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FBEAM User Guide

Welcome to FBEAM 1
What’s New ............................................................................................................................... 3
Getting Started ........................................................................................................................... 4
End-user License Agreement ..................................................................................................... 6
Technical Support .................................................................................................................... 11
Accreditation ........................................................................................................................... 12

Installation 13
Installation Welcome ............................................................................................................... 14
Fabsec Licensed Territory ....................................................................................................... 15
License Agreement .................................................................................................................. 16
Destination Folder ................................................................................................................... 17
Ready to Install the Program ................................................................................................... 18
Installing FBEAM ................................................................................................................... 19
Installation Complete ............................................................................................................... 20

Navigating FBEAM 21
FBEAM Button ........................................................................................................................ 22
Quick Access Toolbar.............................................................................................................. 23
Status Bar ................................................................................................................................. 24
Units ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Ribbons .................................................................................................................................... 26
Home Ribbon ............................................................................................................ 27
Properties Ribbon ...................................................................................................... 30
Graphs Ribbon ........................................................................................................... 32
Report Ribbon ........................................................................................................... 34
Optimiser Ribbon ...................................................................................................... 36
Project Windows ...................................................................................................................... 38
Start Page................................................................................................................... 39
Project Explorer ......................................................................................................... 40
Project Properties ...................................................................................................... 42
Beam Properties ........................................................................................................ 44
Property Usage .......................................................................................................... 45
Change Log ............................................................................................................... 46
Project Config............................................................................................................ 47
Beam.......................................................................................................................... 48
Issue View ................................................................................................................. 49
Unity Factors ............................................................................................................. 50
3D Model................................................................................................................... 51
Graph Results ............................................................................................................ 52
Data Grid Sorting, Filtering and Grouping ................................................................ 53
Property Editors ....................................................................................................................... 54
Span ........................................................................................................................... 55
Section ....................................................................................................................... 56

FBEAM User Guide Contents  iii

Preformed Section ..................................................................................................... 57
Layout........................................................................................................................ 59
Floor .......................................................................................................................... 61
Stud Layout ............................................................................................................... 63
Regular Cells ............................................................................................................. 64
Cell Layout ................................................................................................................ 67
Surface Load Set ....................................................................................................... 69
Additional Load Set ................................................................................................... 70
Load Combination Set ............................................................................................... 71
Analysis Settings ....................................................................................................... 73
Fire Coating ............................................................................................................... 74
Fire Temperature ....................................................................................................... 75
Common Toolbar Actions ......................................................................................... 76

Managing a Project 77
Creating a New Project ............................................................................................................ 78
Opening a Project .................................................................................................................... 79
Opening Recent Files ............................................................................................................... 80
Saving a Project ....................................................................................................................... 81
New Beam Wizard ................................................................................................................... 83
Drag and Drop linking ............................................................................................................. 86
Beams and Properties .............................................................................................................. 87

Importing / Exporting 89
Importing / Exporting Designs into a Project .......................................................................... 90
Import / Export Wizard ............................................................................................. 91
Where is the Import File ............................................................................................ 92
Which Beams Would You Like To Import ............................................................... 93
Where is the Export File ............................................................................................ 94
Which Beams Would You Like To Export ............................................................... 95
Something Happened During The Process ................................................................ 97
RAM Structural System Link .................................................................................................. 98
Limitations of the RAM Link .................................................................................... 99
RAM Section Tables ................................................................................................. 99
Loadings .................................................................................................................... 99
Working with a RAM Linked Project ..................................................................... 101
CSV Spreadsheets .................................................................................................................. 102
The Spreadsheet Format .......................................................................................... 103
Required Column Values ........................................................................................ 104
Project Group Column Values ................................................................................. 106
Main Data Column Values ...................................................................................... 107
Floor & Slab Column Values .................................................................................. 108
Floor Plan Column Values ...................................................................................... 109
Loading Column Values .......................................................................................... 111
Shear Stud Column Values ...................................................................................... 114
Web Opening Column Values ................................................................................. 115
Analysis Option Column Values ............................................................................. 117
Fire Engineering Column Values ............................................................................ 118
Setting Project Detail and grouping Values ............................................................. 119

Reporting 121
Print Preview ......................................................................................................................... 122
Print Dialog............................................................................................................................ 123

iv  Contents FBEAM User Guide

Beam Wizard Optimisation 125
Optimising Designs Contained in a Project ........................................................................... 126
Welcome to the Beam Wizard ................................................................................. 127
Which Beams Would You Like to Design .............................................................. 128
Section and Stud Options ........................................................................................ 129
Preformed Section and Stud Options ....................................................................... 130
Fire Coating Product................................................................................................ 131
Optimiser Options ................................................................................................... 133
Optimisation Progress ............................................................................................. 135
Optimisation Results ............................................................................................... 136
Rationalising Designs Contained in a Project ........................................................................ 137
Welcome to the Rationaliser Wizard ....................................................................... 138
Which Section Properties Would You Like To Use ................................................ 139
Which Stud Properties Would You Like To Use .................................................... 140
Which Fire Coating Properties Would You Like To Use ........................................ 141
Calc Fire Coating For Designs Contained in a Project .......................................................... 142
Welcome to the Calc Fire Coating Wizard .............................................................. 143
Calc Fire Coating Results ........................................................................................ 144

Index 147

FBEAM User Guide Contents  v

Welcome to FBEAM

FBEAM 2017 is a fully featured composite beam design program that enables you to create composite and non-
composite plain and cellular beams to the required design code

FBEAM 2017 cellular beam design software that has an array of exciting and innovative features that substantially
improve beam design efficiency. The first noticeable feature is the new interface – it’s friendlier, familiar and much
easier to use and navigate.

FBEAM 2017 increases efficiency in design data entry. Common beam properties such as floor construction, loads,
floor arrangements etc. are only created once. These properties can then be linked to multiple beams. Any changes made
to a property changes all the beams that are referencing it the design output updates instantly.

FBEAM 2017 constantly analyses the whole project when a change is made so the status can instantly be assessed.
Colour coded status for the beams lets the user instantly know if a beam passes, fails or has issues not allowing a design.

All new 3D beam viewer showing cross section, elevation, floor plan and user controlled view allowing the beam to be
rotated and viewed from any angle.

All new SCI accredited Eurocode engineering module developed from the ground up that now incorporates the following
new features:
 Multiple load combination design.
 Varying floor deck angles and can specified on adjacent sides
 Distances to adjacent beams can vary at the left and right hand supports.
 Cantilever and fixed end beam designs now possible.
 Support for negative or upward loads can now be entered.
 Shear stud spacings can now be varied along the beam.
 End posts can now be checked automatically.
 Comprehensive user defined analysis settings options.

FBEAM User Guide Welcome to FBEAM  1

Includes the enhanced Beam Wizard™ – a fast and highly efficient ‘one-pass’ optimiser for beam designs in the fire and
normal conditions that removes the need for iteration and determines the optimum solution in seconds

The cell generation and editing facility now makes an often complex and time-consuming task as simple as possible. The
editor is versatile, flexible and sophisticated, but remarkably easy to use. For example, users can edit or select beam
openings directly on the schematic, and change the shape, position or spacing in a few simple mouse clicks. An all new
regular cell generator allows a beam to be filled with regular cells that follow certain design rules allowing the cells sizes
and positioning to dynamically change depending on the section they are applied to.

2  Welcome to FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

What’s New
All New User Interface
Totally new user layout featuring dockable windows that can be arrange in any position and the latest Ribbon technology
that organises toolbar buttons into tabs and groups.

Multiple Beam Project Facility

Design and organise multiple beams using FBEAM 2017’s all new project facility.

Automatic Beam Analysis

Beams are automatically analysed in the background when any change is made to their input data.

Project Optimisation with Beam Wizard™

Optimise an entire project and rationalise the designs to reduce costs.

New Beam Selector

A brand new way of selecting what beam or project you wish to create including an increased range of template to
improve productivity.

Shared Properties
Build beams up from common property items saving time entering duplicate information, and allows easy changing of a
property value across the entire project.

3D Beam Display
All new 3D viewer that allows the design to be viewed from any angle and in a choice of perspectives.

Change Log
All changes are recorded in a project change log allowing one or many steps to be rolled back at the click of a button.

FBEAM User Guide Welcome to FBEAM  3

Getting Started
This section describes how to create your first beam in FBEAM, edit it, examine any problems and then look at the
analysis results to get it to pass the design requirements.
Creating a project
Select the ‘New’ option from the File menu.

In the dialog that opens, choose the design code for your project, then select ‘Finish’.

Creating your first beam

To create your first beam click the ‘New Beam’ button on the home ribbon. (Ribbons are a new version of menus that
appear along the top of the application like tabs.)

This will open the new beam wizard which allows you to enter the information about your beam. For the purposes of a
tutorial you can just accept the default values for a sample beam.
See Beam Wizard for more information about this.

4  Welcome to FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

FBEAM runs the analysis of the beams automatically all the time, as soon as you change any data the beam will be
rechecked and the results updated.
In the status bar

FBEAM User Guide Welcome to FBEAM  5

End-user License Agreement

IMPORTANT – READ CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING. The copyright and other intellectual property
rights in this software (the “Software”), any content contained within it and any associated documentation (together, the
“Software Materials”) are owned by or used under licence by Fabsec Limited (the ”Licensor”). The use of the Software
Materials is subject to the terms and conditions set out in this End User Licence Agreement (the “Agreement”), and you
(the “Licensee”) should read them carefully. By proceeding with the installation and use of the Software Materials you
agree with the Licensor to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, and if you do not accept these terms you should not
install or use the Software Materials and should return them to the Licensor.

Please read through the following licence conditions. If you agree to be bound by them, please click “Accept” at the end
of the conditions, and you will be able to use the Software Materials. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement,
click “Cancel”, and you should not install or use the Software Materials as you will not have a licence to use them.

1. Use of the Software Materials

1.1. The Software Materials will enable the Licensee to design structural elements which are patented in the UK
[and elsewhere]. Manufacture of any structural element designed using the processes within the Software
Materials (known as Fabsec ® beams in the “ambient temperature condition” and Firebeam ® in the “fire
condition”) must be carried out by licensed fabricators in order to avoid infringement of the relevant patents.

1.2. Details of licensed fabricators are available from the Licensor on request. Unlicensed fabrication may lead to
patent infringement proceedings by the Licensor.

1.3. The Licensee shall clearly specify Fabsec ® or Firebeam ® when referencing or ordering structural elements
using the specifiable string shown on the output summary page.

1.4. The Licensee acknowledges that Firebeam ® designs created by the software materials are intended to be
coated with Sherwin Williams Firetex product series, which have been independently fire tested and assessed
by a UKAS Approved Test Laboratory with the resulting temperature data being used to create a mathematical
model within Fabsec’s FBEAM software.

2. Licence

2.1. The Licensor grants to the Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use one copy of the Software
Materials on computer equipment meeting the minimum installation requirements set out in the installation
and instructions for use documentation in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

2.2. The Licensee shall only be permitted to use the Software Materials for its internal business use and shall not
be permitted to use the Software Materials for the benefit of or permit access to them to any third parties or to
use the Software Materials as part of a bureau service.

2.3. The Licensee shall only be permitted to use the Software Materials for designing FABSEC products and the
Software Materials are not suitable for, and not licensed for, any other purpose.

2.4. The Licensee shall permit only competent persons (such as chartered structural or civil engineers to use the
Software Materials) (“Users”) to use the Software Materials or to enter data into, analyse or print outputs from
the Software Materials.

3. Ownership

6  Welcome to FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

3.1. The copyright and other intellectual property rights of whatever nature, and wherever in the world, in the
Software Materials are and shall remain the Licensor’s property (or the property of any third party licensors,
as applicable) and the Licensor reserves the right to grant licences to use the Software Materials to third

3.2. The Licensee acknowledges that it is licensed to use the Software Materials only in accordance with the
express terms of this Agreement and not further or otherwise.

3.3. The Licensee shall not by virtue of this Agreement obtain any right, title or interest in or to the Software
Materials except as set out in this Agreement.

3.4. The licence shall not be deemed to extend to any programs or materials of the Licensor other than the
Software Materials.

3.5. The licensee shall not copy, sell, distribute or make available in any way applications or other material created
using any of the Software Materials (including without limitation technical articles, tables, design aids and
charts, the data for which results from the use of the Software Materials) without the prior written permission
of the Licensor.

3.6. The Licensee shall not assign the benefit or burden of this Agreement in whole or in part or grant any sub
licence of the rights granted under this Agreement without the Licensor’s prior written consent.

3.7. The Licensee, if based in the United Kingdom when first granted a license, shall not pass the Software
Materials to any person outside the United Kingdom without the prior written consent of the Licensor.

4. Extent of Permitted Reproductions

4.1. The Licensee may only make such reasonable number of copies of the Software as are necessary for back up
and disaster recovery. Any such copies are subject to the conditions of this Agreement and all originals and
copies must be kept in the Licensee’s possession. The Licensee shall ensure that all such copies bear the
Licensor’s proprietary notices.

4.2. Except to the extent and in the circumstances expressly required to be permitted by the Licensor by law, the
Licensee shall not alter, modify, adapt or translate the whole or any part of the Software Materials in any way
whatsoever nor decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the same nor attempt to do any of the foregoing.

5. Permitted Use

5.1. The Licensee shall be permitted to specify Fabsec® or Firebeam® structural elements on drawings and contract
documentation sent out to tender to main contractors.

5.2. The Licensee shall be permitted to submit output from the Software to the relevant Local Authority Building
Control Department.

5.3. The Licensee shall, when disposing of any equipment on which the Software Materials are installed, remove
the Software Materials from such equipment prior to disposal and take all other steps necessary to prevent the
Software Materials being disclosed to, or falling into the hands of, third parties.

5.4. The Licensee shall be permitted to install and use the Software Materials on a computer network.

5.5. When the Licensee or any User installs the Software Materials, the Licensee or User will have the opportunity
to register its use with the Licensor. Registration is compulsory and will give the Licensee or User the
opportunity to receive information from the Licensor about new products and software (including new
versions of the Software Materials) which may be available from time to time. By registering, the Licensee or

FBEAM User Guide Welcome to FBEAM  7

User consents to the use of their personal data for such purposes. No personal data will be transferred by the
Licensor to third parties for any other purpose.

6. Exclusions

6.1. The Licensee shall be responsible for using its own test data to satisfy itself of the quality of the results and
operation of the Software Materials before operational use of the Software Materials, and to ensure that its
facilities and functions meet the Licensee’s requirements.

6.2. The Licensee shall satisfy itself that the Software Materials are fit for purpose and shall be responsible for the
design of structural elements arising therefrom.

6.3. The Licensee acknowledges that the Software Materials have not been prepared to meet the individual
requirements of the Licensee or any User.

6.4. The Licensee acknowledges that the Software Materials are only suitable for use for designing and specifying
Fabsec products and for no other purpose.

6.5. The Licensee acknowledges that the Software Materials must be used only by Users who are suitably qualified
and who have been properly trained and competent in its use and in the analysis of the results obtained, and
shall be responsible for any use by Users who are not adequately qualified, trained or competent.

6.6. The Licensee shall ensure that the Users operating or supervising the operation of the Software do so in
accordance with the design guides accompanying the Software, that the results of any calculations and/or data
processing carried out by the Software are correct and that they are verified as correct by an appropriately
qualified person or where appropriate, a chartered civil or structural engineer.

6.7. The Licensee acknowledges that the Licensor has not carried out any training and shall have no obligation to
provide any training to the Licensee or any User. Any training to be carried out shall be prior agreement with
the Licensor under a separate agreement.

6.8. The Licensor does not warrant that the use of the Software will meet the Customer’s requirements or that the
operation of the Software will be error free. The Licensor shall have no obligation to virus check the Software

6.9. The Licensor warrants that the media upon which the Software Materials are provided shall be free from
defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 30 days from the date of installation.
The Licensor’s entire liability under this warranty shall be limited to replacement of the defective media upon
return of the Software Materials to the Licensor within such 30 day period.

6.10. All terms, conditions, warranties and other matters which may be implied by statute or common law (except
for the conditions implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979) are excluded to the fullest extent
permitted by law. Accordingly, except as expressly set out in this Agreement, the Licensor shall have no
liability of any nature whatsoever to the Licensee.

6.11. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Licensor does not seek to limit or exclude its
liability to the licensee for death or personal injury resulting from its own or its employees’ negligent act or
omission or wilful misconduct or for fraudulent misrepresentation.

6.12. Subject to clause 6.11, the Licensor’s maximum total liability to the Licensee in respect of all claims, losses,
damages, costs, charges, expenses, liabilities, demands, proceedings and actions (whether arising in contract,
tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty or otherwise) in respect of the Software Materials, any breach of this
Agreement or any representation, statement (other than fraudulent misrepresentation) or tortious act or
omission including any negligence arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall not exceed
250,000 pounds sterling.

8  Welcome to FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

6.13. The Licensor shall under no circumstances be liable to the Licensee for loss of profits, loss of contracts, loss
of opportunity, loss of business, loss or depletion of goodwill, increased overheads or administration expenses,
management time, or any type of special, indirect or consequential loss of any nature whatsoever (including
without limitation loss or damage suffered by the Licensee as a result of an action brought by any third party)
even if such loss was reasonably foreseeable or the Licensor had been advised of the possibility of the
Licensee incurring the same.

6.14. Subject to clause 6.11, the Licensor shall not be liable for any loss arising out of any failure by the Licensee to
keep full and up to date security copies of its computer programs and data in accordance with best computing
practice or for any loss caused by the Licensee’s failure to comply with these terms and conditions.

6.15. Subject to clause 6.11, the Licensor shall not be liable for any loss out of any failure of the Licensee to comply
with the provisions of clauses 6.1 to 6.8 (inclusive) or out of any of the matters referred to in those clauses.

7. Term and Termination

7.1. This Agreement shall remain in place until termination in accordance with this clause 7.

7.2. The Licensee may terminate this Agreement at any time by notice to the Licensor.

7.3. The Licensor may terminate this Agreement by notice effective immediately in the event of breach by the
Licensee of any term of this Agreement or in the event that the Licensee is wound up or otherwise becomes
insolvent or unable to pay its debts.

7.4. If this Agreement is terminated, the Licensor must destroy all copies of the Software Materials including any
back up copies of the Software. The Licensee shall provide reasonable evidence of compliance with this
clause 7.4 to the Licensor on request.

8. Confidentiality

8.1. The Licensee undertakes to the Licensor to:

8.1.1.keep confidential all information (written or oral) of a confidential nature of the Licensor including
information concerning the Software Materials and including any information disclosed prior to the
date of this Agreement (the “Information”);

8.1.2.not without the Licensor’s written consent disclose the Information in whole or in part to any other
person save those of its employees who need to have access to it in order for the Party to carry out its
obligations under this Agreement;

8.1.3.use the Information solely in connection with carrying out its obligations under this Agreement or in
connection with its implementation.

8.2. The provisions of clause 8.1 shall not apply to the whole or any part of the Information to the extent that it is:

8.2.1.trivial or obvious;

8.2.2.already in the Licensee’s possession prior to receipt from the Licensor or in the public domain, in either
case other than as a result of a breach of this Clause 8 or any other obligation of confidence;

8.2.3.required to be divulged by any Court, tribunal or governmental authority with competent jurisdiction.

8.3. The Licensee will make all employees aware of the confidentiality of the Information and the provisions of
this clause 8 and will ensure that they comply with its terms.

FBEAM User Guide Welcome to FBEAM  9

8.4. If the Licensee becomes aware of any breach of confidence by any of its employees it shall promptly notify
the Licensor and give the Licensor all reasonable assistance in connection with any proceedings which the
Licensor may institute against any such persons.

8.5. In the event of a breach, or threatened breach, of any of the provisions of this clause 8, the parties agree that
the harm suffered by the Licensor would not be compensable by monetary damages alone and, accordingly,
that the Licensor shall, in addition to other available legal or equitable remedies, be entitled to seek an
injunction against such breach or threatened breach.

8.6. The provisions of this clause 8 shall survive the termination (including expiry) of this Agreement.

9. General

9.1. No alteration, variation or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by
duly authorised representatives of both parties.

9.2. Any notice given under this Agreement must be in writing and delivered to or posted by pre-paid registered
post to the last known address of the party to whom it is given and such notice shall be deemed to have been
served at the time of delivery, or if posted, on the fifth day after posting.

9.3. No waiver by the Licensor of any of the Licensee’s obligations under this Agreement shall be deemed
effective unless made by the Licensor in writing nor shall any waiver by the Licensor in respect of any breach
be deemed to constitute a waiver of or a consent to any subsequent breach by the Licensee of its obligations.

9.4. Each provision of this Agreement shall be construed separately. If the whole or any part of any such provision
may prove to be illegal or unenforceable, the parties shall try to agree substitute provision for that which is
invalid or unenforceable.

9.5. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter of this
Agreement. The parties confirm that they have not entered into this Agreement on the basis of any
representations that are not expressly incorporated into this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement purports
to limit the liability of either party for fraudulent misrepresentation.

9.6. Unless expressly stated to the contrary, no provision of this Agreement is intended to or creates any right or
benefit enforceable under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

9.7. This Agreement shall be governed by English law and the parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the English Courts.

10  Welcome to FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Technical Support

Onscreen Help
To view onscreen help, click on the Help menu. The Help menu will pull down. Once the menu is displayed, click on

What’s This?
If you are unsure about any button or box to enter text into simply check the dynamic help window.

Help in the User’s Manual

You can also use the User’s manual that came with your software to help you answer Questions and find solutions to

Help from our advisory service

We have a team of advisory engineer who will be happy to assist you in any of the operations of the software and any
technical design queries you may have.

Help from the main Fabsec software development team

The Fabsec software team will be happy to answer any queries about the software, or assist you if you are experiencing
any difficulties with installation or use of the FBEAM 2017 package.

Help from the main Fabsec website

There are numerous documents containing technical information posted on the Fabsec website http://www.fabsec.co.uk

Help by email
You can contact a member of the Fabsec support staff by sending an email containing a description of the assistance you
require to [email protected]

FBEAM User Guide Welcome to FBEAM  11


Fabsec undertakes a rigorous programme of testing and assessment to ensure that the FBEAM software is in compliance
with relevant design codes and best practice.
For the FBEAM software, Fabsec seek to gain assessments from different organisations. These are given by different
industry bodies worldwide and cover different regions and design codes.


FBEAM has gained the SCI Assessed mark for the Eurocode module v2.0.
This assessment is for the U.K. National annex and is recognised in the UK
and Ireland. Visit www.sci-assessed.com for further details.


FBEAM has gained the SCI Assessed mark for the BS5950 module v2.0.
This assessment is for the 2006 and 2010 design codes and is recognised in
the UK and Ireland. Visit www.sci-assessed.com for further details.

12  Welcome to FBEAM FBEAM User Guide


The FBEAM 2017 installation comprises of running the download on the Fabsec website www.fabsec.co.uk.

Run the ‘setup.exe’ file and follow the steps through the installation wizard.

Before installation of FBEAM 2017 the user should ensure they have sufficient access rights to install the package onto
the system.

FBEAM User Guide Installation  13

Installation Welcome
After a few seconds the Welcome to the Install Wizard for FBEAM 2017 screen will appear. Click on ‘Next’ to

14  Installation FBEAM User Guide

Fabsec Licensed Territory
Select the region from the drop down list. Click on ‘Next’ to continue.

FBEAM User Guide Installation  15

License Agreement
Read the License Agreement and click on the ‘I Agree’ option. Click on ‘Next’ to continue.

16  Installation FBEAM User Guide

Destination Folder
The next option is to choose the destination folder. If a different location to the default folder is required click the
‘Change’ button and select the required folder. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

FBEAM User Guide Installation  17

Ready to Install the Program
This position is the last point in the wizard that you can stop the installer without installing any software to your system,
should you wish to cancel the installation it can be resumed at a later time by going through the steps mentioned
previously. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

18  Installation FBEAM User Guide

Installing FBEAM
The FBEAM 2017 Installer is now deploying all the files necessary for the installation, this operation can be stopped by
pressing ‘Cancel’.

FBEAM User Guide Installation  19

Installation Complete
The FBEAM2017 installation is now complete; Click ‘Finish’ to complete the process.

20  Installation FBEAM User Guide

Navigating FBEAM

FBEAM 2017 features an all new user interface that incorporates the new Ribbons, Dock able
Windows, Tabbed Windows, User Layouts, Super ToolTips and Dynamic Help.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  21

FBEAM Button

The FBEAM button is located in the upper left corner of FBEAM 2017 and provides access to the normal ‘File’ menu
Click on it to :
 Create a new project
 Open an existing project
 Open a recent project
 Save a copy of the project
 Close the currently open project
 Import / Export a project from RAM, CSV Files, FBEAM 2017, FBEAM 2006 or earlier
 Print a report

Recently opened projects will be shown in the right hand side of the pane and can be loaded by clicking on their file

22  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access toolbar provides easy access to commonly-used functions.

Save — Save changes to the current project
Undo — Undo your last action (The last change can be viewed in the Change Log).
Additional buttons can be added to the quick access toolbar by right clicking the chosen tool and selecting Add to quick
access toolbar.

Customize Quick Access button —The arrow on the right hand side can be used to move the Quick Access toolbar
(choose Show Above/Show Below the Ribbon), or minimize/maximize the Ribbons (select Minimize the Ribbon).

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  23

Status Bar
The status bar display various project information. The left area shows the result of the last action carried out.

The next panel shows the name of the currently selected beam, and then the count of beams.

The next panel shows the current design code and the unit scheme in use. You can select another in the drop-down.

The next panel shows the percentage of passing, failing and invalid beams in the project.

Double click this to quickly get to the Unity Factors View.

The final panel shows the number of Issues for the current beam. You can change the information displayed by dropping
the box down.

‘All Issues’ is the total issue count for the project, all other just refer to the selected beam. When you change the
selection the Issue View is also filtered to match. Double click this to quickly get to the Issue View.

24  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

FBEAM has unit aware editors/views and a global unit scheme control which allows you to switch globally between,
say, Metric and Imperial.
Most editors support automatic recognition of unit suffixes.

When typing a value you have two choices:

 Type it as a value alone (say ‘10.0’) in which case the software assumes you have typed the default unit for that
box, after a second or so the software will append the default unit.
 Type a value with a unit (say ‘10.0m’, ‘50ft’). It will convert the unit to the current scheme unit for you after a
second or so. For units with symbols like powers etc you can usually type a shorthand version, see error icon
The unit can be any unit from any measurement scheme that the software recognises so long as it is the right kind of
If you click the small scale icon on the right of the box you can temporarily switch that editor display into another unit.

If you type a unit that the software does not recognise, the text will be displayed in italics and an error icon will pop up.

If you hover the mouse over the error icon, you can see all unit suffixes the software will recognise for that editor box.

To globally change the whole software to another unit scheme, use the unit scheme switch in the status bar along the
bottom of the Main Window:

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  25


FBEAM 2017 features Microsoft® style ribbons that replace menus and toolbars. They group common features together
in ribbon tabs and then each ribbon is divided into logical sub groups.
Certain ribbon groups will contain a dialog box launcher in the bottom right hand corner.

FBEAM has the following ribbons: Home, Properties, Graphs, Report and Optimiser.

26  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Home Ribbon

The Home tab provides access to common features that include:

 Showing views and arranging window layouts.
 Launch new beam wizard
 Undoing any changes
 Access the project configuration
 Link properties to a beam
 Import / Export RAM projects, FBEAM and Csv files
 Control the background analysis of the beams

See Ribbons for more information on FBEAM’s ribbons

Windows Group
Tools in this ribbon group:
Views - To show a click the window name in the list.

Layouts - To select a window layout click the layout name in the list.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  27

Customise layouts - Click the small button in the corner of the Windows box

In the layout manager enter a name and click ‘Save’ to save your current layout, it will then appear in the list. You can
also remove layouts other than the built in ones.

Project Group
Tools in this ribbon group:

New Beam – Launches the New Beam Wizard

Undo Change - Undo the last edit. See Change Log
Project Config - Show the Project Config Editor

Element Properties Group

Tools in this ribbon group:

28  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Provides a quick method to link a property to the currently selected beam. See Beams and Properties.
You can also use drag and drop linking

Link Wizard Group

Tools in this ribbon group:

Link Wizard - Allows a RAM Project, old FBEAM2006 data file (.fbs, .fbp) or formatted excel sheet to be loaded.
See Importing / Exporting for more information on importing files into FBEAM.

Analysis Group
Tools in this ribbon group:

Analysis Mode – Sets which of the four different modes the analysis engine will use.
 Auto – Automatically complete the analysis of any beams that have had a change made to them. When enabled
your results will always be available (recommended)
 On Demand – Automatically completes the analysis of beams that are selected from the project explorer.
 Selected Element – Only performs the analysis on the current beam.
 Manual – Analysis will only be performed by manually analysing using the Analyse all button or the project
Analyse All - If ‘Auto Analysis’ is not selected, click ‘Analyse All’ to perform the analysis

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  29

Properties Ribbon

The Properties tab contains the tools for creating and managing properties including:
 Amalgamation of common properties
 Removal of all unused properties
 Management of all the types of property available in design

See Ribbons for more information on FBEAM’s ribbons

Property Management Group

Tools in this ribbon group:

Amalgamate All - Searches for any identical property sets and then merges them together into a single property
Purge All Unused - Removes any unused property sets

Spans Group
Tools in this ribbon group:

Span – Manages span properties within the project

Section – Manages section properties within the project

Layouts Group
Tools in this ribbon group:

30  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Layout - Manages layout properties within the project

Floors Group
Tools in this ribbon group:

Floor – Manages floor properties within the project

Stud Layout – Manages stud layout properties within the project

Cells Group
Tools in this ribbon group:

Regular Cells – Manages regular cell properties within the project.

Cell Layout – Manages cell layout properties within the project

Loadings Group
Tools in this ribbon group:

Surface Load Set – Manages surface load properties within the project
Additional Load Set – Manages additional load properties within the project
Load Combination Set – Manages load combination properties within the project

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  31

Graphs Ribbon

The Graphs tab contains the tools for controlling the graph displays including:
 Selecting which loads are plotted on the loadings graph
 Selecting which forces are plotted on the analysis graph
 Selecting deflections and combining deflections on the deflections graph

See Ribbons for more information on FBEAM’s ribbons

Loadings Graph Group

Tools in this ribbon group:

Point Load – Controls the displays of the point loads on the loadings graph
Distributed Load – Controls the displays of the distributed loads on the loadings graph
Moments – Controls the displays of the moments on the loadings graph
Axial Load – Controls the displays of the axial loads on the loadings graph
Blanket Load – Controls the displays of the blanket loads on the loadings graph

Analysis Graph Group

Tools in this ribbon group:

Bending Moment – Controls the displays of the bending moment on the analysis graph
Shear Forces – Controls the displays of the shear forces on the analysis graph
Axial Forces – Controls the displays of the axial forces on the analysis graph

32  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Deflections Graph Group
Tools in this ribbon group:

Imposed – Controls the displays of the imposed load deflection on the deflections graph
Imposed And Cladding – Controls the displays of the imposed load and cladding deflection on the deflections graph
Total Final Stage – Controls the displays of the total final stage deflection on the deflections graph
_D2HLink_29914Show Limits – Turns display of the deflection limit plots on and off
Custom Combinations – Allows summed deflection plot to be built up of the load types selected

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  33

Report Ribbon

The Report tab contains the tools for running reports on the design including:
 Report type selection e.g. Input, Long, Schedule, Short and summary
 Filtering of which beams are included in the report
 Generation mode that can be either Print Preview, Direct Print or PDF
 Selection of what Graphics are included in the report

See Ribbons for more information on FBEAM’s ribbons

Common Reports Group

Tools in this ribbon group:

Select the type of report from the common report buttons which include:
Input – Report contains all the user specified data about the designs
Long – Report contains all the user entered design data and a detailed breakdown of the analysis results
Schedule – Report contains a table of details of all the beams in the project or selected filter
Short – Report contains all the user specified data and the analysis unity factors of the selected designs
Summary – Report contains all the analysis unity factor results and the dimensions of the beam analysed

Report Filtering Group

Tools in this ribbon group:

Choose which beams to include in the report:

34  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

All Elements – All beams are included in the report
Current Element – The reported is generated for the current selected beam, to set the current beam, double click it in
the Project Explorer.
Custom Filter – Multi-select beams in the Project Explorer first

Report Tasks Group

Tools in this ribbon group:

Choose which beams to include in the report:

Print Preview – Opens the selected report in the the Print Preview dialog
Print– Opens the Print Dialog where you can set a page range and print the report straight to the printer
Save Pdf – Generates a pdf and saves it to the disk

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  35

Optimiser Ribbon

The Optimiser tab contains the tools for auto designing a beam and is split in to three distinct groups of program these
 Optimiser
 Fire Designer
 Rationaliser
See Beam Wizard Optimisation for more information on FBEAM’s optimiser
See Ribbons for more information on FBEAM’s ribbons

Optimiser Group
The tools in this ribbon group:

The Beam Wizard will automatically find the optimum cost or mass design for a beam. It does this by considering a
number of designs and evaluating the effect of the design parameters on the unity factors and validation results for the

Fire Designer Group

The tools in this ribbon group:

The calc fire coating program will find the minimum coating thickness for the specified section withut changing the
section dimensions. If the design is not currently specified as a fire coating design it will convert the design and add a
default fire load combination if required.

Rationaliser Group
The tools in this ribbon group:

36  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

The rationaliser group contains three rationalisation programs these include :
Rationalise Section – this tries each of the selected sections on each of the selected beams and keeps the lowest cost or
mass design that passes.
Rationalise Fire Coating – this tries each of the selected coating thicknesses on each of the selected beams and keeps
the lowest coating thickness.
Rationalise Custom – This allows selection of a combination of section, stud and fire coating properties for each
selected beam.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  37

Project Windows

FBEAM has many different windows that display different information based on the current project
information. The windows can be grouped together and docked to any of the sides of the FBEAM
window or dropped onto the main tab area.

When arranging the windows the dock indicator will show that indicates where the window can be
dropped. The indicator assists by allowing the window to be position on the selected area on the
indicator and it will automatically drop the window in the required location.

38  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Start Page
On the start page you will see news items that may be of interest.
In addition there are some shortcuts to commonly used functions:

Use the recent projects list to select from recently opened projects or use the links below to create a new project or open
one not in the list.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  39

Project Explorer
Shows all the beams and their organization into groups (i.e. into floors or sections).
Double click a beam to make it the selected item. It will then be shown in the other views.
You can multi select items by holding down shift. This is then used elsewhere in the software, i.e. to define the Custom
Filter for reports.
Allows you to drag beams and folders to rearrange them. Hold down Ctrl while dragging to copy the items instead of
moving them. Hold down shift to select multiple items. You can also use drag and drop linking.
The colour of the beam icon signifies the condition:
 Green for a beam that passes analysis
 Red for an item that fails analysis
 Blue for an item that fails validation. It may be missing a required property or have property values that fail
limits. Review the Issue View for details of the problems.

On the toolbar:

Select the ‘Expand’ / ‘Collapse’ icons to expand / collapse the tree items.
Select ‘Add’ to add a new property without linking it to any beams yet.
Select ‘Select All’ to select all the beams and folders in the project

40  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

You can right-click on a beam to access the context menu:

Use ‘Delete’ to delete the beam.

Use ‘Rename’ to give it a more convenient name.
Use ‘Edit Beam’ to start the New Beam Wizard to review and reassign properties.
Use ‘Isolate Properties’ to copy any shared properties so that the beam properties can be edited without affecting other
Use ‘Cut’ to copy the beam and delete it.
Use ‘Copy’ to copy the beam.
Use ‘Paste’ to paste a cut or copied beam.
Use ‘Clone’ to copy the beam and paste it in the same folder as the source
Note: Cut, Copy and Clone make a copy of a beams referenced properties, they do not copy the properties. See ‘Isolate
Properties’ above.
Use ‘Analyse’ to analyse the beam.
Use ‘Optimise’ to optimise / rationalise the beam.
Use ‘DXF Export’ to export a dxf drawing file of the beam.
Use ‘Cells’ access extra options for manipulating the cells on a specific beam.
Use ‘Print’ to preview a report.
Use ‘PDF’ to produce a pdf version of a report.
Use ‘Macros’ to run the selected macro.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  41

You can right-click on a folder to access its context menu:

Use ‘Add-Folder’ to make a sub folder (Duplicated on toolbar).

Use ‘Add-Beam’ to start the New Beam Wizard to create a new beam. Similarly for other beam types (Duplicated on
Use ‘Delete’ to delete the folder.
Use ‘Rename’ to give it a more convenient name.
Use ‘Paste’ to paste cut beams to this folder.
Use ‘Clone’ to clone the folder and any child folders and / or beams
Use ‘Expand All’ or ‘Collapse All’ to expand / collapse the tree within the folder (Duplicated on toolbar).
Use ‘Select All’ to select this and any child folders and / or beams
Use ‘Analyse’ to analyse the beam.
Use ‘Optimise’ to optimise / rationalise the beam.
Use ‘DXF Export’ to export a dxf drawing file of the beam.
Use ‘Print’ to preview a report.
Use ‘PDF’ to produce a pdf version of a report.
Use ‘Macros’ to run the selected macro.

Project Properties
Shows all the properties in this project.
See Beams and Properties for an explanation of how sharing of properties works.

42  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Double click any property to bring up the property editor for that item.

On the toolbar:

Select the ‘Expand’ / ‘Collapse’ icons to expand / collapse the tree items.
Select ‘Add’ to add a new property without linking it to any beams yet.
Select ‘All’ to see all project properties.
Select ‘Used’ to see only those being used by any beams.
Select ‘Unused’ to see properties not in use. (You can delete these using Properties Ribbon – ‘Remove All Unused’.)

You can right click on existing items and groups to get a context menu:

Use ‘Add’ to add a new property of that same type as you right clicked on.
Use ‘Edit’ to edit the property on the main tab area.
Use ‘Delete’ to delete the property or the whole group.
Use ‘Clone’ to make a distinct copy of the property which you can then modify.
Use ‘Rename’ to give a new name to the property. You may wish to choose a more descriptive name than the default,
for example, ‘Floor 1’ might become ‘Floor Left Wing Block A – C’
Renaming will not affect the linking of shared properties.

You can also use drag and drop linking.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  43

Beam Properties
Shows the properties for the selected beam.
See Beams and Properties for an explanation of how sharing of properties works.

Double click a row to bring up the editor for that item.

Select a new item in the drop down on each row to change the property for that item. You can choose only existing
properties in this window, use the New Beam Wizard or the Properties Ribbon to make new properties.

To unlink a property from an element select the row (or rows) and click ‘Unlink’.
Some properties are not optional, review the Issue View to see any problems.

You can also use drag and drop linking.

44  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Property Usage
Allows you see all the elements that are sharing a particular property.
See Beams and Properties for an explanation of how sharing of properties works.

In the drop down box you can select a property and the grid will then display all beams sharing this property.
Note that double clicking a property elsewhere (Project Explorer or Project Properties) will automatically select that
property in the dropdown.

To unlink the sharing of the property shown in the dropdown with the beam or beams selected in the list click ‘Unlink’.
You can drag the column headers into the grouping box above to group the columns.

You can also use drag and drop linking.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  45

Change Log
The Change Log shows you recent changes made to values in the project.
You can undo recent changes you have made. When you save your project file, the change log is cleared.

Undoes the last action, or if multiple selections are made on the change log grid, undoes all selected actions.

You cannot re-do undone actions.

46  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Project Config
Allows editing of project level values. See Beam View for properties per beam.
You can specify text for the following project details
 Client Name
 Job Reference
 Job Number
 Project Leader
 Notes

To amend a value you must first select it in the grid. Then you can edit the property in the editor box at the top of the
view. The description for the property is shown when it is selected.

Select ‘Categorized’ or ‘Alphabetic’ to sort the entries in the grid. The value being edited is highlighted.

You can select the default unit scheme for the project so that it will display in that unit when loaded.
You can select the design code for the project.

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This view allows you to change the details in relation to a particular beam in the project.

You can enter the name to be used for the beam in the project, changing this will alter the name shown in the project

You can enter a reference for the beam

You can enter any notes regarding this design.

For properties relating to the project as a whole, Use the ‘Project Config’ button on the Home Ribbon.

48  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Issue View
The issue view shows all Errors, Warnings, Messages and To-do items in the project. Whenever a beam has an issue
such as a value outside limits an entry is shown in this list.
Where possible, double-clicking on an item takes you to the appropriate editor to correct the error.

There are two view options:

In ‘All’ mode, all items for the entire project are shown.
In ‘Selected’ mode, only items relating to the currently selected beam are shown.

Types of entry in the list:

Icon Type Description

Error Indicates an error in the project

To-do Indicates something requiring action

Warning A warning note

Message An informative note

‘Folder’ and ‘Element’ are only shown in ‘All’ mode and display the Element name and folder that the issue is related
to. In ‘Selected’ mode all issues relate to the current beam so these columns are not needed.
‘Property’ and ‘Type’ columns are filled when the issue relates to a particular property. Double clicking the item will
show it in the editor.
‘Code’ shows a unique code which is useful when speaking to Fabsec engineers.
‘Message’ shows a description of the issue.
You can also use the Issues Count drop-down box in the status bar of the program to filter the results.

See Data Grid Sorting, Filtering and Grouping.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  49

Unity Factors
This window displays the results for all design checks performed on the beam. If the check results in a unity factor then
the factor is displayed.

See Data Grid Sorting, Filtering and Grouping

The view has 2 modes:

‘Selected’ mode:

Shows the unity factors for the currently selected beam only. The toolbar shows the overall result for the selected beam.

‘All’ mode:

Shows all unity factors for the whole project and displays the overall pass percentages in the toolbar. In this mode it is
useful to use the column filtering and grouping to find the results you want.

50  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

3D Model
This window displays a model of the beam selected.
Normal controls are:
 Left click and drag to rotate the model
 Right click and drag to pan the model
 Mouse wheel to zoom.

Using the View Mode Toolbar (on the right edge) you can select 3D, Elevation (2D), Section (2D) and Plan (2D).
Using the Function Toolbar (along the top) you can select the action that occurs when the primary (left) mouse button is
dragged on the view. In addition you can choose select mode to select the items in the view. If you double click an item
in select view the editor for that item is shown.
‘Print’ prints a single view as shown.
‘DXF Export’ exports a single DXF file drawing of the beam.
‘Zoom to Fit’ resets the zoom to show the whole beam.

You can also use drag and drop linking.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  51

Graph Results
This window displays the results of the loadings/deflections/analysis of forces for the currently selected beam.
For Deflections/Analysis results the Stage (Load Combination) displayed is selected in the drop-down box in the toolbar.
In addition you can override the units selection for each axis. See Status Bar for details of changing the units for the
whole program universally.

See Graphs Ribbon for options available for graphs in the Graphs Ribbon. This allows you to control which graphs are

In the graph display you can drag a box to zoom in for more detail. You can also access the right-click context menu.

‘Copy’ makes a copy of the graph image on the clipboard.

‘Save Image As...’ saves the images as a file.
‘Page Setup’ and ‘Print’ allow a printout of a single graph as displayed.
‘Un-Zoom’ reverses the last zoom.
‘Undo All Zoom/Pan’ resets the zooming to the default.
‘Set Scale to default’ resets the scales.

52  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Data Grid Sorting, Filtering and Grouping
In multi column girds, sorting, filtering and grouping the items may be possible:

 To sort, click the column header.

 To group, drag the column header into the grouping box above, multiple level groupings are possible. Drag
them back to ungroup.
 To filter, click the small funnel icon at the right of the column, then select a filter item. Select ‘All’ to clear the

Custom filters are possible, for example on the Floor Properties grid, you could filter on all metal decks with thickness

Not all grids support all options.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  53

Property Editors

The property editors always appear on the main tab area of FBEAM. They can be accessed by clicking on the tab with
the name of the property which editing is required.

54  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Allows editing of the span and support condition.
Although nominally taken as the distance between permanent supports, the span of the beam is, strictly speaking, the
distance between the centres of bearing. In all cases, however, the designer must ensure that the design of the member is
consistent with any assumptions made about the effective span.

Sets the support state:

You may also specify the Effective Length Factor for each support.

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  55

Allows editing of the section dimensions and also the steel grade.
Section is a separate property, allowing you to share section dimension/grade definitions among many beams with
different spans.

Placing a check in the symmetric box alters the view so that a single width and thickness can be specified for both top
and bottom flanges.

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

56  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Preformed Section
Allows selection of a preformed section and editing of the steel grade.
Preformed Section is a separate property, allowing you to share section /grade definitions among many beams with
different spans.
Use the floor type drop down to select the type of floor.

When expanded the drop down shows a list of the most commonly used preformed sections with the type and properties
in a grid, to select the section just click the row of the section required.

You can sort and filter the list: see Data Grid Sorting, Filtering and Grouping
The details of the selected preformed section are shown in the grid alongside an indicative diagram.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  57


58  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Allows editing of the floor plan for the beam along with secondary beams and restraints.

Location and Orientation

For each side of the beam you can specify the Orientation of the decking and whether the beam is located internally or on
an edge. Note the Orientation and angle are linked as they specify the same thing.

With the decking perpendicular to the beam, all floor loads are transmitted to the beam as uniformly distributed loads.
When the decking is parallel to the primary beam, floor loads are transmitted via the secondary beams as point loads. If
no secondary beams are specified yet the decking orientation is parallel to the primary beam, the floor loads are not
transmitted to the beam under consideration.

Spacing to Adjacent Beams

You can specify the spacing at the start and end of the beam:

Secondary Beams And Restraints

To design a primary beam, the user simply enters the required number of secondary (transverse) beams supported and
their positions along the primary span. The user can select on which sides of the primary beam the transverse members
are present and also overwrite the default masses for each.
You can use the generate pop-down tool to add new items:

Select ‘Add’ to add new items.

Select ‘Update’ to update selected items with values specified, leave blank to leave unchanged.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  59

Select ‘Clear’ to clear items on the dialog.
Click anywhere outside the pop-down to hide it. The pop-down remembers what you typed last.

It is possible for an internal member to be designed as a primary beam supporting secondary beams on one side, but with
the floor slab spanning directly onto it from the other. In this instance the user simply enters secondary details for one
side of the beam only, and then selects the slab directions accordingly for each side of the primary beam.

Secondary beams may be used to reduce the effective span of the sheeting, decking or composite slab. When provided,
they also provide lateral restraint to the beam and can increase the lateral torsional buckling resistance.

You can set the overall restraint condition and destabilisation factor. The flange restraint condition may be specified as

If the restraint type is specified as FULL, the beam is assumed to be fully restrained at both the construction stage and at
the normal service stage. No lateral torsional buckling (LTB) checks will be carried out by the program.
If the restraint type is specified as UNRESTRAINED, the beam is assumed to be completely unrestrained for LTB
When set to partially restrained an additional column is shown in the secondaries & restraints grid to allow setting of the
restraint condition at the specified locations.

Also see Common Toolbar Actions.

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

60  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

This editor allows a definition of a floor slab, reinforcement and the size of studs(if applicable).
You can design beams with insitu concrete slabs supported by profiled metal decking, hollow core or solid pre-cast
concrete slabs with or without a concrete topping, and solid insitu concrete floor slabs. Use the floor type drop down to
select the type of floor.

When expanded the drop down shows a list of the most commonly used profiled metal decking, pre-cast units with the
type and properties in a grid, to select the floor type just click the row of the floor required.

You can sort and filter the list: see Data Grid Sorting, Filtering and Grouping

Concrete and Screed

You can set the overall slab depth to be used. This does not include the screed depth.

Use the concrete grade drop down to select the concrete grade and type.

When expanded the drop down shows a list of the most commonly used concrete grades and the type which maybe either
Normal Weight Concrete (NWC) or Lightweight Concrete (LWC).

You can set the density of the concrete for both its wet and dry state.

You can set the thickness of the screed, the overall depth does not include the screed thickness.

The density of the screed can be specified.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  61

The software provides the option to utilise standard mesh sizes: such as A98, A142, A198, A252 and A393.

Custom mesh and bar areas can be entered in to the reinforcement box

The yield strength of both the bar and mesh reinforcement can be entered in the yield strength box

Additional bar reinforcement is generally required in composite applications using hollow-core slabs. Recommended
manufacturers' details should be checked in these instances.

The stud height can be specified in the stud height box and is entered as the nominal height.

The stud diameter can be specified as the diameter of the shank.

Note that stud layout is specified in the Stud Layout editor.

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

62  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Stud Layout
Allows editing of stud layout. Note: Stud size is specified on the Floor editor
Studs may be specified in zones. In the grid a zone that has Type ‘Auto’ is automatically sized to fit. For example a 5m
beam with two 1m zones at each end and one ‘Auto’ zone in the centre will calculate the auto zone to be 3m long. If
multiple Auto zones are specified they get an equal share. If you do not specify any Auto zones then the total length mist
exactly match the span or an error is generated, so it is best to have at least one Auto zone.

For a simple single stud density, just set one Auto zone with the spacing required.

Use metal deck trough spacing:

When this is checked the studs will be spaced according to the deck trough providing the floor type is a profiled metal
deck, the orientation is perpendicular and the metal deck can be considered continuous. If this is unchecked the studs will
be spaced according to the spacing column value specified in the stud grid and the deck will be assumed to be
Support Clearance:

Specifies the distance from a support or end of span that is not considered to have developed composite action. Although
studs are still fitted in this zone, it is assumed that a small distance is required before composite action begins to act.

You can use the generate pop-down tool to add items.

Select ‘Add’ to add new items.

Select ‘Update’ to update selected items with values specified, leave blank to leave unchanged.
Select ‘Clear’ to clear items on the dialog.
Click anywhere outside the pop-down to hide it. The pop-down remembers what you typed last.

Also see Common Toolbar Actions.

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  63

Regular Cells
The regular cell editor shows a cell layout specified by layout rules rather than fixed dimensions. To use this layout, all
the cells have to be the same and not require stiffeners.
To add an opening layout in the style of earlier FBEAM software, specifying the absolute values of all openings use the
Cell Layout editor.

When the Regular cells layout is used, the software automatically lays the cells out according to a rule. When any other
beam dimension is changed the cells rules are automatically reapplied.
Cells are automatically skipped when they clash with a secondary beam, to avoid error messages.


Select the shape of the cells.

Cell Count Mode:

Selects the rule for the number of cells. Options are:

Absolute: Specifies an exact number. If the cells do not fit less are generated so it is effectively a maximum.
Fitted: Fits the cells to the beam. This depends on other settings.

Diameter mode:

With this mode you select the rule for the cell diameter. Options are:
Absolute: Set a particular size.
Do/D Ratio: Ratio if cell height to web height.
Percentage: Set the cell size as a percentage of the Beam depth.
Web depth: Set the amount of remaining web on the beam, so that the db and dt dimensions are constant.
Beam depth: Set the amount of remaining beam depth on the beam so that the tee sizes are constant.
After this rule you can still offset the cell.

Length Mode:

With this mode you select the rule for the cell length. Options are:
Absolute: Set a particular size.

64  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

HD Ratio: Ratio if cell length to cell height.
Percentage: Set the cell length as a percentage of the cell height.

Spacing Mode:

This will be considered a minimum value in some circumstances.

Set the rule for the spacing of the cells. Options are:
Centres: Set a value for the spacing.
Post Width: Sets the desired post width.
LS Ratio: Sets a Ratio of cell length to web post size.

Vertical Pos Mode:

Selects the rule for the vertical position. Options are:

Centred: The cell is located in the centre of the beam depth.
Centred (Web): The cell is located in the centre of the web depth.
Top Tee: Specify a distance for the top tee.
Bottom Tee: Specify a distance for the bottom tee.
Top Web: Specify a distance for the top web above the opening.
Bottom Web: Specify a distance for the bottom web below the opening.

End Post Mode:

The end posts are the sections of web between the ends of the beam and the first and last cell.

Selects the rule for the end post size. Options are:
Left & Right Post: Specify the size of the two posts. See below.
Minimum Post Size: Specify a minimum size of the two posts. See Below.
Left Post: Specify the size of the left post.
Right Post: Specify the size of the right post.
Start Position: Specify the distance to the centre of the first cell.
End Position: Specify the distance to the centre of the last cell.

Post Size and Spacings:

Since Span, spacing, cell length and end post size are related, you cannot fix them all. You must decide whether the end
post sizes are considered minimum or the spacings are considered minimum.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  65

With Left & Right Post selected, the end posts are considered fixed so the software will treat the spacings as minimum
values and adjust them to fit.
With Minimum Post Size selected, the posts sizes are considered a minimum value so will be adjusted to maintain the
exact spacing.
See Units for information about unit aware editors.

66  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Cell Layout
The cell layout editor shows a cell layout specified by fixed dimensions rather than layout rules. With this layout every
cell can have its own dimensions and placement.
For regular cell layouts it is more convenient to use the Regular Cells editor.
To create a layout use the generate tool to add cells and then use the grid to edit the values if needed.

Extra cell manipulation options

For some cells actions the context of a beam scenario is required, for example, centring the cells within the beams length.
These options are found by right clicking a beam within the project explorer and navigating to the ‘Cells’ submenu.
Function of toolbar icons:
Icon Function Minimum number of selected rows required for
Add a stiffener to selected openings 1

Equally space cells 3

Make cells like first selected cell 2

Vertically centre cells 1

Make selected cells circular 1

Make selected cells rectangular 1

Make selected cells elongated 1

Move cells up 1

Move cells down 1

Move cells left 1

Move cells right 1

Also see Common Toolbar Actions.

Use the Openings generate pop-down to create sets of cells. You can add more than one set.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  67

Select ‘Generate’ to add cells with the values specified.
Click anywhere outside the pop-down to hide it. The pop-down remembers what you typed last.

Use the Group Edit pop-down box to amend selected rows, leave values blank to leave them unchanged.

Select ‘Apply’ to modify selected items.

Select ‘Clear’ to clear items on the dialog.

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

68  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Surface Load Set
Allows the definition of surface loads.
For point loads, distributed loads, moments and other forces see Additional Load Set
Surface loads consist of occupancy imposed loads, ceilings, services and finishes, as well as partition loads and slab
reinforcement. For edge beams ONLY, a cladding load may also be defined. Also for roof beams ONLY, a wind load
may be defined.

The loads are specified per square unit and then the software works out the area and applies the correct load.

Use the Pop-down editor to add new loads:

Select ‘Add’ to add new items.

Select ‘Update’ to update selected items with values specified, leave blank to leave unchanged.
Select ‘Clear’ to clear items on the dialog.
Click anywhere outside the pop-down to hide it. The pop-down remembers what you typed last.

Also see Common Toolbar Actions.

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  69

Additional Load Set
Allows you to specify a group of additional loads.

Use ‘Single Group’ to show only one load group grid expanded at a time, for smaller screens.

Use the Point, Distributed, Moment or Axial pop-down boxes to configure loads of a particular type.

Select ‘Add’ to add new items.

Select ‘Update’ to update selected items with values specified, leave blank to leave unchanged.
Select ‘Clear’ to clear items on the dialog.
Click anywhere outside the pop-down to hide it. The pop-down remembers what you typed last.

Also see Common Toolbar Actions.

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

70  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Load Combination Set
Allows specification of combinations of loads. This is used to set up each design stage. Multiple stages can be set up.
Factored loads are considered at the ultimate limit state. These are obtained by multiplying the characteristic value of the
applied loads by partial safety factor for that load type. Unfactored loads are considered at the serviceability limit state
and are included by setting the factor to 1.
Self weights:
These options control how the self weight loadings are handled.

Include the beam self weight When checked the software adds an automatically
calculated value for the self weight of the beam. Normally
checked. Uncheck only if the beam self weight load has
been input in the additional loads, this may be the case if
the loading data has been imported from another software
Include the floor self weight When checked the software calculates and applies the
loading for the floor using the slab definition and the
layout. Normally checked. Uncheck only if the floor loads
have been provided as additional loads.
Self weight type: Controls the load type (and hence the partial safety factor)
assigned to the self weight load calculated automatically.
Construction stage floor type: In construction stage only, controls the load type (and
hence the partial safety factor) assigned to the floor load
calculated automatically. Some design codes require the
wet concrete to be treated as live load.
Partial safety factor grid:
This configures the partial safety factors for each load type in each combination.

Partial Safety Factor Load Types:

Type Description
CL Construction Live / Imposed Load

D Dead Load

SD Super-imposed Dead Load

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  71

C Cladding Load

L Live / Imposed Load

WU Wind Uplift Load

WD Wind Down Load

S Snow Load

Use the Combination pop-down to create a new row.

Then specify values for partial safety factors for the row. You must also choose the type of stage from Construction,
Composite, Non-Composite and Serviceability. You can name the combination to distinguish it.

Also see Common Toolbar Actions.

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

72  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Analysis Settings
Allows specification of various project settings. You can have only one or many Analysis Setting properties if you want
them to vary between beams.

To amend a value you must first select it in the grid. Then you can edit the property in the editor box at the top of the
view. The description for the property is shown when it is selected.

Select Categorized or Alphabetic to sort the entries in the grid. The value being edited is highlighted.

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  73

Fire Coating
Allows editing of the fire protection product, protection period and coating properties
The fire product is specified from the Fire Protection Product drop down

When the drop is expanded it shows the required properties of the selected product

The following methods can be used to select the fire period

 Clicking the up and down arrows on the period edit box which will then cycle through the standard fire periods
of 30/60/90/120 minutes
 Entering a user specified period that is between the periods supported by the selected product.

The paint coating thickness can be specified as either a single coating thickness to be applied on the top flange, web and
bottom flange or as three individual thicknesses applied to the beam parts respectively.

Single coating thickness entry

Individual coating thickness entry

See Units for information about unit aware editors.

74  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Fire Temperature
Allows editing of the fire temperature mode, reference temperature or protection period properties
The fire temperature mode is specified from the Temperature Mode drop down

The temperature design options available are:

Bottom Flange Temperature
The element temperatures are derived from the bottom flange temperature.
Hottest Temperature
The element temperatures are derived from the hottest temperature for the beam.
Steel Heating Curve
The element temperatures are derived from the steel heating curve for the fire period specified.
Gas Heating Curve
The element temperatures are derived from the gas heating curve for the fire period specified.

FBEAM User Guide Navigating FBEAM  75

Common Toolbar Actions
Editor views share toolbar actions as below:
Rows on grids can usually be cut, copied and pasted between views. You can open more than one editor on the tab at a
time to do this.
When greyed out the toolbar function is not available, this is usually because some rows must be selected in the editor.

Select all items (normally all rows in grid)

Delete all items

Delete selected items

Cut selected items (to paste into another editor)

Copy selected items (to paste into another editor)

Paste previouslycut/copied items

Move selected rows up

Move selected rows down

Move selected rows left

Move selected rows right

Note – you can use the collapse button to collapse a region into a small space – this frees up space for other portions
of the display which is useful on smaller screens.

76  Navigating FBEAM FBEAM User Guide

Managing a Project

FBEAM User Guide Managing a Project  77

Creating a New Project

The first stage in designing a beam is to create a new project file that will contain all the beam designs. Click the file
menu icon in the top left of the FBEAM window and then select the ‘New’ menu option. If an existing unsaved design
is loaded the user will be prompted with a message box.

The ‘New Project Wizard’ screen will appear that allows you to select a design code for the project and the default
units that will be used.

Place a tick in the ‘Next, start the new beam wizard’ check box and the new beam wizard will be launched on clicking
the ‘Finish’ button.

78  Managing a Project FBEAM User Guide

Opening a Project

The open menu option opens an existing FBEAM design and loads design data into the software.

When clicked an open dialog box will appear which you must use to find the file you wish to open.

Once you find the folder that contains the file you wish to load, (and the folder’s name is displayed in the ‘File name’
box), click on the ‘Open’ button and your file will be loaded into FBEAM as the current project.

FBEAM User Guide Managing a Project  79

Opening Recent Files

The last files used in FBEAM can be quickly accessed by using the recent projects menu. When selected a menu appears
listing the most recent design files used, you simply click the design you want and that file will be loaded into FBEAM.

80  Managing a Project FBEAM User Guide

Saving a Project

FBEAM provides the following mechanisms for saving:

 Save
 Save As

Saving With the Same File Name and Location

As you are working on your design, you will probably get into the habit of saving the design periodically. Once your
design has initially been saved, you can replace the current saved copy with a copy that includes all your changes since
the last time you saved it.
Click on the FBEAM Button on the Menu Bar and select the ‘Save’ option to save a changed project. FBEAM will
automatically save your project or design without presenting you with a screen asking for a name and location. FBEAM
will use the current name and location as the name and location for the current save.
Saving With a Different File Name and / or Location

To save your project with a different file name (in effect you will be making a copy of your file and giving it a new
name), click on FBEAM Button on the Menu Bar and select the ‘Save As’ option. You will be presented with the
following screen:

FBEAM User Guide Managing a Project  81

Once you determine what you want to call the file, enter that name in the File name Dialog box.
Windows allows you to use descriptive file names, which makes it easier for you to find designs. File names can contain
up to 255 characters. You cannot include any of the following characters in a file name: forward slash (/), backslash (\),
greater than sign (>),less than sign (<), asterisk (*), question mark (?), quotation mark (“), pipe symbol (|), colon (:), or
semicolon (;).

82  Managing a Project FBEAM User Guide

New Beam Wizard
To create a new beam in a project use the ‘New Beam’ button on the ‘Home’ ribbon.

If you do not have a project file open, FBEAM will prompt you to start a project.
The New Beam Wizard allows the creation of a new beam in the project using all new properties or by reusing properties
that have been created separately or as part of previous beams.
It is useful to review the use of shared properties in the software before using the wizard.
Use ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ to navigate through the wizard.

First, select the type of item in the tree in the left hand pane. This will filter the list on the right. Then select a template
for the type of beam in the right hand pane.

Next, edit the Name, Reference and Notes for the beam.

Click ‘Next’ to continue.

FBEAM User Guide Managing a Project  83

Property steps:
For each of the next steps you edit the values for the properties for the beam. A default property will be created in this
step which you can edit as required. If you want to use a property that you have already created use the ‘Choose
Existing’ button.

You can choose an existing property in the drop down box. You can step through each property of the type required to
find the appropriate one. To reselect a new property just click ‘Choose existing’ again.

The wizard displays how many other beams are using the property already.

At any stage you can edit the items in the editor. If editing a shared property a dialog will appear asking how you wish
your changes to affect the other beams using this shared property.

If you want to edit a property and have the change effect all beams sharing it, select ‘Edit Shared’.

To make a complete copy of the property, enabling changes to only affect the selected beam, select
‘Make Copy’.
To cancel modifying a property from this beam, select ‘Cancel’.

At any stage you can edit the items in the editor. Bear in mind that if editing a shared property it will affect all the other
beams using it.

84  Managing a Project FBEAM User Guide

At all stages through the properties part of the wizard, you can see the steps for this
type of beam and you can click on the icons to jump to that step. The current step is

Final Step:
Select ‘Finish’ to save your new beam into the project. You can use undo to reverse Wizard changes
it required.

FBEAM User Guide Managing a Project  85

Drag and Drop linking

By dragging and dropping properties onto beams or vice versa you can control the linking of beams and properties.

For example:
 Drag one or more properties onto a beam in the Project explorer to link those properties and beams.
 Drag one or more beams from Project Explorer onto Project Properties.
 Drag one or more properties from Project Properties view onto the 3D View

When dragging, the links are updated but properties are not copied.
Tip: if the views are stacked, drag via the tab to bring the destination into view.

See Beams and Properties for an explanation of how sharing of properties works.

86  Managing a Project FBEAM User Guide

Beams and Properties
FBEAM uses two concepts:
‘Property’ This is a small collection of values that define an item, for example, a Floor, Section or Stud
‘Beam’ This is a collection of properties that define a structural element, for example, a Beam.

Unlike older versions of FBEAM, you can share properties between beams. A shared property is a small set of values
that are used on more than one beam.
Using Shared properties means that you do not need to re-enter the data over and over again.
Editing a shared property will affect all beams sharing that property.
Note: you may choose not to share properties if you wish.

You can either select from shared properties when creating a beam, or enter new values for each property and have
FBEAM check to see if you have created any identical properties and merge using its Amalgamate feature.

Shared Properties example for 2 Beams:

FBEAM User Guide Managing a Project  87

88  Managing a Project FBEAM User Guide
Importing / Exporting

FBEAM 2017 can import and export beam designs from existing FBEAM 2006 projects (fbp), FBEAM 2006 beam
designs(fbs), FBEAM 2017 xml, RAM Structural System and comma separated variable spreadsheets (csv) allowing
projects containing many beams and groups to be easily created from its content.

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  89

Importing / Exporting Designs into a Project
Designs are imported using the import wizard that that guides you through all the steps necessary in populating the
project with the imported data.

To launch the wizard click the Link Wizard button on the Home Ribbon

90  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Import / Export Wizard
The wizard will guide you through all the steps required to import data into or export from a Fabsec project.

The import / export wizard allows selection of both import and export activities for the chosen file / project types.
Clicking on an icon in the right hand pane will show a description of the link in the bottom pane.

Once the import / export type has been selected click ‘Next’ to continue.

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  91

Where is the Import File
This stage of the wizard allows you to select the data file that you want to import the beams from.

Click the ‘Browse’ button to locate the file that the project will be imported from, once the file has been selected click
next to commence with the import.

Any errors or issues regarding the import will be displayed in the errors and warnings box at the end of the import

92  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Which Beams Would You Like To Import
This stage allows selection of the beams that will be imported into the FBEAM project.

During an import any beams selected that already exist in the project will be updated with new details.

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  93

Where is the Export File
This stage of the wizard allows you to select the location of the data file that you want to export the beam designs to.

Click the ‘Browse’ button to locate the file that the project will be exported to, once the file has been selected click next
to commence with the export.

Any errors or issues regarding the export will be displayed in the errors and warnings box at the end of the export

94  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Which Beams Would You Like To Export
This stage allows selection of the beams that will be exported from the FBEAM project to the external file.

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  95

Performing The Transfer

This stage shows the current progress of the transfer.

96  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Something Happened During The Process

This is the final stage of the wizard and will only be shown if any issues occurred during the linking process.

Even though this screen is shown some or all of the beams may have been linked correctly, and the total number of
linked beams is shown beneath the grid.

Pressing ‘Finish’ will complete the import by adding the designs into the current project.

Pressing ‘Cancel’ will abort the import process without saving any of the designs into the current project.

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  97

RAM Structural System Link
RAM International has completely opened its RSS with the capability to link to other, third party software packages.
RAM International provides a complete development platform, called RAM OpenLink TM, for its clients or strategic
development partners to create anything from a simple link to the RSS, to a completely integrated module of the RSS.

Why is this important for engineers? Simply because it brings to them a whole new generation of applications, linking
together the strengths of the 3D modelling platform in the RSS with the expertise of third party software developers, to
bring them a host of solutions which otherwise would be impossible for one company to develop. In addition, end users
with specific office standards can also fully customise their systems to adhere to their requirements.

The possibilities are endless and will be driven by the requirements of the structural engineering community. Examples
of third party software packages which can now link to the RSS model include software for beam design, floor vibration
analysis, slab design – pre-cast concrete and composite decking, shear wall design, purlin design, ground modelling,
estimation, detailing, etc.

The primary advantage this link will provide structural engineers is an increasing confidence in the expertise and
foresight of RAM International’s developers to continue to develop the RSS for its modelling and design capabilities of
buildings, whilst using the expertise of third party software developers to link into the RSS design model with
specialised design methods

Fabsec has developed a link between it’s FBEAM Cellular Beam design software and RAM SS.

This new partnership between RAM International and Fabsec is a perfect example as to the benefits of the data exchange
capability RAM International has developed. RAM International realises that Fabsec is the leading expert in its field of
plated beams and already has excellent and widely used software available for designing Fabsec beams. By joining the
productivity of the RSS design model and the expertise of Fabsec, structural engineers will now be able to fully design
an entire building with the products they want to use – Fabsec beams.

So, how does the link work? Engineers initially model Fabsec beams within the 3D RAM design model. Through the
data exchange, the RSS seamlessly links all pertinent information from the design model into Fabsec’s software. Once in
Fabsec software, the process of designing Fabsec beams is virtually at a click of a button. A process which may have
previously have taken up to 15 minutes, can now be accomplished literally in seconds.

The next process in the data exchange is to link the incorporation of the designed Fabsec beams back into the RAM
Structural System model through the RAM OpenLink TM development tools. The advantage to the engineer for this 2
way flow of information is that the 3D design model will be current and correct in terms of the constructed model.

98  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Limitations of the RAM Link
The RAM Link transfers data from RAM Structural System into an FBEAM project. It is essential to check that the
correct data has been transferred and that other data which is set at a default value is appropriate.

End moments – RAM Structural System does not give access to moments created by beams with end fixity. The link
will flag beams that are lateral members but the user must decide how to design the beams for the end fixity. For
example – you may wish to add an end moment value in the FBEAM loading data.

Default data – There is some data which is set to a default value when creating a linked beam. You must ensure these
values are appropriate. These include:
 Steel Grade
 Mesh type / strength
 Restraint details
 Concrete type/ grade / density / modular ratio
 Metal deck thicknesses and strength
 Stiffeners are not linked
 Fire engineering must be applied after linking

Loadings – In RAM mode the loadings are transferred as point Loads and Distributed loads. Surface loads are not
available. The actual floor load is transferred as a distributed load.

Secondary beams – In RAM mode secondary beams are linked by having a point load and a restraint point linked from

Section data – The section data must be locally stored (.tab/.bms/.bms2 data stored inside the .rss file) which is the only
mode that FBEAM supports. FBEAM will change the design to this mode when the link is used.

RAM Section Tables

When the RAM link is used FBEAM must write any section sizes for Fabsec beams back into the RAM section tables in
order for the RAM software to be able to use them.

RAM stores the Master Section data in a file named xxx.tab where xxx varies according to region. Additionally users
may have customised the files. RAM also uses a ‘design file’ called xxx.bms and xxx.bms2. These file specify which of
the sections are to be used by designs.

A new feature of RAM is to have these files stored locally inside the RAM project .rss file instead of in the default
Tables folder. FBEAM uses this mode and will automatically move the files if they are not local to the project. When
you save the model there will be warning if this is needed and a backup of the model will be made.

FBEAM will write new sections into the Master Section file (.tab) and into the alternate design file (.bms2) once it has
moved them inside the project .rss file. The sections will be given a new name based on the pattern ‘FABnnnnn’ where
nnnnn is a number taken from the unique ID that RAM gives each member. Sections with the same size will share a
section designation.

The number of sections used by a project can be viewed easily by producing the .csv Project Schedule output and then
using a spreadsheet such as Excel to view the data.


FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  99

Loadings are transferred from RAM as point and line loads only and no surface loads are applied in FBEAM. RAM and
FBEAM treats Construction stage loads and Normal stage loads differently so some logic is required to map one set of
loadings to the other. If the option is set in advanced options FBEAM uses the live load reduction factors from RAM and
reduces the loads accordingly.

 In RAM there is one set of loads for construction stage and one set for normal stage. CL, CD, NL and ND.

 In FBEAM there is one set of loads and depending on the type it is chosen whether to apply them at
construction stage or normal stage. Dead loads (D) apply at both, Superimposed Dead (SuperDead - S) apply at
normal stage only, Live loads (L) apply at normal stage only, Construction Live (C) apply at construction stage

Construction Live and Live loads are directly transferred to equivalent types in FBEAM.
Construction Dead load is used as FBEAM dead load. In RAM Normal Dead and Construction Dead load may be the
same but if Normal Dead is slightly higher then this needs to be accounted for in FBEAM. To do this the difference is
added as Superdead so it is only used in Normal stage.

100  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Working with a RAM Linked Project
The RAM link sends data 2 ways. Once data has been extracted from RAM the beam design can be worked on in
FBEAM including use of the Beam Wizard TM Optimiser. Once designs are complete they can be sent back into the
RAM model. In addition if data changes in the RAM model, it can be updated into FBEAM and the designs reworked for
the changes.

Note that it is likely that FBEAM designs that are sent back into RAM may signal a failure in RAM analysis. RAM are
working on allowing FBEAM to signal that a member is externally designed but for now you may wish to adopt a
strategy about your working method. Your final design reports should be a combination of those produced by RAM plus
the reports produced by FBEAM for Fabsec beams. In theory once you have linked back your FBEAM designs the RAM
model should be redesigned which then will produce new loads which would require a redesign of the Fabsec beam. This
cycle could be repeated forever but in practice, as Fabsec beams are generally lighter than the original, multiple cycles
are not necessary.

Once the link has been run via the wizard, all data has been extracted from RAM and the FBEAM project files can now
be used without having the RAM software or the RAM model installed on your PC. If you plan to send the data back
into RAM or update the data from RAM you must work on a machine with access to the model. The model must be
located at the original drive and path name used although if the model is moved the RAM link will allow you to specify a
new location once it detects that the model is missing.

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  101

CSV Spreadsheets
The spreadsheet import enables data generated from other design packages or engineers general beam schedules to be
quickly entered with only minor work required to set the spreadsheet into the correct format for importing.

The spreadsheet can contain as few or as many properties of an individual beam design as required, and any values that
are not specified in the spreadsheet will be set to the default values used in FBEAM. The spreadsheet can also define the
project hierarchy and grouping as well as the job details which will automatically be used on all the subsequently
imported beams

102  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

The Spreadsheet Format
The spreadsheet must be made up of columns that specify individual properties of a beam or project element, and must
contain as a minimum the values that describe the beam name, location and section size i.e. depth, span etc.

If a spreadsheet column exists for a property but there is not an entry in the row for a particular beam, or a column does
not exist at all the import wizard will use default properties from the beam template.

Individually each beam row may contain an entry for the group it should be created in or a single row detailing the name
of the group for a set of beams may be entered. The project details such as company name and client name etc can be
entered in the same way as the group details.

Example spreadsheets can be found in the FBEAM 2006 entry on your start menu

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  103

Required Column Values
The spreadsheet must contain the following header columns, and each beam row must have a value entered for each of
these to be recognised as a valid beam row. It does not matter which order these columns are entered into the

Column Name Descriptions

NAME The name that the beam will be called and also is used as a
basis for the beam filename.

CONSTRUCTION TYPE Describes the construction type of beam design i.e. floor or
roof beam

The range of values are:

Value Description
F Floor beam
R Roof beam

SPAN The span of the beam in meters, although nominally taken as

the distance between permanent supports.

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 - 60 m

DEPTH The overall depth of the beam in mm

The range of values are:

Value Unit
100 - 2300 mm

WEB The web thickness

The range of values are:

Value Unit
6 - 80 mm

TFT The top flange thickness

The range of values are:

Value Unit
10 – 80 mm
TFW The top flange width

The range of values are:

Value Unit
120 - 800 mm

BFT The bottom flange thickness

The range of values are:

104  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Value Unit
10 - 80 mm

BFW The bottom flange thickness

The range of values are:

Value Unit
120 - 800 mm

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  105

Project Group Column Values
The spreadsheet can optionally contain the following header columns, and each beam row does not have to have a value
entered for each of these to be recognised as a valid beam row. It does not matter which order these columns are entered
into the spreadsheet.

Column Name Descriptions

GROUP Specifies the name of the project group that the beam will be
created in, if the group does not exist it will automatically be

If the value is omitted then the beam will be placed in the

root category.

106  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Main Data Column Values
The spreadsheet can optionally contain the following header columns, and each beam row does not have to have a value
entered for each of these to be recognised as a valid beam row. It does not matter which order these columns are entered
into the spreadsheet.

Column Name Descriptions

LOCATION Describes the beam location of beam design.

The range of values are:

Value Description
INTERNAL Internal beam
EDGE Edge beam

SPACING SIDE1 This is the distance between the centre line of the beam and
the centre line of the adjacent beam on side 1

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0.5 – 50 m
0.01 – 10 m

SPACING SIDE2 This is the distance between the centre line of the beam and
the centre line of the adjacent beam on side 2

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0.5 – 50 m

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  107

Floor & Slab Column Values
The spreadsheet can optionally contain the following header columns, and each beam row does not have to have a value
entered for each of these to be recognised as a valid beam row. It does not matter which order these columns are entered
into the spreadsheet.

Column Name Descriptions

FLOOR Describes the name of the selected floor to be used on the

design i.e. make of floor or the text ‘SOLID SLAB’

If the name entered is not recognised the Fabsec floor wizard

will be shown allowing the floor type to be specified.

SLAB DEPTH The thickness of in-situ structural concrete

The range of values are:

Value Unit
50 - 500 mm

108  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Floor Plan Column Values
The spreadsheet can optionally contain the following header columns, and each beam row does not have to have a value
entered for each of these to be recognised as a valid beam row. It does not matter which order these columns are entered
into the spreadsheet.

Column Name Descriptions

SIDE1 ORIENTATION Specifies the orientation of flooring / roofing supports on

side 1

The range of values are:

Value Description
PERPENDICULAR Perpendicular to the beam
PARALLEL Parallel to the beam

SIDE2 ORIENTATION Specifies the orientation of flooring / roofing supports on

side 2

The range of values are:

Value Description
PERPENDICULAR Perpendicular to the beam
PARALLEL Parallel to the beam

SECONDARY BEAMS The mass, location and side of each secondary beam. Each
secondary beam element must be separated by a’:’ and each
property of the element must be separated by a ‘|’ in the
form m|x|s:

m = are the masses of secondary
x = the locations of secondary
s = the side values of secondary


2 secondary beams at 5 and 10 m with 100Kg/m mass on

both sides would be constructed in the following form


The range of values are:

Property Values Details
m 0 – 1000 Kg/m
x 0 - Span m
s 1, 2 or 1&2

TOP RESTRAINTS Either a string indicating fully restrained, unrestrained or the

location of each restraint separated by a’:’


FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  109

4 restraints at 4, 8, 12 and 16 m with would be constructed
in the following form


The range of values are:

Value Description
FULL Top is fully restrained
UNRESTRAINED Top is unrestrained
x1:x2:xn etc x1 – xn are the restraint
locations in m

AXIAL RESTRAINTS Either a string indicating fully restrained, unrestrained or the

location of each restraint separated by a’:’


4 restraints at 4, 8, 12 and 16 m with would be constructed

in the following form


The range of values are:

Value Description
FULL Top is fully restrained
UNRESTRAINED Top is unrestrained
x1:x2:xn etc x1 – xn are the restraint
locations in m

BOTTOM RESTRAINTS Either a string indicating fully restrained, unrestrained or the

location of each restraint separated by a’:’


4 restraints at 4, 8, 12 and 16 m with would be constructed

in the following form


The range of values are:

Value Description
FULL Top is fully restrained
UNRESTRAINED Top is unrestrained
x1:x2:xn etc x1 – xn are the restraint
locations in m

110  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Loading Column Values
The spreadsheet can optionally contain the following header columns, and each beam row does not have to have a value
entered for each of these to be recognised as a valid beam row. It does not matter which order these columns are entered
into the spreadsheet.

Column Name Descriptions

IMPOSED Imposed load due to occupancy

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 - 100 kN/m2

PARTITION Imposed load due to partitions

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 - 20 kN/m2

FINISHES Ceilings, Services and finishing loads

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 - 20 kN/m2

CLADDINGS Loads due to claddings

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 - 200 kN/m2

CONSTRUCTION Construction loading

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0-5 kN/m2

WIND Wind loading

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 - 20 kN/m2

PL The type, magnitude and location of each point load acting

on the beam. Each point load element must be separated by
a’:’ and each property of the point load must be separated by
a ‘|’ in the form t|m|x:

t = is the type of point load
(D = Dead, L = Live, S = Superdead)

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  111

m = the magnitude of the point load
x = the location of the point load


2 dead loads at 5 and 10 m with 100kN force would be

constructed in the following form


The range of values are:

Property Values Details
t D, L or S Load type
m 0 - 5000 kN
X 0 - SPAN m

ADL The type, start and end magnitudes and start and end
locations of each additional distributed load acting on the
beam. Each additional distributed load element must be
separated by a’:’ and each property of the load must be
separated by a ‘|’ in the form t|m1|m2|x1|x2:

t = is the type of point load
(D = Dead, L = Live, S = Superdead)
m1 = the magnitude at the start position
m2 = the magnitude at the end position
x1 = the location of the start position
x2 = the location of the end position


A dead distributed loads starting at at 5m and ending at 10 m

with 100kN force on both sides would be constructed in the
following form


The range of values are:

Property Values Values
t D, L or S Load type
m1 0 - 5000 kN
m2 0 - 5000 kN
x1 0 - SPAN m
x2 0 - SPAN m

LEFT END MOMENTS The values for the dead, live and superdead components of
the left end moment separated by the element delimiter ‘:’ in
the form d:l:s

d = Dead load
l = Live load
s = Super-dead

112  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

The range of values are:
Property Values Unit
d -10000 kNm
l -10000 kNm
s -10000 kNm

RIGHT END MOMENTS The values for the dead, live and superdead components of
the right end moment separated by the element delimiter ‘:’
in the form d:l:s

d = Dead load
l = Live load
s = Super-dead

The range of values are:

Property Values Unit
d -10000 kNm
l -10000 kNm
s -10000 kNm

AXIAL FORCES The values for the dead, live and superdead components of
the uniaxial forces separated by the element delimiter ‘:’ in
the form d:l:s

d = Dead load
l = Live load
s = Super-dead

The range of values are:

Property Values Unit
d -10000 kNm
l -10000 kNm
s -10000 kNm

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  113

Shear Stud Column Values
The spreadsheet can optionally contain the following header columns, and each beam row does not have to have a value
entered for each of these to be recognised as a valid beam row. It does not matter which order these columns are entered
into the spreadsheet.

Column Name Descriptions

STUD DIA Diameter of shear connector

The range of values are:

Value Unit
13, 19, 22 and 25 mm

STUD HEIGHT Height of shear connector

The range of values are:

Value Unit
75, 95, 120, 140 or 170 mm

STUD COUNT Total number of studs to be used on the beam

114  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Web Opening Column Values
The spreadsheet can optionally contain the following header columns, and each beam row does not have to have a value
entered for each of these to be recognised as a valid beam row. It does not matter which order these columns are entered
into the spreadsheet.

Column Name Descriptions

CELL GEN MODE Sets whether the opening values are to be automatically
calculated, or manually specified.

The range of values are:

Value Description
AUTO Openings automatically
MANUAL Openings manually specified
PLAIN No openings required

CELL TYPE The shape of the web opening

The range of values are:

Value Description
C Circular
R Rectangular
E Elongated

CELL START DIST The dimension from the left-hand end of the beam to the
opening edge and not centre-line of the first opening

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 – SPAN mm

CELL DIA The diameter of the circular openings

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 - web depth mm

CELL LENGTH The length of the rectangular or elongated openings

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 – SPAN mm

CELL HEIGHT The height of the rectangular or elongated openings

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 - web depth mm

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  115

CELL SPACING The height of the rectangular or elongated openings

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 - SPAN mm

CELL COUNT The total number of openings required

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0 - 50 -

116  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Analysis Option Column Values
The spreadsheet can optionally contain the following header columns, and each beam row does not have to have a value
entered for each of these to be recognised as a valid beam row. It does not matter which order these columns are entered
into the spreadsheet.

Column Name Descriptions

COMP/NC Sets the type of design between composite and non


The range of values are:

Value Description
C Composite
NC Non Composite

STEEL GRADE The grade of the steel to be used in the analysis

The range of values are:

Value Description
S275 Steel grades
S355 Steel grades

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  117

Fire Engineering Column Values
The spreadsheet can optionally contain the following header columns, and each beam row does not have to have a value
entered for each of these to be recognised as a valid beam row. It does not matter which order these columns are entered
into the spreadsheet.

Column Name Descriptions

FIRE DURATION Sets the period of protection that the beam requires.

The range of values are:

Value Unit
0, 30, 60 90 or 120 minutes

PAINT PRODUCT The name of the paint product to be used

e.g. FX2003

PAINT THICKNESS The thickness of the paint to be applied to the beam

The range of values are:

Value Description
0 – Max thickness for mm
specified paint

118  Importing / Exporting FBEAM User Guide

Setting Project Detail and grouping Values
The spreadsheet can optionally contain special rows specifying data for the project details and setting group values for

Primary Column Name Descriptions

GROUP Specifies the name of the project group that the beam will be
created in, if the group does not exist it will automatically be

If the value is omitted then the beam will be placed in the

root category.

COMPANY NAME Specifies the company name used in project and job details.

CLIENT NAME Specifies the client name used in project and job details.

JOB REFERENCE Specifies the job reference used in project and job details.

JOB NUMBER Specifies the job number used in project and job details.

PROJECT LEADER Specifies the project leader used in project and job details.

To specify these values the column names shown in the primary column field must be specified in the first column of
any row with the value for this in the second column of the same row.

An example of specifying the values for the project details and assigning the beams ‘Beam 1’, ‘Beam 2’ and ‘Beam 3’ to
the project group called ‘Floor 1’ can be seen below

FBEAM User Guide Importing / Exporting  119


FBEAM 2017 is capable of producing 5 different report styles: Schedule Only, Input Data, Summary, Short Output and
Long Output.

 Schedule only report contains a table of details of all the beams in the project or selected group.
 Input data report contains all the user specified data about the currently loaded design.
 Summary report is a single sheet containing all the analysis unity factor results and the dimensions of the beam
 Short output contains all the user specified data and the analysis unity factors of the current design.
 Long output contains all the user entered design data and a detailed breakdown of the analysis results.

The short and long outputs can both include the bending moment, shear force and deflection profile diagrams in the

FBEAM User Guide Reporting  121

Print Preview
If the user selects the preview output method the print preview screen is loaded

You can navigate through the pages by either using the scroll wheel on your mouse or using either the page selection
buttons or by selecting the page from the thumbnails on the left.

122  Reporting FBEAM User Guide

Print Dialog
The print form allows you to select the number of copies required and determine which printer should be used for
printing the report to.

Once all the required printing options have been selected click the ‘Print’ button to output your document to the selected

FBEAM User Guide Reporting  123

Beam Wizard Optimisation

Why do I need the optimiser?

The analysis produces a number of unity factors. A unity factor is a ratio of actual value divided by limiting value. In
other words a value of 1.0 is optimum, below 1 is adequate but conservative and above 1 is inadequate and under-
designed. It is not possible to achieve factors close to 1.0 for all unity factors at the same time.

In order to achieve the optimum design for the specific case it is necessary to iterate around a design loop where changes
are made to the design and the resulting change to the unity factors is observed. Where the design is inadequate, one or
more unity factors will be above 1.0 and the design will need to be changed. Where the design is adequate for the case in
question, there may be spare capacity and hence the design needs to be changed to produce an optimum solution.

What does the optimiser do for me?

The new optimiser is intended to automatically find an optimum design without the need for the user to manually iterate
around, adjusting the input data to optimise the design. Essentially, the software does the iteration automatically and
hence generating an optimum design without the user having to adjust any of the beam parameters themselves.

How does it work?

At the heart of the optimiser is the beam wizard algorithm which solves the problem of iterating every possible beam
design. The beam wizard algorithm constantly monitors the entire collection of cost and engineering parameters of the
beam under design and calculates which parameter to change to yield the best result. As a result of this the optimiser can
generate the optimum design with the least number of iterations.

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  125

Optimising Designs Contained in a Project
The Beam Wizard will perform optimisation on either a single beam or multiple beam designs

The optimiser allows the control of as many parameters as required from the optimisation parameter screen and will
show a result screen detailing the mass and cost savings of each beam in the optimisation set.

To optimise designs click the Beam Wizard icon on the Optimiser ribbon

Right clicking on a beam or folder in the solution explorer and selecting the optimiser context menu will allow selection
of any of the beam wizard programs.

This will launch the Beam Wizard dialog that enables selection of the required elements and the parameter ranges to

126  Beam Wizard Optimisation FBEAM User Guide

Welcome to the Beam Wizard
The Beam Wizard will automatically find an optimum design of beam. It does this by considering a number of designs
and evaluating the effect of the design parameters on the unity factors and validation results for the beam. The optimiser
uses an advanced patented algorithm which finds the optimum in the shortest time possible.

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  127

Which Beams Would You Like to Design
To select a beam for optimisation just click the check box to the left hand side of the beam name, or if the entire group
needs to be optimised click the check box to the left hand side of the group name or project name.

128  Beam Wizard Optimisation FBEAM User Guide

Section and Stud Options
The optimiser is capable of adjusting the beam depth, web thickness, top flange width and thickness, bottom flange
width and thickness. The number of shear connectors and their spacing when parallel can also be adjusted.

Each parameter can be fixed to the original design value by unticking the check box next to the parameter control, or a
range or individual values can be entered. To ease selection clicking the blue arrow on the right hand side of each editor
will display a picker showing the available values.

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  129

Preformed Section and Stud Options
The optimiser is capable of selecting the lightest preformed section and can adjust the number of shear connectors and
their spacing when parallel..

The preformed sections can be filtered by height, breadth and mass. The filters can be reset to the default maximums and
minimums by clicking the reset filter button.
The stud properties can be fixed to the original design value by unticking the check box next to the parameter control, or
a range or individual values can be entered. To ease selection clicking the blue arrow on the right hand side of each
editor will display a picker showing the available values.

130  Beam Wizard Optimisation FBEAM User Guide

Fire Coating Product
The fire coating options can be selected on both an existing beam with the beam wizard or can be specified when only a
coating thickness is required with the ‘Calc Fire Coating’ program.

Coating Product
The fire product is specified from the Fire Protection Product drop down

When the drop is expanded it shows the required properties of the selected product

Coating Thickness
The coating thicknesses used can be selected as either a range or a set of descrete thicknesses. To ease selection clicking
the blue arrow on the right hand side of each editor will display a picker showing the available values.

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  131

Fire Period
The following methods can be used to select the fire period
 Clicking the up and down arrows on the period edit box which will then cycle through the standard fire periods
in minutes

 Entering a user specified period that is between the periods supported by the selected product.

If the coating product is set to ‘Use Existing Product’ the coating specified on the existing design property is used, or if
no design property exists a default coating is used. The coating thickness range and the fire period can not be set to
specific values with this selection.

132  Beam Wizard Optimisation FBEAM User Guide

Optimiser Options
The optimiser mode and max unity factor options can be specified with this dialog

Optimisation Mode

The beam wizard has two modes of operation cost optimisation and mass optimisation.

 Cost optimisation
 Mass optimisation

Cost Optimisation

When performing a cost optimisation the beam wizard will attempt to produce the cheapest design possible by adjusting
all of the allowable parameter. Cost optimisation is most useful when designing a beam for a period of fire resistance,
where the balance between the amount of paint and the size of the steel section is difficult to achieve. In this case the
optimiser will try a large range of designs with different paint thicknesses, and only stop optimising when it cannot make
anymore savings.

Mass Optimisation

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  133

If mass optimisation is selected the beam wizard will keep adjusting plate size until the lightest beam design has been
achieved that does not produce a unity factor that exceeds 1. When performing a design for the cold condition mass and
cost optimisation results are almost the same, thus it is advisable to leave the optimiser set to cost optimisation.

If you are producing a beam to be used in a design that is not yet fully finalised you may wish to have the beam wizard
design you a beam with an increased level of performance than is actually required. This can be done by setting the
maximum unity factor to a value that is required to cover any future changes in load conditions etc.

Maximum Unity Factor

A maximum unity factor can also be specified to ensure that any designs created by the optimiser do not exceed this, and
hence allowing the beam to have extra capacity in the designed situation.

134  Beam Wizard Optimisation FBEAM User Guide

Optimisation Progress
The Optimisation Progress form shows the progress of the current beam being optimised.

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  135

Optimisation Results
The results screen is organised to easily show you the differences between the original beam designs and the optimum
designs that the beam wizard has produced. All the results are shown in a colour coded grid that allows easy
identification of which beams have been optimised to a reduced cost / mass, which have been increased in cost / mass
and which designs achieved an adequate solution

136  Beam Wizard Optimisation FBEAM User Guide

Rationalising Designs Contained in a Project
Rationalisation can be perfromed on either a single beam or multiple beam designs with multiple property combinations.

To rationalise designs click one of the rationaliser group icons on the Optimiser ribbon

Right clicking on a beam or folder in the solution explorer and selecting the optimiser context menu will allow selection
of any of the rationaliser programs.

This will launch the Rationaliser dialog that enables selection of the required elements and the properties to add to the

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  137

Welcome to the Rationaliser Wizard
The rationaliser creates a matrix of candidates from the properties selected by the user in the wizard and then finds the
lowest overall cost or mass design that fulfills all the design criteria.

There are three different program options:

 Rationalise Section – this tries each of the selected sections on each of the selected beams and keeps the lowest
cost or mass design that passes.
 Rationalise Fire Coating – this tries each of the selected coating thicknesses on each of the selected beams and
keeps the lowest coating thickness.
 Rationalise Custom – This allows selection of a combination of section, stud and fire coating properties for each
selected beam.

138  Beam Wizard Optimisation FBEAM User Guide

Which Section Properties Would You Like To Use
Select the sections to be included in the rationalisation

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  139

Which Stud Properties Would You Like To Use
Select the stud layouts to be included in the rationalisation

140  Beam Wizard Optimisation FBEAM User Guide

Which Fire Coating Properties Would You Like To Use
Select the fire coating properties to be included in the rationalisation

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  141

Calc Fire Coating For Designs Contained in a Project
The fire designer will allow calculation of the minimal thickness of a fire coating product for either a single beam or
multiple beam designs

To calculate the fire coating click one of the fire designer group icons on the optimiser ribbon

Right clicking on a beam or folder in the solution explorer and selecting the optimiser context menu will allow selection
of any of the fire designer programs.

This will launch the fire designer dialog that enables selection of the required elements and the coating properties.

142  Beam Wizard Optimisation FBEAM User Guide

Welcome to the Calc Fire Coating Wizard
The fire designer will find the minimum coating thickness for the specified section withut changing the section
dimensions. If the design is not currently specified as a fire coating design it will convert the design and add a default
fire load combination if required.

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  143

Calc Fire Coating Results
The results screen shows the before and after unity factor results and the minimum coating thickness required. If a
coating thickness cannot be achieved the row will show the the thickness to be greater than the maximum thickness for
the selected paint.

144  Beam Wizard Optimisation FBEAM User Guide

FBEAM User Guide Beam Wizard Optimisation  145
Element Properties Group 28
End-user License Agreement 6

Index F
Fabsec Licensed Territory 15
FBEAM Button 22
Fire Coating 74
Fire Coating Product 131
Fire Designer Group 36
Fire Engineering Column Values 118
Fire Temperature 75
Floor 61
3 Floor & Slab Column Values 108
Floor Plan Column Values 109
3D Model 51
Floors Group 31

Accreditation 12
Getting Started 4
Additional Load Set 70
Graph Results 52
Analysis Graph Group 32
Graphs Ribbon 32
Analysis Group 29
Analysis Option Column Values 117
Analysis Settings 73 H
Home Ribbon 27
Beam 48 I
Beam Properties 44 Import / Export Wizard 91
Beam Wizard Optimisation 125 Importing / Exporting 89
Beams and Properties 87 Importing / Exporting Designs into a Project 90
Installation 13
C Installation Complete 20
Installation Welcome 14
Calc Fire Coating For Designs Contained in a Project
Installing FBEAM 19
Issue View 49
Calc Fire Coating Results 144
Cell Layout 67
Cells Group 31 L
Change Log 46 Layout 59
Common Reports Group 34 Layouts Group 30
Common Toolbar Actions 76 License Agreement 16
Creating a New Project 78 Limitations of the RAM Link 99
CSV Spreadsheets 102 Link Wizard Group 28
Load Combination Set 71
D Loading Column Values 111
Loadings 99
Data Grid Sorting, Filtering and Grouping 53
Loadings Graph Group 32
Deflections Graph Group 32
Loadings Group 31
Destination Folder 17
Drag and Drop linking 86
Main Data Column Values 107
Managing a Project 77

FBEAM User Guide Index  147

N Setting Project Detail and grouping Values 119
Shear Stud Column Values 114
Navigating FBEAM 21 Something Happened During The Process 97
New Beam Wizard 83 Span 55
Spans Group 30
O Start Page 39
Status Bar 24
Opening a Project 79 Stud Layout 63
Opening Recent Files 80 Surface Load Set 69
Optimisation Progress 135
Optimisation Results 136
Optimiser Group 36 T
Optimiser Options 133 Technical Support 11
Optimiser Ribbon 36 The Spreadsheet Format 103
Optimising Designs Contained in a Project 126

Units 25
Preformed Section 57 Unity Factors 50
Preformed Section and Stud Options 130
Print Dialog 123
Print Preview 122 W
Project Config 47 Web Opening Column Values 115
Project Explorer 40 Welcome to FBEAM 1
Project Group 28 Welcome to the Beam Wizard 127
Project Group Column Values 106 Welcome to the Calc Fire Coating Wizard 143
Project Properties 42 Welcome to the Rationaliser Wizard 138
Project Windows 38 What's New 3
Properties Ribbon 30 Where is the Export File 94
Property Editors 54 Where is the Import File 92
Property Management Group 30 Which Beams Would You Like to Design 128
Property Usage 45 Which Beams Would You Like To Export 95
Which Beams Would You Like To Import 93
Q Which Fire Coating Properties Would You Like To Use
Quick Access Toolbar 23 Which Section Properties Would You Like To Use 139
Which Stud Properties Would You Like To Use 140
R Windows Group 27
Working with a RAM Linked Project 101
RAM Section Tables 99
RAM Structural System Link 98
Rationaliser Group 36
Rationalising Designs Contained in a Project 137
Ready to Install the Program 18
Regular Cells 64
Report Filtering Group 34
Report Ribbon 34
Report Tasks Group 35
Reporting 121
Required Column Values 104
Ribbons 26

Saving a Project 81
Section 56
Section and Stud Options 129

148  Index FBEAM User Guide

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