Look How Much I Have Grown UK - Big Life Journal

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For many people, Spring is the season when the sun shines longer, plants

sprout up, and flowers bloom! Think about how much YOU have grown since
last Spring. What have you learned? What makes you special? What brings
you joy? Write these things down on the petals of this fun craft so you can see
your growth. Display it proudly!

How to Make It

Print pages 2 and 3. Cut out the flower

petals and center flower piece.

Glue the smaller flower petals on top of

the larger flower petals in the center
only. Glue the center piece. Attach the
flower to your stem by just placing a
small amount of glue in the center,
keeping petals free from glue.

Write down on each petal all the things

you know how to do and see that you
are growing each and every day! (You
can pinch the flower petals at the tip of
each one to create a 3D feel.)

© Big Life Journal | biglifejournal-uk.co.uk

Glue or tape
flower here

© Big Life Journal | biglifejournal-uk.co.uk

© Big Life Journal | biglifejournal-uk.co.uk

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With gratitude,
Big Life Journal team

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