2015 JournalIJAER Adhini Dachyar

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Designing Jewellery Manufacturing Industry Productivity Improvement using

DMAIC Method

Article  in  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research · August 2015


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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 13 (2015) pp 33836-33841
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

Designing Jewellery Manufacturing Industry Productivity Improvement

using DMAIC Method

Adhini Ayu Lukitaputri

M. Dachyar; Yadrifil
Industrial Engineering Department
Industrial Engineering Department
University of Indonesia
University of Indonesia
Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Depok, West Java, Indonesia
[email protected]

Abstract— Indonesia's exports of jewellery trends that

continue to rise are not in line with the increase in Production II. LITERATURE REVIEW
Output Trends from companies in Indonesia’s industri. This
research uses one of jewellery manufacturing company in Bali A. Productivity
province as a case study. This research used a Six Sigma DMAIC The definition of productivity may vary based on the point
(Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) method which the of view, referring to earlier research in the field of technology,
objective is to improve productivity through integrated DMAIC technique and economy, the three scientific knowledge which
phase of a project. On the Define phase, this research used a
represent the fairly broad industrial categories, are giving
SIPOC (Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer) Diagram. On
the following Measure phase, a questionnaire used to collect
slightly different point of views [11].
primary data and company data for the secondary data. The Productivity is the relationship (usually a ratio or index)
questionnaires obtained from 4 Experts in Continuous between the amount of output (goods and / or services)
Improvement and 5 Experts in Jewellery Manufacturing generated by the organization system to the number of inputs
Industry. On the Analyze phase, a combination of Technique for (resources) used by the organization system to generate the
Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)- output [15].
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Decision Tree are used to
be able to see a result from different approach. Lastly, at the The European Association of National Productivity
Improve and Control phases, a Perfomance Indicator approach Centres [1] defines productivity as "how efficient and
were used. The obtained result from this research, are the most effective a product or service can be produced". Efficiency in
important Productivity Factor for a jewellery manufacturing this context can be seen as "doing something right", or use of
company which is Labor Producitvity with the ranked order of 9 resources to achieve the desired result [8]. Thus, it can be
alternatives based on Ideal Solution on the increase of concluded that the effectiveness highlights the importance of
productivity. The chosen alternative with the highest priority achieving the desired objectives, while focusing on process
ratio is the Implementation of the daily activity planning system efficiency or involvement [14].
for all employees, with an estimated increase in productivity at
the level of 47%. To support the success of alternatif The meaning of "resource", are all human and physical
implementation Overall Worker Efficiency (OWE) performance resources, namely those that produce goods or provide
indicator were being proposed. services, and assets which people can produce goods or
provide services using these assets [3].
Keywords— Productivtiy, Jewellery Industry, DMAIC,
TOPSIS-AHP,Decision Tree, OWE Thus, a high productivity can be achieved if the activities
and resources in the process of manufacturing transformation
adds value to the goods produced. An important conclusion of
waste reduction in order to improve productivity: waste can be
Indonesia’s jewellery industry is ranked in the second considered as the opposite of what is symbolized by
position among 8 other industries of potential export products, productivity [21].
following Processed Food Industry on the first position. In the
past 5 years, Indonesia’s jewellery industry has increasing B. Total Productivity
export trend with the average annual value growth of 30% [6].
This research will be focus on the Silver based Jewellery Total Productivity is the most comprehensive productivity
Industry, with a case study of a Silver based Jewellery concept because it is defined as the total output to total inputs
manufacturing company in the province of Bali. Each region used to produce that output. In calculating the Total
has its own uniqueness in terms of motifs, which usually Productivity, it is should be on the state monetary equivalence
associated with the historical background each area. Most or using one of mutually agreed exchange rate as the base
craftsmen run for generations, using the expertise and heritage price to eliminate the effects of inflation. Generally, this
in terms of design and manufacturing methods [7]. This measurement method used in the business unit level [9].
background is strongly related to the production output of
jewellery manufacturing which is tend to be unstable, because (2.1)
the productivity of craftsmen is closely related with the skills
of craftsmen, the difficulty level of design and cultural habits.
Although the definition of productivity appears to be very
targeted, but the output usually shows the results of various
types of input, which sometimes has a different unit of

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 13 (2015) pp 33836-33841
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

measurement when the output has only one unit of connected with a very important business priority for the
measurement. Productivity ratio of 0.75 is considered of little organization, with reasonable scope, and so on.
value, except when compared with the previous achievement In the explanation about the definition of each stage of the
whose value is smaller. Meanwhile, total productivity can be DMAIC method [5], it is stated that the use of the methods in
calculated from the aggregation of partial productivity [22]. each stage of the DMAIC is quite flexible, but there are
methods which are commonly used. The definition of Define
C. Productivity Improvement (Hickman, 1995) phase is to define the purpose of a project with the commonly
In a company, the increase in productivity is quite complex used methods are SIPOC Diagram and CTQ (Critical to
and requires a specific approach. This is because in a Quality) Tree [5,18], while the Measure phase objective is to
company generally has a tiered hierarchy of leadership, measure or assess the ongoing condition with the commonly
accompanied by a communication flow hierarchy. So in the used of used methods of Pareto Analysis [5,19] and
effort to increase productivity in a company, it can be done Descriptive Statistics [13,18]. Later in the Analyze phase is to
through 2-way approach, which is top-down or bottom up analyze the current condition in order to find new ways to
[10]. achieve the goal wich commonly used a Fishbone Diagram,
In the book of "Productivity Game" [10] also emphasized Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) [5] and Cause and
the need for Change Agents who are responsible for the Effect Diagram [19]. Followed by Improve phase which
transformation. Therefore, the choice of approaches to serves to implement an action or a new measurement method
improve productivity is divided into three, which are top-down which is generally supported by Matrix Diagram [5] and
approach, in which case the productivity improvement starts Design of Experiment (DOE) [18]. The final phase of the
from the leaders (board of management); bottom-up, where DMAIC process is Control which serves to ensure the
the productivity improvement starts from improving all sustainable improvement implementation, which generally
employee’s productivity; and the last is to increase using Performance Measurement (KPI) [5,19] and Statistical
productivity or rather ensure the quality of the productivity of Process Control [13] method.
the Change Agents before it leads the productivity
E. Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
improvement program of the entire company. In this section,
we can see the different approaches of productivity Many people when discussing about productivity actually
improvement [10]. see a wider problem, which is performance. Performance, on
Fig. 1 below is the picture of Productivity Improvement the other hand, is a broader term that covers both the
Approaches in the Company which have been summarized operational and the overall economy aspects. This includes
from the book of "Productivity Game" as a brief description of almost all the objectives of competition and manufacturing
the focus areas in the productivity improvement. excellence whether it is related to cost, flexibility, speed,
reliability or quality. Below are the description of a high-
performing operating activities to be achieved by each
company [21]:
• High quality operation should not waste time or
effort to do the job repeatedly
• Rapid operation will reduce the level of inventory
Work in Process (WIP) between micro surgery, and reduce
administrative activities
• Reliable operations, can be relied upon to result
delivery exactly as planned.
• Flexible operations which can easily adapt to
changing circumstances quickly and without disturbing the
rest of the operations.
Fig. 1. Productivity Improvement Approaches in the An example of a commonly used measurement of
Company [10] productivity in the manufacturing industry is OEE. The
original definition of OEE developed by Nakajima, consists of
six large losses which are divided into three categories such as
D. DMAIC inventory, performance and quality. OEE is the abbreviation
To achieve Six Sigma, one of the most widely used for Overall Equipment Effectiveness, instead of Overall
methodology is DMAIC approach. In the last few decades, Six Equipment Efficiency. However, basically the real purpose of
Sigma has been supported by many companies worldwide OEE measurement is more to measure the efficiency of
with many successful cases. In addition, the Six Sigma internal rather than external effectiveness, therefore, a more
program can also improve operational performance in order to precise definition is Overall Equipment Efficiency [2].
increase customer satisfaction with the products and company
services. Although there are many criteria for assessing the
performance of Six Sigma projects, for example, Net Cost III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
Savings, the Cost of Poor Quality, Capacity and Customer Data collected from both primary data and secondary data
Satisfaction [13], However, [16] suggest that a good Six will begin to be prepared and processed based on the DMAIC
Sigma project should have some characteristics that are method. DMAIC method used in this study are described in
Table 1 as follows.

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 13 (2015) pp 33836-33841
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

Tabel 1. Method used in the DMAIC Framework Associated with total productivity input factor, then the
DMAIC Method Used Explanation
above problems mapped in Table 2.
Define - SIPOC Diagram - Define phase is the problem statement of
a project or research [20]
Table 2. Problem Mapping towards Total Productivity
- Through SIPOC Diagram, initial problem Input Factors
identification can be performed, after detail
manufacturing process is explained
Total Productivity
Identified Problem
Measure - Pareto Diagram - Encourage the evaluation of input, Input Factor
- Histogram process and output based on the key steps - Problems in delay delivery of
for each process [20] goods towards the schedule
- Generally, data collection and
presentation is conducted to indicate the
Labor Productivity requested by the customer, due to
current ongoing state [20] unstable labor productivity
- By using the Pareto diagram and - Fluctuative production output
histogram, it can help to show trends or the
Material Productivity High Inventory Cost (WIP & RM)
source of the problem based on
quantitative data High number of repair product, as
Analyze - TOPSIS-AHP - Looking for problem gap (gap analysis) Capital Productivity the result of low performing
- Decision Tree and root cause analysis of the problem [5] degrading machine
- In this case study, the root cause of the Energy productivity N/A
problem is defined as high level which
need the help of Expert Judgment to see
through decision-making method B. Measure
- TOPSIS-AHP is used to see the
importance level of the existing In this phase, both primary and secondary data will be
alternatives, and the Decision Tree method processed based on the information obtained from the
used to select the best alternative (in other problems defined in the Define phase.
words eliminating other options)
Improve - Based on Analyze - Analyze the data and determine the Total Productivity Ratio
Method current state for improvement opportunities
[20] In the case of Total Productivity Ratio which tend to be
- The solution of this stage should also be
practical and feasible to implement
decreasing with the average range at the level of 0.74 or still
- An alternative is selected from the far below the ideal ratio of 1. This statement refers to [22]
Analyze phase would be the base to design which says that the ratio of 0.75 is considered as small value
improvement actions for the following
Improve phase
for the ratio of total productivity.
Control - Performance Measure - Generally at this phase occurs drafting
(KPI, Balance Score processes standard and procedures as well
Card) as the transfer of ownership of the project
to the user [20]
- In this research, the selection of the KPIs
will be adapted based on the chosen
alternative, in order to guarantee the
sustainability of the results of monitoring
and the implementation of the selected

A. Define
This research was conducted with the case study of a
company engaged in the field of Jewellery Manufacturing
Industry in Bali, Indonesia. It is necessary to understand Fig. 3. Total Productivity Ratio
business processes or operations related to the Jewellery
Industry itself. SIPOC diagram in Fig. 2 below will show Contributors to Low Total Productivity Ratio
more clearly about the business or operating process which
takes place at the location of the study. Through the following Pareto Chart below, we can see that
the largest contributors in terms of value is the Cost of Work
In Progress (inventory) and followed by Raw Material Cost.
Followed by employee costs (labor) and fixed capital costs.
Total Productivity Failure Contributors (%)
45% 120%
30% 80%
Cost contributors (%)
Pareto 60%
15% 40%
0% 0%
Average Capital Average RM Average Labor Average Capital
Cost (Inv - WIP) usage Cost Cost (OH)

Fig. 2. SIPOC Diagram of Business Process Flow

Fig. 4. Contributors to Low Total Productivity Ratio

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 13 (2015) pp 33836-33841
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

C. Analyze
To determine the factors that affect productivity at the
level of productivity of the Manufacturing Industry, an initial
interview with the Expert was conducted. From the results of
the initial interviews it was decided that 3 out of 4 input
factors of Total Productivity have influence on the
performance of Productivity Manufacturing Industry
performance, which will be the criterions in the following
decision making process, which are:
K1: Labour Productivity
K2: Material Productivity Fig. 5. Hierarchy of Alternative Selection Methods for
K3: Capital Productivity Improving Productivity

Meanwhile, the alternatives chosen for the following Productivity weighs 0.368, (K3) Capital Productivity
decision making process are referring to Productivity weighs 0.174.
Improvement by [10], with adjustments based on the Expert
Judgments made earlier in the interview. Followed by
arrangement for both Criteria and Alternatives in hierarchy The output of TOPSIS Method
structure shown in Fig. 5. TOPSIS method of calculates the farthest distance from
A1: Create a compelling high level vision and strategic the Ideal Negative Solution because the purpose of this
theme for the Company (based on Customer Value) research was to maximize productivity. The results of which
have been sorted are as follows:
A2: Develop strong strategies and cultures in each
Division/Team based on the respective requirement A8: Implementation of Daily Planning System (Daily
Activity Planning) for all Employee, with the score of 0.94
A3: Develop the strong Strategic and Continuous
Improvement Thinking for Division/Team Leaders, through A7: Implementation of Priority Management System, with
Training the score of 0.74
A4: Design a Productivity Improvement Framework A3: Develop the strong Strategic and Continuous
through third party Expert Judgement/External Consultant. Improvement Thinking for Division/Team Leaders, through
(Best practice approach) Training, with the score of 0.72
A5: Design a Productivity Improvement Framework A5: Design a Productivity Improvement Framework
through Internal Expert Judgement or Division/Team Leaders. through Internal Expert Judgement or Division/Team Leaders.
(Internal requirement approach) (Internal requirement approach), with the score of 0.42
A6: Design a Productivity Improvement Framework A1: Create a compelling high level vision and strategic
through employee character/divisional or team culture theme for the Company (based on Customer Value), with the
adjustments score of 0.41
A7: Implementation of Priority Management System A2: Develop strong strategies and cultures in each
Division/Team based on the respective requirement, with the
A8: Implementation of Daily Planning System (Daily score of 0.40
Activity Planning) for all Employee
A9: Implementation of Integrated Operational Planning
A9: Implementation of Integrated Operational Planning Information System (e.g ERP), with the score of 0.30
Information System (e.g ERP).
A6: Design a Productivity Improvement Framework
through employee character/divisional or team culture
The Output of AHP Method adjustments, with the score of 0.30
The calculation of weighted priority using AHP Method A4: Design a Productivity Improvement Framework
were conducted with the support of Expert Choice software. through third party Expert Judgement/External Consultant.
The output of the calculation are obtained with the following (Best practice approach), with the score of 0.14
results: (K1) Labor Productivity weighs 0.458, (K2) Material
The output of Decision Tree Method
Decision Tree final results obtained from the processing of
2 (two) questionnaires of Implementation Success Probability
of Each Alternative and Impact of each Alternative towards
each Productivity Improvement Criterion.
Decision Tree yield only 1 (one) selected alternative with
the greatest value. This value is the estimated value of

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 13 (2015) pp 33836-33841
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

Productivity Improvement from the implementation of one of measurement of Labor Productivity performance indicators,
the alternative, which obtained through a theoretical called Overall Worker Efficiency (OWE) [17].
calculation results with inputs from the expert’s judgment.
The chosen alternative is the Implementation of Daily Here is the detail calculation of three components of OWE:
Planning System (Daily Activity Planning) for all Employee Availability Efficiency (Aeff)
with an estimated value of increase in productivity by 0.47 or
IV. RESULT AND D ISCUSSION Available Hours is the number of available working time (8
hours) minus unscheduled downtime or absenteeism, while
A. Improve Scheduled Hours is the amount of working time (8 hours) after
deducted with scheduled downtime.
From both approaches we might see one thing in common
with the results of the selected alternative with both the
biggest priority ratio and values of the largest productivity Performance Efficiency (Peff)
increase. The selected alternative is the Implementation of (2.18)
Daily Planning System for all employees. In other words, this Where:
alternative was considered the best to be implemented for the
Actual output is the amount of actual production yields of a
Company in the Indonesia Jewellery Industry.
worker as compared to planned output or confirmed by the
By adopting the concept of Daily Planning System covered workers.
by [10] that the daily planning is required to regulate the
activities (event) better, and not merely set the time. The basic Quality Efficiency (Qeff)
concept of daily planning includes time management,
activities setting, the importance of planning, organizing,
prioritizing of activities, and understanding of productivity.
Daily Planning System is now supported by a variety of
software, both for the Daily Planning System of a general day-
to-day office operation such as Franklin Time Management To support the implementation of system Control through
System [10], as well as the Daily Planning System for the above performance indicators, several supporting
operations and manufacturing, such as Enterpirse Resource strategies need to be done prior implementing the Performance
Planning (ERP) and the more recent Advance System Indicators, referring to earlier research in a dairy industry
Planning for Supply Chain overall system settings, where the manufacturing process [4] with the adjustment to Jewellery
manufacturing process and management Resources are also in Manufacturing Industry as follows:
it [12]. This research is also consistent with previous studies
[23] about the importance of implementation of the Integrated • Designing an appropriate flow of business processes,
Information System for the manufacturing process, in which which also pay attention to mapping the skills and abilities of
he emphasized the importance of good planning on Labour, each worker.
monitoring on purchasing and raw material losses.
• Improve and develop the existing ERP system which
Highlighting the importance of a good planning on Labour, he
should be adapted to business processes and other supporting
stressed the importance of production management. In the
data, such as the mapping of the skills and abilities of each
jewellery manufacturing information systems, production worker.
module is designed with special features to handle production
control and scheduling functions. This includes the • Creating a notification system, in the form Health
determination of the work and listing fees that are used to check Notification system, due to lack minimum automation
record information such as time spent on the production of a within the production process.
worker to produce, workers who are responsible for a
particular job, and the quantity of the raw materials that were • Fix the new policy towards the need for performance
or are used throughout the production process [23]. indicators and standardized work.
• Designing a new tool of performance indicators, such
B. Control as supporting tools to process data that can be created using
To monitor the overall performance of the company, the Excel, to then be designed to be made automation integrated in
characteristics of an enterprise performance management the ERP system.
system should be established based on the company's strategy
[14] related to the business target and financial condition of V. CONCLUSION
the company. By doing a benchmark with the similar The result of this research is the design of company
character of labour intensive industry, such as the productivity improvement for Jewellery Manufacturing
Construction Industry or Small and Medium Enterprises Industry, using DMAIC method. The design of productivity
Industry, the main focus of human productivity needs to be improvement is based on the selected alternative which has
improved. been chosen out of the 3 criteria and 9 alternatives to increase
Small and Medium Enterprises Industry, which also has a productivity. The most important criteria to increase
high intensity in the use of Human Resources, has led to the productivity is Labour Productivity, thus, it becomes
imperative that for a company in Jewellery Manufacturing in

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 13 (2015) pp 33836-33841
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

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