Dug Well 12ft Dia

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ESTIMATED COST : - Rs. 2,010,000(Two Lakhs only)




Name of Work: Construction of Dug Well (12ft dia)
It has been programmed to execute Dugwells under MGNREGSin the District of Ganjam.
Thefunds limit hasbeen fixed to the tune of maximum 2.00 Lakh for each project.

The current estimate gross amounting to Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhsonly) has
been prepared to meet the probable expenditures towards the construction of a Dug well with 6 ft outer
dia RCCprecast rings. During dry spell periods of Kharif season,this type of Dug wells can be used for
irrigation of crops. However during peak summer periods, the low dischargefrom the welt can be utili sed
for life savingirrigation throughMicro Irrigation System(Sprinkler I Drip).
The funds for this project are to be provided by Ehe MGNREGScell of District
Administration. The estimate has been prepared as per AlR-2006 and S/R-2014(Post-GST} and new
labour rates-2022 (Nov) considering local/minimum average leads for all Revenue Blocks. The Unskilled
labour rate hasbeen taken as per MGNREGSguidelines.
The following Technical Specifications have been considered for the construction
of Dugwell.

1. Liningof Well RCCRings

2. Dia of RCCRings Outer Dia- 1 2 ' I Inner Dia - 11' 6"
3. Thicknessof RCCRings 0' - 3"

4. Depth Of Well 27' (8 m)

5. Parapet Height (Above Ground Level) 3'
• Name of Work:-
Construction of Dug Well at ViII:- GP:- Block:-
Item of work
1 Earthwork in Hard Soil or gravelly soil for excavation of
P-II1 Qnty Unit

foundation in OPEN/DUG WElL with initial lead upto 50 m

& with following lifts
(a) For 1st depth of 1.5 m (Initial
28.436 28.44 cum 188.27 5354
Lift 0 to 1.5 m)
(b) For 2nd depth of 1.5 m (1.5 to
26.686 26.69 cum 296.06 7901
(c) For 3rd depth of 1.5 m (3.0 to
24.992 24.99 cum 422.04 10548
4.5 m)
(d) For 4th depth of 1.5 m (4.5 to
23.354 23.35 cum 566.22 13224
6.0 m)
(e) For 5th depth of 1.5 m (6.0 to
21.771 21.77 cum 749.08 16308
7.5 m)
(f) For 6th depth of 1.5 m (7.5 to
8.098 8.10 cum 934.21 7565

Labour charges for

lowering,levelling and fixing of
RCCring & 2 persons to place it
2 70.00 70.00 222.00 15540
below while lowering upto 6'0"
depth in a day

Earthwork for masonary

3 2.488 2.49 cum 188.27 468
parapet over RCCdug well
Filling in Foundation & Plinth
with excavated materials
4 46.96 46.96 cum 104.59 4912
including watering and
5 Filling foundation and plinth
with sand well watered and
rammed including cost and
conveyance and excluding 0.622 0.622 cum 362.44 225
royality of sand etc. complete
Data for 100 cum

6 Cement concrete (1:4:8) using

4cm CBHG metal including
cost,conveyance and excluding
1.866 1.866 cum 3012.09 5621
royality of materials curing etc.

7 Ceme~ Concrete (1:2:4) with
12 mm CBHG chips including
1.177 7.830 9.008 cum 4363.32 39303
hoisting and laying per 1 cum

8 Brickwork (1:6) with 23 cm FA

Bricks having crushing strength
75 kg/sqcm in F&P
4.354 4.354 cum 3,277.14 14269
including cost conveyance and
excluding royalty of materials
curing etc complete
9 12 mm thick CP(1:6} over brick
masonary including cost,
conveyance and excluding
22.170 22.170 sqm 105.77 2345
royalty of materials, curing etc.
complete Unit-l sqm

10 Supplying,fitting & placing

uncoated HYSD bar
reinforcement as per drawing
and technical specification 2.854 2.854 qntl 6632.29 18927
including cost,conveyance and
all taxes of steel/binding wire

11 Rigid smooth centering and

shuttering for R.C.Cworks
including false works and 205.65 205.65 sqm 89.95 18498
dismantling after casting
including cost of materials.

12 Dewatering charges 32.00 32.00 Hrs 200.00 6400

13 Supervision charges/ payment to MATE 14 MD 355 4970

14 Citizen Information Board (ClB) LS 3000

Add. For work side facilities (Creche/ Rest Shed/ First Aid /
15 Drinking Water / Sanitizers etc.) 4622

Total 200000

Labour Component 93,906.00 (or, say 423 MO)

Material Component 1,06,094.00

Total 2,00,000.00
Labour/Material ratio 47/53
PrOject Director atershe<fs,
r;""iam _erhamo()r
Checked by Prepared by

As~r~h~Ri~ft>(!Jfftcer ~---£;v

tJ, Y P 2
Pro) ct 01 etor • cum "-
Addl. Progrme Co-ordinator District Progralnme Coordh':!tr:-
" ORDA, Ganjam CROA, Ganjam
. ,


1 Rigid smooth centering and shuttering for R.C.C works including false works and dismantling
after casting including cost of materials.
Outside 2 3.14 6.00 1.00 37.68
Inside 2 3.14 5.75 1.00 36.11
73.79 sqft
6.855 sqm /
For 30 RCCRings

2 Supplying,fitting & placing uncoated HYSDbar reinforcement as per drawing and technical specification
including cost,conveyance and all taxes of steel/binding wire etc.
6mm bars
length of each round bar 2 3.14 (6+5.75/2) 36.90 ft
length of Straight Bar
0.83 ft
Total Rod length for 1 RCC
Ring 3x36.9 + 36xO.83 140.58 ft
or, 42.85 m
@ 0.222 kg/rn 9.512 kg
For 30 RCCRings 285.373 kg

2.854 qntl
3 Cement Concrete (1:2:4) with 12 mm CBHGchips including hoisting and laying per 1 cum for R.C.C.Works

Volume of each Ring 1 2

3.14 (6.0 - 5.75 )
1.00 9.224 cft
0.261 cum
For 30 RCCRings
7.83 cum

(For Construction of RCC Dug well total 30 Nos of Rings used)

Checked by Prepared by

Soil Conservation Overseer,

Project Director Watersheds,

Ganjam, Berhampur.
• 1

Foundation excavation in hard soil including rough dressing & levelling the bed etc.

Around Top RCCrings 1 1 87.92 eft

2.488 cum

2 Filling foundation and plinth with sand well watered and rammed including cost and
conveyance and royality of sand etc. complete
2 2
Around Top RCCrings 1 3.14 (8.0 - 6.0 ) 0.25 21.980 cft
0.622 cum

3 Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 4cm CBHGmetal including cost,conveyance and royality of
materials curing etc. complete

Around Top RCCrings 1 0.75 65.940 eft

1.866 cum

4 Brickwork (1:6) with 23 cm FA Bricks having crushing strength 75 kg/sqcm in Super Structure
including cost conveyance and royalty of materials curing etc complete
2 2
Around Top RCCrings 1 3.14 (8.0 - 6.0 ) 1.75 153.860 cft
4.354 cum

5 Cement Concrete (1:2:4) with 12 mm CBHGchips including hoisting and laying

a) Top wearing coat over
2 2
BrickMasonary 1 3.14 (8.0 -6.0 ) 0.25 21.980 cft
b) Around Topmost ring 1 3.14 (6.5 - 6.02) 1.00 19.625 eft
41.605 eft
1.177 cum
6 12 mm thick CP(1:6) over brick masonary including cost, conveyance and royalty of materials,
curing etc. complete
over Brick Masonary
(a) Top 2 2
1 3.14 (8.0 - 6.0 ) 87.92 sqft
(b) Outside 2 3.14 8 3.00 150.720 sqft
238.64 sqft
22.170 sqm

Checked by Prepared by

~ ,/'J''9\fIt\l
Asst SQjI C Da:llti~_
Asst. Soil (jonii~Clmlft·v", , Soil Conservation Overseer,
~ ...~l:h- Khalikote.


Project Director Watersheds

Ganjam, Berhampur. '
, "




1 Earthwork in Hard Soil or gravelly soil for excavation of foundation in

OPENjDUG WELL with initial lead upto 50 m & with following lifts

(a) For 1st depth of 1.5 m 3.14 8.00 8.00 5 1004.800 28.436 cum
(Initial Lift 0 to 1.5 m)

(b) For 2nd depth of 1.5 m 3.14 7.75 7.75 5 942.981 26.686 cum
(1.5 to 3.0 m)

(c) For 3rd depth of 1.5 m 3.14 7.50 7.50 5 883.125 24.992 cum
(3.0 to 4.5 m)

(d) For 4th depth of 1.5 m 3.14 7.25 7.25 5 825.231 23.354 cum
(4.5 to 6.0 m)

(e) For 5th depth of 1.5 m 3.14 7.00 7.00 5 769.300 21.771 cum
(6.0 to 7.5 m)

(f) For 6th depth of 1.5 m 3.14 6.75 6.75 2 286.133 8.098 cum
(7.5 to 8.1m)

2 Filling in Foundation & Plinth with excavated materials including watering

and ramming.

Total Volume of Earthwork Excavation 133.337 cum

Deduct for volume of
Dug Well 3.14 6.00 6.00 27.00 3052.080 86.374 cum

46.964 cum
Checked by Prepared by


Soil Conservation Overseer,
Asst. SOIl ~~ Khalikote

Project Director Watersheds,

Ganjam. Berhampur.


Material Statement

Qnty Sand Metal Chips Cement

SINo. Item Brick(Nos)
(cum/sqm/Qntl.) (cum) (Qntl.) (cum) (cum)

1 Sand Filling 0.622 0.622

2 CC (1:4:8) 1.866 0.896 1.791 3.210

3 CC (1:2:4) 9.008 4.053 8.107 29.095

4 FAB (1:6) 4.354 1.219 2.926 1741.695

5 12 mm CP (1:6) 22.170 0.333 0.794

Total 7.123 1.791 8.107 36.024 1260

72 Bags

Prepared by

Soil Conservation Overseer,

Project Director Watersheds,

Ganjam, Berhampur.
( As per SR - 2014 Post GST )(Ganjam District)
Name of the Work:- Construction of Dug Well at ViIl:- GP:- Block:-
si. '! Item Basic Rate GST28% GST18% Net
1. ~ '.t~ement 600.00 131.25 - 468.75 per Otl Qntl
~. /Steel HYSD(FE-415) 7000.00 - 1067.80 5932.20 per Otl Qntl.

•••• Q

51. Name of the Location of 'S

oW =
:;~ ~~
<U ••
Cost of
Cost of Transportation Cost of Transportation s t::8. =
••• <U
·c Transportn. U ;.,
;:l for next 4Skm.
No Materials Quarry ...l~~ for beyond SOkm.

.•. '"

for 1st S km

~ f!=
It} Q
~ f-<f-<
1. Sand (Filling) Local Cum 20 53.33 149.67 15 kms. x 8.80= 132.00 0 kms.x6.22= 0.00 281.67 0.00
2. Sand(Mortar) Local Cum 20 56.19 149.67 15 kms. x 8.80 = 132.00 0 kms. x6.22= 0.00 281.67 0.00
3. 40 cm CBHG metal Local Cum 30 752.38 149.67 25 kms. x 8.80 = 220.00 0 kms. x6.22= 0.00 369.67 0.00
5. 12 mm CBHG chips Local Cum 30 1128.57 149.67 25 kms. x 8.80 = 220.00 0 kms. x6.22= 0.00 369.67 0.00
6. 23 em Fly Ash bricks Local 1000 nos 20 3404.26 386.91 15 kms, x 15.85 = 237.72 0 kms. x 12.75 = 0.00 624.63 0.00
7. Cement Local 1 QtI 5 468.75 16.17 0 kms. x 0.82= 0.00 0 kms. x 0.70 = 0.00 16.17 0.00
8. HYSDbars Local 1 QtI 5 5932.20 16.17 0 kms. xO.82= 0.00 0 kms. x 0.70 = 0.00 16.17 0.00
11. Binding wire Local Kg 67.23 0 0
12. 25 mm thick non sal pla Local 17261.41
13. Non sal bullah, 80 mm d Local 43.15
14. Carriage of wood Local 162.40

Unskilled Labour MGNREGS 222.00 Vday

1. Man mulia 222.00 /day 9. Carpentr 2 nd 405.00 /day
2. Womanmulia 222.00 /day 10. Painter 1 st 465.00 /day
3. Stone Packer 355.00 /day 11. Stone dresser 405.00 /daV
4. Semiskilled Mulia 355.00 /day 12. Helper 355.00 /day
5. Mate 355.00 /day 13. Blacksmith 465.00 /day
6. Mason 1 st 465.00 /day 14. Painter 1 st 465.00 /day
7. Mason 2nd 405.00 /day 15. Painter2nd 405.00 /day Project Director Watersttedl.
8. Carpnter 1 st 465.00 /day 16 Fitter (Spl) 465.00 /day Ganjam, C';,;hampur.
17. Fitter 2 nd 405.00 /day

Checked by Prepared by
.« ,,-(.'-vv
~§4'j, ••. ' .' "'"
.f ft r·" :r¥iI\l IT
Soil Conservation Overseer,
. ,


Name of Work:- Construction of Dug Well (RCe) under MGNREGS

Calculation of Earthwork as per II-NREGS-33/09-7850!PR, Dt. 15.3.10

Out turn of One Unskilled Labour in different types of soil:-
Soft(Ordinary) Soil 62 eft 1.75 cum
Hard Soil 50 cft 1.415 cum
Stoney Earth 36 eft 1.02 cum
/I Current Labour Rate Rs. 222.00 / day
In Hard Soil per 50 cft 1 labour req
or, per 100 eft 2 labour req
@ Rs. 222.00 leach per day

Hence Cost of Earthwork 444.00 /100 eft (2.83 cum)

156.8905 / cum ./
15689.05 /10.OCum
III Extra Lifts over Initial lift ofl.5 m
For 1st Extra Lift
Per 100 cum 4.1 No@Rs 222.00 =
Rs. 910.20
Per 1cum Rs. 9.10
Next lifts per each 1.5 m are i- 17.63, 26.44, 35.26 & 44.07 respectively.

1. Earthwork in Hard Soil or gravelly soil for excavation-of foundation in OPEN/DUG WELL with
initial lead upto 50 m & with following lifts
a. For 1st depth of 1.5 m (Initial Lift 0 to 1.5 m)
Basic Rate per 100 cum
Add 20% for Foundation Works
18826.86 / 100cum
Rs. 188.27 /cum
b. For 2nd depth of 1.5 m (1.5 to 3.0 m)
1.5 times initial excavation rate 1.5. x 188.27 = Rs. 282.40
1.5 times lift (@9.10j cum) 1.5 x Rs. 9.10 Rs.
= 13.65
Rs. 296.06 /cum

c. For 3rd depth of 1.5 m (3.0 to 4.5 m)

2.0 times initial rate 2.0 x 188.27 = Rs. 376.54
2.5 times lift (@18.20j cum) 2.5 x 18.2 = Rs. 45.50
Rs. 422.04 / cum

d. For 4th depth of 1.5 m (4.5 to 6.0 m)

2.5 times initial rate 2.5 x 188.27 = Rs. 470.67
3.5 times lift (@27.30j cum) 3.5 x 27.30 = Rs. 95.55
Rs. 566.22 / cum

• e. For 5th depth of 1.5 m (6.0 to 7.5 m)

3.0 times initial rate 3.0 x 188.27 = Rs. 564.81
4.5 times lift (@40.95/ cum) 4.5 x 40.95 = Rs. 184.28
Rs. 749.08 /cum

f. For 6th depth of 1.5 m (7.5 to 8.1m)

3.5 times initial rate 3.5 x 188.27 = Rs. 658.94
5.5 times lift (@50.05/ cum) 5.5 x 50.05 = Rs. 275.28
Rs. 934.21 /cum
2. Filling foundation and plinth with sand well watered and rammed including cost and
conveyance and excluding royality of sand etc. complete Data for 100 cum
(i) Labour-
Woman/Man mulia 12.36 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 leach = Rs. 2,743.92
per 100 cum = Rs. 2,743.92
per I Cum. = 27.44
(ii) Material-
Sand 1.00 Cum @ Rs. 53.33 /Cum. = Rs. 53.33
(iii)Transportation -
Sand 1.00 Cum @ Rs. 281.67 /Cum.= Rs. 281.67
(iv) Royalty -
Sand 1.00 Cum @ Rs. 0.00 /Cum.= Rs.
(v) Add 15 % for OH & Contractors profit
Rate/Cum say Rs. 362.44
Labour Component Rs. 27.44
Material Component Rs. 335.00

3. Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 4cm CBHG metal including cost,conveyance and excluding royality
of materials curing etc. complete

(i) Materials-
40mm CBHG Metal 0.96 Cum @ Rs. 752.38 /Cum. = Rs. 722.28
Sand (screened and washed) 0.48 Cum @ Rs. 56.19 /Cum.= Rs. 26.97
Cement 1.72 Qntl. @ Rs. 468.75 /qntl. = Rs. 806.25
Rs. 1,555.50
(ii) Labour-
Mason 2 nd class 0.18 Nos. @ Rs. 405.00 leach = Rs. 72.90
ManmuIia 2.50 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 leach = Rs. 555.00
Womanmulia 1.40 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 leach = Rs. 310.80
Rs. 938.70
(iii)Transportation -
40mm CBHG Metal 0.96 Cum @ Rs. 369.67 /Cum. = Rs. 354.88
Sand (screened and washed) 0.48 Cum @ Rs. 281.67 /Cum. = Rs. 135.20
Cement 1.72 Qntl. @ Rs. 16.17 /qntl. = Rs. 27.81
Rs. 517.89
(iv) Royalty -
40mm CBHG Metal 0.96 Cum @ Rs. 0.00 /Cum. = Rs.
Sand (screened and washed) 0.48 Cum @ Rs. 0.00 /Cum.'-= Rs.
(v) Add 15 % for OH & Contractors profit Rs.
Rate/Cum = Rs. 3,012.09
Labour Component Rs. 865.80
Material Component Rs. 2,146.29

4. Cement Concrete (1:2:4) with 12 mm CBHG chips including hoisting and laying per 1 cum
(i) Materials-
12mm.size chips 0.90 Cum @ Rs. 1128.57 I Cum. = Rs. 1,015.71
Sand(screened and
washed) 0.45 Cum @ Rs. 56.19 ICum. = Rs. 25.28
Cement 3.23 qtl @ Rs. 468.75 Iqtl = Rs. 1,514.06
Rs. 2,555.05
(ii) Labour -
Mason (2nd Class) 0.68 Nos. @ Rs. 405.00 leach = Rs. 275.40
Manmulia 3.20 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 leach = Rs. 710.40
Womenmulia 1.40 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 leach = Rs. 310.80
Rs. 1,296.60
(iiilTransportation -
12mm.size chips 0.90 Cum @ Rs. 369.67 ICum. = Rs. 332.70
Sand (screened and was 0.45 Qntl. @ Rs. 281.67 Iqntl. = Rs. 126.75
Cement 3.23 qtl @ Rs. 16.17 Iqtl = Rs. 52.22
Rs. 511.67
(iv) Royalty -
12mm.size chips 0.90 Cum @ Rs. 0.00 ICum.= Rs.
Sand(screened and washed) 0.45 Cum @ Rs. 0.00 ICum. = Rs.
(v) Add 15 % for OH & Contractors profit
Rate/Cum = Rs. 4,363.32
Labour Component Rs. 1,021.20
Material Component Rs. 3,342.12

5. Brickwork (1:6) with 23 em FA Bricks having crushing strength 75 kg/sqcm in F&P

including cost conveyance and excluding royalty of materials curing etc complete
(a) Labour
Mason 1st class 0.35 Nos.@ Rs. 465.00 Ino= Rs. 162.75
Mason 2nd class 1.05 Nos. @ Rs. 405.00 /no= Rs. 425.25
Man Mulia 1.41 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 /no= Rs. 313.02
Woman Mulia 1.41 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 Ino= Rs. 313.02
mulia for preparing mortar 0.14 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 Ino= Rs. 31.08
(b) Materials
Brick 400 Nos. @Rs. 3,404.26 11000 no = 1,361.70
Sand 0.28 cum @ Rs. 56.19 Icum= 15.73
Cement 0.672 Qntl @ Rs. 468.75 I qntl= 315.00

(c) Transportation
Brick 400 Nos. @Rs. 624.63 /1000 no = 249.85
Sand 0.28 Cum @ Rs. 281.67 /cum= 78.87
Cement 0.672 Qntl. @ Rs. 16.17 / qntl= 10.87
(d) Royalty
Sand 0.28 Cum @ Rs. 0.00 /cum=
(e) Add for OHC @ 15% of (a+b)

Rate/Cum = 3,277.14
Labour Component Rs. 657.12
Material Component Rs. 2,620.02

6. Supplying,fitting & placing uncoated HYSD bar reinforcement as per drawing and technical
specification including cost,conveyance and all taxes of steeljbinding wire etc.
Unit-1 MT
(i) Materials-
HYSD bars including
5 % overlaps and 1.05 MT @Rs. 59322.03 /MT Rs. 62,288.13
Binding wire 8.00 kg. @Rs. 67.23 /kg. Rs. 537.84
Rs. 62,825.97
(ii) Labour -
Mate 0.44 Nos. @ Rs. 355.00 leach = Rs. 156.20
Blacksmith(special) 3.00 Nos. @ Rs. 465.00 leach = Rs. 1,395.00
Man Mulia 8.00 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 leach = Rs. 1,776.00
Rs. 3,327.20
(iii) Transportation of Rod 1.05 MT @Rs. 161.70 /MT = Rs. 169.78
(iv) Add 15 % for OH & Contractors profit
Total Rate/T MT = Rs. 66,322.95
Rate/QntJ. = Rs. 6,632.29
Labour Component Rs. 177.60
Material Component Rs. 6,454.70

7. 12 mm thick CP(1:6) over brick masonary including cost, conveyance and excluding royalty of
materials, curing etc. complete Unit-1 sqm
(a) Labour
Mason II class 0.14 Nos. @ Rs. 405.00 /no= 56.70
Man Mulia 0.07 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 /no= 15.54
Woman Mulia 0.05 Nos. @ Rs. 222.00 /no= 11.10
(b) Materials
Sand(screened and washed) 0.015 cum @ Rs. 56.19 /cum = 0.84
Cement 0.0358 Qntl. @ Rs. 468.75 / qntl= 16.78

.• i »

" I


Sand 0.015 cum @ Rs. 281.67 I cum = 4.23
Cement 0.0358 QntI. @ Rs. 16.17 I qntI= 0.58
(d) Royalty for sand 0.015 cum @ Rs. 0.00 Icum =
(e) Add for OHC @ 15% of (a+b)

Rate/Sqm= 105.77
Labour Component Rs. 26.64
Material Component Rs. 79.13

8 Rigid smooth centering and shuttering for RC.C works including false works and
dismantling after casting including cost of materials.
(a) R.c.c. Plinth band, footing, column base: data for 10 Sqm
25 mm thick non sal pIa 0.267 cum @ Rs 17261.41 I cum 4608.80
Non sal bullah, 80 mm : 12.6 m @ Rs 43.15 1m
Carriage of wood 0.3284 cum @ Rs 161.7211.25cum 42.49
Considering 10 times use, for one use
Carpenter 2nd class 0.5 Nos @ Rs 405.00 I each 202.50
Semi skilled mulia 0.5 Nos@ Rs 355.00 I each 177.50
Rate per 10 sqm = 899.50
Ratejsqm = 89.95
Labour Component Rs.
Material Component Rs. 89.95

9 Dewatering charges Per hour Rs. 200.00

10 Filling in Foundation & Plinth with excavated materials including watering

and ramming.

2/3 rd rate of Earthwork in excavation of Foundation

2/3 rd of 156.89
Rs. 104.59

Checked by Prepared by

/' O'~,¥IA"
Soil Conservation Overseer,

PrOject ~jrectorWatersheds.
Gem,am. PO"h~"", •..,,_

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