Strategies and Challenges Encountered by The Teachers in Implementing Modular Distance Learning: Impact On Students' Academic Performance

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Volume: 8
Issue: 4
Pages: 451-459
Document ID: 2023PEMJ664
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7870687
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-04-27 16:29:19
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 451-459, Document ID: 2023PEMJ664, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7870687, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Strategies and Challenges Encountered by the Teachers in Implementing Modular

Distance Learning: Impact on Students' Academic Performance
Romel Lagrio*, Lilian Sanjose
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.


The education sector was greatly affected by the global health crisis of COVID-19, resulting in massive changes in our
education set-up, which contributed to various problems and challenges encountered during the implementation of the modular
distance learning modality. This study aimed to determine the strategies and challenges encountered by teachers in
implementing modular distance learning and its impact on students’ academic performance. A descriptive research design was
employed. The researchers utilized an online survey method for data gathering. A total of 60 teachers and 187 selected Grade 7
learners were the study's respondents utilizing total enumeration for teachers and stratified random sampling for learners.The
study's findings show that teachers could employ strategies such as setting a submission schedule and creating a group chat
with the learners. Moreover, establish the appropriate health and safety protocols and safety nets for learners against violence
and abuse at home and in the community, and train school personnel for the Learning Delivery Modality (LMD).On the other
hand, teachers professed that printing modules were time-consuming, the distance of the learner's home from the school
hindered the teachers in providing technical assistance, and learners needed help following instructions. Parents answered the
modules of the learners. The need for printing materials was a significant challenge.Most of the student's grades during the first
quarter were within the range of 80-84, which was considered a satisfactory academic performance. Moreover, the results
signified a negligible negative correlation between teachers' strategies in implementing modular distance learning and students'
academic performance. The study suggests revisiting the school's plans for implementing modular distance learning and
strengthening the partnership of the school, parents, and stakeholders.

Keywords: Academic Performance, Teachers, Challenges, Strategies, Modular Distance Learning

Introduction Distance learning is a learning delivery modality

where the student is not physically present in school
for the lessons. Quiñones (2020) cited that distance
One of the most recent public health emergencies learning is a learning delivery modality where
across the globe is COVID-19. The Coronavirus students' learning takes place between teachers and
disease (COVID-19) is a communicable and viral learners during instructions.Basic Education Learning
infection caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) was issued and crafted to
Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which began ensure and sustain quality, relevant, and liberating
in Wuhan, China, and spread around the world. This education services to all learners enrolled in school
global health crisis significantly affected the education through multi-modal delivery of instructions despite
sector, which resulted in the suspension of face-to-face the health situation about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
classes to contain the spread of the disease. (DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2020)Modular distance
learning shall use the following modalities: Printed
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a massive Modular Distance Learning (PMDL), Digital Modular
change in the education system. The Department of Distance Learning (DMDL), Online Distance Learning
Education (DepEd) shifted from face-to-face classes to (ODL), Radio-Based Instruction (RBI), and Blended
Distance Learning (BDL). (San Antonio-DM-
modular distance learning. Education must continue
despite the circumstances; teachers started to prepare
for modular distance learning. The community During this pandemic, the learning competencies focus
lockdown and quarantine led to work from home on the Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs),
among teachers and study from home among students aligned with the achievements of 21st-century skills,
through distance learning (Crawford et al., 2020). and include critical thinking, collaboration,
Other schools cut their classes short than expected communication, and creativity. Instructional delivery
which caused severe disruption to more educational has shifted to a new undertaking within the teaching
opportunities. Class openings are delayed, giving each and learning process. The hands-on learning, social
school more time to prepare continuity plans and interaction, and constructivism and inquiry approaches
manage alternative learning modalities (De Villa et al., are employed.The secondary schools in Taytay District
2020). III have adapted modular distance learning in which

Romel Lagrio
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 451-459, Document ID: 2023PEMJ664, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7870687, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the parents get and return the modules in school on a and building capacity for continuous learning and
scheduled date. Stakeholders and local government development.
officials sometimes extended assistance to distribute
printed modules.Modular distance learning challenges Moreover, three core themes related to challenges are
some teachers, parents, and students. The learners need the complexity of assessment, difficulty in
more opportunities to reach out to their teachers and instructional delivery, and the digital divide. The five
classmates. Furthermore, the distance from home to core coping mechanisms are well-being, time
school, the absence of internet connectivity, qualified management, peer mentoring, openness to change, and
learning facilitators, and the learners' geographical collaboration. Furthermore, the study revealed that
situations affect the learners' learning process. Despite education mitigates to a new normal, and teachers
the challenges encountered by teachers and learners, prepare themselves for distance learning.Perraton
education must continue. This study aims to determine (2008) states that distance education extends and
the strategies and challenges in the implementation of addresses the needs of current and previous
distance learning in secondary schools in Taytay generations who still need to complete their education.
District III and its impact on students' academic Distance education can also reach individuals who live
performance and find possible solutions to the problem in distant locations and do not have the means to
by crafting programs or intervention plans to address appear in school.Mean-Chin (2020) discussed that
the gaps. distance learning is a form of correspondence
education or home study with little face-to-face
Research Questions interaction between students and their instructors.

This study sought to determine the strategies and Online Learning

challenges encountered in implementing modular
distance learning in secondary schools in Taytay Online teaching is carried out voluntarily by the
District III and its impact on students’ academic teaching staff with help from support personnel. It is a
performance. process that takes both human, intellectual, and
technical resources and time. Adopting a typical
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following course to online teaching (including planning,
questions: preparation, and development) takes between six and
nine months. Hodges et al. (2020). Harasim (2012) and
1.What strategies are used by the secondary schools in Garrison (2011) posited that online learning platforms
Taytay District III for implementing modular distance potentially increase students' engagement and
learning? participation. Thus, distance learning contributed
2.What are the challenges encountered by the teachers toward enhancing students' satisfaction. Fidalgo
in the implementation of modular distance learning? (2020) and Watts (2016) cited that live-streaming
3.What is the level of students’ academic performance video and audio for synchronous interaction. Through
during the first grading of the implementation of video conferencing, participants can see each other,
modular distance learning? but it is not considered a face-to-face interaction
4.Is there a significant correlation between the because of the physical separation.
strategies used by secondary schools in Taytay District
III and students’ academic performance? Blended Learning

Morris and Lim (2009) investigated the instructional

Literature Review
factors influencing learning outcomes in blended
learning. However, the study should have specialized
Distance Learning on the variables within the context of blended learning
design as an aspect of innovative pedagogy involving
The COVID-19 pandemic greatly affected the technology in education. The learners' variable
education sector and resulted in temporary closures of concerning their relationship to blended learning
all schools worldwide. These unpredicted changes in effectiveness is essential in this study as we embark on
the education system led to the rise of e-learning.De innovative pedagogy with technology in teaching and
Villa et al. (2020) identified three core themes related learning. Lie (2020) cited that "contextualization of the
to the preparation for the pre-implementation of lesson is an efficient pedagogy during this new normal
modular distance learning. These are gathering because students learn more from their experiences.
resources and establishing practices, profiling learners, Learners learned and mastered within online teaching

Romel Lagrio
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 451-459, Document ID: 2023PEMJ664, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7870687, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and learning." In the new normal situation, students (2003) found that distance education outperforms face-
use different materials, such as electronic media, to-face learning. Moreover, Means, Toyama, Murphy,
books as their reference, and CD-ROMs instead of and Baki (2013) found that students performed
face-to-face learning, these materials and contents modestly better in online learning conditions when
through the utilization of technology. considering both 'purely online' and blended learning.
However, comparing blended and face-to-face learning
Mahle (2011) terminated that satisfaction happens – in other words, there were no significant differences
once its appreciated performance meets learners' between 'purely online' and face-to-face
expectations and thinks of a sharp angle concerning learning.Magagula (2004) revealed that off-campus
the training method. High education satisfaction learners perform higher in tutorial studies than campus
researchers consider the distribution and operational learners.
aspect of the learner's expertise within the teaching
method. The learners' feedback will affect the course Lagrio (2019) cited that students' academic
delivery and areas during which it would performance in most educational institutions today has
increase. Sadiq (2014) found that standard teaching is recently come under scrutiny for several reasons, the
more superficial in teaching-learning methods than causal factor of poor academic performance in several
standard teaching methods. As a result of this standard institutions worldwide. Most of these studies focused
approach, the scholars learn at their own pace. It is an on the three elements that intervened, namely parents
accessible self-learning mode with immediate (family causal factors), teachers (academic, casual
reinforcement and feedback to apply exercise that factor), and students (personal causal factor).Lagrio
encourages the scholars and make them interested. The (2019) and Escorpiso (2014) cited that academic
standard approach helps to maximize the probabilities performance labels the observable manifestation of
of student participation in the schoolroom regarding knowledge, skills, concepts, and understanding of
fulfilling the given tasks on the spot and that the ideas. Moreover, Lagrio (2019) and Bell (2009) cited
students learn at their own pace. that academic performance reflects a student's learning
on how well the students meet the standard set by the
Academic Performance educational governing bodies. Peterson (2000)
described this as the core concern about the
The current data showed that the COVID-19 lockdown educational program and added that students'
affected the academic performance of most achievement is the most compelling evidence about
participants, or 96.7%, with varying degrees. teacher quality.
Performance in associate passing distance education
courses may represent a singular performance aspect.
Most performance reflects capabilities or what
students "can do," whereas typical performance
reflects what students "will do" (Kanfer & Ackerman, The researchers employed a descriptive survey
2005). Gonzalez et al. (2020) concluded that the correlational research design to determine the
increase in academic performance might derive from strategies for implementing modular distance learning
an improvement in students' learning strategies and to academic performance. This design is the
self-regulation skills; it aims to go beyond and seek appropriate research design for the study to measure
answers from organizational, individual (both the degree of a linear relationship between two
instructors and students), and instruction-related variables under study to find whether a positive or
aspects. According to Joosten and Cusatis (2019), negative relationship exists. According to Vasquez
students who require more assistance are struggling (2016), as cited by Lagrio (2019), descriptive-
learners who expect frequent communication and correlation research design describes the data and
interactivity from their instructor. characteristics of the sample.

Hodges et al. (2020) cited those meta-analyses that Population Procedure

tend to support the idea that the academic performance
of students – as final course grades – in online learning The respondents of this study were the 60 junior and
is higher than in face-to-face courses and found no senior high school teachers in Taytay District III. A
significant differences. Zhao, Lei, Yan, Lai, and Tan total purposive enumeration for teacher respondents.
(2005) found no significant differences in student Meanwhile, stratified random sampling for Grade 7
outcomes but also warned that many factors vary from students. Students' academic performance was
one study to another.Moreover, Shachar and Neumann determined using the general weighted average of the

Romel Lagrio
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 451-459, Document ID: 2023PEMJ664, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7870687, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

students during the first grading period. Table 1 presents the strategies used by the secondary
schools of Taytay District III in implementing modular
Data Collection distance learning. The results showed that the mean
rating given by the respondents generally agreed. The
The researchers utilized a self-made survey results indicated that the secondary school in Taytay
questionnaire. The Master Teachers, Public School District III utilized strategies such as setting a schedule
District Supervisor, conducted a contents validation of of submission (4.50), creating a group chat with the
the survey questionnaires. The teachers-respondent learners (4.50), and establishing the needed health
were provided the survey questionnaire through a
and safety protocols appropriately (4.45).
google link.Survey questionnaires comprise three parts
Furthermore, results revealed that teachers establishing
the demographic profile, strategies used by the
teachers, and challenges encountered in implementing safety nets for learners against violence and abuses at
modular distance learning. home and in the community (4.42) train school
personnel for the Learning Delivery Modality (LMD)
Ethical Issues (4.0).

The researcher will seek a letter of consent from the The above results showed that the temporary closure
Public School District Supervisor and School Head. of all schools brought unpredicted changes in the
The informed consent and parent consent forms will be education system, which led to the implementation of
given to the respondents to accomplish this. The modular distance learning using self-learning modules
respondents will be informed about the study result and other applicable learning modalities.
based on their responses to the questionnaire. In
addition, respondents will be free to respond to the With the implementation of modular distance learning,
survey questionnaires questions. The responses to the the secondary schools in Taytay III were able to
questionnaires will be kept private and used for this prepare the school and teachers to ensure continuity of
study. The researcher will not disclose information learning. De Villa et al. (2020) revealed that education
about the data gathered to other unrelated external mitigates a new normal, and teachers prepare
groups. The researcher will clarify to the respondents themselves for distance learning. Perraton (2008)
that they can withdraw at any time during the study, states that distance education extends and addresses
and their participation will be entirely voluntary. the needs of current and previous generations who did
not complete their education. Distance education can
Plan for Data Analysis also reach individuals who live in distant locations and
do not have the means to appear in school. On the
The researchers used frequency distribution and other hand, the indicators state collecting the learning
percentages to determine the strategies and challenges modules from the student's home (3.50), providing
encountered by the respondents. The Spearman Rank learning facilitators at home (3.60), and considering
Correlation was used to analyze the significant the learner's mother tongue in printing the required
correlation between strategies and students' academic
reading materials (3.68).
performance.The researchers used a general weighted
average to identify the student's academic
Moreover, teachers delivering modules to learners'
homes (3.70), including parents in the group
chat (3.88), conduct regular home visitation (3.90) got
Result the lowest mean score.

Based on the above findings, Anzaldo (2021)

This section includes the presentation of findings and enumerated the role and tasks performed by the
interpretation of data. It presents the strategies, teacher in modular distance learning.
challenges, and academic performance in
implementing modular distance learning. Also, it 1.They are preparing the Learners' Answer Sheets
contains a discussion on the significant correlation (LAS) for the learners to write their answers to the
between the strategies and academic performance in weekly tasks in their SLM.
the implementation of modular distance learning. 2.Makin their Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP)
issued to the learners as a guide in their five-day
The secondary schools in Taytay District III use learning tasks with the allotted time per day and what
strategies to implement modular distance learning. subject they will learn and study on that day.

Romel Lagrio
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 451-459, Document ID: 2023PEMJ664, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7870687, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

3.Retrieved and checking of Learners' Answer Sheets

(LAS) every week.
4.They are giving feedback on the learners' scores in
their Learners' Answer Sheets (LAS).
5.Preparing the learners' Intervention Materials for the
learners who had difficulty answering the tasks in Self-
Learning Modules (SLM) to make them easily
understand the lesson in the subject.
6.They answer the parents' questions whenever they
have queries about a particular subject and lesson.

Table 1. Strategies used by the secondary school

Teachers in Taytay District III in implementing
Modular Distance Learning.

Figure 1. .

Figure 2. .

Romel Lagrio
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 451-459, Document ID: 2023PEMJ664, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7870687, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

schools.Meanwhile, the statements that obtained the

lowest mean say that parents answered the modules of
the learners (3.87), and there is a shortage of printing
materials (3.92).

One of the significant problems in implementing this

modular approach is academic dishonesty, as most
participants mentioned: "parents are the ones
answering their learners' modules." Castillo et al.
(2022), Alcala et al. (2021), Dangle et al. (2020), and
Sumaoang (2020), posited that the main challenge was
the lack of school funding in the reproduction of
modules; students are struggling with self-studying,
and parents lack the knowledge to guide the
child/children academically. Moreover, Sayre-Edon
(2020) cited that "teachers are working hard in
reproducing the modules and distributing them, despite
movement restrictions."However, respondents also
raised concerns about ancillary services, electricity,
immediate transfer of students' locality, and non-
submission of learning activity sheets as challenges
experienced by the schools and teachers in
implementing modular distance learning.

Table 2. Challenges of Secondary Schools in Taytay

District III in Implementing modular Distance

Figure 3. .

The challenges of secondary school teachers in

implementing a modular distance learning

Table 2 presents the challenges of secondary school

teachers in implementing modular distance
learning. The results showed that the mean score given
by the respondents is 4.08 or agree.

On the other hand, indicators that state that printing of

modules is time-consuming (4.42), the learner's home
from the school hinders the teachers in providing
technical assistance (4.42), and learners who need
help following instructions (4.17) obtained the highest
mean.The results of this study affirmed the study of
Castillo (2022), who posited that the lack of budget for
the mass reproduction of modules was the main
challenge encountered by the teachers and the

Romel Lagrio
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 451-459, Document ID: 2023PEMJ664, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7870687, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 4. . 2020-2021.

Level of academic performance of Grade 7 students

in Taytay District III in modular distance learning.

Table 3 presents the level of academic performance of

the Grade 7 learners in Taytay III in modular distance
learning. Results revealed that 9 (4.81%) have grades
within the range of 90-100, considered outstanding. It
implied that students performed better and complied
with the learning activity sheets in all their subjects.
As shown in the table, 35 (18.72%) students have
grades within 85-89, which is considered very Figure 5. .
satisfactory. It means that the students complied with
the learning activity sheets in all their subjects,
missing up to two activity sheets.On the other hand,
most of the Grade 7 students' final grades were within Spearman’s Correlations show the significant
the grade range of 80-84 (satisfactory), as indicated by relationship between Teachers’ Strategies on the
105 or 56.15 percent of the respondents. The study Implementation of Modular Distance Learning and
revealed that learners often had difficulty the Academic Performances of the Selected Grade
accomplishing the learning activity sheets and did not 7 learners.
complete written work due to a lack of knowledgeable
learning facilitators at home. Table 4 presents Spearman’s Correlation showing the
significant correlation between Teachers’ Strategies on
Lastly, (38 or 4.81%) of the Grade 7 students' grades the Implementation of Modular Distance Learning and
fall within the grade range of 75-79 or fairly the Academic Performances of the Selected Grade 7
satisfactory. It means that students needed help learners. The results showed that this is insignificant
answering their activity sheets with more than 4 and signifies a negligible negative correlation between
lacking written works in all their subjects.It revealed teachers’ strategies and students’ academic
that the mean grade of the Grade 7 students in Taytay performance.
District III during the 1st quarter of 2020-2021 is
83.00 percent or satisfactory. It implied that school Table 4. Spearman’s Correlations showing the
administrators and teachers should continue significant relationship between Teachers’ Strategies
encouraging students to comply with written works in Implementing Modular Distance Learning and the
(learning activity sheets) and performance tasks for Academic Performances of the Selected Grade 7
each subject.
The findings confirmed the study of Maxi (2017), who
suggests that teachers must consistently implement
varied teaching strategies to support students with a
better understanding of the subject, improve above-
average academic performance, and reach outstanding
academic performance. Moreover, Lagrio (2019) and
Figure 6. .
Bell (2009) cited that academic performance reflects a
student's learning on how well the students meet the
standard set by the educational governing bodies. 1.The secondary schools in Taytay District applied
Peterson (2000) described this as the core concern various strategies to ensure the continuity of learning
about the educational program and added that students' amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic.
achievement is the most compelling evidence of 2.Teachers encountered challenges in implementing
teacher quality. modular distance learning, such as printing modules,
which is considered time-consuming, the distance of
Table 3. Academic Performance of Selected Grade 7 the learner’s home from the school hindered the
Students’ during 1 s t Quarter of School Year teachers in providing technical assistance, and learners

Romel Lagrio
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 451-459, Document ID: 2023PEMJ664, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7870687, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

had trouble following instructions. Parents answered (INSET), and district and division level (2)Use the
the modules of the learners. study’s results to improve learners’ academic
3.The academic performance of the selected Grade 7 performance (3)Present the study results to the
learners was described as satisfactory. participating schools during district meetings and the
4.Significant correlations showed a negligible negative School Learning Action Cell.
correlation between the strategies used by secondary
schools and the student’s academic performances. Future Researchers

Conduct a parallel study to include learners and

Discussion parents.

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Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE October 2004
ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 5 Number: 4

Mary Gay L. Labrado, Ike Paul Q. Labrado, Emily C. Rosal, Analiza

B. Layasan and Esmeralda S. Salazar. 2020. “Initial Implementation Affiliations and Corresponding Informations
of Printed Modular Distance Learning in the City of Naga-Cebu
during the COVID 19 pandemic”. International Journal of Current Corresponding: Romel Lagrio
Research Vol. 12, Issue, 10, pp. 14397-14402. Email: [email protected]
Maxci Jonalyn C. (2017). Correlating the Academic Performance
and Competency in Araling Panlipunan of Junior High School
Romel Lagrio:
Students in the Third Congressional District of Quezon: Basis for an
Banbanan National High School Department of
Enhancement Program, Polytechnic University of the Philippines,
Education, Division of Palawan – Philippines
Open University System, Lopez Quezon Center, Master’s Thesis.
Lilian SanJose:
Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy R., Baki, M. The effectiveness of Curriculum and Implementation Division,
online and blended learning: A meta-analysis of the empirical Department of Education - Philippines
literature. Teachers College Record, 115 (3) (2013)

Romel Lagrio

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