A Two-Mode Portable Atmospheric Pressure Air

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4, APRIL 2018 947

A Two-Mode Portable Atmospheric Pressure Air

Plasma Jet Device for Biomedical Applications
Nan Xu, Xinglei Cui, Zhi Fang , Senior Member, IEEE, Yaowei Shi, and Ruoyu Zhou

Abstract— In this paper, a low-cost and portable plasma device The use of atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma for ster-
is developed to generate atmospheric pressure nonthermal air ilization, disinfection, blood coagulation, wound healing, etc.,
plasma jet for safe and effective biomedical applications. The has been investigated and obtained some achievements by sev-
device mainly consists of a pen electrode, a high-frequency ac
power supply, an ac/dc module, and a dc air pump, and it eral groups, and some novel atmospheric pressure nonthermal
totally costs only U.S. $63 and has a small size of 280 mm × plasma devices which employ various types of gas discharge
190 mm × 180 mm. The appearance of two-mode discharge have also been developed [5], [14]–[16]. Chang and Chen [17]
of half-wave and full-wave breakdown with the changing of reported a novel low-temperature atmospheric pressure device
applied voltage is identified, and the length of the plasma jet is based on dielectric barrier discharge and used it to inacti-
optimized through studying on the influences of distance between
two electrodes, gas flow rates, and hole diameters of the gas vate oral bacteria. Fridman et al. [18] developed a floating-
outflow in ground electrode. Stronger plasma with a longer jet electrode dielectric barrier discharge which can be touched
length of 12 mm can be obtained in the full-wave breakdown safely by human body and used it for blood coagulation and
discharge mode, while moderate plasma with a length of 8 mm living tissue sterilization. Chakravarthy et al. [19] reported a
can be obtained in the half-wave breakdown discharge mode. cold spark discharge atmospheric pressure plasma device, and
The discharge characteristics of the device such as the main
generated active particle, voltage and current, discharge power, they used it to suppress the progress of inflammatory bowel
and operation temperature are obtained. It is shown that rich disease. Weltmann et al. [20] reported a handheld atmospheric
active species for biomedical application can be generated at low pressure plasma jet device for medical therapy applications.
power of approximate 2 W and low operation temperature of Kang et al. [21] reported a portable microwave air plasma
approximate 40 °C. The developed device is tested for biomedical device for wound healing. Pei et al. [22] reported a room
application, and the results of effective sterilization of C. albicans
and blood coagulation are obtained. temperature, battery-operated, and handheld air plasma jet
device, and applied it to effectively inactivate multilayered
Index Terms— Coagulation, nonthermal plasma, plasma appli- E. faecalis biofilms. Wu et al. [23] reported a touchable
cation, plasma medicine, sterilization.
pulsed air plasma plume device and used it to kill E. faecalis
effectively. Up to now, several devices based on various kinds
I. I NTRODUCTION of discharge, driving power supply, and working gases have

I N THE field of biomedicine, most of the conventional

treatment techniques, such as high-temperature steriliza-
tion, chemical coagulation, and disinfection, can achieve good
been successfully tested for biomedical applications, while it
is of great interesting and important to develop a portable
nonthermal plasma device with low cost and miniaturization,
results, but they also have some limitations, for instance, which can also treat biomedical targets safely with flexibility.
long treatment time, chemical leftover, and second pollu- In this paper, a low-cost and portable plasma device is
tion [1]–[3]. In the past decade, atmospheric pressure non- developed to generate atmospheric pressure nonthermal air
thermal plasma has caught much attention as a novel and safe plasma jet for biomedical applications. The appearance of two-
tool for biomedical treatment applications to overcome the lim- mode discharge of half-wave and full-wave breakdown with
itations of the conventional treatment methods [4]–[7]. It can the changing of applied voltage is identified, and the length of
treat the biomedical targets efficiently at room temperature the plasma jet is optimized through studying on the influences
by using the generated active species, without causing treated of several key parameters. The discharge characteristics of
substrate damage, chemical leftover, and pollution, especially the device such as the main generated active species, voltage
suitable for sterilization and coagulation applications [8]–[13]. and current, discharge power, and operation temperature are
obtained, and sterilization of C. albicans and blood coagula-
Manuscript received July 13, 2017; revised January 25, 2018; accepted
February 17, 2018. Date of publication March 8, 2018; date of current version tion using the developed device are carried out to verify its
April 10, 2018. This work was supported by the National Natural Science performance.
Foundation of China under Grant 51377075. The review of this paper was
arranged by Senior Editor S. J. Gitomer. (Corresponding author: Zhi Fang.)
The authors are with the College of Electrical Engineering and Con- II. A IR J ET D EVICE
trol Science, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 210009, China (e-mail:
[email protected]). Fig. 1 shows the schematic and photographs of the device.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. The air plasma jet device is mainly composed of four parts:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2018.2810142 a high-frequency ac power supply (Dengwang Inc., HV-30),
0093-3813 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Schematic and photographs of the device. (a) Schematic and the experimental setup. (b) Photograph of the air jet touched by a finger. (c) Photograph
of inside accessories of the device. (d) Photograph of the total device.

a pen electrode, an ac/dc module (Philips, ADPC1936), and a the total weight of the device is less than 2 kg. The device
dc air pump (Jinan Inc., TMJ-3601), as shown in Fig. 1(a). The is also low cost, and its total cost is only U.S. $63 (with the
high-frequency ac power supply has a peak adjustable voltage high-frequency ac power supply of U.S. $18, dc air pump of
value from 0 to 2 kV and frequency of 40 kHz, and its output U.S. $7, pen electrode of U.S. $7, ac/dc module of U.S. $4,
is connected to the pen electrode directly. The pen electrode shell box of U.S. $17, machine and other small accessories
consists of a stainless steel needle (diameter: 1 mm and length: of U.S. $10).
65 mm) as high-voltage electrode and a coaxial cylinder
ground electrode (diameter: 4 mm and height: 4 mm) with III. C HARACTERISTICS AND O PTIMUM OF THE A IR J ET
one end of it being sealed and centrally perforated with a hole. The characteristics of the air jet such as its plasma
The grounded electrode is made of brass with cone shaped length, discharge power, generated active species, and oper-
inside facing the tip of the needle high-voltage electrode to ation temperature are important parameters which reflect
produce uneven electric field for generating plasma easily its performance and also determine the result treatment
at lower applied voltage. A polytetrafluoroethylene tube is effects [24]–[26]. For the air jet, they can be mainly influ-
inserted between the high-voltage electrode and the grounded enced and determined by the applied voltage, air flow rate,
electrode to fasten and insulate them, and two air flow ways are the distance between two electrodes and the hole diameter of
drilled on it to let the air flow through them. The breakdown the gas outflow in ground electrode, and the experiments are
is generated between the tip of the high-voltage electrode and carried out to investigate the influence of these parameters
the inside of the ground electrode, and is flown into ambient on the discharge characteristics, and thus to optimize the
atmosphere to form air jet through the hole in the ground operation parameters of the device. Detailed experimental
electrode. The generated plasma jet can be touched safely by setups are given in Fig. 1(a), and various used parameters are:
human body, as shown in Fig. 1(b). The air flow is provided the distance between two electrodes (1–6 mm), applied peak
by a microair dc pump which is powered by an ac/dc power voltage (0–2 kV), gas flow rates (3–10 slm), and hole diameter
module. A relay is used to control the switch of the high- of the gas outflow (4 and 6–10 mm). The current and voltage
frequency ac power supply and the ac/dc power module. waveforms are recorded by a digital oscilloscope (TDS-3054,
The device is a compact and portable one, as shown bandwidth: 500 MHz and sampling frequency: 5 GHz), and
in Fig. 1(c) and (d). All the part is put into a shell with a size they are measured with a current coil (Pearson 4100) and
of 280 mm × 190 mm × 180 mm, leaving the pen electrode a high-voltage probe (Tek P6015), respectively. The plasma
out of it and connected through a pluggable interface, and jet length is determined from the discharge images which

are captured by a digital camera (Canon 6-D) from the

side of the plasma plume. The broadband optical emission
spectra (from 200 to 1100 nm) of the discharge are mea-
sured by an optical spectrometer (Ocean Optics HR4000CG,
resolution: 0.75 nm). The temperature of the pen electrode
is measured with an infrared temperature instrument (Victor
303B, emissivity: 0.95).
The influence of applied voltage on the discharge charac-
teristics is investigated by changing the voltage amplitude,
and the distance between two electrodes is 5 mm, the air
flow rate is 5 slm, and the hole diameter is 0.8 mm. The
discharge occurs when the applied voltage between the two
electrodes reaches breakdown voltage value, and it is ejected
out of the pen electrode through the hole and forms plasma jet
in atmospheric pressure air by the gas flow. Typical voltage–
current waveform and photograph of the two discharge modes
are shown in Fig. 2. When the peak applied voltage between
two electrodes is up to 1 kV or slight higher, the discharge
is in half-wave breakdown discharge mode. In this case, the
discharge only occurs once in the negative half cycle, while no
breakdown is observed in the positive half cycle. The discharge
current pluses appear once in each negative half cycle of the
applied voltage, and obvious distortion in the negative half Fig. 2. Voltage and current waveforms and discharge photographs of
cycle voltage waveform is observed during the breakdown, the (a) half-wave breakdown discharge mode and (b) full-wave breakdown
as shown in Fig. 2(a). The peak value of the discharge current discharge mode.
is 0.06 A, and the length of the jet is found to be 8 mm.
Further increases the applied voltage to certain value (1.5 kV), of the device are operating in low power. In summary, with
the discharge transits to full-wave breakdown discharge mode. the increase of the applied voltage, two discharge modes are
In this case, the discharge occurs twice and the discharge observed. Stronger plasma with higher discharge power and
current pluses appear both in the positive and in the negative longer jet length can be obtained in full-wave breakdown
half cycles of applied voltage. The voltage waveform is found discharge mode at higher applied voltage, while plasma with
to distort in each half cycle of the applied voltage, and the moderate discharge power and shorter jet length can be
peak voltage decreases to 1.25 kV during breakdown, as shown obtained in the half-wave breakdown discharge mode at lower
in Fig. 2(b). For this mode, the peak value of the discharge applied voltage. The reported two modes offer good options
current is increased to 0.15 A, and the length of the jet is for intense or moderate atmospheric pressure economic air
increased to 12 mm. jet plasma sources, which have great potential for biomedical
The two discharge modes are depended on the amplitude applications and materials processing.
of the applied voltage. At a lower applied voltage, the half- The length of the plasma jet is an important parameter
wave mode occurs with only one breakdown in negative which can influence its treatment effect. It is found during
circle. At a higher applied voltage, the full-wave mode occurs our experiments that the length of the plasma jet shows nearly
with breakdowns in both positive and negative half cycles. no change with the increasing of applied voltage both for the
It is because the asymmetry electrode configuration results in half-wave breakdown discharge mode and for the full-wave
an uneven electric field. The ionization by corona discharge breakdown discharge mode, while it can be largely influenced
occurs in negative circle of the applied voltage first, due to by the air flow rate, the distance between two electrodes and
the lower ignition voltage of the negative corona compared the hole diameter. So the influences of these three parameters
with that of the positive corona [27]. With the gas flow blows on the length of the plasma jet are investigated when the
the positive ions near the tip of the high-voltage electrode peak applied voltage is fixed at 1.5 kV, and variations of the
to the ground electrode, the electric field is disturbed and jet length and photograph with these parameters are shown
the microdischarge occurs, which also results in the distortion in Fig. 3. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the jet length increases
of the voltage waveform in conjunction with current pulses, first with the increasing of these three parameters, and then
as shown in Fig. 2(a). With further increase of the applied reaches its maximum value at certain values of these three
voltage, the ionization also occurs in positive circle of the parameters, respectively. The maximum length of the jet is
applied voltage, resulting in breakdowns in both positive and 12 mm, which is obtained at a gas flow rate of 5 slm, hole
negative half cycles. The discharge power can be obtained diameter of 0.8 mm, and the distance between two electrodes
from the measured voltage and current data by integrating of of 5 mm.
the voltage and current product [28], and they are 1.78 and Optical emission spectroscopy is used to identify various
2.13 W for the half-wave and full-wave breakdown discharge plasma species generated in two modes of the air jet. The
modes, respectively. So both the two modes of the discharge spectra are detected at the side of the ejected plasma jet, and

Fig. 3. Variation of the jet length and photographs with (a) different distances between electrodes (gas flow rate of 5 slm and hole diameter of 0.7 mm),
(b) gas flow rates (distance between electrodes of 5 mm and hole diameter of 0.7 mm), and (c) hole diameters (gas flow rate of 5 slm and distance between
electrodes of 5 mm).

the optical fiber is located at the position of 5 mm of the

plasma jet. Fig. 4 shows the emission spectra observed in two
discharge modes. The operation conditions of Fig. 4(a) and (b)
correspond to those in Fig. 2(a) and (b), respectively. Vari-
ous chemical species covering a wide range of wavelengths
of 300–850 nm can be identified. Intensive N2 second
(C3u –B3g ) positive systems are found in the spectral region
of 310–390 nm [29]. N+ 2 + 2 +
2 (B u –X g ) can be found
in 391.3 and 427.4 nm [30]. In the 306–310-nm region,
spectral line from OH (308 nm) is identified [29]. Apart
from the previously mentioned lines, spectral lines from
oxygen radicals (777 and 844 nm), ionized nitrogen mole-
cules (390–480 nm), and atomic nitrogen (747, 822, and
868 nm) can also be identified [31]–[34]. Previous studies
reported that these highly reactive species are effective agents
in application of the jet plasma such as in sterilization, disin-
fection, and coagulation [17], [21], [35], [36]. It is also noted
in Fig. 4 that the overall spectrum is very similar for both dis-
charge modes, but emission intensities of these species for the
full-wave breakdown discharge mode are stronger than those
of the half-wave breakdown discharge mode. The optical inten-
sity of the nitrogen (337.1 nm) for the full-wave breakdown
discharge mode is found to approximately 1.5 times larger
than that of the half-wave breakdown discharge mode, and
the O emission (844 nm) lines is 2.8 times larger. The optical Fig. 4. Optical emission spectra of air plasma jet in (a) half-wave breakdown
emission intensity can be employed as an indirect indication discharge mode and (b) full-wave breakdown discharge mode.
of reactive species, and hence the chemistry of the plasma,
so the results suggest that the jet in the full-wave breakdown instrument at the position M (see Fig. 5) which is 10 mm away
discharge mode can produce intense plasma with rich species. from the hole. It can be seen that the temperature increases
For the biomedical applications of air plasma jet, the oper- with the increasing of operation times, and then reaches its
ating temperature of the plasma is an important factor must saturation values both for the half-wave breakdown discharge
be considered, because excessive temperature will damage the mode and for the full-wave breakdown discharge mode. For
treatment targets. It is difficult to measure the temperature of the half-wave breakdown discharge mode, the temperature
the plasma jet directly. For the electrode arrangement in this reaches stable state at operation time of 600 s, and the
paper, the discharge occurs between the two electrodes, and maximum temperature is 37 °C; for the full-wave breakdown
the generated heat is diffused through the outer metal ground discharge mode, the temperature reaches stable state at
electrode into the air, so the gas temperature of plasma and operation time of 400 s, and the maximum temperature is
processing temperature can be estimated by the measuring 41 °C. The low operation temperature of the device facilitates
the temperature of the metal ground electrode. Fig. 5 shows its application for treating the heat sensitive substrates.
the variations of ground electrode temperature with the In summary, with the increase of the applied voltage, two
operation time of the plasma both for half-wave and full-wave discharge modes are observed. Stronger plasma with higher
breakdown discharge modes, and the operation conditions discharge power, higher active species density and longer
of Fig. 5 corresponds to those in Fig. 2, respectively. jet length can be obtained in full-wave breakdown discharge
The temperature is sampled using the infrared temperature mode at higher applied voltage, while plasma with moderate

Fig. 5. Variation of the temperature of ground electrode with the operation


discharge power, moderate species density and shorter jet Fig. 6. Photographs of the four groups of samples. (a) Control group A
length can be obtained in the half-wave breakdown discharge without plasma treatment. (b) Group B acted by air flow only. (c) Group C
mode at lower applied voltage. The reported two modes offer treated in the half-wave breakdown discharge mode. (d) Group D treated in
the full-wave breakdown discharge mode.
good options for intense or moderate atmospheric pressure
economic air plasma jet sources, which have great potential
for biomedical applications. For example, the air jet operated
in half-wave breakdown discharge mode can be used for the
coagulation of small wounds, inactivation of bacteria that
is easy to be killed, treatment of living tissues for longer
time without heat damage etc. While the air jet operated
in full-wave breakdown discharge mode can be used for
coagulation of relatively big wounds, inactivation of bacteria
that is difficult to be killed, rapid processing with high intensity


In order to verify the performance of the device for bio-
medical applications, and the using of it for blood coagulation
and sterilization are investigated. For the blood coagulation Fig. 7. Variation of the viable counting of the biofilms with treatment times.
experiments, four groups (A, B, C and D) of blood samples
each with a volume of 2 mL are prepared and used. The on the surface for both the two modes discharge. Previous
blood samples are drawn from a healthy donor and placed study [18] indicated that the direct contact nonthermal plasma
immediately in disposable plastic medical cups with a capacity treatment increased the concentration of calcium ions, which
of 15 mL each, and the coagulating process is observed and was beneficial for the blood coagulation. Direct conversion of
recorded with a digital camera. The processing procedures for fibrinogen into fibrin was also reported as one mechanism of
the four groups of samples are: the sample in group A are blood coagulation by nonthermal plasma treatment [37]. In this
exposed to ambient air to coagulate on its own for various paper, the coagulation process treated in full-wave breakdown
times without plasma treatment; for the samples in group B, discharge mode is faster than that in the half-wave breakdown
the high-frequency ac power supply is turned OFF and the dc discharge mode.
air pump is turned ON, in this case, the blood are only exposed C. albicans of viability is used to investigate the sterilization
to the action of the air flow without discharge; the samples performance of the device. 72-h old biofilms are prepared
in groups C and D are treated by device in the half-wave and exposed to air plasma jet for various time intervals, and
and full-wave breakdown discharge modes for various times, the number of surviving cells is analyzed by colony-forming
respectively. For the treatment of samples in groups B, C, and units (CFU) counting and dead fluorescent staining. For the
D, the pen electrode is fixed vertically above the samples, and treatment, the air jet in the full-wave breakdown discharge
distance between the sample surface and the out surface of the mode is used, and the distance between the sample surface
ground electrode is set to be 6 mm. The photographs of the and the out surface of the ground electrode is set to be 6 mm
four group samples are shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen from during the treatments. Fig. 7 shows the variations of the viable
Fig. 6(a) and (b) that no obvious coagulation happens within counting of the biofilms with treatment times, and Fig. 8 shows
2 min, suggesting that the air flow has no effect on coagulation. the dead fluorescent staining of C. albicans biofilm exposed
As shown in Fig. 6(c) and (d), the same blood treated with to plasma for various times. It can be seen in Fig. 7 that C.
the air jet for 30 s exhibits an immediate clot layer formation albicans presents a significant drop of viability after 20–55 s

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plasma jet generated with a floating electrode at atmospheric pressure,” Zhi Fang (M’10–SM’15) was born in Heilongjiang,
Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 93, no. 1, p. 011503, 2008. China. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees
[33] X. J. Huang, Y. Xin, L. Yang, Q. H. Yuan, and Z. Y. Ning, “Spectro- in electrical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong Uni-
scopic study on rotational and vibrational temperature of N2 and N+ 2
versity, Xi’an, China, in 1999, 2002 and 2005,
in dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma,” Phys. Plasmas, vol. 15, respectively.
no. 11, p. 113504, 2008. He was a Visiting Scholar with the A J Drexel
[34] X. Tu, B. G. Chéron, J. H. Yan, and K. F. Cen, “Electrical and Plasma Institute, Drexel University, Philadelphia,
spectroscopic diagnostic of an atmospheric double arc argon plasma PA, USA, from 2011 to 2012. He is currently a Pro-
jet,” Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., vol. 16, no. 42, pp. 803–812, 2007. fessor with Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, China.
[35] X. Tu, B. Verheyde, S. Corthals, S. Paulussen, and B. F. Sels, “Effect His current research interests include atmospheric
of packing solid material on characteristics of helium dielectric barrier pressure gas discharge plasmas, high-voltage insula-
discharge at atmospheric pressure,” Phys. Plasmas, vol. 18, no. 8, tion, and the applications of atmospheric pressure plasma for materials surface
p. 080702, 2011. processing.
[36] Q. S. Yu, C. Huang, F.-H. Hsieh, H. Huff, and Y. Duan, “Sterilization Dr. Fang is a member of the Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society
effects of atmospheric cold plasma brush,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 88, of the IEEE and the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering.
no. 1, p. 013903, 2006.
[37] S. U. Kalghatgi et al., “Mechanism of blood coagulation by nonthermal
atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge plasma,” IEEE Trans.
Plasma Sci., vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1559–1566, Oct. 2007.
Yaowei Shi was born in Jiangsu, China, in 1993.
He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineer-
ing from Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, China,
in 2016, where he is currently pursuing the M.S.
His current research interests include the discharge
characteristics of atmospheric pressure plasma jet
and its applications.

Nan Xu was born in Jiangsu, China, in 1993. Ruoyu Zhou was born in Jiangsu, China, in 1994.
She received the B.S. degree in electrical engineer- He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineer-
ing from Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng, ing from Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, China,
China, in 2016. She is currently pursuing the in 2016, where he is currently pursuing the M.S.
M.S. degree with Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, degree.
China. His current research interests include the discharge
Her current research interests include discharge characteristics of atmospheric pressure plasma jet
characteristics of atmospheric pressure plasma jet and its applications.
and its applications.

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