Code of Conduct

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Code of Conduct

Do the right thing...

know the right thing to do.

Making a difference in people’s
lives and communities.

Creating optimal environments for people

in need of assistance, through attentive and
quality service principles.
So they can live their best life.
Table of Contents
Foreword................................................................................ 6 Environment
LEGACY Quality Standards................................................... 7 Quality of Supports and Services............................ 12
Information Involving People We Support/
Privacy Rules and Guidelines............................. 12
Rights of Individuals We Support............................13
Code of Conduct
Professional Boundaries...........................................13
Leadership Abuse and Neglect...................................................13
Regulatory Compliance............................................ 9 Safety.......................................................................13
Accrediting Bodies.................................................... 9 Funds and Private Property of People We Support.......14
Kickbacks, Gratuities and Anti-Bribery...................10 Alcohol- and Drug-Free Work Environment..................14
False Claims.............................................................10 Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace
Violence.............................................................. 15
Marketing Practices.................................................10
Equal Employment Opportunity............................ 15
Retaliation............................................................... 15
Political Contributions.............................................11
International Relations............................................11
Professional Licensure..............................................11

Get Going! You!
Corporate Opportunities..........................................16 Managing Company Resources and Assets............ 23
Conflicts of Interest..................................................16 Purchase Card Usage.............................................. 24
Reporting of Time Worked and Services Provided...17 Billing for Services................................................... 24
Financial Disclosure, Insider Information and Cost Reports............................................................ 24
Securities Trading................................................17
Accuracy, Retention and Disposal of Documents
Background Checks.................................................17 and Records........................................................ 25
Controlled Substances..............................................18 Identifying a Compliance Issue.......................................... 26

Violations of the Code of Conduct...........................19

The Compliance Action Line.................................. 20
Electronic Media..................................................... 22
Information Security............................................... 22
Outside Contacts..................................................... 22

BrightSpring is committed to providing the and promote compliance. for reporting possible improper conduct.
highest quality supports to all persons. It is Improper use of the Compliance Action Line
We are committed to the ideals in our
our responsibility to ensure an ethical and for intentional false reporting, however, will
Common Purpose and in this Code of
compassionate approach to service delivery lead to corrective action.
Conduct. We are equally committed to
and management. With the growth in our
ensuring that our actions consistently reflect In closing, we trust you as a valuable
services and personnel over the past few
our words. In this spirit, BrightSpring is member of our team. We ask you to assist us
years, it is vital for BrightSpring to maintain
committed to be the best diversified health and all of our colleagues at BrightSpring in
our high standard of quality, compliance
and human services provider in serving supporting the values and principles which
and ethical behavior. We have enhanced
populations of various needs in our commu- are critical to achieving our mission.
our existing programs by formalizing the
nities, creating optimal environments that
necessary compliance activities for Bright-
foster independence, safety and outcomes
Spring to achieve an effective Compliance
through best-in-class services, an innovative
and technology-led approach, and highly
BrightSpring’s commitment to compliance engaged people. Jon Rousseau,
was demonstrated by the Board of Directors President and CEO
We expect all of our colleagues’ actions
when they signed the Resolution formally
to reflect the high standards set forth in
creating the Compliance Program on
this Code of Conduct. However, no code of
January 10, 2001. The Compliance Program
conduct can substitute for our own internal
is based upon standards that serve as a
sense of ethics, honesty and integrity.
guide to each employee’s conduct involving
our operations and the people we support. Should you find yourself in a work situation
that just “does not feel right,” please discuss
A very important element of an effective
the situation with your supervisor, another
compliance program is a Code of Conduct.
member of local management, your
The Code of Conduct has been reviewed
regional/divisional management team or
by Regional/Divisional Management and
any member of the Compliance Department.
Resource Center Leadership and has been
approved by the Ethics and Compliance You may also call the Compliance Action
Committee of the Board of Directors. Line at 866.293.3863. You have our personal
assurance there will be no retaliation for
It is critical that you understand your respon-
asking questions or raising good-faith
sibility to not only adhere to these principles
concerns about the Code of Conduct or
of conduct, but to also actively participate in
BrightSpring is committed to demonstrating the reliability, honesty, Although the implementation and enforcement of the Program will
and the highest degree of business integrity expected of a publicly be centrally directed, the responsibility for
traded company and a participant in local, state and federal compliance rests with each person we employ.
programs. Because of this commitment, BrightSpring maintains a
The Program is based on standards outlined
Compliance & Ethics Program (the “Program”).
in BrightSpring’s LEGACY Quality Standards.
Constant vigilance is necessary to avoid impropriety and the ap-
pearance of impropriety as well as to avoid intentional
and unintentional inaccuracies in public reporting and public
communications about BrightSpring and its business. Bright-
Spring’s Code of Conduct has been created to set standards for
and to promote (1) honest and ethical conduct; (2) avoidance
of actual or apparent conflicts of interest; (3) compliance
with applicable federal, state and local governmental laws,
regulations and rules; (4) compliance with BrightSpring’s
policies and procedures; (5) prompt internal reporting to
appropriate persons of violations of the Code; (6) full, fair,
accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports
and documents that BrightSpring may file with or furnish
to the Securities and Exchange Commission and in other
public communications BrightSpring makes; and
(7) accountability for adhering to the Code.
Any exception of this Code may be made only by the
Board of Directors or its designee and will be promptly
disclosed as required by law or stock exchange rules.

BrightSpring’s LEGACY Quality Standards
Leadership Everyone is a leader. Establish purpose and coach to make
others better. A sense of high integrity and accountability –
do what you say you are going to do.
Environment A people-focused environment. Collaborate among a
trusting team; police your environment. Be transparent and
honest and reward good performance. Attract, develop and
retain the best people.
Get Going! Know your business! Take action to set and hit goals. Work
smart and efficiently, moving with a sense of purpose and
Attitude See the possibilities. Take a positive, can-do approach
because it is contagious. Aim high and expect excellence.
Take ownership and control – continuously improve.
Communication Everyone in the know. Coordinate through communicating
so people know what’s going on.
You! Be an example. Set high standards but note progress and the
good. Your character shows in everything you do. Do your
part, build your team and have fun.

BrightSpring’s LEGACY Standards require a commitment from each employee for its success. Employees are expected to follow Bright-
Spring’s LEGACY Quality Standards in their daily interactions with clients and clients’ family members, co-workers and other persons they
encounter as a part of their employment with the Company.

Code of Conduct

Regulatory and BrightSpring Policy Compliance
Regulatory Compliance means following all applicable federal laws,
regulations and standards such as those set forth by the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Department of Labor
(DOL), along with state and local laws, regulations, and standards.
BrightSpring Policy Compliance means following all applicable
Company policies and procedures. It is your responsibility to do
your part to ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are
followed in the course of daily business. While these laws and
regulations can sometimes be confusing and complex, you may
contact your immediate supervisor, local/regional management
team or any member of the Compliance Department to ask any
Accrediting Bodies
Certain operations may be required to or may voluntarily seek
accreditation through an accrediting body. Accrediting bodies are
outside agencies or organizations that are certified or licensed by
federal and/or state government to review and certify that an
organization conducts business according to certain standards.
Examples of accrediting bodies are the joint Commission for
the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), Com-
mission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF),

and The Council on Quality and Leadership in Support for People medically or otherwise necessary; or (3) submitting a claim
with Disabilities. Loss of accreditation can make it difficult for an containing information you know to be false.
organization to conduct business. It is important that every person
The federal False Claims Act and similar state or local laws impose
employed at BrightSpring follow the applicable rules and regulations
civil liability on any person or entity who submits a false or
to maintain accreditation from these agencies.
fraudulent claim for payment to the United States government.
Kickbacks, Gratuities and Anti-Bribery A false claim can result in serious civil and/or criminal penalties
against BrightSpring and individual employees, including signif-
Federal and state laws prohibit BrightSpring and its employees from
icant financial penalties and criminal prosecution. BrightSpring
offering anything of value to a person or entity in order to influence
policies include information on False Claims Acts, employee protec-
or refer a person needing supports. These laws also prohibit Bright-
tions under these laws, and BrightSpring’s internal procedures for
Spring and its employees from accepting anything of value under
detecting fraud, waste and abuse.
similar circumstances. In addition, BrightSpring policy prohibits
the acceptance of gratuities, in the form of gifts or money, from Marketing Practices
the individuals we support, family members, guardians or vendors.
The marketing practices of BrightSpring must always be based
Gifts and/or money should be returned with an explanation that
on factual information. We do not engage in negative comments
Company policy does not permit acceptance.
regarding other providers of service. Distortion of the truth or
Anti-kickback laws can be highly complex so employees should making false claims is strictly prohibited. (See also Kickbacks, Gra-
promptly refer any questions to the Compliance Department. The tuities and Anti-Bribery.)
Compliance Department may refer the question to legal counsel, as
The purpose of antitrust laws is to create a level playing field in
False Claims
the marketplace, as well as to promote fair competition. You must
BrightSpring and its employees are prohibited from filing false always follow all applicable laws and regulations designed to
claims for payment to federal, state, local or private funding sources. regulate competition. Actions that violate antitrust laws include
False claims are usually related to billing for services that do not entering into or negotiating an agreement with a competitor to (1)
meet federal and/or state laws and regulations. Billing practices fix prices (rates) at any level or fix other terms of service; (2) allocate
that violate these laws include (1) filing a claim for services that customers or markets; or (3) boycott a supplier or customer. If you
were not performed or were not performed as described on the claim have any questions regarding the appropriateness of any form of
form; (2) filing a claim for services that were performed but were not negotiation or agreement, you should refer your questions to the

Legal Department. However, any suspected violations are to International Relations
be referred to the Compliance Department. The Compliance
BrightSpring employees must follow the
Department will consult with legal counsel, as required.
laws of the jurisdiction wherever they
Political Contributions are around the world, as well as comply
with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Because public policy issues have the potential to impact the
of the United States. Our objective is to
Company’s business, its employees, and the people we serve,
be a good corporate citizen wherever we
the Company’s management believes that in certain cases it
may be appropriate and in the Company’s best interests to
use its resources to make political contributions. Therefore, if Professional Licensure
legally permissible, such contributions may be made by the
If any BrightSpring staff are licensed or
Company with the prior written approval of the Vice President
certified clinicians (including but
for Government Relations. BrightSpring has also established
not limited to physician, nurse,
a Political Action Committee (PAC), which is funded through
physical therapist, speech
voluntary contributions from employees. Most political con-
therapist, occupational
tributions are made by the PAC. The Government Relations
therapist, social worker,
Department is responsible for compliance with all federal and
pharmacist, etc.), they will
state laws. Employees have a constitutionally protected right
uphold the clinical practice
to support political candidates and issues of their choosing.
guidelines promulgated
While engaged in such activities, employees must at all times
for their specific license or
make clear that their views and actions are their own, and not
certification. Moreover they
those of BrightSpring. At times, BrightSpring may alert you of
will maintain the current
public policy issues that may impact BrightSpring’s business.
status of their licensure or
The Company may ask for volunteers to make personal
credentials and comply at
contact with government officials or to write letters to present
all times with federal and
our position on specific issues. If you have any questions
state requirements for their
regarding political activity, you may contact the Government
Relations Department.

Quality of Supports and Services
BrightSpring provides individualized quality supports and services to
all persons. We treat all people with respect and care.
Information Involving People We Support/
Privacy Rules and Guidelines
All information concerning persons supported by
BrightSpring must be considered confidential and
access limited to the person supported, guardian or
legal representative, persons providing support or other
persons specifically authorized.
All programs and services must ensure
that the individual’s right to privacy
is honored at all times. Without
specific informed authorization,
any information, whether written,
electronic or social
media, video,

photographic, audio or other personal information, may not be of rights when services with BrightSpring begin. Family and/or legal
disclosed. guardians are also given a copy of this statement of rights. The
statement includes the civil rights of the person supported to make
BrightSpring collects information about a person’s medical history,
informed decisions regarding services and supports.
social history, treatment history and personal goals and abilities
in order to provide the best possible supports. We recognize the As providers, we will also be sensitive to cultural beliefs and
sensitive nature of this information and are committed to main- practices of the people we support.
taining confidentiality as required by local, state and federal regula-
Professional Boundaries
BrightSpring places a high priority on our relationships with the
Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
people we support. You must maintain the highest level of profes-
(HIPAA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic
sional conduct when building relationships with individuals we
and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), you may discuss person-specific
support, their families and their friends. This includes maintaining
health/medical information with others only when necessary to
physical boundaries by respecting personal space. You must treat all
provide a service or as required by law. Person-specific information
persons we support with equal respect and avoid having “favorites”
may be released for all other purposes only with written authori-
or treating a person we support “special” in relation to other
zation from the person supported or that person’s legal guardian, as
people we support. You must be aware of policies at your operation
regarding relationship boundaries with the people we serve.
You may not disclose protected health information that violates
Abuse and Neglect
the privacy of any person supported because this is a violation of
the HIPAA privacy rules. BrightSpring’s HIPAA policies and pro- BrightSpring does not tolerate abuse and neglect of the individuals
cedures give more specific guidance regarding the privacy rules. we support. If you are aware of abuse or neglect, your obligation is
Any questions regarding protected health information should be to report it immediately through the established channels at your
discussed with your Executive Director, Center Director, or Project operation. There are time frames for reporting such incidents in
Director. If a question remains, please refer it to BrightSpring’s Chief each state, and it is very critical for you to follow the guidelines
Compliance and Privacy Officer in the Resource Center. at your operation. It is your responsibility to uphold the mission
statement of providing respect and care.
Rights of Individuals We Support
BrightSpring is an advocate of rights for the persons supported in
all its programs. Each person is provided with a written statement BrightSpringoperations must comply with all company, local,

state and federal rules/regulations that promote the protection
of workplace health and safety. You must be familiar with safe
workplace practices and safety regulations related to your job and to
your working environment. It is important for you to report to your
supervisor any workplace injury, as well as any situation presenting
a danger of injury so that it can be corrected immediately.
Funds and Private Property of People We Support
BrightSpring employees may not wrongfully or unlawfully use
funds, property or the identities of individuals we support. Bright-
Spring will not tolerate the misappropriation of assets whether in
the custody of BrightSpring or in the custody of the individual.
BrightSpring employees have a duty to maintain adequate records of
an individual’s funds and property in the company’s custody so that
the funds and property may be promptly accounted for or delivered
to the individual we support or their designated representative upon
request. An individual’s assets in the custody of BrightSpring shall
be used only for the means intended for the benefit of the individual.
In addition, BrightSpring employees may not purchase or borrow
money or belongings from individuals we support or their family
Alcohol- and Drug-Free Work Environment
BrightSpring is committed to an alcohol-free and drug-free work
environment to protect the interests of our employees and the people
we support. You must report for work free of the influence of alcohol
and illegal drugs. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol
or any illegal drug, having alcohol or any illegal drug in your
system, or using, possessing or distributing any illegal drug while
on work time or property will result in corrective action, up to and
including termination of employment.

Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Violence Equal Employment Opportunity
You have the right to work in an environment free of harassment BrightSpring is committed to providing an equal opportunity work
and/or discrimination. BrightSpring will not tolerate harassment or environment. We will comply with all laws, regulations and poli-
discrimination by anyone based on the personal characteristics or cies related to non-discrimination in all of our personnel actions.
cultural backgrounds of those who work with us or whom we sup- Such actions include hirings, staff reductions, transfers, employment
port. Degrading or humiliating jokes, slurs, intimidation, or other terminations, performance evaluations, recruiting, compensation,
harassing conduct, regardless of the medium in which it is shared, is corrective action and promotions.
not acceptable in our workplace.
Any form of sexual harassment is strictly prohibited. This prohi-
Employees have a responsibility to report concerns about actual or
bition includes unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual
potential wrong-doing either witnessed or suspected. Both direct and
favors in conjunction with employment decisions.
anonymous reporting mechanisms are available to all BrightSpring
employees to assist in meeting this responsibility.
Harassment also includes incidents of workplace violence. Workplace
BrightSpring’s non-retaliation policy protects employees,
violence includes threats of physical violence, robbery and other
who in good faith, report known or sus-
commercial crimes, stalking or domestic violence, violence directed
pected instances of inappropriate busi-
at the employer, terrorism and hate crimes committed by current or
ness conduct or activity that violates
former employees.
local, state or federal regulations
or Company policy. Supervisors,
As part of our commitment to a safe environment for our employees
managers or employees are not
and the individuals we serve, we prohibit employees from possessing
permitted to engage in retali-
firearms, other weapons, explosive devices or dangerous materials
ation, retribution or any form
on BrightSpringpremises.
of harassment or discrim-
ination directed towards
If you observe or experience any form of harassment, discrimination
an employee who reports
or workplace violence you must report the incident to your immedi-
a good faith compliance
ate supervisor, local management, regional management, Bright-
Spring’s Human Resources Department or BrightSpring’s
Compliance Department.

Get Going!
Corporate Opportunities
BrightSpring employees owe a duty to BrightSpring to advance the
Company’s legitimate interests when the opportunity to do so arises.
You may not take for yourself a corporate opportunity that is discovered
in the course of your BrightSpring employment or representation or
through the use of corporate property, information or position, nor may
you compete against BrightSpring.
Conflicts of Interest
Employees shall not engage in any activities that conflict or might
appear to conflict with the interests of BrightSpring or its sub-
sidiaries and shall bring to the attention of the BrightSpring
Compliance Department any information about any actual or
apparent conflicts of interest involving employees or others with
respect to BrightSpring.
A conflict of interest occurs when an employee’s private interests
interfere in any way with the interests of BrightSpring. A
conflict of interest may also exist if the demands of any outside
activities distract you from the performance of your job or
cause you to use BrightSpring’s resources for a non-Bright-
Spring purpose. An employee’s obligation to conduct Bright-
Spring’s business in an honest and ethical manner includes
the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest
between personal and professional relationships. You must
remain free of conflicts of interest for the proper performance of
your responsibilities.

Before making any investment, accepting any position or benefits, about BrightSpring that would influence another person to buy, hold
participating in any transaction or business arrangement or or sell stock. This is known as “insider information.” Securities law
otherwise acting in a manner that creates or appears to create a and BrightSpring policy prohibit individuals from trading in Bright-
conflict of interest, an employee must make full disclosure of all Spring stock or other marketable securities on the basis of non-public
facts and circumstances to BrightSpring’s Legal Department, and material information or from influencing others to trade in such
obtain the prior written approval of BrightSprings Chief Legal securities based on this information.
Officer. The disclosure obligations of employees extend to disclosure
Non-public insider information may include discussions or plans
of changed circumstances relating to apparent or actual conflicts of
regarding expansion, marketing strategy, financial results or other
business activity. You may not discuss this type of information
Reporting of Time Worked and Services Provided with anyone outside BrightSpring. At work, you should discuss this
information on a strictly “need to know” basis only with other
Each employee of BrightSpring is responsible for the timely and
employees who require this information to perform their jobs.
accurate reporting of time worked and documenting services
provided. Any falsification of hours or services is a serious violation If you obtain access to non-public material information about the
of company policy and will result in corrective action, up to and company while performing your job, you may not use that infor-
including termination of your employment. mation to buy, sell or retain securities of BrightSpring or any other
company. Even if you do not buy or sell securities based on what
Financial Disclosure, Insider Information and Securities Trading
you know, discussing the information with others, such as family
While BrightSpring is not a publicly traded company, from time members, friends, vendors, suppliers and other outside acquain-
to time its executive and financial officers may make full, fair, tances is prohibited. If you have any questions regarding insider
accurate, timely and understandable disclosures in periodic reports trading/security trading, you should refer your questions to the
filed by BrightSpring with the Securities and Exchange Commission Legal Department.
(SEC). The CEO and senior financial officers shall be responsible
Background Checks
for BrightSpring’s policies and procedures that provide the most
accurate and truthful reporting of BrightSpring’s business and Background checks may include social security, motor vehicle,
financial performance and shall promptly bring to the attention of government sanctions/exclusions and criminal history for each new
the Audit Committee or its designee any material information of employee, volunteer or intern as consistent with your operation’s
which they may become aware that may affect the disclosures made policy. Retention or contracting of independent contractors, vendors,
by BrightSpring in its filings. temporary agencies and/or other business associates must also be
screened in accordance with BrightSpring’s Screening/Interview
As an employee, you may become aware of nonpublic information
Process policy.

BrightSpring will not knowingly hire, retain, employ or contract with was later found not to be properly credentialed.
any individual or entity that has been excluded from participation
Controlled Substances
in any state- and/or federally-funded program. BrightSpring also
will not knowingly conduct business or continue to conduct business In many operations, only a nurse can administer medication.
with any individual or entity, whether independent contractor, sub- If you are unaware of who administers medication at your
contractor, supplier or vendor, who has been excluded from operation, ask your supervisor. If medication administration is
participation in any state- and/or federally-funded program. included as part of your responsibilities, you will have routine access
to prescription drugs, controlled substances and other medical
You must advise your immediate supervisor, local management
supplies. It is extremely important that these items be handled
team or the Compliance Department if you become ineligible to
and accounted for properly. You must be trained in accordance
participate in state- and/or federally-funded programs.
with operation/state policy to administer medications. Medications
Verification of licenses, certifications, and scholastic information must only be used for the person to whom they are prescribed. If
must be made through the appropriate licensing or certifying you become aware of the removal or diversion of drugs or medical
agency. Failure to obtain proper verification may result in the filing supplies from BrightSpring, you must report the incident
of a false claim if the employee or contractor providing the service immediately through established operational procedure.

Violations of the Code of Conduct
The Board of Directors shall determine, or designate appropriate persons to determine, appropriate actions to be taken in the event of vio-
lations of the Code of Conduct. Such actions shall be reasonably designed to deter wrongdoing and to promote accountability for adherence
to the Code of Conduct and may include progressive corrective action, written notice to the individual involved that there has been a
violation, demotion or reassignment of the individual involved, suspension with or without pay or benefits or termination of the individ-
ual’s employment. In determining what action is appropriate, all relevant information shall be taken into account, including the nature
and severity of the violation, whether the violation was a single occurrence or repeated occurrences, whether the violation appears to have
been intentional or inadvertent, whether the individual in question had been advised prior to the violation as to the proper course of action
and whether or not the individual in question had committed other violations in the past.

The Compliance Action Line
The Compliance Action Line is available to
supplement your existing internal communi-
cation channels. The Compliance Action Line is
intended to be used to report compliance-related
concerns. You should first attempt to commu-
nicate your concerns through your existing
internal communication channels, such as
your immediate supervisor and/or local/
regional/divisional management team.
If the existing internal communication
channels seem inappropriate, you may
either write, email or call the Compliance
Department (800.866.0860, ext. 2659).
You may call the BrightSpring
Compliance Action Line at
866.293.3863 at anytime. A
trained interviewer will be
available 24 hours a day, 365
days a year. Calls to the
Compliance Action Line will not
be traced and will be treated
confidentially. You may remain
anonymous if you choose.

No caller will be subject to retaliation for bringing forth a good faith Confidential information about Bright-
concern. Anyone who attempts to retaliate against an employee who Spring’s strategies and operations
has made a call to the Compliance Action Line in good faith will be is a valuable asset. Confidential
subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of information includes personnel data
employment. maintained by the company, lists
of persons supported, file records of
Any person using the Compliance Action Line to purposely report
persons supported, individual service
false information or to attempt to settle personal grievances by
plans, individual plans of care, clinical
making false reports or repeating reckless gossip will be subject to
information, pricing and cost data.
corrective action.
It also includes, but is not limited to,
Remember, the Compliance Action Line is available to supplement information pertaining to acquisi-
existing communication channels. It is NOT intended to replace tions, divestitures, affiliations and
your local management team or procedures for reporting critical mergers, financial data, research
incidents. data, strategic plans, marketing
strategies/techniques, employee
In addition to the Compliance Action Line, BrightSpring’s website,
lists and data maintained by the, offers a contact section for email
company, supplier and subcon-
access to the Compliance Department as another method to com-
tractor information and propri-
municate compliance concerns.
etary computer software. (Also
Confidentiality see sections:
Confidential information may be used to perform your job, but it
Involving People
must not be given to others outside BrightSpring or your department
We Support /Privacy
unless authorized by your supervisor.
Rules and Financial Dis-
All programs and services must ensure that the privacy of the closure, Insider
individuals we support is honored at all times. Without specific Information and Securities
informed authorization, any information, whether written, Trading.)
electronic/social media, video, photographic, audio or other
personal information may not be disclosed.

Electronic Media To maintain a secure operating environment, it is important that
you save all files on BrightSpring servers rather than directly onto
BrightSpring’s communications systems, including electronic mail
computer workstations, never share passwords, never write down
(email), intranet, internet access and voice mail, are the property of
passwords, choose complex and hard-to-guess passwords, report
suspicious and unusual activity, and never open email attachments
BrightSpring reserves the right to periodically access, monitor and from suspicious or unknown sources.
disclose the contents of intranet, email and voice mail messages.
Immediately advise BrightSpring’s Information Technology (IT)
Access and disclosure of individual employee messages may only be
Department, Legal Department and Compliance Department of
done with the approval of the Legal or Compliance Departments.
any information security breach or theft/loss of any electronic data
Employees may not use internal communication channels or access or device, including mobile phones, laptop computers or portable
to the internet to post, store, transmit, download or distribute any storage device (USB drive).
threatening, reckless, maliciously false, pornographic or obscene
Outside Contacts
materials. This includes anything constituting or encouraging a
criminal offense, giving rise to civil liability or otherwise violating BrightSpring’s Communication Department will advise your
any laws. department/operation regarding any known or expected media
Employees who abuse our communications systems or use them
excessively for nonbusiness purposes may lose these privileges and You must immediately contact your supervisor or local management
be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of in the event that outside media should appear at your workplace
employment. asking questions or requesting to enter the premises. You have no
obligation to allow any unauthorized personnel into your work
Information Security
premises. It is a breach of privacy to allow such unauthorized
To ensure regulatory compliance, BrightSpring computer users are personnel into the residence of a person we support.
expected to maintain good security practices by being familiar
with and following the Company’s Information Systems Security
Policy. You are expected to ensure the confidentiality (privacy) of
sensitive data by only disclosing it when there is a “need to know,”
not accessing sensitive information for the sake of curiosity, keeping
portable electronic devices appropriately secured, and locking
computer workstations before stepping away from your desk.

Managing Company Resources and Assets
It is your responsibility to preserve BrightSpring’s
assets including employee time, materials, supplies,
equipment and information. Such assets are to be
maintained for business-related purposes. Bright-
Spring maintains a system of internal controls
to reasonably ensure that company assets are
properly used for business purposes. As a general
rule, you may not use any BrightSpring asset for
your own personal use without your supervisor’s
permission. Any community or charitable use
of company resources and/or assets must be
approved in advance by your supervisor.
You may not use BrightSpring’s resources
or assets for your own personal financial
gain. You are expected to manage and
protect the assets of our company and
of the people that we support. Any
improper financial gain to you through
misconduct involvingBrightSpring or
the property of individuals we support
is strictly prohibited. Misconduct
includes the outright theft of

property, stealing or misuse of money belonging to BrightSpring or In situations where the documentation that services were provided
the people that we support. Misuse of BrightSpring’s assets and those is the employee’s signed time sheet, the employee must be aware
of the people we support is a serious violation of company policy that the time sheet becomes a billing document and it must be
and will result in corrective action, up to and including termination completed accurately and completely. Any falsification of hours or
of employment and possible legal action. information on a time sheet may translate into incorrect billing and
reimbursement. (Also see section: Reporting of Time Worked and
Purchase Card Usage
Services Provided.)
Purchase Card (PCard) usage should be limited to petty cash type
BrightSpring prohibits any employee from knowingly or inten-
transactions. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by
tionally causing or submitting billings that are false. Any employee
a BrightSpring Senior Vice President. PCards may not be used to
who knowingly falsifies billing documentation will be subject to
bypass the normal approval and purchasing process.
corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.
Because PCards are used just like cash, the same standards and
BrightSpring implements oversight systems to ensure that billing
precautions that are followed to protect petty cash should be used
accurately reflects only services properly provided. Complete and
for PCard purchases. Any employee who has been approved to use a
accurate documentation of services provided is critical for accurate
PCard is responsible for using it properly and responsibly, according
billing to occur. Any suspected violations are to be referred to your
to appropriate company policy for its use.
regional/divisional management AND the Compliance Department.
Employees who abuse the PCard system or use the PCard for
Cost Reports
nonbusiness purposes may lose these privileges and be subject to
corrective action, up to and including termination of employment. Much of our business involves reimbursement under government
programs that require the submission of certain reports of our costs
Billing for Services
of operation. We will comply with state and/or federal regulations
BrightSpring is committed to ensuring that all billing and reimbursement relating to all cost reports. These regulations define what costs
practices comply with federal and state laws, regulations, guidelines are allowable and how to claim reimbursement for the cost of
and policies. All bills must be accurate and timely and reflect current services provided to the people we support. Given the complexity of
rates. This refers to all funding sources such as Medicaid, Medicare, U.S. issues related to the completion and submission of cost reports, all
Department of Labor and other government-funded contracts as well as questions or concerns regarding cost reports must be communicated
private insurance and private payers. to our Reimbursement Department.

Accuracy, Retention and Disposal of Documents and
Records include paper documents, such as letters
and memos; computer-based information such as
email, computer files on hard drive, USB, cloud or
any other storage device; and, any other medium
that contains information about BrightSpring, our
business activities or the people we support.
All records must be retained in accor-
dance with the applicable law and
record retention policies specific to
your operation or department.
Record destruction may occur only
according to BrightSpring policy.
Any employee who falsifies or
improperly destroys records will
be subject to corrective action, up
to and including termination of

Identifying a Compliance
When identifying a compliance issue, you should ask yourself the
following questions:
• Is the action legal?
• Is the action ethical?
• Is the action supported by BrightSpring’s Code of Conduct?
• Is the action supported by Company policy?
• Is it the “right thing to do”?
If your answer to these questions indicate a possible violation of state, local or federal
regulations of Company policy you must report the issue.

See It -- Say It!

BrightSpring’s Compliance Action Line: 866.293.3863

BrightSpring’s Compliance & Ethics Department Contact Number
502.394.2100 (If in Louisville)

To report compliance concerns at our Canadian or Puerto Rico

operations, use our web-based reporting:

805 N. Whittington Parkway
Louisville, KY 40222

Compliance Action Line


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