ENGLISH 8 - Q4 - Wk5 - USLeM RTP

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Shirley Eva Marie V. Mangaluz, Librarian II LRMS

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Grade 8 – (SUBJECT)
At the end of the module, you should be able to:
1. define each type of literary text;
2. use literary text knowledge to process information in a text;
3. identify the purpose of the author; and
4. construct a paragraph that will illustrate each type of literary text

A. Directions: Read each statement carefully, then answer the questions that follow.
1. What is the text passage trying to persuade you to do?

Do you owe more money than you are making? Do you have lots of different debts?

It’s quick and easy to apply and you could get the money within just 2 days! Yes that’s
right 2 days, so why waste time? So, if you want to clear your debts, make home
improvements, go on a holiday, or just buy something you’ve always wanted. Call us now
on 0900 7895 2369.
A. To go on holiday
B. To make some home improvements.
C. To take out a loan with the advertising loan company.
D. To buy something you’ve always wanted.

2. What type of text is the following passage?

The boy was astonished by what he saw inside. Never could he have imagined that there
in the middle of the desert, there existed a tent like this one. The ground was covered with
the most beautiful carpets he had ever walked upon, and from the top of the structure
hung lamps of hand-wrought gold, each with a lighted candle.
A. Descriptive B. Instructive C. Informative D. Persuasive

3. This is an example of persuasive text.

I had to leave my sick bed to visit Bert Baxter before school. It took me ages to get there,
what with feeling week and having to stop for a rest every now and again, but with the help
of an old lady whi had a long black moustache I made it to the front door.
A. true B. false

4. This is an example of narrative text.

Measure the first side. Measure three foot on the frist side and mark it off. Measure four foot
on the second side and mark it off.
A. true B. false

5. A cooking recipe is an example of which type of text?

A. Persuasive B. Narrative c. Expository D. Personal Recount

6. What type of text would you need to use to tell someone how to wire a plug?
A. Personal Recount B. Narrative C. Expository D. Persuasive


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Grade 8 – (SUBJECT)
7. What is the purpose of the following passage of text?
Treatment aims
1. Control bleeding
2. Minimise shock for casualty
3. Prevent infection- for casualty and between yourself and the casualty
4. Arrange for casualty to go to the hospital if necessary
A. To inform the reader that bleeding needs to be controlled
B. To describe the scene of an accident
C. To persuade the reader to attend a First Aide Course
D. To instruct the reader on what to do if they come across an accident

8. What is the purpose of the following passage of text?

Bert was lying in a filthy-looking bed smoking a cigarette, there was a horrible smell in the
room, I think it came from Bert himself. The bedsheets looked as though they were covered
in blood, but Bert said that was caused by the beetroot sandwiches he always eats last thing
at night.
A. The inform the reader not to smoke in bed
B. To persuade the reader to always clean their sheets
C. To decsribe Bert and his room
D. To instruct the reader how to eat beetroot sandwiches

9. Why might a personal loan company include the following line in their advertisement?
For under 100 pesos a month you could borrow 5,000 pesos immediately with no questions
A. To instruct you to quickly contact the company to arrange the loan
B. To persuade you to take out a loan of 5,000 pesos
C. To inform you that your loan application will be accepted
D. To describe the range of services offered by the loan company

10. Is the following passage an example of factual recount?


2 Tickets for the price of 1 if you book before 16th of September.

A. Yes B. No
11. The following passage is an example of informative text.
New Sydmouth Public Library: What can I borrow or hire?

There is a large collection of books including paperbacks, non-fiction books, “talking books”,
books in large print and books in languages apart from English. Up to 6 items can be
borrowed for 3 weeks.
A. True B. False

12. Why is this car insurance company giving away a brand new car?
Pay less for your car insurance and win a brand new car! Why pay more each year for your
car insurance when you could actually cut costs with Skillswise Direct car insurance. Call us
now on 0990 296 296 for a free no-obligations quote over the phone
A. To help customers to replace cars more than 6 years old
B. To persuade you to take out car insurance with this company
C. To help customers afford a new car once they have reduced their car insurance
D. To persuade customers to have environment-friendly cars


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Grade 8 – (SUBJECT)
13. The following passage contains a descriptive text.
Everyone was in a state of high excitement, all the women in light cotton saris worn,
especially for the occasion, now clambering over the side, screaming when the boat rocked
and clutching each other in pleasurable panic.
A. True B. False

14. What is the purpose of informative 15. Which of the following is not normally
text? used in descriptive texts?
A. To convince you to buy something A. Adjectives
B. To describe how a scene might look in B. Adverbs
a novel C. Step by step action to be taken by the
C. To provide clear facts about something reader
D. To instruct you how to do something D. Comparisons to enable the reader to
picture something
Directions: Identify to which literary text does each example belong. Write the letter of your
answer on its proper column.
A. news articles F. ad campaign
B. fairy tales G. poetry
C. the process of water cycle H. diary
D. journal I. why we blink when we sneeze
E. advertisement J. instruction manuals
Narrative Explanatory Expository text Personal/Factual Persuasive text
text Text recount

Texts are written for a variety of purposes, using different forms and standards of
composition. Text types are any pieces of writing that you read or create. This can be
anything from novels, newspaper reports and textbooks to recipes, movie reviews and game
instructions. It could be a piece of writing, such as a book or poem, that has the purpose of
telling a story or entertaining.
This material will guide you on how to develop such skills, on how you would
differentiate and distinguish the different types of text as to narrative, explanatory,
expository, factual, or personal recount and persuasive, and also to develop paragraphs
using these types of text.
DIRECTIONS: Read each paragraph carefully and decide whether it is:
a. giving directions d. retelling the events to inform or
b. describing something entertain
c. providing facts e. convincing the reader

1. ______________________ : On Children’s Day in 1999, a technology company treated more

than 200 underprivileged children to a high-tech” experience. They were given training on
information technology. The children had an enjoyable and educational experience that day.
The company hoped to conduct many more such training sessions for these children.
2. _____________________ ; This morning at 9am, a school bus collided with a car at the
intersection of Rizal and Bonifacio Streets. There were no injuries on the school bus, but medical
personnel performed checks on each student and the driver before those students were
transported to their schools.

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Grade 8 – (SUBJECT)
3. ______________________ : A Lexi Mattress is the most comfortable bed you’ll ever sleep on.
Take a 30-day trial and see for yourself. If you are not satisfied, we’ll come to your home, remove the
mattress, and refund you in full. You’ve got nothing to lose. Give it a try today.

4.______________________ : Chocolate cake with vanilla/almond frosting provides a tasty treat

for any occasion. Follow the directions for making any flavor of chocolate cake. While the cake bakes
in the oven, prepare a box of vanilla frosting mix added with roasted and buttered almond silvers.
Thoroughly toast the silvers without turning them crispy.

5._____________________ : Theo’s day began with a shock. As soon as he arrived at the office
that morning, he learned that his best friend was dead. Wasn’t it just 12 hours ago that they were
eating chicken wings and tipping back soda in front of a basketball game at the Cooper’s Food
House? After a long day of crunching numbers at the office, they stopped at a bar for a Thursday
afternoon happy hour. They saw a few coworkers there, and before they knew it, it was closing time.
Bill got in a car with someone he met just that evening and that was the last time Theo saw him.

Reading and writing are very complex skill sets that make heavy demands as learners. Beyond the
challenge of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, you, as a student, need to understand the
conventions and structures of many different text types or genres.
Let’s take a look at some of the main text types. Let’s examine the purpose of each of
these specific types

Purpose: Essentially, the purpose of narrative text is to tell a
story. That said, there can be many reasons for story telling in
the first place, for example, myths can be told to explain natural phenomena and legends
can be used to pass on cultural beliefs. Storytelling itself is a means to entertain and
inform readers and allows for the writer to express themselves creatively and
imaginatively. There are many types of narrative text, including myths, fables, traditional
tales, novels, short stories etc.

Structure: There are many types of narrative text, but broadly speaking they all
begin by establishing setting and introducing characters. A problem or complication is
then introduced which sereves as the driving force behind the ensuing events. After the
rising action reaches a dramatic high point or climax , a resolution is achieved and the
story ends.
Main Features:
 Most often written in the past or present tense.
 Most often uses the third or first person perspective.
 Characters are often recognisably human in their motivations and actions.
 Language is used creatively to paint a picture in the reader’s mind.

Purpose: It moves beyond providing straightforward
descriptions to looking at things like causes and reasons.
They move beyond a retelling of what happened such as
in a simple report, to address the why and how of what happened.

Structure: Explanatory texts usually open with a general statement that introduces
the topic to be explored, for example, “During the winter some birds migrate to warmer
parts of the world.” The various steps of the process are then explained in a logical order.


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Grade 8 – (SUBJECT)

Main Features:
 Title reveals what is being explained
 May contain diagrams, flowcharts, illustration, etc.
 Written in simple present tense
 Time connectives used such as first, after, then, next ,finally, etc.
 Talks to the reader directly e.g. “You’ll be surprised to learn....”

Purpose: It exists to provide facts in a way that is educational
and purposeful.The text is fact-based with the purpose of
exposing the truth through a reliable source. It focuses on
educating its reader. Its purpose is not primarily to amuse, but
to enlighten and instruct. The objective is to explain and
analyze information by presenting an idea, relevant evidence, and appropriate discussion.

Structure: It typically follows one of five formats, cause and effect, compare and
contrast, description, problem and solution and sequence. Students can learn to
recognize the text structure by analyzing the signal words contained within the text.
Main Features:
 Using words that clearly show what the author is talking about
 Organization of the text
 Second person instruction with “you”.However the use of the first person
pronoun should be avoided
 It does not overtly reveal the opinion of the writer

4. Factual/Personal Recount
Purpose: Recounts focus on retelling events and are
generally intended to inform and/or entertain.

Structure: Recounts often open with a scene being set, or

other device that establishes context. They continue by providing an account of the
events that took place, usually in chronological order. At times, the chronological structure
can be reorderd by using techniques such as flashbacks etc., but generally this is the
domain of fictional recounts.
Main Features:
 Most often written in the past tense as text type relates events that already
 Time connectives used extensively to organize chronology e.g, first, then,
next, after that, etc.
 Details are used extensively to flesh out the barebones of the events.

5. Persuasive Text
Purpose: Its purpose is to convince the reader of the merits
of adopting a particular viewpoint or taking a specific course
of action

Structure: Beginning with an opening statement, persuasive texts start by

summing up the viewpoint to be presented. The paragraphs then organize, present, and
elaborate on this viewpoint. A closing statement then restates and reinforces the original
thesis of the text.

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Grade 8 – (SUBJECT)

Main Features:
 Written in the simple present tense.
 Moves from a general point to specific points
 Uses logical connectives (therefore, because, of this, this proves that)
 Employs rhetorical devices
 Uses facts and evidence to support arguments
 Addresses readers directly
 Employs various methods of psychological persuasion

Source: Different types of Writing a Text, https://education.nsw.gov.au./parents-and-

carers/learning/english/english-a-to-z-support-pages /text-types-different-types-of-writing


Activity 1. DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each
_____ 1. Which type of text would this topic sentence best go with: My best friend’s freckled
face always has a glowing, crooked smile.
A. Persuasive B. Narrative C. Expository D. Factual Recount

_____2. This text is used to tell a story. There is a logical sequence of events.
A. Persuasive B. Narrative C. Expository D. Explanatory

_____3. What type of text would this topic sentence best go with: The day I won first place in
the box car derby race was the proudest day of my life.
A. Persuasive B. Narrative C. Expository D. Explanatory

_____4. In this type of text, the author is writing about what a person, place or thing is like.
A. Persuasive B. Narrative C. Expository D. Personal Recount

_____5. Which type of text would this topic sentence best go with: The Himalayan
Mountains are the tallest mountains in the World.
A. Persuasive B. Narrative C. Expository D. Explanatory

_____6. The goal of this type of text is to convince another person to change, ar at least
think about changing their opinion about something.
A. Persuasive B. Narrative C. Explanatory D. Expository

_____7. This type of text is used to present information, ideas or opinions.

A. Persuasive B. Narrative C. Expository D. Personal Recount

_____8. Which type of paragraph would this topic sentence best go with: Despite what dog
lovers might believe, cats actyally make better pets.
A. Persuasive B. Narrative C. Expository D. Explanatory

_____9. This text tells the reader about one story or experience or activity which happened
in the past.
A. Personal Recount B. Narrative C. Expository D. Explanatory

____10. It is a type of text of a true event by someone not personally involved in the
situation. And its purpose is either to inform, entertain or both.

(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.) Page 7

Grade 8 – (SUBJECT)
A. Narrative B. Factual Recount C. Explanatory D. Expository
Activity 2.
Directions: Write a five-sentence paragraph using each picture. The type of text is indicated
in the parenthesis.
1. (Narrative Text)


2. (Explanatory Text)


3. (Expository Text)


4. (Factual Recount)

5. (Persuasive Text)


(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.) Page 8

Grade 8 – (SUBJECT)
A. Directions: Identify which type of text is being described. Choose your answer from the
_____ 1. It usually opens with a general statement that introduces the topic to be explored
and may contain diagrams, flowcharts, illustration, etc.
_____ 2. Its focus is to retell events and is generally intended to inform and/or entertain
and most often written in the past tense as text type relates events that already
_____ 3. It begins with an opening statement and starts by summing up the viewpoint to
be presented to convince the reader.
_____ 4. It provides facts and focuses on educating its reader not to amuse but to
enlighten and instruct.
_____ 5. It tells a story to entertain or inform the readers and allows the writers to express
themselves creatively and imaginatively.

B. Match the examples of text in Column A with the type of text in column B.
_____ 1. The story of “ Makato and the Cowrie Shell” A. Expository Text
by: Supannee khanchanathiti
_____ 2. A research paper about World War II B. Narrative Text
_____ 3. Diary of James during his 3-month vacation
in Paris with his father C. Persuasive Text
_____ 4. Ancient myths about Hercules
_____ 5. A biography about George Washington D. Explanatory Text
_____ 6. A book review stating “The Hunger Games”
are the best books and everyone should read them. E. Personal/Factual
_____ 7. A booklet about the water cycle Recount
_____ 8. An essay about texting and its effect on
students’ grammar skills
_____ 9. A recipe in cooking “Cheerios”
_____10. The tale of “The Giants”


Retrieved from https://www.literacyideas.com/different-text-types. Accessed February 16,

Developing Paragraphs developing paragraphas.pdf Literacyideas.com Accessed February
16, 2021
Retrieved from https://www.skillsworkshop.org/resources/different_types_of_text Accessed
February 17, 2021

Retrieved from https://www.ereadingworksheets.com/text-structure/text-structure/text-

structure-worksheets/ Accessed February 17, 2021

Retrieved fromhttps://www.centralriversaea.org/curriculum/literacy/writing_trashed/texttypes-
purposes/ Accessed February 18, 2021

Analyzing Text Structure https://study.com/academy/practice/quizworksheet-identifying-

analyzing-text-structure.html Accessed February 19, 2021

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Page 10 (This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)
A. 1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. A
B. 1. B
3. E
4. B
5. E
1. B
Activity 1 2. C 8. D
3. E 9. D
1. D 4. A 10. B
2. B 5. D
3. C
6. A
B,G 2. A
7. C
9. B C,I 4. B
A,J 6. C
Activity 2 PERSONAL/FACT 7. D
8. C
1-5. Answers may vary. D,H
E,F 10. B
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. C
Grade 8 – (SUBJECT)

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