Use of English 2 Term

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1. Complete the text with the words below. There are more words than you need. (10 points)
appeals to ■ audience ■ hit the big time ■ venue ■ catchy ■ debate ■ need to ■
performance recording ■ stunning ■ subject ■ compose

Spanish singer Rosalía astonished her British fans with an outstanding live 1............................... . The
.............................. for the concert was an old building very different from the stadiums where she
usually performs. Like Shakira, she is a Spanish-speaking singer whose music 3...............................
fans in Britain and the United States. Now she has 4............................... , as she is on a world tour. Her
success is well-deserved. She is a great entertainer who wears 5............................... costumes, but she
is also a very talented singer. When she performs, she sometimes asks the 6............................... to be
as quiet as possible. You leave the concert singing her 7............................. tunes, but Rosalía’s music
has a serious message too. The8............................. of her song, De aquí no sales, is about the threats a
man makes to a woman and her 9............................... escape from the situation. Through songs like
this, she is making a major impact on the 10............................... about how to stop violence towards
women in society.

2. Rewrite the sentences using words which contain the prefixes below. ( 5 points)
mis- ■ re- ■ over- ■ under- ■ mega-
1. Sorry, I thought I heard you say something completely different.
2. They’re going to build that bridge again.
3. There were crowds of people on the train.
4. She dreams of becoming one of the most famous stars in the world.
5. I don’t think I’m being paid as much as I should be.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below. Use a prefix when necessary.
(10 points)
think ■ obey ■ bytes ■ catch ■ approve ■ visible ■ demand ■ estimate ■ deliver ■
1 Athletes should never .......................................................... their opponents.
2 If you train a dog properly, it will be ................................................ .
3 How many ................................................ does your new computer have?
4 Our plan isn’t working. We need to .............................. it.
5 The weather in Britain is .................................................. . It can be sunny one minute and cloudy the
6 My parents, who are quite conservative, ......................................................................... of tattoos.
7 She is under a lot of pressure because her job is .......................................................................... .
8 I can’t stop singing this song. It’s so .............................................................................. .
9 Everything purchased on this site includes free ....................................................... .
10 The ............................................................... Man is a film about a murderer who nobody can see

4. Complete the sentences with a suitable continuation. Pay attention to the words in bold. ( 5 points)
1 I hope there will be a remake of .................................................................................................. .
2 In my opinion the film was overrated. It ....................................................................................... .
3 Do you know who stars in........................................................................................................... ?
4 I felt like an outsider when .......................................................................................................... .
5 I thought it was so touching when .......................................................................................................

5. Rewrite the sentences using the word in brackets. Include a modal or modal perfect. (20 points)
1. Perhaps he will be the winner this year. (win) .................................................................................
2. Do you mind opening the window?
(open) .................................................................................................
3. I regret making that decision. (not) ............................................................................................................
4. I’m sure the shop hasn’t closed yet. (still) ..................................................................................................
5. It would be a good idea if we bought Mum a tablet for her birthday. (buy)
6. I couldn’t finish the exercise. (able) .........................................................................................................
7. It’s impossible that this story was true. (can't) ....................................................................................
8. My advice is for you to get a new guitar. (get) ...................................................................................
9. I’m sure Dan’s dad got the tickets for him.(must) ...............................................................................
10.You left home too late. (should) .......................................................................................................

7. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. When there is no verb, use a
relative pronoun. (10 points)
If you want to play a role in saving the environment, you should start doing something in your own
community. That is what teenager Ralyn Satidtanasarn, 1. ............................................. is also known as
‘Lilly’, has done. Since the age of eight, Lilly 2. .................................................... (work) hard to clean the
seas and rivers in her home country of Thailand. Her activism3 ....................................... (begin) at the age
of eight after a family holiday in southern Thailand. Horrified to see a beach that 4.
.................................................... (cover) in rubbish, she and her family cleaned up the beach, but as soon
as they came back the next day, the litter 5.
........................................................................ (return).

Thailand is the sixth largest global contributor to ocean pollution. Thais use 3,000 single use bags per year,
12 times more than someone from the European Union. Inspired by teen activist Greta Thunberg, Lilly led
6. 7.
a campaign ......................................................... quickly gathered public support. By June 2019, she
........................................ free plastic bags ......................................... (ban) by the country’s largest
supermarket chain. The breaking point came after a baby dugong, one of Thailand’s iconic animals,
........................................................................ (discover) dead with a stomach full of plastic. This heart-
breaking discovery prompted the government to ban all single-use plastic usage by the year 2022.
Perhaps this change 9.
......................................... (might / not happen) if not for the efforts of Lilly and many
of her supporters. It is proof that young people around the world ..................................... (able to / make)
a change.

8. Rewrite the sentences below using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Do not change the
meaning of the original sentence. ( 5 POINTS)
1. Our team hasn’t won a game for six months! (ago)
2 . This will be my first time in Paris. (never)
3. I will finish the project tomorrow. (yet)
4. Brian sent us an e-mail a moment ago. (just)
5. The last time I spoke to Lee was last week. (for)

9. Complete the sentences using the Future Perfect Simple or Future Continuous. Do not
change the meaning of the original sentence. (7 POINTS)
1. I will call you sometime before nine o’clock.
I ........................................................................................................................................ by nine o’clock.
2. They will start working today and won’t finish for seven days.
They ............................................................................................................................................ all week.
3. I will visit Australia when I’m in my 20s.
I .................................................................................................................................... by the time I’m 30.
4 Don’t phone between 7.00 and 8.00. That’s when we always have dinner.
We .............................................................................. between 7.00 and 8.00, so please don’t phone then.
5. It’s 4 pm. Tomorrow our flight leaves at 3 pm, and we’ll be in New York by 8 pm.
It’s 4 pm. This time tomorrow, ............................................................................................... to New York.
6. I’ll buy a new laptop before you visit.
I ................................................................................................................................. by the time you visit.
7. Do you think they’ll deliver the 3D printer before Saturday?
Do you think they ........................................................................................................... by the weekend?

10. Combine the sentences into one single sentence using relative clauses. (8 POINTS)
1. My flat is in an old part of the city. It was built in the 1920s.
2. There are lots of bars and restaurants in the neighbourhood. I live in the neighbourhood.
3. My neighbour comes from Ecuador. He works on the fruit farms around the city.
4. The neighbour makes a lot of noise walking around. His flat is above mine.
5. The traffic is also very noisy. It passes my flat.
6. The local market sells excellent local products. It is a two-minute walk from my flat.
7. Mary is having a child. She lives two flats away from us.
8. Lucas is my best friend. I have known Lucas since I was a child.

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