Thesis - High Pressure Storage of Gas in Lined Rock Caverns

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ISSN 1650-951X

High Pressure Storage of Gas in Lined Rock Caverns


Jan Johansson

Licentiate Thesis
Division of Soil & Rock Mechanics
Royal Institute of Technology

Stockholm, Sweden 2003





1.1 Why and how to store natural gas? 13
1.2 The research project and the structure of the thesis 14


2.1 General description of the storage system 17
2.2 Cavern wall 19
2.3 General failure modes 21


3.1 Problem definition 25
3.2 Guiding demands 31
3.2.1 Safety and reliability demands 31 General 31 Involved authorities and legislation 32 Acceptable risk 33 Probability of failure 34
3.2.2 Design data 35
3.2.3 Demands from materials 37

4.1 Development history 39
4.2 The Grängesberg pilot tests 41
4.2.1 Background 41
4.2.2 The Pilot Plant 42
4.2.3 Performed tests 44
4.2.4 Main results 45 Rock mass behaviour 45 Concrete lining behaviour 48 Steel lining behaviour 51 Total behaviour 52
4.3 Other important studies 53
4.3.1 The Thin Sheet and Thick Plate reports 53
4.3.2 The Sydgas studies 54
4.3.3 The Swedegas studies 54
4.3.4 Demonstration Plant studies 57

5.1 Introduction 61
5.2 Rock mass 61
5.2.1 General behaviour of the rock mass 63 Phenomenological description of the rock mass response 63 Elasto-plastic behaviour 64 Stress anisotropy 65 Anisotropy caused by joint orientation 73 Plastic deformation and creep phenomena 74
5.2.2 Local behaviour of the rock mass 75
5.2.3 Rock mass classification 77
5.2.4 Estimation of rock mass properties 78 Estimation of rock mass modulus 78 Estimation of rock mass strength 80
5.3 Concrete lining 82
5.3.1 Distribution and width limitation of the concrete cracks 83
5.3.2 Concrete load capacity over drainage pipes 88
5.4 Sliding layer 91
5.5 Steel lining 96
5.6 Thermal effects 100



7.1 Estimation of rock mass properties 108
7.1.1 Estimation of rock mass modulus 109
7.1.2 Estimation of rock mass strength 110
7.2 Rock surface strain 111
7.2.1 Analytical solution for rock surface strain 111
7.2.2 Estimation of the worst point rock strain 111 Conversion from Isotropic to Anisotropic conditions 112 Conversion from 2D-case to 3D-case 113 Conversion from strain at mid-wall to “worst point” strain 114
7.3 Steel lining strain 115
7.3.1 Conversion from mid cavern maximum rock strain to
maximum mid cavern steel lining strain 116
7.3.2 Conversion from transition point rock strain to transition
point steel lining strain 117
7.4 Design load 118
7.5 Steel strain capacity 120


8.1 The LRC Demo Project 123
8.2 Demo Plant design and construction 123
8.3 Demonstration programme 125

9.1 Summary of proposed design methodology 127
9.2 Discussion 128




This licentiate thesis deals with the design of lined rock caverns used for the storage of
gas under high pressures (20-25 MPa). This storage technique has been developed in
Sweden during the last 20 years. The concept has been named LRC (Lined Rock

The goal of the research has been to develop a methodology for the design of the
cavern wall so that it can fulfil the safety demands put placed upon it by the society.
To achieve this, an extensive knowledge about the properties of the wall materials, and
how they interact, is required.

The proposed design methodology is based on the cavern wall build-up principles that
have emerged during the many years of development of the LRC concept. The cavern
wall consists, in short, of (from inside outwards): a gastight steel lining, a sliding layer
of bitumen, a reinforced concrete lining, a shotcrete layer and finally the rock mass.

In the thesis, a step-by-step approach is proposed to analyse the deformations and

strains that the cavern wall is subjected to as the rock caverns expands as a result of
the pressurisation. The analysis begins with an assessment of the deformation
properties of the rock mass and proceeds with an estimation of the deformation in the
most strained part of the rock cavern. The analysis continues with an examination of
how the rock deformation is transmitted through the wall structure, ending in an
assessment of the strain in the most strained part of the steel lining. The final step in
the methodology is to compare the calculated steel strain with the acceptable strain,
derived from acceptable risk criteria or extracted from relevant codes. As an LRC
storage is subjected to hundreds of load cycles (with potentially high strain levels in
the steel lining) during its lifetime, the dimensioning load case is low cycle fatigue.

The methodology is based on several assumptions regarding the properties of the

structural parts included in the cavern wall and how they react to the pressure load,
both as single parts and in interaction with adjacent structural parts. The assumptions
regard e.g. the deformation properties of the rock mass, the behaviour of the rock mass
during repeated high-pressure loading, the crack distributing effect of the reinfor-
cement and the properties of the sliding layer.

Support for these assumptions has been gathered from theories, previous experiences
and performed practical tests. The long concept development work has included
numerous technical studies and tests, which have been used in the creation of the
design methodology. The experiences gained from the Pilot tests in Grängesberg have
been especially valuable to this end. A series of laboratory tests on the mechanical
properties of the sliding layer, for the load case in question, have been performed as
part of this licentiate work.

The proposed design methodology for the cavern wall is based on a probabilistic
approach. This approach has been chosen for several reasons, among others because
LRC is a new technology without established design practice and because a probabi-
listic view is a good way to manage the uncertainties, which in the present case
originates from the stochastic nature of the rock mass. The properties of the rock mass
vary within the volume and are better described by an interval or a distribution instead
of a deterministic value.

The calculation tools used are in themselves rather simple. The basis is an elasto-
plastic analytical solution for the deformation of the rock cavern during pressurisation.
The calculations are performed as Monte Carlo simulations in a spreadsheet model.
The choice of calculation tool was done for two main reasons, partly to get a lucid
method where each step in the process can be followed, partly because of limitations
in time and budget. However, a large number of FEM calculations have been used, in
addition to the observed behaviour of the Pilot Plant, to verify and calibrate the model.

The proposed methodology shows one practicable way of designing an LRC storage.
The methodology has already been applied in the design of the world’s first large scale
LRC storage (the LRC Demo Plant at Skallen, near Halmstad in south-western

Areas where it is judged possible to improve or supplement the proposed design

methodology are:
• A thorough evaluation of the deformation behaviour of the Demo Plant can be used
to check the validity of the assumptions made. Depending on the outcome of such a
check, this might lead to a modification of the design methodology.
• The sliding layer is of great importance for the stress and strain in the steel lining.
It is urgent to continue the development and testing of the sliding layer material
and its properties.
• It should be examined if, and in which case how, the use of stochastic FEM
analysis, as a calculation tool, could improve the handling of uncertainties in the
design methodology.


Denna licentiatavhandling handlar om design av inklädda bergrum för lagring av gas

under högt tryck (20-25 MPa). Lagringstekniken är utvecklad i Sverige under de
senaste 20 åren och konceptet har fått namnet LRC (Lined Rock Cavern).

Målet med forskningsarbetet har varit att utveckla en metodik för att designa
bergrummets vägg så att den kan uppfylla de säkerhetskrav som samhället ställer. För
att nå dit krävs en djupgående kunskap om de olika ingående delmaterialens
egenskaper samt hur de samverkar inbördes.

Den designmetodik som tagits fram är baserad på den principiella uppbyggnad av

lagerväggen som utkristalliserats under den mångåriga utvecklingen av LRC-
konceptet. Kortfattat består lagrets vägg av (från insidan av lagret och utåt): Tätskikt
av stålplåt, glidskikt av bitumen, armerad betong, sprutbetong och slutligen

I avhandlingen föreslås en väg att steg för steg analysera de deformationer och
töjningar som väggkonstruktionen utsätts för då bergrummet expanderar till följd av
trycksättningen. Analysen börjar med en uppskattning av bergmassans deformations-
egenskaper, fortsätter med att bestämma deformationerna i bergrummets mest
ansträngda del, går vidare med att analysera hur väggkonstruktionen påverkas av
bergdeformationen för att utmynna i en uppskattning av töjningen i stålplåtens
(tätskiktets) mest ansträngda del. Sista steget i metodiken är att jämföra den beräknade
töjningen i stålet med tillåten töjning (utvärderad från acceptabel risk eller hämtad
direkt från normer). Eftersom ett LRC-lager under sin livstid utsätts för hundratals
lastväxlingar (med potentiellt höga töjningsnivåer i tätskiktet) är töjningsutmattning
det dimensionerande lastfallet.

Metodiken bygger på ett flertal antaganden beträffande de ingående delmaterialens

egenskaper samt hur de uppför sig vid belastning, både som enskilda material och i
samverkan med närliggande konstruktionsdelar. Det handlar bland annat om berg-
massans deformationsegenskaper, bergmassans uppförande vid upprepade belastningar
till höga tryck, armeringens sprickfördelande effekt och glidskiktets egenskaper.

Stöd för antagandena har hämtats från teorier, tidigare erfarenheter och utförda
praktiska försök. Det långvariga konceptutvecklingsarbetet har omfattat mängder av
tekniska utredningar och försök, vilka har kunnat utnyttjas vid skapandet av design-
metodiken. Speciellt betydelsefulla har de från Pilotanläggningen i Grängesberg
erhållna erfarenheterna varit. Inom ramen för licentiatarbetet har en serie laboratorie-
tester utförts avseende glidskiktets mekaniska egenskaper för det speciella lastfallet.

Den föreslagna metodiken för design av lagerväggen bygger på ett probabilistiskt

angreppssätt. Detta har valts av flera skäl, bland annat för att LRC är en ny teknik där
designpraxis saknas och för att ett probabilistiskt synsätt är ett bra sätt att hantera de

osäkerheter som i det aktuella fallet har sitt ursprung främst i bergmassans stokastiska
natur. Bergmassans egenskaper varierar inom volymen och de beskrivs därför bäst av
ett intervall eller en fördelning istället för ett deterministiskt värde.

De beräkningsverktyg som används är i sig relativt enkla. Grunden är en elasto-

plastisk analytisk lösning för bergrummets deformation vid trycksättning. Beräk-
ningarna utförs som Monte Carlo simuleringar i ett kalkylbladsprogram. Valet av
beräkningsverktyg gjordes av två huvudskäl, dels för att få en överskådlig metod där
varje steg kan följas, dels för att tids- och kostnadsramen för projektet inte medgav
annat. Som kontroll och kalibrering av beräkningsmodellen har dock, i tillägg till
erfarenheterna från Pilotanläggningen, utnyttjats ett stort antal FEM-beräkningar.

Den föreslagna metodiken visar på en framkomlig väg att designa ett LRC-lager.
Metodiken har redan tillämpats vid designen av världens första LRC-lager i stor skala
(Demonstrationslagret vid Skallen nära Halmstad).

Bland områden för möjliga förbättringar och kompletteringar av den föreslagna

designmetodiken kan nämnas:
• En grundlig utvärdering av Demonstrationslagrets uppförande vid belastning kan
användas för att kontrollera gjorda antaganden. Beroende av utfallet av en sådan
kontroll kan modifieringar av designmetodiken bli aktuella.
• Glidskiktet har en mycket stor betydelse för påkänningarna i tätskiktet. Det är
angeläget att fortsätta utvecklingen och testningen av glidskiktsmaterialet och dess
• Det bör undersökas om, och i så fall hur, användandet av stokastisk FEM-analys
som beräkningsverktyg skulle kunna förbättra hanteringen av osäkerheter i

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I want to extend my gratitude to Sydkrafts Stiftelse för Forskning (Lars Sjunnesson)

for financing my research and to Sydkraft Gas AB (Lars Månsson) and LRC Demo
AB for letting me access and use material from the design of the LRC Demo Plant in
this thesis.

I am also grateful for all good advice, support and interest provided by my supervisors
Professor Håkan Stille and Dr. Lars Olsson. A big thanks to the staff at the Division of
Soil & Rock Mechanics. Thank you Elis for all help in the laboratory!

Many persons have been involved in the development of the LRC concept. Some have
come up with the original ideas, others have developed these ideas by theoretical or
practical research. Not to forget, there are also persons that have struggled with the
hard task of financing LRC projects and managing them with unbroken spirit despite
(sometimes) technical and market setbacks. It is not possible to mention everyone by
name, but thank you all!

I want to pay a special tribute to two “old fighters” that have meant a lot for the LRC
technology and for me personally:
Torben Rosendal, you gave me great support especially during the many years of work
in the Grängesberg Pilot Plant.
Torbjörn Hahn, you are truly a dedicated inventor that combines theoretical and
practical work with a deep personal commitment.

Thank you, Robert Sturk and Per Tengborg! You have been good friends and co-
workers, all the way from the time of long nights and days at the Pilot Plant in
Grängesberg to the accomplishment of the Demo Plant at Skallen.

Finally, Lars Olsson, you are not only a supervisor but also a super inspirator and

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1.1 Why and how to store natural gas?

The need for natural gas storage in Sweden arose when the first part of the Swedish
natural gas grid, including import via a sub-sea pipeline from Denmark, was taken into
operation in the summer of 1985.

The total storage demand that was foreseen at that time was composed of three parts
(Tengborg, 1989):

• Strategic storage. This is basically a demand for a war scenario to secure a

minimum of reserve energy during a crisis in or near Sweden.
• Safety of delivery. The import of natural gas to Sweden is via one single sub-sea
pipeline only. In case of a breakdown of the import, gas must be stored to support
vital customers during the repair period.
• Load balancing. It is economically beneficial to store gas in order to balance the
variation in consumption, both over the year (there is a large variation in energy
demand for heating purposes between summer and winter) and over shorter periods
(i.e. weeks or days, so called “peak-shaving”).

The factors governing the need for strategic storage have been totally changed since
the end of the cold war and today there is no demand for strategic storage of natural
gas in Sweden. There is still only one import pipeline, so the need for gas storage as a
backup in case of a disturbance in the import still exists. This demand could however
be reduced rapidly if and when more import routes are opened. That leaves the
demand for load balancing, which today is the most important part of the total storage

Internationally a large variety of gas storage concepts exist. Among these are storage
types using existing geological formations, for example depleted oil and gas fields,
aquifer formations and salt caverns. Naturally, these alternatives are restricted to areas
with favourable geological conditions. Another existing technology is LNG (Liquefied
Natural Gas) where liquefied natural gas is stored at –163°C in insulated tanks on or in

There are no known suitable natural geological formations for gas storage in Sweden
and the LNG alternative was not favoured due to high operational costs and safety
reasons. The focus was instead put on storing gas in excavated rock caverns. Two
main concepts were studied; lined and unlined rock caverns.

The unlined rock cavern concept is based on the principle that the ground water
pressure in the surrounding rock balances the gas pressure inside the cavern. Drilled
water curtains can be used to improve the function and to allow storage pressures
above the natural ground water pressure level.

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The lined rock cavern (LRC) concept is a technology for underground storage of
natural gas at high pressure in lined rock caverns at relatively shallow depths. The
main idea is to store the compressed gas in rock caverns lined with a thin impermeable
liner and to let the surrounding rock mass carry the load.

A typical LRC storage plant is composed of two main parts, the Below Ground
Facility with one or several storage caverns and the Above Ground Facility for
handling of the gas, see Figure 1.1.

Above ground

Below ground


Figure 1.1 Schematic illustration of an LRC gas storage plant.

The caverns are connected to the Above Ground Facility at the surface via pipes
placed in vertical shafts. The Above Ground Facility contains process and control

The LRC concept has been developed mainly for storage of natural gas and for
application in areas with medium to high quality rock masses. The technology is
however also applicable for high-pressure storage of other types of gasses and for
application in a wide range of rock mass types (Johansson, Sturk and Stille, 1994).

1.2 The research project and the structure of the thesis

In 1996 Sydkraft´s Foundation for Research (Sydkrafts Stiftelse för Forskning) made a
donation to KTH (Division of Soil & Rock Mechanics) to initiate research on the
design of LRC gas storages. This was made in order to strengthen the scientific basis

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for the LRC concept with the prospect of designing and building the LRC
Demonstration Plant.

The scope of the research was defined in the project description:

“The motivation for the research is the fact that the wall design and performance is of
critical importance to an LRC storage. The aim of the research is to deepen the
knowledge on the mechanical behaviour of the wall construction, to improve the
design methods and to discuss the safety principles on which to base the design. To
achieve the goal, there is need for both a thorough knowledge on the behaviour of
each single material included in the design as well as an understanding of how they

The research presented in this thesis is inspired by the experiences and results gathered
from many different activities in the field of LRC and by many people during the last
20 years. Much of the research has been performed in parallel with the design work of
the LRC Demo Plant. This has been both positive and negative from a researchers
perspective. The positive (and dominating) side of this is that the need and demand for
practically usable research results has been obvious and strong and that the results
have been implemented directly in the design work. The negative side is that the more
formal part of the research process has been delayed because priority has been given to
the ongoing design and construction work.

The Author has participated in all the major LRC projects and studies in Sweden (see
also Chapter 4) since the mid 80’s, including conceptual studies, design and execution
of the LRC Pilot Plant Tests and design of the LRC Demonstration Plant. The central
point of the Author’s scientific work has been the detailed function of the cavern wall
and how it should be designed to fulfil the demands for safety, serviceability and

A lot of money has been invested in the development of the LRC technology and it is
therefore natural that the core technology should be protected in some way. One way
of doing this is by patenting and this has been done for parts of the concept. One patent
has been obtained for a gas circulation heating and cooling system. This system
increases the storage capacity. Another patent has been obtained for the cavern wall
design and includes the build-up of the wall and the function principles for each part
(Johansson, 2001).

Another way is to keep vital information confidential. The consortium behind the LRC
Demo project has made it clear since the start of this research project that certain vital
information must be kept confidential. In order to conform to that, the level of detail of
the presentations made in this thesis is adjusted for the confidential parts.

The confidentiality policy has also had the consequence that only a small fraction of
the results obtained during the development process has been published. Many of the
references in this thesis are therefore unfortunately confidential. The following
documents, however, give a good overview of the LRC concept, the design challenge

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and the Pilot Plant Tests. They also outlines the scientific work performed by the

• Johansson J., Sturk R., Stille H., 1994. Storage of gas in lined shallow rock caverns
- conclusions based on results from the Grängesberg test plant. Workshop, Czech
Gas and Oil association, Prague.

• Johansson J., Lindblom U. E., 1995. System for detection and collection of
potential gas leakages from a LRC gas storage. Proc. International Gas Research
Conference IGRC 95.

• Johansson J., Stille H., Sturk R., 1995. Pilotanläggning för inklädda gaslager i
Grängesberg – Fördjupad analys av försöksresultaten. TRITA-AMI Report 3004,
Division of soil and rock mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

• Stille H., Johansson J., Sturk R., 1994. High pressure storage of gas in lined
shallow rock caverns - results from field tests. Proc. of the SPE/ISRM conference
Eurock’94, Balkema, Rotterdam.

• Sturk R., Johansson J., Olsson L., Stille H., 1996. Probabilistic rock mass
characterization and deformation analysis. Proc. of the ISRM conference
Eurock’96, Balkema, Rotterdam.

The thesis starts with explaining the function principles and the failure modes of an
LRC gas storage and especially the cavern wall function (Chapter 2). The design task
at hand and necessary design data, e.g. operational conditions, material properties etc.,
are presented in Chapter 3.

The development history of the LRC concept is described in Chapter 4. The intention
is not to make a comprehensive account of all work related to LRC (or similar
concepts) performed all over the world. The description is instead focused on the
development work that eventually led to the construction of the LRC Demo Plant in
Sweden. Much of this material is confidential but it has nevertheless been of great
importance for developing an LRC design methodology and should therefore be

Getting into the core of the thesis, Chapter 5 describes the detailed function of each
structural element of the cavern wall as well as the interaction behaviour of these
elements. The method for and benefits of a probabilistic design approach are described
in Chapter 6 and a design methodology for the cavern wall is proposed in Chapter 7.

Chapter 8 provides a short account of the LRC Demo Project. The proposed cavern
wall design methodology is summarised and discussed in Chapter 9. Finally, some
recommendations for continued research are given in Chapter 10.

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2.1 General description of the storage system

The LRC storage concept has been developed in Sweden since the mid 1980’s. There
are a number of underlying reasons as to why this concept was preferred to other
storage alternatives. A brief historical background of the development of the LRC
concept is found in Chapter 4. The data given below regarding sizes, pressures etc.
reflect the state of knowledge for the current concept development stage.

The basic system of an LRC storage facility is outlined in Figure 2.1. The Above
Ground Facility is to a great extent similar to that of other underground gas storages,
e.g. salt cavern storages. It includes a compressor station, heating/cooling equipment,
piping, valves, metering, and control system. The technology in the Above Ground
Facility is conventional (except for the patented gas circulation cooling/heating
system). The innovative parts of the LRC concept are in the Below Ground Facility.


Gas process


Lined rock cavern

Figure 2.1 The LRC gas storage system.

The Below Ground Facility consists of one or more storage caverns, a vertical shaft for
each cavern, and a system of tunnels connecting the caverns with the ground surface.
The storage caverns are excavated in rock as vertical cylinders with a half spherical

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top cupola and a flattened half spherical bottom. The caverns are located at a depth of
about 100-200 meters below ground surface, see Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 Conceptual design of an LRC storage facility with four caverns and a
shared access tunnel (U.S. Department of Energy, 1999).

The maximum storage pressure is in the range of 15-30 MPa. Typical cavern dimen-
sions are 35-40 meters in diameter and 60-100 meters in height. Each cavern has a
storage capacity (working volume) of 12-30 million Nm3 of natural gas (U.S.
Department of Energy, 1999). Any desired total storage volume can be achieved by
building the appropriate number of caverns (module thinking). Each cavern is linked
to the above ground facilities by a gas pipeline running through the vertical shaft. The
system of tunnels is necessary for the excavation of the caverns, and for access during
construction of the liner (steel and concrete).

The main principle of an LRC gas storage is that the load from the high gas pressure
inside the cavern is taken by the surrounding rock mass. The lining is only there to
make the cavern absolutely gas tight and carries only a negligible part of the gas

Another characteristic of the LRC concept is that the gas pressure is higher than the in-
situ rock stresses, which implies that the rock mass (in case of a gas leak) would be

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permeable and cannot hinder gas escape, see Figure 2.3. It is therefore essential that
the integrity of the lining can be maintained. Furthermore, the cavern is situated at a
relatively shallow depth (the depth in a normal case is approximately three times the
diameter of the cavern). The rock mass must be strong enough to withstand the
uplifting forces.

h = approx. 3 D


Figure 2.3 Main characteristics of a LRC storage system.

The LRC storage system is a completely closed system; the gas is at all times enclosed
in the lined cavern, in the gas pipes etc. The system contains three main hazards:

• Mechanical energy (the compressed gas).

• Chemical energy (the gas is highly flammable).
• Poisonous substances (the gas is not poisonous but can cause suffocation in closed

The design must ensure that these hazards are not realized. The gas should not be let
out of its containment. A discussion on principle failure modes is found in Section 2.3.

2.2 Cavern wall

This section is focused on the principle cavern wall design that has emerged as a result
of the long development work, see Chapter 4. There are of course other types of
possible cavern wall designs, including different materials and material combinations.
The design of these is however outside the scope of this thesis.

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In short, the function of the cavern wall is based on the interaction between the
following elements (Johansson, 1996; Johansson, 2000a; Johansson, 2001), see also
Figure 2.4:
1. The steel liner is made of carbon steel. The role of the steel liner is solely to
achieve gas tightness; it has no pressure absorbing function. It is able to bridge
minor cracks in the concrete.
2. The sliding layer is placed between the steel lining and the concrete. Its main
purpose is to reduce the friction. Secondary functions are to supply corrosion
protection to the steel and to seal the concrete surface in case of a gas leak.
3. The concrete lining is an intermediate layer and is located between the steel liner
and the rock. Its main purpose is to transmit the gas pressure in the cavern to the
rock and to distribute the deformations uniformly. At the same time, it will serve as
a smooth base for the steel liner.
4. A welded mesh reinforcement is placed in the concrete lining to distribute the
tangential strain into many small concrete cracks.
5. A layer of special low strength permeable shotcrete is placed closest to the rock
surface. The purpose of the shotcrete is to protect the drainage system, to improve
the hydraulic contact to the drainage system and to reduce the interlocking between
the concrete lining and the rock surface.
6. The drainage system consists of perforated drainpipes fixed in an oblique angle to
cross horizontal and vertical cracks in the concrete and the rock. The drainage
system allows the water pressure against the steel liner to be lowered when the gas
pressure in the cavern is low, thus avoiding the risk of buckling the steel liner. It is
also an important safety system during operation with the purpose to monitor the
gas tightness.
7. The surrounding rock mass will support the gas pressure load on the wall, thus
acting as the load carrying element.


Figure 2.4 Principle build up of the cavern wall.

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2.3 General failure modes

For LRC storage, failure can generally be defined as a measurable leak of such a size
that the storage is no longer economically justifiable or safe. This definition covers all
sizes of leaks, from small ones up to a catastrophic collapse of the storage.

Considering an LRC storage cavern, the following general failure modes can be
identified (see also Figure 2.5):

A) Total failure of the rock mass. (The rock mass strength is entirely utilised. This
failure mode is also called uplift failure).
B) Failure of the steel lining (rupture) caused by a too large, first time, deformation of
the rock mass. (There is residual strength in the rock mass. The limit is the strain
capacity of the steel lining for a single load, which can be estimated at >20%
considering a typical ultimate yield capacity for ductile steels of about 25-30%).
C) Failure of the steel lining (leak) caused by Low Cycle Fatigue in combination with
a too shallow depth (The strain range in the steel lining is enlarged by the presence
of a nearby free surface. Failure from fatigue can be expected after less than 1000
cycles if the strain range reaches a magnitude of about 0.5-1% or above)
D) Failure of the steel lining (leak) caused by Low Cycle Fatigue (The cavern is
placed at such a depth that the free surface has no direct influence on the deforma-
tions. Failure from fatigue can e.g. be expected after less than 1000 cycles if the
strain range reaches a magnitude of about 0.5-1% or above).
E) Local failure of the steel lining (leak) caused by local weaknesses in the rock, the
concrete, the welds, by unsuitable design solutions at pipe lead-throughs etc. or by

For an LRC storage cavern situated in a fractured rock mass, the three failure modes
A)-C) can be considered to be different stages of the same phenomena. The total
failure of the rock mass (Mode A) must thus logically have been preceded by a stage
where the lining strain (in the most strained section) starts to grow rapidly (Modes B
and C).

The three first failure modes A)–C) are influenced by the design depth of the LRC
storage. To avoid these failure modes the cavern must be located at sufficient depth,
i.e. the deformation of the cavern (incl. the most highly strained section) for a given
geometry should be governed by the rock mass deformation parameters (strength,
modulus and stresses) and not by a too shallow depth.

For a chosen design pressure one can illustrate the relationship between the strain in
the most strained section of the steel lining and the chosen depth (=rock cover) for the
LRC cavern as in Figure 2.6 (Johansson, Olsson and Fredriksson, 1998).

- 21 -
Strain > 20%

A) B)

Independent on depth

Strain range

> 0.5-1 % Strain range

(failure at > 0.5-1 %

C) < 1000 cycles) D) (failure at

< 1000 cycles)

Independent on depth


Figure 2.5 Different failure modes (A-E) for an LRC storage cavern (Johansson,
Olsson and Fredriksson, 1998).

- 22 -
Lining strain in most strained section

Failure depth Mode A Rock mass failure

Failure depth Mode B Non robust
Failure depth Mode C zone

Zone where the depth is not a

dimensioning factor (with the
exception for its influence on
p rock stresses etc.)

Figure 2.6 Assumed lining strain versus cavern depth relationship (Johansson,
Olsson and Fredriksson, 1998).

• Above a certain level, deformations will be infinite, i.e. there is a failure of the rock
mass (Failure mode A).
• Below a certain level, depth will no longer be governing for the deformations in any
respect other than that the in-situ rock stresses usually increases with the depth
(Relevant failure modes are D and E).
• In between these two levels there is a transition zone, where a decrease in depth
leads to considerably larger deformations, which can involve a failure (Failure
modes B and C).

The transition zone is also called the “non-robust zone”, as a small variation in depth
can lead to an unwanted behaviour of the storage, i.e. the design is not robust against
those variations that are likely to occur.

The increase of lining strain with decreased cavern depth is small just above the lower
limit of the non-robust zone. The failure depth for Mode C is therefore not equal to the
lower limit of the non-robust zone but is situated somewhere inside the non-robust

- 23 -
The failure depth for Mode B is probably very close to the failure depth of Mode A. It
is in fact very unlikely that failure mode A could ever occur for an LRC storage in
reality since the lining first would rupture according to failure mode B.

In order to have a clear design criterion that is relatively easy to calculate, it is

recommended that the design depth should be chosen such that the storage is placed
below the lower border of the non-robust zone.

However, the design task of finding the correct depth location for an LRC storage
(Failure modes A-C) is outside the scope of this thesis. The same is valid for Failure
mode E, which must be prevented by ensuring a high quality level during both design
and construction and by taking appropriate measures to protect the lining from

The thesis treats Failure mode D (fatigue design assuming sufficient rock cover). The
main load parameter is thus the strain range in the steel lining.

- 24 -

As stated in the previous chapter, the part of the cavern design treated in this thesis is
the design against steel lining failure due to the deformation variation occurring in the
cavern wall as a result of the cyclic pressure variation in the storage (Failure mode D).
This chapter defines the design problem in detail and also describes the necessary
design data.

3.1 Problem definition

The increase of the gas pressure will cause an expansion of the rock cavern due to
deformation of the surrounding rock mass, see Figure 3.1. The deformation of the rock
mass involves both deformation of the solid rock blocks as well as shearing and
opening of existing joints.

The cavern wall will follow the rock as it expands and will be subjected to both
compressive forces (directed perpendicular to the wall) and tensile forces (directed
tangential to the wall). The resistance of the wall to the tangential forces is very
limited; the concrete lining will crack (but be held together by the reinforcement) and
the steel lining will be strained. On the other hand, the compressive forces are no
match for the concrete lining as it is supported by the rock mass.

P=0 P = Max

Figure 3.1 Schematic illustration of the mechanisms during pressurisation of a lined

storage cavern.

Looking at the problem in more detail, the result of the cavern expansion will be
movements (mostly opening but also shearing) of the existing joints between the
blocks in the rock surface. The concrete lining will crack as a result of the tangential

- 25 -
strain. This cracking will not be uniformly distributed, but will show a concentration to
the areas above the rock joints that exhibit most movement. The effect of all this in the
steel lining, which is of primary interest for the design, will be a stress pattern that
depends on the shear resistance between the steel and the concrete, see Figure 3.2.

Steel lining High shear resistance

No shear resistance

Figure 3.2 Illustration of the importance of the shear resistance between steel and
concrete to the steel lining stress pattern (based on Johansson, 1996).

If there is no shear resistance, the steel lining stress will be uniformly distributed and
proportional to the average tangential strain. The steel lining behaviour can in such
case be said to be governed by global factors (rock mass modulus etc.). If on the other
hand the shear resistance is high, the stress in the steel lining will not be uniformly
distributed. Stress peaks will occur over the cracks in the concrete and the steel
stresses will be low over uncracked parts of the concrete lining. The steel lining
behaviour is in this case governed by local factors (rock joints, cracking pattern of the
concrete etc.)

In order to better understand how the stress and strain distribution in the steel lining
depends on the friction between the steel and the concrete, a simple analytical model
can be useful (Johansson, 1996). The input data required for such a model is:

εm25 = average tangential strain in the cavern wall at 25 MPa storage pressure
Srm = average concrete crack spacing
µ = coefficient of friction between steel lining and concrete surface
t = steel lining thickness
P = storage pressure
E1 = E-modulus of the steel lining below the yield limit
E2 = Modulus of the steel lining after the yield plateau

- 26 -
The storage pressure, the average cavern wall strain (εm) and the concrete crack width
(w) are assumed to be linearly coupled to each other, leading to the following relations
(ks is a strain coefficient):

ε m 25
ks = (3.1)
25 ⋅10 6

ε m = ks ⋅ P (3.2)

w = S rm ⋅ ε m (3.3)

It is practical to look at two cases; the first when the maximum steel stress is below the
yield limit, the other when the maximum steel stress exceeds the yield limit.

The situation for the first case (maximum steel stress below the yield limit) is illustra-
ted in Figure 3.3 for a section of the steel lining between two concrete cracks (in the
example the sliding length is larger than half the crack spacing).

Steel strain
Steel stress

Stress and strain

Concrete crack spacing

Sliding length

Figure 3.3 Schematic illustration of the stress and strain distribution in the steel
lining between two concrete cracks for a case when the maximum steel
stress is below the yield limit (Johansson, 1996).

- 27 -
The maximum steel stress (σmax) occurs right over the concrete crack and can be
expressed as

µ ⋅ P ⋅ S rm
σ max = k s ⋅ P ⋅ E1 + (3.4)

The sliding length (lg), i.e. the length under the steel lining where frictional forces are
mobilised, is given by the relation

σ max ⋅ t
lg = (3.5)

The minimum steel stress occurs between the concrete cracks and can be expressed as

µ ⋅ P ⋅ S rm
σ min = σ max −
if l g ≥ S rm 2 , otherwise (3.6)
σ min = 0

The maximum and minimum steel strain are given by the relations

max σ max
ε =
min σ min
ε =

The situation for the second case (maximum steel stress above the yield limit) is
illustrated in Figure 3.4. The steel is assumed to have a well-developed yield plateau
followed by a strain hardening phase. The steel yields on a length nearest the concrete
crack. The stress varies linearly over a length equal to the sum of the sliding and the
yielding length (the coefficient of friction is assumed to be the same under the parts of
the steel that is yielding as under the parts not yielding). In the example the sum of the
sliding and the yielding length is larger than half the crack spacing.

The steel strain varies linearly over the sliding length but makes a sharp ”jump” as the
steel stress reaches the yield limit (the strain is assumed to increase momentarily from
the yield strain εs to the strain after full yield εf). The strain then increases linearly over
the yield length to reach its maximum over the concrete crack.

- 28 -


Steel strain
Steel stress




Concrete crack spacing

Yield length Sliding length

Figure 3.4 Schematic illustration of the stress and strain distribution in the steel
lining between two concrete cracks for the case when the maximum steel
stress is above the yield limit (Johansson, 1996).

The sliding length, where the frictional forces are mobilised under the elastically
strained part of the plate, is still given by the relation

σ max ⋅ t
lg = (3.8)

It is however interesting to notice that the sliding length, with other factors constant, is
constant at increased gas pressure to the point when the yield limit is reached. At
higher stresses the sliding length decreases with increased gas pressure. This is
because the linear relation between gas pressure and maximal steel stress is no longer
valid when the yield point is exceeded. Above this limit, the maximal steel stress
increases slower than the gas pressure.

The yield length (F), i.e. the length where the steel is or has been at yield, can be
expressed as

µ ⋅ P ⋅ S rm  µ ⋅ P ⋅ S rm  µ ⋅ P ⋅ S rm  1 1   µ ⋅ P ⋅ S rm 
ε s −ε f − + ε s − ε f −  − ⋅ −  ⋅ ε s − ε m − 
2 ⋅ t ⋅ E1 
 2 ⋅ t ⋅ E1 
 t 
 E2 E1  
  4 ⋅ t ⋅ E1 

F= (3.9)
µ ⋅P  1 1 
⋅ − 
t 
 E2 E1 

- 29 -
The maximum steel stress occurs right over the concrete crack and can be expressed as

µ ⋅P⋅F
σ max = σ s + (3.10)

where σs is the yield stress of the steel lining. The minimum steel stress occurs
between the concrete cracks and can be expressed as

µ ⋅ P ⋅ S rm
σ min = σ max −
if l g ≥ S rm 2 , otherwise (3.11)
σ min = 0

The maximum steel strain can be expressed as

max σ max − σ
ε =ε + s

The minimum steel strain can be expressed as

σ min
ε min =
if σ min ≤ σ , otherwise
min σ min − σ
ε =ε + s


As the steel has yielded it has obtained a certain deformation that remains after
deloading. The total permanent deformation (δrem) over a concrete crack can be
expressed as

  ε max − ε f  
δ rem
=   −εs ⋅2⋅ F (3.14)
 2  
  

As described in Section 2.2, the cavern wall design contains several structural features
that aim at creating conditions that will make the behaviour of the steel lining more
global rather than local. The most important of these features is the sliding layer that
ensures low shear resistance between the steel and the concrete. Other features are the
reinforcement of the concrete lining (which aims at spreading the effect of local rock
joints over several concrete cracks) and the special shotcrete that reduces the
interaction between the rock surface and the concrete lining.

- 30 -
The main task in creating a design procedure for the cavern wall is to find a practical
way of estimating the stress and strain pattern of the steel lining and to pinpoint the
most strained section. It is also important to have an approach that accounts for the
existing uncertainties, primarily in the assessment of the rock mass properties.

3.2 Guiding demands

The design of the cavern wall must meet different demands; from society (mainly
safety demands from authorities) and from the owner (requirements on the operation).
Other types of demands are the different technical limits, which must not be exceeded,
for the materials used in the cavern wall.

3.2.1 Safety and reliability demands General

The society demands safety for the general public. To accomplish this safety, rules and
regulations are generally designed such that the probability of death or serious injury is
kept at a low level.

This is usually risk-based, so that if the consequences are large, the allowable failure
probability is smaller and vice versa. In this way the aversion to possible accidents
with many people are hurt can be handled (this is often illustrated in so called FN-
graphs, where acceptable frequency is plotted versus number of victims.)

The society also recognises that the probability of damage to property should be kept
at a reasonable level. However, the acceptable level of this kind of damage is conside-
red more of a concern for the owner, which is also stated in building codes.

The difference between the two safety demands, the one which is a concern of the
society and the one which is more a private concern, is emphasised by the demand in
many codes, e.g. the Eurocode (CEN, 2001), that a separate analyses should be done
for the ultimate state limit (which concerns safety of people, structural collapse etc.)
and the serviceability limit state (which concerns usefulness for its purpose).

The serviceability state considers the function of the storage and could also be called
operational reliability. Besides having a safe plant for workers and third party, the
owner could be expected to want high reliability and durability (low maintenance
cost). The exact demands are however project specific as they depend on business
considerations and are often regarded as trade secrets. The serviceability state is not
treated further in this thesis.

The storage cavern of an LRC facility is a new type of design. There are no existing
specific codes and standards, so the design philosophy has to be created from scratch.

- 31 -
It should however adhere to generally accepted safety levels for workers, for third
party and for the environment. Involved authorities and legislation

In Sweden, there are two main authorities involved: The Swedish Rescue Services
Agency, SRSA (Räddningsverket) and The Swedish Work Environment Authority,
SWEA (Arbetsmiljöverket) with the regional Work Environment Inspectorates
(Arbetsmiljöinspektionen). Generally speaking, SRSA handles the safety of third party
(outside the facility) whereas SWEA handles workers safety. The former Spräng-
ämnesinspektionen (Inspectorate for flammables and explosives) is now an integrated
part of SRSA but is still responsible for flammables and explosives.

There are three different main legislations that have to be followed:

• Natural gas legislation.
• Seveso II legislation.
• General building legislation.

The department of flammables and explosives at SRSA supervises handling, transport-

tation and storage of natural gas. Among the applicable codes are NGSA 2001 (SIS,
2001) and SÄIFS 1996:8 (Sprängämnesinspektionen, 1996). These codes treat the
design of gas pipes, for underground storage of gas it is only stated that “the authority
will provide rules for each specific case”. The companies behind the LRC Technology
have therefore been in continuous contacts with the SRSA concerning design rules
more or less since the start of the development of the concept. The result of these
contacts yielded that the design should be based on probabilistic methods to show that
the total risk is below the acceptable risk level.

The Seveso II directive aims at preventing large chemical accidents and to limit the
effects of such accidents, should they occur. The directive has been implemented as a
Swedish legislation, which besides the authorities above also involves Swedish
Environmental Protection Agency SEPA (Naturvårdsverket) responsible for environ-
mental questions. SEPA acts through the county administration (Länsstyrelsen).

In order to fulfill the Seveso legislation, the plant owner must provide, among other
things, a Safety Report. A central part of this report is a risk analysis containing e.g. an
inventory of potential hazards, accident scenario descriptions, estimation of scenario
probabilities and consequences and a valuation of the total risk. In the guidelines given
by the authorities it is stated that probabilistic methods could be good tools to achieve
these goals.

Eurocode is currently valid in parallel with the Swedish Plan and Building Law
(Miljödepartementet, 1987). The main design method in Eurocode is based on partial
coefficients. There are some obvious difficulties when applying this technique to a
new underground technology like LRC. Eurocode (CEN, 2001) however opens the

- 32 -
door for alternative design methods, in Section 3.5 (5) it is said in connection to limit
state design that “as an alternative, a design directly based on probabilistic methods
may be used”. In Annex C of the Eurocode there are target values for the Beta-index
and also a translation between the Beta-index and the probability of failure that can be
used to find the acceptable probability of failure to be used in a probabilistic design. Acceptable risk

SRSA has compiled a number of criteria (Swedish and international) on acceptable

risk in the R&D report ”Värdering av risk/Evaluation of risk” (Räddningsverket,
1997). SRSA also proposes a criterion to be used. A summary of this proposal is
presented below.

Individual risk
The purpose of using criteria for the individual risk is to make sure that single
individuals (workers or third party) are not exposed to unacceptable risks. The
individual risk is defined as the risk of death or serious injury and is expressed as
yearly risk.

The proposal states the following criteria for individual risk (for third party, not

• Upper limit for area where the risk under certain circumstances can be accepted is
10-5 per year.
• Upper limit for area where the risk can be regarded as small is 10-7 per year.

Individual risks below 10-7 are regarded as acceptable and no actions to further reduce
the risk are necessary. For the area between 10-5 - 10-7 the ALARP (As Low As
Reasonably Practicable) principle should be used. This means that actions should be
taken to lower the risk if the cost for this is not disproportional to the risk reducing
effect. Common practice in risk valuation is that the criterion for individual risk is a
factor 10 higher for workers than for third party.

Societal risk
The purpose of the criteria for societal risk is to limit the risk exposure for local areas
(e.g. neighbouring households) or for the society as a whole. Societal risk can be
defined as the relation between the possible accident frequency of a specific activity
and the resulting consequences. The frequency is usually given as number of events
per year and the consequence as the number of fatalities (dead or seriously injured).
Societal risk can be expressed in the form of FN-graphs, showing the relation between
the accumulated frequency and the number of fatalities. The proposed criterion for
societal risk is shown in Figure 3.5.

- 33 -

(r 1E-04
ep 1E-05
iti Upper border for area
la 1E-06 where the risk under
ta certain circumstances can
f be tolerated
er 1E-07
Nf 1E-08 Upper border for area
where the risk can be
o. considered as small
qe 1E-09

1 10 100 1000 10000

Number of fatalities (N)

Figure 3.5 Criterion for societal risk proposed by Räddningsverket (SRSA)
(Räddningsverket, 1997).

Figure 3.5 shows, as an example, that the limit for the risk to be considered as small
(no further risk reducing measures necessary) is 5·10-7 per year for N=2 and 10-7 per
year for N=10. Probability of failure

The previous section talks about acceptable risk. In order to be of use in the design,
this acceptable risk must be transformed into a probability of failure for the structural
part being designed, e.g. for the cavern wall.

One way of doing this is by looking at all the possible consequences of a cavern wall
failure. The consequences are of course project specific as they depend on plant lay-
out, number of workers at the plant, risk reducing measures, distances to neighboring
households and many more factors. However, once the possible consequences are
established, the allowed failure probability can be deduced from the criteria for
individual and societal risk.

Another way of establishing the allowed probability of failure is by using the codes.
As most modern codes are risk based it is possible to find (at least in the background
work to the code) the probability of failure that should be fulfilled. As mentioned
earlier, for the Eurocode (CEN, 2001), such information can be found in Annex C.

- 34 -
3.2.2 Design data

The operational parameters of an LRC gas storage plant, that will influence the design
of the cavern wall, can be described by (Rosé, 1998):

• The variation of the internal gas pressure and temperature of the stored gas with
- Maximum and minimum gas pressure during normal operation.
- Design pressure (maximum allowed gas pressure).
- Minimum gas pressure (extreme case).
- Turnover rate (number of cycles per year).
- Injection and withdrawal rates.
- Temperature variations from storage operation.
• The composition of the stored gas, including tracers and water content.
• The external groundwater pressure (for different operational modes of the drainage
system) and the external chemical environment.
• The design life.

All this data is project specific. However, in order to provide the reader with some idea
of the magnitudes, probable values for operational data of an LRC facility are
presented below.

To make an LRC storage facility economically feasible, the storage pressure must be
relatively high. The maximum storage pressure is dictated by the chosen lining
material (strain capacity and fatigue properties) and the actual geological conditions
(U.S. Department of Energy, 1999). The deformations must not exceed the strain and
fatigue capacity of the lining material. This leads to a design loop where the design
parameters are optimised in relation to each other within the frame of the geological
conditions, see Figure 3.6.

Maximum storage
pressure level


Geological Estimated Maximum allowed

conditions deformations in strain level in the
the rock mass lining

Figure 3.6 Design loop for technical and economical optimisation of a lined rock
cavern for storage of gas (U.S. Department of Energy, 1999).

- 35 -
For medium rock conditions and better, it is however normally not the geology that
limits the cavern pressure. The maximum pressure is in such case determined by an
economical optimisation of the Above Ground Facility in relation to the role of the
storage in the gas grid system. Maximum cavern pressure in a normal case can be
expected to be in the range 15-30 MPa, probably 20-25 MPa.

Minimum gas pressure during normal operation depends on the groundwater pressure
surrounding the cavern, the pipeline pressure and economical optimisation, but is
probably in the order of 2-4 MPa. The number of pressure cycles will be from 1 per
year to 10-20 per year. The international trend in the gas business is to favour many
turnovers per year. With a plant life of 50 years this means that the total number of
load cycles is expected to be 500-1000.

The injection rate is linked to the turnover rate. The higher injection rate, the higher
the temperature in the cavern at the end of each injection phase. The withdrawal rate is
also linked to the turnover rate but also to the demand to supply great volumes of gas
to the gas grid in a short time. The temperature in the cavern will fall during a with-
drawal. Figure 3.7 gives an example of pressure and temperature variation inside the
cavern during three pressure cycles between 3 MPa and 20 MPa.

25 60
20 40
)a )
P 30
( 15
er 20 ut
us ar
se 10
rp m
eg 10 0 eg
ar ar
ot -10 ot
5 -20
Temp. -30
0 -40
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (days)

Figure 3.7 Example of pressure and temperature variation inside the storage cavern
during three pressure cycles (Rosé and Hall, 1997).

The maximum and minimum cavern temperatures that can be expected are of the order
of +50°C and –30°C respectively (Rosé and Hall, 1997). This is without the use of the
gas circulation heating/cooling system. If such a system is used, the temperature
variations inside the cavern can be reduced (U.S. Department of Energy, 1999).

- 36 -
3.2.3 Demands from materials

The design must consider the limits of the materials used so that they are not used over
their capacity, this could be called the “demands from materials”.

The most important properties of the rock mass are the modulus and the compressive
strength. The rock mass properties can however not be regarded as demands from
materials since they are dictated by nature (once a site is selected) and are not possible
to change. The properties of the rock mass, and the response they give to the pressure
load, should instead be seen as the boundary conditions on which the cavern wall
design must be based.

For the concrete used in the lining, the important limit is the compressive strength.
This should not be exceeded, since that would result in a total deterioration of the
material structure. It is however not difficult to achieve a concrete with a compressive
strength that is well above the maximum load level (i.e. with a margin above the
maximum gas pressure). The tensile strength of the concrete does not impose any
demand; there is no way to hinder cracking of the concrete considering the general
expansion of the cavern.

Regarding the shear resistance of the sliding layer, it is not possible to define any
critical limit that would act as a demand from materials. Of course, the lower
resistance, the better. The shear resistance of the sliding layer increases with
decreasing temperature, a fact that may constitute a design limit concerning cavern

The steel lining consists of the steel plates and the welds between them. The main
properties for steel are the modulus of elasticity, the yield limit, the ultimate strain
capacity and the fatigue properties. Considering the loads on the cavern wall, it can be
concluded that in practice it is only the fatigue properties that impose any demand on
the design. The fatigue load (the strain range and the number of cycles) must be below
the fatigue capacity.

- 37 -
- 38 -

This chapter outlines the development history and technical background to the LRC
concept. The aim is not to present a complete historical résumé on all types of
underground storage techniques. The presentation is focused on the main (in the
author’s view) studies and activities that have been directly involved in the
development of the present LRC concept and the cavern wall design methodology.

4.1 Development history

The development history of natural gas storage facilities in Sweden is of course

closely linked to the introduction of natural gas as a part of the Swedish energy
system, as previously described in Section 1.1. The first part of the Swedish natural
gas grid, including import via a sub-sea pipeline from Denmark, was taken into
operation in the summer of 1985.

But the search for a suitable storage technology for Sweden had already started in the
middle of the 70’s. Internationally, there exist a large number of underground gas
storage plants operated with high pressure. These storage types, for example depleted
or operating oil and gas fields, aquifers and salt caverns, are restricted to areas with
geological conditions and formations that are unavailable in Sweden where hard
crystalline basement rock is dominating.

Since alternatives to the traditional high pressure gas storages were needed in
Scandinavia, two concepts have been subjected to practical and theoretical studies;
unlined water tightened rock cavern storages at large depths and lined rock cavern
(LRC) storages at shallow depths. There were of course also investigations performed
regarding the conventional LNG storage technique. The studies covered both above
ground tanks, in-ground tanks and tanks in rock caverns. As strategic storage was a
main purpose at that time, LNG tanks in rock caverns were favoured.

Sweden has a long tradition of storing oil in unlined rock caverns. It was natural to try
to develop this technology also for storage of natural gas at high pressures. This
remained the main alternative for large scale natural gas storage in Sweden at least up
to the mid 80’s. Unlined caverns are based on the principle that the ground water
pressure in the surrounding rock balances the gas pressure inside the cavern. Drilled
water curtains can be used to improve the function and to allow storage pressures
above the natural ground water pressure level. Good references for these principles are
the air cushions used in Norwegian hydro power plants.

One disadvantage with unlined caverns for gas storage is that they have to be located
at great depth, e.g. at 1500 m depth for a storage pressure of 15 MPa. This implies
high initial cost to access the storage level and that the storage volume consequently
must be very large to make the facility economical. Since the demand for strategic

- 39 -
storage of large gas quantities diminished (see Section 1.1), the trend gradually turned
in favour of the LRC concept. An LRC facility consists of one or several storage
modules at relatively shallow depths and can more easily be adapted the market needs.

Today, more than 20 years of research and development have been invested in the
LRC concept. The development history can briefly be described by looking at the five
major steps taken during this period to advance the development of the LRC concept
(see also Figure 4.1):

Te Co
ch De mm
no mo
log ns erc
y, tr ial
ec ati ph
on on as
om pro e
y, je
Ev ma ct
Co alu rke
Ba nc Pil ati t
sic ep ot on
tua tes
co ls ts
nc tud
ep ies
t id

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Figure 4.1 Major steps in the LRC development history (based on Johansson and
Tengborg, 1999).

Step 1 - Conceptual Studies

The first step consisted of basic conceptual studies, and was conducted from 1985
through 1992 by a combination of Swedish companies including Sydkraft, Sydgas,
Swedegas and Vattenfall. These studies principally addressed the issue of the cavern
lining and its tightness to gas, see also Sections 4.3.1 to 4.3.3 below.

Step 2 - Pilot Tests

A pilot plant was constructed in 1988 - 1989 at Grängesberg in Sweden and used for
testing from 1989 through 1993. The purpose of the pilot tests was to experiment with
different linings, evaluate the effect of increasing pressure, test the benefit of reduced
storage temperature, investigate further the feasibility of a thin stainless steel lining,
better understand the fracture mechanism in the surrounding rock and to test the
consequence of leakage in the liner at high pressure. The pilot tests are further
presented in Section 4.2.

- 40 -
Step 3 – Evaluation of Pilot Tests
The third step consisted of compiling and analysing in depth the results from the Pilot
tests and was completed in 1995.

Step 4 – Technology, Economy and Market

During 1995-1997, specific technical questions were studied in detail. Among the
studies were siting criteria, modelling of the sandwich wall, drainage system design,
rock mechanics etc.

Also the economy of the concept, both the construction and the operational cost, was
studied in more detail. The fields covered were for instance the operational conditions,
study of high withdrawal and injection rates, creation of the gas circulation system,
above-ground plant simplified design etc. A market analysis was performed and the
word wide marketing of the concept started (this activity is also continuing during the
last step).

Step 5 - Demonstration project

This last step, which was approved by the partners in October 1997, consists of
building and testing a demonstration plant. The construction work started late 1998
and the commissioning began in the second half of 2002. The storage is located at
Skallen near Halmstad in south-western Sweden. The LRC Demo Project is carried out
jointly by a consortium formed by Gaz de France and Sydkraft. After a demonstration
period the plant at Skallen will commence commercial operation in the Swedish gas
grid. Some of the major studies carried out as parts of the Demo Plant design are
presented in Section 4.4. The Demo Plant itself is described in Chapter 8.

4.2 The Grängesberg pilot tests

This section describes the performed tests in the Pilot Plant and provides a summary of
the main results, with focus on the behaviour of the rock mass and the cavern wall.
The Pilot tests have been presented in an extensive evaluation report funded by
Sydkraft´s Foundation for Research (Johansson, Stille and Sturk, 1995).

The Pilot tests have also been presented in several conference papers, e.g. Lindbo,
Sandstedt and Karlsson (1989), Rosendal, Särkkä and Tengborg (1992), Johansson,
Sturk and Stille (1994), Stille, Johansson and Sturk (1994) and Johansson and
Lindblom (1995).

4.2.1 Background

In the late 1980’s it was deemed necessary to demonstrate the LRC technology by
performing practical tests in a pilot plant as a step between theory and the construction
of a full-scale storage facility. The main objectives for the first stage of the pilot tests

- 41 -
• Test of the entire system in interaction under realistic load conditions.
• Test and evaluation of different lining materials.
• Test of the rock mass response to pressure load (20 MPa).
• Test of the drainage system function.
• Demonstration of the LRC concept for future owners and authorities.

The pilot tests were carried out in four project steps 1988-1993. Additional major
objectives for the latter steps were:

• Test the concept at even higher pressures (52 MPa was finally achieved).
• Test the function at low temperature (–25 °C).

Many companies and organisations participated in and/or contributed financially to the

pilot tests. Major participants were Vattenfall, Sydkraft, Sydgas, Swedegas, Neste,
Statoil and Skanska. Other involved parties included BPA, J&W/Grøner, SAF-LO
Trygghetsfonden, Bergslagsdelegationen, Statens Energiverk, STU, AMS, Nordiska
Ministerrådet, SBUF, NUTEK, Stiftelsen bergteknisk Forskning and KTH.

4.2.2 The Pilot Plant

The pilot plant is located at Grängesberg in central Sweden, approx. 250 km northwest
of Stockholm. The facility consists of three test rooms (Room 1-3) and a tunnel
system, see Figure 4.2.


Figure 4.2 Layout of the pilot plant in Grängesberg (Johansson, Stille and Sturk,

- 42 -
The predominant type of rock in the area is a medium-grained granite (UCS = 340
MPa, E-modulus = 56 GPa). The initial stresses of the granite are low according to
rock stress measurements, i.e. 1-4 MPa. There are three major steep joint systems;
horizontal joints are sparse. A classification of the rock mass was performed and the
results were RMR = 75 and Q = 20.

The three test rooms are excavated as vertical cylinders with similar principle layout.
A vertical section of Room 2 is shown in Figure 4.3. The rooms are lined on the inside
with concrete and steel. The rock overburden above the rooms is approx. 50 m.

Room 1 is designed specifically for the purpose of testing a 0.4 mm thick lining of
austenitic stainless steel. Room 2 is equipped with a lining of 6 mm carbon steel. The
concrete lining is about 0.6 m thick and not reinforced. Room 3 was originally
intended for tests of a plastic liner. The plastic liner however already failed during the
construction phase and the room was then used to test a 0.5 mm thick lining of
stainless steel. The concrete lining is 0.3 m thick and conventionally reinforced.




Figure 4.3 Vertical section of Room 2: 1. Access tube 2. Concrete plug 3. Water fill
4. Gas fill 5. Steel lining (6 mm) 6. Concrete lining (0.6 m) 7. Rock mass
(Stille, Johansson and Sturk, 1994).

- 43 -
An extensive monitoring system makes it possible to continuously register the defor-
mations during pressure testing. The radial rock mass deformations are measured by
multiple extensometers, labelled "E" in Figure 4.4. Mini-extensometers "M" are
installed in the concrete lining to measure the tangential strain in the concrete. The
expansion of the whole system, i.e. the total increase of the internal diameter, is
measured by convergence lines, "C", inside the test rooms. The measuring installations
are somewhat different in the three rooms, due to geological variations and different
lining materials.

"C" "M"


Figure 4.4 Measuring installations in the test rooms, schematic horizontal section
(Stille, Johansson and Sturk, 1994).

4.2.3 Performed tests

Only limited tests have been carried out in Room 1 due to problems with the lining,
the highest pressure reached was 14 MPa. In Room 2, comprehensive pressure tests
and trials have been carried out including more than 200 cyclic loads, see Figure 4.5.
The maximum pressure achieved was 52 MPa.

Room 3 has been subjected to a great number of loads (reaching 28 MPa at most)
including 91 cyclic loads, see Figure 4.6.

- 44 -


se lc
Pressure (MPa)

se se lc yc
lc lc yc 05
se yc yc 01
30 se lc 05
se lc yc 01 °C5
lc yc 00 2-
20 se yc 01 ri ri
se lc 1 A A
se lc yc 01
lc yc 01
10 yc 01
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
Figure 4.5 Pressure tests performed in Room 2 (Stille, Johansson and Sturk, 1994).



Pressure (MPa)

ste 2t
30 sel sel eg eg
cy cy ak ak
c c ael
73 11 ri ri



Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
Figure 4.6 Pressure tests performed in Room 3 (Stille, Johansson and Sturk, 1994).

4.2.4 Main results Rock mass behaviour

The total measured deformation for all horizontal extensometers installed in the rock
mass for all three test rooms are shown in Figure 4.7. The largest rock mass defor-
mation measured in Room 2 was 5.65 mm at 52 MPa. The general rock mass
behaviour was linear, even for the highest pressures.

During loading the rock mass behaves according to an elasto-plastic model. At low
pressures this means a mainly elastic behaviour. At higher pressures tensile stresses
occur in the rock surface. When the strength of the rock mass is exceeded, shearing
and compression take place in the joints and plastic deformations occur.

- 45 -

Room 2
no Room 3
it 3
fe Room 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pressure (MPa)

Figure 4.7 Deformations measured in all horizontally installed extensometers in all

three test rooms (Stille, Johansson and Sturk, 1994).




m E5-E

( E5-P

no 2,0

it E7-E

ro 1,5

fe E7-P




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Pressure (MPa)

Figure 4.8 Elastic and plastic (permanent) deformations measured in three extenso-
meters in Room 2 (Stille, Johansson and Sturk, 1994).

- 46 -
If the permanent deformations are subtracted from the total deformations (Figure 4.7)
the remaining part of the deformations reflects the elastic behaviour of the rock mass,
which is ruled by a deformation modulus, see Figure 4.8. This modulus might be
slightly different in different directions in the rock mass due to local geological

To simulate the long-term deformations in the rock, hundreds of load cycles have been
performed. Figure 4.9 shows the additional deformation that has occurred in the two
horizontal extensometers in Room 2 as a result of 100 load cycles between 1 and 16.5
MPa. The rate of deformation growth decreases and the main part of the additional
deformation occurs during the first 50 cycles. The 100 cycles cause a 17% increase in
the total deformation.


) 0,25


a E6
fe 0,15




0 25 50 75 100

Cyclic loads (no.)

Figure 4.9 Additional deformations in two horizontal rock extensometers in Room 2

due to 100 cyclic loads between 1 and 16.5 MPa (Stille, Johansson and
Sturk, 1994).

There are 10 special joint-meters (0.25 m long extensometers) installed in Room 3 in

the concrete lining above selected joints in the rock surface. The largest deformation
measured is 0.79 mm, which occurred at the maximum pressure of 28 MPa. The
deformations recorded in all the joint-meters are shown in Figure 4.10. Both opening
and closure of rock joints have occurred.

- 47 -


m 0,50

a 0,25

D 0,00



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Pressure (MPa)

Figure 4.10 Rock joint movements in Room 3 (Stille, Johansson and Sturk, 1994).

The main conclusion from the pilot tests regarding the rock mass behaviour is that the
pressure absorbing function has been proven at pressure levels far above those
intended for a commercial natural gas storage plant (20-25 MPa). Experiences gained
improved the possibility of predicting rock mass behaviour in connection with high-
pressure rock storage. No accelerated deformations occurred during repeated load
cycles and the rock mass deformation behaviour was in general linear. Over 85% of
the radial deformations took place within a distance of approximately 2 room diame-
ters (from the periphery). Concrete lining behaviour

The deformations in all the horizontal mini-extensometers are shown in Figure 4.11,
which gives an indication of the size and variation of the deformations. The deforma-
tions shown are the tangential deformations that occur in the concrete over a length of
1m. Cracks in the concrete develop when the tangential tensile strain exceeds approxi-
mately 0.1‰, which in this case happens at low pressures, approximately 0-5 MPa. At
these low pressures single cracks open locally with an uneven distribution around the
circumference of the concrete lining. At higher pressures cracks continue to develop
and open. At this stage the cracking evens out, implying a larger number of cracks per
metre and that the cracks widen more uniformly.

- 48 -

Room 2

no Room 3
ro 2
Room 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Pressure (MPa)

Figure 4.11 Deformations in all horizontal mini-extensometers in all three test rooms
(Stille, Johansson and Sturk, 1994).

Some parts of the steel lining have been dismantled in Room 2 and Room 3 for the
purpose of studying the condition of the concrete behind it. The sections selected for
dismantling were in areas where large movements in the concrete had been measured
and thus where fracturing was expected to be greatest.

To investigate the concrete lining in Room 2 more thoroughly, four concrete cores
(ø100 mm) were drilled. The cores, which have been drilled right down to the rock, are
0.6-1.1 m long.

The concrete lining in Room 2 is relatively intact considering the large loads to which
it has been subjected. Cracks and crack zones have formed at reciprocal intervals
varying between 0.25 m and 1 m. No large, loose pieces of concrete or crush zones
have been found. Nor does the concrete surface appears to be particularly affected or
crumbled, but is still hard. These observations are confirmed by the compressive
strength measurements performed on one of the drilled concrete cores. The result
shows that the concrete has a compressive strength of 49-53 MPa after four years
compared with 42 MPa at the time of casting (April 1989), i.e. an increase of 17-26%).

The mapping of the concrete surface in Room 2 also showed that the crack frequency
varies somewhat in different directions, from 1-2 cracks/m to 2-4 cracks/m. Two
pronounced crack zones have been mapped in the area in which the greatest tangential
deformation (3.95 mm/m) has been recorded. These zones contain several minor
cracks and are probably the result of shear failure in the concrete adjacent to a major
crack. The results of the deformation measurements and the inspection imply that the

- 49 -
crack openings of single cracks are limited in size and do not exceed 1 mm at a
pressure of 52 MPa. Most of the cracks in the cylindrical part of the room are vertical.
Some inclined cracks have been observed. In the dome the cracks are chiefly

During the inspection in Room 3, which was carried out directly after the completion
of pilot tests in 1993, no cracks could be observed in the concrete surface by ocular
inspection. The concrete surface appeared to be intact with a hard and unaffected
surface. This was remarkable since the concrete in the inspected areas, according to
the measurements, had been subjected to strains in the magnitude of 1-2‰.

A new inspection was performed in May 1995 (Johansson, 1996). Three new inspec-
tion rectangles were opened in the steel lining. Only one distinct crack zone could be
observed with ocular inspection. To improve the crack indication the concrete surface
was grinded down 5-10 mm. Indication of cracks was then performed by alternate
wetting (water spray) and drying (heat fan) of the concrete surface. A number of very
fine cracks emerged with this method in two of the inspected areas. In the third area,
no cracks could be observed despite using this method. To summarise, the concrete
lining in Room 3 is in very good condition with only a few observed very thin cracks.
The observed cracks suggest a regular crack spacing of approx. 0.1 m.

The main tasks for the concrete lining are to transfer the load and to distribute the
deformation. The conclusion from the pilot tests is that the first task can be accomp-
lished by the concrete lining. The concrete lining in Room 2 shows some tendency of
local crushing, but that this was observed after tests to 52 MPa, a pressure level equal
to the strength of the concrete and far above the pressures intended for a LRC storage.
The concrete lining of Room 3 is in very good condition after tests to 28 MPa, which
is just above the intended commercial storage pressure.

The crack distributing effect is not so easy to evaluate. Two different designs have
been tested in the pilot plant. Room 2 has a strong steel lining, a sliding layer of
asphalt and a plain concrete lining. Room 3 has a thin steel lining, no sliding layer and
a reinforced concrete lining.

In retrospect, the design of Room 2 was not consequent. An effective distribution of

cracks in the concrete surface demands some kind of reinforcement. The choice is
between letting the concrete and the steel interact (thus letting the steel act as reinfor-
cement) or to reinforce the concrete in combination with a sliding layer between the
steel and the concrete. In Room 2, the steel is equipped with a sliding layer, preventing
the steel to act as reinforcement, at the same time as the concrete has no reinforcement.

The crack pattern in the concrete surface of Room 2 is therefore ruled mainly by the
movements in the underlying rock (block size). The result is pronounced and extended
cracks with a relatively large spacing. This has however not affected the cavern wall
function in Room 2, but a better crack distribution is still desirable. Apart from the

- 50 -
mechanical function, a good crack distribution is important for example for reducing
the corrosion risk and for safety reasons in case of a gas leak.

In the concrete lining of Room 3, a good crack distribution has been achieved with a
reinforcement ø16 #150 mm. The distribution of cracks has been so effective that it is
almost impossible to detect any remaining cracks at all after the pressure tests.

As regards the crack distribution in the concrete lining, these experiences from the
pilot plant have affected the present cavern wall design in the sense that a crack
distributing reinforcement in the concrete lining should be used in combination with a
sliding layer. Steel lining behaviour

The possibility to continuously measure the strain in the steel lining of Room 2 arose
during Phase 2 and 3 of the pilot tests when, in all, six micro-extensometers were
installed. These sensors continuously measure the strain in the steel lining over a
measured length of 150 mm.

)e 4
re 3





0 10 20 30 40 50

Cavern pressure (MPa)

Figure 4.12 Strains recorded in the six micro-extensometers placed on the steel lining
in Room 2 during the pressure test to 52 MPa.

As an example, Figure 4.12 shows the strains recorded in the six micro-extensometers
placed on the steel lining in Room 2 during the pressure test to 52 MPa. There is a
great difference in behaviour between the micro-extensometers, both regarding
absolute strain values and the deformation pattern. The probable explanation is that

- 51 -
these differences are caused by the local behaviour (opening and shearing of cracks) in
the concrete lining. As mentioned before, the concrete in Room 2 showed a
pronounced cracking concentrated to crack zones with relatively large spacing.

Samples from the steel have been subjected to laboratory analysis. The metallurgic
analysis implies that the high stress and strain levels have not affected the structure of
the steel and that the properties of the steel after the loadings are unchanged in relation
to the original properties. Total behaviour

The evaluated total radial deformation at 25 MPa and the distribution of the deforma-
tion have been summarised in Table 4.1 for a pilot size cavern, also shown are the
corresponding estimated values for a commercial scale cavern.

In the pilot scale, the rock mass deformation contributes to 50% of the total radial
deformation. The remaining part is related to deformations in the concrete lining and
its transition zones. Local rock deformations play an important role with regard to the
total behaviour in the pilot scale, causing a variation of 25%. The total radial
deformation implies an average tangential strain in the steel lining of 1.8‰.

For a commercial plant (ten times the geometrical scale) the rock deformation is
expected to increase proportionally to the scale while the deformations in the concrete
lining and the transition zones are expected to remain roughly the same as in the pilot
plant. The rock will thus account for a dominant share of the deformation and the share
of the total deformation attributed to the concrete and the transition zones is expected
to be marginal. Furthermore it should be pointed out that the average strain in the steel
lining would decrease from 1.8‰ in the pilot scale to 1‰ in the full scale

Table 4.1 Estimated size and distribution of radial cavern deformation at 25 MPa
for the pilot scale (diameter 4.4 m) and the commercial scale (diameter
44 m) (based on Stille, Johansson and Sturk, 1994).

Element Pilot scale (D=4.4 m) Commercial scale (D=44 m)

Radial Share of Radial Share of
deformation deformation deformation deformation
(mm) (%) (mm) (%)
Steel lining 0 0 0 0
Transition steel-concrete 0.5 12.5 0.5 2.3
Concrete lining 1 25 1 4.5
Transition concrete-rock 0.5 12.5 0.5 2.3
Average rock deformation 2 50 20 90.9
Local rock deformation ±1 ±25 ±1 ±4.5
Total deformation 3-5 100 ±25 21-23 100 ±4.5

- 52 -
4.3 Other important studies

4.3.1 The Thin Sheet and Thick Plate reports

Two very important studies on the LRC concept were performed during 1986-87 by a
group of companies including Vattenfall, Sydgas, Sydkraft, Swedegas and Avesta
Lining. They resulted in two confidential reports: Projekt Tunnplåt/Project Thin Sheet
Metal (Sydgas, 1987) and Projekt Tjockplåt/Project Thick Plate (Vattenfall, 1987).

In these reports, and the underlying documents, the basic features and design
principles of the LRC concept are described in a comprehensive way. The Thick Plate
report can be considered as the basis for the subsequent development of the concept.
The outlined cavern wall design is illustrated in Figure 4.13. The Pilot Plant was
designed directly based on the proposals in this report. The concept has later been
modified in details, but also the recent LRC Demo Plant bears great resemblance to the
concept as presented in the Thick Plate report.

12 mm steel lining
Asphalt sliding layer
Concrete lining (unreinforced)
Drainage pipes
Rock mass

Figure 4.13 Principle cavern wall design as outlined in the Thick Plate report (based
on Vattenfall, 1987).

The main ideas (relevant for the cavern wall design) presented in that report are:
• The cavern shape should be a vertical cylinder with rounded top and bottom.
• There should be a drainage system with the dual purpose to reduce groundwater
pressure and to serve as a safety system in case of a gas leak (detect, collect and

- 53 -
evacuate the case). The main system is composed of perforated corrugated plastic
pipes mounted on the rock surface and enclosed in the concrete lining.
• The drainage pipes should be covered with a protective layer of shotcrete prior to
the pouring of the concrete lining.
• Due to strong interaction between the concrete lining and the rough rock surface it
was not believed that reinforcement would have much effect on the cracking of the
concrete. The concrete lining was therefore proposed to be of plain concrete.
• The average tangential strain in the cavern wall was expected to be less than 1‰
(for 15 MPa gas pressure and “normal” Swedish crystalline rock).
• Asphalt was proposed as a sliding layer between the steel and the concrete as a
means of reducing the friction and to provide corrosion protection.
• The steel lining was 12 mm carbon steel with medium strength and high ductility.
• Fatigue and fracture growth were identified as critical for the steel lining.

4.3.2 The Sydgas studies

The so-called Sydgas studies (Sydgas, 1989) had a dual aim. One was to investigate in
more detail some key questions of the LRC concept. The other was to start the process
of siting and permits for a LRC demonstration facility with a storage capacity of 10
MNm3 of gas in one cavern to serve the Sydgas market. The plan was to later expand
the facility to a capacity of 40 MNm3.The studies were carried out in the years1988-89
by a group of companies including Sydgas, Sydkraft, Vattenfall and Avesta Lining.
The studies are confidential but it could be worthwhile to highlight the following
studied topics:

• A thin (0.4 mm) stainless steel lining was the main alternative. Focus was on
welding technique, detailed design solutions and fatigue of the steel over cracks in
the concrete surface.
• Different alternative designs of the concrete lining were evaluated, e.g. designs
including a layer of sand (the purpose of the sand was to act as drainage and as a
sliding layer). However, the final recommendation was a solid concrete lining.
• The threat of clogging of the combined water and gas drainage system was studied.
Expected mechanisms were chemical depositing, bacterial activity and (in case of a
gas leak) gas hydrate formation.

4.3.3 The Swedegas studies

Many technical reports on key LRC questions were produced within the Swedegas
studies in the years 1989-1990. The overall aim for Swedegas at that time was to
investigate technical solutions for very large natural gas storage volumes; the total
Swedish storage demand was expected to be 660 MNm3 in the beginning of the
twenty-first century. This led to module thinking, a number of LRC tanks were to be
successively built at four storage sites in Sweden in order to meet the expected growth

- 54 -
of the storage demand. The plans were never realised due to market and political

Each LRC module had a working gas volume of 20 MNm3. The maximum storage
pressure was 15 MPa. The diameter was 42 m and the height was 88 m, giving a total
geometric volume of 104 000 m3. The geometry was a standing cylinder with a half
sphere at the top and a rounded bottom part. The proposed design for the cavern wall
was similar to that illustrated in Figure 4.13 above.

All Swedegas studies are confidential. The major reports related to cavern wall design
cover the following topics:

• The rock mass as a pressure absorbing medium (Barton, Monsen and Stillborg,
1989). The following guidelines for a rock mass to be suitable for LRC storage
were established: the compressive strength of the intact rock should be > 150 MPa,
the elastic modulus of the rock mass should be > 30-50 GPa, the smallest
horizontal rock stress should be > 4 MPa and the relation between the smallest and
the largest rock stress should be > 0.5. If this is fulfilled, the rock joint opening in
the cavern surface (at 20 MPa) was expected to be 0-2 mm (in extreme cases 5
mm). It was also concluded that rock masses fulfilling the requirements are
relatively common in Sweden.
• Function of the lining over an opening rock joint (Janson, 1990). Detailed
questions were the effect of reinforcement, the importance of the shear resistance
between steel and concrete and the fracture pattern in the concrete lining. These
questions were studied both with calculations (analytical and numerical) and in
laboratory tests. The conclusions were:
- With high friction between steel and concrete (no sliding layer), the steel lining
acts as a very strong reinforcement and has a very good fracture distributing
effect (fractures are induced over a large distance from the rock joint).
- With low friction, there is a concentration of concrete fractures over the rock
- A reinforcement of ø16 mm c/c 150 mm provides a good fracture distributing
effect for rock joint opening up to 2-3 mm, for larger opening the reinforcement
- Fibre reinforced concrete does not provide a good fracture distributing effect.
• Construction methods for the steel and concrete lining (Johansson, 1990a). The
following recommendations were made:
- The steel and concrete work should be separated as much as possible to avoid
disturbances and to ensure high quality, i.e. the steel tank should be erected first
and the concrete pouring performed last.
- Steel construction methods where all work is done from the bottom level should
be favoured, e.g. the vertical jacking method and the spiral erection method.
Automatic welding methods and fixed working stations should be used when
possible. Access to both sides of the welds is essential.
- Access to the space between steel and rock during concrete pouring is necessary
for manual vibrating and quality control.

- 55 -
- Water filling of the steel tank can be used for support during concrete pouring.
• Methods for weld quality control and tightness test of the steel lining (Johansson,
1990b). A clear distinction was made between testing of weld strength and weld
- Strength and quality test method: 10% of the weld length and all weld crossing
should be tested by radiography. Ultrasonic test is a complement.
- Gas tightness test method: 100% of the weld length should be tested (section by
section) with a trace gas that quantifies the tightness.
• Designing the steel lining against fatigue (Johansson, 1990c). The study involves
theoretical analysis of fatigue mechanisms, empirical calculations and fatigue
testing in laboratory.
- The danger of Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) was highlighted.
- Both parent material and welds (with and without defects) were tested.
- The tests were performed at relatively high levels of strain ranges due to the
assumption that the maximum crack opening in the concrete surface was 2-5
- For a friction coefficient of 0.53 and a 5 mm opening of the concrete crack, the
estimated number of cycles to failure is approximately 1000 (based on a strain
range estimated from FEM modelling and fatigue data from laboratory tests).
• Corrosion protection of the steel lining (Johansson, 1990d). A detailed
investigation of different mechanisms of corrosion and possible protection methods
was performed. The main conclusion was that an LRC storage cavern does not
need any special corrosion protection (for “normal” Swedish conditions) because:
- The high pH value of the concrete will make the steel passive.
- The content of chloride and oxygen in stagnant groundwater in the cavern wall
is expected to be low (normally no water circulation in the drainage system).
- Relatively low temperature and low content of organic substances are also
The corrosion risk cannot be finally judged until site specific information is
available. If the corrosion risk is not negligible, a cathodic protection system is
proposed, consisting of four main parts:
- The cathode is the steel lining connected to the negative pole of the rectifier.
- The rectifier unit.
- The anode being an expanded titanium mesh connected to the plus pole of the
rectifier. The mesh is placed in the concrete lining, encompassing the entire
- The reference electrodes for monitoring and verification of the system.
• The design and function of the combined water and gas drainage system
(Johansson, 1990e). The efficiency of different designs was studied as well as the
mechanisms and effect of clogging. Main conclusions from the studies were:
- The drainage system (design as in Figure 4.13) has a capacity to evacuate very
large gas leak flows (in the order of 100 Nm3/s) if 5-10 pipes are involved.
- The collection efficiency for small gas leaks is at least 70-75%.
- Water circulation in the drainage system should be avoided in order to
minimize the risk of chemical or biological clogging.

- 56 -
4.3.4 Demonstration Plant studies

Strengthened by the positive results from the Pilot Plant, Sydkraft/Sydgas took the
initiative to form a consortium with the objective to build a Demonstration Plant. The
first studies were performed by Sydkraft and Skanska 1994-1995 with the aim to
clarify some technical questions. In parallel the search for more consortium partners
continued. Skanska, however, left the consortium after this phase.

In 1996-1997, Sydkraft, Gaz de France and Statoil formed a consortium with the
objective to prepare a basis for decision to invest in a Demonstration Plant (half scale
of the industrial size cavern). A number of studies were initiated in the so-called Risk
Assessment Phase in order to evaluate the technical and economical risks (and
potentials). The work also included site investigations at Skallen (this site was chosen
after a long and comprehensive siting process) and preparation for an application for

The same participants (Sydkraft, Gaz de France and Statoil) continued in the years
1997-1998 with Design Phase 1 including detailed design of rock excavation, tender
documents for the rock excavation and the Above Ground Facility, site investigations
and some remaining technical questions. Statoil left the consortium during spring

The two remaining consortium participants Gaz de France and Sydkraft continued
with Design Phase 2 during 1998-2001. The activities included design and tendering
for the cavern wall and work concerning approval from authorities, e.g. a Safety
Report according to the Seveso II directive.

The construction of the Demo Plant started in 1998, see Chapter 8.

A lot of work has been performed during the years 1994-2001 preparing for the Demo
Plant, resulting in numerous reports. The list below concentrates on the main reports
relevant to the cavern wall design methodology presented in this thesis (all reports are

• Bergmekanik och bergmodellering för inklädda gaslager (Rock mechanics and

rock modelling for LRC storages) (Sturk, Johansson and Stille, 1995). The report
evaluates methods for the estimation of rock mass properties and rock mass
behaviour based on the experiences gained from the Pilot Plant. It is recommended
to use a probabilistic approach together with rock mass classification systems (e.g.
RMR and Q) and related empirical relations.
• Bergmekaniska lokaliseringskriterier för inklädda gaslager (Rock mechanical
criteria for localisation of an LRC gas storage) (Johansson and Sturk, 1995). The
report proposes a stepwise approach for determining the feasibility of a potential
LRC site. Two methods are proposed; FLRC1 for preliminary assessment at a very
early stage, FLRC2 for final assessment when site data is available.

- 57 -
• Vatten- och gasdränagesystem för inklädda gaslager (Water and gas drainage
system for lined gas storages) (Isander, Tengborg and Windelhed, 1995). The
report recommends that the drainage pipes in the concrete lining should be
arranged in a rhombic pattern to be robust against clogging. It is also recommended
that the drainage system should normally be closed (i.e. no circulation of water) but
be activated if a gas leak is indicated. The collection efficiency for gas is estimated
to be over 85%.
• Samverkanskonstruktionen Berg – Betong – Tätskikt (Cavern Wall Interaction
Rock – Concrete – Steel lining) (Johansson, 1996). The report contains a thorough
investigation of the function of each structural element in the cavern wall and how
they interact. Laboratory tests were performed on the sliding layer. The report also
proposes a preliminary design of the cavern wall and outlines a design calculation
• Säkerhetsanalys (Safety analysis) (Olsson and Johansson, 1996). The safety
analysis was part of the application for the concession of the LRC Demo Plant
(submitted July 1996, approved February 1998). The safety analysis was
complemented in January 1997 (Olsson and Johansson, 1997). The safety report
focuses on the storage cavern (being the new part of the LRC technology) and
includes analyses of accident scenarios, consequences and risks; all of which are
presented in a probabilistic format.
• Cavern Wall Construction (Johansson and Olsson, 1997). The report compares
different possible constructions methods with respect to expected quality,
robustness and economy. The recommended ”best” combination of construction
methods is:
- Drainage pipe mounting and shotcrete application are combined with the rock
- The bottom part of the steel tank is constructed inside the cavern and the
concrete is poured under it (Steel plates are treated with asphalt by the
- The rest of the steel tank is erected together with the reinforcement net (Steel
plates are treated with asphalt by the manufacturer).
- The concrete wall is poured with self compacting concrete (minimum thickness
and no vibrating).
• Use of Self Compacting Concrete for Construction of Rock Storage of Natural
Gas (Petersson, 1998). The feasibility of self-compacting concrete (SCC) is
discussed. SCC is recommended for the Demo Plant.
• Cavern shape (Johansson, 1998). The goal of this study is to investigate the effect
of different storage cavern shapes on the strain level in the lining. Other aspects as
constructability and operational demands are also discussed. Five different shapes
are studied and one of them is recommended for the Demo Plant.
• Safety against uplift (Johansson, Olsson and Fredriksson, 1998). The report
proposes a general method for determining the design depth for an LRC facility.
The general principle is that the cavern should be placed at such a depth that the
influence of the free surface is negligible. Focus is on densely fractured rock
masses; homogeneous or stratified rocks are not treated.

- 58 -
• Global rock mass parameters for the Skallen site (Johansson, 2000b).
Application of the FLRC1 and FLRC2 models on site data from Skallen. The result
is the main rock mass parameters (i.e. σcm and Em) expressed as probability density
• Laboratory Tests on bitumen membrane for LRC storage (Johansson, 2000c).
The report describes the development process for finding a suitable sliding layer
material. The result was the specially designed membrane “SlideProof-LRC06”.
The report also presents the extensive laboratory tests performed at KTH,
Stockholm, where the shear resistance of the sliding layer has been examined under
various pressure and temperature conditions.
• Cavern Wall. Demo Plant Design (Johansson, 2000a). This is the main cavern
wall design document for the LRC Demo Plant. Detailed analysis of the cavern
wall function. Proposal of a probabilistic design method. Application of the method
on the Demo Plant. The report is backed by a number of supporting reports. Some
are already mentioned above, other important reports are:
- “Analysis of axial symmetric section” (Fredriksson and Persson, 2000a). FEM
calculations of stresses and strains in the cavern wall.
- “Analysis of crack propagation in concrete behind steel lining” (Fredriksson
and Persson, 2000b). FEM calculations of crack pattern in the concrete lining
and stresses and strains in the steel lining. Parameter variations.
- “Analysis of horizontal section” (Fredriksson and Persson, 2000c). FEM
calculations of stresses and strains in the cavern wall for different horizontal
rock stresses.
- “Defect assessment of the LRC Demo plant lining” (Bergman and Klasén,
2001). Fracture mechanical study including laboratory tests on site samples.
- “Estimation of corrosion risk of a lined rock cavern for natural gas storage”
(Sandberg et al., 1999). Study based on the Demo plant design and site data
regarding environmental factors.
- “The Influence of Rock Stress on Lined Rock Cavern Storage of Natural Gas”
(Johansson and Tengborg, 1999). Evaluation of the rock stress situation at the
Demo site and its consequences.
- “Thermal simulation of LRC storage operations” (MFRDC, 1998). Analysis of
the temperature variation in the cavern and in the cavern wall during different
operational phases.
• Design Leak Rate (Johansson and Olsson, 2001a). The report treats different
lining failure mechanisms, probabilities and defect sizes. It aims at defining the
design values of the gas leak rate.
• Gas Leak Handling - Below Ground Facility (Johansson and Olsson, 2001b).
The report describes how the design leak rate can be handled in a safe way.
• Säkerhetsrapport (Safety Report) (Sydgas AB, 2001). This is the Safety Report
required to fulfill the Seveso II directive. It contains among other things accident
scenario descriptions, probability assessments, consequence estimations and
evaluation of risk.
• Expected Behaviour of the LRC Demo Cavern (Johansson and Tengborg, 2002).
Description of the expected behaviour of the Demo cavern and definition of alarm

- 59 -
- 60 -

5.1 Introduction

This chapter treats the principle cavern wall design that has emerged as a result of the
long development work, see Chapter 4. There are of course other types of cavern wall
designs that could work, including different materials and material combinations. Such
alternative cavern wall designs are however outside the scoop of this thesis. The
structural parts in the principle cavern wall design are illustrated in Figure 5.1.

Steel lining

Sliding layer

Reinforcement mesh


Special shotcrete

Rock mass

Figure 5.1 Structural parts of the cavern wall (Johansson, 2000).

5.2 Rock mass

The type of rock mass considered in this thesis is primarily a moderately to highly
jointed hard crystalline rock mass (e.g. Scandinavian granite or gneiss). It is also
assumed that large intersecting zones, affecting the deformation pattern, can be
avoided by an appropriate site investigation programme.

Other types of rock masses, more sparsely jointed or stratified, could also be suitable
for application of the LRC concept but the design methodology regarding the rock
mass must, for such cases, be modified.

When discussing the rock mass as the pressure absorbing medium in the LRC concept
it is necessary to look at two different scales.

In the large (general) scale the case is a pressurised cavity in an infinite rock mass. The
pressure will cause elastic and maybe plastic (permanent) deformation in the rock
mass depending on the assumed strength. A jointed rock mass in this scale can, as a
good approximation, be considered as a continuum, see Figure 5.2. The Mohr-
Coloumb failure criterion is usually adopted for modelling of the rock mass. The

- 61 -
general deformation of the cavern (with the actual shape) should be modelled consi-
dering the large-scale behaviour of the rock mass. Directional anisotropy in the rock
mass in-situ stress and in the deformation properties must be considered.

Intact rock

Single joint system

Two joint systems


Many joint systems

Rock mass
Figure 5.2 The different “scales” of a rock mass (after Hoek and Brown, 1980).

The small (local) scale is important when studying the local behaviour of the cavern
wall. The general deformation of the rock wall estimated from modelling in the large
scale must, when modelling in the small scale, be applied as a strain divided over the
existing rock joints in proportion to their spacing and properties. Opening of rock
joints will cause fracturing of the concrete lining which in turn will affect the steel

- 62 -
5.2.1 General behaviour of the rock mass Phenomenological description of the rock mass response

Rock mechanics is often a question of describing the behaviour and the properties of
the rock mass by using simplifications so that they will fit into general material laws.
In order to be able to have a critical look at the results emerging from these theories it
is, however, utterly important to base your thinking on a phenomenological verbal
description of the course of events. Such a description is required if common sense and
engineering judgement are to be used, something often put forward as essential for a
talented rock engineer.

The basis for a conceptual model is the understanding of the rock mass itself. It
consists of blocks and joints (maybe with fillings) and more extensive weakness zones.
The rock blocks can themselves contain weakness planes (e.g. gneiss, sedimentary
layers). The joints and blocks together compose the rock mass geometry. This can vary
from planar parallel (e.g. shale, limestone) to cubic (e.g. basalt) or be more or less
random (e.g. granites). Joint surfaces can be anything from planar and covered with
soft fillings to being very rough and undulating. In the rock mass there is also a tri-
axial initial stress field governed mainly by the overburden and the remaining effects
of tectonic or thermally induced movements.

The deformation properties of the rock mass are a combination of the properties for the
single parts. Easiest to determine is the E-modulus and the compressive strength of the
intact blocks. The strength of the joints depends on roughness and undulation, fillings,
joint wall strengths and the normal stress. Joint geometry in various scales can,
together with the intact rock strength, be assumed to be the most important factor for
the strength of the rock mass.

In this rock mass, a hole is made through excavation of a cavern. The rock mass near
the cavern deforms inwards. It is also affected by the blasting itself and by the stress
relaxation and stress redistribution that occurs. The effect on the blocks near the
surface can be that they are cracked by the blasting or disturbed in their position due to
the deformation and the stress change.

The next step in the imaginary model is that the rock wall is subjected to a pressure
that is step by step increased to higher levels. It is worth noting that this “reversed”
load case differs from the load cases normally treated by rock mechanical theories, i.e.
excavation of tunnels and caverns. How will the rock mass deform as a result of this

To get an overview of the problem, assume that the cavern is situated in an infinite
rock mass. The only ”empty space” in this rock mass (apart from the cavern) is the
joint volume, i.e. the additional compression of the joints that is possible from the
initial state. It is easy to realise that there is no risk of accelerating deformations or a
sudden collapse. During loading, the joints are compressed at the same time as the

- 63 -
blocks are deformed elastically. The affected zone, where the rock mass is comp-
ressed, grow further and further out from the cavern as the pressure increases. Looking
at the problem this way, the total radial deformation has an upper limit defined by the
elastic compression of the intact blocks and the compression of the joint volume
within the affected zone. If intact blocks are cracked, this will lead to a reduction of
the total deformation, as once opened a joint cannot completely close again. Elasto-plastic behaviour

It is widely accepted in rock mechanics to treat the rock mass as an elasto-plastic

material (Ladanyi, 1974; Brown et al., 1983; Stille, 1984; Hoek, Kaiser and Bawden,
1995). At low pressures the behaviour is mainly elastic and the radial deformation is
governed by the E-modulus of the rock mass, see Figure 5.3.

it Elastic + tensile +

a shear phase
fe Plastic deformation
dl ruled by dilatancy
ai Elastic +
Elastic deformation ruled by
da tensile phase tensile conditions
R Elastic Elastic deformation
ruled by the E-modulus

2P0 σcm Pressure

Figure 5.3 Principle elasto-plastic behaviour of the rock mass. Tensile stresses in the
rock surface occur at double the initial stress, 2P0 (for isotropic stress
field). Plastic deformations occur when the compressive strength of the
rock mass (σcm) is exceeded (Johansson, Stille and Sturk, 1995).

Pure elastic conditions will prevail until either tangential tensile stresses occur in the
rock surface causing radial joints to open (the pressure level for this depends on the
tangential stress situation after excavation and on the tensile strength of the rock mass)
or the pressure load exceeds the strength of the rock mass.

Rock mass failure occurs when the strength of the rock mass is exceeded. The failure
causes shearing and compression in the joints leading to plastic deformations.

When a lined rock cavern is pressurized three deformation zones can develop, see
Figure 5.4. The radius and the thickness of each zone are ruled by the strength of the
rock mass and by the in-situ stress field. In a weaker rock mass the plastic zone will be
larger, whereas in a high strength rock this zone might not even begin to develop at
normal storage pressures.

- 64 -
Elastic zone

Elastic tensile zone

Shear zone

Concrete lining
Steel lining


Figure 5.4 Deformation zones around a pressurized rock cavern (after Sturk,
Johansson and Stille, 1995).

The general deformation pattern of an LRC storage cavern is thus mainly dependent
• Rock mass modulus.
• Rock mass strength.
• Rock stress situation.
• Cavern shape.
• Storage pressure.

The analytical solution for the rock mass deformations for a 2-D case has been
presented earlier (e.g. Johansson, Stille and Sturk, 1995; Sturk, Johansson and Stille,
1995). The solution considers the complex conditions with an elastic, a tensile and a
sheared zone according to Figure 5.4. The solution makes it possible to calculate the
total radial cavern deformation, which is useful for studying the rock mass as a
pressure absorbing medium in the LRC concept. Stress anisotropy

A rock mass is often anisotropic regarding deformation properties, i.e. for a given
pressure level the radial deformation may vary with direction. This can be explained
by the combined effect of the in-situ stress situation (governs the stress situation
around the cavern after excavation) and the joint orientation (governs the E-modulus
and the compressive strength). This section deals with the effects of stress anisotropy,
anisotropy caused by joint orientation is discussed in the next section.

- 65 -
The magnitude and the relation between the in-situ stresses influence the behaviour of
the rock mass both during the excavation of a storage cavern and later during opera-
tion. The horizontal tangential stresses around the border of a long circular excavation
(see also Figure 5.5) can be expressed as (Hoek and Brown, 1980):

σ t = σ h ((1 + k ) − 2(1 − k ) cos 2θ ) (5.1)

k= (5.2)
For θ=0°
σ t = σ h (3k − 1) (5.3)

and for θ=90°

σ t = σ h (3 − k ) (5.4)




Figure 5.5 Tangential stresses at the rock contour of a long circular excavation
(after Hoek and Brown, 1980).

Stress anisotropy during excavation

If there is a large horizontal stress anisotropy (i.e. large k-value), tensile stresses will
already occur in the direction of the largest horizontal stress during excavation of the
cavern. This will happen if the k-value is larger than 3, see Figure 5.6. Tensile stresses
in the cavern wall after excavation can cause stability problems and will increase the
need for rock support.

- 66 -


Maximum tangential stress

s 8
l 6
Minimum tangential stress


0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5

k = σH / σh

Figure 5.6 Variation of tangential stresses around a horizontal section of a long

circular excavation as a function of stress anisotropy (Sturk, Johansson
and Stille, 1995).

The maximum and minimum horizontal stresses from three investigated LRC sites in
southern Sweden are plotted together in Figure 5.7 (Johansson and Tengborg, 1999).
The figure also shows trend lines for the stresses (linear regression). The relationships
between the major horizontal stresses and the depth are:

σ h = 0.030 ⋅ z − 0.106
σ H = 0.061 ⋅ z − 0.324

The minor horizontal stress σh at the three sites coincides closely to the theoretical
vertical stress, i.e. corresponds to the weight of the overburden. For a cavern located
with the centre at level –140 to –150 m below surface (reasonable values for LRC
storage) the horizontal stresses are roughly σh= 4 MPa and σH= 8 MPa (see Figure
5.7), giving a k-value of 2.

- 67 -
Stress (MPa)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Lunbybjär Sh

Lunbybjär SH

25 Lövesåsen Sh

Lövesåsen SH
S = 0,061*Depth-0,3236
Skallen Sh

Skallen SH
Skallen Sh OC

Skallen SH OC

Sv theoretical

75 Lin reg SH

Lin reg Sh


ht 125





S = 0,0295*Depth-0,1063


Figure 5.7 Plot of performed stress measurements at three potential LRC storage
sites (Johansson and Tengborg, 1999). Filled symbols are results based on
hydro fracturing; non-filled symbols are results from overcoring.

According to Figure 5.6 this will result in tangential stresses around the cavern after
excavation (for the horizontal mid-wall section) that vary from 4 MPa in the direction
of σH to 20 MPa in the direction of σh. This is illustrated in Figure 5.8 showing the
variation of tangential stress in the rock surface after excavation along a quarter of the
horizontal section, from σH to σh direction. The minimum horizontal stress σh is kept
constant at 4 MPa and k is varied from 1 to 3.

- 68 -


) (k=1,5)
a 25
P (k=2)
s 20
t 15
a 10

0 2,5 5 7,5 10 12,5 15 17,5 20 22,5 25 27,5

Distance from σΗ to σh direction (m)

Figure 5.8 The variation of tangential stress in the rock surface after excavation for
different k-values along a quarter of the horizontal section (cavern
diameter 35 m), from σH to σh direction. σh is kept constant at 4 MPa
(Johansson, 2000).

Stress anisotropy during operation

The magnitude and the ratio of the horizontal in-situ stress will also have an effect on
the deformations and the strains when the cavern is pressurised. The effect of different
in-situ stress situations has been studied mainly with 2-D numerical models
(Fredriksson and Persson, 2000c).

Both the radial deformation and the tangential strain have been calculated for different
anisotropy situations (k-values of 1, 1.33, 2 and 4 have been used). Figure 5.9 and
Figure 5.10 shows the variation of the radial deformation and the tangential strain
along a quarter of the horizontal section, from σH to σh direction, for a case with k=2
and σh=4 MPa (cavern diameter 35 m).

It is of interest to note that the radial deformation is largest in the σh direction, i.e. the
direction where the tangential stress has a maximum whereas the tangential strain has
a maximum in the σH direction where the radial deformation is smallest. As this might
not be obvious to all, an explanation is in place. The tangential stress situation around
the cavern does not change the E-modulus of the rock mass. But the tangential stress
affects the radial deformation when the cavern is pressurised by governing the storage
pressure at which tensile stresses occur in the rock surface. In an anisotropic case,
tensile stresses in the rock surface occur at different pressure levels for different

- 69 -
25 MPa

18 20 MPa

15 MPa


15 MPa

m 5 MPa


tia 12

ro 10

dl 8


0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 10,0 12,5 15,0 17,5 20,0 22,5 25,0 27,5

Distance from σH to σh direction (m)

Figure 5.9 Variation of the radial deformation for different cavern pressure levels
along a quarter of the horizontal section, from σH to σh direction, for a
case with k=2 and σh=4 MPa (Johansson, 2000).


25 MPa

20 MPa

15 MPa

15 MPa


5 MPa


p( 1,0






0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 10,0 12,5 15,0 17,5 20,0 22,5 25,0 27,5

Distance from σH to σh direction (m)

Figure 5.10 Variation of the tangential strain for different cavern pressure levels
along a quarter of the horizontal section, from σH to σh direction, for a
case with k=2 and σh=4 MPa (Johansson, 2000).

- 70 -
Looking at the case illustrated in Figure 5.9 and Figure 5.10, tensile stresses will occur
in σH direction when the cavern pressure reaches 4 MPa (see Figure 5.8) and rock
joints will start to open. In the perpendicular direction σh the tangential stress is 20
MPa after excavation, so no rock joint opening will occur for storage pressures up to
that level. The situation is schematically illustrated in Figure 5.11.



Figure 5.11 Schematic illustration of the situation around a pressurised cavern in an

anisotropic in-situ stress field. Joints start to open in the direction of σH
(Johansson, 2000).

The most obvious consequence is that the tangential strain will have a maximum
where the opening of rock joints has its maximum (point A in Figure 5.11). The radial
deformation in this direction will be governed by the modulus of the rock mass
considering tensile conditions in a zone near the room.

The area around point B will be in tangential compression up to very high storage
pressures. The tangential strain will be low. The radial deformation, on the other hand,
has a maximum in this direction. A phenomenological explanation to this may be that
the deformation in the direction of point B is composed of two parts; the first part
being the elastic deformation of the rock mass and the second part being the large-
scale effect of the far reaching rock joint opening in the perpendicular direction. In
more simple terms, the cavern and the surrounding rock mass will be “split-up” along
an axis in the σH direction and the two “halves” will separate, thereby causing the
extra deformation in the σh direction.

The validity of this explanation can be checked to some extent by studying the amount
of strain that may, according to the above hypothesis, be assigned to rock joint
opening, see Figure 5.12 (cf. Figure 5.10). The shaded area in the figure represents the
“extra” strain due to opening of joints in the cavern surface.

- 71 -

Tangential strain

in cavern surface


Part of strain

re assigned to opening

p( of radial rock joints



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Distance from σH to σh direction (m)

Figure 5.12 Illustration of the part of the total strain that may be assigned to opening
of joints in the cavern wall (Johansson, 2000).

The extra radial deformation can be estimated by calculating the shaded area (could be
approximated by a triangle). A small reduction (e.g. 10%) should be made to adjust for
variation of direction. The result can then be compared to the calculated difference in
radial deformation in the two main directions. This type of estimation has been made
for the three stress anisotropy cases (k=1.33, 2 and 4, σH=8 MPa) for a cavern pressure
of 20 MPa, see Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Comparison of calculated difference in radial deformation with the

estimated extra deformation due to joint opening for an anisotropic 2D
case at 20 MPa cavern pressure (Johansson, 2000).

σH σh ∆r from numerical Estimated extra deformation

(MPa) (MPa) calculations (mm) due to joint opening (mm)
8 2 6.3 7.3
8 4 3.1 3.3
8 6 1.0 1.2

The estimations presented in Table 5.1 seem to confirm the hypothesis. There are of
cause other factors involved in a real case, such as the Poisson effect and the complex
situation of stress and deformation interaction between the two directions. It seems,
however, clear that the main part of the difference in radial deformation for an
anisotropic 2D case can be linked to the far-reaching joint opening in the σH direction.

- 72 - Anisotropy caused by joint orientation

Concerning anisotropy caused by the rock joint orientation, one must remember that it
is the deformation range that is of interest for the cavern wall design. An example can
be taken from Room 2 of the Pilot Plant in Grängesberg. The difference between
extensometer C16 and C20 (placed in the two major horizontal directions coinciding
with the assumed anisotropy from stress and deformation properties) is very large (75-
100%) regarding maximum deformation, see Figure 5.13.

it 3
ro C20

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Cavern pressure (MPa)

Figure 5.13 Measured deformations in rock extensometers C16 and C20 in Room 2
at the Grängesberg Pilot Plant (after Johansson, Stille and Sturk, 1995).

But if the deformation range is studied instead, the difference is much smaller. Figure
5.14 shows the deformation behaviour during cycling between 10 MPa and 25 MPa.
The deformation range for the two extensometers is very similar, 0.68 mm for C16 and
0.65 mm for C20. The difference in deformation range is thus only about 5% at the
same time as the absolute deformation at 25 MPa differs by 80% (2.7 mm for C16 and
1.5 mm for C20).

The explanation for this, in the case of the Pilot Plant, is that the anisotropy is
governed mainly by the orientation of the joint system. In the “softer” direction (C16)
shearing of the joints causes permanent deformation. The modulus during cyclic
loading, however, seems to be more or less constant for all directions.

In the cavern wall design methodology, as presented in this thesis, the anisotropy
regarding joint orientation properties is considered to be covered by the assumed
uncertainties in the rock mass properties.

- 73 -








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Time (h)
Figure 5.14 Deformation range for extensometers C16 and C20 in Room 2 of the
Pilot Plant during pressure cycling 10-25 MPa (Johansson, 2000). Plastic deformation and creep phenomena

Plastic or permanent deformation of the rock mass can occur in principle from two
mechanisms. The most important mechanism in hard rocks is the compression and
shearing of rock joints (shearing mainly occurs when the strength of the rock mass is
exceeded). The other mechanism is creep in the rock material itself. Creep is very
insignificant for high strength gneiss and granite.

In the Grängesberg pilot tests the long-term increase of the rock deformations was
studied by cyclic loading, see Section 4.2. The cyclic tests showed that the increase in
deformation from repeated loadings was limited and diminishing, see Figure 4.9.
Assuming that the cyclic tests can be seen as an accelerated long term test, the
conclusion is that the increase of the deformations during the life of a LRC storage is
in the order of 10-20%. A typical behaviour is that a change in load causes an almost
immediate elastic response followed by a time dependent small additional
deformation. This is true both for loading and unloading.

During the pilot tests there were few occasions when high cavern pressures were kept
constant for long periods. Such an occasion is shown in Figure 5.15, where the air
pressure in Room 2 was kept at 15 MPa for a duration of 8 days. C16 and C20 are
horizontal extensometers at mid-wall level and C24 is a vertical extensometer placed
under the cavern bottom. Only C16 shows any measurable increase in deformation.

- 74 -
2,0 20

1,8 C16 18
1,6 16

) 1,4 Pressure 14
( 12 P

no (
it er
a 1,0 10
of se
0,6 6

0,4 4

0,2 2

0,0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Time (h)
Figure 5.15 Rock deformation data from 8 days of 15 MPa constant pressure in
Room 2 in Grängesberg (Johansson, 2000).

As already mentioned, the most important load parameter for the design of the cavern
wall is the working strain range. This will not increase due to plastic or creep
deformation. The effect will only be that the strain range is “lifted” to a somewhat
higher deformation level, i.e. both the maximum and the minimum values will increase
(see Figure 5.14). Permanent deformations (plasticity and creep) are therefore of
limited interest for the design of the steel lining, but has importance e.g. for the
maximum crack width in the concrete lining.

5.2.2 Local behaviour of the rock mass

Even if the rock mass in the large scale can, as a good approximation, be considered as
a continuum, this is obviously not true for the local scale (block scale). Deformation
measurements often give different values for nearby locations. The explanation is a
combination of block settlements in the rock surface and shearing and compression of
joints. Such deformations are to a great extent plastic, i.e. after a few load cycles the
deformation behaviour will be more similar.

This type of behaviour has been frequently observed during the Pilot Plant tests. An
example from Room 2 of the Pilot Plant is shown in Figure 5.16. Extensometers 5-7
are placed radially outwards from the cavern in different directions. The total

- 75 -
deformations show a large spread whereas the evaluated elastic deformations (the
permanent plastic deformations have been subtracted) are more uniform. The
remaining small differences can be attributed to more global factors like the in-situ
stress situation and the orientation of the main joint systems.




) E5-Elastic

m 4


no E7-Elastic

2 D

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Cavern pressure (MPa)

Figure 5.16 Recorded total and elastic deformations in three extensometers from
Room 2 of the Pilot Plant (after Johansson, Stille and Sturk, 1995).

Another aspect of the local behaviour is the variation of the joint width in the rock
surface. When the cavern expands due to the gas pressure load, the total increase of the
circumference will be divided over the existing rock joints. But all joints will not open
in the same way due to the local conditions, e.g. block and joint geometry, joint
stiffness etc. In the design of the cavern wall it is desired to at least roughly estimate
the size of the maximum joint opening.

To determine the design crack width for the most strained part of the rock cavern, it is
necessary to consider both the estimated strain level in that area and the probable
spacing of the rock joints.

As an example, assume that the tangential strain in the rock surface at the most
strained part of the cavern has been estimated to be between 0.9‰ and 2.7‰ with a
mean value of 1.4‰ (at the maximum cavern pressure). Concerning a “normal” value
for the spacing of rock joints, assume an average value of 1 m. In some areas the
spacing may be smaller, say 0.3 m, and in other areas larger, say 2 m. Observe that the
rock closest to the surface of the cavern is affected by the blasting, and is therefore
more densely fractured.

- 76 -
With this information, together with the plausible assumption that a small spacing
imply weaker rock and large strain and vice versa, a probable range for the width of a
rock joint in the most strained area can be made.

A “typical” width of a rock joint in the studied area can be assessed to be ≈1.4 mm. A
suitable range would be from 0.8 mm to 1.8 mm.

In this example, a rock joint width of ≈2 mm could be considered as a representative

design value of the maximum joint width. This applies for a rather densely and
uniformly fractured rock mass. Extensive fracture zones or other weakness planes
must be treated separately.

5.2.3 Rock mass classification

Classification systems have been used for more than 100 years to describe the quality
of rock masses (Hoek, Kaiser and Bawden, 1995). Today, the most widely used are the
Geomechanics RMR (Rock Mass Rating) system and the Q-system.

Both systems are based on valuation of certain geological parameters according to a

fixed scheme. Even so a great deal of rock engineering skill and experience are
required to make a relevant classification of a rock mass.

The RMR rating (Bieniawski, 1973; 1976; 1989) is the sum of the ratings given to six
parameters describing the rock mass. The maximum total value is 100. There are two
main versions of the RMR system, RMR76 and RMR89, which differ slightly in their
ratings. The classification includes the following parameters:

1) Strength of intact rock material

2) RQD-value (measure of joint density)
3) Spacing of discontinuities
4) Condition of discontinuities
5) Groundwater conditions
6) Discontinuity orientation

The Q-value (Barton, Lien and Lunde, 1974) is a product of three quotas. The possible
range is from 0.001 to 1000.

 RQD   J r   Jw 
Q =   ⋅   ⋅   (5.6)
 n   Ja
J   SRF 

Jn = joint set number
Jr = joint roughness number

- 77 -
Ja = joint alteration number
Jw = joint alteration reduction factor
SRF = stress reduction factor

The RMR rating and the Q-value can approximately be related to each other by the
expression (Bieniawski, 1989; Hoek, Kaiser and Bawden, 1995):

RMR 89 = RMR 76 + 5 = 9 ⋅ lnQ + 49 (5.7)

The main use for the rock classification systems is to serve as a guide for choosing the
appropriate support system for tunnels and caverns. There is however also another use
for classification systems. They can be used in empirical relationships for the
estimation of the rock mass properties (see next section). It is in that role that the rock
mass classification systems are interesting for the cavern wall design methodology.

Other classification systems of interest for LRC design are the RMi (Rock Mass index)
proposed by Palmstrøm and the GSI (Geological Strength Index) proposed by Hoek,
Kaiser and Bawden. These systems can be used for assessment of the rock mass
strength. They are described further in the next section.

5.2.4 Estimation of rock mass properties

The most important rock mass properties in relation to the LRC concept are the
modulus and the strength. Theoretically, the best way of assessing these properties
would be to perform in-situ tests in a scale relevant for the problem (involving a
sufficiently large volume of the rock mass). Such large tests are, if not impossible, at
least very expensive and complicated. This is not a useful method when planning an
LRC storage.

The alternative is to use the different existing empirical relationships for the estimation
of the rock mass properties. They are all more or less based on the rock mass classifi-
cation systems presented in the previous section. Estimation of rock mass modulus

Bieniawski (1978) based on a number of case histories found a relationship between

the RMR rating and the deformation modulus of the rock mass (Eq. 5.8). Stille, Groth
and Fredriksson (1982) completed the relationships for ratings lower than 52 (however
based on limited test data).

Em = 2 RMR76 - 100 (GPa) if RMR >52 (5.8)

Em = 0.05 RMR76 (GPa) if RMR <52 (5.9)

- 78 -
Serafim and Pereira (1983) found through back analysis on data from hydropower
dams another relationship between the E-modulus and the RMR rating.

( RMR −10 )
E m = 10 40 (GPa) (5.10)

Barton et al. (1980) and Grimstad and Barton (1993) present a relationship between
the Q-value and the E-modulus. As the spread in the test results is considerable, the
relation is given as an interval Em(max), Em(average) and Em(min).

Em(max) = 40 log Q (5.11)

Em(average) = 25 log Q (5.12)

Em(min) = 10 log Q (5.13)

Aydan, Ulusay and Kawamoto (1997) propose the following relationship for the
estimation of the rock mass modulus based on the RMR value (Em is in MPa):

E m = 0.00975 ⋅ RMR 3,5 (5.14)

Graphs of all the above relationships are shown in Figure 5.17, where the rock mass
modulus is given as a function of the RMR rating (Q-values are translated to RMR by
Eq. 5.7).
90 Serafim & Pereira, 1983
Aydan et al., 1997
Stille et al., 1982
)a Bieniawski, 1978
P 60
(s Grimstad and Barton, 1993
ul 50
o 40
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
RMR'89 Rating

Figure 5.17 Relationship between RMR rating and E-modulus for different empirical
methods (based on Sturk, Johansson and Stille, 1995).

- 79 -
The relationships proposed by Serafim and Pereira and by Aydan et al. are the only
ones to cover both high and low ratings in a satisfactory manner. However, at very
high ratings, at least Serafim & Periera seems to give too high values for the E-
modulus. The E-modulus of the rock mass can never exceed that of intact rock.

Based on the experiences from the Pilot Plant is has been recommended (Sturk,
Johansson and Stille, 1995) that the estimation of the rock mass modulus should be
based on the relationship proposed by Serafim and Periera for the lower range of RMR
ratings (up to RMR = 55) and on the one by Barton et al. for the upper range. It should
be noted that the relationship proposed by Aydan et al. was not known at that time. Estimation of rock mass strength

Several relationships for the estimation of the rock mass compressive strength are to
be found in literature. In the following section five of these relationships are presented.

Bieniawski (1978) has found a relationship based on the RMR rating, see Table 5.2.
The relationship is based on experiences from coalmines with high stresses (poor rock

Table 5.2 Compressive strength, cohesion and angle of friction for the rock mass
according to Bieniawski (1978).

RMR-value 100-81 80-61 60-41 40-21 <20

Compressive strength of the >1.9 1.5 0.9 0.4 <0.3
rock mass, σcm (MPa)
Cohesion, c (MPa) >0.4 0.4-0.3 0.3-0.2 0.2-0.1 <0.1
Angle of friction, φ >45° 45-35° 35-25° 25-15° <15°

Hoek and Brown (1980) also relate to the RMR rating. Their relationship is based on a
very limited number of tests. It’s valid for RMR>40. The strength depends upon the
compressive strength of the rock mass and the empirical constant (s), included in the
Hoek and Browns failure criterion:

σ cm = σ c ⋅ s (5.15)

The relationship between the constant (s) and the RMR rating can (based on Figure 84
in Hoek and Brown, 1980) be written:

log s = 6.78 ⋅10 −2 ⋅ RMR − 6.78 (5.16)

- 80 -
Stille et al. (1982) have developed another system for rating called RMS (Rock Mass
Strength) and is based on parts of the RMR-system. The five first parameters in the
RMR-system are added up and then a reduction for joints is made.

The compressive strength of the rock mass and the parameters of the Mohr-Coulomb
failure criterion are given by the RMS rating according to Table 5.3.

Table 5.3 Compressive strength, cohesion and angle of friction for the rock mass
according to Stille et al. (1982).

RMS-value 100-81 80-61 60-41 40-21 <20

Compressive strength of the 30 12 5 2.5 0.5
rock mass, σcm (MPa)
Cohesion, c (MPa) 4.7 2.5 1.3 0.8 0.2
Angle of friction, φ 55° 45° 35° 25° 15°

Another model for the estimation of rock mass strength is presented by Hoek, Kaiser
and Bawden (1995). It’s a combination of Hoek & Brown’s earlier failure criterion and
the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. A new classification parameter, GSI (Geological
Strength Index), based on RMR or Q, is introduced. GSI is equal to the RMR76 rating
for RMR76 ratings > 18. For lower ratings the Q value should be used instead (cf. Eq.
5.7). For GSI >25 the rock mass strength can be expressed as:

σ cm = σ c ⋅ s a
 GSI −100 
 
s = 10  
a = 0.5

Palmstrøm (1995) has developed a method based on a Rock Mass Index (RMi)
describing the rock mass strength. The main principle is that the discontinuities in the
rock mass reduces the strength compared to that of intact rock. RMi is defined as:

RMi = σ cm = σ c ⋅ JP (5.18)

JP is a jointing parameter representing the block size and the conditions and properties
of the joints. JP in turn is built up of a number of sub parameters.

The compressive strength of the rock mass is difficult to estimate. The presented
methods applied to data from the Pilot Plant (σc= 330 MPa) gives a large spread in the
results, see Figure 5.18.

- 81 -

300 Hoek et al., 1995

Palmstrøm, 1995
P250 Stille et al., 1982
(M Hoek & Brown, 1980
gn 200 Bieniawski, 1978
ss 150
o 100

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
RMR'89 Rating

Figure 5.18 Compressive strength of the rock mass according to the presented
methods as a function of the RMR89 rating and with a strength of intact
rock of 330 MPa (Sturk, Johansson and Stille, 1995).

Based on the experiences from the Pilot Plant is has been recommended (Sturk,
Johansson and Stille, 1995) that the estimation of the rock mass strength should be
based on the RMi rating proposed by Palmstrøm.

5.3 Concrete lining

The primary function of the concrete lining is to transfer the load from the gas pressure
to the rock mass. Concrete is a very good material in compression, it is easy to
compose a concrete recipe that has a compressive strength above the maximum gas
pressure (20-25 MPa).

The minimum thickness of the concrete lining depends on several factors:

• Practical reasons. The space between the steel lining cannot be too narrow because
is has to be accessed e.g. in order to perform welding and NDT testing of the steel
lining, to pour and vibrate the concrete, to install the reinforcement mesh etc. The
minimum thickness is in these aspects depending on the constructional methods for
the cavern wall. For example, if self-compacting concrete is used the required
space is much smaller than if conventional concrete vibrating with pokers is used.
• Possibility for distribution of concrete cracks. The concrete is locked on one side to
the very rough surface of the rock (the proposed weak shotcrete layer will however
mitigate this to some extent). With a very small thickness of the concrete it is
therefore hard to achieve a good crack distribution even with very heavy reinforce-

- 82 -
ment. On the other hand, a large concrete thickness provides a larger leverage for
the reinforcement.
• Load capacity over drainage pipes. There must be a sufficient concrete thickness
covering the drainage pipes that are mounted on the rock surface.

5.3.1 Distribution and width limitation of the concrete cracks

The concrete lining will inevitably be cracked due to the tangential strain caused by
the cavern expansion. The cracking will start at a strain level of ≈0.1‰ (Svensk
Byggtjänst, 1994). It is also very probable that micro-cracks have developed already
during the curing of the concrete. There are a number of reasons to try to limit the
maximum crack width, for example:
• To avoid local strain peaks in the lining. The importance of this is related to the
friction between steel and concrete, hence it is related to the shear resistance of the
sliding layer. It is not so important for the present case with very low shear
• The crack width must be small enough to avoid loss of bitumen material from the
sliding layer.
• Small crack widths are generally favourable considering corrosion (of the steel
lining and the reinforcement) and deterioration of concrete.
• Small crack widths will reduce the leak rate for a large failure of the lining.

In order to limit the crack width it is necessary to distribute the strain over many
cracks. The concrete lining is therefore proposed to be equipped with a steel
reinforcement mesh designed to fulfil the requirements for good crack distribution
according to the principles outlined in the Swedish Concrete Code BBK 94 (Boverket,
1994). The code does however not treat the specific load case for the cavern wall (e.g.
the strong interaction on one side with the rock) why this problem also has to be
studied with e.g. numerical models.

According to BBK 94, the final formal average crack spacing, srm, can be determined
by the expression

φ ⋅ A ef
s rm = 50 + κ 1 ⋅ κ 2 ⋅ (5.19)

κ = adhesion coefficient

κ = strain distribution coefficient


ø = diameter of reinforcement bars

A = affected concrete area

A = reinforcement area

- 83 -
In BBK 94 it is also stated that if welded mesh reinforcement is used, the average
crack spacing can be assumed to be of the same magnitude as the mesh spacing. There
is also a condition for a minimum reinforcement to get a limitation of the crack width:

A s ⋅ f st ≥ A ef ⋅ f cth (5.20)

where fst is the tensile strength of the reinforcement and fcth is a high value of the
tensile strength of the concrete.

The following relationship between average crack width, wm, and characteristic crack
width, wk, is given

wk = 1.7 ⋅ wm (5.21)

The average crack width can conservatively be assumed to be (the strain in the
tensioned concrete between the cracks is neglected)

wm = s rm ⋅ ε m (5.22)

where εm is the average strain of the structure.

Positive experiences regarding the crack distributing effect of the reinforcement has
been gained at the Pilot Test Plant (see also Section Test room 3 was
equipped with a reinforcement designed according to the principles above (ø16 mm
with a spacing of 150 mm placed in a square pattern). The lining was removed after
testing (28 MPa maximum pressure and hundreds of load cycles) for inspection of the
concrete surface. The efficiency of the reinforcement had been so good that it was hard
to detect any cracks in the surface at all. Room 2, which did not have any reinforce-
ment, on the other hand showed a concrete surface with quite large sparsely distributed
remaining cracks.

However, since the guidelines in BBK 94 do not fully cover the actual case with strong
interaction between the concrete and the rock, numerical modelling should also be
performed during the design. The models can be used to study the effect of the
reinforcement in the cavern wall over an opening rock joint.

Some examples of such FEM calculations are shown below (Fredriksson and Persson,
2000b). They are based on a case with a welded mesh reinforcement ø16 #150 mm
with a yield strength of 600 MPa. The concrete thickness t2 is 560 mm and the cover c1
is 250 mm, see Figure 5.19. The width of the model B is 2250 mm. A linear relation-
ship between joint width and cavern pressure is assumed, i.e. the pressure applied
perpendicular to the steel lining vary from 0-20 MPa when the rock joint opens from
0-2 mm.

- 84 -
Steel lining
Bitumen layer t1

Shotcrete t3

Rock B/2

Figure 5.19 Layout of numerical model used to study the effect of reinforcement on
the concrete cracking pattern (Fredriksson and Persson, 2000b).

Figure 5.20 gives the crack pattern at the maximum cavern pressure. The reinforce-
ment has initiated 4 cracks on each side of the first central crack.

Figure 5.20 Example of concrete crack pattern obtained with a numerical model for a
rock joint width of 2 mm at cavern pressure 20 MPa. Reinforcement is
ø16 mm (Fredriksson and Persson, 2000b).

The crack width in the concrete surface is shown in Figure 5.21. The pressure levels
presented have been chosen to catch the maximum crack widths. At a storage pressure
of 3 MPa, the central crack (right above the rock joint) has its maximum. The width of
the central crack will be reduced when new side cracks develop at higher pressure
levels. At 9 MPa the three side cracks have developed, one of these has the largest
crack width at this pressure level. At 17 MPa 2 side cracks are developed on each side
of the central crack. The outer of these cracks give the largest crack width. At the

- 85 -
maximum pressure 20 MPa, a total of 7 cracks have developed with a spacing
corresponding to the reinforcement mesh size (except for the central crack). The
largest crack width is ≈0.4 mm and occurs at 17 MPa in the second side crack on each



3 MPa

m 9 MPa


17 MPa

-0,25 20 MPa




-1,125 0 1,125

Model width (m)

Figure 5.21 Example of crack width in the concrete surface for increasing cavern
pressure. Model with rock joint opening 2 mm at 20 MPa, reinforcement
ø16 mm (based on Fredriksson and Persson, 2000b).

The stress and strain in the steel lining are not so interesting to show. Due to the very
low shear resistance of the sliding layer, the stress and strain level is almost constant
over the model width for all pressure levels. At the maximum pressure level of 20 MPa
the average strain in the model and in the steel lining is ≈0.9‰ (2 mm divided by 2.25
m). The stress in the steel lining is ≈190 MPa.

The stress and strain in the reinforcement is much more interesting, see Figure 5.22.
As the bond between the deformed rebars is neglected in the model, the stress and
strain is constant over the 150 mm between each perpendicular rebar. In the example
case the reinforcement works in the elastic region and the stress and the strain curve
have identical shapes. The stress in the reinforcement over the central concrete crack
is, however, close to the yield limit. If the reinforcement yields, additional loading will
cause a growth of the existing concrete crack (where the reinforcement yields) since
the reinforcement does no longer have the ability to create more cracks.

The maximum stress and strain in the reinforcement occur over the central crack for all
pressure levels. The stress and strain level decreases stepwise with the distance from
the centre of the model and is very low in the uncracked outer part.

- 86 -
0 0

-500 -100

ia -1000 -200

rt S

rc 3 MPa s


-1500 9 MPa -300 (


ina 13 MPa a
17 MPa

20 MPa

-2500 -500

-3000 -600

-1,125 0 1,125

Model width (m)

Figure 5.22 Example of strain levels in the reinforcement for increasing cavern
pressure. Model with rock joint opening 2 mm at 20 MPa, reinforcement
ø16 mm (Johansson, 2000a).

When looking closely at the results presented in Figures 5.21 and 5.22, it might seem
like a contradiction that the crack width of the central concrete surface crack has its
maximum at low pressure levels and then decreases while the strain level in the
reinforcement continuously increases with the pressure. The explanation lies in the fact
that the crack width in the concrete for the surface level, 250 mm from the
reinforcement, is not equal to the concrete crack width at the reinforcement level.

It is also important to understand the principle crack pattern obtained in the modelling,
see Figure 5.23. The first crack in the model is the central crack. The following cracks
occur on the outside of the perpendicular rebars of the reinforcement mesh.


Figure 5.23 Principle crack pattern obtained in the modelling (Johansson, 2000a)

- 87 -
At 20 MPa and 2 mm rock crack opening, the width of the central crack at the concrete
surface is ≈0.065 mm and the width of the secondary crack on each side is ≈0.25 mm.
The strain in the 150 mm long central part of the reinforcement is at the same time
2.9‰ and the strain in the next square on each side is 2.25‰. This corresponds to
crack widths at the level of the reinforcement of 0.42 mm for the central crack and
0.34 mm for the side cracks. This apparent discrepancy can be explained by bending of
the rather narrow concrete “pillars” between the cracks.

5.3.2 Concrete load capacity over drainage pipes

In the previous section the general cracking behaviour of the concrete lining subjected
to the cavern pressure and the subsequent rock joint opening was discussed. It is also
important, however, to study the local behaviour of the concrete lining in the vicinity
of the drainage pipes that are to be installed on the rock wall.

The drainage system is mainly composed of corrugated and perforated plastic pipes
with an outer diameter of approx. 100 mm (Johansson, 2000a). The system also
includes special x-cross pieces and collection pipes (ø150-200 mm). The entire
drainage system is clad with a heavy geotextile and covered (together with the entire
cavern surface) with the special low strength and permeable shotcrete.

This problem has been studied with a FE-model including pipes with a size equal to
that of the collection pipes (Fredriksson and Persson, 2000d). The layout of the model
shows great resemblance to the model used for studying the cracking of the concrete
lining without drainage pipes, see Figure 5.19. One pipe is placed centrally over a rock
joint and two pipes are placed on the sides.

As an example, the results from a model with a 2.5 mm rock joint opening at 25 MPa
is presented in Figure 5.24. The size of the reinforcement is ø16 mm.

Four large cracks have been initiated on each side of the central crack. Due to
symmetry and the spacing of the reinforcement mesh (#150 mm), the first crack on
each side of the central crack is located almost exactly at the rim of the collection pipe.

The concrete above and near the central pipe is heavily fractured and partly crushed.
Smaller vertical cracks have also been initiated from the pipes placed on the sides.
Crushing appears in zones on the sides of the pipes where the stresses are geometri-
cally concentrated. Large parts of the weak shotcrete layer are crushed.

- 88 -
Figure 5.24 Example of concrete crack pattern from an FE-model of the concrete
lining behaviour over drainage collection pipes. Model with a rock joint
width of 2.5 mm at a cavern pressure of 25 MPa. Reinforcement is ø16
mm (Fredriksson and Persson, 2000d).

The concrete directly above the central pipe is moving mainly vertically downwards
whereas the concrete on the outer sides of this central part move both downwards and
to the side. This differential vertical movement of the concrete will cause a number of
small “steps” in the concrete surface, see Figure 5.25.



m -1,0


al P=5 MPa, w=0.5 mm

P=10 MPa, w=1.0 mm

P=15 MPa, w=1.5 mm

-2,5 P=20 MPa, w=2.0mm
P=25 MPa, w=2.5 mm

-1,125 0 1,125

Model width (m)

Figure 5.25 Example of vertical displacements in the concrete surface at different

cavern pressure levels and corresponding rock joint openings. Model
with collection pipes. Reinforcement is ø16 mm (Fredriksson and
Persson, 2000d).

- 89 -
From Figure 5.25 one can also clearly see how the central part of the concrete (an
approx. 0.15 m wide column) has a larger vertical movement than the rest of the
concrete. The largest “step” in the concrete surface occurs at 25 MPa, 75 mm to the
left of the centre, and is ≈1.3 mm high.

The largest crack width occurs in the second side crack to the right of the centre. Here
the crack width is ≈0.4 mm at 25 MPa (see Figure 5.26). The central crack has its
maximum already at 4 MPa (≈0.1 mm) and then diminishes at higher pressure levels to
almost zero at the maximum pressure. The crack widths calculated with drainage pipes
are very similar to the results without drainage pipes (see Figure 5.21).






kc 4 MPa

15 MPa

20 MPa
23 MPa

25 MPa

x = 0.240


-1,125 0 1,125

Model width (m)

Figure 5.26 Example of crack widths in the concrete surface for increasing cavern
pressure. Model with drainage pipes and a rock joint opening of 2.5 mm
at 25 MPa, reinforcement ø16 mm (Fredriksson and Persson, 2000d).

When discussing the consequences of the indicated results it is important to first look
at the sizes of the calculated displacements in relation to the dimensions of the cavern
wall components. The vertical “step” in the concrete surface for the central crack is
≈0.5 mm and the step for the first crack to the left is ≈1.3 mm. This must be put in
relation to the 6 mm thick sliding layer (bitumen reinforced with a heavy geotextile)
and the 12 mm thick steel lining.

The steps in the concrete surface thus do not in themselves constitute any threat to the
steel lining. The question important for design is the safety against total collapse of the
concrete (part of the concrete being pushed down into the drainage pipe). The safety
can be calculated with a simple model where the load is the gas pressure acting on the

- 90 -
top area of a concrete column and the resistance is the sum of the shear resistance of
the reinforcement intersecting the column’s side areas and the shear resistance of the
rough side areas of the concrete column (see Figure 5.27). To fulfil the probabilistic
approach, simulation techniques should be used to calculate the probability of failure.



Drainage Crack
pipe width


Figure 5.27 Principle model for calculation of the concrete load capacity over
drainage pipes.

5.4 Sliding layer

The sliding layer is a multi task layer. The main purpose of the sliding layer is to
reduce the interaction between steel lining and the concrete, thus avoiding strain peaks
in the steel over concrete cracks. Other tasks include corrosion protection and sealing
of concrete surface to hinder small gas leaks. The sliding layer should be applied on
the entire outer surface of the steel lining.

In the Pilot Plant a sliding layer in the form of an asphalt paint (1-2 mm thickness) was
used. Laboratory tests on this material showed that a friction coefficient of about 0.1 or
lower was possible (Johansson, 1996). In practice, however, paint application could
mean difficulties when it comes to guaranteeing a certain uniform thickness and
quality over a large area. It was also believed that the friction coefficient could further
be reduced with another type of sliding layer material.

- 91 -
An investigation was therefore performed in order to find a better type of sliding layer
material with respect to durability, temperature variations, mechanical properties,
ageing, application methods etc. (Johansson, 2000c). The most promising material
turned out to be a bitumen membrane. This type of material has been used in Sweden
for many years as a waterproofing membrane for steel and concrete bridges.

The sliding layer material to be used for LRC applications has been specially
developed by the LRC Demo Project together with AB Trebolit to meet with advanced
demands concerning shear resistance, deformability, adhesion, durability etc. This
special product has been named “SlideProof-LRC06”. The general build-up of the
sliding layer product is outlined in Figure 5.28.


6 mm Textile reinforcement

Polymer modified bitumen

Steel treated with epoxy


Figure 5.28 General build up of “SlideProof-LRC06” (Johansson, 2000c).

The shear resistance of the sliding membrane has been investigated in a large number
of laboratory tests performed at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Dept. of
Soil and Rock Mechanics, Stockholm (Johansson, 2000c).

The test procedure is schematically illustrated in Figure 5.29. A steel plate is placed
between two concrete blocks. The bitumen membrane is placed between the concrete
blocks (size 100 x 100 mm2) and the steel plate. A normal pressure P (equal to the gas
pressure in the storage) is applied and the force F needed to push the steel between the
concrete blocks and the relative displacement between the concrete blocks and the
steel plate are measured. From this test the shear resistance (at the test temperature) of
the bitumen membrane can be calculated as a function of normal pressure and relative
displacement. Figure 5.30 shows a test piece fastened inside the big hydraulic press
used to apply the normal pressure.

- 92 -
P Concrete block
Bitumen membrane
Steel plate

Figure 5.29 Simple illustration of sliding layer test procedure (Johansson, 2000c).

Figure 5.30 A test piece placed inside the hydraulic press. The equipment used for
measuring the displacement is also visible (Johansson, 2000c).

The tests have been performed with normal pressures up to 25 MPa. All shear
resistance tests performed on the bitumen membrane are summarised in Table 5.4. The
first tests were performed in August 1999 and the most recent in March 2001.

- 93 -
Table 5.4 Summary of all shear resistance tests performed on the bitumen
membrane (Johansson, 2000c).

Date Material Thickness Pressure Temperature Number

(mm) (MPa) (°C) of tests
990825-26 DeckProof 5 5 +20 4
5 10 +20 5
5 20 +20 5
000209-10 SlideProof (I) 6 2.5 +20 3
6 5 +20 3
6 7.5 +20 3
6 10 +20 2
6 15 +20 2
6 20 +20 1
000509 SlideProof (I) 6 10 -15 2
SlideProof (I)* 6 20 +20 1
010327 SlideProof (III) 6 5 +20 2
6 10 +20 2
* Residual material after the bitumen being squeezed out during test at +70°C

The shear resistance of the sliding layer was found to be dependant both on the applied
normal pressure and the displacement. The following relationship could be derived
from the experimental results (Johansson, 2000c), see also Figures 5.31 and 5.32:

τ = P ⋅ 0.0035 ⋅ x 0 , 477
+ 0.0237 ⋅ x 0,843

τ = Shear resistance (MPa)

P = Normal pressure (MPa)
x = Deformation (mm)

- 94 -
Figure 5.31 Surface plot based on laboratory data showing the shear resistance versus
displacement and pressure for the bitumen membrane SlideProof at
+20°C (Johansson, 2000c).


P=2,5 MPa

P=5 MPa
P=7,5 MPa
P P=10 MPa

( P=15 MPa
e 0,15
n P=20 MPa
r 0,10



0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0

Displacement (mm)

Figure 5.32 Shear resistance for the bitumen membrane SlideProof as a function of
displacement and pressure at +20°C. Evaluated from laboratory data
(Johansson, 2000c).

- 95 -
5.5 Steel lining

The primary function of the steel lining is to prevent the gas from leaking out of the
storage. The threat against the steel lining with respect to its mechanical function is
failure caused by the strain inflicted by the expansion of the cavern. As the storage is
filled and emptied several hundred times during its lifetime, fatigue phenomena must
be considered.

How will the steel lining respond to the strain imposed upon it? The answer is that it
depends on a lot of factors, e.g. steel quality, strain magnitude, strain range and
number of cycles. It is important to remember that the whole loadcase is strain
controlled, i.e. the steel is forced to deform in a cyclic strain range totally controlled by
the rock mass.

The steel lining is a welded structure and the properties of the welds are often different
from the ones of the parent material. The welding also affects the parent material near
the weld by the high temperature that changes the crystal structure of the material.
Normally the weld is built up of several strings and the heat affected zone from
previous strings is partly tempered and transformed into tougher structures by the
subsequent strings (Larsson and Berglund, 1992). The more strings in a weld, the
better toughness (specially the toughness of the welding metal).

The material for the steel lining should be a high quality grade, fully killed carbon
steel with high ductility, excellent impact properties and excellent weldability
(Johansson, 2000c). Suitable minimum yield strength is in the range 300-400 MPa.

The principle stress/strain response for such steel during cyclic loading is illustrated in
Figure 5.33 for two magnitudes of strain range (ε = yield strain):

a) Strain range 3‰, i.e. ε < strain range < 2ε .

y y

b) Strain range 5‰, i.e. strain range > 2ε .y

- 96 -
) )
a a
400 P 400
( (
s s
s s
e e
r r
t 300 t 300

200 200

100 100

0 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Strain (permille) Strain (permille)

-100 -100

-200 -200

-300 -300

a) b)
-400 -400

Figure 5.33 Illustration of steel behaviour for different strain ranges and a steel with a
yield limit of 355 MPa. a) Strain range 3‰ b) Strain range 5‰ (after
Rask och Sunnersjö, 1992).

If the steel is subjected to a strain range above the yield limit but below two times the
yield limit, Figure 5.33 a), it will yield in tension at the first loading. During unloa-
ding, the tension will be relaxed and at some point changed to compression. The whole
unloading is elastic; the yield limit will never be reached in the compressional stage.
From the second cycle and onwards, the steel will work elastic over the whole strain
range. It is a fatigue situation, but it is elastic (HCF, high cycle fatigue) and the
numbers of cycles to failure is very large compared to the actual cycles for an LRC
storage facility.

If the strain range is larger than two times the yield limit, Figure 5.33 b), it will yield
both in tension and compression for the first cycle. Yielding will also take place at
each of the following cycles. This is a typical LCF (low cycle fatigue) situation. As a
rule-of-thumb for smooth specimens of structural steel, failure will occur after 1000
cycles for a strain range of ≈20‰ (Fuchs and Stephens, 1980; Jergéus, 1982). The
expected life in this example (strain range 5‰) will subsequently be more than that,
even considering a reduction of the fatigue life due to weld imperfections.

The different possible failure modes of a high pressure LRC storage has been studied
thoroughly during the development of the concept (Johansson, 1990c, Johansson,
1996; Johansson, 2000a; Bergman and Klasén, 2001). The conclusion was that fatigue

- 97 -
failure (especially low cycle fatigue) was the critical failure mode that needed further

Fatigue failure is often initiated at a surface defect or at an internal defect, e.g. from
the welding. Conventional fatigue (high cycle fatigue) implies that the fatigue situation
is stress controlled and that the number of cycles is relatively high (normally over 10 ).

For a strain controlled situation (as for LRC storage), low cycle fatigue can occur if the
material is strained over the yield limit at every cycle. Normally the number of cycles
must be over 10 , which is in the same order of magnitude as the maximum number of
cycles during the life of an LRC plant. The risk for LCF must thus be taken seriously.

To estimate the total life for a steel subjected to LCF, it is suitable to use Basquin’s
equation in combination with the Coffin-Manson relationship (Jergéus, 1982; Dieter,
1988; Suresh, 1998):

∆ε σ′f
⋅ (2N f ) + ε ′f ⋅ (2N f )
b c
= (5.24)
2 E

where σ´ is the fatigue strength coefficient, ε´ is the fatigue ductility coefficient and
f f

where b and c are material parameters. These parameters can be determined by strain
controlled fatigue testing.

For a first approximation of the strain-life curve for fully reversed fatigue cycles in an
unnotched specimen Manson however suggested a simplification of the relationship,
the so-called Manson´s universal slopes equation (Jergéus, 1982; Dieter, 1998; Rask
and Sunnersjö, 1992):

σ −0.12 −0.6
∆ε = 3.5 ⋅ ⋅N +ε ⋅N
B 0.6
f f f

where ε is the true elongation at break, σ is the stress at break and N the number of
f B f

cycles to failure. This makes it possible to roughly estimate the strain-life curve based
on the results from a simple tensile test. When comparing with test results Manson
found that the simplified equation covered 96% of the results with a factor of 10 on the

Within the frame of Swedegas’ storage project (see section 4.3.3), the fatigue problem
for LRC was investigated and fatigue tests and calculations were executed (Johansson,
1990c). Among other things the necessary parameters for Manson’s simplified equa-
tion were determined by a simple tensile test (steel S355J2G3, thickness 12 mm) to ε f

= 0.37, σ = 527 MPa and E = 205 GPa. With the help of this data an ε-N diagram can

be constructed showing the number of cycles to failure for different strain ranges, see
Figure 5.34.

- 98 -
From the figure it can be seen how the two terms in Eq. 5.25 treat the elastic and the
plastic strain. The graph for the elastic strain could be said to correspond to the Wöhler
curve for high cycle fatigue and the graph for plastic strain is the effect of straining
over the yield point.

It can also be seen from the figure that the estimated life at a stress range of 5‰ is in
the order of 10000 cycles and that it is reduced to 2000 cycles at a range of 10‰. It
should be pointed out that the graph is based on data used from a single tensile test of a
parent material. For welds, with or without defects, the graph will be different.

1 000

Total strain

)e 100

li Elasti c strain

re Plastic strain

na 10



1 10 100 1 000 1000 0 1000 00 1000000

Cyc le s to failure

Figure 5.34 Fatigue diagram based on Manson´s universal slopes equation and data
from a single tensile test on steel S355J2G3 (Johansson, 1990c).

The strain-life approach discussed above treats the whole life of a component, from
crack initiation, over the crack growth phase to the final failure.

For some purposes it can also be interesting to study the detailed behaviour of existing
defects in a structure. Fracture mechanics provide the tools for such studies (Anderson,
1995; Suresh, 1998). In many situations, fracture mechanics can permit the following
quantities to be predicted:
• The critical size for a crack (over which the growth rate is rapid and unstable).
• The numbers of cycles for a crack to grow from a specified initial size to critical
• The likelihood that cracks will be non-propagating.

- 99 -
Such information can e.g. be very valuable for pinpointing the size of the largest defect
that must be detected when composing the weld control programme and the scope of
the NDT (non destructive testing).

5.6 Thermal effects

The temperature variation inside the cavern during injection and withdrawal (Rosé and
Hall, 1997; MFRDC, 1998) influences the cavern wall and particularly the steel stress
in different ways (Johansson, 2000a):

• A change of the rock mass temperature leads to an increase or decrease of cavern

radius (and the general tangential strain level in the cavern wall). For example, in a
cooled storage when the temperature is constantly kept below zero, the rock mass
will contract and the radial deformation will increase. For a “normal” LRC plant
the temperature changes will be limited in time and will only affect roughly the
closest 1 m of the wall (in principle just the concrete lining). This effect can be
neglected in the design.
• The temperature will affect the shear properties of the sliding layer. During filling
of the storage the temperature increases and the shear resistance is decreased,
which is favourable. During withdrawal, the temperature will go down and the
shear resistance will increase. But this will occur when the deformation level is
very low and is of no importance for the wall behaviour. The bitumen will still be
ductile and not brittle.
• Temperature changes in the steel lining will cause expansion or contraction of the
steel, i.e. the radius of the steel tank will change (if it is free to move). During
filling of the storage, the rock cavern expands due to the storage pressure. At the
same time the steel tank is heated and wants to expand. The thermal stress should
be subtracted from the stress in the steel calculated at constant temperature. For the
situation at withdrawal the consequence is reversed. The thermal stress due to the
temperature drop should be added to the constant temperature stress. This is further
discussed below.

It has for a long time been assumed that the effect of the temperature variation could
be neglected in the steel lining design. The general conclusion has been that the stress
range with consideration to temperature would be less than the stress range without
temperature consideration.

This is still true for many cases, but it should be pointed out that as the thermally
induced stress range is constant (for a constant temperature range), the relative
importance of the temperature effect will be large for caverns with low strain levels
and relatively small for caverns with high strain levels.

- 100 -
Considering a plane stress case, the temperature effect on the stress is given by
Hooke’s law (Sundström, 1998):

σx = 2
(ε x + ν ⋅ ε y ) − E ⋅ α ⋅ ⋅∆T (5.26)
1 −ν 1 −ν

ν = Poissons ratio ≈ 0,3

E = rock mass modulus (Pa )
α = coefficient of heat expansion ≈ 1.15 ⋅10 −5 (for steel)
∆T = temperature increase o C ( )
Example: Study a lined storage cavern during injection of gas. In the initial situation
the cavern pressure is zero and the temperature in the steel is equal to the ambient rock
mass temperature (Figure 5.35 left). During injection both pressure and temperature
will increase. Now imagine that the rock cavern expands first (Figure 5.35 middle).
The steel lining can be forced to expand to the new size by pressure or by temperature
(Figure 5.35 right).

Steel expansion at constant temperature will result in a high tensile stress in the steel.
If the steel expansion due to the temperature increase is added, the result is a reduced
tensional stress or even compression in the steel lining. (If the temperature expansion
in the steel is equal to the radial displacement in the rock, the steel will have zero
stress at maximum cavern pressure).

P=0 P = Max
T=T 1
T = T + ∆T

Figure 5.35 Illustration of how strain caused by deformation and by temperature


- 101 -
- 102 -

It is recommended to use a probabilistic approach for the design of the cavern wall.
There are several motives for this recommendation:
• LRC is a new kind of design; it is thus not possible to rely on experiences from a
large number of existing plants.
• There are no existing specific codes and standards available for LRC design. There
are however general guidelines on acceptable risk levels, from which acceptable
failure probabilities can be derived.
• There is an international trend towards probability based design; most new codes
are based on this concept (in some form).
• The rock mass is a stochastic material with a great variation of properties in three
dimensions. It is better described in probabilistic terms than by a deterministic

In order to perform a complete probabilistic design, both the load effect S (solicitation)
and the resistance R should be assessed by probabilistic methods and expressed as
random variables.

The probability of failure P can be defined as (Thoft-Christen and Baker, 1982)


P = P( S ≥ R)

assuming that the failure condition is R – S ≤ 0. P can be calculated from


Pf = ∫ f R S (r , s)drds
ω f

where f R,S is the joint probability density function and ω the failure region

ω = {(r , s ) / r − s ≤ 0}

For the cavern wall design, the primary load effect is the fatigue load on the steel
lining. The fatigue load can be defined as the number of load cycles (n) with a certain
strain range (∆ε). This should be compared to the fatigue resistance (number of cycles
to failure (n ) for a certain strain range) of the welded steel shell, see Figure 6.1.

It is of course necessary that the entire design methodology is based on probabilistic

thinking. For the load effect, it starts with a probabilistic assessment (all input
variables should be expressed as probability density functions) of the basic rock mass
parameters (e.g. joint spacing and strength of intact rock) leading to a probabilistic
assessment of the main deformation properties. The final result is a probability density
funtion describing the distribution of the strain range at the most strained part of the
lining for the design number of load cycles.

- 103 -
Resistance R

e.g. fatigue capacity

(∆ε, n )

Load effect S

e.g. fatigue load

∆ε, n)

Failure region

Fatigue load

Figure 6.1 Illustration of the probabilistic design approach. Failure occur in the
region where S > R (based on Thoft-Christen and Baker, 1982).

The probability density function for the resistance must, in a consequently performed
probabilistic design, be based on fatigue testing of a very large number of steel
samples manufactured in a realistic manner (i.e. of the same material, welded with the
same method, under the same environmental conditions as for the thought application).
This is a very expensive and time-consuming task. Fortunately the general knowledge
of steel and its fatigue properties is high. Fatigue of steel is covered in detail in
textbooks and in codes. It is possible to create a conservative resistance curve based on
such available data, which in most cases will be enough to carry out the cavern wall
design. However, if such conservative approach is not enough the only remaining
option is to derive the project specific resistance curve from extensive testing.

A practical way of calculating the probability of failure (i.e. the probability that S ≥ R)
is to use simulation technique (e.g. Monte Carlo). The calculated probability of failure
must then be compared with an acceptance criterion. Acceptance criteria have been
discussed in Section 3.2.1.

Comments on “Safety factor design”

There is a long tradition in geomechanical engineering to use the safety factor concept
for design. The probabilistic approach is still uncommon but is steadily gaining

The safety factor approach is not suitable for the cavern wall design problem for the
following reasons:
• The correct factor of safety to be used as an acceptance criterion is not known.
• The factor of safety approach is not suitable for designing new types of structures.
• The factor of safety is usually not exactly defined.

- 104 -
The motivations for this standpoint are given by the following. The factor of safety is
usually defined as:

Factor of safety = Resistance R / Load effect S (6.4)

It is used to cover uncertainties in both the calculation model and in the data. The main
problem is that the safety factor that should be used in design depends on the problem
and can only be found empirically through experience with a (large) number of actual
constructed facilities.

For this reason it is not suitable for use when designing a new type of structure. Also,
it is not quite clear what parameter values etc. should be used when calculating the
factor of safety. This is especially true for soil and rock parameters that usually must
be chosen based on experience and a limited number of samples. Often one hears that
values should be chosen as “cautious estimates” but this leaves rather much to the
individual engineer.

Another possibility is to use the (statistical) mean values for properties etc. because
this is a clearly defined value. The factor of safety is however still not a good measure
of the uncertainty (risk) inherent in the design. This is illustrated in Figure 6.2 below.
Two different cases are illustrated, both with the same factor of safety. (For
simplification the load effect is taken as known).

yit yit
ilb ilb
ab Safety
ab Safety

or or
factor factor
Mean Mean

P resistance P resistance

Resistance Resistance
Load Load

effect effect

Case A Case B
Failure Failure

region region

Figure 6.2 Two cases with the same factor of safety but different failure probability

In Case A the resistance is known with little uncertainty and in Case B the uncertainty
is greater. In each case the probability of failure corresponds to the shaded area. In
Case B the probability of failure is much larger than in Case A, although the factor of
safety is identical. For this reason the probability of failure should be used as a design
criterion to get a safe design. Another reason for this is that each uncertainty is treated

- 105 -
separately and can be scrutinised. This is not possible when using the factor of safety
approach where all uncertainties are combined into the one single number.

- 106 -

The general design strategy for the cavern wall is illustrated in Figure 7.1. It is propo-
sed to use a probabilistic approach. All input data should therefore (when applicable)
be in the probabilistic format, i.e. expressed as probability density functions. The end
result is the design load, in this case the strain range in the steel lining, also expressed
as a probability density function. The design load should then be compared to the
resistance (in this case the strain capacity of the welded steel lining).

Input data

Operational Crack distri-

conditions bution in the
(e.g. P, T) concrete lining
Cavern shape Sliding layer

Estimation of Rock surface Analytical Design load

rock mass strain at worst model for (strain) in the
parameters point steel strain steel liner

Load Capacity

ba Strain
bo capacity of
r the welded
Steel lining strain range

Figure 7.1 General strategy for the cavern wall design.

The first goal is to assess the rock mass deformation. In order to do so it is necessary
to first estimate the rock mass properties and to specify the cavern/project specific data
(e.g. cavern shape, design pressures and design temperatures). It is also necessary to
have a suitable calculation tool. The task is to describe the general deformation pattern
and to pinpoint the most strained section.

The next step is to estimate how the cavern wall will react to the rock deformation.
The rock deformation is the boundary condition imposed on one side of the cavern
wall. The task is now to estimate the cracking pattern of the concrete lining (including
the effect of reinforcement) and the effect of the sliding layer. Once this is done it is
possible to determine the strain in the steel lining (at the most strained point). Also the
strain range should be determined, as this is the critical parameter for fatigue.

- 107 -
The last step in the design is to compare the estimated steel strain and strain range
(design load) with that which can be accepted for the chosen steel quality (steel
resistance). The effect of welding and welding defects must of course be considered.

Two main alternatives for calculation tools have been considered; stochastic numerical
methods (e.g. stochastic FEM) or analytical solutions combined with simulation
technique (e.g. Monte Carlo simulation).

Analytical solutions with simulation were chosen as primary tools for the design
methodology presented in this thesis. The main reasons were the cost (limitations in
time and budget) and that analytical solutions have the advantage that each calculation
step is rather simple, making it possible to follow the whole calculation process. Even
though analytical solutions were the primary tools used, quite a few numerical
calculations have been run in order to support and calibrate the assumptions made.

At the time when the work presented here was initiated, stochastic numerical tools
were not so commonly used and it was judged as not being possible to include such
tools in the methodology. In the future, however, it is expected that stochastic
numerical methods could be a very useful tool in the design of LRC plants.

7.1 Estimation of rock mass properties

The rock mass properties are the basis for the cavern wall design, furthermore they are
the basis for the decision whether a certain site is suitable for LRC or not. It is pro-
posed to base the estimation of the rock mass properties on a classification of the rock
mass according to one or several existing classification systems. The rock mass classi-
fication is in turn based on geological data from field observations, site investigations
and laboratory tests, see Figure 7.2.

Geological mapping Rock mass

classification Empirical
systems relations ROCK MASS
•Core drilling
(e.g. RMR, Q)

Field sampling Laboratory

•Core drilling tests

Figure 7.2 Proposed procedure to estimate the rock mass parameters.

- 108 -
The rock mass properties are estimated from the rock mass classification with the aid
of empirical relations. The two most important rock mass properties are the modulus
and the strength.

7.1.1 Estimation of rock mass modulus

It is proposed to base the estimation of the rock mass modulus on the RMR´89 rock
mass classification (Bieniawski, 1989). It is also proposed to use a combination of the
empirical relationships suggested by Serafim and Pereira (1983) and Grimstad and
Barton (1993), see Figure 7.3. Serafim and Pereira’s equation is used for RMR´89
ratings up to 55 and Grimstad and Barton for ratings above 55. Since Grimstad and
Barton’s equation is based on the Q-value, Eq. 5.7 must be used for translation
between Q and RMR’89.


)a Serafim & Pereira, 1983
(s Grimstad and Barton, 1993
ul 40
ss 30
o 20

0 25 50 75 100

Figure 7.3 Proposed empirical relationship between RMR’89 classification and the
rock mass modulus.

Given accurate input data, the E-modulus within the studied rock mass can be consi-
dered to follow the simulated distribution. This implies a relatively large spread with
high and low values representing different parts (unit volumes) of the rock mass. The
distribution corresponds to (in an ideal case) the result one would get if it was possible
to measure the modulus of every small unit volume of the rock mass.

An important issue in this context is the variance of the mean and its relevance for the
actual load case (Sturk et al., 1996). When the cavern is pressurised a large volume of
the rock will be involved in the deformation process. For such a load case, the overall

- 109 -
E-modulus along a string, consisting of several unit volumes, is more relevant for the
deformation analysis than the single values, see Figure 7.4.

E m1

E m2

E m3







Affected zone

Figure 7.4 Schematic illustration of a rock mass string consisting of several unit
volumes (Sturk et al., 1996).

As the deformation of the rock mass is proportional to the rock stress, the units closest
to the cavern will have larger influence on the overall deformation than units further
out. The weights put on each unit should correspond to the stress distribution in the
affected zone (i.e. the zone in which deformations will take place). The size of the
affected zone depends on the load case and the rock mass strength. The average defor-
mation modulus for different radial strings along the periphery of the cavern will show
a considerably lower spread compared to the spread of the E-modulus of the rock

7.1.2 Estimation of rock mass strength

The estimation of the strength of the rock mass is proposed to be based on the RMi
classification, which was presented by Palmstrøm in 1995. All input data should be
expressed as stochastic variables, resulting in a probability density function
representing the rock mass strength. RMi is defined as:

RMi = σ cm = σ c ⋅ JP (7.1)

JP is a jointing parameter representing the block size and the conditions and properties
of the joints. JP consists in turn of a number of sub parameters, see Figure 7.5.

- 110 -
Joint roughness

Joint alteration Joint condition

factor, jC
Joint size and
termination Jointing
parameter, JP
Density of Block volume Rock mass
joints Vb index, RMi
Rock material compressive
strength, σ c

Figure 7.5 The principles of the RMi classification system (Palmstrøm, 1995).

Similar to the E-modulus, the reduction of variance of the compressive strength of the
rock mass must be considered. The spatial variability of the rock mass strength can be
substantial, i.e. one volume of the rock mass may be stronger or weaker than its
neighbour. This reflects reality as the rock mass is often inhomogeneous and very
complex from a structural point of view.

The load case of a pressurised lined cavern implies that adjacent rock volumes will
mutually carry the load. A stronger volume will in this respect compensate a weaker
volume. The overall characteristic strength of the rock mass thus consists of the mean
strength of a suitable number of unit volumes (Sturk et al., 1996).

7.2 Rock surface strain

7.2.1 Analytical solution for rock surface strain

The estimation of the general radial cavern deformation and tangential strain is based
on an analytical solution for a two-dimensional isotropic elasto-plastic case. The
analytical solution has been presented earlier (Johansson, Stille and Sturk, 1995; Sturk,
Johansson and Stille, 1995).

7.2.2 Estimation of the worst point rock strain

The estimated tangential strain given by the analytical solution mentioned of Section
7.2.1 is valid for a 2D case, e.g. for the mid-wall section of a very high cavern. But the
cavern wall must be designed for the most strained point, the “worst point”. To be
more specific, the concrete lining and the reinforcement should be designed for the
maximum strain in the rock surface. The worst point concerning rock/concrete is not

- 111 -
necessarily the same point where the steel lining has its maximum strain, i.e. the worst
point for the steel lining could be situated elsewhere due to the strain distributing
effect of the sliding layer.

Based on the results from FEM calculations run for the proposed cavern geometry and
with “plausible” mean rock mass properties, it can be concluded that the highest
tangential strain levels in the rock surface occur in the transition between the rounded
cavern bottom and the cylindrical part (e.g. Fredriksson and Persson, 2000a; Hakami,
2001), see Figure 7.6.

"Worst point"
rock strain

Figure 7.6 Location of the highest tangential strain levels in the rock surface.

To convert the calculated rock surface strain from the 2-D isotropic case to the worst
point strain of the real 3-D anisotropic case, a number of conversion factors are used
(the factors should, of course, be expressed as stochastic variables). The most
important conversion factors are (Johansson, 2000a):
• From Isotropic → Anisotropic condition (considering horizontal rock stresses).
• From 2D → 3D (considering the actual cavern geometry).
• From Mid wall strain → Corner point strain (considering the “Worst point”).

It should be pointed out that the conversion factors are not general but valid only for a
specific case. They are influenced by e.g. the cavern shape, the rock mass parameters
and the maximum storage pressure and must therefore be evaluated for each specific
project and each specific site. Conversion from Isotropic to Anisotropic conditions

As discussed earlier, the anisotropy of the rock mass is mainly caused by two pheno-
mena. The first is the variation of rock mass properties (i.e. strength and modulus) in
different directions. This difference is expected to be primarily related to the
orientation of the joint systems. However, the variation of the rock mass parameters is
implemented in the large range assigned to both the rock mass strength and the rock

- 112 -
mass modulus (this variation originates from the assessed variation of the basic input
parameters used in the RMR and the RMi classifications). There is thus no need for
any correction due to anisotropy in rock mass properties since this variation is already
included in the probabilistic assessment.

The second phenomenon is the variation of the in-situ stresses in the rock mass. The
ratio k between the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses is site and depth
dependent and can vary over a wide range.

The analytical 2D calculation of the average tangential rock surface strain is done with
isotropic stress conditions. If the stress situation on the actual LRC site is anisotropic,
a conversion factor must be applied.

A suitable conversion factor can be found by e.g. numerical modelling. A number of

anisotropic cases are modelled in order to study the effect of the stress anisotropy on
the tangential strain at the mid wall level. An example for one anisotropic case has
been shown in Figure 5.9 and Figure 5.10.

The ratio between the maximum strain for each anisotropic case and an isotropic case
with equal minimum horizontal stress is then determined. Using this ratio together
with the assumed distribution of k, the conversion factor for anisotropy can be deter-
mined by Monte Carlo simulation. Conversion from 2D-case to 3D-case

The 2D-case represents the deformations for a cylinder of infinite length whereas the
3D-case represents the deformations at mid-wall for the actual shape. Since the storage
cavern has a limited height (the height is normally 2-3 times the diameter), the defor-
mations at mid-wall level will be lower for a 3D-case compared to a 2D-case. A
suitable conversion factor can be evaluated based on FEM calculations performed both
for a 2D case and for the actual cavern shape, see example in Figure 7.7.

From the example it can be seen that the rock surface strain in the 3D-case is about
70% of the value for the 2D-case at a cavern pressure of 20 MPa.

- 113 -

)e 2D

re 3D (axisymmetric)
l 0,75




0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Pressure (MPa)

Figure 7.7 Example of tangential rock surface strains at the mid wall level calcu-
lated for both a 2D case and for a realistic 3D cavern shape (based on
Fredriksson and Persson, 2000a and 2000c). Conversion from strain at mid-wall to “worst point” strain

The strain anisotropy at the mid-wall section due to horizontal in-situ stress anisotropy
is assumed not to be directly linked to the vertical geometrical strain concentration at
the corner point (Johansson, 2000a). The strain concentration at the corner point
should therefore be related to the estimated strain at mid-wall for isotropic stress

An estimation of the factor to convert the rock surface strain at the mid-wall for
isotropic conditions to the “worst point” strain can be obtained by using axi-
symmetrical numerical calculations. A number of calculations for different isotropic
horizontal stress levels should be performed. An example of one such calculation is
shown in Figure 7.8 for a cavern pressure of 20 MPa, isotropic horizontal stress of 5
MPa and a realistic cavern shape.

On the x-axis of Figure 7.8, the distance along the surface of the cavern from the
centre of the cavern bottom to the top of the cavern is shown (see margin sketch). The
horizontal tangential rock surface strain has a maximum at the mid cavern level, this is
where the cavern expands most. The vertical tangential strain has a minimum in the
same level region but has its maximum in the transition between the cylindrical part
and the bottom. This maximum is in this example 2.5 times larger than the maximum
strain at the mid cavern level.

- 114 -

Rock surface strain,

vertical direction

Rock surface strain,

horizontal direction

li 0,75

p( "Vertical"



0 20 40 60 80

Distance from bottom [m]

Figure 7.8 Vertical and horizontal strain at 20 MPa in the concrete surface along the
height of the cavern. Isotropic horizontal stress of 5 MPa (based on
Fredriksson and Persson, 2000a).

The required amount and strength of the reinforcement in the concrete lining can be
decided based on the calculated rock surface strain at the “worst point” and the
maximum allowable concrete fracture width. The allowable concrete fracture width is
decided from considerations regarding e.g. corrosion protection, sliding layer proper-
ties and gas leak scenarios.

7.3 Steel lining strain

For the steel lining it is a little bit more difficult to predict the worst point due to the
effect of the sliding layer. There are two alternatives; the worst point for the steel
lining could be either at the mid cavern level or at the transition between the cylinder
and the bottom part. Both these areas must, therefore, be checked.

The proposal is to use conversion factors to translate the rock surface strain at mid
cavern level to the steel lining strain at the same level and also to translate the rock
strain at the “worst point” to the steel strain in that area. The steel lining should be
designed for the largest of these strains (or more correctly strain ranges).

- 115 -
7.3.1 Conversion from mid cavern maximum rock strain to maximum mid
cavern steel lining strain

The variation in tangential strain in the rock surface for the horizontal section at mid
cavern level due to stress anisotropy is considerable. But the sliding layer will mitigate
this effect for the steel, thus giving a more uniform strain distribution in the steel.

It is assumed that the sliding layer will reduce the difference between the rock strain
for isotropic conditions and the peak rock strain for anisotropic conditions. The
conversion factor is defined as the share of this difference that is applicable for the
steel strain (Johansson, 2000a). The meaning of the strain levels used and the use of
the conversion factor are also explained in Figure 7.9.

Tangential strain level,

σH-direction Anisotropic tangential
strain in rock surface

Estimated anisotropic tangential

Conversion strain in steel lining
A = Max factor * (A-B)
anisotropic Isotropic tangential strain
rock strain B = Isotropic in rock surface
rock strain

Quarter of cavern

horizontal section

Tangential strain level

Figure 7.9 Definition of strain levels and the use of the conversion factor to estimate
the maximum tangential strain in the steel lining at mid cavern level
(Johansson, 2000a).

The proper conversion factor can be determined from numerical calculations

performed with different stress anisotropy magnitudes. The uncertainty regarding the
sliding layer properties must also be included in the determination of the conversion

- 116 -
7.3.2 Conversion from transition point rock strain to transition point steel
lining strain

The maximum strain in the rock surface occurs in the transition between the cylinder
part and the bottom part of the cavern. But it is also known that the sliding layer
provides a very low shear resistance that will allow the steel lining to slide, thereby
cutting the peak stresses.

This can been studied in an axi-symmetric numerical model including the sliding layer
and the steel lining for different levels of isotropic horizontal rock stresses. The shear
properties of the sliding layer have been evaluated from performed laboratory tests and
are expressed as a function of both displacement and normal pressure.

An example of the results from an axi-symmetrical model with a sliding layer and a
steel lining is presented in Figure 7.10 for a case with an isotropic horizontal stress of
5 MPa. The thickness of the steel lining is assumed to be 15 mm in the top and bottom
cupolas and 12 mm for the cylinder part.


Rock surface strain, vertical direction

1,00 Steel strain, vertical direction

)e Steel and rock surface strain, horizontal direction





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Distance from bottom (m)

Figure 7.10 Strains in the rock surface and the steel lining in two directions. Axi-
symmetrical FEM calculation, thickness of lining 12/15 mm. Storage
pressure 20 MPa, horizontal rock stress 5 MPa (Based on Fredriksson
and Persson, 2000a).

The low shear resistance of the sliding layer results in a dramatic reduction of the peak
strains. From the example it can be seen that maximum steel strain at the transition
area is only about 30-40% of the peak strain in the rock surface.

- 117 -
Note: The steel lining strain in the direction perpendicular to the maximum strain is
not directly estimated with the approach described above. From Figure 7.10 it can be
concluded that the perpendicular stress in that example is approximately 60% of the
maximal stress in the transition between cylinder and bottom and 20% of the maximal
stress at mid-cylinder.

7.4 Design load

The load effect (i.e. the strain and the strain range) in the most strained part of the steel
lining can be estimated by using the probabilistic assessment of the rock mass
properties, the analytical two-dimensional elasto-plastic solution and the conversion
factors as described above together with a suitable simulation tool.

As all input data is described in a probabilistic format, the end results will be a
probability density function (PDF) describing the possible outcomes for the strain.

As an example, the strain and the strain range at the mid-cavern level (horizontal steel
strain) for a “normal Swedish hard rock” case is presented in Figure 7.11 and Figure
7.12. The related statistical data is also presented in Table 7.1. The calculation is
performed for a storage cavern with a maximum pressure of 20 MPa and a minimum
pressure of 30 MPa. A linear relationship is assumed between pressure and
deformation, implying that the strain range is 17/20 of the strain at maximum pressure.

The calculation was performed as a Monte Carlo simulation using the CrystalBall
software (an ad-in for Excel). The simulation was run with 100000 trials (Johansson,

0,25 0,63 1,00 1,38 1,75

Figure 7.11 Example of PDF for the strain in the steel lining at the mid cavern level
(P=20 MPa). Result after 100000 trials (based on Johansson, 2000a).

- 118 -
0,30 0,58 0,85 1,13 1,40

Figure 7.12 Example of PDF for the strain range (3-20 MPa) in the steel lining at the
mid cavern level. Result after 100000 trials (based on Johansson, 2000a).

Table 7.1 Example of statistical data for the estimated horizontal steel strain at the
mid cavern level for a maximum pressure of 20 MPa and the working
strain range (3-20 MPa). Result after 100000 trials (based on Johansson,

Parameter Maximum strain (‰) Strain range (‰)

Mean 0.75 0.64
Median 0.74 0.63
Std. deviation 0.12 0.10
Minimum value 0.42 0.35
Maximum value 1.64 1.39
98%-percentile 1.05 0.89

It is important to remember that the steel is subjected to a bi-axial load. The design
stress range for biaxial plane stress load conditions is given by (Sundström, 1998):

∆σ s = (∆ε x + ν ⋅ ∆ε y ) (7.2)
1 −ν 2

The PDF for the strain range can be used directly with an appropriate PDF for the steel
fatigue resistance to assess the failure probability if the full probabilistic design
approach is chosen. It can also be used to find the appropriate load percentile if the
choice is to check the fatigue resistance against codes and standards. For example, in
the Swedish building code BKR 99 (Boverket, 1999b) the characteristic load is taken
as the 98%-percentile of the yearly maximum.

- 119 -
7.5 Steel strain capacity

The fatigue resistance of the steel lining can be found from:

• Results from laboratory fatigue tests on welded specimens produced under project
realistic conditions.
• Available literature data on laboratory fatigue tests on similar steels.
• Codes and Standards.

To establish a project specific PDF for the fatigue resistance requires a large series of
laboratory tests and is relatively costly in terms of time and money. The specimens
must be produced under realistic conditions regarding material, equipment, environ-
ment etc., something that can be hard to fulfil. The advantage of establishing a project
specific PDF, on the other hand, is that you get the curve for exactly the chosen steel
material, weld method and control programme. This makes it possible to technically
optimize the design. However, it is normally not necessary to do this unless the margin
for the fatigue resistance is expected to be very critical.

The other possibility is to use existing data. Fatigue curves from laboratory tests can
be obtained from many literature sources. Most published tests are performed on
polished unwelded specimens. Such curves have to be corrected (reduced) for the
effect of welding (imperfections, changed material properties etc.).


1015 1018
1020 1030
1035 1045
10 SAE 950X SAE 960X
SAE 980X S355NL
Approx. Design curve
a 1



10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000

Cycles to failure

Figure 7.13 Example of fatigue data on polished specimens of parent material found
in literature (based on Johansson, 2000a).

- 120 -
Figure 7.13 shows a compilation of some fatigue curves for polished samples of parent
material found in literature. There is a spread but the curves also show that the fatigue
behaviour does not differ so much between different steel grades and types (at least not
within the same group of steel materials). The approximate design curve indicates a
reasonable reduction for welds and imperfections. This reduction is in order of a factor
2-3 on the strain range. For example, the Swedish steel building code BSK 99
(Boverket, 1999a) states that the joint factor C for crossing two-sided butt welds is 80
compared to 200 for polished parent material.

The third alternative, and in most cases probably the most convenient one, is to check
the estimated strain range against a fatigue design curve given by existing steel codes,
e.g. BSK 99.

BSK 99 is based on probabilistic principles, such as allowable probability of failure,

when defining e.g. characteristic values for fatigue strength and the different partial
safety factors.

According to BSK 99, Section 6:5, the design criterion is:

σ rd ≤ f rd
f rk (7.3)
f rd =
(1,1γ n )

frd is the design value for fatigue and frk is the characteristic fatigue strength. The
safety coefficient γn is chosen at 1.2, which is the most severe case. For a bi-axial
stress situation (LRC case) the above expressions shall be used for both stress
directions. In addition to this, the following demand shall be fulfilled:

2 2
 σ rd   σ rd ⊥ 
 //
 +   ≤ 1,10 (7.4)
 f rd //   f rd ⊥ 

The estimation of allowable number of cycles to failure and the correction for weld
geometry is done with the following expression:

2 ⋅ 10 6
nf = 3
 f rk 
 
 C 

where nf is the allowable number of cycles to failure and C is a joint factor. The C-
factors for the LRC case (assuming butt joints with welded root, weld class WB) are
100 and 90 in the longitudinal and the transverse direction respectively. For crossing
welds, the C-factor must be reduced one step, which means that C is 80.

- 121 -
Since the fatigue strength is depending on dimension, BSK 99 allows multiplication of
frk with a thickness factor ϕdim according to:

 25 
ϕ dim =   ≥ 1,0 [t in mm] (7.6)
 t 

Based on the above, a fatigue design curve can be constructed, see Figure 7.14. The
curve gives the relation between stress range and allowable number of cycles (for the
assumed conditions).


Fatigue design curve

1000 (BSK 99)



10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Allowable number of cycles
Figure 7.14 Fatigue design curve according to BSK 99 for two-sided butt welds, C =
80, γn = 1.2 and steel thickness 15 mm (based on Johansson, 2000a).

If instead it is chosen to perform the design according to Eurocode 3: Design of steel

structures (CEN, 1992), the corresponding fatigue design curve will be very similar to
Figure 7.14 (Johansson, 2000a).

It is also recommended to use fracture mechanics to analyse the critical defect size and
the crack growth rate. The result of such a study is valuable e.g. when designing the
quality control programme for the lining construction (it helps when determining the
target size for defects, which must be identified by the non destructive testing

- 122 -

This chapter is to a great extent based on a conference paper by Marion and Månsson
(2003) prepared for the IGU World Gas Conference 2003.

8.1 The LRC Demo Project

The LRC Demo Project is a joint venture between Gas de France and Sydkraft. The
project is partially funded by the European Union through the Thermie research and
development programme. The goal of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of
the LRC technology by constructing a demonstration scale storage plant (the Demo
Plant cavern is about half the size of a would be commercial plant).

The LRC Demo Plant is situated near the coastal city of Halmstad in southwestern
Sweden, see Figure 8.1. The site is near the main gas pipeline along the west coast of
Sweden and is a good point, from which, to serve the Swedish gas market. Construc-
tion works started in the end of 1998.


Demo Plant

Figure 8.1 Location of the LRC Demo Plant in Sweden.

8.2 Demo Plant design and construction

The cavern wall of the Demo Plant has been designed according to the methodology
presented in this thesis. The design has been scrutinised and approved by the relevant
Swedish authorities. The design principles have also been reviewed by the U.S. Dept.
of Energy as part of the effort to introduce the LRC concept to the U.S. market. The
result of this review, in short, is that the concept and the design principles are judged
feasible (U.S. Department of Energy, 2001; U.S. Department of Energy, 2002).

The LRC Demo Plant consists mainly of the above ground facility, the underground
lined storage cavern and the connecting pipeline to the gas grid. Access to the cavern

- 123 -
during excavation and construction is provided by a system of transport tunnels, see
Figure 8.2.

m l
141 a
Access tunn



5 Cavern

35m 0m 60m 100m 200m

Figure 8.2. Layout of storage cavern and access tunnels at the LRC Demo Plant.

The shape of the storage cavern is a vertical cylinder with a spherical top and rounded
bottom, see Figure 8.3. The diameter is 36 meters and the height is 52 meters. The top
of the cavern is at a depth of 115 meters below the ground surface. The geometrical
volume is 40.000 cubic meters, which means that 10 million cubic meters of natural
gas can be stored at the maximum pressure of 20 MPa.

Total gas volume 10 MNm3

Geometrical volume 40 000 m3
Diameter 36 m
Height 52 m
Pressure 20 MPa
Rock cover 115 m
Injection 20 days
Withdrawal 10 days

Figure 8.3 Vertical section of the LRC Demo Plant Cavern.

- 124 -
The construction of the below ground facility started with the excavation of the access
tunnels. The rock mass consists of a good quality gneiss. The cupola shaped upper part
of the cavern was excavated first, followed by the bottom part. The rock volume in the
cylindrical middle part was excavated last. Smooth-blasting technique was used to
create a rock surface suitable for the subsequent installation of the lining. The drainage
system pipes were installed on the rock wall immediately after excavation and covered
with a protective layer of shotcrete.

After the cavern had been excavated, the steel lining was erected as a freestanding
tank. The lining was welded together from large pre-formed steel plates of ductile
carbon steel with a thickness of about 12 mm. Very high quality demands were put on
the steel material and the welding procedures. 100% of the weld length was subjected
to a non-destructive testing programme. All welding and inspection were carried out in
the lower part of the cavern. Vertical jacks were used to successively lift the tank.

The last stage of the cavern construction was to fill the space between the steel lining
and the rock with concrete. Self-compacting concrete was used, which meant that a
high and uniform concrete quality could be achieved without the use of vibrating
pokers. Water was filled inside the steel tank to support the concrete pressure during

The storage cavern is connected to the above ground facility via a drilled vertical shaft.
The shaft contains pipes for injection and withdrawal of gas. The gas process
equipment in the above ground facility is similar to that of salt cavern storage plants.

The LRC Demo Plant can be operated from the control room in the above ground
facility. However, after an initial operational period, the LRC Demo Plant will
normally be remotely operated from the central gas grid control room in Malmö.

8.3 Demonstration programme

The construction of the LRC Demo Plant was finished in the summer of 2002. After
which, an extensive scientific testing programme started, including loading of the
cavern up to 22 MPa and multiple load cycles. The behaviour of the rock and the
lining was monitored by a comprehensive measurement system. The preliminary
evaluation of the mechanical behaviour of the rock mass and the cavern wall indicates
that the deformation level in general is slightly less than expected and thus well below
the design limits.

Commercial operation of the LRC Demo Plant will start during the year 2003.

- 125 -
- 126 -

9.1 Summary of proposed design methodology

The proposed design methodology for the wall of an LRC high-pressure gas storage is
summarised in Figure 9.1.

Rock Mass Material Dimension and Operational

Parameters Behaviour Shape Parameters

Tool Rock Mass
Rock surface
strain level and
strain range in
most strained

Crack ∆εSteel<2*εy ?
distribution in Sliding layer Steel lining Temperature
concrete lining behaviour properties variation Yes

Cavern Wall Tool
Deformation Low Cycle NO FATIGUE

Steel lining strain

level and strain Estimation of
range in most Further
max tolerable
strained section investigations..
defect size

Figure 9.1 Summary of the proposed cavern wall design methodology.

It is proposed to use a probabilistic approach in the cavern wall design. All input data
should be expressed as stochastic variables (where applicable).

The first step of the proposed design methodology is to determine the deformation of
the rock mass surrounding the cavern. Information needed for this step is:
• An estimation of the main rock mass parameters (e.g. modulus, strength and in-situ
• A material behaviour model (e.g. elasto-plastic behaviour).
• Geometrical data for the cavern (size, shape, depth etc.).
• Operational parameters (e.g. pressure, temperature, number of cycles etc.).

- 127 -
The rock mass deformation is then calculated with a suitable calculation tool. The
main alternative so far is to use an analytical solution together with simulation
software. Another option would be to use stochastic FEM analysis. The result of the
first step is the rock surface strain and strain range at the most strained section (or
sections) of the cavern, expressed in a probabilistic format.

The second step is to look at the cavern wall deformation, i.e. to estimate how the
strain in the rock surface will affect the steel lining. Needed information in this step is:
• Knowledge about the mechanisms of concrete fracture distribution.
• The shear resistance of the sliding layer.
• The steel lining properties (e.g. steel thickness, modulus and yield strength).
• The effect of temperature variations inside the cavern.

The same calculation tools as in step one can be used. The result of step two are the
design values for the strain and the strain range at the most strained point of the steel
lining expressed in a probabilistic format.

The design strain is checked against the fatigue resistance of the steel lining. This can
be found from:
• Results from laboratory fatigue tests on welded specimens produced under project
realistic conditions.
• Available literature data on laboratory fatigue tests on similar steels.
• Codes and Standards.

A rule of thumb: if the design steel strain range is below two times the steel yield limit,
the fatigue resistance is probably more than sufficient. If the design steel strain range
is higher, a detailed investigation of the steel resistance against low cycle fatigue is

9.2 Discussion

Three main goals were identified at the start of the research project leading up to this

1. To deepen the knowledge and understanding of the mechanical behaviour of the

cavern wall.
2. To improve the design methods.
3. To discuss the safety principles on which to base the design.

The first goal has been achieved by a combination of theoretical and practical work. A
lot of valuable information has been gathered from previously performed work, e.g.
the pilot plant tests and numerous technical reports. New knowledge has been obtained
in the laboratory tests on the sliding layer material performed as part of the present
research project.

- 128 -
It is today fair to say that the level of knowledge concerning the mechanical behaviour
of the cavern wall is sufficient for designing an LRC gas storage. On the other hand,
the interaction of the many different materials in the wall is complicated and it will
probably never be possible (or suitable) to define the behaviour in a deterministic way
and then to base the design on conventional (safety factor, safety margin etc.)
principles. The main cause of this inherent uncertainty is the stochastic nature of the
rock mass. It is not possible in practice to exactly determine the deformation
properties, block sizes, joint properties etc. for all locations in the rock mass
surrounding the storage cavern.

This leads to the recommendation to use a probabilistic approach in the design. With
such an approach it is possible to consider the uncertainty in the assessment of e.g. the
rock mass properties. It also makes it possible to use the same design method principle
in various stages of an LRC storage project. In a very early stage the information about
the site is normally sparse, this must be reflected e.g. by a broader span of the range
assigned to each of the material properties. As a project proceeds, and more detailed
site information becomes available, the uncertainty regarding the material properties is
reduced and the assigned span of the material properties can be narrowed.

The overall demand on the technical design of an LRC storage is that the cavern
should be gas tight. This implies that the design method must be able to show that the
probability of a lining failure is so low that it can be accepted according to commonly
recognized safety criteria. The proposed design method fulfils this demand, as the end
result is a probability density function describing the steel lining strain and strain range
in the most strained part of the cavern. This strain and strain range can be compared to
the fatigue capacity of the steel and the probability of failure can be determined.

When using a probabilistic approach it is necessary to have a calculation tool that

handles simulation of stochastic data. The proposed method includes the use of Monte
Carlo simulation in a spreadsheet model. It is thus also necessary to use an analytical
solution for the calculation of the rock mass deformations.

One difficulty in creating the design method was that there is no existing analytical
three-dimensional solution for an elasto-plastic material under anisotropic stress and
property conditions. Instead a two-dimensional elasto-plastic solution for isotropic
conditions was used. This made it necessary to use a number of conversion factors to
compensate for the 3D-shape of the cavern, anisotropic conditions etc. The use of the
conversion factors might at first glance seem a bit awkward but is fully logical in
closer examination. It is important to remember, however, that the conversion factors
are not general but project specific since they depend on the cavern shape, the rock
mass properties, in situ stress conditions etc. Therefore the conversion factors must be
reassessed for each new project.

An alternative to using an analytical solution would be to use stochastic FEM. With

such a tool the deformations and their uncertainties at the most strained part of the
caverns could be determined directly; it would thus exclude the need for all the

- 129 -
conversion factors. This also implies an end result with a narrower uncertainty span,
since the uncertainty originating from the conversion factors is eliminated. It is
proposed for the future to investigate if and how stochastic FEM could be used in the
cavern wall design methodology.

The safety principles have been discussed based on recommendations from authorities
and guidelines from Swedish and international codes. The acceptable probability of
failure can be derived from acceptable risk criteria, considering the consequences of a
failure. With this method the probability of failure becomes project specific. An
alternative, and more general, approach is to extract the acceptable probability of
failure from information given in relevant codes, e.g. the Eurocode.

In all, it can be concluded that all of the three goals for the research project have been
achieved. The general design methodology for the cavern wall of an LRC storage
proposed in this thesis has been used for the design of the first large scale LRC plant in
the world (the LRC Demo Plant). The design and the safety principles have been
scrutinised and approved by the relevant authorities.

The methodology does not, however, cover all aspects of the cavern wall design. In the
methodology it is assumed that the cavern is constructed at such a depth that the free
ground surface has no effect on the deformation pattern of the cavern. How to
determine a sufficient depth is outside the scope of this thesis. Other design aspects not
covered by the proposed methodology are e.g. corrosion of the steel lining and gross
construction errors.

Finally, the proposed design methodology is not a “black box” where you put in some
values in one end and out comes the finished design. The methodology should be seen
as a general guide that must be used accompanied with:

• General engineering skills.

• Rock mechanical knowledge.
• A profound understanding of the cavern wall interaction.

- 130 -

The scientific testing programme performed at the LRC Demo Plant has generated a
vast amount of unique measurements regarding the behaviour of a pressurized rock
cavern. It is highly recommended to perform a detailed evaluation of the collected
data. Such evaluation would make it possible to confirm if the cavern wall design
methodology is adequate and if not, to find the areas where the methodology could be

The pressure tests performed at the Demo Plant is also unique as a large-scale load test
of the rock mass and could generate valuable new knowledge on the general behaviour
of rock masses subjected to large pressure loads.

It is recommended to continuously follow the latest developments regarding rock mass

classification systems and methods for estimation of the rock mass properties based on
such classification systems and to update the design methodology accordingly.

The sliding layer is extremely important to the function of the cavern wall. A special
material has been developed during the design of the Demo Plant. It is recommended
to continue the optimisation and testing of this vital component.

It is also recommended to make a study of the state-of-the art regarding stochastic

FEM and to investigate if and how such tools could be used in the cavern wall design

The LRC concept is burdened with high construction costs for the cavern and the
lining. It is therefore recommended to investigate if the cavern wall design could be
simplified and optimised, bearing in mind the general desire to reduce the construction

- 131 -
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