Beach Head
Beach Head
Beach Head
Acrobatics dex
HIT DICE HIT POINTS Temp Death saves
Arts and Crafts
14 +2 hp
+5 +8 5d12 65 (DR3) Success
Athletics str ● ●
Computers int Spent Damage
Deception cha
16 +3 +3
Endurance con Proficiency
Defense Initiative Passive
Insight wis Perception
3 17 +3 13
16 +3 +6 Mechanics int
Perception wis ● +3 ●
12 +1 +1 Performance cha
Persuasion cha ● +2
WISDOM Security int
Equipment Proficiences
Sleight of Hand dex ● Basic
11 0 0 Social Sciences int
● Advanced Historical Improvised
Stealth dex ● +6
CHARISMA Streetwise wis
● Military
Survival wis ●
8 -1 -1 Vehicles dex ●
Weapon: Rifle, assault Rounds 30 PV Attack Damage
Bonus & Damage Type
Properties Reload Bonus 3
Proficiency Expertise
Burst 3, Full-auto, Loud, Restricted, Two-handed
Range 900 1,800
6 1d12+3
shortcut TALENTS & feats Weapon: Pistol, 9mm semi Rounds 21 PV Attack Damage
Military solidarity Properties Reload Bonus 2 Bonus & Damage Type
Extra effort
Armor: Medium Balistic Vest Armor Value
Properties p.235 armor saving throw 3
Advance combat training
Fortune's Fool (Feat p.182) (reroll 3x/jour) VEHICLE: GI Joe Hangar p.170 Top Spd AV
Body DMG
Blown Tires STR DEX CON
Loss of Control
Loss of Power
TALENTS & feats Plans & Tricks
Special Feature: Military Solidarity. You gain Beach-Head is a tough-as-nails US Army Ranger, with
advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and indomitable will, high pain tolerance and excellent military
Charisma (Intimidation) checks when interacting gear.
with members of the armed forces. Sometimes I think it's all an act. Beach head is the most
unpleasant person I've ever met. He doesn't wear
Payback (Level 1). You gain a +2 bonus on one deodorant, he gets in your face more than your gilfriend,
attack roll against an opponent who has damaged and he spits when he talks. Not that he ever talks. He
you since the end of your last turn. You can use this yells. And it's always insults. Maybe I'm fooling myself.
talent once during your turn. You can decide to use Maybe I want to think it's an act because I have to believe
Payback after making your attack roll, but before the only way someone can be that awful is on purpose."
determining the result.
Half the battle
Though the threat Cobra posed to the world had
Tough as Nails (Level 2). You gain damage supposedly been defused, they had come back with a
reduction (against all damage types) equal to your vengeance. Cobra had almost taken over the whole of
proficiency bonus. (DR3) the United States – almost, in that there were but a
handful of Joes standing in their way. After this event,
Fighting Spirit (Level 1). You can take the Second Wayne was invited back onto the G.I. Joe team.
Wind action as a bonus action.
His current duties involve training most of the new
’greenshirts’ on the team, helping them to become as
Watch Your Six (Level 1). You gain a +1 bonus to effective as the existing Joes are at the many things they
your Defense. do. And, since Sergeant Slaughter is now living the good
life as a pro wrestler, he’s helping his fellow, older Joes to
Extra Effort (Level 3). By pushing yourself to the KEEP in shape, as well…!
limit, you can take an additional action during your
turn. You can do this only once before you finish a
short or long rest. Carried equipment
Soldier pack
Grenadier (Level 3). You can draw, arm, and throw
a grenade as a bonus action. You must have a free Assault carbine rifle
hand or already be holding the grenade to do this. 9 mm semi-auto pistol
combat knife
Advanced Combat Training (Level 5). Once during
your turn, when you take the Attack action, you can 2 fragmentation grenades
make two attacks as part of that action. armor: heavy ballistic vest
Soldier's Kit p.137
2 minor FEATS or a Major: Fortune's Fool (Major)
Reroll three attacks, saving throws, or ability checks
per day
HERO ID back
G.I. Joe
Kill, or be killed
Ancestry unknown
Quirks Egotistical
Flaws Remorseless killer
Role Soldier
marital status His policy of personal excellence helped him to win one
prestigious position after another in the Army. First he
pronouns Fuck you became a Ranger, then an instructor at the Army’s Ranger
School at Fort Benning. He’s earned numerous special
awards due to his exacting service over the years.
Yo Joe !
Notes His exemplary performance earned him a position on the
military’s ever-expanding elite G.I. Joe team. There, he
immediately saw combat on a mission to Cobra Island
designed to rescue an errant Ripcord from a
reconnaissance mission gone wrong. He fought several
Cobra Eels there, alongside Wet-Suit and Hawk.
Wayne served with the Joe team for the long haul, only
leaving them when the group was disbanded back in ’94.
He returned to the Army at this time, presumably performing
duties similar to those he left behind when he was first
admitted to the team. Of course, this was not to last.
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