Analysing The Stability of Power System Network Using Matlab
Analysing The Stability of Power System Network Using Matlab
Analysing The Stability of Power System Network Using Matlab
Electrical Engineering
VISHANT KUMAR GUPTA Reg. No.: 20172076
MOHD. RAFEY TARAFDAR Reg. No.: 20172040
ABDUL MOIZ MOHAMMED Reg. No.: 20171061
JUNE 2021
We Vishant Kumar Gupta, Mohd. Rafey Tarafdar and Abdul Moiz
Mohammed declare that the work presented in this thesis titled “Power System Stability
Analysis using MATLAB”, submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, for the award of Bachelor
of Technology degree in Electrical Engineering, is our original work. We have not
submitted the same work for the award of any other degree. In case this undertaking is
found incorrect, we accept that my degree may be unconditionally withdrawn.
It is a great pleasure to express our sincere gratitude and profound regards to my
honorable thesis supervisor Dr. Nand Kishor, Electrical Engineering Department,
MNNIT Allahabad, for his constant encouragement, valuable guidance motivation,
support, advice, and supervision during the entire course of the work. His meticulous
guidance, constructive, and valuable suggestions, timely discussion and clarification of
my doubts increase my cognitive awareness and helped me for making a deeper analysis
of the subject under study. My association with him throughout the thesis activity was a
great process of learning.
Thank is also due to, Prof. Asheesh K. Singh, Head of Electrical Engineering
Department, MNNIT for providing facilities and advice needed to complete the work.
We also express my heartfelt gratitude to the Department of Electrical
Engineering MNNIT Allahabad for giving me this opportunity, which has enriched my
knowledge and experience immensely.
Last but not the least my head bows with reverence before Almighty GOD, who
has given me strength, wisdom and will to complete the work.
Dedicated to God
My Family
• In our project we aim to study the various types of stability- steady state
stability, transient state stability and their analysis using Newton Raphson
method using MATLAB.
• We have applied the Newton Raphson load flow method to a large power
system network and obtained the load flow solutions of the network using
• We have learnt the steps required to simulate a large power system network
by using Matpower and Matdyn.
• By the help of Matpower, we aim to simulate the three phase faults on the
power system on di↵erent buses or lines for the required time period and study
the e↵ect of the faults on the power flow in the power system network.
• We have compared the two conditions, one where the faults duration on the
system is less than the critical clearing time and another when the fault du-
ration on the system is greater than the critical clearing time. The result of
both the conditions are obtained.
Acknowledgments 2
Abstract 3
1 Introduction 1
5 Study on a Large Power System Network using Matlab 25
5.1 Introduction to Matpower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.2 Introduction to Matdyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.2.1 Running a simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.3 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.4 Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
8 Appendix 68
8.0.1 Formation of the Bus Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
8.0.2 Formation of the Generator Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
8.0.3 Formation of the Branch Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
8.0.4 Rundyn Output Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
8.0.5 Dynamic Data Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
9 Annexures 74
9.1 bus, branch, generators data of 16 bus system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
9.1.1 Generator Data of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
9.1.2 Branch Data of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
9.2 Dynamic Parameters of the 16 bus system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
9.2.1 Dynamic Generator Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
9.2.2 Exciter Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
9.2.3 Governor Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Chapter 1
that transition period, or growing oscillations may occur over a transmission line,
eventually leading to its tripping. These problems must be studied by the power
system engineer and fall under the heading ”power system stability”
Chapter 2
2.1 Stability
The tendency of a power system to develop restoring forces equal to or greater than
the disturbing forces to maintain the state of equilibrium is known as “STABILITY”.
The problem of interest is one where a power system operating under a steady
load condition is perturbed, causing the readjustment of the voltage angles of the
synchronous machines. If such an event disturbs the balance between the system
generation and load, it results in the establishment of a new steady-state operating
condition, with the subsequent adjustment of the voltage angles. The perturbation
could be a major disturbance such as the loss of a generator, a fault or the loss of
a line, or a combination of such events. It could also be a small load or random
load changes happening in normal operating conditions.Any modification to the
new operating condition is called the transient period. The system behavior during
this time is called the dynamic system performance, which is of concern in defining
system stability. The main criterion for stability is that the synchronous machines
maintain synchronism at the end of the transient period.
Then it can be said that if the oscillatory response of a power system during the
transient period following a disturbance is damped and the system settles down in a
finite time to the new steady operating condition, it can be said that the system is
stable. When the system is not stable, it is considered unstable. This basic definition
of stability requires that the system oscillations to be damped. This condition may
be sometimes known as asymptotic stability and refers that the system contains
inherent forces that tend to reduce oscillations. This is a desirable feature in many
systems and is considered important for power systems. The definition also leaves
out continuous oscillation from the family of stable systems. The reason is practical
since a regularly oscillating system is not desired for both the supplier and the
user of electric power. Hence the definition describes a practical specification for
an acceptable operating condition. The stability problem is concerned with the
response of the synchronous machines after a disturbance. For convenience of the
study, stability problems are generally divided into two major parts-steady state
stability and transient state stability.
2. Transient Stability
the steady state stability limit of a system refers to the maximum amount of power
that is permissible through the system without loss of its steady state stability.
d 2 ✓m
J = Ta = Tm Te
where J is the combined moment of inertia of prime mover and generator
d 2 ✓m d m
= !m +
dt dt
• Taking the second derivative of ✓m –
d 2 ✓m d2 m
dt2 dt2
• Substituting it into the law of rotation-
d2 m
J = Ta = Tm Te
• Multiplying !m to obtain the power equation
d2 m d2 m
J!m = M = !m Tm !m Te = Pm Pe
dt2 dt2
Where Pm and Pe are mechanical power and electromagnetic power.
d2 m
M = Pm Pe
• Relations between electrical power angle and mechanical power angle m and
electrical speed and mechanical speed.
= m, != !m , where P is pole number
2 2
• Swing equation in terms of electrical power angle
2 d2
M = Pm Pe
P dt2
2H d2 2H
= Pm(pu) Pe(pu) , where M =
!s dt2 !s
where H is the inertia constant
Chapter 3
The capability of power system to stay in the synchronism and come back to its
original state when it is subjected to small disturbances. This stability is not a↵ected
by any control e↵orts such as voltage regulators or governor.
H d2 dP
= Pm(pu) Pe(pu) = Pm Pmax sin Ps = | 0 = Pmax cos 0
⇡f0 dt2 d
• Introducing a small disturbance
H d2
+ Pm cos 0 =0
⇡f0 dt2
• Ps = Pmax cos 0 : the slope of the power-angle curve at 0, Ps is positive when
0o < < 90o
H d2
+ Ps =0
⇡f0 dt2
• Characteristic equation:
s2 = ( )Ps
rule 1: if PS is negative, one root is in RHP and system is unstable rule 2: if PS
is positive, two roots in the j! axis and motion is oscillatory and undamped,
system is marginally stable. The oscillatory frequency of the undamped system
Pd = D
• introduce the damping power into swing equation
• Characteristic equation:
H d2 d
+ D + Ps =0
⇡f0 dt2 dt
d2 d
+ 2⇣!n + !n2 =0
dt dt
• Analysis of characteristic equation
s2 + 2⇣!s + ! 2 = 0
• for damping coefficient
D ⇡f0
⇣= <1
2 HPs
• roots of characteristic equation
!d = !n (1 ⇣ 2 )1/2
• positive damping (1 > ⇣ > 0): s1,s2 have negative real part if Ps is positive,
this implies the response is bounded and system is stable
d2 d
+ 2⇣!n + !n2 =0
dt dt
• roots of swing equation are as follows
0 ⇣!n t ⇣!n t
=p e sin(!d t + ✓), = 0 +p e sin(!d t + ✓)
1 ⇣2 1 ⇣2
! !n
!= pn 0
e ⇣!n t
sin(!d t), ! = !0 + p
e ⇣!n t
sin(!d t)
1 ⇣2 1 ⇣2
• response time constant
1 2H
⌧= =
⇣!n ⇡f0 D
• settling time:
ts ⇠
= 4⌧
• relations between settling time and inertia constant H: increase in H will result
in longer ts , decrease in !n and ⇣.
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
Load flow studies is the solution of a network in steady state condition undergoing
certain inequality constraints under which the system is operating. These constraints
can be present in the form of load nodal voltages, reactive power of the generators,
the tap settings of a tap changing under load transformer etc.
The load flow solution provides the nodal voltages and phase angles and hence
the power injection at all the buses and power flows through interconnecting power
channels (transmission lines). Load flow solution is important for designing a new
power system network and for planning expansion of the existing one for increased
load demand. These analyses require the calculation of a large number of load flows
under both normal and abnormal (outage of transmission lines, or outage in some
generating source due to faults) operating conditions. Load flow solution also pro-
vides the initial states of the system when the transient behaviour of the system is
to be studied. Load flow solution for power network can be studied in the following
ways according as it is operating under (i) balanced, or (ii) unbalanced conditions.
A load flow solution of the power system is composed of mostly the following steps:
(i) Formulation or the network equations.
(ii) Suitable mathematical technique for solution of the equations.
4.2 Bus Classification
In a power system each bus or node is related with four quantities, real and reactive
powers, bus voltage magnitude and its phase angle. In a load flow solution two
out of the four quantities are specified and the remaining two are required to be
calculated through the solution of the equations. Depending upon which quantities
have been specified, the buses are divided in the following three categories:
1. Load Bus: At this bus the real and reactive components or power have been
mentioned. It is desired to find out the voltage magnitude and phase angle
through the load flow solution. It is required to specify only PD and QD at such
a bus as at a load bus voltage can be allowed to vary within the permissible
values e.g., 5%. Also phase angle of the voltage is not very important for the
3. Slack, Swing or Reference Bus In a power system there are mostly two
kinds of buses: load and generator buses. For these buses we are having
specified the real power Pi injections, which is assumed as positive for the
generator buses and negative for the load buses. Now adding up of power
injection at the buses is equal to the real power losses. The losses remain not
known till the solution is complete. It is bacause of this reason that generally
one of the generators buses is made to take the additional real and reactive
power to supply the transmission losses. That is why this type of bus are
specifies whereas real and reactive powers PG and QG are obtained through
the load flow solution. The phase angle of the voltage at the slack bus is
usually taken as the reference.
4.3 Newton Raphson Load Flow Analysis
The power flow problem can be solved by using Newton-Raphson method. In fact,
among the numerous solution methods available for power flow analysis, the Newton-
Raphson method is considered to be the most sophisticated and important. Many
advantages are attributed to the Newton-Raphson (N-R) approach.
Gauss-Seidel (G-S) is a simple iterative method of solving n number of load flow
equations by iterative method. It does not require partial derivatives. Newton-
Raphson method is based on Taylor’s series and partial derivatives.
The N-R method needs less number of iterations to reach the convergence, takes
less computer time hence computation cost is less and the convergence is certain.
The N-R method is more accurate, and is insensitive to factors like slack bus se-
lection, regulating transformers etc. and the number of iterations required in this
method is almost independent of the system size.
The drawbacks of this method are difficult solution technique, more calculations
involved in each iteration resulting in large computer time per iteration and the
large requirement of computer memory but the last drawback has been overcome
through a compact storage scheme.
Convergence can considerably be paced up by performing the first iteration
through the G-S method and using the values of voltages so obtained for starting
the N-R iterations. These voltages are used to calculate active power P at every bus
except the swing bus and reactive power Q wherever reactive power is mentioned.
The di↵erence between the specified and calculated values is used to calculate
the correction of bus voltages. The process of iteration is carried till the di↵erence
in the specified and calculated values of P, Q and V are within the allowed range.
Before explaining the application of N-R method to the power flow problems, it
is useful to review this method in its general form.
Let the unknown components be (x1 , x2 , x3 . . . , xn ) and the specified components
be (y1 , y2 , y3 , . . . , yn ).
These variables are related by the set of nonlinear equations:
y1 = f1 ((x1 , x2 , x3 . . . , xn )
y2 = f1 ((x1 , x2 , x3 . . . , xn )
y3 = f1 ((x1 , x2 , x3 . . . , xn )
yn = f1 ((x1 , x2 , x3 . . . , xn )
the zero subscript defining the zeroth iteration in the process of solving the above
nonlinear equation.
The important point is that the initial solution for the nonlinear equations should
not be di↵erent from the actual solution, otherwise, there are chances of the solution
diverging rather than converging and it may not be possible to have a solution
whatever the computer time taken.
At first glance it may seem to be a drawback for the N-R method but the problem
of initial guess for a power system is not at all difficult. A flat voltage profile, i.e.,
Vi = (1.0 + j 0) for i = 1, 2, 3 . . . n except the slack bus has been found to be
satisfactory for almost all practical systems.
Let x01 , x02 , x03 , . . . .. x0n be the corrections, which on being added to the
initial assumed values, give the actual solution.
y1 = f1 (x01 + x01 , x02 + x02 , x03 + x03 , +...., x0n + x0n ) (6.83)
Expanding these equations in Taylor’s series around the initial guess, we have –
Partial derivatives of second and higher order are neglected according to N-R
method. In fact it is this assumption that requires the initial solution to be close to
the final solution.
Linearizing all the equations and arranging them in matrix form, we have:
2 3
2 3 2 3 6 7
y1 f1 (x01 , x02 , x03 , ..., x0n ) @f1 @f1 @f1
... @f1 6 x02 7
@xn 6 7
6 7 6 @x 1 @x2 @x3
@f2 7 6 07
6 y2 f2 (x01 , x02 , x03 , ..., x0n ) 7 6 @f2 @f2 @f2
... x3 7
6 7 6 @x1 @x2 @x3 @xn 7 6
6 7
6 0 7 = 6 @f3 @f3 7 6
6 y3 0 0 0
f3 (x1 , x2 , x3 , ..., xn ) 7 6 @x1 @f3 @f3
... 7
@xn 7 6
... 77
6 7 6 @x2 @x3
6 7
6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 6 ... 7
4 5 4 ... ... ... ... 566
... 7
yn fn (x01 , x02 , x03 , ..., x0n ) @fn @fn @fn @fn
... @x 6 ... 7
@x1 @x2 @x3 n 4 5
In vector form above equation can be written as –
B = J.C . . . (6.86)
where J is the square matrix of the partial derivatives on the right hand side
and is known as Jacobian matrix. The solution of the equations needs calculation of
left hand vector B which is the di↵erence of the specified quantities and calculated
quantities at (x01 , x02 , x03 , ..., x0n ). Similarly J is calculated at this guess.
Solution of the matrix equation provides ( x01 , x02 , x03 , . . . .. x0n ) and the bet-
ter estimates of the solution are given by –
Repeating the process of iterations, with these values, we get yet better estimated
values. The ( x01 , x02 , x03 , . . . .. x0n ) becomes smaller and smaller with every itera-
tion and finally the iteration process is stopped when ( x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . . . . . . . .., xn )
are lesser than pre-specified values.
4.4 Power flow using Newton Rapshon Method
The steps for solving power flow problem by the N-R method have been mentioned
1. So, for the load buses where P and Q are given, we have made an assumuption
that the bus voltages magnitude and phase angle for all the buses except the
slack bus where V and are specified.Generally we have the flat voltage start,
i.e., we have set the assumed bus voltage magnitude and its phase angle (i.e.,
the real and imaginary components e and f of the bus voltages) equal to the
slack bus quantities.
2. Substituting this assumed bus voltages (i.e., e and f) in Eqs. (6.96) and (6.97),
we would calculate the real and reactive components of power, i.e., Pi and Qi
for all the buses i = 2, 3, 4, . . . , n except the slack bus (bus no. 1).
where, Vi = ei + jfi
and Yik = Gik jBik
after solving the load flow equations by substituting these values inside them,
we get:
Pi = ei (ei Gii + fi Bii ) + fi (fi Gii ei Bii ) + ei (ek Gik + fk Bik ) + fi (fk Gik ek Bik )
k=1, k6=i
Qi = fi (ei Gii + fi Bii ) ei (fi Gii ei Bii ) + fi (ek Gik + fk Bik ) ei (fk Gik ek Bik )
k=1, k6=i
3. Since Pi and Qi for any bus i is given, i.e., specified, the error in power will be
Qri = Qi specif ied Qri
4. Then the elements of Jacobian matrix (J1 , J2 , J3 andJ4 ) are determined with
the latest bus voltages and calculated power Eqs. (6.96) and (6.97).
5. After this the linear set of Eq. (6.98) is solved by iterative technique or by
the method of elimination (normally by Gaussian elimination method) to de-
termine the voltage correction, i.e., ei and fi at any bus i.
2 3 2 32 3
@P2 @P2 @P2 @P2 @P2 @P2
P2 @e2 @e3
.. @en @f2 @f3
.. @fn
6 7 6 @P 76 7
6 P3 7 6 3 @P3
.. @P3 @P3 @P3
.. @P376 e3 7
6 7 6 @e2 @e3 @en @f2 @f3 @fn76 7
6 7 6 76 7
6 | 7 6 | | | | | | 76 | 7
6 7 6 76 7
6 Pn 7 6 @P @Pn
.. @Pn @Pn @Pn
.. @P n76
en 7
6 7 6 @e2n @e3 @en @f2 @f3 @fn 7 6 7
6 7 = 6 @Q2 76 7
6 Q2 7 6 @Q2
.. @Q2 @Q2 @Q2 @Q2 7 6
.. @fn 7 6 f2 7
6 7 6 @e2 @e3 @en @f2 @f3 7
6 7 6 3 376 7
6 Q3 7 6 @Q @Q3
.. @Q3 @Q3 @Q3
.. @Q
@fn 7 6 f3 7
6 7 6 @e2 @e3 @en @f2 @f3 76 7
6 | 7 6 | 7 6 | 7
4 5 4 | | | | | 54 5
@Qn @Qn @Qn @Qn @Qn
Qn @e2 @e3
.. @en @f2 @f3
.. @Q
6. This value of voltage correction is used to determine the new estimate of bus
voltages as follows:
i = eri + eri
fir+1 = fir + fir
Where r is an iteration count.
i.e P < ✏ and Q<✏
where ✏ is a very small number.
2 3
M inimum M aximum
6 7
6V oltage M agnitude 0.936p.u. @ bus 31 1.060p.u. @ bus 46 7
6 7
6 7
6 V oltage Angle 19.38deg @ bus 31 0.00deg @ bus 1 7
6 7
6 P Losses (I 2 ⇤ R) 3.90M W @ line 1 15 7
4 5
Q Losses (I 2 ⇤ X) 19.96M V Ar @ line 1 15
Bus Data (Newton Raphson)
Bus Voltage Generation Load
# Mag(pu) Ang(deg) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr)
----- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 1.04 0.000* 478.66 128.85 55 17
2 1.01 -1.188 0 -0.75 3 88
3 0.985 -5.988 40 -0.9 41 21
4 0.981 -7.337 - - - -
5 0.976 -8.546 - - 13 4
6 0.98 -8.674 0 0.87 75 2
7 0.984 -7.601 - - - -
8 1.005 -4.478 450 62.1 150 22
9 0.98 -9.585 0 2.29 121 26
10 0.986 -11.45 - - 5 2
11 0.974 -10.193 - - - -
12 1.015 -10.471 310 128.63 377 24
13 0.979 -9.804 - - 18 2.3
14 0.97 -9.35 - - 10.5 5.3
15 0.988 -7.19 - - 22 5
16 1.013 -8.859 - - 43 3
17 1.017 -5.396 - - 42 8
18 1.001 -11.73 - - 27.2 9.8
19 0.97 -13.227 - - 3.3 0.6
20 0.964 -13.444 - - 2.3 1
21 1.008 -12.929 - - - -
22 1.01 -12.874 - - - -
23 1.008 -12.94 - - 6.3 2.1
24 0.999 -13.292 - - - -
25 0.983 -18.173 - - 6.3 3.2
26 0.959 -12.981 - - - -
27 0.982 -11.514 - - 9.3 0.5
28 0.997 -10.482 - - 4.6 2.3
29 1.01 -9.772 - - 17 2.6
30 0.963 -18.72 - - 3.6 1.8
31 0.936 -19.384 - - 5.8 2.9
32 0.95 -18.512 - - 1.6 0.8
33 0.948 -18.552 - - 3.8 1.9
34 0.959 -14.149 - - - -
35 0.966 -13.906 - - 6 3
36 0.976 -13.635 - - - -
37 0.985 -13.446 - - - -
38 1.013 -12.735 - - 14 7
39 0.983 -13.491 - - - -
40 0.973 -13.658 - - - -
41 0.996 -14.077 - - 6.3 3
42 0.967 -15.533 - - 7.1 4.4
43 1.01 -11.354 - - 2 1
44 1.017 -11.856 - - 12 1.8
45 1.036 -9.27 - - - -
46 1.06 -11.116 - - - -
47 1.033 -12.512 - - 29.7 11.6
48 1.027 -12.611 - - - -
49 1.036 -12.936 - - 18 8.5
50 1.023 -13.413 - - 21 10.5
51 1.052 -12.533 - - 18 5.3
52 0.98 -11.498 - - 4.9 2.2
53 0.971 -12.253 - - 20 10
54 0.996 -11.71 - - 4.1 1.4
55 1.031 -10.801 - - 6.8 3.4
56 0.968 -16.065 - - 7.6 2.2
57 0.965 -16.584 - - 6.7 2
Total: 1278.66 321.08 1250.8 336.4
Branch Data (Newton Raphson)
Branch From To From Bus Injection To Bus Injection Loss I^2*Z
# Bus Bus P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr)
1 1 2 102.09 75 -100.77 -84.12 1.315 4.44
2 2 3 97.77 -4.64 -94.98 4.46 2.793 7.97
3 3 4 60.21 -8.18 -59.79 5.89 0.423 1.38
4 4 5 13.8 -4.43 -13.67 2.24 0.13 0.28
5 4 6 14.16 -5.09 -14.06 2.08 0.095 0.33
6 6 7 -17.78 -1.71 17.84 -0.62 0.066 0.34
7 6 8 -42.5 -6.56 43.15 5.22 0.644 3.29
8 8 9 178.03 19.83 -174.87 -9.12 3.157 16.1
9 9 10 17.17 -9.23 -17.04 5.58 0.133 0.6
10 9 11 12.9 2.07 -12.86 -3.99 0.047 0.16
11 9 12 2.55 -15.85 -2.45 8.64 0.104 0.47
12 9 13 2.32 -1.96 -2.31 -1.93 0.003 0.01
13 13 14 -10.35 22.34 10.44 -23.1 0.087 0.29
14 13 15 -48.89 4.89 49.57 -4.91 0.681 2.2
15 1 15 148.99 33.79 -145.08 -23.99 3.905 19.96
16 1 16 79.25 -0.87 -76.61 7.08 2.638 11.97
17 1 17 93.34 3.94 -91.42 1.77 1.924 8.73
18 3 15 33.77 -18.19 -33.54 13.65 0.231 0.75
19 4 18 13.96 2.44 -13.96 -1.35 0 1.09
20 4 18 17.87 1.19 -17.87 0.18 0 1.37
21 5 6 0.67 -6.24 -0.66 5.07 0.01 0.02
22 7 8 -77.94 -12.41 78.83 15.05 0.89 4.56
23 10 12 -17.6 -20.09 17.79 17.65 0.186 0.85
24 11 13 -9.93 -4.39 9.95 2.68 0.026 0.09
25 12 13 -0.49 60.35 1.18 -64.09 0.696 2.27
26 12 16 -33.4 8.82 33.61 -10.08 0.212 0.96
27 12 17 -48.46 9.17 49.42 -9.77 0.957 4.32
28 14 15 -68.84 -9.6 69.71 10.98 0.875 2.8
29 18 19 4.63 1.39 -4.53 -1.23 0.108 0.16
30 19 20 1.23 0.63 -1.22 -0.62 0.006 0.01
31 21 20 1.08 0.39 -1.08 -0.38 0 0.01
32 21 22 -1.08 -0.39 1.08 0.4 0.001 0
33 22 23 9.65 3.11 -9.64 -3.1 0.01 0.02
34 23 24 3.34 1 -3.32 -1.81 0.022 0.03
35 24 25 7.07 1.71 -7.07 -1.09 0 0.63
36 24 25 6.79 1.65 -6.79 -1.05 0 0.6
37 24 26 -10.54 -1.55 10.54 1.61 0 0.06
38 26 27 -10.54 -1.61 10.74 1.93 0.204 0.31
39 27 28 -20.04 -2.43 20.3 2.83 0.261 0.4
40 28 29 -24.9 -5.13 25.17 5.51 0.272 0.38
41 7 29 60.09 13.03 -60.09 -10.66 0 2.36
42 25 30 7.56 4.63 -7.45 -4.46 0.11 0.16
43 30 31 3.85 2.66 -3.77 -2.55 0.077 0.12
44 31 32 -2.03 -0.35 2.05 0.39 0.025 0.04
45 32 33 3.81 1.91 -3.8 -1.9 0.008 0.01
46 34 32 7.46 3.79 -7.46 -3.1 0 0.69
47 34 35 -7.46 -3.79 7.5 3.55 0.039 0.06
48 35 36 -13.5 -6.55 13.6 6.53 0.103 0.13
49 36 37 -17.07 -10.61 17.19 10.77 0.123 0.16
50 37 38 -21.05 -13.7 21.47 14.15 0.422 0.65
51 37 39 3.86 2.93 -3.85 -2.92 0.006 0.01
52 36 40 3.46 4.09 -3.46 -4.07 0.009 0.01
53 22 38 -10.73 -3.51 10.76 3.54 0.024 0.04
54 11 41 9.19 3.53 -9.19 -2.83 0 0.7
55 41 42 8.88 3.27 -8.69 -2.95 0.187 0.32
56 41 43 -11.59 -2.95 11.59 3.55 0 0.59
57 38 44 -24.35 5.23 24.52 -5.08 0.175 0.35
58 15 45 37.33 -0.73 -37.33 2.09 0 1.36
59 14 46 47.89 27.4 -47.89 -25.47 0 1.93
60 46 47 47.89 25.47 -47.29 -24.03 0.604 1.79
61 47 48 17.59 12.43 -17.51 -12.33 0.079 0.1
62 48 49 0.08 -7.38 -0.04 6.93 0.04 0.06
63 49 50 9.66 4.43 -9.58 -4.3 0.084 0.13
64 50 51 -11.42 -6.2 11.64 6.56 0.224 0.35
65 10 51 29.64 12.51 -29.64 -11.86 0 0.66
66 13 49 32.43 33.8 -32.43 -30.3 0 3.5
67 29 52 17.92 2.55 -17.45 -1.95 0.463 0.6
68 52 53 12.55 -0.25 -12.43 0.41 0.125 0.16
69 53 54 -7.57 -4.47 7.72 4.66 0.154 0.19
70 54 55 -11.82 -6.06 12.13 6.46 0.308 0.4
71 11 43 13.59 4.85 -13.59 -4.55 0 0.31
72 44 45 -36.52 3.28 37.33 -2.09 0.812 1.62
73 40 56 3.46 4.07 -3.46 -3.74 0 0.33
74 56 41 -5.43 0.66 5.61 -0.49 0.176 0.18
75 56 42 -1.58 1.46 1.59 -1.45 0.01 0.02
76 39 57 3.85 2.92 -3.85 -2.61 0 0.31
77 57 56 -2.85 0.61 2.86 -0.58 0.016 0.02
78 38 49 -4.66 -10.53 4.8 10.44 0.145 0.22
79 38 48 -17.22 -19.39 17.43 19.71 0.205 0.32
80 9 55 18.93 10.38 -18.93 -9.86 0 0.52
Total: 27.864 121.67
Here, we can derive the following conclusions:
Total Real power generation = 1278.66 MW
Total real power consumed = 1250.8 MW
Total Losses = 27.86 MW
Chapter 5
We can model the generators, buses and the branches connecting those buses in
the power system network and perform required analysis on them by the help of
in-built tools and operations of the Matpower. The various parameters needed to
model various components can be seen in the Appendix section of the report.
5.2 Introduction to Matdyn
MatDyn is a free Matlab based open source program to perform dynamic analysis
of electric power systems. It is inspired by MATPOWER, a power flow and opti-
mal power flow program in Matlab and shares its philosophy. It is intended as a
simulation tool for researchers and educators that is easy to use and modify.
1. Power Flow Data: MatDyn uses the MATPOWER format for the power
flow data. Here, we can input any case file upon which the analysis has to be
2. Dynamic Data: The dynamic data consist of general data, generator data,
exciter data, and governor data. The m-file returns the matrices gen, exc, gov
and the scalars freq, stepsize and stoptime.
The general consists of frequency of the system, the step size used, and the
stop time for the simulation.
The generator, governor and exciter data are specified and can be referred
from the manual.
3. Event Data: The event data file defines three matrices: event, buschange,
and linechange. Alternatively, a struct can be used as input argument. It has
to be defined as follows:
EVFUN = struct( ’event’,event,’buschange’,buschange,’linechange’,... ’linechange’);
The event matrix contains all events that take place during the simulation.
The first column defines the instant of the event, the second the type of the
event. The program can be called with an empty event matrix to obtain a
steady-state solution.
4. Output Data: The function rundyn returns various parameters such as an-
gles, speeds, voltages, time etc. (Refer to the Appendix for the output table)
5.3 Simulation
In this project, we have designed a power system network having following specifi-
2. Generators - 50
At Bus number:60, 67, 79, 80, 82, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119,
121, 122, 124, 128, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,
144, 145,
System Summary
2 3
How many? How much? P (M W ) Q(M V Ar)
6 7
6 Buses 147 T otalGenCapacity 362853.7 113955.8to215638.07
6 7
6 7
6 Generators 50 On lineCapacity 362853.7 113955.8to215638.07
6 7
6CommittedGens 50 Generation(actual) 357907.5 97929.1 7
6 7
6 7
6 Loads 64 Load 283051.2 78699.8 7
6 7
6 F ixed 64 F ixed 283051.2 78699.8 7
6 7
6 7
6 Dispatchable 0 Dispatchable 0.0of 0.0 0.0 7
6 7
6 7
6 Shunts 97 Shunt(inj) 76690.1 2424.1 7
6 7
6 Branches 453 Losses(I 2 ⇤ Z) 1833.78 20200.85 7
6 7
6 7
6 T ransf ormers 52 BranchCharging(inj) 3395.6 7
6 7
6 Inter ties 51 T otalInter tieF low 5081.1 1722.4 7
4 5
Areas 2
2 3
M inimum M aximum
6 7
6V oltage M agnitude 0.915p.u. @ bus 109 1.213p.u. @ bus 68 7
6 7
6 7
6 V oltage Angle 74.47deg @ bus 126 28.82deg @ bus 135 7
6 7
6 P Losses (I 2 ⇤ R) 32.88M W @ line 119 126 7
4 5
Q Losses (I 2 ⇤ X) 1604.96M V Ar @ line 128 129
Bus Data
Number Voltage Generation Load
Magnitud Angle(de
# e(Pu) g) P (MW) Q (MVar) P (MW) Q (MVar)
1 1.083 -5.48 - - - -
2 1.083 -5.546 - - - -
3 1.103 -5.178 - - - -
4 1.103 -5.178 - - - -
5 1.103 -5.177 - - - -
6 1.049 -8.997 - - - -
7 1.096 1.811 - - - -
8 1.12 -0.131 - - - -
9 1.045 -9.21 - - - -
10 1.045 -9.211 - - - -
11 1.098 -11.806 - - - -
12 1.044 -9.924 - - - -
13 1.102 -12.586 - - - -
14 1.043 -10.328 - - - -
15 1.072 -10.958 - - - -
16 1.072 -11.011 - - - -
17 1.004 -10.591 - - - -
18 1.077 -12.028 - - - -
19 1.073 -12.108 - - - -
20 1.116 -12.106 - - - -
21 1.111 -12.389 - - - -
22 1.033 -5.046 - - - -
23 1.1 -6.674 - - - -
24 1.028 1.14 - - - -
25 1.042 -11.017 - - - -
26 1.091 -12.541 - - - -
27 1.042 -14.187 - - - -
28 1.079 -16.374 - - - -
29 1.078 -16.536 - - - -
30 1.075 -6.506 - - - -
31 1.093 -12.972 - - - -
32 1.098 -11.814 - - - -
33 1.141 -5.215 - - - -
34 1.14 -5.156 - - 45.05 46.56
35 1.14 -5.234 - - 49.19 27.53
36 1.14 -4.969 - - - -
37 1.125 -7.382 - - - -
38 1.132 -6.444 - - - -
39 1.129 -9.045 - - - -
40 1.129 -9.05 - - - -
41 1.122 -11.541 - - - -
42 1.122 -11.555 - - - -
43 1.122 -11.513 - - - -
44 1.122 -11.527 - - - -
45 1.121 -12.502 - - - -
46 1.121 -12.497 - - - -
47 1.13 -7.869 - - - -
48 1.13 -7.85 - - - -
49 1.13 -7.84 - - - -
50 1.13 -7.859 - - - -
51 1.116 -11.278 - - 58.45 28.44
52 1.115 -12.231 - - - -
53 1.115 -12.233 - - - -
54 1.117 -12.864 - - - -
55 1.117 -12.864 - - - -
56 1.111 -11.084 - - - -
57 1.111 -11.085 - - - -
58 1.111 -10.91 - - 76.3 -10.8
59 1.119 -11.991 - - - -
60 1.137 -7.145 51 33.21 - -
61 1.118 -12.963 - - - -
62 1.06 -15.541 - - - -
63 1.114 -14.877 - - - -
64 1.102 -10.396 - - - -
65 1.102 -10.397 - - - -
66 1.12 0.034 - - 102.2 26.7
67 1.09 -6.645 1486 257.71 - -
68 1.213 -32.142 - - 0 -7.41
69 1.101 -11.566 - - - -
70 1.003 -15.323 - - 0 56.63
71 1.031 -15.416 - - 0 -21.2
72 1.105 -12.35 - - - -
73 1.1 -12.221 - - - -
74 1.1 -12.616 - - 81.9 43.7
75 1.121 -16.283 - - - -
76 1.022 4.372 - - - -
77 0.989 5.557 - - - -
78 1.076 -6.346 - - 89 26.8
79 1.052 -10.525 250.2 -17.11 9.1 3
80 1.069 -9.212 47 -15.28 17.1 5
81 1.132 -26.994 - - 82.2 -93.1
82 0.975 -19.688 70 16.57 2.1 1.1
83 1.1 -6.545 - - - -
84 1.118 -10.562 - - 24.3 8.2
85 1.12 -14.124 - - 27.4 0.3
86 1.06 -15.081 - - - -
87 1.067 -8.319 - - - -
88 1.111 -9.488 - - 69 20.9
89 1.066 2.522 673 132.43 0.6 0.2
90 0.95 -8.204 22 -3.85 4.6 1.5
91 1 -10.349 64 -2.53 - -
92 0.957 -13.787 - - 0 31.02
93 1 -3.079 700 348.28 100.4 73.2
94 1.02 -1.522 300 19.27 15.4 7.6
95 0.92 18.33 131 10.41 6.7 2.2
96 1 -10.116 60 20.53 - -
97 0.967 -5.356 140 45.03 - -
98 0.97 4.003 426 -36.98 - -
99 1 -0.061 200 -10.95 10.46 5.23
100 1.014 -0.468 170 56.77 - -
101 1.039 -7.258 310.9 140.22 17.8 4.5
102 1.019 -5.45 2040 480.82 37.6 9.2
103 1 0.347 135 4.01 - -
104 1.045 11.671 2000 747.24 30.2 7.6
105 1.007 -3.971 1620 366.81 96 167.4
106 1.005 -3.918 1080 193.78 64 16
107 1.022 -14.675 - - -17.5 -12.8
108 1.014 -14.977 800 72.52 - -
109 0.915 -19.482 52 -15.93 - -
110 1 -2.463 700 504.55 100.4 73.2
111 1 6.648 2000 453.32 60.4 1166
112 1.037 -7.433 300 131.73 18.6 4.6
113 0.98 -5.546 - - - -
114 0.98 -5.546 - - - -
115 1.049 -15.98 2493 144.62 683.5 184.7
116 1.043 -17.343 2713 631.62 792.6 315.5
117 1.03 -15.9 2627 251.91 485.3 71.4
118 1.01 -18.314 4220 656.89 651.9 328.4
119 1.013 -59.984 8954 4745.74 2094 3774
120 1.034 -52.277 - - -408 175.1
121 1.046 -21.025 2997 -171.41 237.7 -17.3
122 1 -3.617 1009 172.37 29.2 7
123 1.017 -33.832 - - -84 -19
124 1 -2.833 3005 561.49 94.1 780.3
125 1.009 -33.402 - - -712 -319
126 1.052 -74.472 - - -333 -160
127 1.007 -37.084 - - -546 -72
128 1.025 -40.35 12963 2607.45 4075 703.5
129 0.98 -73.704 - - -482 -122
130 1.057 -52.381 5937 1838.76 4328 944.3
131 1.042 -24.778 28300 7485.2 21840 4320
132 1.042 -7.781 3095 632.16 491.9 110.2
133 1.093 -12.296 - - -83 -36.3
134 1.044 -11.035 20626 7405.95 22309 7402
135 1.107 28.817 5982 1564.83 4298 1264
136 1.083 4.174 51950 14453.59 52951 13552
137 1.064 -72.748 12068 3450.58 12946 2608
138 1.113 11.698 - - -363 -188
139 1.04 -10.560* 56887.79 15847.87 57718 13936
140 1.05 -26.172 23123 6710.36 24775 6676
141 1.053 -9.42 37911 11676.93 32799 11361
142 1.155 -11.12 24449 5499.12 17737 3934
143 1.031 -14.122 5254 2157.11 4672 1709
144 0.997 -8.969 11397 2687.64 9602 2203
145 1.052 4.912 14118.62 2985.75 9173 1555
- - Total = 357907.5 97929.11 283051.2 78699.8
Branch Data
Branch From To From Bus Injection To Bus Injection Loss I^2*Z
# Bus Bus P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr)
1 1 2 170.71 0.53 -170.7 -7.74 0.007 0.2
2 1 2 170.71 0.53 -170.7 -7.74 0.007 0.2
3 1 3 1.96 -37.48 -2.05 35.68 -0.094 -1.8
4 1 4 1.96 -37.48 -2.05 35.68 -0.094 -1.8
5 1 5 1.99 -37.75 -2.09 35.94 -0.095 -1.81
6 1 6 347.75 15.68 -345.35 -260.19 2.399 25.84
7 1 33 -95.91 341.01 96.01 -335.4 0.094 5.61
8 1 93 -299.58 -122.52 299.8 137.54 0.218 15.01
9 1 93 -299.58 -122.52 299.8 137.54 0.218 15.01
10 2 6 341.4 15.49 -339.07 -260.76 2.326 25.06
11 2 113 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 2 114 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 3 33 2.05 -188.91 -1.99 195.4 0.059 6.49
14 4 33 2.05 -188.91 -1.99 195.4 0.059 6.49
15 5 33 2.09 -189.26 -2.03 195.71 0.059 6.45
16 6 7 -1556.7 -146.3 1585.18 284.53 28.474 306.81
17 6 9 260.01 203.76 -259.85 -221.21 0.165 1.75
18 6 10 261.02 205.14 -260.85 -222.58 0.166 1.77
19 6 12 860.05 129.17 -858.65 -210.51 1.402 14.72
20 6 12 860.05 129.17 -858.65 -210.51 1.402 14.72
21 7 8 -28.57 -4.54 28.5 3.54 -0.074 -1
22 7 66 405.33 91.44 -405.13 -78.28 0.204 13.16
23 7 104 -937.47 -179.82 940.8 355.85 3.335 176.03
24 7 104 -1024.47 -191.61 1029 383.79 4.528 192.18
25 8 66 -12.11 -1.52 12.11 1.56 0 0.04
26 8 66 -16.39 -2.02 16.39 2.07 0 0.05
27 9 11 -19.55 -14.74 19.45 13.33 -0.1 -1.41
28 9 69 279.4 235.95 -278.99 -216.61 0.412 19.35
29 10 32 -19.97 -14.44 19.84 13.02 -0.126 -1.42
30 10 69 280.82 237.02 -280.41 -217.59 0.416 19.43
31 11 69 -19.45 -13.33 19.46 13.45 0.001 0.12
32 12 13 -19.71 -12.5 19.62 11.2 -0.094 -1.3
33 12 13 -19.36 -12.2 19.27 10.92 -0.096 -1.28
34 12 13 -19.36 -12.2 19.27 10.92 -0.096 -1.28
35 12 14 84.54 -44.69 -84.48 -47.83 0.063 0.6
36 12 14 84.54 -44.69 -84.48 -47.83 0.063 0.6
37 12 25 377.36 -35.03 -376.69 -25.76 0.667 7.19
38 12 25 377.36 -35.03 -376.69 -25.76 0.667 7.19
39 12 72 284.99 206.49 -284.7 -188.43 0.287 18.06
40 12 72 283.47 205.43 -283.19 -187.47 0.284 17.96
41 12 72 283.47 205.43 -283.19 -187.47 0.284 17.96
42 13 72 -19.42 -11.07 19.42 11.17 0.001 0.11
43 13 72 -19.31 -10.91 19.31 11.01 0.001 0.11
44 13 72 -19.42 -11.07 19.42 11.17 0.001 0.11
45 14 15 -5.25 -18.2 5.13 17.09 -0.115 -1.11
46 14 16 -11.35 -44.01 11.19 41.35 -0.16 -2.66
47 14 17 23.08 -79.87 -22.7 -278.3 0.381 4.13
48 14 17 23.45 -79.63 -23.06 -277.85 0.396 4.12
49 14 58 139.02 317.37 -138.84 -308.38 0.185 8.99
50 15 58 -5.13 -161.92 5.18 167.75 0.046 5.82
51 16 58 -11.19 -186.26 11.26 192.92 0.061 6.66
52 17 18 -3.76 -5.75 3.65 5.28 -0.113 -0.47
53 17 19 -3.9 -12.32 3.9 11.27 0 -1.05
54 17 20 -3.96 -6.35 3.96 5.99 0 -0.36
55 17 21 -26.58 -28.59 26.47 26.74 -0.109 -1.85
56 17 22 -367.74 -189.16 370.87 -44.74 3.133 37.92
57 17 59 451.69 546.34 -451.31 -519.5 0.378 26.84
58 18 59 -3.65 -151.51 3.69 157.41 0.04 5.9
59 19 59 -3.9 -78.1 3.9 81.44 0 3.34
60 20 59 -3.96 -5.99 3.96 6.02 0 0.03
61 21 59 -26.47 -26.74 26.47 27.12 0.002 0.38
62 22 23 -9.14 -2.58 9.14 2.3 0 -0.28
63 22 24 -542.1 -7.43 547.02 -142.1 4.92 59.15
64 22 30 -9.68 -3.16 9.68 2.89 0 -0.27
65 22 78 98.68 32.18 -98.68 -29.72 0 2.46
66 22 83 91.37 25.74 -91.37 -23.18 0 2.56
67 23 83 -4.58 -1.15 4.58 1.16 0 0.01
68 23 83 -4.56 -1.15 4.56 1.16 0 0.01
69 24 76 -674.51 238.8 675.46 -197.06 0.949 41.74
70 24 77 127.49 -96.71 -128.03 82.4 -0.546 -14.31
71 25 26 -25.61 -37.05 25.51 34.89 -0.094 -2.16
72 25 27 224.58 -179.96 -223.51 -139.02 1.073 12.4
73 25 27 224.58 -179.96 -223.51 -139.02 1.073 12.4
74 25 31 -27.18 -29.57 27.08 27.51 -0.102 -2.06
75 25 73 156.94 244.4 -156.75 -233.17 0.196 11.23
76 25 74 200.07 233.65 -199.78 -220.55 0.293 13.1
77 26 73 -25.51 -34.89 25.52 35.31 0.005 0.42
78 27 28 -7.83 -9.6 7.7 8.74 -0.134 -0.87
79 27 29 -21.26 -30.24 21.09 27.53 -0.169 -2.71
80 27 75 476.1 317.89 -475.71 -293.05 0.397 24.84
81 28 75 -7.7 -155.53 7.74 161.56 0.042 6.04
82 29 75 -21.09 -173.87 21.14 180.98 0.053 7.11
83 30 78 -9.68 -2.89 9.68 2.92 0 0.03
84 31 74 -27.08 -27.51 27.09 27.86 0.004 0.35
85 32 69 -19.84 -13.02 19.84 13.15 0.001 0.12
86 33 34 -144.12 79.87 144.13 -79.76 0.013 0.19
87 33 35 49.19 27.47 -49.19 -27.53 0.001 0.02
88 33 37 70.92 8.87 -70.51 -20.33 0.405 2.87
89 33 38 41.2 1.43 -41.06 -14.82 0.136 0.94
90 33 39 124.02 1.23 -123.02 -5.89 1.009 8.3
91 33 40 124.34 1.28 -123.32 -5.88 1.013 8.33
92 33 49 121.26 8.39 -120.62 -12.78 0.641 5.64
93 33 50 122.16 9.01 -121.51 -13.31 0.651 5.73
94 33 110 -298.57 -193.63 298.9 214.9 0.325 21.28
95 33 110 -300.38 -195.03 300.7 216.45 0.316 21.41
96 34 36 -189.18 33.2 189.25 -32.65 0.071 0.62
97 36 99 -189.25 32.65 189.54 -16.18 0.289 16.47
98 37 87 42.51 10.66 -42.49 -9.93 0.016 0.74
99 37 88 28.01 9.66 -27.99 -8.52 0.021 1.14
100 38 88 41.06 14.82 -41.01 -12.38 0.046 2.44
101 39 43 110.91 1.44 -110.32 -5.67 0.582 4.79
102 39 84 12.11 4.45 -12.1 -4.08 0.009 0.36
103 40 44 111.11 1.4 -110.53 -5.63 0.586 4.82
104 40 84 12.21 4.48 -12.2 -4.12 0.01 0.37
105 41 42 0.21 0.02 -0.21 -0.02 0 0
106 41 43 -68.13 -12.6 68.13 12.56 0 0.03
107 42 44 -68.72 -12.56 68.72 12.52 0 0.03
108 43 46 42.19 -6.89 -42.1 -1.59 0.088 0.72
109 44 45 41.8 -6.89 -41.72 -1.6 0.086 0.71
110 45 61 28.06 1.07 -28.03 -7.42 0.029 0.24
111 45 85 13.66 0.54 -13.66 -0.15 0 0.39
112 46 61 28.36 1.05 -28.33 -7.4 0.029 0.24
113 46 85 13.74 0.54 -13.74 -0.15 0 0.39
114 47 48 -0.18 -0.16 0.18 0.16 0 0
115 47 50 -24.99 -9.45 24.99 9.38 0 0.01
116 47 87 5.77 16.46 -5.57 -15.5 0.198 0.96
117 48 49 -23.5 -8.53 23.5 8.46 0 0
118 48 87 5.7 15.02 -5.5 -14.14 0.202 0.88
119 49 51 97.12 4.32 -96.44 -14.13 0.674 5.93
120 50 51 96.52 3.93 -95.86 -13.81 0.665 5.85
121 51 52 73.67 -7.82 -73.54 3.24 0.127 1.22
122 51 53 73.78 -7.83 -73.66 3.26 0.127 1.23
123 51 56 -6.82 7.63 6.84 -16.39 0.012 0.07
124 51 57 -6.78 7.52 6.79 -16.27 0.012 0.07
125 52 53 0.01 0 -0.01 0 0 0
126 52 54 44.92 -15.31 -44.84 10.07 0.082 0.51
127 53 55 44.81 -15.32 -44.73 10.08 0.082 0.51
128 54 55 0 0 0 0 0 0
129 54 61 21.4 -21.66 -21.39 20 0.01 0.06
130 55 61 21.41 -21.55 -21.4 19.89 0.01 0.06
131 56 57 0.01 -0.01 -0.01 0.01 0 0
132 56 58 -29.8 7.14 29.82 -9.24 0.015 0.09
133 57 58 -29.99 7.61 30 -9.72 0.015 0.09
134 58 59 0.85 -0.68 -0.85 0.7 0.006 0.02
135 58 72 13.21 1.31 -13.16 -0.98 0.043 0.34
136 58 87 -10.4 15 10.64 -13.95 0.233 1.06
137 58 98 -148.17 120.06 152.03 -68.02 3.862 52.04
138 58 100 -15.02 11.34 15.36 -7.7 0.343 3.64
139 58 103 -3.44 3.13 3.59 -2.16 0.147 0.97
140 59 60 -1.79 -0.31 1.79 0.47 -0.005 0.16
141 59 72 0.38 0.43 -0.37 -0.42 0.002 0.01
142 59 79 -10.3 28.98 10.38 -26.99 0.075 2
143 59 80 -2.11 2.66 2.13 -2.44 0.026 0.22
144 59 89 -3.26 1.2 3.29 -0.33 0.033 0.87
145 59 92 5.52 32.17 -5.57 -27.34 -0.06 4.83
146 59 94 -3.16 2.54 3.26 -1.76 0.093 0.79
147 59 98 -43.27 43.61 46.46 -26 3.193 17.61
148 59 100 -105.25 79.31 107.79 -51.36 2.537 27.95
149 59 103 -65.53 54.89 67.68 -35.4 2.147 19.49
150 59 107 6.58 12.13 -6.52 -10.79 0.057 1.34
151 60 135 -7.8 1.34 6.91 3.4 -0.886 4.74
152 60 79 6.06 9.13 -6.1 -8.1 -0.035 1.03
153 60 80 1.73 2.91 -1.72 -2.68 0.006 0.23
154 60 90 1.13 14.08 -1.16 -11.74 -0.031 2.33
155 60 92 2.97 5.92 -3.06 -4.66 -0.09 1.26
156 60 94 -143.82 181.08 144.31 -149.02 0.496 32.06
157 60 95 -47.99 30.97 45.84 -5.92 -2.158 25.05
158 60 138 -22.92 0.63 21.44 6.67 -1.48 7.3
159 61 62 -19.42 0.31 19.3 -1.18 -0.12 -0.87
160 61 62 -9.36 -0.33 9.33 -0.09 -0.037 -0.42
161 61 63 53.37 -6.46 -53.18 -8.17 0.185 1.78
162 61 63 53.37 -6.46 -53.18 -8.17 0.185 1.78
163 61 64 -168.1 68.51 168.74 -67.01 0.648 8.51
164 61 65 -167.96 68.59 168.61 -67.09 0.647 8.5
165 61 86 130.94 12.61 -130.74 -7.72 0.201 4.88
166 61 86 113.16 12.21 -113.03 -7.98 0.126 4.23
167 61 86 113.16 12.21 -113.03 -7.98 0.126 4.23
168 62 86 -17.89 1.17 17.9 -1.02 0.01 0.14
169 62 86 -10.74 0.1 10.74 -0.01 0.001 0.09
170 63 64 -33.56 7.51 33.7 -4.82 0.14 2.69
171 63 65 -33.69 7.56 33.83 -4.85 0.141 2.7
172 63 66 -352.89 60.38 358.68 32.66 5.789 93.03
173 63 67 -60 20.82 61.05 -11.76 1.044 9.06
174 63 69 -44.18 13.2 44.36 -10.51 0.183 2.69
175 63 102 -111.8 83.67 113.47 -58.77 1.667 24.9
176 63 102 -112.27 84.07 113.95 -59.07 1.682 25
177 63 102 -110.36 82.55 112 -57.98 1.639 24.57
178 63 102 -114.73 85.95 116.45 -60.39 1.724 25.56
179 63 116 0.66 1.2 -0.67 -1.09 -0.006 0.1
180 63 117 45.37 164.01 -44.67 -150.93 0.701 13.08
181 63 118 25.24 49.68 -25.56 -43.61 -0.313 6.07
182 63 124 -11.91 6.72 11.72 -3.67 -0.191 3.05
183 64 65 0.02 0.02 -0.02 -0.02 0 0
184 64 66 -325.69 19.51 329.1 40.42 3.417 59.93
185 64 67 -35.81 11.54 36.08 -9.07 0.271 2.47
186 64 69 20.73 0.1 -20.7 0.32 0.027 0.42
187 64 97 -1.22 1.78 1.21 -1.46 -0.017 0.32
188 64 124 -9.93 7.28 9.8 -5.37 -0.13 1.92
189 65 66 -326.68 19.59 330.12 40.53 3.438 60.12
190 65 67 -35.97 11.59 36.24 -9.11 0.274 2.48
191 65 69 20.78 0.07 -20.75 0.35 0.027 0.42
192 65 97 -1.23 1.79 1.21 -1.47 -0.017 0.32
193 65 124 -9.97 7.32 9.84 -5.39 -0.13 1.93
194 66 67 214.78 36.64 -211.72 -11.1 3.064 25.54
195 66 68 12.51 16.75 -21.13 -8.14 -8.617 8.61
196 66 69 656.36 74.37 -646.62 58.11 9.736 132.48
197 66 97 3.56 6.83 -3.61 -5.58 -0.053 1.25
198 66 111 -488.71 538.32 488.71 -427.11 0 111.21
199 66 111 -473.37 544.42 475.73 -434.09 2.364 110.33
200 66 111 -472.6 520.57 472.6 -413.03 0 107.55
201 66 111 -476.86 548.62 479.26 -437.46 2.4 111.16
202 66 124 9.8 28.32 -10 -24.81 -0.203 3.51
203 67 68 8.31 7.56 -11.97 -3.61 -3.657 3.95
204 67 69 183.38 -34.09 -181.6 50.2 1.786 16.11
205 67 97 -14.07 115.97 14.79 -102.58 0.724 13.39
206 67 119 9.29 5.85 -9.52 3.68 -0.225 9.53
207 67 120 45.09 22.51 -45.16 15.64 -0.073 38.15
208 67 121 24.25 6.98 -24.21 -0.71 0.044 6.27
209 67 122 -13.11 22.13 13.08 -19.64 -0.026 2.49
210 67 124 -1041.18 1594.38 1050.34 -1396 9.156 198.38
211 67 125 198.42 76.98 -196.06 19.06 2.364 96.04
212 67 132 0.43 1.24 -0.43 -1.17 -0.005 0.06
213 68 69 -49.74 -17.63 36.65 30.85 -13.098 13.22
214 69 70 22.54 32.5 -22.43 -28.2 0.11 4.3
215 69 71 25.02 25.08 -24.94 -21.85 0.078 3.23
216 69 72 158.77 -59.25 -158.46 61.62 0.308 2.37
217 69 73 18.48 -0.48 -18.45 0.69 0.028 0.21
218 69 74 29.35 -3.34 -29.25 3.87 0.097 0.53
219 69 97 -7.66 9.38 7.58 -7.46 -0.082 1.92
220 69 101 -36.44 35.57 36.81 -30.89 0.372 4.68
221 69 112 -34.52 36.11 34.88 -31.58 0.36 4.53
222 69 124 -43.82 28.16 43.22 -19.24 -0.598 8.92
223 70 71 0.25 -0.99 -0.25 1.02 -0.005 0.03
224 70 72 -42.93 -84.75 42.38 95.67 -0.556 10.91
225 70 73 -6.04 -10.74 5.98 12.11 -0.064 1.38
226 70 74 -5.74 -10.47 5.74 11.77 0.005 1.29
227 70 101 -13.55 -4.1 13.3 6.18 -0.249 2.07
228 70 112 -13.17 -3.9 12.93 5.86 -0.236 1.96
229 71 72 -49.9 -68.26 49.5 75.92 -0.404 7.66
230 71 73 -6.99 -8.48 6.94 9.45 -0.046 0.97
231 71 74 -6.49 -8.18 6.49 9.05 0.002 0.88
232 71 101 -12.17 -1.4 11.94 3.14 -0.225 1.74
233 71 112 -11.83 -1.23 11.62 2.88 -0.214 1.65
234 72 73 -8.85 20.01 8.86 -19.9 0.006 0.11
235 72 74 22.32 17.02 -22.3 -16.84 0.018 0.18
236 72 98 -119.88 86.3 122.35 -43.07 2.468 43.22
237 72 100 -12.64 8.11 12.89 -4.9 0.247 3.21
238 72 101 -126.76 96.32 126.8 -79.66 0.042 16.66
239 72 103 -2.89 2.27 3 -1.43 0.113 0.84
240 72 112 -121.58 98.19 121.62 -82.05 0.04 16.13
241 73 74 21.21 0.22 -21.21 -0.07 -0.003 0.15
242 73 75 33.28 -9.82 -33.14 12.39 0.146 2.57
243 73 81 103.27 5.83 -104.35 21.31 -1.079 27.14
244 73 82 6.92 7.24 -6.92 -5.57 0.003 1.67
245 73 91 -5.34 19.49 5.44 -17.56 0.092 1.94
246 73 96 -7.22 23.35 7.34 -20.98 0.121 2.37
247 73 101 -16.35 11.94 16.36 -9.9 0.015 2.04
248 73 105 -481.23 359.47 483.32 -262.52 2.088 96.95
249 73 105 -481.23 359.47 483.32 -262.52 2.088 96.95
250 73 105 -530.65 395.41 532.83 -288.59 2.173 106.82
251 73 108 8.68 16.66 -8.73 -14.96 -0.053 1.7
252 73 109 4.35 6.95 -4.32 -5.28 0.029 1.67
253 73 112 -15.65 12.18 15.66 -10.21 0.014 1.97
254 73 121 9.91 4.27 -9.93 -2.57 -0.026 1.7
255 74 75 23.55 -7.93 -23.44 9.6 0.11 1.67
256 74 81 66.39 5.47 -67.61 11.52 -1.222 16.99
257 74 82 6.61 7.36 -6.62 -5.75 -0.008 1.61
258 74 91 -4.97 15.01 5.05 -13.45 0.085 1.55
259 74 96 -0.54 1.47 0.55 -1.32 0.009 0.16
260 74 101 -17.03 12.95 17.16 -10.68 0.13 2.27
261 74 106 -463.96 390.83 473.08 -288.91 9.127 101.92
262 74 106 -504.05 364.42 505.65 -259.52 1.599 104.9
263 74 108 9.23 21.36 -9.32 -19.33 -0.084 2.03
264 74 109 3.64 5.96 -3.6 -4.56 0.04 1.4
265 74 112 -16.3 13.14 16.43 -10.95 0.125 2.19
266 74 121 12.09 5.51 -12.14 -3.5 -0.051 2.01
267 75 82 6.76 14.27 -6.6 -12.04 0.154 2.23
268 75 91 -3.99 4.23 3.93 -3.38 -0.061 0.84
269 75 96 -2.87 2.79 2.82 -2.2 -0.058 0.59
270 75 108 -20.07 115.61 20.53 -104.12 0.46 11.49
271 75 109 5.09 15.72 -4.87 -12.58 0.227 3.14
272 75 121 32.02 26.03 -31.78 -21.74 0.241 4.3
273 76 77 -127.91 214.08 128.03 -204.55 0.119 9.53
274 76 89 148.58 -210.1 -147.88 224.12 0.698 14.02
275 79 80 -28.31 -5.18 28.64 5.92 0.329 0.74
276 79 90 -1.55 4.41 1.56 -3.92 0.01 0.49
277 79 92 19.07 33.45 -19.05 -29.39 0.023 4.06
278 79 94 -14.34 5.82 14.61 -3.4 0.276 2.42
279 79 95 -7.07 4.37 7.26 -0.37 0.191 4.01
280 79 107 5.62 2.09 -5.59 -1.63 0.026 0.46
281 80 90 -0.13 2.18 0.15 -1.93 0.019 0.24
282 80 92 6.03 7.71 -5.93 -6.44 0.1 1.26
283 80 94 -4.95 3.21 5.09 -2.4 0.14 0.81
284 82 91 -6.43 -1.1 6.33 2.18 -0.105 1.08
285 82 108 -10.56 -5.84 10.45 6.96 -0.114 1.12
286 82 109 -1.82 22.16 1.78 -20.79 -0.037 1.37
287 82 121 1.34 -3.01 -1.36 3.26 -0.022 0.25
288 83 89 -44.87 20.35 46.04 -12.61 1.167 7.73
289 89 103 0.5 1.85 -0.53 -1.71 -0.035 0.13
290 90 92 1.07 -0.01 -1.07 0.11 -0.002 0.1
291 90 94 -10.84 -4.89 10.94 6.57 0.108 1.68
292 91 96 -0.1 0 0.1 0 0 0
293 91 108 11.66 0.27 -11.8 0.68 -0.147 0.95
294 91 109 3.25 2.47 -3.29 -1.76 -0.045 0.71
295 91 121 9.14 -0.05 -9.39 1.83 -0.244 1.77
296 92 94 -5.54 -0.59 5.64 1.87 0.098 1.28
297 92 107 0.49 -2.07 -0.49 2.22 0.001 0.15
298 94 95 -31.06 17.5 31.71 -5.34 0.652 12.17
299 94 138 -13.86 -4.39 13.63 8.13 -0.229 3.73
300 95 138 21.3 -24.34 -22.21 32.23 -0.905 7.9
301 96 108 1.4 0.02 -1.42 0.1 -0.016 0.12
302 97 124 -1.8 -1.93 1.77 2.08 -0.028 0.15
303 98 100 23.68 -11.68 -23.72 14.11 -0.047 2.42
304 98 103 4.23 -2.05 -4.22 2.39 0.013 0.34
305 100 103 -3.09 2.77 3.08 -2.68 -0.004 0.08
306 101 112 0.88 0.61 -0.88 -0.61 0 0
307 102 117 1001.21 48.45 -1004.12 135.41 -2.903 183.85
308 102 118 69.74 16.64 -71.06 -0.69 -1.322 15.95
309 108 109 5.18 8.46 -5.26 -7.24 -0.079 1.22
310 108 121 260.44 -56.15 -261.07 85.91 -0.621 29.76
311 109 121 0.82 -3.06 -0.84 3.53 -0.023 0.46
312 115 116 89.97 20.22 -89.91 -17.97 0.062 2.25
313 115 117 -1.05 8.93 1.04 -8.76 -0.007 0.16
314 115 118 59.47 65.59 -59.78 -60.77 -0.313 4.82
315 115 143 -7.61 2.38 7.55 -2.09 -0.059 0.28
316 116 117 -90.29 54.25 90.49 -51.31 0.195 2.94
317 116 118 38.77 79.45 -38.84 -76.29 -0.072 3.16
318 116 143 -4.74 0.3 4.69 -0.03 -0.045 0.27
319 117 118 561.59 210.25 -558.88 -182.79 2.712 27.45
320 117 143 -4.73 -0.65 4.71 0.8 -0.018 0.15
321 118 131 1.92 -0.14 -1.95 0.36 -0.032 0.23
322 118 132 -2.33 -0.38 2.29 0.82 -0.038 0.44
323 118 143 -324.99 -95.23 323.75 121.2 -1.237 25.97
324 119 120 -596.09 -23.49 599.56 105.33 3.468 81.84
325 119 121 -231.97 60.92 225.8 101.7 -6.166 162.61
326 119 122 -14.96 6.36 13.41 8.82 -1.549 15.18
327 119 124 -26 12.04 23.91 15.12 -2.095 27.16
328 119 125 -177.41 37.65 174.79 45.53 -2.628 83.18
329 119 126 1476.32 -159.67 -1443.44 544.31 32.876 384.63
330 119 127 -28.82 3.76 27.85 7.7 -0.965 11.47
331 119 128 -678.51 22.44 654.26 209.31 -24.253 231.75
332 119 129 370.88 76.15 -366.13 13.53 4.75 89.68
333 119 130 -825 -327.05 808.11 452.15 -16.885 125.1
334 119 131 -2553.24 212.23 2271.78 1335.76 -281.453 1547.99
335 119 132 -36.35 9.53 30.66 23.54 -5.694 33.07
336 119 144 -21.66 5.38 17.53 13.24 -4.132 18.62
337 120 121 -717.85 193.37 722.51 209.57 4.655 402.94
338 120 122 -85.76 35.83 80.82 39.39 -4.931 75.22
339 120 123 -67.14 7.89 65.15 13.54 -1.993 21.43
340 120 124 -170.41 74.6 162.02 78.33 -8.388 152.93
341 120 125 -608.36 145.17 607.63 58.01 -0.732 203.18
342 120 127 -149.7 36.67 150.14 3.74 0.445 40.41
343 120 128 -295.93 31.33 293.53 30.25 -2.403 61.58
344 120 129 74.03 28.96 -75.38 0.08 -1.354 29.04
345 120 130 0.53 -2.17 -0.54 2.22 -0.008 0.05
346 120 131 -111.36 8.1 103.34 44.58 -8.015 52.69
347 120 132 -168.48 56.34 160.94 78.51 -7.531 134.85
348 121 122 -65.2 18.42 64.75 1.84 -0.453 20.27
349 121 123 11.76 3.93 -12 -1.19 -0.241 2.74
350 121 124 -93.93 27.12 93.4 3.4 -0.524 30.52
351 121 125 1824.02 511.4 -1824.02 -104.69 0 406.71
352 121 127 34.7 10.63 -34.94 -0.6 -0.246 10.04
353 121 128 111.35 36.62 -114.84 2.25 -3.491 38.86
354 121 129 17.78 13.01 -19.79 5.86 -2.016 18.87
355 121 131 4.58 1.1 -4.62 -0.79 -0.044 0.3
356 121 132 -18.14 0.68 17.75 3.48 -0.394 4.16
357 122 123 10.09 3.7 -10.76 1.92 -0.674 5.61
358 122 124 -24.77 -0.23 24.76 0.57 -0.006 0.34
359 122 125 312.55 92.24 -319.88 75.87 -7.328 168.11
360 122 131 18.96 3.84 -19.87 3.4 -0.91 7.24
361 122 132 30.37 -13.05 -30.58 15.86 -0.204 2.81
362 122 133 17.43 -6.41 -17.77 9.8 -0.338 3.39
363 122 143 38.48 -0.35 -38.94 7.59 -0.462 7.24
364 123 124 -27.23 5.2 25.57 9.4 -1.656 14.6
365 123 125 -1.44 1.26 1.44 -1.24 -0.003 0.02
366 123 131 -12.91 -2.78 12.61 4.89 -0.301 2.11
367 123 132 -38.95 2.49 36.95 15.23 -1.994 17.72
368 124 125 537.98 148.08 -543.27 147.39 -5.293 295.47
369 124 128 7.11 3.26 -7.81 1.79 -0.705 5.05
370 124 131 46.27 10.1 -48.65 8.26 -2.382 18.35
371 124 132 56.94 -20.33 -57.28 26.22 -0.344 5.89
372 124 133 15.4 -6.14 -15.5 9.38 -0.094 3.24
373 124 143 26.54 -1.18 -26.6 6.55 -0.055 5.37
374 125 127 6.55 0.89 -6.59 -0.47 -0.034 0.42
375 125 128 20.81 0.7 -21.07 1.85 -0.264 2.55
376 125 129 15.23 8.26 -16.48 3.46 -1.244 11.71
377 125 130 3.85 1.01 -4.16 0.32 -0.308 1.32
378 125 131 -21.46 -6.98 20.83 10.45 -0.626 3.47
379 125 132 -89.82 4.27 85.56 36.14 -4.259 40.41
380 127 128 47.69 -12.02 -47.75 14.98 -0.062 2.96
381 127 129 52.38 21.9 -53.62 13.3 -1.245 35.2
382 128 129 2613.35 1147.32 -2690.89 457.65 -77.534 1604.96
383 128 130 6.75 2.18 -7.27 -0.75 -0.526 1.43
384 128 131 -6.3 -1.87 5.66 3.55 -0.641 1.68
385 130 131 -3370.95 325.99 3093.77 1254.96 -277.18 1580.95
386 130 132 -26.65 5.27 22.35 14.75 -4.298 20.01
387 130 144 -24.93 5.35 20.55 12.5 -4.383 17.84
388 131 132 -776.51 54.93 758.65 174.46 -17.86 229.39
389 131 133 -4.2 -1.28 4.01 2.27 -0.191 0.98
390 131 143 -49.03 0.29 47.73 8.69 -1.302 8.98
391 131 144 -1916.8 291.5 1840.63 231.29 -76.168 522.79
392 132 133 11.41 -4.7 -11.54 5.86 -0.129 1.16
393 132 143 121.68 24.87 -122.38 -11.16 -0.696 13.71
394 132 144 1.63 4.98 -1.66 -4.73 -0.028 0.25
395 133 143 0.99 2.71 -1.02 -2.53 -0.025 0.18
396 134 131 22.3 13.49 -24.82 -7.79 -2.519 5.7
397 134 136 -45.59 -5.12 44.24 17.54 -1.348 12.41
398 134 139 -5.7 1.33 5.69 -1.27 -0.011 0.05
399 134 141 -23.89 -12.26 23.73 13.04 -0.152 0.78
400 134 142 22.76 -94.17 -25.03 104.22 -2.265 10.05
401 134 144 -111.93 77.05 109.47 -69.68 -2.456 7.37
402 134 145 -1387.28 -61.38 1327.13 443.52 -60.153 382.15
403 135 95 4.64 6.89 -4.83 -4.93 -0.194 1.96
404 135 136 2596.8 1214.95 -2804.72 -21.05 -207.926 1193.9
405 135 138 208.01 37.59 -211.07 25.45 -3.063 63.04
406 135 141 91.87 61.26 -104.7 8.32 -12.834 69.57
407 136 115 431.84 185.03 -454.42 -24.13 -22.583 160.9
408 136 116 8.25 5.18 -9.23 -1.73 -0.972 3.46
409 136 117 3.4 2.49 -3.85 -1.11 -0.449 1.38
410 136 118 19.78 17.03 -23.11 -7.62 -3.338 9.41
411 136 138 -25.48 -11.46 24.43 15.11 -1.052 3.65
412 136 139 884.36 463.42 -934.51 -214.4 -50.145 249.03
413 136 140 5.26 3.39 -6.06 -0.26 -0.802 3.13
414 136 141 1445.03 582.9 -1498.85 -220.65 -53.82 362.25
415 136 142 184.66 30.76 -198.61 20.31 -13.954 51.06
416 136 143 6.73 6.7 -8.08 -4.04 -1.354 2.66
417 136 145 -32.62 59.5 32.43 -57.38 -0.192 2.12
418 137 139 -1131.05 436.78 893.42 778.64 -237.63 1215.42
419 137 140 -10.56 1.6 8.31 6.48 -2.246 8.08
420 137 145 -301.3 156.27 214.6 258 -86.701 414.27
421 139 140 1143.03 383.32 -1215.6 -62.15 -72.565 321.17
422 139 141 -40.83 -36.29 40.6 37.56 -0.229 1.27
423 139 142 3.05 -8.69 -3.3 9.68 -0.243 0.99
424 139 145 -3640.37 -69.96 3530.05 1050.52 -110.313 980.56
425 140 145 -120.04 5.4 105.79 57.46 -14.248 62.86
426 141 115 955.95 138.45 -961.84 -28.22 -5.89 110.23
427 141 116 18.89 6.8 -19.47 -4.09 -0.57 2.71
428 141 117 7.7 4.32 -7.96 -3.35 -0.26 0.97
429 141 118 94.81 67.63 -99.88 -50.03 -5.064 17.6
430 141 131 31.38 15.24 -33.94 -6.32 -2.558 8.92
431 141 132 -0.46 0.06 0.45 -0.05 -0.003 0.01
432 141 142 503.4 -931.52 -521.6 1037.68 -18.2 106.17
433 141 143 38.15 30.15 -39.65 -26.36 -1.497 3.79
434 141 144 -9.92 21.1 9.55 -19.9 -0.371 1.2
435 141 145 -767.81 17.74 747.6 172.71 -20.215 190.44
436 142 115 56.42 87.11 -57.76 -74.49 -1.34 12.62
437 142 116 3.37 6.07 -3.62 -5.12 -0.25 0.95
438 142 117 2.61 7.32 -2.86 -6.31 -0.253 1.01
439 142 118 107.07 189.46 -113.64 -152.64 -6.567 36.81
440 142 119 41.97 36.51 -48.33 6.66 -6.36 43.17
441 142 120 10.13 6.75 -10.8 1.42 -0.671 8.17
442 142 122 -7.86 7.76 7.63 -5.77 -0.237 1.99
443 142 124 -8.47 8.26 8.29 -6.02 -0.182 2.24
444 142 125 4.68 3.56 -4.96 -1.33 -0.282 2.23
445 142 130 37.5 29.63 -43.68 2.25 -6.178 31.88
446 142 131 1711.54 1189.79 -1753.88 -678.44 -42.341 511.35
447 142 132 -97.2 157.05 95.79 -136.34 -1.406 20.71
448 142 133 0.14 0.81 -0.15 -0.77 -0.008 0.05
449 142 143 169.07 808.98 -188.53 -713.23 -19.456 95.74
450 142 144 -256.7 778.02 246.64 -662.8 -10.063 115.22
451 142 145 -80.72 24.35 76.78 -1.01 -3.932 23.34
452 143 144 -4.14 0.82 4.06 -0.43 -0.081 0.39
453 144 145 -18.38 -7.86 16.84 12.7 -1.541 4.84
5.4 Plots
The plots of the di↵erence of the bus angles with respect to the slack bus(bus139)
are as follows:
Figure 1: Bus 1
Figure 2: Bus 2
Figure 3: Bus 3
Figure 4: Bus 60
Figure 5: Bus 131
Figure 7: Bus 144
Chapter 6
The total generation capacity of the all the generators combined is 1120 MW.
The total load demand on the power system network is 435 MW while the net Elec-
tric power generated by the generators is 450.4 MW. The di↵erence in the power is
lost in the form of I 2 R losses.
2. Number of generators - 4
At Bus number:1, 2, 3 , 4
The bus, generator and branch data of this 16 bus system can be referred from
the Appendix section.
The base MVA of the system is taken as 100 MVA. The frequency is taken as
6.2.1 Result
The result of the steady state analysis is that the Newton’s method power flow
converged in 5 iterations. The system summary is as follow:
Figure 8: System Summary after running the simulation
Figure 9: Bus Output data after the running the simulation
6.3 Dynamic Analysis
The dynamic generator, governor and exciter parameters can be referred from the
Appendix section.
6.4 Result
The graphs of the voltages, speed of the generators and other quantities obtained
after the simulation are shown below.
Voltage Graphs
The voltage profile for all the buses is shown in the above graph. We can see that
during the fault occurring in the system, the voltage of the faulted buses goes down
to zero during the fault and then comes back a steady state value after oscillating
for some time once the fault is removed.
Figure 12: Faulted Bus Graphs(Zoomed)
The above graph is the voltage profile graph of only the bus undergoing faults.
Generator Speed Graphs
From the above graph, we can see that during the fault, the generators started to
accelerate when the fault occurs on the system and they start to oscillate during the
time faults happen in the system. Once all the faults have cleared, the generators
come back to steady state and the speed of the generators stabilises to the steady
state value.
Angles of Generators
Voltage angle di↵erence of the buses with the slack bus
Figure 18: Angle di↵erence of bus 3 wrt Slack bus
6.4.2 When the system does not reach steady state value
after the clearing of the fault
The power flow of the system does not converge to steady state value and after
the faults on the line are cleared and the rotor angle of the generators continuously
Events occurring during the simulation are:
a. Fault on bus 2 at time t = 1.0sec for a period of 100ms.
b. Fault on bus 5 at time t = 1.5sec for a period of 150ms.
c. Fault on bus 3 at time t = 2.0sec for a period of 500ms.
The graphs of the voltages, speed of the generators and another quantities ob-
tained after the simulation are shown below
Voltage Graphs
From the above graph, we can see that after clearing of all faults on the system,
the voltages of all the buses do not settle down to a steady state value and there
is constant fluctuation of the bus voltages. This happens due to the clearing of the
fault after the critical fault clearing time.
Generator speed graphs
The generators speed does not come to a steady state value it they continue to
Angles all Generators
Voltage Angle di↵erence of the buses with the slack bus
Figure 25: Angle di↵erence of bus 2 wrt Slack bus
Figure 26: Angle di↵erence of bus 3 wrt Slack bus
Figure 27: Angle di↵erence of bus 4 wrt Slack bus
Chapter 7
7.1 Conclusion
1. We have developed a simulation model of a large power system network and
performed load flow analysis on it using Newton Raphson method.
2. We have calculated the electrical power flow through all the buses and branches
in the system.
3. When the fault duration on the 16 bus systems are less than the critical clearing
time, the system returns back to the steady state operating condition after the
clearing of the faults.
4. When the fault duration is greater than critical clearing time, the system does
not return to the steady state operating conditions and therefore remains,
5. The operating time of the circuit breakers and relays should be designed in
such a way that they clear the fault before the critical clearing time.
7.2 References
1. Nagrath, I.J., and Kothari, D.P., Power System Engineering, New Delhi, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1995
2. Saadat, Hadi, Power System Analysis, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publish-
ing Company Limited, 2002.
3. Wadhwa, C.L., Electrical Power Systems, New Delhi, New Age International
publishers, 2005.
4. Yo, Yao-nan, Electrical Power Systems Dynamics, Academic Press, New York,
5. Anderson P.M., Analysis of Faulted Power Systems, IEEE Press, New York,1973.
8. A.A. Fouad and S.E. Stanton, “Transient Stability of Multi machine Power
System, Parts I and II,” IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-100, pp. 3408-3424, July
Chapter 8
8.0.2 Formation of the Generator Matrix
8.0.3 Formation of the Branch Matrix
8.0.4 Rundyn Output Table
Generator Data
4th order model
1 genmodel, generator model
2 excmodel, exciter model
3 govmodel, governor model
4 H, inertia constant (p.u.)
5 D, damping constant (p.u.)
6 xd , d-axis reactance (p.u.)
7 xq , q-axis reactance (p.u.)
8 xd , d-axis transient reactance (p.u.)
9 xq , q-axis transient reactance (p.u.)
10 T d , d-axis time constant (s)
11 T q , q-axis time constant (s)
Chapter 9
9.1.1 Generator Data of the system
2 3
1 72.3 27.03 300 300 1.04 100 1 250 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 7
62 163 6.54 300 300 1.025 100 1 300 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07
mpc.gen = 6
63 85
4 10.95 300 300 1.025 100 1 270 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 075
4 115 16.54 300 300 1.025 100 1 300 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9.2 Dynamic Parameters of the 16 bus system