hypothesis (H4)
that "Work Environment (X2) on Work Motivation (Z)" is The study's findings suggest that PT Manunggal Jaya
true is accepted. According to studies by Alamsyah (2023), Makmur's organizational culture and workplace environment
Cahyaningsih (2023), Lathiifa (2023), and Yunitashari have an impact on employee motivation. PT Manunggal Jaya
(2023), the workplace atmosphere might have an impact on Makmur has discovered as a result that highly motivated
employees' motivation to do their best work. teams achieve the best results. At PT Manunggal Jaya
Makmur, organizational culture and a positive work
The route coefficient value is 0.373, the t-statistic value environment can also have an impact on occupational safety
is 3,432 > 1.98, and the P-Values = 0.000 = 0.05 are all and health (K3), namely by lowering the likelihood of
known based on Table 6. Therefore, Occupational Safety and workplace accidents. Additionally, the relationship between
Health (Y) is positively and significantly impacted by the organizational culture and the work environment on
variable Work Motivation (Z). Therefore, the study's occupational safety and health (K3) at PT Manunggal Jaya
hypothesis (H5) that "Work Motivation (Z) on Occupational Makmur is known to be mediated by the mediating variable,
Safety and Health (K3) (Y)" is accepted. The findings of namely work motivation.
studies by Nyoman Rai (2015) and Hedianto, Mukzam, and
Iqbal (2014), which found that job motivation can impact By granting freedom rather than creating distance,
occupational safety and health (K3), are consistent with this. managers and other employees are supposed to establish a
strong rapport. It is important to think about the social lives
The route coefficient value is 0.138, the t-statistic value of older workers as well as maintaining a professional work
is 2.656 > 1.98, and the P-Values = 0.010 = 0.05 are all environment. To ensure the financial stability of its
known based on Table 7. This indicates that the Employee employees when they retire, company management
Motivation (Z) variable is a mediator between the specifically needs to take pension funds into consideration.
Organizational Culture (X1) variable and the Occupational Employers can raise employee incentive to improve OHS and
Safety and Health (Y) variable. Therefore, the study's lower the risk of workplace accidents by providing job
hypothesis (H6) that "Organizational Culture (X1) has a training programs for staff members before, during, and after
positive and significant effect on the Occupational Safety and work. Some of these research variables may be used in
Health variable (Y), which is mediated by Employee subsequent studies, and it is recommended to expand the
Motivation (Z)" is accepted. Ikaningtyas, Al Musadieq, and number of variables by redefining the variables related to
Prasetya's (2019) research findings indicating workplace employee development, education, occupational safety and
safety and health having a unidirectional influence on work health (K3), and training standards. so that it will compare
motivation also support this. The findings of Rizkiono's the findings of this study with those of other related studies.
research from 2017 demonstrate that the impact of work
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