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Learn gujarati in 30 days through hindi pdf free download

Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language native to the Indian state of Gujarat. It is part of the greater Indo-European language family. In India, it is the official language in the state of Gujarat, as well as an official language in the union territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. As of 2001, Gujarati is the 8th most widely spoken language in India by the number of native speakers. The Gujarati
language is more than 700 years old and is spoken by more than 55 million people worldwide. Gujarati is one of the twenty-two official languages and fourteen regional languages of India. You can also make use of other resources like the books to learn Gujarati. Why learning Gujarati is Important? In a place like Gujarat, how important would it be to converse with the people in their own language? If you
think it is not important, you are wrong. Understanding the emotions and sentiments attached to one’s mother tongue is crucial for effective communication. When the floating population in a state is high, the tensions related to the existing culture being replaced is high. People take the local language being used lesser as its first sign. It is in your hands to decide whether to put in a little effort to learn the
local language. There are instances where people can’t even say something as basic as numbers in Gujarati. To see an outsider taking the effort to speak their language is a matter of joy for the local crowd. Many a time you need to know Gujarati if you are in the sales division of a company even if the company is based in Ahmedabad or Surat. Thus learning Gujarati also gives you a professional edge. So
let’s make use of Multibhashi to learn Gujarati from English.The app starts from the basics wherein you can first learn numbers and alphabets in Gujarati. How can Multibhashi help you? You can use multibhashi to learn Gujarati from English with just little efforts and Concentration. This course with help you understand, learn and use Gujarati sentences in your daily life. We have a collection of most
commonly used Gujarati Words and their Meanings in English Which you can Understand Easily. Here You will also get our Vocubulary, Defination, Pronunciation of Diffferent words and Sentences through audio and Visual Cues. Here Using this resources, you can mug up these sentences and Easily practice Gujarati. Try to speak Gujarati along with English first, then gradually increase speaking Gujarati
more frequently than English. After this, try to stop speaking English fully and start speaking Gujarati once you are confident. In between, you should note down the words for which you are not able to find the right Gujarati word and then try translating those words. You can refer to the grammar page and learn every base rule easily and frame sentences following those rules. Downloads Learn Gujarati In 30
Days Through Telugu Pdf - Here we are from Downloads Ebook Central, have related information Title : Downloads Learn Gujarati In 30 Days Through Telugu Pdf. Link : Please you click the link about Downloads Learn Gujarati In 30 Days Through Telugu Pdf which is below. Hope can be useful. Author's Preface The learned public are already aware of the National Integration Languages series published
by the Balaji Publications. On the request of the many we are now placing before the public another book to learn Gujarati through the medium of English. Gujarati is a language of Mahatma Gandhiji, the Father of our Nation. It is spoken in the state of Gujarat. Narasimha Maheto was the first poet, whose song of "Vaishnava janato tene kathiya" melted the heart of Mohandas Karamhand Gandhi and made
him Mahatma. Gujarati is a sweet and melodious language. Dhumaketu. Umashankar Joshi, Sundaram, K. M. Munshi Pannalai etc are famous writers in Gujarati. There is a good gap between English and Gujararti Gujarati contains 45 letter while English has only 26. Therefore we have given dialectical marks to the letters to pronounce the letter correctly. This book is divided into five parts. The first part
gives complete information about the alphabet. As in Hindi in Gujarati too the vowel 'a' is not pronounced fully in certain words. So we have given pronunciation for the words in this chapter. The Second Part deals with Gujarati commodities and the names of animals, birds etc. in this chapter about 500 words have been given with their gender, pronunciation and meaning. In the Third Part one can learn to
form simple sentences. And also the forms of conversation on useful topics. The Fourth Part deals with grammer and contains simple rules regarding number, gender etc. The Fifth Part consists of short stories which are famous in Gujarat and some simple and useful letters. It is hoped that this book will be a great help for National Integration. We are confident that this publication will find good appreciation
from the general public and that we will meet with good encouragement at their hands or the publication of similar books. Lastly, I eel that it is my duty to record here my grateful thanks to the publishers for having given me an opportunity to write this book and all of whom devoted great care to the making of this book. An Opinion Some years back while going through some book, shops I found books in the
series of "LEARN THE LANGUAGE IN 30 DAYS" through the medium of English. These books were for the learning of four Southern Languages i.e. Tamil, Telugu, Kannada & Malayalam and Hindi also. All the vernacular lessons were given in English medium with correct transliterations in Roman script Though there were books to learn these languages through Vernacular & Hindi medium, this was a
pioneer effort to get people from all walks of lie to learn vernacular languages, through English & Roman Script. I though it will be useful if a book to learn Gujarati in 30 days in the series can come out. It is a great pleasure that Mr. Janakiraman, Proprietor of Balaji Publications has accepted to publish this book, Learn Gujarati in 30 days' as one of the publications of his NATIONAL INTEGRATION
LANGUAGE SERIES. I had the privilege to go through this book of Mr. N. S. R. Ganathe, a linguist and a scholar. It is more commendable that Mr. Ganathe who knows the language well has tried his level best or a beginner to learn correct Gujarati through English Medium. Gujarati is a little difficult language, particularly the genders & numbers having different struetures, but this book makes learning the
language easy. Now-a-days people in cosmopolitan cities want to learn local language in shortest time. This book will be helpful to all those personas who want to learn Gujarati through English medium. My congratulations are due to Mr. Janakiraman of Balaji Publications who has taken this work as a humble service to THE NATIONAL INTEGRATION. The Publisher's Note We are placing before the
public "LEARN GUJARATI IN 30 DAYS THROUGH ENGLISH" our latest addition to our Language Publications. This book offers an unique opportunity to our English knowing national irrespective of their regions or mother tongues to learn Gujarati rich in its literature. This book is only the 'ABC' of Gujarati and what little knowledge, the learners acquire with this aid will enable them to explore and exploit the
mine of knowledge that is treasured in Gujarati. Let us not be blamed or repeating to a fault that we have the interest of national integration in our heart and we will continue to contribute our mite to this noble cause. We have no doubt that this book will give us added strength. We will not rest on our oars till our object of national integration is achieved that is every one of us from the Himalayas to Cape
Comorin should feel that he is an Indian first. To achieve this, our only weapon is our Language Publications. We know that it is the most effective weapon though it may give dividends only in the long run. Whatever honour and credit that this book brings us, the author has a share in it and we record our appreciation of the author's efforts and enthusiasm. CONTENTS How to write 12 FIRST PART
(Alphabet and Pronunciation) Alphabet: Vowels 15 Consonants 16 Pronunciation of some Consonants 17 Identify the correct letter 18 Some simple words 19 Consonants with Vowels, signs 21 Words of three letters 23 Words of our letters 24 Conjunct consonants 25 SECOND PART (Words) Pronouns 31 Verbs 32 Parts of the body 34 Family 36 Time 38 Week days 40 Months 41 Seasons & Weathers
42 Directions 43 House 45 Household articles 47 Places 49 Edibles 50 Vegetables 52 Fruits 54 Animals 55 Birds 57 Colours 58 Metals 59 Professionists 60 Numbers 62 Ordinals 65 Fractions 66 Adjectives 67 Feelings 68 Education 69 Postal 71 Magazine 72 Factory 73 Interrogative Words 74 THIRD PART (Sentences) Sentences of two words 75 Sentences of three words 76 Sentences of four words 77
Imperative Sentences 78 Interrogatory Sentences 79 My House 81 Our Country 82 Time 83 Post Office 85 With a Doctor 87 Travel 88 FOURTH PART (Grammar) Gender 89 Number 91 Cases 92 Nominative Case 93 Objective case 94 Instrumental Case 95 Dative Case 96 Ablative Case 97 Possessive Case 99 Locative Case 100 Pronouns with case-endings First Person 101 Second Person 102 Third
Person 103 Interrogative Pronoun 104 Adjective 106 Verbs 108 Auxiliary Verbs 110 Sentences 112 Present Tense 114 Past Tense (Intransitive Verb) 115 Past Tense (Transitive Verb) 116 Future Tense 117 Negative 118 Imperfect Tenses 119 Perfect Tenses 120 Compound Verb 121 Perfect Participle 122 Participle Adjective 123 Active Voice & Passive Voice 124 Prepositions 125 Conjunctions 126 FIFTH
PART (Letters, Stories etc) Some useful sentences 127 Gujarat 128 Conversations: With a friend 130 In the shop 134 Letters 136 Stories: Aged woman in the train 144 Clever Disciple 146 Proud Lion 148 Birbal 150 Ladu of twelve seers in weight 152 Siddhartha and Devadatta 154 Narasimha Maheto 156 Meerabal 158 Vaishnava Jana to 160 Sample Pages Add a review Your email address will not be
published *

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