FUNDA Bed Bath For An Adult Patient

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4 Consistently demonstrates ability to perform skill with no instructor assistance
3 Demonstrates ability to perform skill. Requires instructor verbal cueing.
2 Inconsistently demonstrates ability to perform skill. Requires instructor assistance
and cueing.
1 Unable to perform skill. Demonstrates unsafe patient care.

4 3 2 1

a. Assess the condition of the skin, ROM of joints,
b. Physical or emotional factors, presence of pain, any other aspect of
health that might affect the client’s bathing process.
c. Presence of pain and need for additional measures. Ex. Taking an
analgesic before
d. Need for use of gloves during bath
e. Fall risk of patient
f. Some clients may have piercings. Ask client what hygienic measures to be
2. Determine the following:
a. The purpose & type of bath the client needs
b. Self-care ability of the client
c. Any movement or positioning precautions specific to the client
d. Other care the client might be receiving
d. Client’s comfort level when being bathed by someone else.
e. Necessary bath equipment & linens.
3. Assemble Equipment:
Basin or sink with warm water - (optional when using CHG cloths)
Soap & soap dish - or liquid chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG), (CHG cloths
Rationale: CHG- is an antiseptic that is used for skin disinfection before
surgery. It may be used both to disinfect the skin of the patient & the hands of
the health care providers.
Basin or sink with warm water (between 43°C and 46°C (110°F & 115°F)
Linens: Bath blanket, 2 bath towels, wash cloth, clean gown, pajamas, or
clothes, as needed & additional bed linens & towels, if required

Clean gloves
Personal Hygiene articles -Toiletry items (deodorant, powder, lotion, cologne)
Shaving equipment
Table for bathing equipment
Laundry hamper
Note: If the bed linen is to be re-used, place it over the bedside chair. If it is to be
changed, place it in the linen hamper
1. Prior to performing the procedure:
a. Introduce self. Verify the client’s identity by using 2 identifiers or agency
2. Explain to the client the purposes of the procedure, what you are going to do, why
it is necessary, & how he or she can participate.
3. Perform hand hygiene & observe other appropriate infection control measures.
4. Provide for client privacy. Position Client appropriately
5. Remove the client’s gown while keeping the client covered with the bath blanket.
Place the gown in the linen hamper.
6. Wash the face.
Rationale: Begin the bath at the cleanest area & work downward toward the feet.
a. Place a towel under the client’s head.
b. Wash the client’s eyes with water only & dry them well.
c. Use a separate corner of the wash cloth for each eye. Rationale: Using
separate corners prevent transmitting
microorganisms from one eye to the other.
d. Wipe from the inner to the outer canthus.
Rationale: This prevents secretions from entering the nasolacrimal ducts.
e. Ask whether the client wants soap used on her face. Rationale: Soap has a
drying effect & the face, which is exposed to the air more than other
body parts, tends to be drier
f. Wash, rinse & dry the client’s face, ears & neck.
g. Remove the towel from under the client’s head.
7. Wash the arms & hands
a. Place a towel lengthwise under the arm farther away from you.
Rationale: It protects the bed from becoming wet.
b. Wash, rinse & dry the arm by elevating the client’s arm & supporting the
client’s wrist & elbow.
c. Apply deodorant or powder, if desired.
OPTIONAL: Place a towel on the bed & put a wash basin on it. Place the client’s hands
in the basin. Assist the client as needed to wash, rinse & dry hands, paying particular
attention to the spaces between fingers. Repeat for the hand & arm nearer you.
Exercise caution if an IV infusion is present, checking flow after moving the arm
8. Wash the chest & abdomen
a. Place a bath towel lengthwise over the chest. Fold the bath blanket down
to the client’s pubic area.

b. Lift the bath towel off chest & bathe chest & abdomen with your mitted
hand, using long, firm strokes. Rinse & dry well.
c. Replace the bath blanket when the areas have been dried.
9. Wash the legs & feet
a. Expose the leg farther from you by folding the bath blanket towards the
other leg, being careful to keep the perineum covered.
b. Lift the leg & place the bath towel lengthwise under it. Wash, rinse & dry
the leg, using long, smooth, firm strokes from the ankle to the knee to the
c. Reverse the coverings & repeat for the other leg.
d. Wash the feet by placing them in the basin of water.
e. Dry each foot
f. Obtain fresh, warm bath water or when necessary.
10. Wash the back & then the perineum
a. Assist the client into a prone or side-lying position facing away from you.
b. Place the bath towel lengthwise alongside the back & buttocks while
keeping the client covered with the blanket as much as possible.
c. Wash & dry the client’s back, moving from the shoulders to the buttocks
and upper thighs, paying attention to the gluteal folds.
d. Perform a back massage now or after completion of bath.
e. Assist the client to the supine position & determine whether the client
can wash the perineal area independently. If the client cannot do so,
drape the client & wash the area.
11. Assist the client with grooming aids, such as powder, lotion or deodorant.
a. Use powder sparingly. Release as little as possible into the atmosphere.
b. Help the client put on a clean gown or pajamas.
c. Assist the client to care for hair, mouth & nails.
12.Document any assessment made to patient as well as patient’s response. Type of
bath given; Skin assessment such as excoriation, erythema, exudates, rashes,
drainage, or skin breakdown; Nursing interventions related to skin integrity; Client
response to bathing and educational needs regarding hygiene. Information or
teaching shared with the client or their family
Total = 15 x4 = 60 /60 x100

Name _____________________________________Score ____________________________

Year and section ____________________________CI Signature________________________

Reference: Berman, Audrey; Snyder Shirliee J.; Frandsen, Geralyn: Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing, Concept,
Processes and Practice Volume 2 11th Edition 2022


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