Hif 16011 B
Hif 16011 B
Hif 16011 B
April 2016
Advancing the capability of computer modeling and analysis tools and techniques is clearly in
the best interest of the U.S. bridge engineering practice. Without industry consensus standards
for Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) and related data exchange protocols, there is no
common way to integrate the various phases of a bridge design and construction project and
benefit from that information in the inspection, maintenance, and operational phases associated
with its asset management. This work seeks to develop, validate, identify gaps, implement, and
build consensus for standards for BrIM for highway bridge engineering.
The contributions and constructive review comments received from many professionals across
the country are greatly appreciated. In particular, I would like to recognize Scot Becker of
Wisconsin DOT, Christopher Garrell of National Steel Bridge Alliance, Danielle Kleinhans of
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, Josh Sletten of Utah DOT, Steven Austin of Texas DOT,
Brad Wagner of Michigan DOT, Todd Thomson of South Dakota DOT, Ahmad Abu-Hawash of
Iowa DOT, Mike Keever of Caltrans, Ali Koc of Red Equation Corporation, Hanjin Hu of
Michael Baker International, and all those who participated in our workshops described in the
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession 3. Recipient’s Catalog No.
FHWA-HIF-16-011 No.
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Bridge Information Modeling Standardization Report
Volume I – Information Exchanges 6. Performing Organization Code
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Office of Bridges and Structures
Federal Highway Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101-2296
15. Supplementary Notes
This document is the second of a multi-volume set of documents on Bridge Information
Modeling Standardization. The volumes can be read individually or sequentially as part of the
set. Reading the Introduction first is recommended to provide context and a summary of the
work and its findings.
16. Abstract: Bridge Information Modeling Standardization is a multi-volume report that
analyzes options for standardized approaches for modeling bridges across their lifecycle. The
goal of the Report is to identify and evaluate candidate open standards that can be used to
document all aspects of bridges to identify viable standards that can be used by bridge owners to
specify information delivery requirements and by software providers to meet those requirements.
After evaluation of the viable available options, the Report goes on to provide an in-depth
analysis based on test cases of real bridge projects of the viable alternative. Accompanying the
Report is a comprehensive exchange specification to assist software developers to implement the
recommended alternative to the benefit of bridge owners. This volume, Exchange Analysis, the
second of four volumes, evaluates process models for the bridge life cycle developed in a
previous FHWA project, in use by industry in other domains and represented by existing
requirements from state Departments of Transportation, and then recommends a new process
map built on the best practices identified in the analysis.
17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement
bridge, design, construction, modeling, No restrictions. This document is available to the
models, open, standards, public through the National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, VA 22161.
19. Security Classif. (of 20. Security 21. No. of 22. Price
this report) Unclassified Classif. (of this Pages - 79
page) Unclassified
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed pages authorized
Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol
in inches 25.4 millimeters mm
ft feet 0.305 meters m
yd yards 0.914 meters m
mi miles 1.61 kilometers km
in2 square inches 645.2 square millimeters mm2
ft2 square feet 0.093 square meters m2
yd2 square yard 0.836 square meters m2
fl oz fluid ounces 29.57 milliliters mL
gal gallons 3.785 liters L
ft3 cubic feet 0.028 cubic meters m3
yd3 cubic yards 0.765 cubic meters m3
oz ounces 28.35 grams g
lb pounds 0.454 kilograms kg
T short tons (2000 lb) 0.907 megagrams (or "metric ton") Mg (or "t")
TEMPERAT URE (exact degrees)
o o
F Fahrenheit 5 (F-32)/9 Celsius C
or (F-32)/1.8
fc foot-candles 10.76 lux lx
lx lux 0.0929 foot-candles fc
cd/m2 candela/m2 0.2919 foot-Lamberts fl
N newtons 0.225 poundforce lbf
kPa kilopascals 0.145 poundforce per square inch lbf/in2
*SI is the symbol for the International System of Units. Appropriate rounding should be made to comply with Section 4 of ASTM E380. (Revised March 2003)
A 508 compliant version of this table is available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/convtabl.cfm.
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
2 Bridge Lifecycle Workflows ................................................................................................... 4
2.1 The FHWA Bridge Process Map (2013) ........................................................................ 4
2.1.1 Phases .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Disciplines................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Process Map ................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.4 Activities ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.5 Exchanges ................................................................................................................. 10
2.1.6 Review of the exchanges .......................................................................................... 13
2.2 Industry Exchanges ....................................................................................................... 15
2.2.1 Exchanges in the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) MVD ...................... 16
2.2.2 Exchanges in the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) MVD .............. 21
2.2.3 Exchanges in the American Concrete Institute MVD.............................................. 26
2.3 State DOT Standards..................................................................................................... 31
2.3.1 Requirements Model ................................................................................................. 32
2.3.2 Survey Model ............................................................................................................ 33
2.3.3 Utility Model ............................................................................................................. 33
2.3.4 Structural Model ....................................................................................................... 33
2.3.5 Documentation Template .......................................................................................... 34
2.3.6 Construction Contract Model .................................................................................... 34
2.3.7 Bid Information Model ............................................................................................. 39
2.3.8 Fabrication Model ..................................................................................................... 40
2.3.9 Construction Status Model ........................................................................................ 40
2.3.10 Inspection Model ...................................................................................................... 40
3 Development of a New Integrated Process Map ................................................................... 41
3.1 Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)............................................................. 42
3.2 BPMN Notation ............................................................................................................ 43
3.3 Process Map .................................................................................................................. 45
3.4 Actors and activities ...................................................................................................... 48
3.4.1 Planning Engineer ..................................................................................................... 48
3.4.2 Surveyor .................................................................................................................... 49
3.4.3 Utility Manager ......................................................................................................... 49
3.4.4 Estimator (Owner) .................................................................................................... 49
3.4.5 Structural Engineer ................................................................................................... 50
3.4.6 Transportation Engineer............................................................................................ 51
3.4.7 Contractor ................................................................................................................. 52
3.4.8 Fabricator .................................................................................................................. 52
3.4.9 Load Rating Engineer ............................................................................................... 53
3.4.10 Inspector .................................................................................................................... 53
3.4.11 Routing and Permitting Engineer.............................................................................. 53
3.4.12 Asset Manager .......................................................................................................... 53
3.5 Exchanges ..................................................................................................................... 53
4 Summary................................................................................................................................ 60
Appendix A:1 – Bridge Modeling Terminology .......................................................................... 61
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 66
1 Introduction
Information about a bridge is generated throughout its full life cycle including design,
engineering, construction, operation, maintenance, and demolition. The information is used for
many purposes and by many different stakeholders. The use may involve many computer
software applications, people, and organizations. In order to support such uses, the bridge
information should be represented in a neutral, readily understandable, computer interpretable
form that remains sufficient and consistent when exchanged and stored.
An Information Modeling Standard aims to specify a digital organization and exchange structure
that is in a computer interpretable format used for storing, accessing, transferring and archiving
data in a formal manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human
beings or computers. (ISO TC184/SC4, 1992) A modeling standard is not only for supporting
neutral file exchange but also for implementing and sharing information databases and archives.
The standard procedures developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences for using the
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) (ISO TC59/SC13, 2010) to specify information modeling
standards consist of defining the targeted use case(s), developing a generic process map
identifying required information types for a specific activity and purpose, identifying detailed
data types for the required exchange information, and finally mapping detailed data types into a
neutral computer interpretable form and validating the result. The process is summarized in
Figure 1. This Volume describes the development of the process map for the bridge life cycle,
which identifies types of information flow (exchange requirements) among activities in the
process. Volume II and III further discuss the required information and data types.
• Three building focused efforts (sponsored by American Institute of Steel Construction
(AISC, 2011), Precast/Pre-stressed Concrete Institute (Eastman, Precast BIM Standard
Project, 2012), and American Concrete Institute (Eastman, Cast-in-Place National BIM
Standard, 2012), respectively).
These earlier building specific efforts adopted the processes and phasing recommended by the
National Institute of Building Science (NIBS) (National Institute of Building Sciences, 2015) as
outlined in Figure 1, based on extensive involvement of the various user communities. The user
communities need to be augmented by software vendor groups that will be the implementers of
the exchange software. The development of the process map requires strong leadership because
of the front-end costs and generally delayed benefits. Recognizing these issues this project
attempted to expedite the national BIM standard process by:
1. Instead of developing a full set of exchanges for various types of bridge projects, the team
selected two common representative bridge types to focus efforts.
2. The elements and sequencing of project activities can be different by contract types. The
design-bid-build delivery method has different activities and sets of exchanges from the
design-build delivery method. This project focused on the design-bid-build approach, the
most common delivery method for bridges and the method already identified in the
previous work, instead of extending or annexing other approaches to reduce the time.
3. The design-bid-build approach involves data exchange from design to construction, which
involves flow of information on a full and detailed bridge model. The BrIM team identified
that this exchange is the most well-defined and has the highest potential return from being
fully automated out of the whole design-bid-build process for bridge projects.
4. The project team concluded from the previous efforts that having a working exchange in a
short time is more beneficial and effective to communicate intent and to get feedback than
providing full implementation of multiple exchanges simultaneously over a longer period
of time. Therefore, instead of identifying information items from various user communities
and augmenting those by software vendors, the project team decided to use the contract
document set prepared by the engineer of record (EOR) for the owner in order to identify
required information item types.
The full bridge lifecycle can be information intensive and complex, with numerous phases,
actors, and activities. In order to help reduce the complexity and make the process more
understandable, a process map has been introduced to define the context for specifying
objectives. Processes in construction vary because of different contexts, locations, and
requirements. No process map is likely to describe completely the activities in the bridge life
cycle. A process map generally classifies the information flows between the different actors and
activities throughout the project phases. The classification provides a guide for identifying
salient exchanges for a given purpose and scope.
Process modeling refers to activities involved in defining what an actor does, who is responsible,
to what standard a process should be completed, and how the success of a process can be
determined. Its purpose is not to have standardized work flow, but to gain an in-depth
understanding of the relationships between the activities to achieve the data exchanges, the actors
involved, and the data required, consumed and produced. (buildingSmart International, 2012) This
project developed a new, comprehensive bridge process map, Figure 2.
The process map characterizes the activities that have specific inputs and outputs. Inputs are
typically from other activities and other data sources and the activities generate outputs to other
subsequent activities. The outputs from precedent activities (e.g. preliminary design) are inputs
for subsequent activities (e.g. final design) of a data exchange (e.g. from preliminary design
software to final design software). Exchange requirements further specify the required inputs in a
specific data exchange. The process map defined in this Report is based on the Design-Bid-Build
delivery approach where design is 100% complete before construction begins. Other delivery
methods such as Design-Build could require that some exchanges be modified. What this process
map is based on and how it was developed is further explained in the rest of this volume.
2 Bridge Lifecycle Workflows
At the outset of this phase of work, three existing sources of bridge processes were identified for
evaluation towards further developing a new, more comprehensive and procedurally correct
bridge lifecycle process map that would establish the full exchange requirements for bridges. The
three sources of bridge processes evaluated were:
1. FHWA Bridge Map (2013) - The process map generated from the FHWA BrIM Report
2013 by the University of Buffalo (Chen S. S., 2013) (Chen S. S., 2013) was the starting
point for the exchange modeling efforts of this phase of work.
2. Industry Product Models - product models from the Architecture / Engineering /
Construction (A/E/C) industry for fabrication and engineering by the Precast/Prestressed
Concrete Institute (PCI) and the American Concrete Institute (ACI) for concrete framing
and detailing, and the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) for steel framing
and detailing.
3. State Departments of Transportation (DOT) Standards - high-level classes of exchanges
used in DOT agencies were identified according to published standards at DOT agencies.
The following sections present background on each of the three process sources evaluated along
with the analysis that led up to the development of a new integrated process map in Section 4.
ISM (Integrated Structural Modeling) (Bentley, 2012) is a technology for sharing structural engineering project
information among structural modeling, analysis, design, drafting and detailing applications. ISM was developed by
a commercial software company, Bentley Systems, Inc. It can work with major Bentley software products.
CIS/2 (CIMsteel Integrated Standards Release Two) originated from the CIMsteel (Computer Integrated
Manufacture of Constructional Steelwork) (Crowley, 2000) Project from the European Construction Steelwork
Industry. It is a set of formal computing specifications that allow software vendors to make their engineering
applications mutually compatible. AISC endorsed CIS/2 as the format for data exchange among structural steel
related software applications.
leading to recommendations for modification and improvement that are incorporated into the
Bridge Lifecycle Management Process Map.
2.1.1 Phases
In construction, four general phases characterize most typical design-bid-build projects:
planning, bidding, construction, operation and maintenance (O&M). Phases are temporal discrete
segments of time, usually occurring sequentially and not overlapping each other.
Each high level phase can then be broken down into smaller, sub-phases. For example, planning
can be broken into initiation and design. In order to build a bridge, the plan first needs to be
initialized (what the problem is, what the constraints are, etc.). Afterwards, the bridge needs to be
designed (type of bridge, capacity, aesthetics, etc.). These sub-phases can further be broken
down into smaller sub-phases. Sub-phases are disjointed partitions of the phase or sub-phase they
are part of. The FHWA BrIM Report 2013 identified the phases for bridge construction. Below
is a list of the phases identified in the bridge lifecycle process, in which each term is followed by
its classification number from the OmniClass Construction Classification System (OCCS) (OCCS
Development Committee, 2006):
• Initiation (I), 31-10 14 17
• Scoping (S), 31-10 14 24
• Preliminary Design (PD), 31-20 10 00
• Final Design (FD), 31-20 20 00
• Bidding and Letting (BL), 31-30 30 00
• Post Award / Pre-Construction Construction Planning / Detailing (CD), 31-40 10 00
• Fabrication (F), 31-40 40 14 21
• Construction (C), 31-40 40 14
• Inspection and Evaluation (IE), 31-50 20 21
• Maintenance and Management (MM), 31-50 20 31
2.1.2 Disciplines
In order to make an activity happen, there needs to be one or more people to carry out the tasks.
These people are called ‘actors’ because they act upon a certain activity in the process. The same
person may carry out different activities having different roles for each activity. Anybody that
has a role in a process is considered a resource, which can be a person, an organization, or a
person acting on behalf of an organization. The FHWA BrIM Report 2013 classified actors into
the following disciplines in its process map, , in which each term is followed by the
corresponding OCCS number (OCCS Development Committee, 2012).
• Transportation Engineering (TE), 33-21 99 45 21
• Planning, Aesthetics, Landscaping (PAL), 33-11 00 00
• Structural Engineering (SE), 33-21 31 14
• Detailing (D), 33-21 31 14
• Estimation (E), 33-25 11 00
• Construction Management (CM), 33-41 14 00
• Fabrication (F), 33-25 41 11
• Construction Engineering (CE), 33-41 00 00
• Inspection (I), 33-21 31 14
• Load Rating (LR), 33-21 31 14
• Routing and Permitting (RP), 33-21 31 11
• Maintenance and Management (MM), 33-55 24 00
Figure 4. Notation of the process map from the FHWA BrIM Report 2013
Figure 4, a segment of the process map shown in Figure 5displays the notation used in the
process map. The map is broken up into lanes (rows and columns). The leftmost column shows
the disciplines of actors (stakeholders). The topmost lane identifies the phases (or stages) in the
process in order of involvement (i.e. the far left is the start of the project and the far right is the
The activity lane, denoted by the actors’ disciplines, displays the activity (A) (white rectangles
with rounded edges labeled starting with letter A) carried out by the actors at a specific phase in
the project. The lanes labeled “exchange” display the exchange maps and are there to facilitate
exchange flows. The green box exchange maps (EM) (square edged rectangle attached to
rounded edge rectangles labeled starting with letters EM) identify digital maps, and the yellow
box non-map exchanges (NME) (square edged rectangle attached to rounded edge rectangles
labeled starting with letters NME) are non-map files (e.g. PDF, notes, etc.).
Figure 5. The process map from the FHWA BrIM Report 2013
Since each exchange is potentially unique, they have been named according to phase and
disciplines of actors. The format is EM. Phase/Sender-Receiver(s). For example, the
“Preliminary Roadway Geometry Model” is in the Preliminary Design (PD) phase and is sent
from Transportation Engineering (TE) to Structural Engineering (SE). Therefore the name is
Non-model exchanges are denoted by NME rather than EM. The direction and flow of the
activities are shown by solid arrows, and the direction and flow of the exchanges are shown by
dashed arrows.
Figure 5 represents the entire process map from the FHWA BrIM Report 2013. The process map
identified 34 activities and 18 model based exchanges described in the following sections.
Further information on process maps is provided in the section titled Development of a New
Integrated Process Map.
2.1.4 Activities
Within each sub-phase, various activities are expected and usually scheduled to reach a specified
goal. An activity applies resources (people, time, equipment, computation, expertise, etc.) to
complete the activity.
Activities can be repetitive, or iterated until the outcome of that activity is achieved. Often,
activities are dependent on conditions that are realized by other activities. The second activity
depends on the state of the first activity; the second activity can only be meaningfully applied if
the first activity has been completed. In addition, if the first activity is iterated, the second
activity may also have to be repeated.
For instance, initiation has two activities: “bridge planning” and “conceptual estimate”. The
“bridge planning” activity determines the project plan, which may include a description of the
problem, preliminary project objectives, a description, project elements to be investigated and a
preliminary schedule. The “conceptual estimate” activity creates a preliminary cost estimate
report of the bridge plan. Therefore, any changes to the plan will create changes in the cost
estimate report, which makes the “conceptual estimate” activity dependent on the “bridge
planning” activity. Since there is a dependency, the two activities iterate until a final bridge plan
is achieved and the associated cost estimate is generated.
Figure 6. Bridge Planning and Conceptual Estimate Cycle
The FHWA BrIM Report 2013 identified the majority of the activities important in the life-cycle
of a bridge. However, it is important to note that the list is not a fully comprehensive list of all
the activities needed to model bridges, but addresses the most common cases.
1. Bridge Planning
2. Conceptual Estimate
3. Structure Type, Size and Location Design
4. Preliminary Estimate
5. Preliminary Roadway Geometry Development
6. Preliminary Aesthetic Design
7. Preliminary Structural Design
8. Updated Preliminary Cost Estimate
9. Final Roadway Geometry Development
10. Aesthetic Design Development
11. Structural Design Development
12. Preliminary Detailing Design
13. Detailed Engineer’s Cost Estimate
14. Initial Load Rating
15. Construction Documentation Preparation
16. Initial Cost Estimate
17. Bid Development
18. Final Review / Integration of Structural System
19. Detailing Design Development
20. Construction Planning and Scheduling
21. Production Scheduling
22. Erection Plan and Analysis
23. Modification / Integration of Final Detailing Documents
24. Product Manufacturing
25. Structural As-Built Data Development
26. Project Contract Claim / J.O.C. Cost Estimates
27. Construction Coordinating and Monitoring
28. Construction Execution
29. Post-construction Load Rating
30. Inspection Review
31. Inspection
32. Updated Load Rating
33. Maintenance
34. Routing and Permitting
2.1.5 Exchanges
An estimator needs specific and reliable data from the planner in order to make an accurate cost
estimate report. If the data are erroneous or unreliable, the cost estimate report is inaccurate,
which can cause later problems in the project. To ensure that the estimator obtains the needed
reliable information an exchange is established. An exchange is the process of transferring the
needed information at a given phase in a process from one actor to another. The information sent
from the planner to the estimator, in the form of the bridge plan, is one type of exchange. The
information sent back from the estimator to the planner, in the form of the cost estimate report, is
a separate exchange.
Note that the exchanges below may have multiple actors importing data in an exchange.
However, in practice, multiple correct models may not be merged into a single one without using
an application supporting the integration or via a manual interpretation. An example is structural
analysis models for a structure and the physical representation of the structure. Some
applications support the synchronization of the two models internally, while others do not. An
emerging technology supporting the coordination of model data between different applications
are model servers. Today however, links between separate models are not currently supported in
practice. Merging of models must be done within an application.
1. [EM.I/PAL-E] Bridge Concept Model
Sender (33-11 00 00) Planning, Aesthetics and Landscaping
Receiver (33-25 11 00) Estimation
Purpose These models are created by engineers to help define candidate a project based on
program goals.
8. [EM.FD/SE-D-TE-PAL] Advanced Structural Model
Sender (33-21 31 14) Structural Engineering
Receiver (33-21 31 14) Detailing, and (33-21 99 45 21) Transportation Engineering, (33-11 00
00) Planning, Aesthetics and Landscaping
Purpose This model is used for an independent technical progress review, and then used to
finalize completed contract plans and specifications.
14. [EM.C/CE-SE-E-LR] As-Built Model
Sender (33-41 00 00) Construction Engineering
Receiver (33-21 31 14) Structural Engineering, (33-21 31 14) Structural Engineering, and (33-
21 31 14) Load Rating
Purpose This model is used by structural engineers to calculate load rating factors and by an
inspector for bridge inspection.
Figure 8 is a part of Table C – Critical Design Elements from the Initial Project Proposal / Final
Design Report (IPP/FDR) shell (NYSDOT, 2012) from the New York State Department of
Transportation. The IPP template defines design criteria applicable to the bridge design such as
design speed, lane width, approach lane width, shoulder width, approach shoulder width, bridge
roadway width, approach roadway width, maximum grade, horizontal curvature, super elevation,
stopping sight distance, horizontal clearance, vertical clearance, pavement cross slope, rollover
and others. This type of information prescribes the design criteria but not the actual design of a
roadway that can be transferred. There is no physical design model that has explicit shape (such
as terrain, alignment, section and etc.) defined in the bridge concept model as given in the IPP.
Therefore, this exchange can be represented as a non-model based exchange.
Existing Proposed
Element Standard 2
Condition Condition
50 mph (80 km/h)
1 Design Speed
11 ft (3.3 m)
2 Lane Width
4 ft (1.2 m)
3 Shoulder Width BM Section 2.3.1 Table 2-1, and App. 2A Tables
& [OR] HDM Section
Undivided Arterial
Approach roadway width=2(11+4)=30 ft (9 m)
Bridge Roadway Existing traveled way plus 4 ft min.
Width shoulders=2(10+4)=28 ft (8.4 m)
Wider of the two is 30 ft (9 m) =std.
BM Section 2.3.1 and Table 2-1
5 Maximum Grade
HDM Section
Horizontal 758 ft (229 m) Min (at emax=8%)
Curvature HDM Section
8% Max.
7 Superelevation
HDM Section
Figure 8. Excerpt from the table C – Critical Design Elements of NYS DOT IPP
The project scoping report template (NYSDOT, Project Scoping Report / Final Design Report
(PSR/FDR), 2015) from New York State Department of Transportation also indicates that these
information items are lists of textual descriptions that specify the criteria, which does not
necessarily involve a model based exchange. Therefore this exchange needs to be represented as
a non-model based exchange.
• Section 2.2.1 reviews exchanges in the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)
Model View Definition (MVD)
• Section 1.1.1 reviews exchanges in the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
Model View Definition (MVD)
• Section 2.2.3 reviews exchanges in the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Model View
Definition (MVD)
Each of these three exchange sets was created largely independently, but with well-defined
linkages with each other. For example, reinforcing and pre- and post-tensioning elements are
integrated in concrete and steel detailing; steel decking is typically defined by the steel detailer,
but strongly coordinated with two way exchanges in the concrete layout and the structural
analysis. Connections between systems (foundations, shear plates) for concrete-steel connections
are directly related or linked to each other. At a detailed implementation level, functional
libraries are defined that often need to reflect their fabrication.
The material attributes for steel structures and rebar and mesh are the same in most cases. An
objective of reviewing these three domains was to assess the effort involved in integrating them
with bridge engineering to determine the effort needed to support or improve current practice to
identify differences and resolve them where needed. In general, properties and attributes are easy
to include or drop; missing entity types with distinct functions or geometry are much larger gaps.
PC is the precaster’s review of the Building Concept model from architects and specifies major
architectural/structural precast components. This may deal with the precast structural system,
panelization, architectural finishes and site logistics.
PC5. Architectural Contract (AC)
Phase Design Development and Construction Documentation
Disciplines Architecture, Structural Engineering, Precaster, and General Contractor
Purpose This model is a construction stage precast model used for coordination of all precast
components with the rest of the building. It integrates the building layout of all
precast pieces with all other building systems to support production of a contract
construction model and for structural and logistical consistency review.
The model integrates the building layout of all precast pieces with all other building systems. It
identifies the shape and logical connectivity of all precast pieces. It includes the layout of surface
finishes, molding, reveals and other decorative features. Other systems interacting with precast
are also represented.
Based on the architectural and engineering designs, this exchange model is used for coordination
of all precast components includes precast slabs, beams, columns, and connections. It conveys
detailed model descriptions of all precast structural elements, using BRep geometry. The model
together with the drawings and specifications are also submitted to the general contractor in
order to be assembled with other models and used for the bid preparation.
finishes, joints, embeds, reinforcing, tensioning cable layout and blockouts, pre-tensioned pieces,
and lifting hooks for lifting and transporting.
Structural design of logical connections is specified. This model also conveys the results of
structural design and reinforcement review by the engineer of record to the precast fabricator
during the fabrication phase with information about design constraints, design loads and
structural design.
nested relations of logical connections and both field and plant applied connections are defined.
Related identification information and concrete mixes are included. Reinforcement specifications
and layout are designated. Structural design for load-bearing pieces and design loads for slabs
are specified. Important common categories of information include layout, shape, and material
types and surface treatment, both in the piece and assembly level. Openings and opening frames
are defined. Detailed information for some types of products is included. Layout and grid
geometry of facades are designated. For load-bearing, non-load bearing and voided pieces, joint
and connection relations are specified also. Logical and physical connections are defined. Lifting
devices are indicated. Thermal and acoustic insulation characteristics are defined. Structural
design of logical connections is specified.
included. Layout and grid geometry of facades are designated and slab topping thickness,
material and surface treatment are defined. For load-bearing and non-load bearing pieces,
assembly, nested, joint and connection relations are specified. Relevant information about
reinforcement is included. Nested and assembly relations of both field applied and plant applied
connections are specified. Specifications of other building parts and systems like lifting devices
that are affected, are indicated.
to do the preliminary estimate of the material and fabrication costs for concept
analysis and/or budget purposes.
EM5: Structural Analysis Model
In the AEC / FM and structural steel domains, structural analysis and structural design are
usually separated. The structural analysis model is used to define physical structural member
design and is related to the Initial Structural Model of the FHWA BrIM Report 2013, while it
does not differentiate structural analysis and structural member design. This needs clarification
from domain experts if the differentiation is required and if there is need for data exchange
between structural analysis and structural member design.
Phase Design Development
Disciplines Sender: Structural Engineering
Receiver: Architecture
Description The structural engineer has created the analytical model by taking the physical
geometry of the structure and load information to generate an analysis program for
structural analysis, design, and optimization. This exchange is part of an iterating
round loop between architect and structural engineer, finalizing the design content.
The resulting structural model with updated steel member sizes and end reactions
will be sent to the steel detailing engineer for connection design in the next phase.
Description The purpose of the model is to provide a detailed structural model with enough
information to help the steel detailer to design the final steel structure layout, to
help the steel manufacturer provide the detailed material take-off and also to help
the contractor develop the bid document.
final review and integration of structural system. The model provides detailed
steel structure layout for advanced connection design and detailing
o Material
Defines connection and other embeds, pads and curbs needed for mechanical
Description Integrates placement and reinforcement and tendon layout with both integrated
structure and pour sequence. (tendons may be a separate model)
Description Provides reinforcing contractor detail layout, with all members defined and rebar
placed. Connections to non-concrete elements: wall systems vertical circulation,
mechanical equipment are defined. Used for structural review, finish contractor
coordination, schedule coordination.
access points, temporary storage. Also, document all site condition details, for
landscaping, walk concrete paving and other later works.
2.3 State DOT Standards
As a check on the FHWA BrIM Report 2013’s process map and the industry process models,
high-level classes of exchanges currently used in DOT agencies were identified. The exchanges
listed are by no means comprehensive; rather, they are enumerated according to published
documents at DOT agencies. They reflect information exchanged outside of DOT agencies, and
do not reflect some of the more specific exchanges that may happen within a DOT agency.
Ultimately, the highest priority information exchanges are those that are between parties under
contract, for which there is added value in using standardized and documented digital exchanges
as opposed to other data formats already in use. These include the following:
1. Requirements Model
2. Survey Model
3. Structural Model
4. Documentation Template
5. Construction Contract Model
6. Bid Information Model
7. Fabrication Model
8. Construction Status Model
9. Inspection Model
The full support for the delivery of the information listed above has been taken as the priority
target exchanges to be supported in this project. Some of these are well addressed by IFC. But in
the same way that bridge engineering codes are different in the aggregate from building codes,
the specific requirements needed for bridges require careful reviews with those for buildings. It
is also important to note that while there is a history of more than ten years of effort towards full
building model automation, mainstream successful implementation is still a future goal.
With this recognition, one of these contract exchanges has been elaborated in detail herein, 6
Construction Contract Model. Volume III of this report describes the modeling of components in
detail taken from the actual plans for two example bridges. Each description of these contract
exchanges below has a section entitled “Preliminary Mapping to Process Models” that identifies
which previous information exchanges these contract exchanges can be mapped to.
This effort will focus on identifying various exchanges and describing general information to be
exchanged, and will go into detail on one of the exchanges – arguably the one most recognizable
in industry and also the most complex – issuing construction plans/specifications at the
conclusion of the design phase. This exchange was recommended for several reasons:
• Transportation agencies have the ability to create information in this format, or require
such a format from engineering firms.
• Contractors bidding a job have incentive to use this information.
• Because of its role, this information is usually well documented and usually complete
providing a good example for early implementation’
Initially, such digital formats may be provided as “informational” until agencies and contractors
become comfortable with the data formats and they have been thoroughly tested and validated.
Later, such formats will likely become legally binding.
It should be anticipated that there are likely additional costs and risks incurred upon initially
switching to such formats to support automation. While automation of information delivery may
reduce opportunities for human error on a per-project basis, it also increases opportunities for
human error made system-wide. Software vendors make errors, as do authors of specifications.
Achieving lower costs associated with digital delivery formats may take multiple iterations of
specifications over a large number of projects. Fortunately, for the more common bridges there is
substantially less variation and substantially fewer domain participants, compared to the building
industry. Careful review and full pursuit of standards setting practices is essential before
implementation and deployment.
2.3.2 Survey Model
The Survey Model contains geographic information for the project site. This exchange is not
identified in the process map of the FHWA BrIM Report 2013. The new process map needs to
include this exchange.
Phase Initiation
Disciplines Sender: Surveyor
Receiver(s): Transportation Engineer
Description This exchange captures terrain elevations and soil conditions, which may be
produced by a surveyor and delivered to an engineer. Such an exchange may be
formally contracted between companies or performed in-house.
Major Information Items Project identifying information; geographic location and surveying
boundaries; and soil layers at drill points, with classification and
associated structural properties
Major Information Items Project identifying information; bridge identifying information;
physical model of bridge elements and connections (see Plan
Exchange); bridge systems organizing bridge elements (e.g. deck,
superstructure, substructure); structural analysis models
corresponding to bridge systems; structural members (curves,
surfaces, volumes), shape properties, material properties; structural
connections and boundary conditions; structural loads (point,
curve, or surface-based forces and moments); structural load cases
and combinations; structural design methodology applied, load
factors, resistance factors, finite element intervals; structural
results (deflections and maximum stresses in each member); and
physical elements selected and placed according to load
analyzed. The major information items must reflect design results, and may or may not also
include design parameters such as formulas and patterns used to arrive at the design results. This
exchange is identified as the contract model generated as an output of the Construction
Document Preparation activity by the Structural Engineering discipline in the FHWA BrIM
Report 2013.
Phase Bidding and Letting
Disciplines Sender: Public Entity (from Bridge Engineer)
Receiver(s): Contractor
Description This exchange captures bridge plan details with sufficient information for a
contractor to submit a bid and proceed with construction.
Major Information Items Project identifying information; bridge identifying information;
alignment curves separated into horizontal and vertical curves;
element placement relative to alignment curves; element shape
parameters (paths, boundaries, repetition patterns); element
material parameters (cross-sections, materials, properties); element
3D geometric shape; element 3D presentation of colors and
textures (for indicating architectural details); element 2D
presentation for fill styles and line styles (for deriving plan
renderings, lane striping); composition of elements and voids such
as rebar, conduit, drains; connections between elements, realizing
elements and properties; system connectivity and flow for
distribution elements including drainage; bridge elements for
abutments, piers, framing, decking; building elements for beams,
columns, members, plates; structural elements for footings, piles,
reinforcing; plumbing elements for pipes, valves, waste terminals;
electrical elements for conduit, cables, light fixtures; geographic
elements for land terrain and features; soil boring locations with
material layer depths and classification; structural load cases
indicating designed loads on elements
In addition to originating model information, derived information such as quantities and
structural results are also included in this exchange, as this information is also included in the
originating plans. While such information could be generated by software (in the same way that
it could by a human based on the plans), it is included according to the same rationale –
convenience, verification, or other requirements.
• Quantities applied to elements for count, length, area, volume, gross weight, and net
• Quantity schedule with assigned elements, units, and totals
• Structural result cases indicating governing stresses on elements
In addition to originating model information and derived summary information, to assist users in
the transition to digital models, it may also be useful to include the following 2D plan
information such that the same format as found in plans may be derived from the underlying
• Request for bid, indicating bid submission date and qualification requirements
• Bid alternates and combinations, with assigned systems and elements
• Schedule constraints, where bonuses or penalties may be applied according to completion
• Index of plan sheets with layout information mapping page contents to the underlying
The structure of the bid may be defined to reflect varying bid scenarios such as a fixed contract
amount, alternates for separate work that may be accepted or rejected independently,
combinations of alternates where discounts may be achieved, line items with unit costs provided
where the actual quantity may vary within a defined range, line items with quantities provided
where the unit costs may vary according to market conditions (e.g. asphalt pricing index), or a
combination of all.
Plan information representative of this exchange may be found at the following links for each
state DOT agency:
State Directory Example
Columbia ion/scf/indexopps33.asp
Florida http://www.dot.state.fl.us/cc- N/A
Georgia https://www.bidx.com/ga/lettings http://standarddetails.dot.ga.gov/stds_dtls/
Hawaii http://hidot.hawaii.gov/administrati N/A
Idaho http://qap.questcdn.com/qap/projec http://itd.idaho.gov/bridge/cadd/cadddraw
ts/prj_browse/ipp_prj_browse.html ings.htm
Illinois http://apps.dot.illinois.gov/Change http://www.idot.illinois.gov/doing-
Order/ListStatus.aspx business/procurements/engineering-
Indiana https://ecm.indot.in.gov/bidviewer/ http://www.in.gov/dot/div/contracts/stand
default.aspx ards/drawings/sep14/e/sep700.htm
Iowa http://www.iowadot.gov/contracts/ http://www.iowadot.gov/bridge/standards/
lettings.html english/j24-06.pdf
Kansas http://ksdot1.ksdot.org/burconsmai N/A
Louisiana https://www.bidx.com/la/lettings N/A
Maine http://www.maine.gov/mdot/contra http://www.maine.gov/mdot/contractor-
ctors/#projecttbl consultant-
Maryland http://sha.md.gov/pages/contractad http://apps.roads.maryland.gov/Business
schedule.aspx WithSHA/bizStdsSpecs/obd/BridgeStand
Massachusetts https://www.bidx.com/ma/letting?l http://www.massdot.state.ma.us/highway/
ettingid=20150203 DoingBusinessWithUs/ManualsPublicatio
Michigan http://mdotcf.state.mi.us/public/bid http://mdotcf.state.mi.us/public/design/file
s/index.cfm?letdate=2015-03-06 s/englishstandardplans/files/standard_plan
Minnesota http://bidlet.dot.state.mn.us/adverti http://standardplans.dot.state.mn.us/StdPl
sement.aspx an.aspx
State Directory Example
Mississippi http://sp.mdot.ms.gov/Contract%2 http://sp.gomdot.com/Roadway%20Desig
0Administration/BidSystems/Page n/StandardDrawings/1998-10-
s/letting%20calendar.aspx 01/Bridge_Culvert_Standards_1997.pdf
Missouri http://www.modot.mo.gov/eBidLet http://www.modot.org/business/consultant
tingPublicWeb/viewStream.do?doc _resources/bridgestandards.htm
Montana http://www.mdt.mt.gov/other/contr http://www.mdt.mt.gov/business/contracti
act/external/reports/future_projects ng/bridge/cad_files.shtml
Nebraska http://www.transportation.nebraska http://www.transportation.nebraska.gov/d
.gov/letting/lettings.htm esign/bridge/downloads-manuals.html
Nevada http://www.nevadadot.com/Doing_ http://www.nevadadot.com/uploadedFiles/
Business/Contractors/BidLetting.as NDOT/About_NDOT/NDOT_Divisions/
px Engineering/Specifications/english_2010s
New http://www.nh.gov/dot/org/adminis http://www.nh.gov/dot/org/projectdevelop
Hampshire tration/finance/bids/invitations/ind ment/bridgedesign/sampleplans/document
ex.htm s/Bartlett13043.pdf
New Jersey http://www.state.nj.us/transportatio http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/eng/
n/business/procurement/ConstrSer CADD/v8/index.shtml#SamplePlansEngli
v/bidopen15.shtm sh
New Mexico https://www.bidx.com/nm/lettings http://dot.state.nm.us/en/Standards.html
New York https://www.dot.ny.gov/doing- https://www.dot.ny.gov/main/business-
State business/opportunities/const- center/engineering/cadd-
highway info/drawings/bridge-detail-sheets-usc
North https://connect.ncdot.gov/letting/P https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/Struct
Carolina ages/Bridge.aspx ures/Pages/Structure-Standards.aspx
North Dakota http://www.dot.nd.gov/dotnet/epla http://www.dot.nd.gov/divisions/design/d
ns/default.aspx ocs/standards/D255-01.pdf
Ohio https://www.bidx.com/oh/lettings http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Engi
Oklahoma http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/cab http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/bridge/stan
ol/a2015/cabol_201502-feb.pdf dards.htm
Oregon http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/CS/ http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/EN
CONSTRUCTION/Pages/Letting_ GSERVICES/pages/bridge_drawings.asp
Schedules.aspx x#bridge_300___concrete_beams
Pennsylvania ftp://ftp.dot.state.pa.us/Bureau_of_ http://www.dot.state.pa.us/Internet/BQAD
Project_Delivery/PSSCS/ECMS_P Standards.nsf/bd-archives?readform
Rhode Island http://www.dot.ri.gov/contracting/ http://www.dot.ri.gov/documents/doingbu
bids/index.php siness/RIDOT_Bridge_Standards.pdf
State Directory Example
South http://www.scdot.org/doing/doingP http://www.scdot.org/doing/structural_Dr
Carolina DFs/tentativeLetting/Bridge.pdf awings.aspx
South Dakota http://apps.sd.gov/HC65BidLetting http://sddot.com/business/design/files/Def
/ebslettings1.aspx ault.aspx#bridge
Tennessee http://www.tdot.state.tn.us/constru http://www.tdot.state.tn.us/Chief_Enginee
ction/Bid_Lettings.htm r/engr_library/structures/stdenglishdrawin
Texas http://www.dot.state.tx.us/business https://www.dot.state.tx.us/insdtdot/orgch
/obt.htm art/cmd/cserve/standard/bridge-e.htm
Utah http://eprpw.dot.utah.gov/applets- N/A
Vermont http://vtranscontracts.vermont.gov/ N/A
Virginia http://cabb.virginiadot.org/ N/A
Washington https://www.bidx.com/wa/lettings http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Bridge/Structur
West Virginia http://www.transportation.wv.gov/ N/A
Wisconsin http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/busi http://on.dot.wi.gov/dtid_bos/extranet/stru
ness/docs/mastercontract.pdf ctures/LRFD/standards.htm
Wyoming https://ipd.exevision.com/wydot/w N/A
2.3.8 Fabrication Model
This exchange would be a place holder for a general fabrication exchange, since each domain
may have their own requirements. It is recommended that each domain have their own
fabrication exchange. Fabrication exchanges that have been identified by the Precast Concrete
Institute (PCI), American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), and the American Concrete
Institute (ACI) were described in 2.2 Industry Exchanges.
3 Development of a New Integrated Process Map
Based on the review of exchanges defined in the FHWA BrIM Report 2013, industry exchanges
and DOT agency exchanges, the project team concluded that the exchanges listed below are
those needed during the life cycle of a Design-Bid-Build bridge project.
Table 2. List of Exchanges 3
Exchange Source
Survey Model DOT, ACI(EM3, EM19)
FHWA : Exchanges from the FHWA BrIM Report 2013, PCI : Exchanges from the PCI MVD, AISC : Exchanges
from the AISC MVD, ACI : Exchanges from the ACI MVD, DOT : DOT agency exchanges
The resulting exchange set is based on exchange analyses that have been developed with input
from bridge engineers and also separately with steel, concrete and precast fabricators. The
functional details of these exchanges have not been reviewed yet by the information receivers of
those exchanges. While the new integrated exchange set has had some review through
workshops and report reviews in this project, it will still need validation from industry to accept
or further modify the process map.
The intents of the exchanges need to be defined in more detail for future implementation.
Additional work is needed to develop the new exchanges; an exercise that relies heavily on
industry input. Volume II and Volume III provide an example of implementation applied to the
Construction Contract Model. An initial integration of these exchanges is shown in Figure 2 and
the process map is further discussed hereafter.
3.2 BPMN Notation
Following are descriptions of BPMN notation types used in the process map.
Something that happens during the course of a process.
Activity is a generic term for work that a company performs in a process. A Task is an atomic
Activity that is included within a Process.
Sequence Flow
Sequence flow shows the order that activities will performed in process.
Message Flow
Message flow shows the flow of messages between two participants.
Association links information and artifacts with BPMN graphical elements. Text Annotations
and other artifacts can be associated. An arrowhead can indicate a direction of flow if necessary.
Pool represents a participant in a collaboration. It can also act as a swimlane and a graphical
container for partitioning a set of activities from other pools.
Lane is a sub-partition within a process, sometimes in a pool. Lanes organize and categorize
Data Object
Data object provides information about what activities require to be performed and / or what they
Message depicts the contents of a communication between two participants. Returning message
(non initiating message) uses shaded envelope while the first (initiating message) message uses
non shaded envelope.
Groups graphical elements within the same category.
3.3 Process Map
The process map has been updated from the FHWA BrIM Report 2013, which used Pool for
activity name while the updated version uses the actor’s name to conform to the BPMN
specification. The process map has twelve actors grouped into nine phases of a bridge lifecycle
as depicted in the following two views of the process map enlarged for ease of review.
Figure 19. Bridge Lifecycle Management Process map (initiation to final design)
Inspector, 9) Routing and permit engineer, 10) Asset manager, 11Surveyor, and 12) Utility
manager. Changes to the Pools were made as follows:
• Construction engineering pool and construction planning pool are merged into
Contractor’s pool
• Detailing pool is removed
• Preliminary detailing design task is moved to structural engineering pool and renamed to
preliminary detailing
• Detailing design development is moved to contractor’s pool and renamed to construction
detail model
• Modification / integration of final detailing documents is merged into fabrication task in
fabricator pool
Figure 20. Bridge Lifecycle Management Process map (bidding to maintenance)
exchanges. Messages in black indicate they are responding to Messages in white. The phases use
the Group artifact of BPMN for their notation.
Figure 19 shows processes for Initiation, Scoping, Preliminary Design and Final Design. Figure
20 shows processes for Bidding, Construction Planning, Construction, Inspection and
Maintenance. The Pools can span through multiple Groups or a single Group depending on the
existence of Actors’ Tasks.
Bridge Planning
Planning engineer develops the initial bridge program to resolve transportation problems or
needs. At the initiation stage, engineers describe a candidate project and how the project
addresses the program goals.
revision, the engineers need to repeat the process. The final aesthetic model should have
sufficient information for the later stages of the project.
3.4.2 Surveyor
Surveyor generates the information model of terrain elevations, soil conditions and soil layers at
drill points, with classification and associated structural properties. This activity generates the
utility model that can be used by bridge engineers. It is noted that the Surveyor may in fact need
to be divided into other specialists such as Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineers but is used to
cover these for this iteration of the map. These specializations could be added in the future if
deemed necessary.
Maintain utility
Utility manager generates a utility information model including geographic location, utility
survey boundaries, distribution systems, classifications, authorities and pipes or cables assigned
to each system with locations, axis paths, and profiles locations. This activity generates the
utility model that can be used by the bridge engineer.
Conceptual Estimation
Bridge owner uses the bridge concept model to prepare the conceptual cost estimate without
benefit of detailed field investigations or project design details. Rules of thumb based on
experience can be used (cost per mile, cost per square foot, etc.).
This activity uses input from the Bridge Planning activity and outputs cost estimation. Initial
Project Proposal (IPP) template lists initial cost by project phases, duration of phase, funding
source and obligation date. There is no model-based exchange associated with the conceptual
estimation activity.
Preliminary Estimation
Bridge owner updates the conceptual cost estimate according to field investigations, major
design elements identified and major quantities estimated. The estimate methods include Benefit-
Cost (B/C) analysis and Life Cycle Cost analysis based on the bridge shoulder break
methodology that uses a shoulder break square foot unit cost basis. The shoulder break
methodology provides reasonable compensation for positioning abutments anywhere within the
shoulder break length along the shoulder break slope line, when bridge particulars, such as
abutment heights and locations, are not known. (Engineering Division - Office of Structures, 2015)
Detailed Estimate
The detailed engineer's estimate which is done by bridge owners should be created based on the
items necessary and quantities calculated for the work to be performed. The detailed cost
estimate should be refined throughout detailed design. The estimate at the time of contract plans
(model), specifications and estimate (PS&E) should reflect the anticipated cost of the project in
sufficient detail to permit an effective review and comparison of the bid received.
Preliminary Detailing Design
Structural engineer modifies and details the design alternative, and finalizes the contract plans
(model), specifications and cost estimate package.
Inspection Review
Structural engineer and bridge inspector reviews the as-built data and/or the previous bridge
inspections. The inspector identifies areas where defects were found in previous inspections.
This allows them to determine which defects previously identified have been repaired or have
increased in size and severity.
Cyclical maintenance activities need to be performed by bridge owners to reduce the rate of
deterioration of critical bridge elements. These activities are essential for a bridge to reach its
maximum useful life and maintain its designed level of service. The activities include bridge
cleaning, sealing cracks in the wearing surface, etc.
3.4.7 Contractor
Cost Estimate
After receiving the construction contract model, general contractor and subcontractors compile a
complete "bid price" for submission by the closing date and time. Bid documents can be based
on the quantities of materials, devices, and labor in the completed construction.
Construction Planning
Contractor plans and schedules construction work properly to minimize construction time and
cost. Contractor prepares and submits a detailed erection procedure to bridge owner for each
structure in the contract. The procedure shall be in conformance with the contract documents.
Construction Detailing
After the project is awarded, general contractor receives the contract (or invited subcontractors)
develop bridge detailing calculations and drawings for fabrication, installation and erection.
Contractor and engineer-in-charge assigned by bridge owner monitor bridge construction to
verify Quality Control and Quality Assurance.
General contractor and subcontractors execute bridge construction by following construction
plans. Engineer-in-charge assigned by bridge owner is on site for quality assurance.
Contractor generates an as-built model according to the actual construction result.
3.4.8 Fabricator
Manufacturer schedules production process to minimize the production time and cost, by telling
a production facility when to make, with which staff, and on which equipment.
Immediately after receiving comments on the preliminary final detailing model, fabricator shall
address all changes into the final detailing model and submit them to bridge owner for final
Manufacturer uses the final detailing model to control fabrication machine and produces bridge
steel and/or concrete components in plants according to the final detailing model approved by
bridge owner.
3.4.9 Load Rating Engineer
3.4.10 Inspector
Bridge inspectors use a systematic method to observe the bridge and ensure that the entire bridge
is inspected. The exact order of the inspection varies depending on the type of bridge being
inspected. The bridge inspector documents their findings in the bridge inspection report.
3.5 Exchanges
Descriptions of the exchanges in the process map are provided here.
Survey Model
Phase Initiation
Creator Surveyor
Users Transportation Engineer
Purpose This model captures terrain elevations and soil conditions, which may be
produced by a surveyor and delivered to an engineer.
Major Elements Geographic location and surveying boundaries, Soil layers at drill points,
with classification and associated structural properties
Utility Model
Phase Initiation
Creator Utility Manager
Users Transportation Engineer
Purpose This model identifies locations of utilities as recorded by the controlling
jurisdiction. The accuracy of such information is intended to assist a utility
locator service in marking utilities on-site; it is not to be relied upon by
Major Elements Geographic location and utility survey boundaries, Distribution systems,
classifications, and authorities, Pipes or cables assigned to each system,
with locations, axis paths, and profiles
Special Attributes Slenderness ratios
Exporting Tools MicroStation
Importing Tools LEAP Bridge, AASHTOWare BrD
Level of Detail sufficient for final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate
Special Attributes overhang details
Exporting Tools MicroStation
Importing Tools LEAP Bridge, AASHTOWare BrD, CSiBridge
Level of Detail Sufficient for contractors to understand the project
Special Attributes
Exporting Tools MicroStation, LEAP Bridge, AASHTOWare
Importing Tools Microsoft Project, Estimating Link, Tekla, ProStructures, UT Bridge
Special Attributes Welding, splice, prestressing strand pattern
Exporting Tools Tekla, ProStructures
Importing Tools CNC Software
As-Built Model
Phase Construction
Creator Contractor
Users Structural Engineer, Load Rating Engineer
Purpose This model is used by structural engineers to calculate load rating factors
and by an inspector for bridge inspection.
Major Elements Final PS&E with modifications due to change in bridge construction.
Level of Detail Sufficient for creating as-built drawings
Exporting Tools Microsoft Project
Importing Tools MicroStation, Estimating Link, AASHTOWare BrR
Retrofit Model
Phase Maintenance
Creator Structural Engineer
Users Asset manager
Purpose This model is used for development of a bridge retrofit /rehabilitation
Level of Detail Sufficient for bridge retrofit
Exporting Tools AASHTOWare BrD, LEAP Bridge, CSiBridge, LARSA 4D
Importing Tools AASHTOWare BrM
GIS Model
Phase Maintenance
Creator Structural Engineer
Users Permit Engineer
Purpose This model is used for development of a bridge GIS model.
Exporting Tools AASHTOWare BrR
Importing Tools LARS, Superload
4 Summary
This volume of the BrIM Modeling Standardization Report summarizes the development of a
new process map that captures all aspects of the bridge project development and asset
management lifecycle – the Bridge Lifecycle Management Process Map. The process map
integrates activities, actors and roles, general and detailed phasing of activities, that together
identify, in a general way, the processes used by the industry to carry out its activities (for the
most common bridge types). The process map identifies the major activities and how they are
tied together through coordination supported by data exchanged between activities. The
information flows that support the bridge design process were tested at the information
requirements level to determine what elements need to be represented for bridge exchanges.
Identifying the exchanges for which standardized documentation can be provided to support
open data exchange between parties is critical to the BrIM standardization process.
The development builds upon the process map and exchanges identified by the FHWA BrIM
Report 2013 as the basis for a new process map that expands on the previous effort. These efforts
are augmented by adding analysis from the exchanges developed for the concrete and steel
fabrication industry. Validation against the processes identified in state Department of
Transportation documents is also conducted to ensure that the process is supportive of published
requirements for which contracts between parties are being drawn. These models and exchanges
are all brought together in a new bridge process map that is in line with the process definition
procedures established for the U.S. National BIM Standard and following the buildingSMART
Information Delivery Manual (IDM) standard procedures. The resulting new process map is a
solid platform for the ongoing development of interrelated exchanges that span the full lifecycle
of common bridge types. Finally, all components of the most comprehensive exchange, the
construction contract model exchange, are put to use in detail in Volume III.
Also in this volume, the ability for design processes and data models to support downstream
processes where the labor and resources planning, the construction planning, fabrication, and
assembly of the bridge project are executed is examined. An important issue addressed in this
Report and detailed in Volume III is what information structures are needed to transfer the
construction contract model information from its given form as defined by a set of construction
drawings or models into that needed for modeling bridge components and their detailing in
sufficient detail to support fabrication. Not addressed yet is schedule planning which is being
increasingly used and is described as 4D scheduling of bridge erection modeling.
Integration of the bridge design modeling with different independently defined processes and
data models at the fabrication level for precast, steel and reinforced concrete models was
undertaken. By reviewing the fabrication models, it appears that integration with design and
construction models is practical and cost effective. A further assessment, based on the exchange
requirements between the bridge model and the outlined fabrication models found no challenging
mapping issues, beyond the varying entity types existing in bridge objects and building objects.
Appendix A:1 – Bridge Modeling Terminology
Terminology applicable to the process maps, models and corresponding exchanges in this Report
is identified here. The terminology is from the IFC documentation (buildingSmart International,
2015) unless noted otherwise.
a 3D curve segment used for positioning physical structures such as components of bridges, that may be
based on a 2D horizontal alignment curve with optional 2D vertical alignment curve relative to the
horizontal curve.
NOTE In some specifications and software implementations, the term “alignment” refers only to the horizontal alignment and “profile” refers
to the vertical alignment; within this document, “alignment” refers to both.
horizontal alignment
a 2D curve used for positioning physical structures relative to coordinates at a fixed elevation,
where such curve segments may include lines, spirals, or circular arcs.
NOTE In some specifications, the term “alignment” refers specifically to the horizontal alignment.
vertical alignment
a 2D curve used for positioning physical structures with elevations relative to a horizontal
alignment, where such curve segments may include lines, parabolas, or circular arcs.
NOTE In some specifications, the term “profile” refers specifically to the vertical alignment, whereas in this document the term
“profile” refers to any arbitrary cross-section.
direct attribute
scalar values or collections including Set (unordered, unique), List (ordered), or Array (ordered, sparse) as
defined in (ISO TC184/SC4, 1991)
NOTE Similar to the term "field" in common programming languages.
inverse attribute
unit of information defining queries for obtaining related data and enforcing referential integrity
NOTE Similar to the term "navigation property" in entity-relational programming frameworks.
derived attribute
unit of information computed from other attributes using an expression defined in the schema
Boundary Representation describing a 3D solid model by its surfaces, where such surfaces may be flat or
arbitrarily curved, may have linear or curved boundaries, and may include holes defined by inner linear or
curved boundaries.
categorization, the act of distributing things into classes or categories of the same type
restriction for a specified reason
NOTE A specialization of the general term control.
directive to meet specified requirements such as for scope, time, or cost
NOTE A specialization of the general term object.
collection of words, terms or concepts, with their definition
tangible physical product that can be described by its shape representation, material representations, and
other properties
NOTE A specialization of the general term product.
element occurrence
element's position within the project coordinate system and its containment within the spatial structure
external reference
link to information outside the data set, with direct relevance to the specific information the link originates
from inside the data set
parametric and property information modifying the shape representation of an element to which it applies
collection of information that fulfills a specified purpose
NOTE A specialization of the general term object.
capability to find, retrieve, report, change, or delete specific instances without ambiguity
occurrence of an entity
NOTE Similar to the term "instance of a class" in object oriented programming.
catalogue, database or holder of data, that is relevant to information in the data set
NOTE It is information referenced from an external source that is not copied into the data set.
a data set, governed by the structure of an underlying schema, to meet certain data requirements
NOTE Information models and building information models are examples for a model.
model view
subset of a schema, representing the data structure required to fulfill the data requirements within one or
several exchange scenarios
NOTE Beside being a subset of a schema, a model view (or model view definition) may also impose additional constraints to the population of
the subset schema
rules on using a subset of the schema structure identified as a concept template to enable a certain
functionality within the context of a concept root contained in a model view
NOTE The utilization of material definitions for a paticular concept root representing a wall is an example of a concept.
concept template
the specification of a subset of the schema structure to enable a certain unit of functionality
NOTE The identification of the entities, attributes and constraints needed to express a material definition independently on how it is utilized
later in the context of a wall is an example of a concept template.
concept root
an entity of a schema used to assign concepts to describe the required functionality
NOTE A root concept often describes a model element, such as wall, air outlet, construction task, or similar, that is the root of a graph of
connected entities and attributes defining the specific information items required, such as geometry, material, breakdown structure, etc.
anything perceivable or conceivable that has a distinct existence, albeit not material
object occurrence
characteristics of an object as an individual
NOTE Similar to "object", "instance", "individual" in other publications.
object type
common characteristics shared by multiple object-occurrences
NOTE Similar to "class", "template", "type" in other publications.
object-occurrence located in time, indicating "when"
process map (Integrated Process for Delivering IFC Based Data Exchange, buildingSMART International, 2012)
A process map is a visual representation of the logical and sequential flow of activities and information
exchanges described in use cases.
The purpose of a process map is to gain an understanding of the configuration of activities that make it
work, the actors involved, the information required, consumed and produced. Business Process Model and
Notation (BPMN) diagramming of the process model (often used interchangeably with process map) is
typically used to represent the project workflow, including the stakeholders, actors, phases, and activities.
physical or conceptual object that occurs in space
NOTE It is specialization of the general term object.
2D cross-section defined by a closed curve with segments consisting of lines, circular arcs, or B-Spline
curves, where such cross-section may be swept along a curve to define the geometry of a 3D solid object.
NOTE In some specifications, the term “profile” may also refer to a vertical alignment curve, and the term “cross-section” may be used to refer
to a profile as described within this documentation.
encapsulation of related information for a particular purpose providing context for information contained
NOTE Context information may include default measurement units or representation context and precision.
unit of information that is dynamically defined as a particular entity instance
NOTE Similar to "late-bound" or "run-time" in programming terminology.
property occurrence
unit of information providing a value for a property identified by name
property template
metadata for a property including name, description, and data type
NOTE Similar in concept to "extension property" in common programming languages.
object that does not hold a specific object type information
NOTE a specialization of object occurrence.
measurement of a scope-based metric, specifically length, area, volume, weight, count, or time
unit of information describing an interaction between items
unit of information describing how an object is displayed, such as physical shape or topology
entity with limited availability such as materials, labor, or equipment
NOTE a specialization of the general term object.
NOTE the "resource definition data schemas" section is unrelated to this concept.
the definition of the structure to organize data for storage, exchange and sharing, using a formal language
NOTE The formal languages EXPRESS [ISO 10303-11] and XML Schema [W3C Recommendation] are currently used to define the schemata
of this standard
Software Development Kit refers to a collection of software modules or definitions used to call such
software modules from a programming language.
area or volume bounded actually or theoretically
NOTE a specialization of the general term product.
representation of 3D geometry according to primitives such as triangles that may be directly used by a
graphics processing unit (GPU)
NOTE all forms of geometry may be converted to tessellation and is done so for 3D visualization on any device.
basic information construct derived from a primitive, an enumeration, or a select of entities
NOTE Similar to the "Type" construct as defined in [ISO 10303-11].
NOTE Similar in concept to "typedef" or "value type" in common programming languages.
construct that allows an attribute value to be one of multiple types or entities
NOTE Similar to the "Select" construct as defined in [ISO 10303-11].
NOTE Similar to a "marker interface" in common programming languages.
construct that allows an attribute value to be one of multiple predefined values identified by name
NOTE Similar to the "Enumeration" construct as defined in [ISO 10303-11].
NOTE Similar in concept to "enum" in common programming languages.
XML Schema Definition refers to a file format that describes the structure of data to be included in an
XML file.
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