Bonding Question.

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1 Kylie is choosing a metal to make a base for a saucepan.


Look at the information about some metals.

Metal Melting point Relative electrical Relative Density

in °C conductivity conductivity of heat in g / cm3
(1= low, 10= high) (1= low, 25= high)

A 1535 1 4.2 7.9

B 98 2 7.8 1.0

C 1083 6 22.3 8.9

D 660 4 11.8 2.7

(a) Which metal should Kylie choose to make a base for a saucepan?


Explain your answer.



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(b) Describe metallic bonding and explain why metals are good conductors of electricity.

You may wish to draw a labelled diagram.



.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 5
2 Look at the electronic structures of some atoms.

Atom Electronic structure

W 2.8.1
X 2.8.4
Y 2.8.7
Z 2.8.8

(a) (i) One of the atoms is a metal which makes a positive ion.

Which one? Choose from the table.

answer ........................................ [1]

(ii) One of the atoms has a stable electronic structure and is unreactive.

Which one? Choose from the table.

answer ........................................ [1]

(iii) Two of the atoms can combine together by transferring electrons to form an
ionic bond.

Which two? Choose from the table.

.......................................... and .......................................... [1]

(b) Ammonia has the formula, NH3.

The electronic structure of nitrogen is 2.5.

The electronic structure of hydrogen is 1.

Draw a ‘dot and cross’ diagram to show the covalent bonding in ammonia.

Show all the electrons.


(c) Sodium chloride is an ionic compound.

Sodium chloride

• will not conduct electricity when it is a solid

• will conduct electricity when it is dissolved in water.

Explain these two observations in terms of structure and bonding.




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3 Look at the table. It shows information about the Group 1 metals.

Element Symbol Electronic Melting point Boiling point Atomic radius

structure in °C in °C in nm

lithium Li 2.1 181 1342 0.152

sodium Na 2.8.1 883 0.185

potassium K 64 760 0.227

rubidium Rb 39 688


(d) Predict the melting point of sodium and the atomic radius of rubidium.

Write your answers in the table. [2]

(e) Sodium reacts with water.

Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, and hydrogen, H2, are made.

Write a balanced symbol equation for this reaction.

.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(f) The Group 1 elements all react in a similar way.

Explain why.


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(g) Sodium reacts with fluorine. Sodium ions and fluoride ions are made.

The electronic structure of fluorine is 2.7.

Draw a ‘dot and cross’ diagram to show the electronic structure of a sodium ion and of a
fluoride ion. Include the charges on the ions.


[Total: 7]
4 Most metals have high melting points.

Look at the graph. It shows the melting points of some metals.



point 1000
in °C


K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn
symbol of metal

(a) Write the symbol of the metal which has the weakest metallic bonds.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Describe, using a labelled diagram, what is meant by metallic bonding.




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[Total: 3]

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