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Level of Preparedness of Public Elementary School Teachers To Modular Learning Modality in The New Learning Landscape: Basis For Action Plan

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Volume: 7
Pages: 385-392
Document ID: 2023PEMJ559
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7685481
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-24-2
Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 385-392, Document ID:2023 PEMJ559, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7685481, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Level of Preparedness of Public Elementary School Teachers to Modular Learning

Modality in the New Learning Landscape: Basis for Action Plan
Irma P. Jamael*, Joel Q. Galibo
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The study determined the level of preparedness among the teachers in the new normal setting and its
relationship to their anxiety and coping mechanisms in public elementary schools in Munai, Lanao
del Norte in the school year 2020-2021. The study was conducted at Munai District, wherein
purposively selected seventy-nine (79) teachers were utilized as participants. Moreover, the study
made use of adapted questionnaires validated by the thesis committee of St. Peter’s College. The
data were analyzed using frequency and percentage distribution, mean and standard deviation, and
Pearson’s Correlation Analysis. Findings revealed that the teachers moderately agreed with their level
of anxiety in the new normal including assessment of modules, adaptation on the new normal, and
distribution and retrieval of modules. Also, results revealed that they were oftentimes coping in terms
of spiritual means. On their level of preparedness in blended learning, they were moderately ready in
terms of utilizing modules. Further, result showed that the level of anxiety and coping mechanisms of
the respondents were highly associated. Results also showed that the teachers’ level of anxiety was
not significantly associated to their level of preparedness. Also, result disclosed that the coping
mechanisms of the teachers were not significantly correlated to their level of preparedness in the new

Keywords: preparedness, new normal education, anxiety, coping mechanism, public school

Introduction Modular learning was the most favored type of

learning option adopted among public schools. This
Flexible learning approaches were adopted by many was highly supported by parents. Aside from it
education institutions in the Philippines due to the provides equal opportunities for learning, some poor
COVID-19 pandemic. The absence of face to face families were provided with free access to learning to
instruction brought difficulties and challenges to the printed modules. The parents also were saved from
teachers, parents, and learners. It copes with the the expenses of technology learning (Dangle &
demands of the new learning delivery modes mandated Sumaoang, 2020).
by the Department of Education. This continuously
Consequently, problems on preparedness among
provides quality education to learners despite the
schools in these learning transitions have been a
pandemic (Toquero, 2020).
continuous topic in the country. Some of the teachers
experience challenges and difficulties in adapting to
DepEd transitioned the modality of teaching from the
the new normal and to the preparation and distribution
conventional “face-to-face” learning to flexible
of the self-learning materials among the learners. As a
learning continuity plans. These learning modalities
public school teacher, the researcher observed that
were combinations of online distance learning and
within her school district, they were only able to adopt
modular, or in-person delivery of learning materials to the modular learning aided with handheld radio due to
the homes of the learners. Radio-based and modular poor internet infrastructures and frequent power
learning instructions were also applied for with places interruptions. Problems on connectivity and
with no access to computer or the internet (Tupas & geographical situations of the schools in Munai
Laguda, 2020). District caused challenges and difficulties among most
of the teachers and families. Thus, this study
However, some localities employed only the modular determined the level of preparedness of public
learning option due to unavailability of technology and elementary school teachers in Munai District to
infrastructures to adopt to online learning situations. modular learning modality in the new learning
Learning modules are printed or non-printed materials. landscape as a basis for action plan.
These guide both teachers and learners through the
content of and learning activities for a subject matter, Research Questions
for example, subject matter modules in text or video
format (Dangle & Sumaoang, 2020). This study determined the level of preparedness
among the teachers in the new normal setting and its

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Psych Educ, 2023, 7: 385-392, Document ID:2023 PEMJ559, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7685481, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

relationship to their anxiety and coping mechanisms in Learners’ rights to education remain protected and
public elementary schools in Munai, Lanao del Norte non-negotiable. The ultimate objectives and goals of
during the school year 2020-2021. Specifically, it education remain the same but the processes through
sought to answer the following questions: which the goals can be achieved. These should be re-
imagined and done in a different way. It has already
1. Is there a significant relationship between the affected 32.1 million learners across levels including
teachers’ level of anxiety and coping mechanisms? technical-vocational education and training. As
education stakeholders redesign their respective
2. Is there a significant relationship between the learning continuity plans, they considered that
teachers’ level of anxiety and coping mechanisms and learners, teachers, and schools come from diverse
their level of preparedness in modular learning? situations and contexts; thus, a one-size-fits-all
approach would disadvantage others since the
dynamics have indeed changed. Curriculum goals are
Literature Review
not expected to be achieved using the same timelines,
modalities, or platforms.
Blended learning is also known as the integration of
face-to-face and online instruction. According to The learning delivery modalities that schools can
Graham et al. (2018), it is widely adopted and utilized adopt may be one or a combination of the following,
across higher education. Some scholars referred to it as depending on the COVID-19 restrictions and the
the new traditional model or the “new normal” particular context of the learners in the school or
delivery of instruction. This pertains to a learning locality. Cahapay (2020) mentioned that online
delivery that combines face-to-face with any or a mix distance learning is one of the new alternative learning
of online distance learning, modular distance learning, options of the Department of Education. This features
and TV or Radio-based Instruction. Blended learning the teacher as facilitator. It engages learners’ active
would enable the schools to limit face-to-face learning. participation through the use of various technologies.
It would ensure social distancing and decrease the This can be accessed through the internet while they
volume of people outside the home at any given time. are geographically remote from each other during
instruction. The internet is used to facilitate learner-
As defined in DepEd Order 21, s. 2019, instructional teacher and peer-to-peer communication. Online
flexibility as adaptations in terms of the time and learning allows live synchronous instruction. It
duration, the place or method of instruction. Available requires participants to have good and stable internet
pedagogies and learning resources can be used at the connection and is more interactive than the other types
outset. As a response to the crisis, DepEd and its of distance learning methods. The responses are also
partners modify existing flexible learning methods. real time. The learners may download materials from
These partners are the in-school and off-school the internet, attend webinars and virtual classes, and
approaches, the Enhanced Instructional Management complete and submit assignments online. The DepEd
by teachers, parents and community, Alternative Commons and LR Portal fall in this category.
Learning System (ALS), the open high school
programs, and homeschooling. They also developed Meanwhile, radio-based and television-based
new flexible learning options to suit present demands instruction were also implemented where learners have
including the unprecedented number of students, different capacities to stay engaged in lessons.
teachers, and families who would migrate from formal Education stakeholders believe that what helps sustain
education to flexible learning programs. They also their satisfaction and attention are creative and
designed instructional frameworks that show how diversified platforms and strategies, use of
aspects of education delivery would be workable and combination of print and broadcast, and digital media
that these new programs may be developed locally or with different levels of interactivity to sustain student
nationally. participation. It goes without saying that
developmentally appropriate principles must guide the
According to Sintema (2020), COVID-19 pandemic selection of these platforms and strategies. Printed
has altered human engagements, resource allocations, media includes learning materials such as textbooks
and system allocations. It presents a different direction and learners’ modules which have been modified for
for priorities and future plans. Education is constrained home learning situations while broadcast media
to navigate the world of teaching and learning using includes radio and television (Llego, 2020).
this. Amidst these changing dynamics, meeting the
educational needs of learners remains the priority. Remote learning takes place whenever a student and a

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Research Article

teacher or sources of information are separated by low-technology learning options. For radio/television
distance or time. They are not confined in a physical broadcast, distance learning, and print-based learning,
learning space such as a classroom. It can be done a home environment plays a vital role in the learning
asynchronous or synchronous. While remote learning processes of students at any level (UNESCO, 2020).
does use web-based platforms, the range of learning Tria (2020) mentioned that parents or guardians of
delivery goes far beyond this. It includes learning kits children in basic education play a vital role in
delivered to homes, TV broadcast, radio programs, preparing a conducive learning space. Parental
WIFI-connected devices, and micro-content deliveries supervision is crucial in establishing routines for
(e.g., texting, and messaging through applications like students to finish their learning tasks at home. For
Whats App, Viber, or FB Messenger). Regardless of rural and spacious communities, infrastructures can be
modalities to be used on the field, what is important is safe learning spaces for students who do not have
for the paradigm of education delivery to evolve, access to high-technology. In delivering instruction,
because the face-to-face norm may no longer be a schools should work with barangay units that have
viable teaching-learning option in the near future communication facilities.
(Ferri et al., 2020).
Teaching is a challenging profession and is regarded as
Parents are primarily the health and safety guardians of a highly stressful job. Indeed, teachers experience
their children. They should inform their family about extreme stress due to their various tasks and
COVID-19. They should also train them to acquire responsibilities. Researchers explained that stress has
new habits like regular hand washing, face mask negative impacts on classroom performance, job
wearing, physical distancing, and proper food satisfaction, and teacher attrition. There are a lot of
handling. Additionally, whether schools use print, instances where teachers are placed in a position of
radio or television, or web-based technologies; most highly stressful responsibilities for the actions of
distance learning programs rely on parents to take the young individuals in a school setting. Add to this is the
role of tutors. Their indigenous and personal burden of choosing the right learning activities that
knowledge can be supported with flexible learning would lead to the attainment of the educational goals is
programs that their natural capacity to nurture and also noted (Archibong & Out, 2020).
teach children would result in meaningful learning
interactions. The following suggestions aim to help Stress is a phenomenon that has an impact on people
parents fulfill the above responsibilities (Owusu et al., and affecting their behaviors, job performances, and
2020). communication with their co-workers. It is an
undetermined reaction demonstrated by physique
As mentioned by Li et al., (2020), since instruction and against pressure. Stress, regardless of giving or not
assessment need to be flexible, the learning giving pleasure or pain, signifies a non-special reaction
environment must be flexible as well. Provided of the body toward any request implied on it for its
learning options should appropriately respond to the adaptation. With a general definition, stress is a
learners’ context. The learning environment may be in physiological and psychological reaction of an
the school, at home, or in the community, and it should individual toward him/herself and the external
consider time and space for learning. Infrastructure for environment as a result of being affected by the
modern schools are not only limited to physical spaces involved environment and working conditions. Stress
but also includes ICT infrastructures that are relevant does not occur automatically. It is developed by the
to support teaching, learning, and administration in effect of the transformations that occurred in
schools. The provision of technological infrastructure individuals' environments (Akhlaq et al., 2010).
is crucial for learning continuity and efficiency of
services especially during a global health crisis. When Stressors are commonly associated with a variety of
implemented properly, technology can boost personal, social, and physical events, including
engagement and produce significant gains in student interpersonal experiences in schools or classrooms.
achievement. However, two important elements should The human body, however, cannot differentiate
be emphasized to achieve this outcome: 1) the pre- between the various types of stressors. This explains
requisites of adequate technological infrastructure, and why physical stress cannot be separated from mental
2) teachers’ competence in utilizing appropriate stress, just as personal stress cannot be separated from
pedagogical approaches using technology. professional stress. Because individual responses to
and discernments of similar situations vary
However, in the event where schools do not have significantly. Factors responsible for stress in one
technological infrastructures, they may utilize flexible, person may also be responsible for sparking

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Research Article

enthusiasm in another (Alhija, 2014). is potential in most school systems. Form of

recognition for good work; pride in their work or any
Symptoms of teacher stress are almost as varied as the degree of achievemen t often becomes the
individuals themselves. Since stages of stress are responsibility of the individual teacher. Although
related to the symptoms of stress, most stress classrooms may be lacking adequate materials,
manifests itself in one of three ways: attitude, physical teachers are expected to maintain quiet classrooms
well- being, or performance. A general feeling of while remaining apprised of recent announcements,
dissatisfaction about one’s work is a common, low-key fire drill procedures, field trips, and student
indicator of stress. Sources of stress for teachers absenteeism.
included workload, the relationship between teacher-
administration, the structure of the group, relationship The purpose of coping with stress or, in other words,
with co-workers, and occupational illiteracy. However, stress management is not avoiding stress completely
sources of stress for teachers are indicated as but is to create optimal, middle-level stress. The base
administrative support, monetary security, of coping with stress is the transformation of the
occupational problems, and disciplinary problems of thought system of the individual and the individual's
students (Tahir, 2011). negative ideas that are not accurate. When stress
management is handled in educational organizations; it
On the other hand, researchers had classified sources becomes important to find a way to decrease stress
of stress in terms of the educational system, levels in an educational environment in line with the
administrators and supervisors, student and job-related perspectives of students, teachers, and families. A few
sources. They had examined sources of stress for attempts on this matter included transforming the
teachers under different categories and these are educational system, changing attitude toward students
facilities of school and supervision, school and personnel, changing emotional state in similar
administration, the teaching profession, colleagues, situations, changing perspective toward incidents, and
students, and intervention of parents. They also gaining an ability to communicate between people
observed that a high level of stress causes low job- (Aydin & Kaya, 2016).
fulfillment and, in the long run, low commitment.
Undoubtedly, sources of stress stated in the literature Coping behaviors or resources come in the form of
may not have the same impact on every teacher. physical, psychological, social, or material factors.
However, these might cause different problems and These help teachers overcome job-related stressors and
affect the school environment negatively by expending achieve their valued outcomes with students. The
gradually (Mazo, 2015). problem of stress management is not to eliminate
stress but to learn how to cope with it. Stress currently
According to Ekundayo et al. (2013), personal provides one of the most challenging and most
stressors, despite their intensity, have to be dealt with demanding health problems in modern medical
in the life of each teacher. It may be as simple as practice (Osagie, 2018).
balancing wearing a pair of shoes that hurt to more
severe stressors, divorce, or accident. A teacher's Guevarra and Cimanes (2017) mentioned techniques
perception to communicate either socially or that can be used against stress. These are managing
professionally is closely a checkbook or such as death, time including physical and breathing exercises,
of the capacity related to feelings of frustration. When meditation, biological feedback, relaxation, nutrition,
personal stress becomes coupled with other types of social support, participation in social, cultural, and
stress, the main health problem among teachers may sports activities, massage, praying, and worshipping.
be stress-related. The outcomes of the inefficiency of the teacher
working in a stressful environment might be reflected
Additionally, Ferguson (2017) added that professional upon students, co-workers, families, and steadily to the
stressors tend to be divided into four basic sources whole society. In this sense, it is important to know the
including working conditions, professional sources of stress for teachers that are causing stress
responsibilities, student-teacher situations, and student most to intervene with those sources. Additionally,
discipline. In addition to low salaries, limited revealing how teachers will cope with the stress might
professional advancement opportunities exist at the enable them to develop solutions to initiate the effects
secondary level. A disheartening scenario evolves of stress.
when the relationship between professional
preparation, length of the workday or week, and As mentioned by Tahir (2011), the common positive
complexity of services rendered and individuals served strategies teachers use to alleviate stress include

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Research Article

exercise, social resources, avoidance, reading, hobbies, among teachers. Part II presented the level of
movement, and meditation. These coping strategies preparedness among teachers in blended learning. The
used by teachers affect their outlook on the situation, scoring range of the questionnaire was scored using
thereby altering the perception of stress. To alter the the Likert scale, where four (4) was the highest and
perception of stress, teachers may invoke inward or one (1) was the lowest to get quantitative data on the
outward coping strategies. Inward strategies, such as stress and coping mechanisms and level of
concentrating on something narrow in the field of preparedness in blended learning. For the stress and
stimuli around oneself, including seeking stillness and coping mechanisms of teachers, the scoring range was
focus. Outward strategies, such as exercise, involve 4- extremely stressful, 3-highly stressful, 2-less
seeking connections, distractions, and movement. stressful, and 1-never stressful. For the level of
Although there are many common coping strategies preparedness in modular learning, the scoring range
available. Most teachers rely on social support, active was 4- always, 3-oftentimes, 2-rarely, and 1-never.
planning, restorative experiences, and suppression of
competing behaviors. Active planning, although a part Data Gathering Procedures
of the normal workload, allows teachers to take their
mind off stress and focus on their work. The process of Before conducting the study, the researcher performed
active planning involves concentrating efforts, the standard research protocol. The researcher
developing a plan, taking some action, coming up with requested consent and approval from the adviser for
strategies, trying to take steps, and doing what has to careful assessment and review of the manuscript and
be done to keep their attention on the students rather the appropriateness of the survey questionnaires. The
than the stressor. researcher then submitted a letter to the Division
Superintendent of Lanao del Norte, Edilberto L.
Oplenaria, CESO V, to allow her to distribute the
Methodology survey questionnaires to the respective schools of
Munai District.
Research Design
After all permits were signed, the researcher presented
the signed letters to the respective school heads of the
This study utilized descriptive correlation design since
schools. Likewise, an informed consent form from the
it tried to determine the relationship between the
anxiety and coping mechanisms and level of school was given to the respondents. The researcher
preparedness of teachers in blended learning. personally conducted the distribution and retrieval of
questionnaires during the agreed schedules. Social
Respondents distancing and other protocols implemented were
followed such as wearing masks and face shields.
The respondents of the study were seventy-nine (79) Respondents were assured of the ethics of research and
public elementary school teachers in Munai District. confidentiality of their responses.
The study employed purposive sampling method due
to its inclusion of the entire elementary teachers in
Results and Discussion
Munai District. The distribution of respondents were
listed below.
The significant relationship between the teachers’
Research Instruments
level of anxiety and coping mechanisms
The study utilized survey questionnaire on anxiety
Table 1. Relationship Between the Teachers’ Level of
adapted from the study of Ekundayo and Kolawole
Anxiety and Coping Mechanisms
(2013) and Osagie (2018). Meanwhile, the
questionnaire on the level of preparedness of teachers
in modular learning was self-made. The questionnaires
were subjected to pilot testing prior to the actual data
gathering. The study distributed the questionnaires to
thirty (30) selected teacher-participants from Munai
National High School.

The questionnaire was divided into two (2) parts. Part I

included the level of stress and coping mechanisms

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Research Article

Table 2 illustrates the significant relationship between

Table 1 presents the significant relationship between the teachers’ level of anxiety and level of preparedness
the teachers’ level of anxiety and coping mechanisms in modular learning using the Pearson correlation
using the Pearson correlation analysis. As noticed in analysis. Result displayed that the teachers’ level of
the table that the level of anxiety and coping anxiety was not significantly associated to their level
mechanisms of the respondents were highly associated of preparedness (r=-0.134, p>0.05). This simply
(r=0.400). This result suggested that high anxiety level suggested that the teachers’ level of anxiety did not
of the teachers could be a result of their high level of influence their level of preparedness. In addition, the
coping mechanisms. Meanwhile, the teachers’ teachers’ anxiety level did not relate to their
adaptation on the new normal was positively preparedness relative to modules (r=-0.0.58, p>0.05),
associated to emotional (r=0.265) and the coping radio-based (r=-0.096, p>0.05) and television-based
mechanisms (r=0.247). The teachers’ level of anxiety (r=-0.173, p>0.05) instructions. Teachers perceived
on distribution and retrieval of modules was that no matter how high or low their anxiety level was
significantly associated to environmental (r=0.314) in the new normal of teaching, it did not affect their
and spiritual (r=0.362) coping mechanisms. The level of preparedness on modular, radio-based or
teachers’ level of anxiety relative to assessment of television-based instruction. Thus, the null hypothesis
modules was significantly associated to the physical of no significant relationship between the teachers’
(r=0.314), environmental (r=0.369) and spiritual level of anxiety and their level of preparedness was not
(r=0.323) coping mechanisms. Then, the teachers’ rejected.
level of anxiety (total measure) was significantly
Amidst the pandemic, teachers were challenged by
correlated to physical (r=0.255), environmental
reform initiatives to meet new requirements that had
(r=0.401) and spiritual (r=0.390) coping mechanisms.
not been part of the conventional repertoire of
These results indicated that the higher the anxiety level expectations for effective classroom teaching and for
was experienced by the teachers, the higher they which many teachers had not been adequately
developed their physical, environmental and spiritual prepared during their professional training (Dangle et
coping mechanisms. But no association was depicted al., 2020). As the research indicated, the teachers’
between anxiety and emotional coping mechanisms. level of anxiety did not influence their level of
Face to face learning engagement of students and preparedness in the blended learning delivery modes
teachers within the school has been suspended due to implemented since it was their job to perform their
the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers were found to be responsibilities despite the closure of schools and
experiencing challenges and difficulties from absence of face to face instruction.
preparation to adaptation of these changes in delivery
of learning. They took the responsibility of monitoring The significant relationship between the coping
the progress of the learners. Thus, they were mechanisms and level of preparedness of the
experiencing intense stress in adapting and adjusting to teachers
these new changes (Llego, 2020).
Table 3. Relationship Between the Teachers’ Coping
The significant relationship between the teachers’ Mechanisms and Their Level of Preparedness
level of anxiety and their level of preparedness

Table 2. Relationship Between the Teachers’ Level of

Anxiety and Level of Preparedness

Table 3 shows the significant relationship between the

coping mechanisms and level of preparedness of the

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Research Article

teachers using the Pearson correlation analysis. Results school administrators should create a plan focusing
disclosed that the coping mechanisms of the teachers management for teachers to enhance their efficiency
were not significantly correlated to their level of amidst the flexible learning set up. (2) It is
preparedness in the new normal (r=0.180, p>0.05). recommended that teachers should equip themselves
This implied that the teachers’ preparedness in the with stress management skills through outdoor
different instructional modalities were not influenced activities and attending webinars to strengthen their
by their coping mechanisms. However, the specific readiness on blended learning. (3) It is recommended
physical coping mechanism was significantly that barangay officials should provide any assistance
associated to their level of preparedness in terms of in bridging the gaps between education and mental
modules (r=0.230, p<0.05), radio-based (r=0.286, health. (4) It is recommended that future researchers
p<0.05), television-based (r=0.199, p<0.05) and the should provide further information in the improvement
total measure (r=0.283, p<0.05). Teachers believed of strategies and approaches needed in the
that better physical coping strategies against anxiety development of procedures.
could lead to better preparation in modules, radio-
based, and television-based instruction. The specific References
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Conclusion Archibong, M. & Otu, D. (2010). Occupational stress sources

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Based on the findings, it was concluded that teachers
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that of the blended learning delivery modes, they were Cahapay, M. B. (2020). Reshaping assessment practices in a
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disease 2019 crisis. Pedagogical Research.
Further, despite the challenges they faced in these
trying times, it was found out that their level of anxiety Dangle, Y. & Sumaoang, J. (2020). The implementation of modular
and coping mechanisms were not significantly distance learning in the Philippine Secondary Public Schools. 3RD
correlated to their level of preparedness in the new International Conference on Advanced Research in Teaching
normal which concluded that the roles and Education.
responsibilities of teachers required them to be
DepEd Order No. 12, s. 2020. (Adoption of the basic education
prepared anytime despite the anxieties they learning continuity plan for school year 2020-2021 in the light of
experienced. the covid-19 public health emergency).

The following were the recommendations drawn based DepEd Order No. 14, s. 2020. (Guidelines on the required health
on the results of the study: (1) It is recommended that standards in basic education offices and schools).

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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Mazo, G. (2015). Causes, effects of stress, and the coping
mechanism of the bachelor of science in information technology
Irma P. Jamael
students in a Philippine university. Journal of Education and
Learning. Vol. 9(1) pp. 71-78.
Pendulonan Integrated School,
Department of Education - Philippines
Osagie, C. (2018). Stressors, effects and coping strategies among
teachers in secondary schools in Edo State, Nigeria. International
Joel Q. Galibo, PhD
Journal of Research, ISSN-2350-0530(O),ISSN-2394-3629(P).
St. Peter’s College - Philippines
Owusu-Fordjour, C., Koomson, C.K., & Hanson, D. (2020). The
impact of Covid-19 on learning-the perspective of the Ghanaian

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