Gradient Descent

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Optimization algorithms are responsible for reducing losses and provide most accurate

results possible. The weight is initialized using some initialization strategies and is

updated with each epoch according to the equation. The best results are achieved using

some optimization strategies or algorithms called Optimizer.

Gradient Descent

The goal of the gradient descent is to minimize a given function which, in our case,
is the loss function of the neural network. To achieve this goal, it performs two steps

What is the objective of Gradient Descent?

Gradient, in plain terms means slope or slant of a surface. So gradient
descent literally means descending a slope to reach the lowest point on that
surface. For the function to reach minimum value, the weights should be
altered. With the help of back propagation, loss is transferred from one layer
to another and “weights” parameter are also modified depending on loss so
that loss can be minimized.

New weight=old weight-n*derror/d old weight

 The objective of gradient descent algorithm is to find the value of “x” such that “y”

is minimum. Y is cost function and x is weights.

 So, the idea is to pass the training set through the hidden layers of the neural

network and then update the parameters of the layers by computing the gradients

using the training samples from the training dataset.

 Think of it like this. Suppose a man is at top of the valley and he wants to get to

the bottom of the valley. So he goes down the slope. He decides his next position

based on his current position and stops when he gets to the bottom of the valley

which was his goal.

 There are different ways in which that man (weights) can go down the slope.
 Batch Gradient Descent: Batch Gradient Descent involves calculations over the
full training set at each step as a result of which it is very slow on very large training

data. Thus, it becomes very computationally expensive to do Batch GD. However, this is

great for convex or relatively smooth error manifolds. Also, Batch GD scales well with

the number of features.

Drawbacks of Batch Gradient descent:

 Gradient Descent algorithm, the entire data set is loaded at a time. This makes it
computationally intensive.
 Another drawback is there are chances the iteration values may get stuck at local
minima or saddle point and never converge to minima.

2. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

Stochastic Gradient Descent is an extension of Gradient Descent

 Suppose our dataset has 5 million examples, then just to take one step the model
will have to calculate the gradients of all the 5 million examples. This does not seem
an efficient way. To tackle this problem we have Stochastic Gradient Descent.
 SGD tries to solve the main problem in Batch Gradient descent which is the usage of
whole training data to calculate gradients as each step.
 SGD is stochastic in nature i.e it picks up a “random” instance of training data at
each step and then computes the gradient making it much faster as there is much
fewer data to manipulate at a single time, unlike Batch GD.
 In Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), we consider just one example at a time to take
a single step. We do the following steps in one epoch for SGD:
1. Take an example
2. Feed it to Neural Network
3. Calculate it’s gradient
4. Use the gradient we calculated in step 3 to update the weights
5. Repeat steps 1–4 for all the examples in training dataset


 SGD takes more number of iterations compared to GD to reach minimum and

also contains some noise when compared to Gradient Descent.
 As SGD computes derivatives of only 1 point at a time, the time taken to
complete one epoch is large compared to Gradient Descent algorithm.

Difference between Batch Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient

Batch Gradient Descent Stochastic Gradient Descent

Computes gradient using the

1. whole Training sample Computes gradient using a single Training sample

Slow and computationally Faster and less computationally expensive than Batch
2. expensive algorithm GD

Not suggested for huge training

3. samples. Can be used for large training samples.

4. Deterministic in nature. Stochastic in nature.

Gives optimal solution given

5. sufficient time to converge. Gives good solution but not optimal.
Batch Gradient Descent Stochastic Gradient Descent

The data sample should be in a random order, and this

No random shuffling of points is why we want to shuffle the training set for every
6. are required. epoch.

Can’t escape shallow local

7. minima easily. SGD can escape shallow local minima more easily.

8. Convergence is slow. Reaches the convergence much faster.

3. Mini Batch — Stochastic Gradient Descent

 MB-SGD is an extension of SGD algorithm.
 It is also common to sample a small number of data points instead of just one point
at each step and that is called “mini-batch” gradient descent. Mini-batch tries to
strike a balance between the goodness of gradient descent and speed of SGD.
 It overcomes the time-consuming complexity of SGD by taking a batch of points /
subset of points from dataset to compute derivative.
 after creating the mini-batches of fixed size, we do the following steps in one epoch:
1. Pick a mini-batch
2. Feed it to Neural Network
3. Calculate the mean gradient of the mini-batch
4. Use the mean gradient we calculated in step 3 to update the weights
5. Repeat steps 1–4 for the mini-batches we created
 Drawback is the update of weights is much noisier because the derivative is not
always towards minima.

Problems with Gradients

1. Exploding Gradients

2. Vanishing Gradients

 When training a deep neural network with gradient based learning and

backpropagation, we find the partial derivatives by traversing the network from

the the final layer (y_hat) to the initial layer.

 Using the chain rule, layers that are deeper into the network go through

continuous matrix multiplications in order to compute their derivatives.

Exploding Gradients:
 In a network of n hidden layers, n derivatives will be multiplied together. If the

derivatives are large then the gradient will increase exponentially as we propagate

down the model until they eventually explode, and this is what we call the

problem of exploding gradient.

 In the case of exploding gradients, the accumulation of large derivatives results in

the model being very unstable and incapable of effective learning,

 The large changes in the models weights creates a very unstable network, which at

extreme values the weights become so large that is causes overflow resulting in

NaN weight values of which can no longer be updated. 

Vanishing Gradients:
 Alternatively, if the derivatives are small then the gradient will decrease

exponentially as we propagate through the model until it eventually vanishes, and

this is the vanishing gradient problem.

 On the other hand, the accumulation of small gradients results in a model that is

incapable of learning meaningful insights since the weights and biases of the

initial layers, which tends to learn the core features from the input data (X), will

not be updated effectively. In the worst case scenario the gradient will be 0 which

in turn will stop the network will stop further training.

How to know?
Exploding Gradients

There are few subtle methods that you may use to determine whether your model is

suffering from the problem of exploding gradients;

1. The model is not learning much on the training data therefore resulting in a

poor loss.

2. The model will have large changes in loss on each update due to the models


3. The models loss will be NaN during training.

When faced with these problems, to confirm whether the problem is due to exploding

gradients, there are some much more transparent signs, for instance:

 Model weights grow exponentially and become very large when training the


 The model weights become NaN in the training phase.

Vanishing Gradient

There are also ways to detect whether your deep network is suffering from the vanishing

gradient problem

 The model will improve very slowly during the training phase and it is also

possible that training stops very early, meaning that any further training

does not improve the model.

 The weights closer to the output layer of the model would witness more of a

change whereas the layers that occur closer to the input layer would not

change much (if at all).

 Model weights shrink exponentially and become very small when training

the model.

 The model weights become 0 in the training phase.


There are many approaches to addressing exploding and vanishing gradients; this

section lists 3 approaches that you can use.

1. Reducing the amount of Layers

This is the solution could be used in both, scenarios (exploding and vanishing gradient).

However, by reducing the amount of layers in our network, we give up some of our

models complexity, since having more layers makes the networks more capable of

representing complex mappings.

2. Gradient Clipping (Exploding Gradients)

Checking for and limiting the size of the gradients whilst our model trains is another


3. Weight Initialization

A more careful initialization choice of the random initialization for your network tends to

be a partial solution, since it does not solve the problem completely.

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