Udyog Pragati NIITE
Udyog Pragati NIITE
Udyog Pragati NIITE
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Abstract 1. Introduction
Lean Six Sigma as a quality improvement methodology Many Lean Manufacturing or Six Sigma projects
has been gaining considerable attention in recent years. begins with much fanfare. However, most of them
Understanding the key features, obstacles, precincts and
fizzle out within the first six months. The current trend
shortcomings of the Lean Six Sigma methodologies allows
suggests that most businesses have not been able to
organizations to better support their strategic directions,
capture or sustain the benefits of a lean transformation.
and increasing needs for coaching, mentoring, and training.
It also provides opportunities to better implement Lean Six
Lean manufacturing represents a fundamental change
Sigma projects. In this paper, an academic perspective on and most businesses have pursued change in a tactical
the subject is presented that highlighting the potential and manner. They must adopt effective strategies to pursue
possible limitations of Lean Six Sigma applications. Without this change. Since Jack Welch, the former chief
intermingling into the mechanics of the subject in detail, the executive officer of GE, popularized Six Sigma in the
points raised could be useful to those who are thinking on late 1990s, the business-management methodology
the appropriateness of Lean Six Sigma to their respective has had a profound impact [1]. Yet, amazingly, the
organizations. This paper also examines the evolution, majority of all corporate Six Sigma initiatives,
benefits, and challenges of Lean Six Sigma practices, eleven approximately 60 percent, fail to yield the desired
parameters that are to be taken care to avoid failure of results, according to Praveen Gupta, a noted author
Six Sigma or Lea Six Sigma and identified the key factors who has been involved with the methodology since
influencing successful six sigma project implementations. its origin in the 1980s.Amid rising concern regarding
It combines the lessons learned from successful six sigma
these failures, more corporations across multiple
projects and considers further improvements to the six sigma
industry sectors are now pulling back on their Six
Sigma initiatives, realizing that the methodology by
Key words: Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Precincts of itself is not the cure-all for corporate ills. At Home
Lean Six Sigma Depot, for example, former CEO Robert Nardelli was
ousted after his strict focus on Six Sigma negatively
* Ph.D. Scholar in the Department of Production affected worker morale and consumer sentiment. In
Engineering VJTI, Mumbai. the American Customer Satisfaction Index rankings,
E-mail Address: [email protected],
the company dropped from a top mark among major
** Associate Professor in the Department of Production retailers to the bottom in 2005. Profitability soared,
Engineering, VJTI, Mumbai. but the stock price plummeted. Examples shows that
E-mail Address: [email protected],
companies cannot focus on implementing Six Sigma
*** Associate Professor in the General Engineering Dept., in isolation (Cristopher Del Angel, Joe Froelich,
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai.
2008). There are ways to avoid all this. However many
E-mail Address: [email protected]
people who introduce these initiatives, are less willing
**** Asst. Professor, National Institute of Industrial
to do what is really required to ensure success, which
Engineering, NITIE, Mumbai 400 087
[email protected] is highlighted in this paper.
The proceeds from a well-deployed Six Sigma Many of the organizations that fail to realize the true
initiative can be richly rewarding. The results of many impact of Six Sigma treat Black Belt positions as
business organizations stand in evidence to that. But part-time jobs. It is essential that Black Belts be full-
the opposite also is true. Many organizations have time positions. Black Belts require a lot of skill, both
technical as well as behavioral. The position needs to
started Six Sigma initiatives with much fanfare only to
concentrate full-time on improving the performances
have the deployment eventually fizzle out miserably.
in areas that are linked to strategic objectives of the
So what goes wrong? Why are there conflicting
organization. A typical return expected from each Black
experiences with Six Sigma initiatives? The answer
Belt project is several times that person’s annual salary,
lies in the basics of deployment. Major reasons which and a number of projects can be completed each year.
are critical to the failure of a Six Sigma deployment A part-time Black Belt is really only the equivalent of
are outlined as the eleven ways as shown in figure 1, a Green Belt. A business should select the best of its
The parameters influencing Lean Six Sigma project. people to undergo training and certification as Black
Belts. Black Belt positions should be used as a step in
2.1. Lack of Commitment from the Top
the grooming of the organization’s future leaders [3].
Commitment to Six Sigma from top leadership means
2.4. Projects Not Linked to Organizational
100 percent commitment or in other words walk-the-
talk. Paying lip service or expressing support to the
initiative only in mailers or meetings is not sufficient. For Six Sigma to yield the benefits desired, projects
The commitment needs to be visible through actions. undertaken must be aligned to the strategic objectives
Top management should embrace the principles of of the company. A democratic approach does not
Six Sigma in such a manner that it becomes a way work here. Project selection must use a balance of
of life [3]. In many organizations, the CEO thinks that top-down and bottom-up approaches. Localized
Six Sigma is the responsibility of a select few Black improvements that are disconnected from the strategic
Belts and Master Black Belts. That is one sure route objectives could be more harmful than beneficial to the
toward a failed Six Sigma program. The Champion or organization.
deployment leader should have a fair knowledge about 2.5. Focusing on Quantity Instead of Quality
the methodology. A deployment leader who himself
does not know much about the methodology would Although a wider participation in a Six Sigma initiative,
hardly be expected to inspire confidence in others. especially at the start of the initiative is desirable,
this should not lead to the quality of projects being
2.2. Lack of Devotion from Middle Level sacrificed for quantity of projects. A large number of
Management projects completed might look good, but the impact
of the projects undertaken is much more important [2].
Martin C., Senior Quality Manager at BASF Fuel
Cell, believes the biggest change has to be in middle 2.6. No Review Mechanism
management. For all the programs of TQM, ISO, Six
Projects and the progress of the improvement initiative
Sigma and others, they have the attitude to ride the
if not reviewed regularly will lead to the momentum
wave until it passes. According to him, no problems
of the initiative fizzling out. Getting starting again
could be solved if middle managers gave information
would then be an uphill task. There should be a sound
as freely and timely as people networking do to grow
governance mechanism to ensure that the projects
their networks. In short, it is not only the program or get reviewed regularly and the projects progress in a
commitment by the CEOs, but it is also the middle timely manner [4]. Review committees should include
management manager’s play and duties. senior management.
There needs to be a visible reward and recognition While Six Sigma deserves the positive reputation it gets
mechanism to the initiative [5]. Rewards can be monetary from the larger returns it provides to the bottom-line,
as well as non-monetary like public recognition, it is not wise to expect too much from the very start of
certification, etc. Some organizations link incentives the initiative [9]. Like all major initiatives, it requires a
to the initiative. good amount of investment. This investment typically
starts giving significant returns about the third year.
2.8. No Infrastructural Support to Teams Working A business organization should not be discouraged if
on Projects returns are slow initially. Since Six Sigma is focused
Teams working on projects require a lot of support on reducing variation and improving performance and
in driving their projects. This means infrastructural is a system-oriented methodology, it takes time for the
support like statistical software, mentoring supports, returns to grow and stabilize. Expecting phenomenal
etc. Availability of these reduces a lot of difficulties results too soon may discourage top leadership and
that teams face during the life of their project [6]. result in those driving the initiative become defensive.
Organizations with deployment leadership that expect These are the major pitfalls that one needs to avoid
project teams will manage on their own are doomed to while deploying Six Sigma in an organization. If those
failure. deploying Six Sigma keep wary of these, the initiative
is likely to be much smoother and more successful.
2.9. Copy-and-Paste Deployment
copy-and-paste kind of approach, wherein one reads a & TOO SOON LEVEL
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