STD VIII - Science Worksheet - Chapter 1 - Crop Production & Management - WS 05 - 080723

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Name : - ___________________ Roll No: -____Date: -______
Year : Topic : / Ch – 1 - Crop Worksheet No :- 05 Std : - VIII Sign &
Production & Management Revisional Test Div : - A Remarks
Q1. Study this arrangement of an experiment. The type of seeds and other conditions are identical for all the
three arrangements. What is the Variable whose effect is being studied in this experiment?

(a) Number of seeds (b) Amount of light

(c) Temperature (d) Amount of water

Q2. It is found that many insecticides used to kill insects, lose their effectiveness after some years. What could
be the cause of this?
(a) The insecticides are equally effective, such myths are spread by manufacturers so that they can sell
(b) The species targeted by the insecticides are destroyed, but new insects which are unaffected are
(c) The insects develop resistance to the insecticides which is passed on to successive generations.
(d) The atmosphere contains so much of the insecticide that humans start being poisoned by it.

Q3. What does the given figure signify?

(a) Life cycle of a plant (b) Jhum cultivation

(c) Crop rotation (d) Mixed cropping

Q4. Identify the given agricultural tool.

(a) Combine (b) Hoe

(c) Cultivator (d) Seed Drill

Q5. Which of the following is/are incorrect statement(s) regarding manure?

(i) Manure enhances the water holding capacity of the soil.
(ii) Manure is nutrient specific i.e. supply a particular desired nutrient.
(iii) Manure decreases the number of friendly microbes.
(iv) Manure improves the texture of the soil.
(v) Manure is prepared by the decomposition of dead plant and animal matter.

(a) (i), (iii) and (v) only (b) (v) only

(c) (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) only (d) (ii) and (iii) only

Q6. Take a beaker and fill half of it with water. Put some wheat seeds in it, stir it and wait for some time.
Which of the following holds true regarding the observation and inference of this experiment?
(a) Healthy seeds being lighter float on the surface of the water.
(b) Damaged seeds being lighter float on the surface of the water.
(c) Some healthy seeds and some damaged seeds float on the surface of the water.
(d) Damaged seeds being heavier settle down at the bottom.

Q7. The cutting and gathering of crop after it is matured is called ‘X’. After this, grains are seperated from the
crop by a process called ‘Y’. ‘Z’ is the process of sepearting the hay and chaff from the grains. Which of the
following statements is/are correct regarding ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’?
(a) ‘Z’ is done with the help of wind in which grains along with husk is allowed to fall from a height.
(b) ‘X’ is done mechanically by combine and manually by plough and harrow.
(c) ‘X’ is the process known as threshing whereas ‘Y’ is the process known as winnowing.
(d) both (a) and (b)

Q8. The crop that would require minimum quantity of urea for its growth is
(a) black gram (b) paddy
(c) sugarcane (d) groundnut

Q9. Rajesh was adding chemical fertilizers to his crops. He could add the following components to the soil using
chemical fertilizer except one. Which one is it?
(a) Nitrogen (b) Humus
(c) Potassium (d) Phosphorus

Q10. Buffer stock refers to

(a) the grains stocked for emergencies (b) the grains to be exported
(c) the grains having high nutritive value (d) the grains having low nutritive value

Q11. A few healthy gram seedlings are placed in each of the three pots ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ containing same type of
soil. The soil in pot ‘X’ is mixed with compost while soil of pot ‘Y’ is mixed with NPK and nothing additional is
mixed in the soil of pot ‘Z’. Pots are watered regularly and give proper environment for plant-growth. Did all
the plants in the pots grow at the same rate? Explain with suitable reason. (2 M)

Q12. A farmer wanted to test the effect of two different weedicides on wheat production. He sprayed each
weedicide on two different fields. No weedicide was sprayed on field 3. (1 M + 2 M)

What is weedicide and what can the farmer conclude from his above tests?


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