Hooded Magpie Rules Sheet For Printing v1.81

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by Joem Antonio Allies must be discarded at the end of a

for their aid. create escalation.
You can discard Ally Cards at any time to call one Decree at the beginning of each round to
An 18-Card Solo RPG-Lite CALLING FOR ALLIES: Decrees at the very start of the game or add
-You may either add all possible Usurper’s
The Hooded Magpie get the bonus effect of a 4.
Information to adjust the die result to a 4 to
-You may add or reduce the starting
If you succeed a Trial, you may still use -You may add or reduce the number of rounds.
The bonus effect can only happen once a turn. sessions:
are unpreventable by Tools or Information. things you may want to do for some game
Penalties take effect right after the roll and customize your adventure. Here are a few
Trials. As a solo RPG-Lite, you are encouraged to
the same number multiple times in the same
Penalties can happen multiple times if you get CUSTOMIZING A GAME
dice, not the sum result.
Penalties and bonuses apply to individual you’ve achieved.
PENALTIES AND BONUSES: the Magpie Tracker over to see what ending
avoid making the game frustrating. If you survived at the end of 4 rounds, turn
Only up to 5 *s should be added in a game to Trials can never go above 12.
always override the rules of regular gameplay. succeed or choose to fail. another game.
When in contradiction, the Usurper’s Decrees You must commit to the chosen Trial until you track reaches 12, you lose. But you live to fight
USURPER’S DECREES: TRIALS BY TRICKERY & FORCE: If, at the end of any turn, the Fear or Clout
The Hooded Magpie SETUP
- Leave a gap between the Usurper Tracker
and the Magpie Tracker to serve as the City.
Per Turn:
1. At the start of a turn, draw 3 Event Cards
Per Round
1. Repeat the four steps of a Turn until you
An 18-Card Solo RPG-lite - Place 3 dice on the Usurper Tracker, one Enemy side up and place them in the City. lose or the deck is depleted. This ends a
die corresponding to Wealth, Fear, and 2. Choose one card to witness (to slide up and round. Return all uncalled Ally cards to the
Clout, each die set at 5, covering the die flip to Event side), one to follow (to keep to deck at the start of the next round.
STORY holders with 6 pips on them. During the Enemy side up), and one to encounter (to 2. Reshuffle the deck to start the next round
The Usurper is trying to secure his throne in game, whenever a track goes beyond 6, flip to Event side). In this order. but this time, the deck is Event side up.
Plumeholm through fear and clout. And you, place the die on the empty die holder 3. Resolve the Event through either a Trial by Each turn will still have a witnessed event,
The Hooded Magpie, will stand in his way… beside it. Trickery or a Trial by Force. a followed enemy, and an encounter.
- Place 3 dice on the die holders of the a. Add the Trial modifiers from the 3. Repeat until you lose or survive all four
COMPONENTS Magpie Tracker. Dice on Information and remaining Enemy card, the Wealth, and rounds. Odd rounds are Enemy side up, and
16 Event/Enemy/Decree Cards Tools are set at 3, the Round at 1. Fear Track. the even rounds are Event side up.
1 Usurper Tracker Card - Remove 4 Event Cards or tuck up to 5 *s b. Roll 2d6 to match or exceed the Trickery
1 Magpie Tracker Card under Usurper Tracker to add some Usurper’s or Force Trial. BASIC CARD ANATOMY
8 Six-Sided Dice for die rolls and tracking. Decrees to the game. (See Decrees for *s) c. Check the Clout Track if you are allowed Usurper’s Decree Event & Enemy
- Shuffle the remaining Event Cards into a to reroll dice. (Upside Down) Names
Optional: 1 choice marker deck, Enemy side up. Place beside Usurper. d. You may use either Information or Tools
to mitigate the die results so long as you
OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME Usurper Tracker Event Deck have any left. Or you may opt to just fail.
Win by reducing the Usurper’s Wealth, Fear, 4. After resolution, claim the cost of Event Knight
and Clout to 4 or less at the end of four City witnessed events and failure, and the Side Side
rounds. rewards of success and defeating enemies.
PLAY LENGTH In this order. Discard the cards as you tally
20 to 40 Minutes Magpie Modifiers, Penalties,
Decree Discard Pile the changes in the tracks and resources. Trials & Rewards
Tracker Bonuses
The turn ends, a new turn begins.

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