The Complete Guide To An Enterprise DataOps Transformation (2022)

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The Complete Guide to an
Enterprise DataOps Transformation

by Chris Bergh, Eran Strod, and James

for DataOps Success • 1
Recipes for
The Complete Guide to an
Enterprise DataOps Transformation

by Chris Bergh, Eran Strod,

and James Royster
Recipes for DataOps Success
The Complete Guide to an Enterprise DataOps Transformation
© 2021 DataKitchen, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

To order additional copies of this book:

[email protected]

Printed in the United States of America

Layout and cover design by John Perry and Ariel Plotkin-Gould


Why Do DataOps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Better than Shake ‘n Bake! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
For Data Team Success, What You Do is
Less Important Than How You Do It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
“Chicken & Rice Guys” Chicken and Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6 Steps to an Enterprise DataOps Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Bungeoppang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
The Business Case for DataOps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Red Lentil Curry / Dal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Launch Your DataOps Journey
with the DataOps Maturity Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Slovak Sunday Bone Broth Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Jump-Starting Your DataOps Journey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Peanut Butter Energy Bites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4 Easy Ways to Start DataOps Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Chocolate Stout Cupcakes with
Irish Whiskey Filling and Baileys Frosting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Finding an Executive Sponsor for Your DataOps Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Gil’s Easy Chicken Cacciatore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Pitching a DataOps Project That Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Risotto alla Monzese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Prove Your Team’s Awesomeness with DataOps Process Analytics . . . . . 85
Grandma’s Italian Meatballs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Eliminate Your Analytics Development Bottlenecks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Pav Bhaji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Do You Need a DataOps Dojo? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Spinach Madeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
DataOps Engineer Will Be the Sexiest Job in Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Kerala Style Chicken Stew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Improving Teamwork in Data Analytics with DataOps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Spinach-Mushroom Quiche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Governance as Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Slow Cooker Hangi Pork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Why Are there So Many -Ops Terms? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Mom’s Keto Chocolate Peanut Butter Fat Bombs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
A Guide to Understanding DataOps Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Gil’s Old Fashion Fudge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
What a DataOps Platform Can Do For You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Chapssal Doughnuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169




Chicken Breasts with Marsala Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Dakgalbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Isaac’s Special Chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
White Russian Tiramisu Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

Business agility separates the leaders from the laggards. An agile business
monitors the environment, quickly detects change, forms and executes plans
and makes adjustments based on feedback. As data professionals, we see the
foundational role that data and analytics play throughout this process. If ana-
lytics are bureaucratic and error-prone, people will naturally seek workarounds,
resulting in diminished agility. Business agility depends upon analytics agility.

We are entering an era where analytics agility will be a key competitive differ-
entiator for enterprises. Organizations bogged down by data errors and sluggish
analytics team productivity will find themselves at a significant disadvantage. If
companies want to be more agile, they must start with the data analytics team.
Agile analytics can transform an enterprise from the inside.

When data and analytics are accurate, people learn to trust data. When a data
team responds to requests immediately and on-demand, business stakeholders
work more closely with the analytics team. When users and data professionals
work closely together, it unlocks creativity spurred by insights that drive orga-
nizations toward new products and services, innovative marketing strategies and
new markets.

DataOps is a data analytics methodology that serves as the vehicle for transforma-
tional change led by analytics. It emphasizes observability and meta-orchestration
to produce error-free analytics that can be created and updated at lightning speed.
DataOps is the secret sauce that can build market-leading analytics capabilities
that will raise a company’s business agility. We’ve written extensively about
DataOps over the past years. If you are new to the topic, please see our first book,
“The DataOps Cookbook” (over 12,000 downloads and counting) and the other
resources listed in the Appendix section.

Many people ask us how to begin their DataOps journey. We used to answer that
question by talking about the “Seven Steps to Implement DataOps.” Over time,
we understood that some people were asking a broader question about using

Recipes for DataOps Success • 3

DataOps to transform their enterprise. The problem statement was aiming at
how a data professional can lead a DataOps initiative. How do you build support
for DataOps? What is the best first project? How can you transfer DataOps from a
single team to the greater enterprise? A data scientist excited about the potential
benefits of DataOps may never have led an organizational change initiative.

Imagine if a person could time travel back to the 1980s and tried to evangelize
Agile development. That person would face a lot of naysayers. “We’ve never done
it that way.” “I don’t get how that benefits us.” “Your methods don’t align with
how we allocate resources for projects.” From our perspective, we know that the
Agile advocate is correct, but our intrepid time traveler would need a way to con-
vince skeptics.

We hope this book will help you evangelize and lead a DataOps transformation at
your organization. We’ve included all of the insight that we’ve gained from our
own experiences coaching data analytics professionals on the best way to lead
organizational change using DataOps. We hope that these materials will help you
on your DataOps journey.

Our book’s title (“Recipes for DataOps Success”) refers to the orchestrated
pipelines that drive DataOps. One of the DataKitchen Platform’s lesser-known
features is how it helps data teams share development and operations “Recipes,”
improving collaboration and promoting reuse throughout the organization. To
have some fun with this metaphor, we asked our coworkers at DataKitchen (our
data chefs) to share their favorite recipes with you. You’ll find these sprinkled
throughout the book. Enjoy and bon appetit!

4 • Recipes for DataOps Success


Recipes for DataOps Success • 5

6 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Why Do DataOps

If you are frustrated with your enterprise’s data analytics, you are not alone.
VentureBeat reported that 87% of data science projects never make it into
production. It’s no surprise then that, despite soaring investments in AI and data
science, the percentage of organizations that describe themselves as “data driven”
has fallen from 37% to 31% since 2017.

Too often, data science remains a manual process, conducted by highly

trained artisans. The technology research firm Gartner asserts that 80% of
AI projects resemble alchemy, run by wizards whose talents will not scale in
the organization. Imagine an automobile manufacturing plant run without
automation. It would suffer from inconsistent quality, long cycle times, waste,
inflexibility and bottlenecks. No one in the 21st century would ever run an
operations team that way. Yet, walk down the hall to your data analytics group
and observe – poor quality, minor changes take months to implement, manual
processes, 75% of the day is hijacked by unplanned work, and oversubscribed
resources limit overall productivity. It’s a classic case of good people doing their
utmost to overcome the limitations inherent in poor business processes.

Data teams can learn a lot from the quality methods used in automotive and other
industrial manufacturing. Methodologies like Lean manufacturing and the Theory
of Constraints apply just as well to data operations and analytics development
as traditional factories. Analytics is a pipeline process. Data sources enter the
enterprise, are loaded into databases, undergo processing and transformation, and
then feed into charts, graphs and predictive analytics. From a process perspective,

Recipes for DataOps Success • 7

this workflow is a manufacturing operation. New analytics are much like
manufacturing engineering, creating new and improved operational capabilities.
As every factory manager knows, change management is a critical aspect of


If you haven’t encountered these ideas before, you may think that I am writing
something revolutionary. Actually, the methods described here are widely
implemented in the software industry. While a data team might require six
months to release a 20-line SQL change, Amazon recently disclosed that their
Amazon Web Services (AWS) team performs 50,000,000 code releases per
year. If your data team had the same processes and methodologies in place as
Amazon, you could ask a complex question about your customer segmentation or
operations and receive an answer the same day. The number of “what-ifs?” that
you could pose would increase by 50X. Imagine what that could do for creativity
and business innovation in your enterprise.


The data analytics industry today is much like the software industry of the
1990’s – producing releases at a slow pace and incurring technical debt. The
good news is that the software industry discovered a path forward using classic
manufacturing methodologies. Furthermore, these ideas are gaining traction in
the data analytics world.

The data science industry refers to these methods under the umbrella term
DataOps. Just to be clear, DataOps is not a single vendor. It is not a particular
tool. You do not have to throw away your existing infrastructure and start over.
DataOps augments your existing operations. It is a new approach to data science
which draws upon three widely-adopted methodologies that are supported
by tools and software automation: Agile Software Development, DevOps and
statistical process controls (SPC).

One axiom in the Theory of Constraints is that small lot sizes reduce inventory,
minimize waste and increase the overall system throughput of a manufacturing

8 • Recipes for DataOps Success

operation. This insight inspired the software industry to create a methodology
called Agile development. Studies show that Agile projects complete over 30%
percent faster and with a 75% lower defect rate. Today, two-thirds of software
organizations describe themselves as either “pure agile” or “leaning towards agile.

Traditional project management utilizes a Waterfall sequential methodology.

Projects are executed according to lengthy, complex schedules with a single
deliverable at the end. There are several problems with this methodology in data
science. In analytics, business conditions are constantly changing so whatever
business colleagues needed several months ago has changed or is no longer of
value. In other words, requirements have a shelf life. Additionally, waterfall
projects are, by design, methodical (slow) and inflexible. Waterfall projects subject
to rapid-fire requirements flowing in from business users never exit the planning
(and replanning) phase.

In a nutshell, Agile project management delivers valuable features in short

intervals and seeks immediate feedback. Large initiatives are broken into small
increments and delivered iteratively. In Agile, the data science team responds
faster and aligns more closely with the requirements and immediate priorities
of end-users. The Agile methodology is particularly effective in environments
where requirements are quickly evolving — a situation well known to data science

Some enterprises understand that

they need to be more Agile, but
organizations typically do not receive
much benefit from Agile methods
if quality is poor or deployment
processes involve lengthy and
laborious manual steps. “Agile
development” alone may not
make a team more “agile.”

Imagine clicking a button in order
to fully test and publish new analytics
into the production pipeline. That’s how Amazon and others deploy software
releases in minutes or seconds. This approach to releasing software is called

Traditionally, software organizations waited weeks or months for IT to install and

configure development environments for new projects. DevOps automates this
process by placing it under software control. At the push of a button (or command),
DevOps spins up a virtual machine and configures it with software and data. A data
scientist can be up and running on a new development project in minutes.

DevOps also automates testing. An extensive battery of tests verify and validate

Recipes for DataOps Success • 9

that new analytics work and will operate error-free in an environment that exactly
matches production. No more throwing new analytics over the wall and hoping that
it doesn’t break anything. When testing is complete, analytics are quickly published
to users via an automated workflow. This method of publishing software is also
called continuous delivery or continuous deployment, and it is a central tenet of

When environment creation, test and deployment are placed under software
control, they can happen in seconds or minutes. This is how companies like
Amazon attain such rapid cycle time.

Agile development and DevOps work hand in hand. Agile enables enterprises to
quickly specify and commit to developing new features, while DevOps speeds
execution, test and release of those features. Neither of these methods would be
as effective without the other. Additionally, it’s impossible to move quickly when
a team is plagued by quality errors.


Modern enterprises have hundreds or thousands of data sources flowing into
their data pipeline. The sheer quantity of data powering analytics exceeds the
monitoring capacity of the typical data team. Left unchecked, errors eventually
creep into data, and data errors can break or invalidate analytics. If you’ve ever
received a report that was based upon incorrect data, you have experienced this
first hand.

DataOps approaches data errors the same way that a manufacturing operation
controls supplier quality, work-in-progress and finished goods. DataOps borrows
a methodology, straight from lean manufacturing, called statistical process
control (SPC). Tests monitor data flowing through the pipeline and verify it to
be valid, complete and within statistical limits. Every stage of the data pipeline
monitors inputs, outputs and business logic. Input tests can catch process drift at
a data supplier or upstream processing stage. Output tests can catch incorrectly
processed data before it is passed downstream. Tests ensure the integrity of the
final output by verifying that work-in-progress (the results of intermediate steps
in the data pipeline) matches expectations.

If an anomaly occurs at any point in the workflow or pipeline, the data team will
be the first to know, through an automated alert, and they can take action. Test
results can also be displayed in dashboards, making the state of the data pipeline

10 • Recipes for DataOps Success

transparent from end to end.


As enterprises develop and deploy data analytics with DataOps, they can attain the
same level of productivity that we see in leading software companies. Analytics
will be created and deployed rapidly and statistical process controls will ensure
that quality remains high. The data science team will respond to requests for new
analytics with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

DataOps offers a new approach to creating and operationalizing analytics that

minimizes unplanned work, reduces cycle time and improves code and data
quality. It is a methodology that enables data science teams to thrive despite
increasing levels of complexity required to deploy and maintain analytics in the
field. Without the burden of inefficiencies and poor quality, data science teams
can focus on their area of expertise; creating new models and analytics that fuel
business innovation and create competitive advantage.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 11

12 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Better than Shake ‘n Bake!
Contributed By Joanne Ferrari
Prep Time: 15 minutes — Cook Time: 45 minutes — Total Time: 1 hour

Better than Shake ‘n Bake! Easy, inexpensive & tastes better too! Common ingredients come together in this
copycat Shake ‘n Bake recipe that’s even better than the original.

INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 tsp granulated garlic

3 cups dried bread crumbs, ground very fine 1 tsp finely ground black pepper

3 Tbsp cornmeal 1 1/2 tbsp fine salt

3 Tbsp corn starch 1 1/2 tsp chili powder

1 Tbsp granulated onion, (powder can work too) 1 tsp ground dry thyme

1 1/2 tsp ground dry oregano

1. Mix together all of the ingredients very well. I use a food processor or mixer to make sure everything
is very well blended.

1. Store in a cool place in an airtight container like a 1 quart/liter mason Jar.


I use one whole chicken, cut in pieces and well-trimmed but about 3 lbs of any kind of chicken pieces you
like will do. You can, of course, make any amount you need.

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

2. Simply wet chicken pieces with water, drain well and drop them, one at a time into a plastic bag
containing some of the homemade shake ‘n bake. I usually start with a half cup of the coating in
the bag, which is equivalent to what is in an envelope if you bought it at the supermarket. You can
always add a little extra if you need it at the end, but I find this is the best way to maximize the use
you get out of a batch.

3. Shake the bag and press the coating onto the individual chicken pieces. Place the coated pieces on
a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Don’t crowd the pieces, they will crisp much better if there is
space between them.


At this point, you can drizzle a little canola oil or peanut oil over the coated pieces to maximize browning
but this step is completely optional. I have an oil spritzer which is ideal for this purpose because you can
spritz about 9 or 10 pieces of chicken with only about a tablespoon of oil. This is a method I often use for
Oven Fried Chicken too.

Bake for about 45-55 minutes depending upon the size of the chicken pieces being used. Boneless skinless
chicken breasts can be ready in as little as 25 minutes depending on size. I use my meat thermometer to
ensure that the internal temperature is 175-180 degrees F to ensure they are fully cooked.

Let the chicken pieces rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 13

14 • Recipes for DataOps Success
For Data Team Success,
What You Do is Less Important
Than How You Do It

In today’s on-demand economy, the ability to derive business value from data
is the secret sauce that will separate the winners from the losers. Data-driven
decision-making is now more critical than ever. Analytics could mean the
difference between finding the right mix of strategic moves or falling behind. In
fact, Forrester Research predicted that insight-driven companies would grow
seven to 10 times faster than the global GDP through 2021.

Most enterprise companies recognize the need to be data-driven, yet 60% of data
projects fail to move past preliminary stages, and 87% of science projects never
make it to production. More surprisingly the number of data-driven companies
has actually fallen from 37% to 31% since 2017, despite increased investment

Recipes for DataOps Success • 15

Becoming data-driven is hard and data teams are suffering. They are caught
between the competing demands of data consumers, data providers, and
supporting teams. Typically, data consumers live in an Amazon world and expect
trusted, original insight on-demand. Yet data providers often send inaccurate,
late, or error-prone data sets. The flawless collaboration and production required
from teams in other parts of the organization often just isn’t there.

Taken together, the need to manage complex toolchains and data, as well as
collaborate with other organizations, roles, locations, and data centers, saps the
data team’s time. In fact, most data teams spend more time fixing errors and
addressing operational issues than innovating and providing business value.
According to Gartner, only 22% of a data team’s time is spent on new initiatives
and innovation. As a result, many data teams are not meeting expectations, or
worse, are beaten down and disempowered.

Figure 1: According to Gartner, only 22% of a data team’s time is spent on new initiatives
and innovation.


Data teams can learn important lessons from other industries. According to
management guru Dr. W. Edwards Deming, 94% of problems are “common
cause variation,” and to decrease this variation you must focus on the system
or process, not look for a person to blame. A relentless process focus has led to
dramatic improvements in the auto industry, where lean manufacturing principles
have led to dramatically higher levels of productivity and quality. Or more recently
in software development, the principles of DevOps have enabled companies to
perform millions of software releases each year.

16 • Recipes for DataOps Success

“We realized that the true problem, the true difficulty, and
where the greatest potential is — is building the machine that
makes the machine . In other words, it’s building the factory.
I’m really thinking of the factory like a product.” Elon Musk

This mind shift was more recently highlighted by Elon Musk who said “we
realized the true problem, the true difficulty, and where the greatest potential is
— is building the machine that builds the machine. In other words, it’s building
the factory. I’m really thinking of the factory like a product.” Successful data
organizations are also wise to think of their data pipelines like a factory where
quality and efficiency must be managed. But how can a data team shift its focus
from the next big tool, technology or data feature to the people and process?


In data analytics, DataOps provides the path forward. DataOps aligns the people,
processes, and technologies of the data analytics organization. Supported by
automation, it puts the focus on the underlying systems and managing the ‘data
factory.’ Companies that follow DataOps principles spend less time worrying
about the next model, algorithm, tool, visualization or even the data itself, but
instead focus on how to develop, deploy, test, monitor, collaborate and measure
their analytic operations.

By doing so, these companies realize multiple, simultaneous benefits.

• They experience orders of magnitude improvements in cycle time. They
are able to deploy new features
quickly and confidently, often
improving from months/weeks to
• They lower or even eliminate
costly and embarrassing errors,
enabling them to build a strong
culture of trust with their data
• They dramatically increase
productivity. Better intra- and
inter-team collaboration means Figure 2: DataOps reduces time
less time spent on meetings and spent on errors and operational
bureaucracy. tasks and increases innovation.

All of this creates the time and space for the data team to focus on what they
signed up for in the first place — creating innovative analytics and delivering
business value.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 17

Data organizations that neglect to modernize their processes, risk being left
behind in an increasingly on-demand economy. DataOps enables teams to
reclaim control of their data pipelines, reduce time- and soul-sucking errors and
minimize the time from new ideas to the deployment of working analytics.

In any economy, but especially in challenging times, the most innovative

companies will be those that can quickly adapt to rapidly evolving market
conditions. The data teams that adopt DataOps and produce robust and accurate
analytics more rapidly than their peers will power strategic decision-making that
sustains a competitive advantage.

18 • Recipes for DataOps Success

“Chicken & Rice Guys” Chicken and Rice
Contributed By Andrew Sadoway
C&RG was a spot that many who worked at the DataKitchen Cambridge office used to frequent.

marinade and chicken side salad

○ juice of 1⁄2 lemon ○ 1⁄2 head iceberg lettuce, chopped

○ 2 garlic cloves, minced ○ 2 medium tomatoes, chopped

○ 1 tsp kosher salt ○ 1⁄2 small white or red onion, chopped (op-

○ 1 tsp paprika (sweet, hot, or smoked) tional) 1 small cucumber, chopped (optional)

○ 3⁄4 tsp ground coriander yogurt sauce

○ 1 1⁄2 tsp ground cumin ○ 1 cup plain yogurt

○ Pinch of ground cloves ○ 2 Tbsp mayonnaise

○ 1 tsp dried oregano ○ 1 Tbsp distilled white or apple cider vinegar

1⁄2 tsp granulated sugar
○ 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs (about 6)
○ 1⁄2 tsp kosher salt
○ 1 Tbsp olive oil
hot sauce
○ 1 Tbsp harissa
○ 1 Tbsp olive oil
○ 1 Tbsp sriracha (or other hot sauce)
○ 1⁄2 tsp ground turmeric
extras (optional)
○ 3⁄4 tsp ground cumin
○ fresh cilantro, chopped, for garnish
○ 2 cups basmati or another long-grain white rice
○ 3 large pocketless pita breads, toasted,
○ 3 1⁄2 cups chicken stock
○ 1 tsp kosher salt

1. Marinate the chicken: combine marinade and pour into a bowl. Add the chicken, coat evenly and
leave in the fridge, covered, for 30 minutes

2. Cook the chicken: Once the chicken is done marinating, heat a large deep skillet with a lid on me-
dium-high heat in a single layer. Brown them, 5-8 minutes per side. Check the internal temp with a
meat thermometer: it should reach at least 165 F.

3. Boil the rice: Add 1 Tbsp olive oil to the pot, heat it, add spices and rice and toast together for 1 minute,
stirring frequently. Add the stock and salt and cook.

4. Make the sauces: while the rice cooks, make the yogurt and hot sauces

5. Make the salad: chop lettuce, tomatoes, and other (optional) veggies. Combine and season with salt
and pepper.

6. Chop the chicken: when the chicken is done cooking, remove it and chop into bite-sized pieces on a
cutting board. Return the pieces to the pan, coating them with the oil and spices in the pan.

Attribution: Chicken & Rice Guys

Recipes for DataOps Success • 19

20 • Recipes for DataOps Success
6 Steps to an Enterprise
DataOps Transformation

DataOps reenvisions how data analytics are conceived, created, deployed,

supported, maintained and monitored. It removes the barriers that previously
isolated users, data scientists and data operations from each other. DataOps
represents nothing less than a transformational change that permeates the data
and analytics teams.

As a career data professional, you may find it fairly straightforward to wrap your
mind around the tools that implement DataOps. However, leading a DataOps
initiative is about more than technologies and workflows. DataOps champions are
leading cultural change, which also involves overcoming skepticism.

A DataOps champion may encounter resistance to change in the form of

conflicting incentives, entrenched culture and a lack of buy-in. An organization
may be hierarchical and silo’ed, but data cuts across teams, locations, and data
centers. Major changes in data analytics methodologies and workflows are bound
to infringe upon existing norms.

We have watched organizations implement DataOps using a variety of approaches.

The most successful transitions to DataOps address both technical and human
factors. Successful DataOps programs follow a gradual and methodical approach
that establishes a beachhead with a first project, recruits allies and builds value
iteratively. We summarize our recommended process for DataOps Enterprise
Transformation in the six steps below (Figure 1).

Recipes for DataOps Success • 21

Figure 1: DataOps Enterprise Transformation can be accomplished in six steps.

DataOps introduces new
methodologies, supported by tools
automation, that shortens data
analytics cycle time, improves
collaboration, virtually eliminates
errors and provides unprecedented
transparency into data operations.
DataOps can support your current
toolchain or ease migration to new
tools and technologies.

The best way to begin a transition

to DataOps is by educating yourself
and your team about how DataOps
improves agility and quality.
The team needs to learn: what is
possible, what other enterprises
have achieved, and what DataOps Figure 2: The six dimensions of
experts cite as best practice. DataOps maturity
Fortunately, there are many
resources to assist you:
• What is DataOps? Most Commonly Asked Questions
• The Seven Steps of DataOps
• The DataOps Cookbook
• DataOps YouTube Channel
• DataKitchen DataOps Webinars
• The DataOps Manifesto

22 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Your investment in DataOps education should stimulate your vision of improving
your organization’s workflows by applying DataOps principles. Nothing is more
effective at proving DataOps’ potential impact than a mini-project.

A mini or pilot project can serve as a proof of concept for potential DataOps
benefits. Choose your first project in consultation with your team and, if possible,
an executive sponsor. Ideally, it should demonstrate meaningful improvement
in a key performance parameter. Ideally, a first project leads to a quick win.
A shorter schedule is eminently preferable to an extended development
effort. That’s not to say that you have to get it perfect in one shot. Iterated
improvements demonstrate how value builds by using Agile development. If you
can’t decide where to begin, our DataOps Maturity Model may be helpful.

Measure DataOps Maturity

The DataOps Maturity Model can help organizations understand their DataOps
strengths and weaknesses. Maturity models are commonly used to measure
an organization’s ability to improve in a particular discipline continuously.
DataKitchen’s DataOps Maturity Model outlines a measurement approach for
building, monitoring, and deploying data and analytics according to DataOps
principles. With this model, teams can understand where they are today and how
to move up the curve of DataOps excellence.

DataOps employs automated orchestration to simplify complex toolchains,

environments, and team collaboration, so that the data team can quickly and
continuously deliver high quality, error-free insight. To implement DataOps,
organizations need to prioritize improvements in the six areas shown in Figure 2.

Improve these areas by implementing core DataOps capabilities such as automated

testing and monitoring, toolchain orchestration, version control, sandbox creation
and management, and continuous deployment. Many DataOps capabilities relieve
bottlenecks in workflow processes.

Eliminating Bottlenecks

Most data teams are interested in DataOps because they seek to accelerate the
creation and deployment of new data analytics (data, models, transformation,
visualizations) without introducing errors. Reducing project cycle time or
eliminating errors are both excellent starting points. Errors are a major source of
unplanned work, which is a bottleneck that limits the throughput of the overall
system. To minimize errors, start tracking errors and form a quality circle to explore
root causes. Add tests to your data operations pipelines and continuous deployment
pipelines so that your data team can address errors before they affect users.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 23

Figure 3: DataOps relieves productivity constraints such as data errors, deployment errors,
and lack of team coordination.

To reduce project cycle time, study and measure the workflow processes from the
inception of an analytics requirement to the delivery of published analytics. Every
workflow process includes constraints and bottlenecks. Improve overall cycle time
by mitigating these constraints in your development processes (Figure 3).

One approach that we recommend involves using the Theory of Constraints to

alleviate your workflow bottlenecks. A bottleneck is a step in your end-to-end
lifecycle process that acts as a constraint on the overall throughput of the entire
system. For example, waiting six weeks for approval from an impact review board
severely constrains agility. A data organization’s bottlenecks often leave the
following telltale signs:
• Work in Progress (WIP)  –  In a manufacturing flow, work in progress usually
accumulates on an input queue feeding into a constraint. In data analytics,
you may notice a growing list of requests for a scarce resource. For example,
if it takes 20 weeks to provision a development system, your list of requests
for them is likely to be long.
• Expedite –  Look for areas where you are regularly diverting resources to
ensure that critical analytics reach users. In data analytics, data errors are a
common source of unplanned work.
• Cycle Time  – Pay attention to the steps in your process with the longest cycle
time. Naturally, if a process step is starved or blocked by a dependency, the
bottleneck is the external factor. If it takes months to receive data sets from
the central IT department, work with them to set-up a regular, automated
feed into a locally controlled data lake.
• Demand – Note steps in your pipeline or process that are simply not keeping
up with demand. For example, often, less time is required to create new
analytics than to test and validate them in preparation for deployment. This
disparity can be addressed using DevOps techniques.

Whatever your choice of projects, invest in activities that will garner support and
demonstrate how DataOps produces measurable results.

The DataKitchen DataOps Platform and other DataOps tools can play a critical
role in shortening the cycle time of your DataOps model project. A DataOps
Platform is purpose-built to augment an existing toolchain with DataOps
automation. It can help you hit the ground running.

24 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Many DataOps transformations start with a small number of contributors who
serve as the core team. As excitement grows, you will find that your more
established team will need more structure to keep everyone rowing in the same
direction. Here are some ways you can support and encourage your team’s
• Community-of-interest – Find allies and cultivate a community of interest
(COI) around DataOps methods and automation. One ready-made resource is
the group of engineers and data scientists who understand Agile development
and DevOps. These folks will understand the power of process improvement
to boost productivity and quality in software development and data analytics.
DataOps communities often come alive with palpable energy as DataOps
benefits win over converts.
• Executive sponsor – A C-level sponsor can tie the project’s activities into the
larger organization’s strategic goals. An executive can explain the value to
others and provide guidance as the project team faces obstacles or grapples
with trade-offs. The executive sponsor provides resources and budget as a
skunkworks matures into an official project. With support from data science
or engineering managers, you can gain approval for your COI to devote part
or all of their time to DataOps officially.
• DataOps strategy – A DataOps strategy keeps everyone on the same page.
As your team grows beyond its core members, a written strategy empowers
everyone to contribute their creativity. If your DataOps initiative has specific
initial goals, a strategy clearly communicates them to the team.
• Shared workspace – A shared workspace and communication channels help
the team interact around tasks and builds a shared identity. Some teams
have a physical space, but others are entirely virtual. Your DataOps COI may
benefit from collaboration tools such as a Wiki, Slack channel or an email list.
With a budget, you can establish a resource center to support your DataOps
• Build value – DataOps is an iterative process that builds value using
automation. Everyone who works on your DataOps initiative should be
helping to create or enhance the value-creation machine. If that machine
runs 24x7, it creates value long after the data scientists and programmers
have deployed their solutions. For example, tests that ensure data quality
keep creating value as new data flows through the data analytics pipelines.

The value that DataOps builds should manifest in tangible improvements.

Demonstrate the benefits of DataOps, and win converts, using metrics.

DataOps will deliver an unprecedented level of transparency into your operations
and analytics development. DataOps automated orchestration provides an

Recipes for DataOps Success • 25

opportunity to collect and display metrics on all of the activities related to
analytics (Figure 4). Why not use DataOps analytics to shine a light on the
benefits of DataOps itself?

Figure 4: A typical DataOps dashboard

Figure 4 shows a typical DataOps dashboard with metrics related to team

collaboration, error rates, productivity, deployments, tests, and delivery time.
The metrics above might benefit from a short explanation:
• Team Collaboration – Measure teamwork by the creation of virtual
workspaces, also known as “Kitchens.” Each Kitchen creation corresponds to
a new project or sub-project in a team context.
• Error Rates – The graph shows production warnings at a rate of 10 per week,
falling to virtually zero. This reduction in errors is the positive result of the
100+ tests that are now operating 24x7 checking data, ETL, processing results,
and business logic. As the number of tests increases, the data pipeline falls
under increasingly robust quality controls.
• Productivity – Measure team productivity by the number of tests and analytics
created. The rise in “keys” (steps in data pipelines) coupled with the increase in
test coverage shows a thriving development team. Also, the number of Kitchen
merges at the top right shows the completion of projects or sub-projects. The
“Feature to Dev” metric shows new analytics ready for release. “Dev to Prod”
merges represent deployments to production (data operations).
• On-time Delivery – Mean deployment cycle time falls sharply, meeting the
target service level agreement (SLA).

Choose your metrics to reflect your DataOps project objectives. The metric gives the
entire team a goal to rally around. The number of possible DataOps metrics is as varied as
the architectures that enterprises use to produce analytics. When your team focuses
on a metric and iterates on it, you’ll see significant improvements in each sprint.

26 • Recipes for DataOps Success

In Agile Software Development, the team and its processes and tools are
organized around publishing releases to the users every few weeks (or at most
every few months). A development cycle is called an iteration (or a sprint). At
the beginning of an iteration, the team commits to completing working and
valuable changes to the code base. With iterations occurring at short intervals,
the organization can continuously reassess its priorities and incorporate them
into future iterations. This method allows the development team to adapt to
changing requirements more easily. Each iteration adds value, so the final
product is continually improved.

In an increasingly competitive marketplace, Agile methods allow companies to

become more responsive to customer requirements and accelerate time to market.
Agile also improves ROI by monetizing features with each iteration instead of
waiting months for a big release. Unlike classic software development, agile
projects build value with each iteration. In DataOps, iterations build upon each
other, so value grows over time.

While initial iterations may have focused on one project, demonstration of

success encourages a DataOps team to broaden its scope. Iterations can address
new goals: tackling additional bottlenecks, adding new data sets, and working
with new teams.

As your DataOps initiative grows beyond the early stages, you will expand
to incorporate more staff, resources, and a broader scope. One best practice
incorporates DataOps into the organization chart. A sign of DataOps maturity
is building a common technical infrastructure and tools for DataOps using
centralized teams. It’s also important to establish enterprise-wide measurements
and metrics. Work with other teams throughout the organization to bring DataOps
benefits to every corner of the enterprise.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 27

DataOps Technical Services

One approach standardizes a set of software services that support the rollout of
Agile/DataOps. The DataOps Technical Services (DTS) group provides a set of
central services leveraged by other groups. Examples of technologies that can be
delivered ‘as a service’ include:
• Source code control repository
• Agile ticketing/Kanban tools
• Deploy to production
• Product monitoring
• Develop/execute regression testing
• Development sandboxes
• Collaboration and training portals/wikis
• Test data management and other functions provided ‘as a service’

The DTS group can also act as a services organization, offering services to other
teams. Below are some examples of services that a DTS group can provide:
• Reusable deployment services that integrate, deliver and deploy end-to-end
analytic pipelines to production.
• Central code repository where all data engineering/science/analytic work can
be tracked, reviewed and shared.
• Central DataOps process measurement function with reports
• ‘Mission Control’ for data-production metrics and data-team development
metrics to demonstrate progress on the DataOps transformation

Another important tool employed by maturing DataOps organizations helps train

practitioners in DataOps methods and best practices so they can return to their
team and lead local DataOps efforts.

DataOps COE

The Center of Excellence (COE) model leverages the DataOps team to solve
real-world challenges. The goal of a COE is to take a large, widespread,
deep-rooted organizational problem and solve it in a smaller scope,
proof-of-concept project, using an open-minded approach. The COE then
attempts to leverage small wins across the larger organization at scale. A COE
typically has a full-time staff that focuses on delivering value for customers in
an experimentation-driven, iterative, result-oriented, customer-focused way.
COE teams try to show what “good” looks like by establishing common technical
standards and best practice. They also can provide education and training
enterprise-wide. The COE approach is used in many enterprises, but the DevOps
industry has more often standardized on Dojos as a best practice.

28 • Recipes for DataOps Success

DataOps Dojo

A DataOps Dojo is a place where DataOps beginners go for a short period of

intense, hands-on training. In Japan, a dojo is a safe environment where someone
can practice new skills, such as martial arts. Companies like Target employ the
Dojo concept effectively to build lean, Agile and DevOps muscles. The Dojo offers a
separate workspace where teams learn new skills while working on actual projects
that deliver customer value.

Dojos provide an environment where teams gain practical experience without

worrying about introducing errors into the production environment. The staff
rotates in for weeks or months at a time to learn new skills by working on real-
world projects. They then bring those skills ideas back to their original teams.

DataOps can serve as a positive agent of change in an otherwise slow and process-
heavy organization. Remember that leading change in technical organizations
is equal parts people, technology and processes. DataOps offers the potential
to reinvigorate data team productivity and agility while improving quality and
predictability. Our six-step program should help you introduce and establish
DataOps in your data organization. In our experience, many data organizations
desperately need the benefits that DataOps offers. They need people to champion
a DataOps initiative. Can your organization count on you?

Recipes for DataOps Success • 29

30 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Contributed By Brandon Stephens
Super-popular Korean street snack

INGREDIENTS (for 6 bungeoppang)

1 cup all-purpose flour

½ teaspoon kosher salt

½ teaspoon baking soda

1 tablespoon brown or white sugar

1 cup plus 2 tablespoons water

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

• Sweet red beans (canned or homemade): for homemade, use the method
from my patbingsu recipe

• Bungeoppang special pan

• Combine flour, kosher salt, baking soda, and sugar in a bowl. Add water and mix it well.

• Sieve the mixture through a strainer to get a silky batter without any lumps.

• Heat up the bunggeoppang pan and turn the heat down to low.

• Open the pan and grease both the upper and lower fish molds with a light coating of vegetable oil.

• Pour the batter into one side of the fish mold until it’s 1/3 full. Add 1 tablespoon of sweet red beans to
the center, and then gently fill up the rest of the fish mold to totally cover the red beans.

• Close the mold and cook for about 3 minutes over low heat.

• Turn the pan over and let it cook another 3 minutes. Open it and turn it over again for another 30
seconds, to make the bread a little more crispy.

• Take out and serve immediately.

Attribution: Maangchi

Recipes for DataOps Success • 31

32 • Recipes for DataOps Success
The Business Case for DataOps

Savvy executives maximize the value of every budgeted dollar. Decisions to invest
in new tools and methods must be backed up with a strong business case. As data
professionals, we know the value and impact of DataOps: streamlining analytics
workflows, reducing errors, and improving data operations transparency. Being
able to quantify the value and impact helps leadership understand the return
on past investments and supports alignment with future enterprise DataOps
transformation initiatives. Below we discuss three approaches to articulating the
return on investment of DataOps.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 33

In a recent Gartner survey, data professionals spent 56% of their time on
operational execution and only 22% of their time on innovation that delivers
value. An effective DataOps strategy can help a team invert this ratio and provide
more value to the company.

Figure 1: Data professionals spend only 22% of their time on innovation.

Gartner describes the time spent on “operational execution” execution as using the
data team to implement and maintain production initiatives. A big percentage of
the time that data scientists spend on operational effort is consumed servicing data

In teams with mature DataOps practices, including some long-time DataKitchen

customers, data professionals have indeed flipped the ratio and spend much
less time on nonvalue-added activities. Instead these organizations commit
20% of their time implementing automation and writing tests. As a result, they
reduced the time spent on errors and manual processes to nearly zero. This allows
the team to spend significantly more time focusing on high-value efforts and
meaningful collaborations. Good rules of thumb are:
• If you’ll perform an operation twice in a year, then automate it.
• If it can be wrong, test it.

Implementing DataOps automation requires about 20% of a data professional’s time,

but it completely eliminates data team participation in operations, saving them 56%
of their time; a net savings of 36%. For a team of ten data professionals, this savings
is the equivalent of adding more than 3.5 full-time employees to value added
activities. These newly available resources can be redeployed to create more capacity
for the company’s analytics-hungry product teams.

34 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Another way to demonstrate the impact of DataOps on FTEs is showing the math.

DataOps Cost/Benefit Example

$130,000.00 FTE average salary
$156,000.00 FTE fully burdened cost
10 Team size
$1,560,000 Team total cost

56% Operational Execution

20% DataOps time spend on automation and testing
36% DataOps net time savings
$561,600 Value of data team resources redeployed

Thirty six percent of the total time of a ten-person team, based on a full-time
employee (FTE) cost of $156,000 amounts to $561,000. This significant sum can be
redeployed to higher value-add activities.


Many companies overcome their staffing limitations by outsourcing critical work
to third parties. When internal analytics workflows are automated, there is little
advantage to outsourcing. With DataOps, the work can often be performed much
less expensively through automated orchestrations that are developed and managed
in house. Automation can free up both direct and indirect resources. It enables
companies to redirect the utilization of their own staff and reduce the dependency
on external resources. If your company spends millions on consulting fees and
outside contractors, DataOps automation could make a significant contribution to
the bottom line. In one real-world example, a DataKitchen customer realized a net
savings of $70 million dollars as effort transitioned fully from outside agencies to
internal resources.


What can you do with the resources that are freed up from DataOps automation?
One approach applies these resources to business analytics that expedite and
improve decision-making.

Analytics agility leads to business agility. When the data team delivers analytics
rapidly and accurately, analytics do a better job supporting decision-makers. When an
organization can make decisions faster and better, it is able to capture opportunities
that it would have otherwise missed or misjudged. With analytics playing a central role
in corporate strategy, analytics agility can be a competitive advantage.

In one example, using analytics to understand customers and markets significantly

improved product launch success at one DataOps enterprise. With rapidly produced
analytics, they were able to improve market segmentation to maximize revenue in
the early product lifecycle, boosting lifetime product revenue.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 35

When executives evaluate whether to invest in a DataOps initiative, they need to
understand the business benefits. Improved productivity, reduced outsourcing
costs, and greater business agility together build a strong business case for
DataOps. It may help to start with a mini or pilot project that demonstrates
DataOps benefits. Improvement of a key metric may provide the justification that
you need to secure investment in a larger DataOps program.

36 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Red Lentil Curry / Dal
Contributed By Rajeev Singh
1.5 cup lentils

1 tomato

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tbsp ghee / clarified butter

1 tsp cumin seeds

1/2 cup chopped onion

1 tsp ginger

1 tsp garlic finely chopped

1 tsp chili powder

cilantro leaves


• Wash 1.5 cup lentils and soak them in water for about 2 hours.

• Add the soaked lentils, with 1 chopped tomato, 1 tsp turmeric powder and salt into an instant pot.

• Set the instant pot to Pressure Cook mode with a timer of 7 minutes and let it naturally release the
steam for 5 minutes before opening the lid.

• Note, Instant pot is quicker, but the lentils can be easily cooked in a large saucepan. You can com-
bine the lentils with about 3.5 cups of water and cook the lentils for about 25-35 minutes.

• Once the lentils are cooked, heat a pan and add 1 tbsp ghee / clarified butter. Once the ghee is
hot, add 1 tsp cumin seeds, 1/2 cup chopped onion, 1 tsp ginger finely chopped, 1 tsp garlic finely
chopped, 1 tsp chili powder and cook them until the onion turns translucent.

• Add the contents of this pan to the instant pot.

• Garnish with some finely chopped cilantro leaves.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 37

38 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Recipes for DataOps Success • 39

40 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Launch Your DataOps Journey
with the DataOps Maturity Model

Most enterprise companies recognize the need to be data-driven, yet 60%

of data projects fail to move past preliminary stages, and 87% of data science
projects never make it to production. More surprisingly the number of
data-driven companies has actually fallen from 37% to 31% since 2017, despite
increased investment.

Becoming data-driven is hard. Data teams are caught between the competing
demands of data consumers, data providers, and supporting teams. Typically,
data consumers live in an “Amazon world” and expect trusted, original insight
on-demand. Yet data providers often send inaccurate, late, or error-prone data
sets. The flawless collaboration demanded of stakeholders often just isn’t there.

Taken together, the need to manage complex toolchains and data, as well as
collaborate with other organizations, roles, locations, and data centers, saps
the data team’s time. In fact, most data teams spend more time fixing errors
and addressing operational issues than innovating and providing business
value. According to Gartner, only 22% of a data team’s time is spent on new
initiatives and innovation (Figure 1). As a result, many data teams are not meeting
expectations, or worse, are beaten down and disempowered.

In data analytics, DataOps provides the path forward. Research shows that
“organizations that adopt a DevOps- and DataOps-based approach are more
successful in implementing end-to-end, reliable, robust, scalable and repeatable
solutions,” says Gartner’s Sumit Pal. (Gartner, November 2018)

Recipes for DataOps Success • 41

Figure 1: Only 22% of a data team’s time is spent on new initiatives and innovation.

DataOps is a set of technical practices, cultural norms, and architectures that
• Rapid experimentation and innovation for the fastest delivery of new
insights to customers
• Low error rates
• Collaboration across complex sets of people, technology, and environments
• Clear measurement and monitoring of results

DataOps draws on the principles of Agile, DevOps, and lean manufacturing to

transform data processes. Supported by automation, it puts the focus on the
underlying systems and managing the ‘data factory.’ Companies that implement
DataOps realize multiple, simultaneous benefits. They:
• Experience orders of magnitude improvements in cycle time. They are able to
deploy new analytics quickly and confidently, often delivering in hours/days
instead of weeks/months.
• Lower or even eliminate costly and embarrassing errors, enabling
organizations to build a strong culture of trust with their data customers.
• Dramatically increase productivity. Better intra- and inter-team collaboration
means less time spent on meetings and bureaucracy and more on innovation.


Because DataOps impacts your end-to-end analytic lifecycle, implementing DataOps
can feel overwhelming. Even though a majority of respondents in a 2020 Seagate/
IDC survey said that DataOps was “very” or “extremely” important, only 10% have
implemented DataOps fully across the enterprise. Success requires a mindset shift
and most companies struggle with where to begin and how to even make modest
progress towards their goals. A DataOps Maturity Model can be an incredibly useful
tool to help organizations understand where they are today and how to get where
they need to go.

42 • Recipes for DataOps Success

To begin a DataOps initiative,
it is first important to
understand what is important
(and what isn’t) for DataOps
success. DataOps requires
a focus on the state of
your data operations and
processes, not the next new
feature or tool. Typically,
data teams can spend far
too much time worrying
about data types (e.g.,
batch, streaming, big, small,
structured, unstructured),
database types (e.g., hadoop,
Spark, graph, NoSQL, object
stores), data tools (e.g.,
ETL, BI, data science, data
prep, catalog, etc), or specific Figure 2: The 6 dimensions of DataOps Maturity
design paradigms (e.g., lakes,
warehouses, ML models, etc).

DataOps employs automated orchestration to simplify complex toolchains,

environments, and team collaboration, so that the data team can quickly and
continuously deliver high quality, error-free insight. To implement DataOps,
organizations need to prioritize improvements in the six following areas (Figure 2).
• Error Rates
• Cycle Time
• Collaboration
• Measurement
• Team Culture
• Customer Happiness

Recipes for DataOps Success • 43

Figure 3: DataOps capabilities that address key business constraints
affecting data analytics organizations

Each of these areas can be improved by implementing core DataOps capabilities

such as automated testing and monitoring, toolchain orchestration, version control,
sandbox creation and management, and continuous deployment. Figure 3 highlights
areas where DataOps capabilities can help you address key business constraints.


Maturity models are commonly used to measure an organization’s ability to
continuously improve in a particular discipline. This document outlines a maturity
model measurement approach for building, monitoring, and deploying data and
analytics according to DataOps principles. With this model, teams can understand
where they are today, and what needs to be done to move up the curve.

The model provides a structure for reviewing your organization’s capabilities

across the six different DataOps dimensions. Results will enable you to customize
strategies to get started or improve. A robust DataOps program will be optimized
across all the dimensions.


A DataOps Maturity Assessment asks questions across the six categories that form
the dimensions of the DataOps Maturity Model. Along each dimension, progress
toward maturity can be categorized as:

Level 5 Optimized: Focus on continuous improvement and change.

Level 4 Quantitative: Processes are measured and controlled.

Level 3 Consistent: Automated processes are being applied across the entire data
analytic development lifecycle.

Level 2 Basic: Processes are documented and partly automated.

Level 1 Struggle: Processes are unrepeatable, poorly controlled, manual, and reactive.

44 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Every company is on a journey toward achieving excellence and will have
strengths and weaknesses. Just because an organization is large, does not
mean that it is excellent. In fact, the flaws in a process or methodology become
particularly noticeable when a team grows. Low ratings on any dimension should
not be viewed as a negative, but instead as an opportunity for improvement.


Organizations that follow DataOps principles typically have less than one error
per year. That is orders of magnitude better than the industry norm. In a recent
DataOps survey, only 3% of the companies surveyed approached that level of
quality. Eighty percent of companies surveyed reported three or more errors per
month. Thirty percent of respondents reported more than 11 errors per month.

To reduce the level of errors, robust DataOps programs use automated testing,
monitoring, and orchestration in their production pipelines. Inspired by statistical
process control, they will have tests running in production across all pipelines,
sources, and tools, multiple types of tests per process step, and error alerts in place.

In contrast, teams that struggle will have no automated tests in production. This
results in costly and embarrassing errors, often discovered by customers. (Figure 4)


Many organizations experience lengthy cycle times for creating analytic
environments or deploying new analytics that run weeks and months. This is
often due to manual processes with little to no automation or automated testing
in place. In the worst case scenario, development work is done in the production
technical environment that also hosts live data operations.

Deployment cycle time can be shortened through a strong program of testing,

deployment automation, and environment management. Optimized DataOps
programs can deploy new analytics and create new development environments in
hours, or even minutes. In DataOps, error-free automated deployment is realized
through a full suite of tests. (Figure 5)

Recipes for DataOps Success • 45

Organizations with an optimized DataOps program have high levels of inter- and
intra-team collaboration. In these organizations, production and development
teams regularly collaborate to reduce risk, speed cycle time, and achieve overall
greater productivity. They are able to share assets between teams and have
visibility into each other’s work. These teams also leverage environments, version
control, and code review processes for successful collaboration.

On the contrary, organizations that struggle tend to have unreliable processes,

chance meetings (and often yelling when things go wrong). Analytic and line-of-
business teams are often at war with each other. (Figure 6)


You can’t improve what you don’t measure, yet it is surprising how many data
analytics teams don’t measure their own processes. Optimized DataOps teams
continuously measure success and failure through detailed process analytics on
errors, deployment speed, and team productivity. Metrics are regularly shared and
reviewed with the team and internal customers, with a focus on improvement.
Conversely, teams that struggle don’t track metrics or create reports, or worse,
don’t collect any data at all. (Figure 7)

DataOps draws upon the principles of Agile and Lean manufacturing to transform
processes that manage data on its journey toward value creation. Successful
DataOps teams follow Agile principles which are a strong part of the overall
company culture. These organizations are focused on continuous learning and
optimization and errors are viewed as an opportunity for improvement.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are companies that follow waterfall
principles. Errors go undiscovered or are hidden and blame is passed around when
things go wrong. (Figure 8)

46 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Customers won’t adopt analytics they don’t trust. At the end of the day, delivering
trusted, timely insight is a critical measure of success. Best-in-class data teams
will respond to customer requests within hours and always provide timely, useful
insight. Teams that struggle are often ‘too busy’ to respond. Customers begin to
look elsewhere for insight – the death knell for a data analytics team. (Figure 9)


No company will initially excel across all six dimensions. Initially, typical results
will look like Figure 10. However, the results of your maturity assessment
will help your organization plan a roadmap for success. The goal of a DataOps
maturity assessment is to provoke a discussion across your organization, to
identify areas for improvement, and to guide investment in the processes and
tools that can help.

The good news is that success in one particular dimension does not have to be
traded-off against others. In organizations that don’t practice DataOps, this
is a common practice. They often trade speed for quality (or vice versa). For
example, in order to reduce fear and uncertainty over errors, a team may establish
practices, like documentation, checks and balances, and lots of meetings, that
lengthen their cycle time and reduce productivity. With DataOps practices in

Recipes for DataOps Success • 47

Figure 10: Typical DataOps Maturity Model results

place, you can excel in both speed and quality. Best-in-class data organizations
do well across the board, leading to overall greater productivity and lower costs.

By focusing on the right areas, a data team can start to look more like Bristol
Myers Squibb (formerly Celgene), a company that is now several years into their
DataOps journey (Figure 11). This team initially overcame obstacles that prevented
analytics responsiveness and quality. Data was organized in silos – using a variety
of technologies and isolated platforms. Without the right processes and tools in
place, the data engineering and analytics teams spent a majority of their time on
data engineering and pipeline maintenance. This distracted them from their main
mission – producing analytic insights that help the business attain its objectives.

After implementing DataOps, they now achieve excellence across all critical
• Very, very few errors or missed SLAs
• Weekly cycle time of new changes/features/data
• Detailed process metrics
• Agile culture
• High inter- and intra-team coordination
• High customer satisfaction

48 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Figure 11: BMS is optimized across all dimensions of the DataOps maturity model


As most organizations come to recognize the benefits of a DataOps program,
adoption is often a no-brainer. DataOps provides the foundation for analytic
excellence. It streamlines the development of new analytics, shortens cycle time,
and automates the data analytic pipeline, freeing the team to focus on value-add
activities. It also controls the quality of the data flowing through the pipeline
so users can trust their data. With DataOps in place, the team is productive,
responsive, and efficient.

Because implementation of DataOps requires a mindset shift, one of the biggest

challenges becomes where and how to start. The DataOps Maturity Model provides
a quick objective way for organizations to assess the maturity of their DataOps
initiative and breaks down the critical elements of a DataOps program into
concrete, actionable areas for improvement.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 49

50 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Slovak Sunday Bone Broth Soup
Contributed By Michael Hutnyan
a 3 L/quart stockpot

bones (roughly 600-900 g/20-32 oz)


1 onion

chunk celery root, 1/2 kohlrabi, cabbage core, etc

parsley top

4-6 carrots

2-3 parsley root

1 small zucchini

dried vegetable flavoring

parsley for garnish

Egg noodles

1. Wash bones, place in pot and fill 3/4 with cold water. Add about 1 1/2 tbsp of salt (more or
less to preference) and set over low heat. The broth should never boil away, only have the
occasional bubble rise to the top. If it does boil, of course, it’s still tasty, but the broth will be
cloudy instead of clear.

2. Add a peeled onion cut in half, the first vegetables (celery root, kohlrabi, cabbage core, etc), and
parsley top (if you have one). Leave the broth on low heat for at least 3-4 hrs, if not longer.

3. About an hour before serving, add carrots and parsley root. Do not slice, although you can cut them
in half lengthwise if they are bigger.

4. Make zucchini noodles and cut into 2 inch/5 cm lengths. I like to put them in a sieve and put the
sieve into the broth for a few minutes to warm up and soften the noodles but not cook them.

5. Strain out the carrots and parsley root, cool for a minute, and chop. Put carrots, parsley, and
zucchini noodles in a soup tureen, large mixing bowl, or another pot.

6. Ladle the hot broth through a sieve into the soup tureen, sprinkle some dried vegetable flavoring
and/or salt to taste, add a handful of chopped parsley.

7. Serve piping hot over cooked egg noodles. Hot pepper can be added to individual bowls if desired.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 51

• Use only raw bones. No roasting bones beforehand, no leftovers from roasted carcasses. The flavor
is different.

• Use bones from any animal, preferably raised in a sustainable manner. Beef Marrow Bones

• A bit of fat (or skin) and meat on the bones adds flavor.

• Note that the vegetables are put in whole, or cut in half, don’t cut them up when putting the soup

• If you don’t have parsley root, parsnips would do as well. If you don’t have either, leave it out.

• The more vegetables go in at the beginning, the sweeter the broth will be, you can choose as many
or as little as you like. I save green cabbage cores or cauliflower stems in the freezer and throw
them in as well.

• This recipe is for three liters/quarts

52 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Jump-Starting Your
DataOps Journey

At DataKitchen, we are believers in delivering value. We work with our customers

to find a first project that can drive real benefits and meet their critical business
needs. Customers use our DataKitchen technology and their experience to address
a focused business problem.

Recently we’ve been working with customers in various industries:

transportation, telecommunication, and consumer goods to jump-start their
DataOps journey. Their business users often have no concept of what it takes
to design and deploy robust data analytics. The gap between expectations and
execution is one of the main obstacles keeping these analytics teams from
succeeding. Managers may ask for a simple change to a report or model or a new
dataset. They don’t expect it to take weeks or months.

These teams are trying to answer two simple questions. First, how can their team
collaborate to reduce the cycle time to create and deploy new data analytics (data,
models, transformation, visualizations, etc.) without introducing errors? And
second, where to start this process? We’ve written about how to apply the ‘Theory
of Constraints’ to choosing your first DataOps win. The answer relates to finding
and eliminating the bottlenecks that slow down analytics development.

What follows are examples of different types of bottlenecks, why they were
selected first, and the benefits of resolving those bottlenecks with DataKitchen.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 53

A telecom company needs to increase the rate at which new data features are
delivered into production in the EDW. In one past example, it took four months
to complete the development cycle from new ideas into production (i.e., to move
code from development to production).

We worked to identify outcomes that will define success. Those include:

• Automate the manual tests, which alone will bring about major
improvements in cycle time.
• Add new activities into the integration and
test environment that will dramatically
decrease the time it takes to find and
fix issues, thus speeding features into
• Rapid addition of features and deployment
into production in order to reduce the time
from months to days (or faster).

Part of their challenge is that their current

process involves a four-stage manual
deployment from development to production
(see below). This manual process introduces
complexity, slowness, and errors (see diagram).

This customer has many tools, including data

science, visualization and governance tools, in
their analytics toolchain. They chose to focus
on changes to their core data warehouse as the first bottleneck to address with
DataOps. Their other teams have similar challenges, but a focused adoption by the
data warehouse team was the biggest bottleneck that offered a significant short-
term business benefit if addressed.

54 • Recipes for DataOps Success

So how to do you make sure that when you
move something from a Dev Environment
through each of the other separate
environments, when the business needs
it, that everything still works? The answer
is automated testing. This company, like
many today had very little automated
testing in place. Almost all testing to prove
that new code works (in this case they
are using SQL-based data transformation
on Oracle DB) was done by hand. The DataKitchen Recipe below describes how
they created dozens of automated tests in the DataKitchen platform that prove that
everything works as they moved the new SQL code from one environment to another.

In some ways, the bottleneck is not just technical in nature. Quickly moving code
from development into production can be scary – with sometimes painful and costly
business implications. What if we make a mistake? Will we get yelled at by the
business? Will the business make a critical (and wrong!) decision based on erroneous
data? Ensuring new feature deployment success requires both a platform like
DataKitchen and an effective approach to writing tests. As part of working with the
customer we spend time educating them on how to write great tests as well as the
core principles of DataOps.


A transportation company has challenges, both real-time and in batch, managing
the workflow orchestration of data streaming from their vehicles into actionable
insight for their employees. Like many companies, they do not have just one data
architecture, they have several – batch, streaming, big data, small data, on-
premises, cloud, and prescriptive and predictive models – all working together.
Plus, they have different teams managing the creation and the operation of these
pipelines in different locations. Whew! What that means is that the disparate
teams need to develop a common outcome (report, dashboard, model, etc.)
together by addressing these business challenges:
• Data Pipelines = complexity – tools, platforms, teams
• Complexity = delays and risk – in value and innovation
• Slow delivery of data products (Data Science)
• Too much manual intervention/testing (Business Reporting)
• Slower delivery than desired

Recipes for DataOps Success • 55

But to meet those challenges, they need to work on their current data operations,
technologies and delivery:
• Orchestration: Running pipelines of various technologies at the right time
• Iteration: Rapidly creating, iterating and deploying data science and data
engineering pipelines and their data products (reports, dashboards, models) –
Full Pipeline CI/CD
• Quality: Detecting issues and errors in complex, multi-tool data pipelines
• Hybrid: Enabling on-premise and cloud approaches and an evolving
technology landscape
• Collaboration: Enabling multiple teams to collaborate more effectively to
deliver data products to end-users faster with higher quality. Also enabling
transparency of all operations in a complex pipeline.

So, what bottleneck did they focus on first? Orchestration of the toolchain for
low error execution and enhanced collaboration. They started with a variety of
technologies that the company currently uses, including on-prem:
• Oracle
• SQL Server
• Informatica
• Apache Nifi
• Hadoop/HDFS
• PySpark Cloud
• Redshift
• S3
• Tableau online
• MLflow

They then created a single DataKitchen Recipe, which provides a framework

to detect issues in streaming data across a multi-technology toolchain, runs
tests that ensure the quality of streaming data, and alerts users if the condition
is not met. That Recipe uses all their existing tools to transform data into

56 • Recipes for DataOps Success

business insight. Other important considerations for the team were that the
data was validated to be ‘fit for purpose’ so that the assumptions made while
transforming data remain true. They also focused upon Recipe CI/CD so that
once a change passes its tests across any of the technologies, it is deployed to
the pipeline in less than five minutes.


A consumer product team recently completed a machine learning (ML) use case
combining web scraped data with Oracle service cloud data. It works great; the
business users love the early versions of the product, but:
• The various pipeline components are run by hand in an inconsistent manner,
and the orchestration is not automated
• The movement of code from sandbox to development is manual
• There are few tests to ensure data quality
• The web scraping component frequently fails, and there is insufficient
notification and restart capabilities

DataKitchen and the company have identified another bottleneck that first needs
to be addressed. Talented (and expensive) Data Scientists can create the first
version of an idea but have no interest in running it on a day to day basis. How
can that ML model and all its associated data transformation, code, and UI be
put into operation following a DataOps Approach? To address this bottleneck the
team created a Recipe in DataKitchen that provides the ability to orchestrate the
components developed in the ML use case. That Recipe has the ability to run data
tests and detect errors in the data in the production environment. It also has the
ability to detect operational errors (e.g., the web scraping issues), alert users to
those errors, and permit re-start of the processing of the data pipeline (Recipe).
See diagram below.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 57

Furthermore, to enable a rapid
development cycle and enhance the
Recipe to add the Oracle Service
Cloud data, the team needs to
develop this new pipeline capability
in a Development Kitchen and
deploy quickly to a Production
Kitchen. See the diagram right.


DataOps applies lean manufacturing management methods to data analytics. One
leading method, the Theory of Constraints, focuses on identifying and alleviating
bottlenecks. Data analytics can apply this method to address the constraints
that prevent the data analytics organization from achieving its peak levels of
productivity. Bottlenecks lengthen the cycle time of developing new analytics and
prevent the team from responding quickly to requests for new analytics. If these
bottlenecks can be improved or eliminated, the team can move faster, developing,
and deploying with a high level of quality in record time. If you have multiple
bottlenecks, you can’t address them all at once. As these examples have shown,
there are multiple ways to provide immediate, clear value for doing DataOps!

58 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Peanut Butter Energy Bites
Contributed By Eric Estabrooks
2/3 cup creamy peanut butter

1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 cup old fashioned oats

1/2 cup ground flax seeds

2 tablespoons honey

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Combine all 5 ingredients in a medium bowl. Stir to combine.

2. Place in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes so they are easier to roll.

3. Roll into 12 bites and store in the fridge for up to a week. An ice cream scooper is a
good measurement.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 59

60 • Recipes for DataOps Success
4 Easy Ways to Start
DataOps Today

The primary source of information about DataOps is from vendors (like

DataKitchen) who sell enterprise software into the fast-growing DataOps market.
There are over 100 vendors that would be happy to assist in your DataOps
initiative. Here’s something you likely won’t hear from any of them (except us)
— you can start your DataOps journey without buying any software.

It’s important to remember that DataOps is a culture and methodology,

implemented using automated augmentation of your existing tools. You are free
to select one of many best-in-class free and open source tools. When we started
sharing the “Seven Steps of DataOps” a few years ago, our intent was (and still
is) to evangelize DataOps as a free and open methodology.

If you are a CDO or a VP, you have the power to institute broad change, but what
if you are an individual contributor? What can you do? This is a common question
that we hear from our conversations with data scientists, engineers and analysts.
An individual contributor has assigned duties and usually no ability to approve
purchases. How can one get started given these limitations?

Recipes for DataOps Success • 61

DataOps is not an all-or-nothing proposition. There are small but impactful things
that an individual contributor can do to move forward. Hopefully, with metrics in
place, you can show measured improvements in productivity and quality that will
win converts. As your DataOps activities reach enterprise scale, you may indeed
decide that it’s much easier to partner with a vendor than to build and support an
end-to-end DataOps Platform from scratch. When that day arrives, we’ll be here,
but until then, here are some suggestions for DataOps-aligned improvements you
can make with open-source tools and a little self-initiative.

DataOps includes four key objectives:
• Measure Your Process — As data professionals, we advocate for the benefits
of data-driven decision making. Yet, many are surprisingly unanalytical
about the activities relating to their own work.
• Improve Collaboration, both Inter- and Intra-team — If the individuals in
your data analytics team don’t work together, it can impact analytics cycle
time, data quality, governance, security and more. Perhaps more importantly,
it’s fun to work on a high-achieving team.
• Lower Error Rates in Development and Operations — Finding your errors is
the first step to eliminating them.
• Decrease the Cycle Time of Change — Reduce the time that elapses from the
conceptualization of a new idea or question to the delivery of robust analytics.

We view the steps in analytics creation and data operations as a manufacturing

process. Like any complex, procedure-based workflow, the data analytics pipeline
has bottlenecks. We subscribe to the Theory of Constraints, which advises to find
and mitigate your bottlenecks to increase the throughput of your overall system.

If that’s too abstract, we’ll suggest four projects, one in each of the areas above,
that will start the ball rolling on your DataOps initiative. These tasks illustrate
how an individual contributor can start to implement DataOps on their own.

4 simple projects to get started with DataOps.

62 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Internal analytics could help you pinpoint areas of concern or provide a big-
picture assessment of the state of the analytics team. A burn-down chart, velocity
chart, or tornado report can help your team understand its bottlenecks. A data
arrival report enables you to track data suppliers and quickly spot delivery issues.
Test Coverage and Inventory Reports show the degree of test coverage of the data
analytics pipeline. Statistical process controls allow the data analytics team to
monitor streaming data and the end-to-end pipeline, ensuring that everything is
operating as expected. A Net Promoter Score is a customer satisfaction metric that
gauges a team’s effectiveness.

The data arrival report shows which data sources meet their target service levels.

When you bring these reports to the team, it will help everyone understand where
time and resources are being wasted. Perhaps this will inspire a project to mitigate
your worst bottleneck, leading to another project in one of the next areas.

Conceptually, the data analytics pipeline is a set of stages implemented using a
wide variety of tools. All of the artifacts associated with these tools (JSON, XML,
scripts, …) are just source code. Code deterministically controls the entire data
analytics pipeline from end to end.

If the code that runs your data pipeline is not in source control, then it may be spread
out on different systems, not revision controlled, even misplaced. You can take a
big step toward establishing a controlled, repeatable data pipeline by putting all
your code in a source code repository. For example, Git is a free and open-source,
distributed version control system used by many software developers. With version
control, your team will be better able to reuse code, work in parallel and trace bugs
back to source code changes. Version control also serves as the foundation for
DataOps continuous deployment, which is an excellent long-term goal.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 63

Maybe the test coverage report mentioned above helped you understand that your
data operations pipeline needs more tests. Tests apply to code (analytics) and
streaming data. Tests can verify inputs, outputs and business logic at each stage
of the data pipeline. Testing should also confirm that new analytics integrate
seamlessly into the current production pipeline.

Below are some example tests:

• The number of customers should always be above a certain threshold value.
• The number of customers is not decreasing.
• The zip code for pharmacies has five digits.

Every processing or transformation step should include tests that check inputs,
outputs and evaluate results against business logic.

When you have started counting and cataloging your errors, start a quality circle,
find patterns and aim to fix one error per month.


In many enterprises, lengthy cycle time is a primary reason that analytics fail
to deliver on the promise of improving data-driven decision making. When the
process for creating new analytics depends on manual processes, there are many
opportunities for a project to go off track.

Factors that derail the development team and lengthen analytics cycle time

Leading software organizations deploy new and updated applications through an

automated procedure that might resemble something like this:
1. Spin-up hardware and software infrastructure
2. Check source code out of source control
3. Build
4. Test
5. Deploy into production

64 • Recipes for DataOps Success

The first step in creating an efficient, repeatable build process is to minimize
any dependencies on manual intervention. Each of these steps is a whole topic
unto itself, but when you are starting out, a good place to focus is on testing.
Your code tests should fully validate that analytics work, can handle errors
such as bad data (by stopping or sending alerts) and integrate with the existing
operations pipeline.

The image below shows the many different kinds of tests that should be performed.
We explain each of these types of tests in our Guide to DataOps Tests.

A broad set of tests can validate that the analytics work and fit into the overall system.

Tests that validate and monitor new analytics enable you to deploy with
confidence. When you have certainty, you can deploy and integrate new analytics
more quickly.

There are many small yet effective projects that you can start today that will serve
your DataOps goals. Hopefully, we’ve given you a few ideas.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 65

66 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Chocolate Stout Cupcakes with

Irish Whiskey Filling and Baileys Frosting
Contributed By Lauren Meyer

Prep Time 30 mins — Cook Time 20 mins — Total Time 50 mins

Servings: 1 dozen cupcakes

1/2 cup Guinness (or stout of your choice)

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature

1/2 cup cocoa powder

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup granulated sugar

1 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

1 large egg

1/3 cup sour cream

1 batch Irish Whiskey Filling (recipe below)

1 batch Baileys Frosting (recipe below)


4 oz. bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped

1/3 cup heavy cream

1 Tbsp unsalted butter, room temperature

3 Tbsp Baileys Irish Cream

1 tsp Irish whiskey

2 cups confectioners’ sugar

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature

4 Tbsp Baileys Irish Cream

Recipes for DataOps Success • 67


Stout Cupcakes

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a 12-cavity cupcake tin with papers.

2. Bring stout and butter to a simmer in a large, heavy saucepan over medium heat. Add cocoa pow-
der to the saucepan and whisk the mixture until it’s smooth. Remove saucepan from heat.

3. In a separate medium bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt.

4. In the bowl of a stand mixer or in a separate large bowl with a hand mixer (or whisk) beat together
egg and sour cream, until combined.

5. Add the chocolate stout mixture to the egg mixture and beat until just combined.

6. Add the dry mixture to the wet mixture and mix until just combined, taking care not to over-mix.

7. Divide batter among cupcake liners, filling them about ¾ of the way.

8. Bake for about 17-20 minutes, until a toothpick stuck into the center of a cupcake comes out clean.

9. Let the cupcakes cool in the pan for a few minutes and then take them out to cool completely on
a wire rack. Once cupcakes are cooled completely, core out a small section from the middle using
either a knife or a cupcake corer.

10. Spoon Irish whiskey filling into centers of cupcakes. Frost cupcakes with Bailey’s frosting. I used a
Wilton 1A pastry tip for mine.

Irish Whiskey Filling

1. Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl.

2. In a small saucepan, bring cream just to a boil (keep a close eye on it and remove from heat right
when it starts boiling). Pour cream over chocolate in bowl and let sit for 1 minute. Then, stir until
chocolate is completely melted and smooth.

3. Add butter, Baileys, and Irish whiskey, and stir to combine.

Baileys Frosting

1. In the bowl of a mixer or in a large bowl with a hand mixer, mix butter on medium speed until it’s
nice and fluffy. Add confectioners’ sugar one cup at a time and beat until well-combined.

2. Add the Baileys and beat until combined. If frosting is too thin, add more confectioners’ sugar a
couple tablespoons at a time.


Recipe adapted from Serious Eats and Smitten Kitchen.

For an easy way to core cupcakes, see the link for a cupcake corer.

Attribution: We Are Not Martha, Author: Sues

68 • Recipes for DataOps Success


Recipes for DataOps Success • 69

70 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Finding an Executive Sponsor
for Your DataOps Initiative

DataOps revolutionizes how data analytics work gets done. Like many other “big
ideas,” it sometimes faces resistance from within the organization. For most
organizations, data is a means to an end. The organization’s primary focus is
on its mission, whether that is a product or a service. As data professionals, we
communicate the value of data-driven insights. Although many of our colleagues
appreciate the value of insight, they generally pay little attention to the process of
uncovering that insight unless there is an issue or error.

If you are launching a DataOps initiative, executive sponsorship can give you
air cover while building DataOps capabilities on the ground. A C-level sponsor
can tie the project’s activities into the larger organization’s strategic goals.
An executive can explain the value to others and provide guidance as the
project team faces obstacles or grapples with trade-offs. The executive sponsor
provides resources and budget as a skunkworks matures into an official
project. To pitch a transformational concept like DataOps to an executive, put
yourself in his or her shoes.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 71

Executives rarely have the opportunity to passively reflect on the past. Every
quarter comes with a new goal, and the success or failure of initiatives impacts
the company’s short and long-term success. If someone comes along with an
idea that can improve business outcomes — an executive will be “all ears.”
Articulating how DataOps can contribute to the success of a key initiative will
speak to an executive’s priorities.

Translate DataOps’ impact into benefits that your executive understands and cares
about. DataOps offers ways to slash analytics development cycle time, streamline
workflows, and virtually eliminate errors in data operations. These capabilities
help business leaders rapidly capitalize on opportunities and gain insight into the
marketplace, often well before the competition.

An executive is always on the lookout for ways to grow revenue and maximize
resources. Circumstances present the business with an endless stream of
opportunities to make investments that spur growth or implement efficiencies.
Companies can’t jump on every opportunity. They have to select the best of
the bunch based on return-on-investment (ROI), risk assessment, or another
preferred metric.

A high-performance organization maximizes its ability to select and leverage

opportunities. Data is the modern business decision apparatus (just ask Google,
Target, Amazon, or Facebook). If people leverage their data more effectively
and rapidly, and with fewer errors, they can pursue opportunities more quickly
and efficiently. DataOps improves business agility, which itself sustains a
competitive advantage.


DataOps also improves the efficiencies of data analytics workflows. The data
team spends less time on manual processes, such as data prep, integration,
documentation, execution of data operations and recovery from errors, and more
time on new models and analytics that create value. Living with less efficient data
analytics workflows has an opportunity cost. Without DataOps automation, the
enterprise pursues fewer opportunities or the wrong opportunities.

Linking the overt benefits of DataOps to business impact is key to earning

executive support. If you pitch DataOps only as a way to make data analytics
more efficient, an executive will likely not see the full value. Executives have a
tremendous responsibility to the organization and its employees, so they must
carefully choose where they place their energies. Your role is to articulate how
DataOps can impact objectives in the business domain. Connect the dots for how
DataOps helps the organization more effectively achieve its mission.

72 • Recipes for DataOps Success

When pitching your DataOps project to a potential executive sponsor, it may
help to discuss it relative to a broader strategy that you outline, for example, in
a slide presentation. You may be starting with a single project, but DataOps can
help improve metrics that reflect teamwork, productivity, quality, and more.
DataOps is a transformational concept that revolutionizes how data science and
analytics work gets done. Ultimately, the impact of DataOps extends beyond just
the data team. It promotes collaboration across the entire enterprise and, through
analytics, helps people discover creative insights that stimulate growth.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 73

74 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Gil’s Easy Chicken Cacciatore
Contributed By Gil Benghiat

If you can cut things into pieces, you can make this easy recipe.

• 6-8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs (about 2-4 pounds) – or an equivalent type
of chicken

• 3 peppers (red, yellow, and orange for some color)

• 1 large onion

• 28 oz can of crushed tomatoes

• 6 oz can of tomato paste

• 1 package of sliced mushrooms (about 2 cups) - optional

• 2 teaspoons turmeric

• Cut chicken, peppers, and onion into pieces

• Combine and mix (with a DataKitchen spoon) all ingredients in a pot

• Until the chicken is cooked and the vegetables are soft and tender simmer covered on the stove for
45-60 minutes or bake in an oven-proof pot (e.g. a Dutch oven) at 350 degrees for 45-60 minutes.

• While cooking mix with a DataKitchen spoon every 20 minutes.

• Serve over your favorite pasta.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 75

76 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Pitching a DataOps Project
That Matters

DataOps addresses a broad set of use cases because it applies workflow process
automation to the end-to-end data analytics lifecycle. DataOps reduces
errors, shortens cycle time, eliminates unplanned work, increases innovation,
improves teamwork, and more. Each of these improvements can be measured
and iterated upon.

These benefits are hugely important for data professionals, but if you made
a pitch like this to a typical executive, you probably wouldn’t generate much
enthusiasm. Your data consumers are focused on business objectives. They need
to grow sales, pursue new business opportunities, or reduce costs. They have
very little understanding of what it means to create development environments
in a day versus several weeks. How does that help them “evaluate a new M&A
opportunity by Friday?”

If you pitch DataOps in terms of its technical benefits, an executive or co-worker

might not understand its full potential value. Instead, explain how agile and

Recipes for DataOps Success • 77

error-free analytics serves the organization’s mission. What would it mean to
monetize data more effectively than competitors? Data is the modern business
decision apparatus (just ask Google, Target, Amazon, or Facebook). DataOps
enables companies to rapidly assess and pursue opportunities, avoiding strategic
mistakes, and shrinking time-to-market. What would it mean for a company
to lead its industry in savvy and business agility? When discussing a DataOps
initiative with an executive or colleague, focus on his/her top business objective
and find a project related to it. Impactful DataOps projects are those that help
colleagues and executives pursue their objectives. Below we suggest some
additional unconventional approaches to finding high-visibility DataOps projects.


A strained relationship between the data team and users can point to a potential
DataOps pilot project. A data team with unhappy users is ripe for transformational
change. You may instinctively wish to turn away from grumbling users. You
should be thankful for them. The more vocal and unhappy the customers are,
the bigger the opportunity to turn the situation around and bring high-impact
improvements to the broadest possible group. A large community of dissatisfied
customers is also likely to be a higher priority for managers and executives. Ask
your unhappy customers or colleagues what concerns them most about the data
analytics team. User discontent may be expressed in feelings and observations.
User surveys can organize and quantify user anecdotes into actionable priorities.
The list of possible issues is long, but you might hear feedback that includes:
• Data science/engineering/analytic teams do not deliver the insight that the
business customers need.
• The data team takes too long to deliver analytics.
• Users mistrust the data itself or the team working on the data.
• Stakeholders have hired consultants or shadow teams to do data work.


Negative feedback often stems from deep, underlying issues. The data team may
not deliver relevant analytics because business users and data analysts are isolated
from each other. Users may mistrust data and analytics because of errors. When
business units hire their own data analysts, it’s a sign that they are underserved.
They may feel like the data organization is not addressing their priorities.

User feedback may feel concrete to users, but as a data professional, you will have
to translate these requirements into metrics. For example, users may not trust
the data. That may seem abstract and not directly actionable. Try measuring
your errors per week. If you can show users that you are lowering that number,
you can build trust. A test coverage dashboard can illustrate progress in quality
controls. Demonstrating your success with data can help gradually win over
detractors. What other problems have eroded trust? You may need to look for
more than one contributing factor.

78 • Recipes for DataOps Success

In many organizations, analytics follows a complex path from raw data to
processed analytics that create value. Your data crosses organizational boundaries,
data centers, teams, and organizations. Errors can creep in anywhere along this
path. What are the historical drivers of issues/errors? Which teams own each part
of the process? A lack of responsiveness sometimes squanders trust. Measure how
fast teams can respond to errors and requests.

Another common user complaint is that data analytics teams take too long to
deliver requested features. The length of time required to deliver analytics can
be expressed in a metric called cycle time. Benchmark how fast you can deploy
new ideas or requests into production. To reduce cycle time, examine the data
science/engineering/analytic development process. For example, how long does
it take to create a development environment? How up-to-date are development
environments? How well-governed are development environments?


As DataOps improves trust in data and data team responsiveness, business users
will naturally begin to work more closely with the data team. As the data team
becomes more agile, interaction with users increases in importance. DataOps
focuses on delivering value to customers in short, frequent iterations. The value
that business users receive after interacting with the data team reinforces the
value of working together. DataOps enterprises frequently observe greater and
more frequent communication and collaboration between users and the data
team. The positive feedback loop of collaboration and value creation encourages
users and data professionals to invest in working closely together. In the end, the
quality of collaboration that DataOps fosters becomes the engine that takes an
organization to new heights.

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80 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Risotto alla Monzese
Contributed By Gianluca Paris
Serves 4

320g of big grain rice

1 red onion

1 sausage

100g of butter

40g grated Grana Padano cheese

A bag of saffron

A pot of vegetable broth

A spoon and a half of olive oil


1. Chop the red onion. Put a spoon and a half of olive oil into a pot, wait for it to be hot and fry the red

2. In the meantime boil the broth in another pot and keep it hot for the whole recipe time as you will
need it.

3. Cut the sausage, when the onion changes color, put the sausage into the pot and fry it, then add
the rice.

4. Once the rice becomes transparent, add broth until the content of the pot gets covered. At the same
time add the bag of saffron.

5. When the broth gets absorbed completely, add another ladle of broth and continue this way for
18-20 minutes (add broth only when is absorbed!). After 18-20 minutes the rice will be cooked. Now
turn off the stove (mandatory!) and add salt, butter (from the fridge) and cheese.

6. Stir until the butter melts completely and enjoy!

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84 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Prove Your Team’s Awesomeness
with DataOps Process Analytics

Do you deserve a promotion? You may think to yourself that your work is
exceptional. Could you prove it?

As a Chief Data Officer (CDO) or Chief Analytics Officer (CAO), you serve as an
advocate for the benefits of data-driven decision making. Yet, many CDO’s are
surprisingly unanalytical about the activities relating to their own department.
Why not use DataOps analytics to shine a light on yourself?

Internal analytics could help you pinpoint areas of concern or provide a big-
picture assessment of the state of the analytics team. We call this set of analytics
the CDO Dashboard. If you are as good as you think you are, the CDO Dashboard
will show how simply awesome you are at what you do. You might find it helpful
to share this information with your boss when discussing the data analytics
department and your plans to take it to the next level. Below are some reports
that you might consider including in your CDO dashboard:

Recipes for DataOps Success • 85


The burn down chart graphically represents the completion of backlog tasks over
time. It shows whether a team is on schedule and sheds light on the productivity
achieved in each development iteration. It can also show a team’s accuracy in
forecasting its own schedule.


The velocity chart shows the amount of work completed during each sprint — it
displays how much work the team is doing week in and week out. This chart
can illustrate how improved processes and indirect investments (training, tools,
process improvements, …) increase velocity over time.

86 • Recipes for DataOps Success


The Tornado Report is a stacked bar chart that displays a weekly representation of
the operational impact of production issues and the time required to resolve them.
The Tornado Report provides an easy way to see how issues impacted projects and
development resources.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 87


A large organization might receive hundreds of data sets from suppliers and each
one could represent dozens of files. All of the data has to arrive error-free in order
to, for example, build the critical Friday afternoon report. The Data Arrival report
tracks how vendors perform relative to their respective service level agreements

The Data Arrival report enables you to track data suppliers and quickly spot
delivery issues. Any partner that causes repeated delays can be targeted for
coaching and management. The Tornado Report mentioned above can help
quantify how much time is spent managing these issues in order to articulate
impact. These numbers are quite useful when coaching a peer organization or
vendor to improve its quality.


The Test Coverage and Inventory Reports show the degree of test coverage of the
data analytics pipeline. It shows the percent of tables and data covered by tests
and how test coverage improves over time. The report can also provide details
on each test. In a DataOps enterprise, results from tests run on the production
pipeline are linked to real-time alerts. If a process fails with an error, the
analytics team can troubleshoot the problem by examining test coverage before or
after the point of interest.

88 • Recipes for DataOps Success


The data analytics pipeline is a complex process with steps often too numerous to
be monitored manually. Statistical Process Control (SPC) tests inputs, outputs
and business logic at each stage of the pipeline. It allows the data analytics team
to monitor the pipeline end-to-end from a big-picture perspective, ensuring that
everything is operating as expected.


A Net Promoter Score is a customer satisfaction metric that gauges a team’s

effectiveness. For a data team, this is often a survey of internal users who are
served by analytics. The Net Promoter Score can show that the data analytics team
is effective at meeting the needs of its internal customer constituency or that
satisfaction is improving.

One of the main goals of analytics is to improve decision-making. The CDO
DataOps Dashboard puts information at the fingertips of executives, so they
have a complete picture of what is happening in the data analytics domain.
When it’s time to review performance, the CDO DataOps Dashboard can help
you show others that the analytics department is a well-oiled machine. Now,
about that promotion…

Recipes for DataOps Success • 89

90 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Grandma’s Italian Meatballs
Contributed By Mark Sampson

• 1 lb. Ground Beef

• 1 clove of garlic minced (I like garlic so I use a large clove or more)

• 2 Eggs

• 1/3 cup of dry parsley flakes

• 1 cup Italian style flavored bread crumbs

• 2 slices of crust removed bread soaked in water (wring out good before adding)

• 1/3 cup of formaggio (Romano Cheese, the good stuff)

Very little oil: less than a tablespoon (I usually drizzle quickly over mixture)

Salt & Pepper (I usually shake both to cover the ingredients above)


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Put all ingredients in a big bowl. Mix/Knead well. I always make a marble size tasting ball that I cook in
the microwave for about 20-30 seconds – rotating halfway through. I sometimes find I need to add more

Spray a cookie sheet with olive oil spray (or wipe on olive oil). Roll into ping pong or golf ball-sized

Bake for 20 minutes (I do 11 minutes, then flip over and bake another 9 minutes). Eat them while they are
hot (by themselves or butter a piece of scali bread and put a warm ball in there) or place them in your
tomato sauce.

Bonus material: using just plain tomato sauce or crushed tomatoes, use these meatballs to add joyful
flavoring by simmering for hours.

Each pound makes about 18-20 golf ball size meatballs (I usually make 3 lbs at a time)

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94 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Eliminate Your Analytics
Development Bottlenecks


Business users often have no concept of what it takes to design and deploy robust
data analytics. The gap between expectations and execution is one of the main
obstacles holding the analytics team back from delighting its users. Managers may
ask for a simple change to a report. They don’t expect it to take weeks or months.

Analytics teams need to move faster, but cutting corners invites problems in
quality and governance. How can you reduce cycle time to create and deploy
new data analytics (data, models, transformation, visualizations, etc.) without
introducing errors? The answer relates to finding and eliminating the bottlenecks
that slow down analytics development.

Figure 1: The creation of analytics in a large data organization requires

the contribution of many groups.


Analytics development in a large data organization typically involves the
contribution of several groups. Figure 1 shows how multiple teams work together
to produce analytics for the internal or external customer.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 95

Tasks in development organizations are often tracked using Kanban boards,
tickets or project tracking tools. Figure 2 is a Kanban board, representing a
project, with a yellow sticky note for each task. As tasks progress through
milestones, they move from left to right until they reach the “Done” column.

Figure 2: Example Kanban Board

Each of the groups shown in figure 1 tracks their own projects. Figure 3 shows the
data analytics groups again, but each with their own Kanban boards to track the
progress of work items. To serve the end goal of creating analytics for users, the data
teams are desperately trying to move work items from the backlog (left column) to
the done column at the right, and then pass it off to the next group in line.

Data professionals are smart and talented. They work hard. Why does it take so long
to move work tickets to the right? Why does the system become overloaded with so
many unfinished work items forcing the team to waste cycles context switching?

To address these questions, we need to think about the creation and deployment
of analytics like a manufacturing process. The collective workflows of all of
the data teams are a linked sequence of steps, not unlike what you would see
in a manufacturing operation. When we conceptualize the development of
new analytics in this way, it offers the possibility of applying manufacturing
management tools that uncover and implement process improvements.

96 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Figure 3: The development pipeline with Kanban boards


One of the most influential methodologies for ongoing improvement in
manufacturing operations is the Theory of Constraints (ToC), introduced by
Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt in a business novel called “The Goal,” in 1984. The book
chronicles the adventures of the fictional plant manager Alex Rogo who has
90 days to turn around his failing production facility. The plant can’t seem
to ship anything on time, even after installing robots and investing in other
improvements dictated by conventional wisdom. As the story progresses, our
hero learns why none of his improvements have made any difference.

The plant’s complex manufacturing process, with its long sequence of
interdependent stages, was throughput limited by one particular operation — a
certain machine with limited capacity. This machine was the “constraint” or
bottleneck. The Theory of Constraints views every process as a series of linked
activities, one of which acts as a constraint on the overall throughput of the entire
system. The constraint could be a human resource, a process, or a tool/technology.

In “The Goal,” Alex learned that “an improvement at any point in the system, not
at the constraint, is an illusion.” An improvement made at a stage that feeds work
to the bottleneck just increases the queue of work waiting for the bottleneck.
Improvements after the bottleneck will always remain starved. Every loss of
productivity at the bottleneck is a loss in the throughput of the entire system.
Losses in productivity in any other step in the process don’t matter as long as that
step still produces faster than the bottleneck.

Even though Alex’s robots improved efficiency at

one stage of his manufacturing process, they didn’t
alleviate the true system constraint. When Alex’s
team focused improvement efforts on raising the
throughput of the bottleneck, they were finally able to
increase the throughput of the overall manufacturing
process. True, some of their metrics looked worse
(the robot station efficiency declined), but they were
able to reduce cycle time, ship product on time and
make a lot more money for the company. That is,
after all, the real “goal” of a manufacturing facility.
Figure 4

Recipes for DataOps Success • 97

To improve the speed (and minimize the cycle time) of analytics development, you
need to find and alleviate the bottleneck. This bottleneck is what is holding back
your people from producing analytics at a peak level of performance. The bottleneck
can often be identified using these simple indications:
• Work in Progress (WIP) — In a manufacturing flow, work-in-progress usually
accumulates before a constraint. In data analytics, you may notice a growing
list of requests for a scarce resource. For example, if it takes 40 weeks to
provision a development system, your list of requests for them is likely to be
• Expedite — Look for areas where you are regularly being asked to divert
resources to ensure that critical analytics reach users. In data analytics, data
errors are a common source of unplanned work.
• Cycle Time — Pay attention to the steps in your process with the longest cycle
time. For example, some organizations take 6 months to shepherd 20 lines of
SQL through the impact review board. Naturally, if a step is starved or blocked
by a dependency, the bottleneck is the external factor.
• Demand — Note steps in your pipeline or process that are simply not keeping
up with demand. For example, often less time is required to create new
analytics than to test and validate them in preparation for deployment.


You may notice a common theme in each of the example bottlenecks above. A
bottleneck is especially problematic because it prevents people on the analytics team
(analysts, scientists, engineers, …) from fulfilling their primary function — creating
new analytics. Bottlenecks distract them from high priority work. Bottlenecks
redirect their energy to non-value add activities. Bottlenecks prevent them from
implementing new ideas quickly.

When managers talk to data analysts, scientists and engineers, they can quickly
discover the issues that slow them down. Figure 5 shows some common constraints.
For example, data errors in analytics cause unplanned work that upsets a carefully
crafted Kanban board. Work-in-progress (WIP) is placed on hold and key personnel
context switch to address the high-severity outages. Data errors cause the Kanban
boards to be flooded with new tasks which can overwhelm the system. Formerly
high priority tasks are put on hold, and management is burdened, having to manage
the complexity of many more work items. Data errors also affect the culture of the
organization. After a series of interruptions from data errors, the team becomes
accustomed to moving more slowly and cautiously. From a Theory of Constraints
perspective, data errors severely impact the overall throughput of the data organization.

A related problem, also shown in figure 5, occurs when deployment of new analytics
breaks something unexpectedly. Unsuccessful deployments can be another cause
of unplanned work which can lead to excessive caution, and burdensome manual
operations and testing.

98 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Figure 5: Translating problems to constraints

Another common constraint is team coordination. The teams may all be furiously
rowing the boat, but perhaps not in the same direction. In a large organization,
each team’s work is usually dependent on each other. The result can be a
serialized pipeline. Tasks could be parallelized if the teams collaborated better.
New analytics wouldn’t break existing data operations with proper coordination
between and among teams.

A wide variety of constraints potentially slow down analytics development cycle

time. In development organizations, there are sometimes multiple constraints
in effect. There is also variation in the way that constraints impact different
projects. The following are some potential rate-limiting bottlenecks to rapidly
deploying analytics:
• Dependency on IT to make schema changes or to integrate new data sets
• Impact Review Board
• Provisioning of development systems and environments
• Long test cycles
• Data errors causing unplanned work
• Manual orchestration
• Fear of breaking existing analytics
• Lack of teamwork among data engineers, scientists, analysts, and users
• Long project cycles — deferred value

When you have identified a bottleneck, the Theory of Constraints offers a

methodology called the Process Of On-Going Improvement (POOGI) to address it.
If you have many active bottlenecks that all need to be addressed, it may be more
effective to focus on them one at a time. Below, we will suggest a method that we
have found particularly effective in prioritizing projects.


Once identified, the Theory of Constraints recommends a five-step methodology
to address the constraint:

1. Identify the constraint

2. Exploit the constraint — Make improvements to the throughput of the

constraint using existing resources

Recipes for DataOps Success • 99

Figure 6: Source: Theory of Constraints Institute, Process of On-Going Improvement (POOGI)

3. Subordinate everything to the constraint — Review all activities and make sure
that they benefit (or do not negatively impact) the constraint. Remember, any loss
in productivity at the constraint is a loss in throughput for the entire system.

4. Elevate the constraint — If after steps 2–3, the constraint remains in the same
place, consider what other steps, such as investing resources, will help alleviate
this step as a bottleneck

5. Prevent inertia from becoming a constraint by returning to step 1.


Figure 7: Errors, deployment and team coordination are bottlenecks that inhibit
the flow of analytics innovation

A leading book on DevOps, called “The Phoenix Project,” was explained by author
Gene Kim to be essentially an adaptation of “The Goal” to IT operations. To
alleviate their bottleneck, the team in the book implements Agile development
(small lot sizes) and DevOps (automation). One important bottleneck was a bright
programmer named Brent who was needed for every system enhancement and
was constantly being pulled into unplanned work. When the team got better at
relieving and managing their constraints, the output of the whole department
dramatically improved.

100 • Recipes for DataOps Success

If you have identified multiple bottlenecks in your
development process, it may be difficult to decide
which one to tackle first. DataOps is a methodology
that applies Agile, DevOps and lean manufacturing
to data analytics. That’s a lot of ground to cover.
One way to approach this question is to think like a
product or services company.

The data organization creates analytics for its

consumers (users, colleagues, business units, Figure 8
managers, …). Think of analytics as your product and data
consumers as your customers. Like any product or service organization, perhaps
you should simply ask your customers what they want?

The problem is that customers don’t actually know what products or services they
want. What customer would have asked for Velcro or Post-It notes or Twitter?
Many data professionals can relate to the experience of working diligently to
deliver what customers say they want only to receive a lukewarm response.

There is much debate about how to listen to the voice of the customer (Dorothy
Leonard, Harvard Business School, The Limitations of Listening). Customer
preferences are reliable when you ask them to make selections within a familiar
product category. If you venture outside of the customer’s experience, you tend to
encounter two blocks. People fixate on the way that products are normally used,
preventing them from thinking outside the box. Second, customers have seemingly
contradictory needs. Your data analytics customers want analytics to be error-free,
which requires a lot of testing, but they dislike waiting for lengthy QA activities to
complete. Data professionals might feel like they are in a no-win situation.

Management consultant Anthony Ulwick contends (Harvard Business Review)

that you should not expect your customers to
recommend solutions to their problems. They
aren’t expert enough for that. Instead, ask
about desired outcomes. What do they want
analytics to do for them? The customers might
say that they want changes to analytics to
be completed very fast so they can play with
ideas. They won’t tell you to implement
automated orchestration or a data warehouse
which can both contribute to that outcome.

The outcome-based methodology

Figure 9: Many data professionals can relate to the for gathering customer input breaks
experience of working diligently to deliver
down into five steps.
what customers say they want only to receive
a lukewarm response.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 101

Step 1 — Plan outcome-based customers interviews

Deconstruct, step by step, the underlying processes behind your delivery of data
analytics. It may make sense to interview users like data analysts who leverage
data to create analytics for business colleagues.

Step 2 — Conduct Interviews

Pay attention to desired outcomes not recommended solutions. Translate

solutions to outcomes by asking what benefit the suggested feature/solution
provides. Participants should consider every aspect of the process or activity
they go through when creating or consuming analytics. A good way to phrase
desired outcomes is in terms of the type (minimize, increase) and quantity
(time, number, frequency) of improvement required. Experts in this method
report that 75% of the customers’ desired feedback is usually captured in the
first two-hour session.

Step 3 — Organize the Data

Collect a master list of outcomes, removing duplicates and categorize outcomes

into groups that correspond to each step in the process

Step 4 — Rate the outcomes

Conduct a quantitative survey to determine the importance of each desired

outcome and the degree to which the outcome is satisfied by the current solution.
Ask customers to rate, on a scale of 1–10, the importance of each desired outcome
(Importance) and the degree to which it is currently satisfied (Satisfaction). These
factors are input into the opportunity algorithm below which helps rate outcomes
based on potential.

The opportunity algorithm makes use of a simple mathematical formula to

estimate the potential opportunity associated with a particular outcome:

Opportunity = Importance + (Importance - Satisfaction)

Note that if Satisfaction is greater than Importance, then the term (Importance -
Satisfaction) is zero not negative.

When you are done, you should have produced something like the below example.

Step 5 — Guide Innovation

Table 1 reveals which outcomes are important to users and deprecates those
outcomes that are already well served by the existing analytics development
process. The outcomes which are both important and unsatisfied will rise to
the top of the priority list. This data can be used as a guide to prioritize process
improvements in the data analytics development pipeline and process.

102 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Table 1: Desired outcomes ranked by opportunity strength


DataOps applies manufacturing management methods to data analytics. One
leading method, the Theory of Constraints, focuses on identifying and alleviating
bottlenecks. Data analytics can apply this method to address the constraints
that prevent the data analytics organization from achieving its peak levels of
productivity. Bottlenecks lengthen the cycle time of developing new analytics and
prevent the team from responding quickly to requests for new analytics. If these
bottlenecks can be improved or eliminated, the team can move faster, developing
and deploying with a high level of quality in record time.

If you have multiple bottlenecks, you can’t address them all at once. The
opportunity algorithm enables the data organization to prioritize process
improvements that produce outcomes that are recognized as valued by users.
It avoids the requirement for users to understand the technology, tools, and
processes behind the data analytics pipeline. For DataOps proponents, it can
provide a clear path forward for analytics projects that are both important and
appreciated by users.

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104 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Pav Bhaji
Contributed By Anuja Waikar
Pav Bhaji is a famous street food enjoyed in Mumbai

This recipe serves 4

2 large potatoes, diced

3/4 cup peas

1 cup cauliflower florets

1/2 cup green bell pepper, finely chopped

1/2 cup carrots, diced

1 medium onion, finely chopped

1 green chili, finely chopped (optional)

2 medium tomatoes, finely chopped

2 teaspoon ginger-garlic paste (if you don’t have paste - finely grate ginger and garlic instead)

1 tablespoon oil

2 tablespoons butter (the more the better!)

Pinch of turmeric (optional)

1 teaspoon red chili powder (vary as per spice level you want)

3 tablespoon pav bhaji masala powder (available in any Indian store. Best brand I used: Everest )


Dinner rolls and butter to toast it

Sprinkle little lemon

Chopped onions

Coriander leaves


Recipes for DataOps Success • 105


Cooking Veggies

1. Add cauliflower, potatoes, carrots to a pressure cooker. Add 2 cups of water or just enough to soak
the veggies. Let it whistle twice. When the pressure releases, open the lid and mash them well.

> You can also cook it in a pot till they are soft/tender. You need to mash them so make sure
they are cooked.

Making the Bhaji (Curry)

1. Add 2 tablespoon butter and oil to a pan and heat up.

2. Add onions and fry till they turn translucent.

3. Add ginger-garlic paste and chopped green chili (if using). Let the raw smell of ginger-garlic go

4. Add green bell peppers and sauté for 4 minutes

5. Next add tomatoes. Let it sautés on low flame for 10-15 minutes - this is important, do not rush this
step. Tomatoes must be soft and mushy.

6. Next add peas (mash them with hands while adding) and let them cook for a few minutes

7. Add red chili powder, turmeric (very little if using) and pav bhaji masala.

8. Let the spices cook for 3-4 minutes, till you see oil releasing from the sides. It becomes fragrant!

9. Add the boiled and mashed veggies.

10. Pour some water to bring it to a high consistency (it should not be too runny or too thick).

11. Add salt.

12. Cook for 10 minutes till the gravy thickens, stirring in between

13. After 10 minutes, add another tablespoon of pav bhaji masala and some butter.

14. Cook for 3-5 minutes and turn off the stove.

Pav/Dinner rolls

1. Slit the dinner rolls horizontally leaving one edge intact

2. Heat butter in a pan. Open buns and place on the pan and toast them for a minute.
Toast both sides.

3. Garnish the gravy with onions, butter, lemon and coriander. Serve hot with the toasted dinner rolls.

106 • Recipes for DataOps Success


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108 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Do You Need a
DataOps Dojo?

As DataOps activity takes root within an enterprise, managers face the question
of whether to build centralized or decentralized DataOps capabilities. Centralizing
analytics brings it under control but granting analysts free reign is necessary to
foster innovation and stay competitive. The beauty of DataOps is that you don’t
have to choose between centralization and freedom. You can choose to do one
or the other — or both. Below we’ll discuss some standard DataOps technical
services that could be developed and supported by a centralized team. We’ll also
discuss building DataOps expertise around the data organization, in a decentralized
fashion, using DataOps centers of excellence (COE) or DataOps Dojos.


A centralized team can promote DataOps adoption by building a common technical
infrastructure and tools to be leveraged by other groups. Centralizing analytics
helps the organization standardize enterprise-wide measurements and metrics.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 109

For example, some teams may recognize services revenue in the quarter booked, and
others may amortize the revenue over the contract period. With a standard metric
supported by a centralized technical team, the organization maintains consistency in

A centralized team can publish a set of software services that support the rollout
of Agile/DataOps. The DataOps Technical Services (DTS) group provides a set of
central services leveraged by other groups. DTS services bring the benefits of
DataOps to groups that aren’t ready to implement DataOps themselves. Examples of
technologies that can be delivered ‘as a service’ include:
• Source code control repository
• Agile ticketing/Kanban tools
• Deploy to production
• Product monitoring
• Develop/execute regression testing
• Development sandboxes
• Collaboration and training portals/wikis
• Test data management and other functions provided ‘as a service’

The DTS group can also act as a services organization, offering services to other
teams. Below are some examples of services that a DTS group can provide:
• Reusable deployment services that integrate, deliver, and deploy end-to-end
analytic pipelines to production
• Central code repository where all data engineering/science/analytics work can be
tracked, reviewed and shared
• Central DataOps process measurement function with reports
• ‘Mission Control’ for data production metrics and data team development
metrics to demonstrate progress on the DataOps transformation

DTS creates robust DataOps services and capabilities, but if an organization wishes
to seed DataOps practices throughout the organization, it should plan methods to
transfer DataOps solutions and “know-how” to data scientists and engineers in the
periphery of the organization.


The center of excellence (COE) model leverages the DataOps team to solve real-world
challenges. The goal of a COE is to take a large, widespread, deep-rooted organizational
problem and solve it in a smaller scope, proof-of-concept project, using an open-
minded approach. The COE then attempts to leverage small wins across the larger
organization at scale. A COE typically has a full-time staff that focuses on delivering
value for customers in an experimentation-driven, iterative, result-oriented,
customer-focused way. COE teams try to show what “good” looks like by establishing
common technical standards and best practices. They also can provide education
and training enterprise-wide. The COE approach is used in many enterprises, but the
DevOps industry has more often standardized on Dojos as a best practice.

110 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Demand for skilled DataOps engineers is skyrocketing, and like DevOps engineers,
they are hard to find and harder to hire. Enterprises moving towards DataOps
transformation may find it worthwhile to build DataOps expertise organically in
each team within the data organization.

A DataOps Dojo is a place where DataOps beginners go for a short period of

intense, hands-on training. In Japan, a dojo is a safe environment where someone
can practice new skills, such as martial arts. Companies like Delta Airlines and
John Deere employ the Dojo concept effectively to build lean, Agile, and DevOps
muscles. The Dojo offers a separate workspace where teams learn new skills while
working on actual projects that deliver customer value.

Dojos provide an environment where teams gain practical experience without

worrying about introducing errors into the production environment. The staff
rotates in for weeks or months at a time to learn new skills by working on real-
world projects. They then bring those skills ideas back to their original teams.

Each of the approaches described above can deliver DataOps benefits to the
enterprise. Nevertheless, it can be challenging to grow DataOps expertise
in-house without the benefit of mentorship. DataKitchen offers DataOps
Transformation Advisory Services that address DataOps methodologies, strategy,
tools automation, and cultural change.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 111

112 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Spinach Madeline
Contributed By Jessica Dias de Oliveira
2 packages frozen chopped spinach

4 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

2 tablespoons chopped onions

1/2 cup evaporated milk

1/2 cup spinach/vegetable liquid

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

3/4 teaspoon celery salt

3/4 teaspoon garlic salt

Salt to taste

6-ounce roll of jalapeno cheese (or substitute Velveeta with 2 minced jalapenos), cut into
small pieces

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

Cayenne to taste

Buttered bread crumbs (optional)

1. Cook the spinach according to package directions. Drain and reserve the liquid from the
pot for the butter-flour roux in the next step.

2. Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat. Add the flour, stirring constantly until blend-
ed and smooth, but not brown. Add the onions and cook until soft but not brown. Add the
milk and one-half cup of the reserved liquid from the spinach pot. Stir constantly to avoid
any lumps. Cook, stirring, until smooth and thick. Add the seasonings and cheese and stir
until the cheese is completely melted.

3. Pour into a casserole dish and top with buttered bread crumbs (optional).

4. Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven until bubbly, about 30 minutes.

5. Serve warm as a dip or side. Makes about 8 servings.

Attribution: Spinach Madeline is from River Road Recipes, first published in 1959 by the Junior
League of Baton Rouge. From

Recipes for DataOps Success • 113

114 • Recipes for DataOps Success
DataOps Engineer Will Be the
Sexiest Job in Analytics

Years ago, prior to the advent of Agile development, a friend of mine worked as
a release engineer. His job was to ensure a seamless build and release process
for the software development team. He designed and developed builds, scripts,
installation procedures and managed the version control and issue tracking
systems. He played a mean mandolin at company parties too.

The role of release engineer was (and still is) critical to completing a successful
software release and deployment, but as these things go, my friend was valued less
than the software developers who worked beside him. The thinking went something
like this — developers could make or break schedules and that directly contributed
to the bottom line. Release engineers, on the other hand, were never noticed, unless
something went wrong. As you might guess, in those days the job of release engineer
was compensated less generously than development engineer. Often, the best people
vied for positions in development where compensation was better.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 115

Today, the fortunes of release engineers have risen sharply. In companies that
are implementing DevOps there is no more important person than the release
engineer. The job title has been renamed DevOps engineer and it is one of
the most highly compensated positions in the field of software engineering.
According to salary surveys, experienced DevOps engineers make six-figure
salaries. DevOps specialists are so hard to find that firms are hiring people
without college degrees, if they have the right experience.

Whereas a release engineer used to work off in a corner tying up loose ends,
the DevOps engineer is a high-visibility role coordinating the development,
test, IT and operations functions. If a DevOps engineer is successful, the wall
between development and operations melts away and the dev team becomes
more agile, efficient and responsive to the market. This has a huge impact
on the organization’s culture and ability to innovate. With so much at stake,
it makes sense to get the best person possible to fulfill the DevOps engineer
role, and compensate them accordingly. When DevOps came along, the release
engineer went from fulfilling a secondary supporting role to occupying the
most sought after position in the department. Many release engineers have
successfully rebranded themselves as DevOps engineers and significantly
upgraded their careers.


A similar change, called DataOps, is transforming the roles on the data analytics
team. DataOps is a better way to develop and deliver analytics. It applies Agile
development, DevOps and lean manufacturing principles to data analytics
producing a transformation in data-driven decision making.

Data engineers, data analysts, data scientists — these are all important roles,
but they will be valued even more under DataOps. Too often, data analytics
professionals are trapped into relying upon non-scalable methods: heroism,
hope or caution. DataOps offers a way out of this no-win situation.

The capabilities unlocked by DataOps impacts everyone that uses data analytics
— all the way to the top levels of the organization. DataOps breaks down the
barriers between data analytics and operations. It makes data more easily
accessible to users by redesigning the data analytics pipeline to be more flexible
and responsive. It will completely change what people think of as possible in
data analytics.

116 • Recipes for DataOps Success

In many organizations, the DataOps engineer will be a separate role. In others,
it will be a shared function. In any case, the opportunity to have a high-
visibility impact on the organization will make DataOps engineering one of the
most desirable and highly compensated functions. Like the release engineer
whose career was transformed by DevOps, DataOps will boost the fortunes of
data analytics professionals. DataOps will offer select members of the analytics
team a chance to reposition their roles in a way that significantly advances their
career. If you are looking for an opportunity for growth as a DBA, ETL Engineer,
BI Analyst, or another role look into DataOps as the next step.

And watch out Data Scientist, the real sexiest job of the 21st century is
DataOps Engineer.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 117

118 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Kerala Style Chicken Stew
Contributed By Shruthy Vakkil
3 Table Spoon Coconut oil. {{Variation override - You can use vegetable oil too}}

2 Green cardamom

3 Clove

1-Inch Cinnamon

3-4 Black peppercorn

1 Bay leaf

2 Cups Onion # preferably julienne cut

1 Teaspoon Ginger # Finely chopped

1 Teaspoon Garlic # Finely chopped

2 green chili

10-12 Curry leaves

1.5 LB Chicken

.25 Cup Potato # Small cubes

.25 Cup Carrot # Small cubes

2 cup coconut milk

Salt to taste

1. In a pan, heat oil. Once the oil is hot, add cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, peppercorn, and bay leaf.

2. Saute for a few seconds. (Don't let it burn)

3. Now add onion and saute till they turn translucent.

4. Add ginger and garlic and fry until the raw smell is gone.

5. Add green chilies and curry leaves and fry for a minute.

6. Now add chicken and cook for 2 mins

7. Add 1 cup coconut milk and a little salt.

8. Cover and cook for 10-15 minutes.

9. Add potato and carrot and cook until chicken and vegetables are done.

10. Add the remaining 1 cup coconut milk and cook for another 5 minutes.
11. Pour a little (1 teaspoon) coconut oil on top

Recipes for DataOps Success • 119

120 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Improving Teamwork in Data
Analytics with DataOps

When enterprises invite us in to talk to them about DataOps, we generally

encounter dedicated and competent people struggling with conflicting goals/
priorities, weak process design, insufficient resources, clashing mindsets, and
differing views of reality. Inadequate workflow processes prevent them from
doing their best work. The team lacks the structural and contextual support
necessary to enable successful teamwork.

Imagine that a Vice President of Marketing makes an urgent request to the data
analytics team: “I need new data on profitability ASAP.” At many organizations
the process for creating and deploying these new analytics would go something
like this:

1. The new requirement falls outside the scope of the development “plan of
record” for the analytics team. Changing the plan requires departmental meetings
and the approval of a new budget and schedule. Meetings ensue.

2. Padma, a Data Engineer, requests access to new data. The request goes on the
IT backlog. IT grants access after several weeks.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 121

3. Padma writes a functional specification and submits the proposed change to the
Impact Review Board (IRB), which meets monthly. A key-person is on vacation,
so the proposed feature waits another month.

4. Padma begins implementation. The change that she is making is similar to

another recently developed report. Not knowing that, she writes the new analytics
from scratch. The test environment does not match “production.” so her testing
misses some corner cases.

5. Testing on the target environment begins. High-severity errors pull Eric, a

Production Engineer, into an “all-hands-on-deck” situation, putting testing
temporarily on hold.

6. Once the fires are extinguished, Eric returns to testing on the target and
uncovers some issues in the analytics. Eric feeds error reports back to Padma.
She can’t easily reproduce the issues because the code doesn’t fail in the “dev”
environment. She spends significant effort replicating the errors so she can
address them. The cycle is repeated a few times until the analytics are debugged.

7. Analytics are finally ready for deployment. Production schedules the update.
The next deployment window available is in three weeks.

8. After several months have elapsed (total cycle time), the VP of Marketing
receives the new analytics, wondering why it took so long. This information could
have boosted sales for the current quarter if it had been delivered when she had
initially asked.

Every organization faces unique challenges, but the issues above are ubiquitous.
The situation we described is not meeting anyone’s needs. Data engineers went
to school to learn how to create analytic insights. They didn’t expect that it would
take six months to deploy twenty lines of SQL. The process is a complete hassle
for IT. They have to worry about governance and access control and their backlog
is entirely unmanageable. Users are frustrated because they wait far too long for
new analytics. We could go on and on. No one here is enjoying themselves.

The frustration sometimes expresses itself as conflict and stress. From the
outside, it looks like a teamwork problem. No one gets along. People are rowing
the boat in different directions. If managers want to blame someone, they will
point at the team leader.

At this point, a manager might try beer, donuts and trust exercises (hopefully
not in that order) to solve the “teamwork issues” in the group. Another common
mistake is to coach the group to work more slowly and carefully. This thinking
stems from the fallacy that you have to choose between quality and cycle time. In
reality, you can have both.

We recommend a process-oriented solution that addresses everyone’s goals

and priorities, coordinates tasks, provisions resources, and creates a shared
reality. DataOps can turn a band of squabbling data professionals into a high-
performance team.

122 • Recipes for DataOps Success

DataOps shortens the cycle time and improves the quality of data analytics.
Data teams that do not use DataOps may try to reduce the number of errors
by being more cautious and careful. In other words, slowing down. DataOps
helps organizations improve data quality while going faster. This might seem
impossible until you learn more about how DataOps approaches analytics
development and deployment.

DataOps is a set of methodologies supported by tools and automation. To say it

in one breath; think Agile development, DevOps and Lean manufacturing (i.e.,
statistical process controls) applied to data analytics. DataOps comprehends that
enterprises live in a multi-language, multi-tool, heterogeneous environment
with complex workflows. To implement DataOps, extend your existing
environment to align with DataOps principles. You can implement DataOps
by yourself in seven steps, or you can adopt a DataOps Platform. Here, we’ll
describe how a DataOps Platform works and illustrate it with an example of a
real-life analytics development project.


Enterprises that collocate development and production on the same system face
a number of issues. Analytics developers sometimes make changes that create
side effects or break analytics. Development can also be processor-intensive,
impacting production performance and query response time.

DataOps provides production and development with dedicated system

environments. Some enterprises take this step but fail to align these
environments. Development uses cloud platforms while production uses on-
prem. Development uses clean data while production uses real-world data. The
list of opportunities for misalignment are endless. DataOps requires that system
environments be aligned. In other words, as close as possible to identical. The
more similar, the easier it will be to migrate code and replicate errors. Some
divergence is necessary. For example, data given to developers may have to be
sampled or masked for practical or governance reasons.

Figure 1 below shows a simplified production environment. The system transfers

files securely using SFTP. It stores files in S3 and utilizes a Redshift cluster. It also
uses Docker containers and runs some Python. Production alerts are forwarded to a
Slack channel in real-time. Note that we chose an example based on Amazon Web
Services, but we could have selected any other tools. Our example applies whether
the technology is Azure, GCP, on-prem or anything else.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 123

Figure 1: Simplified production technical environment

DataOps segments production and development into separate release environments

— see Figure 2. In our parlance, a release environment includes a set of hardware
resources, a software toolchain, data, and a security Vault which stores encrypted,
sensitive access control information like usernames and passwords for tools. Our
production engineer, Eric, manages the production release environment. Production
has dedicated hardware and software resources so Eric can control performance,
quality, governance and manage change. The production release environment is
secure — the developers do not have access to it.

The development team receives its own separate but equivalent release
environment, managed by the third important member of our team; Chris, a
DataOps Engineer. Chris also implements the infrastructure that abstracts the
release environments so that analytics move easily between dev and production.
We’ll describe this further down below. Any existing team member, with DataOps
skills, can perform the DataOps engineering function, but in our simplified case
study, adding a person will better illustrate how the roles fit together.

Figure 2: Production and development maintain separate but equivalent environments.

The production engineer manages the production release environment and the DataOps
engineer manages the development release environment.

124 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Chris creates a development release environment that matches the production
release environment. This alignment reduces issues when migrating analytics
from development to production. Per Figure 2, the development environment
has an associated security Vault, just like the production environment. When
a developer logs into a development workspace, the security Vault provides
credentials for the tools in the development release environment. When the
code seamlessly moves to production, the production Vault supplies credentials
for the production release environment. Figure 3 below illustrates the separate
but equivalent production and development release environments. If you aren’t
familiar with “environments,” think of these as discrete software and hardware
systems with equivalent configuration, tools, and data.

Figure 3: DataOps segments the production and development workspaces into

separate but equivalent release environments.

Chris uses DataOps to create and implement the processes that enable successful
teamwork. This activity puts him right at the nexus between data analytics
development and operations. Chris is one of the most important and respected
members of the data team. He creates the mechanisms that enable work to flow
seamlessly from development to production. Chris makes sure that environments
are aligned and that everyone has the hardware, software, data, network and
other resources that they need. He also makes available software components,
created by team members, to promote reuse — a considerable multiplier of
productivity. In our simple example, Chris manages the tasks that comprise
the pre-release process. Padma appreciates having Chris on the team because
now she has everything that she needs to create analytics efficiently on a self-
service basis. Eric is happy because DataOps has streamlined deployment, and
expanded testing has raised both data and analytics quality. Additionally, there is
much greater visibility into the artifacts and logs related to analytics, whether in
development, pre-release or in production. It’s clear that Chris is a key player in
implementing DataOps. Let’s dive deeper into how it really works.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 125

Our development team in Figure 2 consists of Chris and Padma. In a real-world
enterprise, there could be dozens or hundreds of developers. DataOps helps
everyone work as a team by minimizing the amount of rekeying required so
that analytics move seamlessly from developer to developer and into production.
DataOps also organizes activities so that tasks remain coordinated and team
members stay aligned. The foundation of these synchronized activities is a virtual
workspace called a “Kitchen.”

A Kitchen is a development workspace with everything that an analytics developer

requires. It contains hardware, software, tools, code (with version control) and
data. A Kitchen points to a release environment which gives it access to all of the
resources associated with that environment. A Kitchen also enforces workflow and
coordinates tasks.

The processing pipelines for analytics consist of a series of steps that operate on
data and produce a result. We use the term “Pipeline” to encompass all of these
tasks. A DataOps Pipeline encapsulates all the complexity of these sequences,
performs the orchestration work, and tests the results. The idea is that any
analytic tool that is invokable under software control can be orchestrated by a
DataOps Pipeline. Kitchens enable team members to access, modify and execute
workflow Pipelines. A simple Pipeline is shown in Figure 4.

Pipelines, and the components that comprise them, are made visible within a
Kitchen. This encourages the reuse of previously developed analytics or services.
Code reuse can be a significant factor in reducing cycle time.

Figure 4: A simple DataOps pipeline is represented by a directed acyclic graph

(DAG). Each node in the graph is a sequence of orchestrated operations.

Kitchens also tightly couple to version control. When the development team
wants to start work on a new feature, they instantiate a new child Kitchen which
creates a corresponding Git branch. When the feature is complete, the Kitchen is
merged back into its parent Kitchen, initiating a Git merge. The Kitchen hierarchy
aligns with the source control branch tree. Figure 5 shows how Kitchen creation/
deletion corresponds to a version control branch and merge.

126 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Figure 5: Kitchens point to a release environment. They represent source control branches
and merges, and also serve as development, test, and release workspaces.

Kitchens may be persistent or temporary; they may be private or shared,

depending on the needs of a project. Access to a Kitchen is limited to a designated
set of users or “Kitchen staff.” The Vault in a release environment supplies
a Kitchen with the set of usernames and passwords needed to access the
environment toolchain.

DataOps empowers an enterprise to provide people access to data, eliminating

gatekeepers. As mentioned above, developers access test data from within a
Kitchen. In another example, a Pipeline could extract data from a data lake and
create a data mart or flat file that serves Alteryx, Tableau and Excel users in the
business units. DataOps promotes and enables data democratization, providing
everyone access to the data relevant to their job. When “self-service” replaces
“gatekeepers,” more work gets done in parallel and analytics development cycle-
time accelerates significantly.

Figure 6 shows a Kitchen hierarchy. The base Kitchen is “demo_production,”

which points to the production release environment described earlier. This
Kitchen is Eric’s workspace, and it enables him to coordinate his interactions
with the development team. There is only one Kitchen corresponding to Eric’s
production release environment. No iterative work takes place in production.
Instead, think of “demo_production” as a manufacturing flow where assembly
lines run on a tight schedule.

Chris’ workspace is a Kitchen called “demo_dev.” The “demo_dev” Kitchen is

the baseline development workspace, and it points to the development release
environment introduced above, at the bottom of Figure 2. In our example, Chris’
Kitchen serves as a pre-release staging area where merges from numerous
child development Kitchens consolidate and integrate before being deployed
to production. With release environments aligned, Kitchens don’t have to do
anything different or special for merges across release environments versus
merges within a release environment.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 127

Figure 6: Eric, Chris, and Padma each have personal Kitchens, organized in a
hierarchy that aligns with their workflow.

Every developer needs a workspace so they may work productively without

impacting or being impacted by others. A Kitchen can be persistent, like a personal
workspace, or temporary, tied to a specific project. Once Kitchen creation is set-up,
team members create workspaces as needed. This “self-service” aspect of DataOps
eliminates the time that developers used to wait for systems, data, or approvals.
DataOps empowers developers to hit the ground running. In Figure 6, Padma has
created the Kitchen “dev_kitchen.” Padma’s Kitchen can leverage Pipelines and
other services created by the dev team.


With multiple developers sharing a release environment, the DataOps Platform
segregates developer activity. For example, all of the developer Kitchens share
the Redshift cluster shown in Figure 2. Note the notation “{{CurrentKitchen}}”
associated with Redshift in Figure 2. Each developer has a Redshift schema within
the cluster identified by their Kitchen name. For example, an access by Padma
would target a schema identified by her unique Kitchen name “dev_kitchen.”
The DataOps Platform uses Kitchen names and other identifiers to segregate user
activity within a shared release environment. Segregation helps keep everyone’s
work isolated while sharing development resources.

Now let’s look at how to use a DataOps Platform to develop and deliver analytics with
minimal cycle time and unsurpassed quality. We’ll walk through an example of how
DataOps helps team members work together to deploy analytics into production.

Think back to the earlier request by the VP of Marketing for “new analytics.”
DataOps coordinates this multi-step, multi-person and multi-environment
workflow and manages it from inception to deployment.

128 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Step 1 — Starting From a Ticket

The Agile Sprint meeting commits to the new feature for the VP of Marketing in the
upcoming iteration. The project manager creates a JIRA ticket.

Step 2 — Creation of the Development Kitchen

In a few minutes, Padma creates a development Kitchen for herself and gets to work.
Chris has automated the creation of Kitchens to provide developers with the test data,
resources, and Git branch that they need. Padma’s Kitchen is called “dev_Kitchen” (see
Figure 6). If Padma takes a technical risk that doesn’t work out, she can abandon this
Kitchen and start over with a new one. That effectively deletes the first Git branch and
starts again with a new one.

Step 3 — Implementation

Padma’s Kitchen provides her with pipelines that serve as a significant head start
on the new profitability analytics. Padma receives the test data (de-identified) she
needs as part of Kitchen creation and configures toolchain access (SFTP, S3, Redshift,
…) for her Kitchen. Padma implements the new analytics by modifying an existing
Pipeline. She adds additional tests to the existing suite, checking that incoming data
is clean and valid. She writes tests for each stage of ETL/processing to ensure that
the analytics are working from end to end. The tests verify her work and will also run
as part of the production flow. Her new pipelines include orchestration of the data
and analytics as well as all tests. The tests direct messages and alerts to her Kitchen-
specific Slack channel. With the extensive testing, Padma knows that her work will
migrate seamlessly into production with minimal effort on Eric’s part. Now that
release environments have been aligned, she’s confident that her analytics work in the
target environment.

Before she hands off her code for pre-production staging, Padma first has to merge
down from “demo_dev” Kitchen so that she can integrate any relevant changes her
coworkers have made since her branch. She reruns all her tests to ensure a clean
merge. If there is a conflict in the code merge, the DataOps Platform will pop-up a
three panel UI to enable further investigation and resolution. When Padma is ready,
she updates and reassigns the JIRA ticket. If the data team were larger, the new
analytics could be handed off from person to person, in a line, with each person
adding their piece or performing their step in the process.

Step 4 — Pre-Release

In our simple example, Chris serves as the pre-release engineer. With a few clicks,
Chris merges Padma’s Kitchen “dev_Kitchen” back into the main development Kitchen
“demo_dev,” initiating a Git merge. After the merge, the Pipelines that Padma updated
are visible in Chris’ Kitchen. If Chris is hands-on, he can review Padma’s work, check
artifacts, rerun her tests, or even add a few tests of his own, providing one last step of
QA or governance. Chris creates a schedule that, once enabled, will automatically run the
new Pipeline every Monday at 6 am. When Chris is satisfied, he updates and reassigns
the JIRA ticket, letting Eric know that the feature is ready for deployment.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 129

Step 5 — Production Deployment

Eric easily merges the main development Kitchen “demo_dev” into the production
Kitchen, “demo_production,” corresponding to a Git merge. Eric can now see the new
Pipelines that Padma created. He inspects the test logs and reruns the new analytics
and tests to be 100% sure. The release environments match so the new Pipelines
work perfectly. He’s also happy to see tests verifying the input data using DataOps
statistical process control. Tests will detect erroneous data, before it enters the
production pipeline. When he’s ready, Eric enables the schedule that Chris created,
integrating the new analytics into the operations pipeline. DataOps redirects any Slack
messages generated by the new analytics to the production Slack channels.

Step 6 — Customer Sees Results

The VP of Marketing sees the new customer segmentation and she’s delighted. She
then has an epiphany. If she could see this new data combined with a report that
Padma delivered last week, it could open up a whole new approach to marketing
— something that she is sure the competitors haven’t discovered. She calls the
analytics team and…back to Step 1.

As our short example demonstrated, the DataOps Teamwork Process delivers
these benefits:
• Ease movement between team members with many tools and environments —
Kitchens align the production and development environment(s) and abstract
the machine, tools, security and networking resources underlying analytics.
Analytics easily migrate from one team member to another or from dev to
production. Kitchens also bind changes to source control.
• Collaborate and coordinate work — DataOps provides teams with the
compelling direction, strong structure, supportive context and shared mindset
that are necessary for effective teamwork.
• Automate work and reduce errors — Automated orchestration reduces process
variability and errors resulting from manual steps. Input, output and business
logic tests at each stage of the workflow ensure that analytics are working
correctly, and that data is within statistical limits. DataOps runs tests both in
development and production, continuously monitoring quality. Warnings and
errors are forwarded to the right person/channel for follow up.
• Maintain security — Kitchens are secured with access control. Kitchens then
access a release environment toolchain using a security Vault which stores
unique usernames/passwords.
• Leverage best practices and re-use — Kitchens include Pipelines and other
reusable components which data engineers can leverage when developing new
• Self-service — Data professionals can move forward without waiting for
resources or committee approval.

130 • Recipes for DataOps Success

• Data democratization — Data can be made available to more people, even
users outside the data team, who bring contextual knowledge and domain
expertise to data analytics initiatives. “Self-service” replaces “gatekeepers”
and everyone can have access to the data that they need.
• Transparency — Pipeline status and statistics are available in messages,
reports and dashboards.


DataOps addressed several technical and process-oriented bottlenecks that
previously delayed the creation of new analytics for months. Their processes can
improve further, but they are now an order of magnitude faster and more reliable.
At the next staff meeting, the mood of the team is considerably improved:

Manager: Good morning, everyone. I’m pleased to report that the VP of Marketing
called the CDO thanking him for a great job on the analytics last week.

Padma (Data Engineer): Fortunately, I was able to leverage a Pipeline developed a

few months ago by the MDM team. We were even able to reuse most of their tests.

Chris (DataOps Engineer): Once I set-up Kitchen creation, Padma was able to start
being productive immediately. With matching release environments, we quickly
migrated the new analytics from dev to production.

Eric (Production Engineer): The tests are showing that all data remains within
statistical limits. The dashboard indicators are all green.

DataOps helps our band of frustrated and squabbling data professionals achieve
a much higher level of overall team productivity by establishing processes and
providing resources that support teamwork. With DataOps, two key performance
parameters improve dramatically — the development cycle time of new analytics
and quality of data and analytics code. We’ve seen it happen time and time again.

What’s even more exciting is the business impact of DataOps. When users request
new analytics and receive them in a timely fashion, it initiates new ideas and
uncharted areas of exploration. This tight feedback loop can help analytics achieve
its true aim, stimulating creative solutions to an enterprise’s greatest challenges.
Now that’s teamwork!

Recipes for DataOps Success • 131

132 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Spinach-Mushroom Quiche
Contributed By Larry Tympanick

4 eggs

1 cup 1% milk

1/2 cup mayonnaise

2 tablespoons flour

1 bunch chopped green onion

8 oz shredded cheese (all swiss / all sharp cheddar or combination of both)

1 pkg well-drained frozen chopped spinach (thawed)

4-6 oz chopped fresh mushrooms (sauteed & drained)

1 9-inch unbaked pie crust

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees

2. Wisk eggs, milk, mayo, 4 grinds of sea salt & flour in a mixing bowl.

3. Stir in remaining ingredients

4. Pour into an unbaked 9-inch pie crust

5. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour or until the top is golden brown

Recipes for DataOps Success • 133

134 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Governance as Code

Data teams using inefficient, manual processes often find themselves working
frantically to keep up with the endless stream of analytics updates and the
exponential growth of data. If the organization also expects busy data scientists
and analysts to implement data governance, the work may be treated as an
afterthought, if not forgotten altogether. Enterprises using manual procedures
need to carefully rethink their approach to governance.

With DataOps automation, governance can execute continuously as part of

development, deployment, operations and monitoring workflows. Governance
automation is called DataGovOps, and it is a part of the DataOps movement.
Instead of starting with a typical wordy definition of data governance, let’s look
at some examples of the problems that governance attempts to solve:
1. The VP calls a quarterly meeting with the global sales force to review
the forecast for each territory. Some salespeople display only direct
product sales – others commingle products, services and non-recurring
engineering. Some team members include verbal commitments, whereas
others report only bookings. Without a single definition of “sales,” it’s hard
to obtain an accurate picture of what’s happening.
2. Data resides in different locations and under the control of different groups
within the enterprise. It’s hard to track and manage the organization’s data
assets. It’s difficult to even know where to look.
3. Some users export sensitive customer data to their laptop in order to work
remotely using self-service tools. Some of this regulated data falls under
GDPR, GLBA or California’s CCPA.
4. The journey from raw data to finished charts and graphs spans groups, data
centers and organizations. The data pipeline follows a complex execution
path with numerous tools and platforms involved. When there is an issue to
fix, who owns each part of the data analytics pipeline?
5. Data is notoriously incomplete and full of errors. How can/should it be
cleaned? Is it fit for a given use? How is data quality assured?

Recipes for DataOps Success • 135

Often data governance initiatives attempt to address these issues with meetings,
checklists, sign-offs and nagging. This type of governance is a tax upon data
analyst productivity. DataGovOps offers a new approach to governance by building
automated governance into development and operations using DataOps tools and
methods. “Governance-as-code” actively incorporates governance into data team
workflows. With DataGovOps automation, governance is no longer a forgotten
afterthought that is deferred until other more important work is complete.

In her book, “Disrupting Data Governance: A Call to Action,” data governance
expert Laura Madsen envisions a more agile model for data governance by redirecting
the focus of governance towards value creation through promoting the usage of data
(figure 1). Instead of focusing on how to limit users, governance should be concerned
with promoting the safe and controlled use of data at scale. Data governance is then
more about active enablement than rule enforcement. In other words, can we design
data quality, management and protection workflows in such a way that they empower,
not limit, data usage? This can be done if we take a DataOps approach to governance.

Figure 1: Data governance should emphasize quality, management, protection and

most importantly, increasing usage. Source: Laura Madsen


In the past couple of years, there has been a tremendous proliferation of acronyms
with the “Ops” suffix. This was started in the software space by DevOps – the
merger of development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). Since then, people have been
creating new Ops terms at a pretty rapid pace. It’s important to remember that
these methods have roots in foundational business management methodologies.

To understand the historical roots of Ops terms, we have to go back to

manufacturing quality methods like Lean manufacturing and the writings of
quality pioneer W. Edwards Deming. These methodologies were applied in
industries across the globe and, more recently, introduced into the software
domain under the guise of methods you may find familiar.

For example, Agile development is an application of the Theory of Constraints

(TOC) to software development. The TOC observed that it was possible to lower
manufacturing latency, reduce errors and raise overall system throughput in
manufacturing assembly lines using small lot sizes. Agile brings these same
benefits to software development by utilizing short development iterations.

136 • Recipes for DataOps Success

DevOps is an application of Lean manufacturing to application development and
operations. DevOps automation eliminates waste, reduces errors and minimizes
the cycle time of application development and deployment. DevOps has been
instrumental in helping software teams become more agile.

Data analytics differs from traditional software development in significant ways.

DevOps by itself is insufficient to improve agility in data organizations because
data analytics includes both a code and data factory. Whereas quality is generally
code dependent in traditional software development, quality is both code and data
dependent in data analytics. To design robust, repeatable data pipelines, analytics
organizations must turn to automated orchestration, tests and statistical process
control (hearkening back to W. Edwards Deming, Figure 2).

Figure 2: DataGovOps grew out of the DataOps movement in order

to apply automation to data governance.

When these various methodologies are backed by a technical platform and applied
to data analytics, it’s called DataOps. DataOps automation can enable a data
organization to be more agile. It reduces cycle time and virtually eliminates data
errors, which distract data professionals from their highest priority task – creating
new analytics that add value for the enterprise.

All of the new Ops terms (Figure 2) are simply an effort to run organizations in
a more iterative way. Enterprises seek to build automated systems to run those
iterations more efficiently. In data governance, this comes down to finding the right
balance between centralized control and decentralized freedom. When governance
is enforced through manual processes, policies and enforcement interfere with
freedom and creativity. With DataOps automation, control and creativity can coexist.
DataGovOps uniquely addresses the DataOps needs of data governance teams
who strive to implement robust governance without creating innovation-killing
bureaucracy. If you are a governance professional, DataGovOps will not put you
out of a job. Instead, you’ll focus on managing change in governance policies and
implementing the automated systems that enforce, measure, and report governance.
In other words, governance-as-code.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 137

Data governance can keep people quite busy managing the various aspects of
governance across the enterprise:
• Business glossary - Defines terms to maintain consistency throughout
the organization. A glossary builds trust in analytics and avoids
misunderstandings that impede decision-making.
• Data catalog - A metadata management tool that companies use to inventory
and organize the data within their systems. Typical benefits include
improvements to data discovery, governance, and access.
• Data lineage - Consider data’s journey from source to ETL tool to data science
tool to business tool. Data lineage tells the story of data traversing the system
in human terms.
• Data quality - Evaluated through a data quality assessment that determines if
data is fit for use.
• Data security - Protecting digital data from the unwanted destructive actions
of unauthorized users
• Defined roles and responsibilities - Holding people accountable for adhering
to governance and policies

Governance is, first and foremost, concerned with policies and compliance. Some
governance initiatives are somewhat akin to policing traffic by handing out
speeding tickets. Focusing on violations positions governance in conflict with
analytics development. Data governance advocates can get much farther with
positive incentives and enablement rather than punishments.

DataGovOps looks to turn all of the inefficient, time-consuming and error-


1. Business Glossary & Data Catalog 1. Business Glossary & Data Catalog as Code

2. Data Lineage 2. Process Lineage

3. Data Quality Definitions 3. Automated Data Testing

4. Data Security 4. Self-Service Sandbox and Test Data Management

5. Defined Roles and Responsibilities 5. Agility in Defined Roles and Responsibilities

Figure 3: Focus of data governance and DataGovOps

prone manual processes associated with governance into code or scripts.

DataGovOps reimagines governance workflows as repeatable, verifiable automated
orchestrations. Figure 3 shows how DataGovOps strengthens the pillars of
governance: business glossary and data catalogs, data lineage, data quality, data
security, and governance roles and responsibilities.

138 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Automate Change through Governance as Code

Figure 4 represents a deployment of new analytics from a development

environment to a production environment. Imagine you have an existing system
that does some ETL, visualization, and data science work. Let’s say you want
to add a new data table, join it to another fact table, and update a model and
report. The table is new data, and it should also be added to the data catalog.
DataGovOps views governance as code or configuration. The orchestration that
deploys the new data, new schema, model changes, and updated visualizations
also deploys updates to the data catalog. The orchestrations that implement
continuous deployment include DataGovOps governance updates into the change
management process. All changes are deployed together. Nothing is forgotten or
heaped upon an already-busy data analyst as extra work. DataGovOps deploys
the changes in the catalog as a unit with the ETL code, models, visualizations,
and reports.

Automating governance ensures that it happens in a timely fashion. With

manual governance processes, there is always a danger that high-priority tasks
will force the data team to defer catalog updates – and occasionally drop the
ball. If data catalogs are a deployable unit, updates are more likely to get done,
and everyone directly participates in governance via DataGovOps orchestrations.

Figure 4: The orchestrations that implement continuous deployment

incorporate DataGovOps updates into the change management process.

DataGovOps Focuses on Process Lineage, Not Just Data Lineage

Data analytics is a profession where your errors get plastered on billboards.

When a chart is missing or a report looks wrong, you may find out about it when
the VP calls asking questions. Data lineage helps you get those answers.

Figure 5 depicts a data pipeline that ingests data from sftp, builds facts and
dimensions, forecasts sales, visualizes data and updates a data catalog. Many
data organizations use a mix of tools across numerous locations and data
centers. They may use hybrid cloud with some centralized data teams and
decentralized development using self-service tools. Data lineage helps the data
team keep track of this end-to-end process. Which team owns which steps in
the process? Which tools are used? Who made changes and when?

Recipes for DataOps Success • 139

Figure 5: All artifacts that relate to data pipelines are stored in version control so that you
have as complete a picture of your data journey as possible.

DataGovOps records and organizes all of the metadata related to data – including the
code that acts on the data. Test results, timing data, data quality assessments and all
other artifacts generated by execution of the data pipeline document the lineage of data.
All metadata is stored in version control so that you have as complete a picture of your
data journey as possible. DataGovOps documents the exact process lineage of every tool
and step that happened along the data’s journey to value.


Manual governance programs evaluate whether data is fit for purpose by performing
a data quality assessment. A labor-intensive assessment can only be performed
periodically, so at best, it provides a snapshot of data quality at a particular time.
DataGovOps takes a more dynamic and comprehensive view of quality. DataGovOps
performs continuous testing on data at each stage of the analytics pipeline. Real-
time error alerts pinpoint exactly where a problem was detected. Quality assessment
is performed as an automated orchestration, so you always have an updated status of
data quality. Additionally, DataGovOps performs statistical process control, location
balance, historical balance, business logic and other tests, so your data lineage is
packed with artifacts that document the data lifecycle. (Figure 6)

If your users see an error in charts, graphs or models, they won’t care whether
the error originated with data or the transformations that operate on that data.
DataGovOps tests the code that operates on data so that ETL operations and models
are validated during deployment and monitored in production.

All of this testing reduces errors to virtually zero, eliminating the stress and
embarrassment of having to explain mistakes. When analytics are correct, data is
trusted, and the data team has more time for the fun and innovative work that they
love doing.


A lot of organizations have begun to rely heavily on self-service analytics. From
the CDO’s perspective, self-service analytics spur innovation, but can be difficult
to manage. Data flowing into uncontrolled workspaces complicates security and

140 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Figure 6: DataGovOps engages in automated testing of data and code
to improve analytics quality.

governance. Without visibility into decentralized development, the organization

loses track of its data sources and data catalog, and can’t standardize metrics. The
lack of cohesion makes collaboration more difficult, adds latency to workflows,
creates infrastructure silos, and complicates analytics management and
deployment. It’s hard to keep the trains running on time amid the creative chaos
of self-service analytics.

Self-Service Sandboxes

DataGovOps relies upon self-service sandboxes to improve development and

governance agility simultaneously. If manual governance is like handing
out speeding tickets, then self-service sandboxes are like purpose-built race
tracks. The track enforces where you can go and what you can do, and are built
specifically to enable you to go really fast.

A self-service sandbox is an environment that includes everything a data analyst

or data scientist needs in order to create analytics. For example:
• Complete toolchain
• Standardized, reusable, analytics components
• Security vault providing access to tools
• Prepackaged datasets - clean, accurate, privacy and security aware
• Role-based access control for a project team
• Integration with workflow management
• Orchestrated path to production - continuous deployment
• DataKitchen Kitchen - a workspace that integrates tools, services and
• Governance - tracking user activity with respect to policies

Self-service environments are created on-demand with built-in background

processes that monitor governance. If a user violates policies by adding a table

Recipes for DataOps Success • 141

to a database or exporting sensitive data from the sandbox environment, an
automated alert can be forwarded to the appropriate data governance team
member. The code and logs associated with development are stored in source
control, providing a thorough audit trail.

Note that the self-service sandbox includes test data. Access to test data is a
significant pain point for many enterprises. It sometimes takes several months
to obtain clean, accurate, and privacy-aware test data that has passed security
checks. Once set-up, a self-service environment provides test data on demand.
The self-service sandbox enables data teams to deploy faster and lower their error
rate. This capability empowers them to iterate more quickly and find solutions
to business challenges. The provision of test data on demand is called Test Data

Test Data Management

In data science and analytics, test data management (TDM) is the process of
managing the data necessary for fulfilling the needs of automated tests, with zero
human intervention (or as little as possible).

That means that the TDM solution is responsible for creating the required test
data, according to the requirements of the tests. It should also ensure that
the data is of the highest possible quality. Poor quality test data is worse than
having no data at all since it will generate results that can’t be trusted. Another
important requirement for test data is fidelity. Test data should resemble, as
closely as possible, the real data found in the production servers.

Finally, the TDM process must also guarantee the security and privacy of test
data. It’s no use to have high-quality data that is as realistic as possible but lack
secure, privacy-aware data for testing.


In space flight, a “mission control” center manages a flight from launch until
landing, providing stakeholders with complete situational awareness. To properly
govern data, you similarly need to know what’s happening at a glance – with an
ability to quickly drill down into the details. DataGovOps serves as mission control
for your data and data pipelines. It provides a single-pane-of-glass view of data
and operations, enabling the data team to quickly locate and diagnose problems
(Figures 7, 8, & 9).

Figure 7: DataGovOps mission control view: Daily Build Summary

142 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Figure 8: DataGovOps mission control view: the Tornado Report displays a weekly representa-
tion of the operational impact of data analytics issues and the time required to resolve them.

Figure 9: DataGovOps mission control view: The Data Arrival report enables you to track
data suppliers and quickly spot delivery issues.
The concept of governance as a policing function that restricts development
activity is out-moded and places governance at odds with freedom and
innovation. DataGovOps provides a better approach that actively promotes the
safe use of data with automation that improves governance while freeing data
analysts and scientists from manual tasks. DataGovOps is a prime example of how
DataOps can optimize the execution of workflows without burdening the team.
DataGovOps transforms governance into a robust, repeatable process that executes
alongside development and data operations.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 143

144 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Slow Cooker Hangi Pork
Contributed By Campbell Wu

Hangi is a traditional New Zealand Māori method of cooking food using umu, basically, a type of oven
made with heated rocks buried in a pit. Using meats like pork, beef, lamb and chicken this method is
usually used on special occasions.

Prep Time: 15 minutes — Cook Time: 8 hours — Total Time: 8 hours 156 mins. — Yield: 8 1x

2 kg fatty pork (pork shoulder or belly) cut into large chunks

1 cup stuffing mix

1/2 pumpkin, cut into large chunks

2 large sweet potatoes, cut into large chunks

4 strips smoked bacon

2 tsp smoked paprika

smoked salt (or sea salt if you can’t find one)

freshly ground black pepper

banana leaf

1. Make your stuffing according to packet instructions, form into a large ball then set it aside.

2. Lay large banana leaf on a table, arrange bacon in one layer on the bottom, place stuffing ball in
the middle, then place meat, sweet potatoes and pumpkin. Season with smoked paprika, smoked
salt and freshly ground black pepper.

3. Wrap the meats and vegetables with the banana leaf then secure it with another wrap of aluminum
foil. Set it aside.

4. Using aluminum foil, crumple four small rolled-up aluminum foils then place them on the bottom of
the slow cooker. Pour enough water to cover the balls then place wrapped meat on top.

5. Cover with damp cloth on top with the sides hanging outside the slow cooker, slow cook for 8 hours
on low heat.

6. Remove from pot, unwrap then serve.

Attribution: Ang Sarap Blog, Author: Raymund

Recipes for DataOps Success • 145

146 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Recipes for DataOps Success • 147

148 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Why Are there
So Many -Ops Terms?

It is challenging to coordinate a group of people working toward a shared goal.

Work involving large teams and complex processes is even more complicated.
Technology-driven companies face these challenges with the added difficulty of
a sophisticated technical environment. It is no wonder then that the technology
industry sometimes struggles to find coherent terminology to describe its own
processes and workflows.

In the past couple of years, there has been a tremendous proliferation of acronyms
with the “Ops” suffix. This was started in the software space by the merger of
development (dev) and IT operations (Ops). Since then people have been creating
new Ops terms at a pretty rapid pace:

AIOps — Algorithmic IT Operations synonymously titled as “Artificial Intelligence

for IT Operations.” Replaces manual IT operations tools with an automated IT
operations platform that collects IT data, identifies events and patterns, and reports
or remediates issues — all without human intervention.

AnalyticsOps — Schedule, manage, monitor and maintain models under automation.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 149

AppOps — The application developer is also the person responsible for operating the
app in production; the operational side of application management, including release
automation, remediation, error recovery, monitoring, maintenance.
ChatOps — The use of chat clients, chatbots and real-time communication tools
to facilitate how software development and operation tasks are communicated and
CloudOps — Attain zero downtime based on “continuous operations”; run
cloud-based systems in such a way that there’s never the need to take part or
all of an application out of service. Software must be updated and placed into
production without any interruption in service.
DataOps — a collection of data analytics technical practices, workflows, cultural
norms and architectural patterns that enable: rapid innovation and experimentation;
extremely high quality and very low error rates; collaboration across complex arrays
of people, technology, and environments; and clear measurement, monitoring and
transparency of results. In a nutshell, DataOps applies Agile development, DevOps
and Lean manufacturing to data analytics (Data) development and operations (Ops).
DataSecOps — DevSecOps for data analytics
DevOps — a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and
information-technology operations (Ops) that aims to shorten the systems
development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.
DevSecOps — views security as a shared responsibility integrated from end to end.
Emphasizes the need to build a security foundation into DevOps initiatives.
GitOps — use of an artifact repository that always contains declarative descriptions
of the infrastructure currently desired in the production environment and an
automated process to make the production environment match the described state
in the repository.
InfraOps — the layer consisting of the management of the physical and virtual
environment, which may very well be within a cloud environment. On top of this
layer would be Service Operations (‘SvcOps’) and Application Operations (‘AppOps’).
MLOps — machine learning operations practices meant to standardize and
streamline the lifecycle of machine learning in production; orchestrating the
movement of machine learning models, data and outcomes between the systems.
ModelOps — automate the deployment, monitoring, governance and continuous
improvement of data analytics models running 24/7 within the enterprise.
NoOps — no IT infrastructure; software and software-defined hardware
provisioned dynamically.

There are probably even more Ops terms out there (honestly, got tired of googling).
Naturally, people have found this confusing and have questioned whether all these
acronyms are necessary. As students of management methodology and lovers of
software tools, we thought we might take a stab at trying to sort this all out.

150 • Recipes for DataOps Success

After the industrial revolution (~1760 to 1840), manufacturing still greatly relied
upon human labor. Naturally, managers looked for ways to improve efficiency.
Fred W. Taylor (1856–1915) revolutionized factories with a methodology called
“scientific management” or “Taylorism.” To improve plant productivity,
Taylorism timed the movements of workers, eliminating wasted motion or
unnecessary steps in repetitive jobs. Applying analysis to manufacturing
processes produced undeniable efficiencies and naturally, provoked resentment by
labor when taken to extremes. Taylorism took a top-down approach to managing
manufacturing and treated people as automatons.

Figure 1: When trying to produce a “technically complex thing” (TCT) organiza-

tions need communication between managers and the people doing jobs.

Top-down, dictatorial control hardly works in modern manufacturing endeavors,

which have grown in scale and complexity. When trying to produce a “technically
complex thing” (TCT) organizations need communication between managers and
the people doing jobs. A TCT could be industrial manufacturing (like ventilators),
software or data analytics. These endeavors demand a culture of honesty, safety,
numeracy, trust and feedback. New management methods emerged based on
these requirements.

Figure 2: Production of a “technically complex thing” demands that a culture of

honesty, safety, trust and feedback exist between managers and employees.


In the era of producing TCT’s, we have many methodologies that organize human
activity to deliver benefits to society and value to individuals while eliminating
waste. We sometimes group all of these methodologies underneath the term
“Lean manufacturing.” Lean seeks to identify waste in manufacturing processes
by focusing on eliminating errors, cycle time, collaboration and measurement.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 151

Lean is about self-reflection and seeking smarter, less wasteful dynamic solutions


As the software industry emerged, companies began to understand that lean
principles could be equally transformative in the context of software development.
Development organizations began to apply “lean” to their software development


More recently, data analytics organizations are applying lean principles to their
methodologies. Enterprises following this path find that these methods help data
science/engineering/BI/governance teams produce better results more efficiently.

The application of lean principles in the technology space is facilitated by progress

in automating the technical environment underlying the end-to-end processes.
DevOps continuous deployment played a critical role. After all, there’s little point
in performing weekly sprints if it takes months to deploy a release. The Agile
management process was a step forward, but insufficient. Dev teams needed the
support of the technical environment to optimize management processes further.

Figure 3: In the era of TCTs, Figure 4: Lean Figure 5 : Applying lean

manufacturing methods manufacturing principles principles to data analytics
like Six Sigma, Total applied to software
Quality Management development took the
and the Toyota Way focus form of Agile, Scrum,
on eliminating errors, Kanban and Extreme
cycle time, collaboration Programming.
and measurement. These
methods built upon the
pioneering work of W.
Edwards Deming.

152 • Recipes for DataOps Success

DevOps supplies the technical environment that enables
Agile to be applied in software development and IT.
With DevOps, dev teams create automated processes
that deploy new features or bug fixes in minutes. The
flexibility that DevOps and Agile enable have helped
many companies attain a leadership position in their
markets. However, DevOps and Agile together could not
enable these same efficiencies in data analytics.

Figure 6: The benefits of

Agile development can’t
be fully utilized without
optimizing the operational
technical environment.

Figure 7: Software and data analytics teams

have unique technical environments which
are addressed by DevOps and DataOps re-


Data analytics differs from traditional software development in significant ways.
For example, when a data professional spins up a virtual sandbox environment
for a new development project, they need data in addition to a clone of the
production technical environment. In software development, test data is usually
pretty straightforward. In data analytics, there could be governance concerns.
Data quality affects outcomes. There could be concerns about the age of data. A
model trained on data that is three months old might work differently on data
that is one day old. Also, predictive analytics can be invalidated if data doesn’t all
originate from the same point in time. There are many issues to consider when
provisioning test data in data analytics.

Another major difference between software development and data analytics is

the data factory. Streams of data continuously flow through the data analytics
pipeline. Data analytics more resembles a manufacturing process than a software
application. For these reasons (and more) DevOps by itself is insufficient to
enable Agile in data organizations. Data analytics created DataOps; a technical
environment tuned to the needs and challenges of data teams.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 153

Figure 8: Data analytics must orchestrate many pipelines including data operations.


DevOps is the foundational technical environment for IT and software teams.
DataOps is the technical environment of data analytics teams. The figure below
shows how DevOps and DataOps serve as the foundation for all other Ops’.
Each of the other Ops’ represent branches off the DevOps and DataOps trees.
Perhaps a new Ops is coined for a subgroup of a team and/or the requirement to
use different methods or tools. For example, DevSecOps emphasizes security in
DevOps development. DataSecOps performs the same function for DataOps.

When terms point to the same team members and the same genre of tools, the
Ops terms are synonymous. For example, ModelOps, MLOps, and AnalyticOps
focus on the unique problems of data scientists creating, deploying and
maintaining models and AI-assisted analytics using ML and AI tools and
methods. Maybe the industry doesn’t need all three of these terms.

154 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Figure 9: Ops terms can be organized by team and technical environment/process.

Whenever a term or acronym gains momentum, marketers go to great lengths
to associate their existing offerings with whatever is being hyped. Sometimes
that creates a backlash that drowns out some good ideas. You may believe that
you do not need a new Ops term or you may find that it helps to galvanize your
target audience and increases focus on the technical environment critical to
your projects. Stay focused on the goals of lean manufacturing. Anything that
eliminates errors, streamlines workflow processes, improves collaboration and
enhances transparency aligns with DevOps, DataOps and all the other possible
Ops’ that are out there.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 155

156 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Mom’s Keto Chocolate Peanut Butter Fat Bombs
Contributed By Nick Bracy

16 ounces (2 pkg) softened full fat cream cheese

6 tablespoons crunchy peanut butter (Ingredients should list just peanuts. No added sugar)

8 tablespoons Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener with Erythritol or another granulated sugar substitute
with Erythritol such as Swerve (not one with maltodextrin or sucralose such as Splenda)

4 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

4 tablespoons Lily's Sugar-Free (stevia sweetened) Dark Chocolate Chips finely chopped

1. Place chocolate chips in a food processor and chop finely. Add softened cream cheese, crunchy
peanut butter, sugar substitute, cocoa powder, and process until well combined. You can also chop
the chips by hand with a sharp knife and mix everything together in a bowl if you prefer.

2. With a small cookie scoop or a spoon scoop about one tablespoon and place onto a parch-
ment-lined baking sheet.

3. Freeze for 20-30 minutes to firm up. Remove and place in freezer bags to keep frozen.

4. Makes about 36 servings or you can make them larger for fewer servings.

Approximate macros for each fat bomb.

Net Carbs 1.3g

Fiber 0.8g

Total Carbs 5.1g

Protein 1.6g

Fat 6.2g

Calories 67

Note: I suggest you make the recipe as written the first time and then adjust it according to your taste by
adding a little more or less sweetener, cocoa or peanut butter, although that may alter the macros.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 157

158 • Recipes for DataOps Success
A Guide to Understanding
DataOps Solutions


DataOps is the hot topic on every data professional’s lips these days, and we
expect to hear much more about DataOps in the coming years. This is not
surprising given that DataOps holds true potential for enabling enterprise data
teams to generate significant business value from their data. Companies that
implement DataOps find that they are able to reduce cycle times from weeks
(or months) to one day, virtually eliminate data errors, and dramatically improve
the productivity of data engineers and analysts.

As a result, vendors that market DataOps capabilities have grown in pace with the
popularity of the practice. To date, we count over 100 companies in the DataOps
ecosystem. However, the rush to rebrand existing products as related to DataOps
has created some marketplace confusion. Because it is such a new category,
both overly narrow and overly broad definitions of DataOps abound. As a result,
it is easy to get overwhelmed when trying to evaluate different solutions and
determine whether they will help you achieve your DataOps goals.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 159

In short, DataOps is a set of technical practices, cultural norms, and architectures
that enable:
• Rapid experimentation and innovation for the fastest delivery of new insights
to customers;
• Low error rates;
• Collaboration across complex sets of people, technology, and environments;
• Clear measurement and monitoring of results.

Similarly, Gartner defines DataOps as, “a collaborative data management practice

focused on improving the communication, integration, and automation of data
flows between data managers and data consumers across an organization.”
Like its DevOps cousin, key elements of DataOps include increased deployment
frequency, automated testing and monitoring, version control, and collaboration.

This sounds great and you are ready to get started, but the next big question is
how can your organization best achieve this transformation? How can you sift
through all the marketing speak and find the solutions that will truly help you?


DataOps addresses a broad set of workflow processes, including analytics
creation and your end-to-end data operations pipeline. In general, it’s not a
single tool you can purchase and forget. Fundamentally, any DataOps solution
should improve your ability to orchestrate data pipelines, automate testing and
monitoring, and speed new feature deployment – while continuing to choose the
right tool for the right part of the job.

To be certain, many companies that are marketing their products as DataOps

solutions play a critical role in the ecosystem. However, it is important to
understand exactly what role they play. If you purchase a fancy new ETL tool, will
you suddenly realize all the benefits of DataOps? Probably not.

When evaluating DataOps solutions, consider the following ways that companies
are marketing their capabilities.

The Data Toolchain – Many tools being marketed today as DataOps solutions
are simply independent components of the data toolchain that collect, store,
transform, visualize, and govern the data running through the pipeline. Although
all of these technologies play an important role in the value pipeline, they do not
ensure that each step in the data pipeline is executed and coordinated as a single,
integrated, and accurate process or help people and teams better collaborate.
Remember that a DataOps process automates the orchestration and testing of
these tools across the pipeline. In fact, in a true DataOps environment, it does
not matter which data tools you use. Your team can continue to use the ETL or
analytics tools they like best or add new tools at any time. Typically, components
of toolchain are being marketed as DataOps solutions in two different ways.

160 • Recipes for DataOps Success

• DataOps Rebranding – One of the reasons that the concept of DataOps has
become so muddied is because some companies are rebranding the actual
concept of DataOps to fit with what their product does. For example, DataOps
has been rebranded as ETL (e.g., Hitachi Vantara, Attunity), streaming ETL
(e.g., StreamSets,, or data virtualization (e.g., Delphix).
• The Halo Effect – Because DataOps is a hot marketing term it is not
surprising that many data companies are using this concept in their
marketing to generate interest. The companies doing “halo effect” marketing
are using the correct definition of DataOps. However, if you read closely, the
message is generally that, “DataOps is great, but use our tool first.” Some
examples of this type of marketing are IBM’s marketing of its Cloud Pak for
Data, Trifacta for end-user data prep, and Qlik for data analytics.

Data Process Tools – Data process and automation tools are being correctly
marketed as important components of a DataOps solution. You’ll need some
combination of these tools if you decide to implement DataOps yourself. Many
popular DevOps tools can also be used.
• Orchestration of end-to-end multi-tool, multi-environment pipelines can be
facilitated by tools like Apache Airflow or Saagie.
• Automated Testing and Monitoring at every step in production and
development pipelines is important to catch and address errors before they
reach the business user. iCEDQ is a leading testing and monitoring platform.
• Environment and Deployment technologies allow teams to spin-up self-
service work environments and innovate without breaking production. New
features can be deployed with the push of a button. There are a host of tools
built for this purpose, including well-known open-source tools such as Git
(version control), Docker (containerization), and Jenkins (CI/CD).

All-in-One DataOps Platforms – Building a DataOps environment is challenging

and requires a true organizational transformation and commitment of time and
resources. Even the best-equipped organizations can encounter obstacles trying

Recipes for DataOps Success • 161

to bring it all together. DataKitchen offers the first end-to-end platform that
can serve as a foundation for your DataOps initiative. It seamlessly automates
and manages workflows related to both data operations and new analytics
development, using the tools you already have. In fact, the DataKitchen platform
can interoperate with any of the data toolchain and process tools mentioned
above. The platform fosters collaboration by providing a single view of the entire
pipeline. Version control and environment management enable work to move
seamlessly from person to person or team to team. The platform also provides
useful metrics that show whether your DataOps initiative is adding value.

DataOps, when implemented correctly, holds exciting promise for data teams
to be able to reclaim control of their data pipelines and deliver value instantly
without errors. It is easy to get confused by all the marketing noise, but
remember that DataOps, at its core, is a collaborative process that orchestrates
data pipelines, automates testing and monitoring, and speeds new feature
deployment. Whether you use an all-in-one tool like DataKitchen or build it
yourself, the right combination of tools, processes, and people are critical to make
DataOps a success.

162 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Gil’s Old Fashion Fudge
Contributed By Gil Benghiat

This tastes as good as the fudge they sell at tourist destinations. This is a multi-hour project and is
great for a rainy or snowy day. Make sure you have a candy thermometer and parchment paper
before you start.

4 cups sugar

2/3 cups powdered cocoa

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 cups milk

3/8 cups butter

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

1. Line an 8-or 9-inch square pan with parchment paper.

2. Mix sugar, cocoa and salt in heavy 4-quart saucepan or larger; stir in milk. Cook over medium heat,
stirring constantly until mixture comes to full rolling boil. Boil, without stirring, until mixture reaches
234°F on candy thermometer or until small amount of mixture dropped into very cold water, forms a
soft ball which flattens when removed from water. This can take a while.

3. Remove from heat. Add butter and vanilla. DO NOT STIR. Cool at room temperature to 110°F (1-2
hours). Fold with wooden DataKitchen spoon until fudge thickens and just begins to lose some of its
gloss (about 7 minutes).

4. Quickly spread in prepared pan; cool completely. Cut into squares.

5. Store in a tightly covered container at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

NOTE: For best results, do not double this recipe. The directions must be followed exactly. In the third step,
beat too little and the fudge is too soft. Beat too long and it becomes hard and sugary.

Attribution: Ingredients and instructions tweaked from Hershey’s Fudge

Recipes for DataOps Success • 163

164 • Recipes for DataOps Success
What a DataOps Platform
Can Do For You

Leading software companies perform millions of code releases per year. Typical
data analytics organizations perform less than 10. This gap explains why most
data analytics projects fail to deliver. Without the capability to move at lightning
speed, data analytics can’t adapt to fast-paced markets and keep up with the
endless stream of requests generated by business users. Despite soaring levels of
investment, the percentage of organizations that describe themselves as “data-
driven” has fallen since 2017.

Software teams have faced similar challenges and found answers. The methods
that yielded tremendous improvements in software development productivity can
deliver similar results for data organizations. In the data industry, the process of
going from 10 releases per year to millions is called “DataOps.”

DataOps enables data organizations to accelerate the development of new

analytics, deploy confidently with the push of a button, and reduce data errors to
virtually zero. This represents an orders-of-magnitude decrease in analytics cycle
time and improvement in quality. Sound impossible? It’s already happened in

Recipes for DataOps Success • 165

software companies, like Amazon, Facebook, Netflix and many others. If your data
organization neglects to modernize its processes, it risks being left behind in an
increasingly “on-demand economy.”


The goal of DataOps is to enable the analytics team to keep pace with user
requests. Data analysts and business users can unlock enormous creativity when
they work closely together. When it takes six months to release a 20-line SQL
change, innovation is stymied; users get frustrated.

Applying DataOps requires a combination of new methods and automation that

augment an enterprise’s existing toolchain. Some organizations build DataOps
capabilities from scratch, but the fastest way to realize the benefits of DataOps
is to adopt an off-the-shelf DataOps Platform. As the DataOps Platform is a
relatively new product category, unlike anything else on the market, there
is still a general lack of understanding about how it delivers such significant
improvements in analytics productivity and quality.

A DataOps Platform unifies the end-to-end workflow and processes related to
data analytics planning, development and operations into a single, common
framework, improving overall collaboration. It incorporates your existing tools
into automated orchestrations that drive analytics creation and the transformation
of raw data to insights. The DataOps Platform accomplishes this goal by managing
the creation, deployment and production execution of analytics. DataOps
Platforms offer four fundamental capabilities:

166 • Recipes for DataOps Success

• Spins up safe and synchronized workspaces – Using virtualization, DataOps
separates and harmonizes your production and development environments.
Aligning the two technical environments avoids unexpected errors during
deployment. Access control secures each workspace and domain. When it’s
time to start a new project, data scientists spin up self-serve development
sandboxes in minutes – this includes test data, validation tests, tools, a
password vault, – in short, everything they need. No more waiting months
for IT.
• Automates deployment – New analytics pass extensive validation tests and
seamlessly move from development to production engineering and then
operations, with a few clicks. Verification tests replace your impact review
board, minimizing the time and effort required to deploy.
• Orchestrates, tests, and monitors the data pipeline – Data flows in from
hundreds or thousands of sources and is integrated, cleaned, processed and
published in analytics. As millions of data points flow through the pipeline,
tests distributed throughout the data pipeline monitor work in progress
and check data for anomalies. Virtually zero errors reach user analytics.
When errors are found, DataOps takes appropriate action based on severity:
warnings, alerts, or even suspension of a data source. Dashboards that
summarize test results and activity provide unprecedented visibility into
operations and development. The DataOps Platform provides quality and
productivity metrics, showing the progress of your DataOps initiative.
• Fosters Collaboration – DataOps automates workflows to coordinate tasks
and improve teamwork. Workspace environments provide the structure to
move analytics through the development workflow, from person to person,
eventually reaching production. Sandboxes feature reusable analytics
components saving time and enforcing standardization. Coupled with source
control, workspaces branch and merge, providing centralized control of
artifacts. With a DataOps Platform, everyone has a common view of the
development and operations pipelines.


With an orchestrated data operations pipeline, quality controls and an automated
development workflow, the DataOps Platform minimizes unplanned work. Task
coordination between team members and groups leads to a more transparent
and robust workflow. DataOps tests virtually eliminate data errors. The DataOps
Platform enables data professionals to develop and deploy new analytics at
lightning speed, delighting users and delivering insights that meaningfully impact
the enterprise’s goals and initiatives.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 167

168 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Chapssal Doughnuts
Contributed By Brandon Stephens
This recipe is one of the most popular Korean snacks, chapssal doughnuts. They’re a modern Korean treat
combining traditional Korean rice cakes with Western-style deep-fried doughnut balls. On the outside,
the dough is crispy and chewy, and on the inside, there’s soft, lightly sweet red bean paste.


For the dough:

1 cup glutinous rice flour (aka sweet rice flour, Mochiko powder, or chapssalgaru)

1 tablespoon flour

¼ teaspoon baking soda

¼ teaspoon kosher salt

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted

¼ cup plus 3 tablespoons hot water

For sweet red bean paste (about 1 pound):

1 cup dried azuki beans (aka red beans, or pat) 7 ounces or 200 grams

¼ cup sugar

¼ cup rice syrup (or corn syrup)

¼ teaspoon kosher salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For frying and coating:

vegetable oil

2 tablespoons of white sugar

Recipes for DataOps Success • 169


Make the dough:

• Combine glutinous rice flour, flour, kosher salt, baking soda, and melted butter in a large
bowl. Add hot water and mix with a wooden spoon for 1 minute.

• Form it into a lump as it gathers together.

• Knead the lump by hand for 2 minutes, until smooth. Put it in a plastic bag to keep it from
drying out.

Make the sweet red bean paste:

• Wash the azuki beans in cold water and strain. Put them into a solid,
heavy-bottomed pot.

• Add 7 cups of water. Cover and boil for 30 minutes over medium-high heat.

• Turn off the heat and let the beans soak in the hot water for 30 minutes.

• Turn on the heat to medium and cook for 1 hour until the beans are very soft.

• Remove from the heat and mash the beans with a wooden spoon or potato masher.

• Add 3 cups of water and stir into a watery paste.

• Set a strong mesh strainer over a large bowl and strain the paste through it to remove the
bean skins.

• Use your hands to squeeze every drop out of the skins as best you can. Discard the empty
skins and wash the strainer to use it again.

• Put the strainer over an empty bowl and line it with a clean cotton cloth. Strain the paste by
pouring it through the cloth and strainer.

• Lift up the edges of the cloth and gently squeeze it to force the all water through.

• When all the water has passed, you’ll be left with a solid lump of finely ground, cooked beans
inside the cloth.

• Put it into the pot, and turn the on heat to medium-high. Add sugar, rice syrup, kosher salt,
and vanilla extract.

• Stir well with a wooden spoon for about 6 to 7 minutes until the bean paste moves together as
a lump. Remove from the heat and let cool.

• Use about 200 grams (7 ounces) of the red bean paste for this recipe and freeze rest for
another day.

170 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Shape the doughnut balls:

• Divide the pasta into 10 pieces and roll each piece into a smooth ball. Cover with plastic wrap so
they don’t dry out while you work.

• Divide the dough into 10 pieces (each one about 1 ounce, or 28 grams) and roll each piece into a
smooth ball. Cover with plastic wrap.

• Put one of the dough balls on the cutting board and flatten it out with your hand into a disk about
2½ inches in diameter. Make a circle with your thumb and forefinger and put the disk on top of it.

• With your other hand put one red bean paste ball in the center of the disk and push and pull the
dough around it, so the red bean ball is completely covered by the dough.

• Seal the dough gently and tightly around the red bean, and softly roll the ball on your cutting
board to smooth out any lumps. Repeat this with the rest of the dough and red beans to make 10

Fry the doughnuts:

• I usually use my 7-inch stainless steel saucepan with 3 cups of oil and fry 5 balls at a time to save
on oil, but you can use more oil and fry them all at once in a larger pan if you want.

• Heat up vegetable oil in a deep pan to 300°F (150°C).

• Fry the balls for 6 to 7 minutes over medium-low heat, until light golden brown. As they fry, stir
gently with a wooden spoon so they’re cooked evenly and don’t stick to the bottom of the pot.

• Strain and let them cool for 1 minute.


• Roll in sugar to coat, and serve. Finish in several hours, for the best chewiness!

Attribution: Maangchi

Recipes for DataOps Success • 171

DataOps Resources
The Agile Manifesto
DataOps Blog
The DataOps Manifesto
DataOps Videos
Scrum Guides
Statistical Process Control
W. Edwards Deming
Wikipedia DataOps
Wikipedia DevOps
DataKitchen Website
DataOps Maturity Model Assessment
The DataOps Cookbook

172 • Recipes for DataOps Success

About the Authors
Christopher Bergh is a Founder and Head Chef at DataKitchen where, among other
activities, he is leading DataKitchen’s DataOps initiative. Chris has more than 25
years of research, engineering, analytics, and executive management experience.

Previously, Chris was Regional Vice President in the Revenue Management Intelli-
gence group in Model N. Before Model N, Chris was COO of LeapFrogRx, a descriptive
and predictive analytics software and service provider. Chris led the acquisition of
LeapFrogRx by Model N in January 2012. Prior to LeapFrogRx Chris was CTO and VP
of Product Management of MarketSoft (now part of IBM) an innovative Enterprise
Marketing Management software. Prior to that, Chris developed Microsoft Passport,
the predecessor to Windows Live ID, a distributed authentication system used by 100s
of Millions of users today. He was awarded a US Patent for his work on that project.
Before joining Microsoft, he led the technical architecture and implementation of
Firefly Passport, an early leader in Internet Personalization and Privacy. Microsoft
subsequently acquired Firefly. Chris led the development of the first travel-related
e-commerce web site at NetMarket. Chris began his career at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Lincoln Laboratory and NASA Ames Research Center.
There he created software and algorithms that provided aircraft arrival optimization
assistance to Air Traffic Controllers at several major airports in the United States.

Chris served as a Peace Corps Volunteer Math Teacher in Botswana, Africa. Chris has
an M.S. from Columbia University and a B.S. from the University of Wisconsin-
Madison. He is an avid cyclist, hiker, reader, and father of two college age children.

Eran Strod is a Marketing Chef at DataKitchen where he writes white papers, case
studies and contributes to the DataOps blog. He is passionate about applying
process-oriented management science to data and analytics.

Eran was previously Director of Marketing for Atrenne Integrated Solutions (now
Celestica) and has held product marketing and systems engineering roles at
Curtiss-Wright, Black Duck Software (now Synopsys), Mercury Systems, Motorola
Computer Group (now Artesyn), and Freescale Semiconductor (now NXP), where
he was a contributing author to the book “Network Processor Design, Issues and
Practices.” Eran began his career as a software developer at CSPi working in the
field of embedded computing.

Eran holds a B.A. in Computer Information Science and Psychology from the
University of California at Santa Cruz (Stevenson College) and an M.B.A. from
Northeastern University. He is a proud dad and enjoys hiking, travel and watching
the New England Patriots.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 173

James Royster is the Senior Director of Operations & Analytics at Adamas Phar-
maceuticals. He has more than 20 years of experience in business analytics, phar-
maceutical brand launch strategy, and project management. He and his teams
have provided analytic tools to facilitate decision-making in complex situations,
adapting to rapidly changing priorities. As Head of Data Strategy & Operations at
Celgene leading an MS product launch, he orchestrated a team of over 100 internal
and external resources operating as a single unit and was responsible for data
infrastructure development and data quality.

174 • Recipes for DataOps Success

Additional Recipes

Recipes for DataOps Success • 175

176 • Recipes for DataOps Success
Chicken Breasts with Marsala Wine
Contributed By Joanne Ferrari
4 Boneless Chicken Breasts

2 Eggs

1 ½ cup Dry Italian Seasoned Breadcrumbs

1/3 cup Parmesan Cheese

1 ½ cup Dry Marsala Wine

¼ cup Butter

2 Tbs. Olive Oil

8 oz. Sliced Mushrooms

Salt & Pepper to Taste

1. Beat eggs with salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Combine breadcrumbs and cheese in a small

2. Dip chicken in beaten eggs then coat with breadcrumb mixture.

3. Press mixture onto chicken and let stand 10-15 min.

4. Melt butter with oil in a large heavy skillet.

5. When butter foams, add chicken.

6. Cook over medium heat 2-3 min. each side or until chicken has a light golden crust.

7. Add wine and mushrooms.

8. Cover and reduce heat.

9. Simmer 15-20 min. or until chicken is tender.

10. If the sauce looks too dry, add a little more wine.

11. Serve immediately over pasta.

Recipes for DataOps Success • 177

Contributed By Brandon Stephens
Spicy stir-fried chicken with vegetables

INGREDIENTS — Serves 2 to 3


1 pound deboned chicken thigh (or drumsticks), cut into small bite-sized pieces

2 tablespoons milk

1 tablespoon soy sauce

¼ teaspoon ground black pepper


12 garlic cloves, minced

1 teaspoon peeled and minced ginger

2 tablespoons soy sauce

½ cup water

1/3 cup gochu-garu (Korean hot pepper flakes)

2 tablespoons rice syrup (or corn syrup, or sugar)

½ teaspoon ground black pepper


4 ounces sliced rice cake (1 cup), soaked in cold water at least 10 minutes

8 ounces cabbage, cored and cut into bite-sized pieces

4 ounces (½ of large onion), sliced

1 small carrot (about 1/3 cup), peeled and sliced

1 or 2 green chili peppers, sliced

¾ cup peeled sweet potato, sliced into ¼ inch thick bite-size pieces.

12 perilla leaves (or basil leaves), cut or ton a few times

½ cup water

1 bowl of rice (optional)

¼ cup chopped fermented kimchi (optional)

178 • Recipes for DataOps Success


• Combine the chicken, milk, soy sauce, and ground black pepper in a bowl and mix all together with
a spoon.

• Cover and set aside.


• Combine the minced garlic, ginger, soy sauce, water, gochu-garu (Korean hot pepper flakes), rice
syrup, and ground black pepper in a bowl. Mix well with a spoon and set aside.


• Spread the cabbage on the bottom of a large, heavy, and shallow pan or skillet.

• Add onion, carrot, green chili pepper, sweet potato, rice cake, and perilla leaves in that order.

• Add the chicken in the center. Pour the seasoning sauce over the chicken and spread it with a
wooden spoon. Add 1/2 cup water.

• Cover and cook for 3 to 4 minutes over medium-high heat until it starts boiling. Turn down the heat
to medium. Open and stir with a (DataKitchen) wooden spoon so that the pan doesn’t burn and
the ingredients and sauce mix evenly. Cover and cook another 13 to 15 minutes over medium heat,
stirring occasionally until the chicken and sweet potato are cooked thoroughly.

• Keep the heat low during the meal. Cook, stir, eat, and talk. The pieces will be hot, so be careful!
Turn off the heat when the chicken and potato are totally cooked.

• Give a bowl to each diner. They can each take some out of the pan into their bowl, and eat. When
it’s almost totally finished, make some fried rice by adding some rice and chopped kimchi to what’s
left on the grill. Stir with a wooden spoon over medium heat for a few minutes. Serve in separate
bowls, or give everyone a spoon and let them eat from the pan together.

Attribution: Maangchi

Recipes for DataOps Success • 179

Isaac’s Special Chicken
Contributed By Gil Benghiat

This recipe is from the 1960s where you combine processed ingredients into a fast and easy dish.

1-2 Chickens cut in quarters or pieces or parts that you like

1 can whole berry cranberry sauce

1 packet dried onion soup

1 bottle Catalina dressing

1. Mix ingredients in a baking dish

2. Roll chicken in it

3. Bake uncovered 1 hour at 350 degrees

180 • Recipes for DataOps Success

White Russian Tiramisu Cake
Contributed By Joanne Ferrari
3 cups Strong Brewed Coffee, cooled

½ cup Kahlua, divided

1 cup Mascarpone Cheese

16oz Cream Cheese, softened

½ cup White Sugar

2/3 cup Light Brown Sugar

48 Lady Fingers

¼ cup of Cocoa Powder (for dusting)

2 cups Heavy Whipping Cream

½ cup Confectioners’ Sugar

1 TBSP Clear Vanilla

1. Place a mixing bowl in the freezer to chill. Combine 3 cups of strong, cooled, brewed coffee and ¼
cup of Kahlua in a container. Set aside.

2. Using a stand mixer combine mascarpone, cream cheese, white sugar, brown sugar, and remain-
ing ¼ cup of Kahlua. Beat until smooth.

3. Dip a ladyfinger into the coffee-Kahlua mixture. Place the ladyfinger dipped-side down in a 13" x 9"
pan. Repeat until the bottom of the pan is covered in dipped ladyfingers.

4. Spread a layer of the cheese mixture over the ladyfingers. Dust with cocoa powder. Repeat for a
second layer. Set aside.

5. Remove the chilled mixing bowl from the freezer; using a stand mixer combine heavy whipping
cream, vanilla and confectioners’ sugar. Using the whisk attachment beat on medium speed until
soft peaks form and the mixture is firm. Do not overbeat.

6. Spread whipped cream on top of the pan containing the ladyfinger/cheese mixture. Dust with
cocoa powder.

Optional: if you like, top with chocolate shavings.

Keep refrigerated.

Attribution: Ann’s Entitled Life

Recipes for DataOps Success • 181

What the Experts are Saying
“Recipes for DataOps” answers the all-important question: how do we get started with
DataOps? Concise and well-written, this book is a wonderful primer for any data & analytics
professional or business owner who finally wants to get real value from their data assets.”
— Wayne Eckerson
President, The Eckerson Group

The authors of “Recipes for DataOps” have understood what most of the industry has yet to
learn - the key to data success lies not in having large data science teams or the latest
machinery, components, and tools, but in establishing efficient, value-driven work
processes. This book is a great step-by-step guide to unlocking that capability and
achieving a DataOps culture - the data- and AI equivalent of Lean manufacturing. It is
a long journey, but rewarding from the start. This book is one of the few good DataOps
guides available, and I recommend it to everyone that is working with data on a daily
basis - data engineers, analysts, data scientists, product owners, and data team
managers. Moreover, that Maori slow-cooked pork seems delicious.
— Lars Albertsson
Founder of Scling

Chris Bergh, Eran Strod, and James Royster have written a unique book that is the go-to
guide for DataOps transformation. It covers an impressive breadth and scope of
topics and explains them in a highly accessible way. If your organization is in any way
struggling to deliver high-quality data analytics at speed you owe it to yourself to read
this book, there is something to learn for everyone.
— Harvinder Atwal
Author, Practical DataOps: Delivering Agile Data Science at Scale

DataOps is one of the most important innovations in the data industry in the last decade.
It will transform how your organization delivers analytic capabilities, drives value, and
shifts to data-supported decisions. The latest book from DataKitchen is the “how-to”
manual that you need to start your DataOps transformation.
— Laura Madsen
Author, Disrupting Data Governance

Takes the path to success with DataOps to a whole new level of understanding. There are
so many actionable insights in the book.
— Jesse Anderson
Author, Data Teams

This book is a great read and really important for any organization that wants to transform
with DataOps rather than tinker around the edges. The book covers important concepts
critical to the success of DataOps such as the Theory of Constraints, Process Measurement,
and DataGovOps. It clarifies the full approach – business requirements first, tools second
– so you are not creating more constraints before you have even started. This is a
must-read for anyone open to finding better ways of working through DataOps.
— Simon Trewin
Author, The Dataops Revolution: Delivering the Data-Driven Enterprise
182 • Recipes for DataOps Success

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