Subsea Pipelines Pre Commissioning 1687771720
Subsea Pipelines Pre Commissioning 1687771720
Subsea Pipelines Pre Commissioning 1687771720
Document Number:
Rev No. Rev Date Reason for Issue Prepared Checked Approved
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
This document is a reference tool which describes the technical activities and challenges that can be
encountered within pipeline and subsea pre-commissioning projects.
Although the information is not exhaustive, it should work as an aid to assist with decisions about seeking
technical expertise and guidance. The company can identify all aspects within pre-commissioning projects to
ensure projects are safe, efficient, planned, controlled and managed.
Abbreviation Description
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
DnV Det Norske Veritas
FPSO Floating Production, Storage And Offloading
ID Internal Diameter
IMS Integrated Management System
MEG Monoethylene Glycol
OEUKL Offshore Energy Group and its companies
PIG Pipeline Internal Gauge
PLETs Pipeline End Terminations
PLRs Pig launcher / receivers
Pounds per square inch absolute (pressure relative to a vacuum rather than the
ambient atmospheric pressure)
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
UV Ultra Violet Light
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
Pre-commissioning is generally considered to include the preparation and integrity verification of any system
or structure upon completion of construction / installation and prior to commissioning.
In relation to subsea pipeline or flow-line systems, these are often laid dry and include the facility to perform
pre-commissioning activities. As part of the pipe lay process, the initiation and laydown heads may include
suitable connections to allow launch and receipt of pre-loaded pigs. Other systems where pipeline end
terminations or similar are installed these also generally allow for the provision and connection of subsea pig
launchers and receivers to assist in pre-commissioning.
Pre-commissioning includes all or a combination of operations to allow the pipeline or system to be cleaned,
internally gauged, pressure tested and dewatered and / or dried. Sometimes there can be a final operation to
prepare the pipeline for product by introducing an ‘inert’ nitrogen blanket in preparation for hydrocarbon
production, however this is often considered to be a commissioning activity. De-commissioning can also be
considered within the realms of the pre-commissioning discipline, importantly allowing preparation of existing
systems or infrastructure for maintenance, shut-down or preservation.
As in all areas of the oil and gas industry, safety is paramount. Many pre-commissioning activities involve
pressure and stored energy in various forms. Chemicals are often used which creates a potentially hazardous
environment and work place. Risk assessments are carried out for all activities for pre-commissioning and
operations must follow a procedure that is approved by the client. In the event of any deviation or change, the
same process must be followed. Barriers at a safe distance and signs to clearly identify the work being
performed are a minimum precaution in all cases.
There are numerous descriptions used for generic pre-commissioning methods; however, the information that
follows can be used as a guide. Offshore Energy can provide expertise in the area of pre-commissioning and
should be contacted for further detailed or technical support.
In order to ensure an accurate technical understanding of any pipeline or process system, a number of
generally available client or industry supplied key documents should be provided to allow review of the pre-
commissioning activities:
Offshore Energy can provide technical expertise to allow clients to benefit from the operational advantages of
pre-commissioning at every stage of a project. This service can include the preparation or review of key
documents in order to achieve safe, compliant and timely project objectives. Our aim is to incorporate client
expectations and the requirements of relevant codes in the design / construction programme. Additionally, we
endeavour to provide support for any technical challenges. A technical review can be performed to ensure that
the pre-commissioning / decommissioning elements are identified or clarified as necessary.
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
Flooding / filling
Progressive cleaning
Gauging / calliper / internal geometry checking
Testing / Integrity Testing / Hydrotesting / Pressure Testing / Factory Acceptance Testing
Leak Testing
Nitrogen filling, inerting or purging
Nitrogen packing
The available technologies are extensive and ever-changing; the range of products available from many of
these suppliers is extensive and products can be highly technical. Therefore, Offshore Energy discipline
specialists add value with their up to date knowledge about industry suppliers.
Pigs are normally used to remove debris, provide an interface or ensure a tight seal between any chosen
propelling and filling medium. For example, most pipelines are laid in a dry condition and therefore contain
only air in their initial ‘as laid’ state. To ensure that a successful filling, cleaning, gauging and testing operation
can be performed, the use of mechanical pigs is essential. Depending on the filling and cleaning specification,
single or multiple pigs (“pig trains”) can be used. The methods for storing and launching the pigs are numerous,
and often temporary pig launcher / receivers are manufactured to facilitate this on a project by project basis.
Also, existing structures or new fabricated structures can be pre-loaded with pigs prior to installation to remove
the requirement for fabricating temporary launchers.
Pigs can be used very effectively in pre-commissioning operations to provide a tight, sealed interface between
the propelling mediums used. Pigs are chosen using the design and internal dimension criteria as identified in
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
Figure 1 above. The effect of choosing a pig that does not consider all aspects of the pipeline components and
any anomalies introduces a high risk of possible “stuck pig” situation, and should be avoided at all costs. If the
internal diameters are unknown, or are in any doubt, a foam type pig may be chosen to ensure successful
negotiation of the pipeline system prior to the introduction of mechanical pigs.
A typical subsea pig launcher combined as a laydown / initiation head is shown below:
Some of the many types of mechanical and foam pigs, along with their application, are detailed below:
Standard Separation / Flooding Pig: This is a basic pig body fitted with a standard seal arrangement.
Brush Pig: This pig is fitted with wire brushes to allow internal cleaning of the pipe to remove loose mill
scale in non-internally coated pipelines.
Magnetic Pig: This pig is fitted with multiple magnets located in the central space of the pig and
normally follows the above brush pig to collect ferrous debris and mill scale.
Gauging Pig: This pig is fitted with circular aluminium gauging plate, normally 95% - 97% of the
smallest internal diameter of the pipeline. This is used to confirm that no buckles exist in the pipeline.
The plate is designed to bend should it encounter a buckle or restriction in the pipeline internal
Calliper Pig: This is sometimes used instead of a gauge plate. This type of device would normally
include electronic sensors that accurately measure and record the internal diameter of the pipeline
along its entire measured length. Upon recovery of the pig, the recorded data can be downloaded and
analysed to confirm the presence of buckles or anomalies.
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
High Seal Pig: These can be configured to include a multiple high seal or pressure withholding
capability and can be used to act as a highly effective dewatering device, pressure barrier or interface.
Foam Pigs: These are available in various densities of foam (low, medium, high) and can be used in
applications where the passage of the pig may be hampered or restricted due to unknown factors such
as high debris presence, multiple or unknown diameters, or even as a means to dislodge a stuck pig.
The sealing capability of foam pigs is not highly effective and therefore bypass occurs to a much higher
degree than a mechanical pig (see below).
Intelligent Pig: These are highly advanced and sometimes multiple bodied (articulated) pigs that can
be used to measure many of the pipeline internal parameters. These include advanced versions of the
Calliper pigs mentioned above. Intelligent pigs are available that have multiple sensors to allow highly
complex internal measurement and even Magnetic Particle Inspection of an entire pipeline.
Multi-diameter Mechanical Pig: These can be designed to negotiate multiple known diameters in
pipelines. A highly effective sealing capability can be maintained using these devices as part of an
engineered solution. All diameters must be known to ensure sealing characteristics are maintained.
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
Bearing in mind the complexity of some projects and if multiple pipelines are involved, all pigs supplied should
be given a unique number which allows it to be identified for a particular application and its intended location
and position in the pig train. Further information should also be included on the pig body, such as direction of
flow to minimise the risk of error during loading.
Tracking devices can be fitted to pigs. These are useful in a number of ways, for example to confirm launch or
receipt of a pig, and also allow tracking should a stuck pig situation be encountered. The transmitter systems
used can be varied depending on the propelling medium. Acoustic pig tracking devices are normally used in a
water or liquid environment, while electromagnetic tracking devices are used in air environments. Other
tracking systems are available which use magnetic sensors and radioactive isotopes to provide greater
sensitivity and, therefore, accuracy. Tracking devices are normally mounted in the central core of the pig body
and often require the transmitter segment (shown in gold below) to extend from the end of the pig to allow for
best possible signal strength. The actual tracking equipment available is either diver held, ROV-mounted or
deployed over the side. The illustration below shows typical public domain equipment (acoustic pinger /
Pre-commissioning operations normally start with a flooding operation. This satisfies the requirement for
cleaning, gauging and hydro testing and is generally performed by filtering the fill medium with chemically
treated sea water. The critical point of this operation is to ensure that the fill operation is completed at the
specified rate (generally 0.5 metres / second pig speed), using suitably efficient filters and also that the
chemical treatment is completed to the specified concentrations using a client approved product.
The generally accepted fill rate for pipelines is based upon an optimum pigging speed of 0.5 metres per second
and therefore, any equipment spread used to perform the fill and chemical treatment operation must be
capable of achieving this flow rate at the point of injection into the pipeline. Any nozzles or connection points
to a subsea pipeline or structure must consider this to ensure correct sizing to achieve the required pre-
commissioning flow rates.
Indicative information from design code DNV OFS101 2007, Section 10 (O 400):
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
401 Cleaning and gauging may be combined with the initial flooding of the pipeline, be run as a separate
operation, or be combined with the weld sphere removal after completion of hyperbaric tie-in.
402 Appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that any suspended and dissolved substances in the fluid
used for this operation are compatible with the pipe material and internal coating (if applied), and that deposits
are not formed within the pipeline.
403 Water to be used for flooding should have a minimum quality corresponding to filtration through be filtered
to remove suspended particles larger than a 50μm and filter, and should have an average content of
suspended matters not exceeding 20 g/m3.
404 If water quality or the water source is unknown, water samples shall be analysed and suitable actions shall
be taken to remove and/or inhibit harmful substances.
405 If water is to remain in the pipeline for an extended period of time, consideration shall be given to control
of bacterial growth and internal corrosion by chemical treatment (see Sec.6 D302).
406 Added corrosion inhibitors, any chemical additives like oxygen scavengers, biocides, dyes, etc. shall be
considered for possible harmful interactions selected to ensure full compatibility and their impact on the
environment during and after disposal of the test water shall be considered.
The information above is consistent with other design codes and provides basic guidance regarding pre-
commissioning. It should be considered as the minimum standard for pre-commissioning activities on a new
pipeline / system. Further specialist advice can be provided by Offshore Energy.
The use of chemicals is a common requirement to almost every pipeline flooding operation. It is important to
ensure that this aspect of the work is performed accurately and in line with client requirements. Chemicals
provide corrosion and bacterial protection; the concentration of chemicals to be injected will be specified by
the client based on a protection / preservation period for the pipeline while it remains filled with seawater or
fresh-water (as required).
There is a small risk of finding installation damage to a pipeline or structure during the pre-commissioning
phase and therefore, the chemical protection period is normally 12 months or longer. This ensures that
sufficient protection time is allowed for any potential delay during repairs or remedial work. The use of dye is
critical to the future pressure testing operation in that it provides a visible means of identifying a leak. The use
of dye allows for ROV inspection of subsea pipelines / systems during the test period. The dye is generally
fluorescent and allowance is made for a suitably compatible UV (black) light to be fitted to ROV for this purpose.
The cleaning of pipelines as part of the pre-commissioning operations is critical to ensure the quality of the
product or service fluid for the pipeline. Furthermore, the potential for a clear and undamaged gauging
operation could be affected by any larger debris material that is not removed from the pipeline. This is critical
to construction activities and subsequently, to vessel time.
i) The client should accept a single pass cleaning operation which is based upon an approved
operational procedure.
ii) Any stipulation allowing clients to reject a cleaning operation or require further cleaning should be
iii) The means or methods to prove a pipeline is clean are infinitely variable and therefore risk
mitigation is paramount.
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
iv) Internally coated pipelines should be given special consideration in relation to use of mechanical
cleaning pigs. The manufacturing materials for the pigs should be reviewed against the internal
pipe coatings to ensure that no damage to the coating could be incurred.
A typical pipeline design code DNV OFS101 2007, Section 10 (O 407) relates to the cleaning operation:
Gauging of the pipeline or system is critical for a number of reasons. From a client perspective, gauging is
normally performed to ensure that the pipeline is suitable for future pigging operations once production is
commenced. This allows them to maintain production at optimum levels and ensures that they can launch and
receive pigs to remove any build-up of wax or debris. From a construction aspect, it is important to confirm to
the client that the pipeline or system has been laid and tied in without any damage or buckling. Should a gauge
plate be received in a damaged state, it causes delays while the parties discuss the potential explanations and
possible remediation.
A standard gauging pig is normally fitted with an aluminium gauging plate. This is normally mounted toward
the rear of the last pig in a flooding, cleaning, gauging train. A typical client specification in relation to the gauge
plate is shown below:
Gauge pigs shall be identical to cleaning pigs and the pigs shall include a gauge plate mounted in front of the
last set of sealing discs with two sets of separate guiding and sealing discs. Gauge plates shall be machined
aluminium 6 – 10mm thick and removable. The plate should have 8 radial slotted incisions at 45 degree
intervals to allow the plate to buckle in the presence of a bore reduction, ovality or foreign debris. The leading
edge shall be chamfered 45° to half the plate thickness. Each gauge plate shall be permanently marked with
a unique identifier before insertion into the pipeline. Gauging pigs shall be fitted with a pig detector and its
position in the line monitored. Gauge plates shall be 95% of the minimum nominal ID of the pipeline.
In the event pipeline or flowline system ID is not constant throughout, guide disks shall be slotted to
ensure pig will negotiate ID variations. In such case, number of slots, number of guide disks and
orientation of slots in the guide disk shall be determined by approved pig supplier.
In the event of Multi-ID lines, alternative methods for gauging to be proposed and accepted by client
Pipeline gauging is one of the more technical aspects of pigging. The client specification above describes what
is considered to be the base case for gauging of a pipeline, but there are many other options available and
they cover a wide range of electronic equipment and data recording capability. Below are a few examples of
what is available, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
input. Any deflection of the gauge plate during the gauging run will result the electrical circuit being broken.
This breakage will cause the pinger to change modes confirming damage to the gauge plate.
The principle behind this system is that by using modified aluminium gauging plate attached to the pig, damage
to the plate is indicated by the acoustic pinger. Initially, the pinger will be operating in a standby mode which
means it will be pinging once every four seconds on a predetermined frequency. On detection of damage to
the gauge plate, the pinger will switch to a mode where it will ping once every second and when used in
conjunction with topside or vessel based pinger receiver, it provides remote monitoring. Alternatively, the
receiver unit can be ROV-mounted.
Advantages: This unit would work well in most straight forward situations where damage is unlikely to occur
on a pipeline gauging run. It allows the pig receiver containing the gauge pig to remain in place on the seabed
if the pinger status indicates no damage. This saves on operational time and therefore, vessel time.
Disadvantages: The system does not show the possible location of damage. This is similar to a standard
gauge plate. Pumping and pressure data would have to be closely reviewed to identify possible point of impact.
Advantage: Calliper pigs provide an extensive record of the internal pipe detail along entire length.
Disadvantage: Units are not bi-directional; back-loading into heads often requires additional planning and
cost. If pig launchers and receivers are to be preloaded with pigs, a tether system will be requires to switch the
unit on during launch sequence.
Advantage: Bi-directional. Records similar data to a Calliper Pg. They are less likely to be damaged due to
polyurethane mounting of sensors in place of calliper arms.
Disadvantage: Does not record all data along the full length of line. Does not have odometer and therefore to
calculate exact location of any damage, the recorded data has to be compared against the pumping data.
As described in the previous section, pre-commissioning operations generally follow the same sequence of
events in order to prove the integrity of a pipeline or flow line system from completion of installation and prior
to start up / commissioning.
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
The following information summarises the operational methods used to complete the pre-commissioning
operations. Prior to the commencement of operations for offshore projects, it is often a requirement to pre-load
all required pigs into the pig launchers to meet the pipe lay schedule.
The water depth, system diameter and fill volume will play an important role on the choice of equipment to be
used for a given project. In shallow water (0-300m) a topside / vessel-based equipment spread is likely to be
more efficient and cost effective as long as sufficient deck space is available to locate the equipment.
All equipment used should be suitably designed and fully certified for offshore operations and additional care
should be taken if hazardous environment (Zone 2) is identified for equipment. Consideration should be given
to ensure that contingency capabilities and spare parts are available for all equipment.
Break tank
Sized to ensure at least five (5) minutes of flow at the required minimum rate
Weight allowances for deck plans must consider the tank in a full condition
Fuel tank
May be necessary depending on expected duration of continuous operation and the fuel tank size of
any diesel driven equipment
Flooding pump(s)
Sized to ensure sufficient flow to achieve the minimum pigging speed and the maximum expected
Filter skid
Sized to be capable of flow rate at maximum requirement for intended operations
As an alternative to the topside based equipment spread described above, some companies can provide a
subsea based or remote flooding and testing system. This is advantageous where restricted deck space is
available and also for deep water operations (+300m), where longer hoses make handling and deployments
more difficult and less effective.
The remote systems are highly effective where the pipe-lay operation has been completed with the pipe
remaining empty. The design of the units allows for three main operations to be performed:
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
The remote unit is pre-filled filled with the relevant chemicals and set up on deck for the intended pipeline
operation. It is then deployed to within a few metres of the connection point to the pipeline / pig launcher. A
hose or loading arm is installed from the remote unit to the pipeline connection. The ROV lands itself on a
control bed on top of the remote unit; this allows the ROV to operate valves to initiate operation. For unassisted
flow, the ROV will connect a hydraulic supply from its own hydraulic system to power the remote unit boost
Unassisted flow is created by connecting the remote module to the pipeline connector or pig launcher.
Unassisted flow uses the ambient static head at water depth to provide sea water flow into the remote module
and onward into the pipeline. The remote module is basically a filtration, chemical injection, flow control system.
The differential pressure between the empty pipeline and subsea ambient is used as a driving medium for the
flooding / pigging operation. During these operations the flow will be equalised with static head and at that
point, assisted flow is required to complete the operation. This situation normally occurs when the operation is
90% complete.
Assisted flow requires the ROV to land on the control bed on top of the remote unit and connects its hydraulic
system via a stab connector. This allows the ROV hydraulic power to drive a boost pump built into the remote
unit. The display on the remote unit indicates the pumping parameters, allowing the ROV to complete the
operation using this method. This method can also be used to drive a hydro-test pump built into the remote
unit to allow subsea testing operations to be completed.
The illustration below shows a typical remote unit (right) connected to a flowline PLET:
In order to comply with the design code and industry standards, all pipelines and subsea systems associated
with pipelines are hydro-tested and the pressure held for approximately 24 hours.
The basis of this test is to ensure that the integrity of the system is complete, and that its pressure retaining
capabilities exceed the intended operating parameters of the pipeline or system. A common specification for
the testing pressure is 1.25 or 1.5 times the design pressure of the pipeline. The hold period of 24 hours allows
sufficient time for even small leaks to be evident as a pressure drop. Other factors that can affect the pressure
in the pipeline such as temperature change and elevation are also considered. The use of valves to isolate a
system is generally avoided as this increases the leak potential increases significantly.
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
Due to the fact that the hydro test is generally achieved at above the design pressure, precautions are taken
to ensure that the pipeline is pressurised, monitored and given time to stabilise at key stages during the
pressurisation phase. Typically, the pressurisation rate of a pipeline system is 1 Barg per minute up to 95% of
test pressure. From 95 – 100% it is reduced to 0.1 Barg. This change in pressurisation rate is known to assist
in stabilisation of the test once the final hold pressure is attained.
The accuracy of pressure monitoring equipment is critical during a hydro test and therefore, the accuracy and
sensitivity of the equipment is much higher than for other pre-commissioning activities such as flooding or
As previously described, the flooding of a pipeline using pigs is critical to the testing operation in order to avoid
any air content during hydro testing operations. High air content is an unacceptable and potentially dangerous
situation during a pressure test as the compressible nature of air would cause massive damage should a
rupture or failure occur during a hydro-test. Typically, a maximum 0.1% air content is set as the acceptance
criteria. The air content is measured at around 35% of test pressure and always above a pressure of 35 Barg
Once the system or pipeline is at test pressure, a hold period commences to ascertain the stability of the
system. After pressurisation, it often takes a few hours or more for the pressure to stabilise and allow the
24hour hold period to commence. During the hold period, data is recorded to ensure that the subsea
temperature and pipeline pressure is known for the entire period. To achieve an acceptable test, the pressure
must be maintained for a 24 hour period without any unexplainable pressure drop. In other words no leaks are
allowed, and therefore if a pressure change occurs it must be accountable by change in temperature or other
explanation. Throughout the test period, checks for leaks are carried out at all locations. In relation pipelines it
is not often that leaks are found along the pipeline length. In most cases, any leaks are found at tie-in in or
structure locations. Time should be allowed to perform leak checks in these locations.
Once a successful test period is achieved and client acceptance has been obtained, depressurisation is
commenced to reduce the pressure in the system back to zero.
If leaks are indicated and subsequently located during the test period, the leaking section must be isolated and
depressurised before any remedial works are completed. If isolation is not possible, the entire system must be
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
As previously described, it is also possible to utilise remote subsea equipment to perform a pressure test. This
utilises the ROV hydraulic power to energise the hydraulic pressurising pump and avoids the requirement for
long down lines. It also allows the vessel to move to other work during the hold period. Below is an illustration
of a subsea test arrangement using remote testing equipment:
Leak testing is treated differently to the 24 hour integrity testing as detailed in the previous section. The basis
of a leak test is to visually check for external leaks whilst maintaining the test pressure. Often the hold period
for a leak test will be one hour but this will be dependent on the complexity of the system. In some cases, a
leak test period of six hours or more may be required.
Leak testing operations normally include valve isolations and therefore, a completely leak tight system is often
not possible. This is acceptable by maintaining the pressure at or above the test pressure during the entire
hold period. If valves are passing through the cavities, it is difficult to quantify this and therefore, it is not part
of the acceptance criteria (which is normally ‘no visible leaks whilst maintaining the system above test
Equipment and instrumentation for leak testing is generally very similar to that used for hydro-testing.
Pressurisation and depressurisation rates will often be less stringent depending on the complexity of the
In all cases, during a pressure test situation any leaks must be isolated and the pressure vented prior to any
remedial works being carried out. If the individual section cannot be isolated, the entire system must be
depressurised. Client acceptance must always be obtained prior to depressurisation.
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
The presence of a static head should always be reviewed when dewatering will be carried out. Often in an
offshore situation, the highest pressure required during the dewatering operation will be the final pressure
required to propel the pigs from the bottom of a riser system up to a platform or Floating Production, Storage
and Offloading vessel. The static head applied in this instance, as well as the other factors of friction loss in
hoses, water depth, etc., will dictate the output specification of the compressed air / dewatering package.
If there is a potential for hydrate or if the system is intended for use with hydrocarbon gas, there will be a
requirement to dewater and condition the system. In this situation, the dewatering spread will be required to
produce dry air; generally the dryness will be -30 to -40°C. Anything dryer will require specialist drying
equipment or nitrogen gas instead of compressed air.
The conditioning element of the dewatering process is achieved with an antifreeze product within a pig train,
such as methanol or glycol. A common antifreeze product is monoethylene glycol (MEG). Antifreeze products
create an interface during the dewatering process between the chemically treated seawater in the pipeline and
the propelling medium of the dewatering pig train. Typically, two or three slugs of MEG will be used to ensure
that a minimum water presence remains within the pipeline after dewatering. By using this method, any liquid
film that remains on the pipe wall from the dewatering operation will be a MEG film and ensure hydrate
A typical dewatering spread will consist of three or five pigs depending on the length of pipeline and the
required residual concentration of hydrate inhibition. A sample five pig subsea to subsea dewatering /
conditioning train is below:
o Seawater
Pig 1
o Dry Air / Nitrogen Slug
Pig 2
o MEG Slug
Pig 3
o MEG Slug
Pig 4
o MEG Slug
Pig 5
o Dry Air / Nitrogen
The number of pigs specified and should be considered at the review stage to ensure that allowance is made
for the provision of the materials, chemicals, storage, deck space, etc., as well as the schedule or time
allowance to complete the pig loading, launching and dewatering / conditioning operations.
Doc Title: Pre-Commissioning Overview: Pipelines
In some instances, client requirements may include the use of nitrogen as well as dry, compressed air
dewatering. The introduction of nitrogen into the conditioning scenario will add to the level and type of
equipment required. If the volume of nitrogen is very small, it is possible that nitrogen bottles or quads may be
sufficient. For pipelines or flow lines there are basically two options for nitrogen gas injection: cryogenic
nitrogen and membrane nitrogen.
Option 1 - Cryogenic (liquid) nitrogen is stored in special offshore rated tanks, and requires careful handling
and storage considerations. The liquid is extremely cold in its liquid form (-196°C); suitable deck and ventilation
precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of the vessel and its personnel.
Nitrogen is inert and therefore free of oxygen, so enclosed spaces and restricted air flow should be a
consideration and access should be restricted accordingly. Open vessel deck areas would not normally pose
any problems once suitable deck covering (in the form of scaffold boards and a watertight layer) is installed.
Any high potential high volume discharge or venting points should be routed to a safe area away from areas
where personnel are working.
Cryogenic nitrogen pumps are used to inject the nitrogen and along with the nitrogen storage tanks, must be
factored into deck plans, equipment spread rates, etc. Liquid nitrogen storage tanks generally hold an
equivalent of 150,000 – 250,000 standard cubic feet (4.300 - 7,000 SM³) of gas and during the dewatering
operations, tanks movements may be necessary. If large volumes of nitrogen are needed, the use of
membrane nitrogen may be more appropriate. The logistics of moving multiple loads of nitrogen, as well as
the weather dependency of rotating full and empty tanks from an onshore nitrogen supply point, cost escalation
and the potential for delay, make liquid nitrogen less suitable in these circumstances.
Option 2 – Membrane nitrogen uses a completely different process for producing and delivering the nitrogen
gas. It is produced via membrane units which are normally part of a containerised unit. The basis of the
membrane process requires a supply of compressed air at the inlet. The multiple membrane packages extract
the other elemental constituents of the compressed air retaining only the nitrogen at 95% purity. As a rule of
thumb, the compressed air delivery to a membrane package will be halved at the outlet.