Steel Column

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Project Job Ref.

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S 22-05-2023


In accordance with EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and April 2009 and the Singapore
national annex
Tedds calculation version 1.1.04

Partial factors - Section 6.1

Resistance of cross-sections; M0 = 1
Resistance of members to instability; M1 = 1
Resistance of cross-sections in tension to fracture; M2 = 1.1
RHS 120x60x6.0 (Tata Steel Celsius)
Section depth, h, 120 mm
Section breadth, b, 60 mm
Mass of section, Mass, 15.5 kg/m
Section thickness, t, 6 mm
Area of section, A, 1977 mm2
Radius of gyration about y-axis, iy, 41.787 mm
Radius of gyration about z-axis, iz, 23.862 mm
Elastic section modulus about y-axis, Wel.y, 57548 mm3

Elastic section modulus about z-axis, Wel.z, 37530 mm3

Plastic section modulus about y-axis, Wpl.y, 73627 mm3
Plastic section modulus about z-axis, Wpl.z, 44546 mm3
6 Second moment of area about y-axis, Iy, 3452869 mm4
Second moment of area about z-axis, Iz, 1125908 mm4


Column details
Column section RHS 120x60x6.0
Steel grade S275
Yield strength fy = 275 N/mm2
Ultimate strength fu = 410 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity E = 210 kN/mm2
Poisson’s ratio  = 0.3
Shear modulus G = E / [2  (1 + )] = 80.8 kN/mm2

Column geometry
System length for buckling - Major axis Ly = 4000 mm
System length for buckling - Minor axis Lz = 4000 mm
The column is part of a sway frame in the direction of the minor axis
The column is part of a sway frame in the direction of the major axis
Column loading
Axial load NEd = 15 kN (Compression)
Major axis moment at end 1 - Bottom My,Ed1 = 10.0 kNm
Major axis moment at end 2 - Top My,Ed2 = 0.0 kNm
Major axis bending is single curvature
Minor axis moment at end 1 - Bottom Mz,Ed1 = 0.0 kNm
Minor axis moment at end 2 - Top Mz,Ed2 = 0.0 kNm
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.

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S 22-05-2023

Major axis shear force Vy,Ed = 7 kN

Minor axis shear force Vz,Ed = 0 kN
Buckling length for flexural buckling - Major axis
End restraint factor; Ky = 2.000
Buckling length; Lcr_y = Ly  Ky = 8000 mm

Buckling length for flexural buckling - Minor axis

End restraint factor; Kz = 2.000
Buckling length; Lcr_z = Lz  Kz = 8000 mm

Web section classification (Table 5.2)

Coefficient depending on fy;  = (235 N/mm2 / fy) = 0.924
Depth between fillets; cw = h - 3  t = 102.0 mm
Ratio of c/t; ratiow = cw / t = 17.00
Length of web taken by axial load; lw = min(NEd / (2  fy  t), cw) =4.5 mm
For class 1 & 2 proportion in compression;  = (cw/2 + lw/2) / cw = 0.522
Limit for class 1 web; Limit1w = (396  ) / (13   - 1) = ;63.23
The web is class 1
Flange section classification (Table 5.2)
Depth between fillets; cf = b - 3  t = 42.0 mm
Ratio of c/t; ratiof = cf / t = 7.00

Limit for class 1 flange; Limit1f = 33   = 30.51

Limit for class 2 flange; Limit2f = 38   = 35.13
Limit for class 3 flange; Limit3f = 42   = 38.83
The flange is class 1
Overall section classification
The section is class 1
Resistance of cross section (cl. 6.2)
Shear - Major axis (cl. 6.2.6)
Design shear force; Vy,Ed = 6.5 kN
Shear area; Avy = A  h / (b + h) = ;1318; mm2
Plastic shear resistance; Vpl,y,Rd = Avy  (fy / (3)) / M0 = 209.3 kN
Vy,Ed / Vpl,y,Rd = 0.031
PASS - Shear resistance exceeds the design shear force
Vy,Ed <= 0.5Vpl,y,Rd - No reduction in fy required for bending/axial force

Compression (cl. 6.2.4)

Design force; NEd = 15 kN
Design resistance; Nc,Rd = Npl,Rd = A  fy / M0 = 544 kN
NEd / Nc,Rd = 0.028
PASS - The compression design resistance exceeds the design force
Bending - Major axis (cl. 6.2.5)
Design bending moment; My,Ed = max(abs(My,Ed1), abs(My,Ed2)) = 10.0 kNm
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S 22-05-2023

Section modulus; Wy = Wpl.y = ;73.6; cm3

Design resistance; Mc,y,Rd = Wy  fy / M0 = 20.2 kNm
My,Ed / Mc,y,Rd = 0.494
PASS - The bending design resistance exceeds the design moment
Combined bending and axial force (cl. 6.2.9)
Ratio design axial to design plastic resistance; n = abs(NEd) / Npl,Rd = 0.028
Ratio web area to gross area; aw = min(0.5, (A - 2  b  t) / A) = 0.500
Ratio flange area to gross area; af = min(0.5, (A - 2  h  t) / A) = 0.272

Bending - Major axis (cl.

Design bending moment; My,Ed = max(abs(My,Ed1), abs(My,Ed2)) = 10.0 kNm
Plastic design resistance; Mpl,y,Rd = Wpl.y  fy / M0 = 20.2 kNm
Modified design resistance; MN,y,Rd = Mpl,y,Rd  min(1, (1 - n) / (1 - 0.5  aw)) = 20.2 kNm
My,Ed / MN,y,Rd = 0.494
PASS - Bending resistance in presence of axial load exceeds design moment
Buckling resistance (cl. 6.3)
Yield strength for buckling resistance; fy = 275 N/mm2
Flexural buckling - Major axis
Elastic critical buckling force; Ncr,y = 2  E  Iy / Lcr_y2 = 112 kN
Non-dimensional slenderness; y = (A  fy / Ncr,y) = 2.205
Buckling curve (Table 6.2); a
Imperfection factor (Table 6.1); y = 0.21
Parameter ; y = 0.5  [1 + y  (y - 0.2) +y2] = 3.142
Reduction factor; y = min(1.0, 1 / [y + (y2 -y2)]) = 0.186
Design buckling resistance; Nb,y,Rd = y  A  fy / M1 = 101.1 kN
NEd / Nb,y,Rd = 0.148
PASS - The flexural buckling resistance exceeds the design axial load
Flexural buckling - Minor axis
Elastic critical buckling force; Ncr,z = 2  E  Iz / Lcr_z2 = 36 kN
Non-dimensional slenderness; z = (A  fy / Ncr,z) = 3.862
Buckling curve (Table 6.2); a
Imperfection factor (Table 6.1); z = 0.21
Parameter ; z = 0.5  [1 + z  (z - 0.2) +z2] = 8.341
Reduction factor; z = min(1.0, 1 / [z + (z2 -z2)]) = 0.064
Design buckling resistance; Nb,z,Rd = z  A  fy / M1 = 34.6 kN
NEd / Nb,z,Rd = 0.434
PASS - The flexural buckling resistance exceeds the design axial load
Minimum buckling resistance
Minimum buckling resistance; Nb,Rd = min(Nb,y,Rd, Nb,z,Rd) = 34.6 kN
NEd / Nb,Rd = 0.434
PASS - The axial load buckling resistance exceeds the design axial load
Buckling resistance moment (cl.
Lateral torsional buckling length factor; KLT = 1.00
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.

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S 22-05-2023

Effective buckling length; Lcr_LT = KLT  Lz = 4000 mm

End moment factor;  = My,Ed2 / My,Ed1 = ;0.000
Moment distribution correction factor (Table 6.6); kc = 1 / (1.33 - 0.33  ) = 0.752
C1 = 1 / kc2 = 1.769
Curvature factor; g = [1 - (Iz / Iy)] = 0.821
Poissons ratio;  = 0.3
Shear modulus; G = E / [2  (1 + )] = 80769 N/mm2
Elastic critical buckling moment; Mcr = C1  2  E  Iz  [Lcr_LT2  G  It /(2  E  Iz)]/(Lcr_LT2g)
Mcr = 390.9 kNm
Slenderness ratio for lateral torsional buckling; LT = [Wy  fy / Mcr] =0.228
Limiting slenderness ratio; LT,0 = 0.40
Correction factor for rolled sections; r = 0.75
Buckling curve (Table 6.5); d
Imperfection factor (Table 6.1); LT = 0.76
Parameter LT; LT = 0.5  [1 + LT  (LT -LT,0) +r LT2] = 0.454
Reduction factor; LT = min(1.0, 1/LT2, 1 / [LT + (LT2 - r LT2)]) = 1.000
Modification factor; f = min(1 - 0.5  (1 - kc) [1 - 2  (LT - 0.8)2], 1) = 0.957
Modified LTB reduction factor - eq 6.58; LT,mod = min(LT / f, 1, 1/LT2) = 1.000
Design buckling resistance moment; Mb,Rd = LT,mod  Wy  fy / M1 = 20.2 kNm
Design bending moment; My,Ed = max(abs(My,Ed1), abs(My,Ed2)) = 10.0 kNm
My,Ed / Mb,Rd = 0.494
PASS - The design buckling resistance moment exceeds the maximum design moment
Combined bending and axial compression (cl. 6.3.3)
Characteristic resistance to normal force; NRk = A  fy = 544 kN
Characteristic moment resistance - Major axis; My,Rk = Wpl.y  fy = ;20.2; kNm
Characteristic moment resistance - Minor axis; Mz,Rk = Wpl.z  fy = ;12.3; kNm
Moment factor - Major axis; Cmy = 0.9
Moment factor - Minor axis; Cmz = 0.9
Moment distribution factor for LTB; LT = My,Ed2 / My,Ed1 = ;0.000
Moment factor for LTB; CmLT = max(0.4, 0.6 + 0.4  LT) = 0.600
Interaction factor kyy; kyy = Cmy  [1 + min(0.8,y - 0.2)  NEd / (y  NRk / M1)] = 1.007
Interaction factor kzy; kzy = 1 - min(0.1, 0.1 z)NEd / ((CmLT - 0.25)(z  NRk/M1)) = ;0.876
Interaction factor kzz; kzz = Cmz  [1 + min(0.8,z - 0.2)  NEd / (z  NRk / M1)] = ;1.213
Interaction factor kyz; kyz = 0.6  kzz = 0.728
Section utilisation; URB_1 = NEd / (y  NRk / M1) + kyy  My,Ed / (LT  My,Rk / M1) + kyz  Mz,Ed / (Mz,Rk / M1)
URB_1 = 0.646
URB_2 = NEd / (z  NRk / M1) + kzy  My,Ed / (LT  My,Rk / M1) + kzz  Mz,Ed / (Mz,Rk / M1)
URB_2 = 0.867
PASS - The buckling resistance is adequate

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