Problem Set - 3

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Calculus 2: Real Analysis

Problem Sheet - 2
Due Date: 23 September 2022


• Submit solutions to any five problems.

• You are allowed to discuss with any faculty, but consulting solution manuals,
copying answers from any source is not allowed.

• Write the corresponding problem before each of your solutions. Your solutions
should be clear and complete. Explain each step in detail. Incomplete solutions
attract very low or no grades.

• Consult the instructor in case you need additional hints.

• Multiple and alternate solutions are welcome and will receive bonus marks.

• You are encouraged to typeset your solutions in LATEX, if you find it con-
venient. In that case, your final submission should be a pdf uploaded on the
respective moodle activity. Submissions on Latex will get you bonus marks

• Those who are writing by hand shall submit the scanned copy by 11:59pm on
23rd Spetmeber 2022. The physical copies of the same shall be submitted to
the instructor on Monday i.e. 26th September, during the class.

(1) Prove that the sequence 2
converges to some limit a ∈ R using the
n −n+1
definition. That is, given  > 0, find k ∈ N such that 2 − a < ,
n −n+1
∀ n ≥ k.

(2) (a) Let I = [a, b] and J = [c, d]. Then show that I ⊂ J if and only if c ≤ a and
b ≤ d.
(b) If S ⊂ R is non-empty, show that S is bounded if and only if there exists
a M > 0 such that S ⊂ [−M, M ], i.e. |s| ≤ M, ∀s ∈ S.

(3) Use Archimedean property to prove the following:


(a) Let Jn = (0, n
) for all n ∈ N. Then Jn = φ.
(b) Let Jn = (n, ∞) for all n ∈ N. Then Jn = φ.

(4) Show that the sequence ((−1)n ) is divergent. Hence, show that if a sequence
(|an |) is convergent, then it is not necessary that (an ) is convergent.

(5) Let (an ) be a sequence that converges to 0. Let σ : N → N be a bijection. Define

a new sequence bn := aσ(n) . Then show that (bn ) converges to 0.
(6) Consider the sequence (an ) defined by an := for x ∈ R, where b·c is the
greatest integer function. Is (an ) convergent? If yes, find its limit.
(7) Show that lim = 0.
n→∞ n!

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