Characterisation of Flow Properties of Coal-Petcoke-Biomass Mixtures For Co-Firing

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A publication of


The Italian Association
VOL. 32, 2013 of Chemical Engineering
Online at:
Chief Editors: Sauro Pierucci, Jiří J. Klemeš
Copyright © 2013, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.,
ISBN 978-88-95608-23-5; ISSN 1974-9791

Characterisation of Flow Properties of

Coal-Petcoke-Biomass Mixtures for Co-firing
Diego Barlettaa, Antonio Diazb, Luigi Espositoa, Lucia Montenegrob,
Jose Maria Sanchezb, Massimo Polettoa
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Via Ponte Don Melillo, Fisciano (SA), Italy
CIEMAT, Combustion and Gasification Division, Avenida Complutense, 40, 28040 Madrid, Spain
[email protected]

Solid biomass is often mixed with coal for cofiring in power plants to reduce greenhouse gases emissions.
The resulting powder mixtures can give rise to handling and feeding problems due to the occurrence of
intermittent flow or blockage. In this paper the flow properties of mixtures of a coal-petcoke powder and
two types of biomass materials, dried olive husk (OH) and grape seed meal (GSM), were studied. The
most significant effects on the cohesive properties of some powder mixtures were found for low biomass
content mixtures due to their higher fraction of fine particles.

1. Introduction
Solid biomass is often mixed to traditional fuels like coal in co-combustion and co-gasification processes to
reduce the fossil carbon dioxide emissions (Ruppolo et al., 2011) . This choice allows the use of existing
plants without significant modifications in the energy conversion units if the proportion of biomass in the
coal does not exceed 10% on energy basis. However, the industrial practice reports difficulties in handling
and feeding this type of fuel mixtures due to the occurrence of irregular flow and stoppage. These
problems are due to the change of the fuel flow properties caused by the addition of biomass granular
solids. Handling and feeding issues can be affected also by these small concentrations of biomass.
Characterisation of these mixtures can avoid malfunctioning of ancillary equipments that risks to seriously
limit the reliability of the process and to cause uneconomical interruptions more often than in the thermal
conversion units of the same plant (Dai et al., 2008). Also the knowledge of the flow properties (Miccio et
al., 2009) and of the tendency to arching (Miccio et al., 2013) of biomass particulate solids alone is still
limited. The effect of the presence of biomass on the flow properties of the blend was assessed by Zulfiqar
et al. (2006) and by Khan et al. (2006) by using standard characterization instruments like shear testers. In
these studies it was proved that the Jenike shear cell and annular shear cells could be suitable for coal-
biomass mixtures with biomass blending ratios lower than 20% by weight. The effect of the addition of
biomass to a coal powder on flow properties cannot be predicted without direct characterisation of the
mixtures. In fact, Zulfiqar et al. (2006) reported that the addition of sawdust helps to reduce the strength of
coal while maintaining similar frictional properties. Instead the addition of woodchips to coal had no effect
on the unconfined yield strength but significantly impacted upon the frictional characteristics of mixture.
Khan et al. (2006) highlighted that the moisture content of a coal-biomass mixture resulting from the
moisture content of its components plays a significant role on the flowability of the blend, as it was
observed for powders in shear flows (Landi et al., 2011) and in aerated conditions (Landi et al., 2012).
Finally, also the particle size distribution of the mixtures has to be accounted for due to its effect on
cohesive properties (Bruni et al. 2007) and on its aggregative behaviour (Barletta and Poletto, 2013).
In this paper the flow properties of mixtures of a coal-petcoke powder and two types of biomass materials,
dried olive husk and grape seed meal, were studied. This work was carried out as part of a feasibility study
on co-gasification with biomass for the Entrained Flow Gasification in Integrated Gasification Combined
Cycle (IGCC) plants in the framework of the EU funded FECUNDUS project.

2. Experimental apparatus and materials

2.1 Experimental apparatus and procedures

The Schulze Ring Shear Tester (RST), that was previously proved to be a suitable technique for finely
ground biomass materials (Miccio et al., 2011), was used in the laboratories of the University of Salerno to
characterise the flow properties. The experimental procedure followed the international standard ASTM
D6773 (2008) also described in textbooks (Schulze, 2008) and in the scientific literature (Tomasetta et al.,
2011). Since the flow properties of powders and granular solids depend significantly on the consolidation
state, it was necessary to estimate the range of stress values relevant for fuels stored in silos and bunkers
of real co-gasification processes. The IGCC plant of ELCOGAS in Puertollano (Spain) was chosen as a
reference. Geometrical configurations and dimensions of all storage units along the process (ground
powder bunker, buffer vessels, lock hoppers, feed bins) after the grinding units were acquired from
ELCOGAS. Typical consolidation stresses were evaluated according to the Janssen methods of
differential slices for solid stresses in bin. As a result, the maximum consolidation stress, σ, at the bottom
of the bin could be estimated as σ = ρbgD, where ρb is the powder bulk density, g is the acceleration due to
gravity and D is the bin diameter. Lower consolidation stresses of a few kPa can be experienced by the
powder in the vicinity of the hopper outlet whose size can be of the order of 1 m. As a result, a
consolidation stress range between about 4 and 40 kPa was chosen for the characterization of powder
flow properties by means of shear tests. Therefore, shear cells of different size, named M and S, (internal
volume 940 and 200 cm ) were used in the RST to cover the selected wide range of consolidation stress.
2.2 Materials
The reference material was a mixture of Puertollano coal and petroleum coke (50% by weight), CP,
currently used as fuel feed in the IGCC plant of Elcogas. The biomass samples to be added to the coal-
petcoke mixture were olive husk, OH, and grape seed meal, GSM. This choice was based on the following
requirements: 12-15% initial moisture content; particle size before grinding less than 25 mm; heating value
and ultimate analysis close to that of fossil fuels; cost less than 100 €/t; biomass availability in large
quantities. Ternary mixtures formed by the original coal-petcoke fuel and increasing amounts (2, 4, 10 and
20% by weight) of one of the two biomass samples were prepared. In the industrial process all the fuel
streams are fed to a mill to reduce the particle size and then to a dryer to make the powder moisture
decrease. As a result, a similar procedure was followed in the laboratories to reproduce the industrial
mixture characteristics in terms of moisture and particle size distribution. In particular, the samples were
prepared by mixing the coarse coal-petcoke mixture with the coarse biomass sample. These samples
were first dried at 105°C for 24h and then ground with two passes in a jaw crusher Retsch BB51 (1100W)
in the CIEMAT laboratories to reproduce the fuel characteristics of the industrial process in terms of
moisture and particle size distribution.


Volume, %




1 10 100 1000
dp, μm

Figure 1: Cumulative particle size distribution by volume : , CP; , OH-2%; , OH-4%; , OH-10%; ,
OH-20%; , GSM-2%; , GSM-4%; , GSM-10%; , GSM-20%.

Table 1: Particle size distribution and moisture content of fuel mixtures

Coal Petcoke GSM OH dpS dp10 dp50 dp90 Xw

[wt%] [wt%] [wt%] [wt%] [µm] [µm] [µm] [µm] [wt%]
CP 50 50 0 0 12.9 4.8 66.7 322.4 1.7
OH-2% 49 49 0 2 10.8 3.8 51.3 280.3 1.7
OH-4% 48 48 0 4 12.1 4.4 63.0 313.0 1.8
OH-10% 45 45 0 10 12.4 4.6 58.8 294.9 1.5
OH-20% 40 40 0 20 13.4 5.1 61.8 297.8 1.8
GSM-2% 49 49 2 0 10.3 3.6 47.3 276.1 1.6
GSM-4% 48 48 4 0 10.7 3.8 48.0 280.0 1.5
GSM-10% 45 45 10 0 13.3 5.0 64.1 361.7 2.2
GSM-20% 40 40 20 0 13.7 5.2 64.8 378.6 2.2

Volumetric particle size distributions of the obtained powders were measured in water with Nonidet
dispersing agent by means of a Malvern Mastersizer 2000. Moisture weight fractions in the samples, XW,
were measured with an Ohaus gravimetric tester.

3. Results
The measured cumulative particle size distributions by volume are reported in Figure 1. The characteristic
size values derived from the distributions, namely the Sauter mean size, dpS, the 10th, 50th and 90th
percentile size, dp10, dp50, dp90, are reported in Table 1. Biomass addition by less than 5% causes a slight
decrease of the value of all the characteristic size due to larger generation of fines in the grinding process.
Conversely, the mixtures with 10% and 20% of GSM have dpS, dp10 and dp50 values closer to those of the
CP mixture while the dp90 value is larger due to the presence of coarser particles.
The shear tests gave very repeatable experimental points of the yield loci at different consolidation
stresses. The yield loci curves were regressed from experimental points by straight sections
approximation. Main flow properties at failure (cohesion, static angle of internal friction, effective angle of
internal friction, unconfined yield strength, bulk density) were derived from the yield loci by the Mohr
analysis. These properties are reported as a function of the major principal stress in Figures 2 to 6 for the
coal-petcoke mixture and for the ternary mixtures of coal-petcoke with olive husk and grape seed meal
(2%, 4%, 10% and 20% by weight).

c, kPa

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
σ1, kPa

Figure 2: Cohesion as a function of the major principal stress: , CP; , OH-2%; , OH-4%; , OH-10%;
, OH-20%; , GSM-2%; , GSM-4%; , GSM-10%; , GSM-20%.


φ, deg


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
σ1, kPa

Figure 3: Angle of internal friction as a function of the major principal stress: , CP; , OH-2%;
, OH-4%; , OH-10%; , OH-20%; , GSM-2%; , GSM-4%; , GSM-10%; , GSM-20%.


φe, deg


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
σ1, kPa

Figure 4: Effective angle of internal friction as a function of the major principal stress: , CP; , OH-2%;
, OH-4%; , OH-10%; , OH-20%; , GSM-2%; , GSM-4%; , GSM-10%; , GSM-20%.

In general, the addition of biomass to the original coal-petcoke powder has a different effect on flow
properties depending on the biomass weight content. In particular, low biomass concentration (2% and
4%) seems to affect more significantly the flow properties of the mixtures. Figure 2 reveals that the
cohesion, c, increases for mixtures with 2% and 4% of GSM and of OH with respect to the CP mixture,
while it is substantially unchanged for mixtures with 10% and 20% of GSM. In particular, the cohesion
increment for 2% and 4% biomass mixtures is more significant for increasing values of powder major
consolidation stress, σ1 (up to a 40% increase with respect to the CP mixture). Negligible differences
appear between the results of the mixtures with the two types of biomass for a given biomass content. The
plots of the static angle of internal friction, φ, (Figure 3) indicates that a low content (2% and 4%) of GSM
or OH is beneficial to decrease the internal friction of the powder. The mixtures with higher GSM content
do not exhibit significant changes of φ with respect to the CP mixture. Similarly, Figure 4 shows that the
effective angle of friction, φe, decreases for mixtures with 2% and 4% of biomass, while it is unchanged for

ffc=1 ffc=2 ffc=4
hardened very
8 cohesive cohesive

fc, kPa


free flowing

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
σ1, kPa

Figure 5: Unconfined yield strength as a function of the major principal stress: , CP; , OH-2%;
, OH-4%; , OH-10%; , OH-20%; , GSM-2%; , GSM-4%; , GSM-10%; , GSM-20%.


ρb, kg m-3




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
σ1, kPa

Figure 6: Bulk density as a function of the major principal stress: , CP; , OH-2%; , OH-4%;
, OH-10%; , OH-20%; , GSM-2%; , GSM-4%; , GSM-10%; , GSM-20%.

the 10% and 20% GSM mixtures. Flow functions (unconfined yield strength, fc, as a function of major
principal stress σ1) of all tested mixtures are reported in Figure 5. According to the flowability classification
proposed by Jenike (1964) in terms of flow factor, ffc, the coal-petcoke mixture and the ternary mixtures
10% and 20% GSM are easy flowing powders (4<ffc<10) with comparable values of fc. Differently, the
mixtures with 2% and 4% of either GSM or OH show higher fc. As a result, corresponding flow functions
lay in the region of the cohesive powders (2< ffc <4). This increase of the unconfined yield strength seems
to be due to the prevailing effect of the cohesion increase on the decrease of the static angle of internal
friction. This observation is further supported by the increasing difference between fc values of the ternary
mixtures and those of the CP binary mixture with increasing σ1. An increasing relative difference can be
observed also for the cohesion c with increasing σ1. Small variations of the average bulk density between
the mixtures (Figure 6) do not seem to be related to the change of flow properties. Neither the moisture
content Xw values reported in Table 1 can justify the different cohesive and frictional properties of the

mixtures. A possible cause for the increase of cohesive properties for the 2% and 4% biomass mixtures
can be found in their particle size distribution. In fact, the particle size distribution of the mentioned ternary
mixtures is characterised by finer particles with respect to the coal-petcoke powder and the ternary
mixtures with higher biomass content (10% and 20%). The decrease of friction for the low biomass content
mixtures could also be explained by a lubrication effect of the fine particles or by possible differences in
particle shape of coal, petcoke and biomass. In order to shed light on this point, SEM images were taken
for all the powders. However, inspection of the images did not reveal any significant difference.

4. Conclusions
The addition of small amount (2%-4%) of biomass particles to a coal-petcoke mixture before grinding
causes an increase of the volumetric content of fine particles. This change in the particle size distribution
results in a significant increase of the cohesion and of the unconfined yield strength of these powders in
spite of a slight decrease of the angle of internal friction. These results indicate that the discharge flow
regime (mass flow or funnel flow) in hoppers designed for the coal-petcoke mixture should remain
substantially unchanged when adding the tested biomass samples. Differently, higher unconfined yield
strength might more likely cause the occurrence of cohesive arching. Larger amounts of biomass particles
(10%-20%) do not determine significant changes of the particle size distribution and of the powder flow
properties with respect to the original coal-petcoke powder. Therefore, the flow behavior of these mixtures
should not negatively affect the reliability of the handling operations in the industrial process.

The research was funded by the European Commission - Research Fund for Coal & Steel (FECUNDUS
project grant agreement n. RFCR-CT-2010-00009). Dr. Pilar Coca Llano of Elcogas (Spain) is
acknowledged for providing the raw materials and information about industrial storage units.

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