Patent - Method and Device For Extending Lifetime of A Wellhead

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2) United States Patent Borsheim (54) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR EXTENDING LIFETIME OF A WELLHEAD. (1) Applicant: Subsea lutions AS, Sandnes (NO) m ‘Torfinn Borshel Inventor: Sundaes (NO) (73) Assignee: Subsea Solutions AS, Sandnes (NO) (4) Notice: Subjoct to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC. 154) by O days (21) Appl.Nos — 14882,198 (22) PCTFiled: — Oet.25,2012 (85) PCTNos — PETINO2012,050208 §371 (0M), (2)Date "Ape 16,2014 (87) PCT Pub, No Wo201:v062421 PCT Pub Date: May 2, 2013, ws) Prior Publication Data 2014102462021 Sep. 4.2014 G0) For Priority Data n Applica (Oct. 27,2011 (wo) 20111456 (2006.01) B2IB 33035 (2005.01), DUB 330037 (2006.01), (2) E2IB 34/045 (2013.01) E2IB 3300375 2013.01}, E2UB 380855 (2013.01) 68) ation Search 1660368, 335, 351, 360, 65.1 ‘ce application ile for complete search history. ‘) 'US009033053B2 133053B, (10) Patent No. 4s) Date of Patent: US 9,033,053 B2 May 19, 2015 66) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS SUM237 A * 7964 Poona teeta 160338 B804S60 A$ 7197S Baugh 131606 (Continsed) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS WO WORUHET AL © 11 1982 ERIBS404 (OTHER PUBLICATIONS Intemational Search Repos for KCT'NO2012/050208, ate Jan 18, Coninved) Primary Examiner — James G Saye (14) Attorney, Agent, or Firm —Andras Intellectual Property Lavi, LLP on ABSTRACT A method and a device are for extending the lifetime of 3 Christmas te. The Christmas toe is provided with atleast a list high-peessure hydraulic valve puch, first 1ow-peessore Inydraulic Valve pack ora first chemical valve pack, and the Cuisimas te i arranged to be connectable oa bic, whieh comprises af least electrical power or contol cables, hydraulic thes or chemical tibes. The method comprises retrofiting an upgrading module to of by the Christmas eee and connecting the upgrading modile to the Chiat mas tree with the necessary number of tbe and Wire ‘conneetions, the upgrading module comprising a second contol module, and atleast a hydraulic high-pressure pump with a second high-pressure valve pack and 3 Hydraulic reservoir a hydraulic ow-pressure pump with, a second low-pressure hydraule salve. pack and 2 hydraulic eservoirara chemical pump with a chemical supp the second conttol module with eectiel power “ahd contol sigaals via the uanblieal or from vessel: and supplying at least the highspressure pump. the loe-pres= Sure pimp ofthe cena pump, ci of indiectly Vis ther respective reservoir, with hydraulic Maid via the umbilical or fom a vessel 7 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets fp ale US 9,033,053 B2 Page 2 66) References Cited S667 A LU1992 Schoenberg Moxssa 6208-767 BL* 102001 Poser ‘aR USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS 200S017S560 AL 82008 Iohansen ea ‘2n0w0302586 Al 122008. Koti a 412687 4+ 91978 Dixon cova OTHER PUBLICATIONS A 111979. Milberger 4337.09 4 ¢ 71982. Banzol etal. 166.366 Write Opinion for PCT'NO2012 080208, dated Jan 19.2013. S407 A * 101985 Milberger etal. ou 4497369 4° 21085 Hana eal 166.468 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent May 19, 2015 Sheet 1 of 3 US 9,033,053 B2 Fig. 1 U.S. Patent May 19, 2015 Sheet 2 of 3 US 9,033,053 B2 70 72 66 86 28 80 84 100 96 98, 52 22: 2826/2021 wo 4 32 Fig. U.S. Patent May 19, 2015 Sheet 3 of 3 US 9,033,053 B2 70 72 66 86 80 84 100 96 98 2 92 44\\7a | boa 'se 76 34 ‘sa ‘60 Fig, 3 US 9,033,053 B2 1 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR EXTENDING LIFETIME OF A WELLHEAD. (CROSS-REPERENCE TO RELATED "APPLICATIONS, ‘This application is U.S. national stage application of Inter- national Application PCT/NOZO12I050208, filed Oct. 25, 2012, which interational application was published on May 2, 2013, 8 Intemational Publication WO2013062421 in the English language, The international application is incorpo- rated herein by relerence n entirety. The intemational appli ‘cation claims priority to Norwegian Patent Application No, 20111456, which is ineomporated herein by reference, FIBLD ‘Tis invention relates to a method of extending the lifetime ‘ofa Christmas tee, More particulary, trelatestoa method of ‘extending the lifetime of a Christmas toe, the Christmas tee 2 being provided with at Feast a frst high-pressure hydraulic valve pack, a first low-pressure hydraulic valve pack ora frst ‘chemical valvepack, andthe Christmas twebeingarrangedo be connectable to an uinbilical comprising atleast electrical power or contol cables, hydraulic tubes or chemical tubes ‘The invention also comprises a device Tor practising the method. BACKGROUND While recovering petroleum offshore thas turned out that there isa need to exceed the technical and economic lifetime ‘originally intended orwell equipment. Thisholds trac alsoof safety-critical components such as a Christmas tree with sssociated valves aad control apparatuses. ‘A Christmas tee located ot the seabed his often been _2uided onto a production tubing head via guide posts. The ‘Christmas tree communicates with equipment on the surface via a so-called umbilical which may typically comprise ‘cables for electrical power and signals, optical fibres for sg> ‘nal transmission, tubes for hydraulic aid under igh pressure and low pressure and also tubes forthe supply of chemicals. is common for the. Christmas tree to be provided with & valve jacket which consttues a barier Between the annulus, the production passage and the surroundings. The valve Jacket must be removed when a suitable tool provided with “connections for fds thatare used for removing deposits and also for well-Killing isto be fied. “The tems high pressure and low pressure are not exact, a8 they vary berweenthe different suppliers. Roughly, a pressure between 100 sad 300 bars is termed low pressure whereas & pressure above 300bars stemmed high pressure. By pressures below 100 bars, actuators and valves may take so-called “failsafe postion which wil often shut dosen the petroleum production, "The hydraulic fds are typically caried to, respectively 3 high-pressure anda low-pressure alvepack on the Christmas twee, he high-pressure Valve pack communicating with & ‘downhole blowout preventer, whereas the low-pressure valve pack communicates with, among other things, « number of ‘etuators mainly for valve conteo in the Chrsinas re. FFleetrical power and control signals are conveyed t0 3 submerged contol male on or by the Christmas re. The ‘control module which is controlled fom the surface is con= nected tothe different hydraulic valves of the valve packs and thereby cantals the diferent valve fictions inthe Christmas 2 -Kaown Chiistmas-ree installations exhibit several weak nesses that enterge aller a long operating time. The control module is prone to functional faults while, atthe same time, the availablity of new contro! madulesof the kind inquestion ‘and also spare parts therefor is limited. Valve leakages do ‘occur in the so-called production-swab valve (PSV) of the CChrisunas-tee jacket, The monitoring here is often insu con. Leaks into the annulus between the well and the Christ ‘mat tree do occur at well, Further, it has turned out that pressure sensors are prone to faulty functioning ‘The umbilical with associated components is proneto leak ges. ‘Considerable delays ia deliveries of umbilcals and asso- ciated operations do occur as well, leading to delayed pro- ‘duction sat forthe relevant Chstnas wee SUMMARY, ‘he invention has for its object to remedy orreduce atleast. ‘one of the drawbacks of the prior at. “The abject is achieved according to the invention through the features which are specified in the description below and inthe claims tht follow. Ina int aspect of the invention, a method of extending the Iifetime of a Christmas tee is provided, the Christmas tree being provided with at least a fist high-pressure hydraul valve pack, firs los-pressure hydraulic valve packora first chemical valve pack, andthe Christmas tee being arranged 10 be connectable to an umbilical which comprises at leas elee- ‘eieal power or control cables, hydraulic tubes oF chemical tubes, and the method being characterized by comprising: reqofiting an upgrading module fo or by the Christmas tree and connecting the upgrading module to ne Chis ‘mas tee with the necessary number of tube and wire ‘connections, theupgnading module comprising second ‘contol module, and atleast a hydraulic high-pressure ‘pamnp witha second high-pressure hydraulic valve pack And a hydraulic reservoir, 8 hydraulic low-pressure [pomp with a second low-pressure hydraulic valve pack ‘nd hydraulic reservoir or 8 chemical pump with chemical reservoi supplying the second control module with eleeticl power ‘and control signals via the umbilical or from a vessel and supplying atleast the high-pressure pump, the low-res sure pump or the chemical pump directly or via their respective reservoirs with hydraulic uid via the umbili- calor froma vessel By connecting the upgrading module to the Christmas tree inthe desired way, the controloperations inthe Christmas ree may be taken over, tothe extent necessary, by the second control module. Futher, hydraulie funetions and chemical dosing may be taken over by the upgrading module to the extent necessary. "The second control module which, besides being abe to control pumps and valve packs in the upgrading module, is arranged to control the desired functions in the Christmas ree as well, may be supplied with power and control signals via the umbilical, of i the umbilical is damaged or before it arrives, from a vessel on the surface, possibly via a second CChrisunas tee located inthe vicinity or an upgrading mole Inthe ease ofan alder Christmas tee, it may be relevant to cconneettie second contro module tothe frst control module, in particular t collect messtirement signals from sensors in the Christmas ree of conneet new sensors from a pipeline iydrsule uid to the hydemsli pumps and chemicals to the chemical pump may be supplied via tubes available inthe US 9,033,053 B2 3 “umbilical, or if the umbilieal is damaged or not present rom a vessel, The high-pressure pump may be supplied with hydraulic Mud froma low-pressure tube orsome oher tube in the umbilical, for example. ‘The method may comprise providing the upgrading mod ule with a valve jacket and placing the upgrading medule on the Christmas tree after a separate valve jacket has been removed, Itis thereby possible to measure the presse in the annulus and the pressure between the Christmas tee and the Upgrading module by means of the second control mol, According to a second aspect ofthe invention, an uparad> ing module is provided for retrofiting to or by « Christmas toe, the Christmas tree being provided with at least a frst high-pressure’ hydraulic valve pack, a fist low-pressure hydraulic valve pack ora frst chemical valve pack, and the Christmas tee being aranged to be connectable to an umbil ‘eal which comprises at least electical power or contol ‘ables, hydraulic tubes or chemical tubes, andthe uparading ‘module being characterized by being provided with an elec- tric second control module whic is connectable to the posver and control lines of an umbilical orto some other supply, and the upgrading module comprising atleast a hydraulic high- pressure pump with a second high-pressure hydraulic valve pack and a hydraulic reservoir, a hydraulic low-pressure pump with a second low-pressure hydraulic valve hydraulic reservoir ora chemical pump with a chemical es- ‘evo, the upgrading module being connectable the Christ- “The hytdranlie high-pressure pump may be connectable, rectly or indiectly via a reservoir, at least the mbes oF a tumbilical of to a vessel and to at least a valve of @ second high-pressure hydraulic valve pack andi the second control module The hydraulic low-pressure pump may be connectable, slrctlyor indirectly via a reservoir, oat least the bes ofan "umbilical of to a vessel and to at east a valve of @ second Jow-pressure hydraulic valve pack and tothe second control madi “The chemical pump may be connectable, directly o indi reeily via reservoir, oat least the tubes of an umbilieal orto a vessel, and to at least & chemical valve or direetly to @ produetion mbing. The second control module s connected to. valve pack for ‘chemical injetion, “The upgrading module may be connected to the Christmas toe by means of ROV-setivatable connections, Examples of such connections are so-called MQC plates and Tronic con- nectors. “The components ofthe upgrading module may bearranged 8 dual systems with 3 main system and back-up system to fatarantce operation if a component should fail, The bigh- pressure pump and associated components may be replaced by a pressure booster which is supplied with Mid from @ Jow-pressre system, for example. Ics also possible to connect Several Christmas tres 10 ‘upgrading modules belonging to different Christmas tees, ‘orexampleifhe umbilical belonging to one ofthe Christmas tees should suffer substantial damage, or to increase the reliability of the Christmas tres in a entire ae. ‘The invention enables the use ofa simpler umbilical which js beter suited for use in hilly terran, i thereby being easier to protect the umbilical against damage, for example from fishing vessels "The method an the device according tthe invention solve weaknesses of existing eontrol modules for Christmas tees ‘while atthe same time, the sid presse in existing umbil ‘als maybe reduced considerably. Its also possible to make 0 4 use of other tube passages inthe umbilical for the supply of hydraulic uid i tube passage should become unusable. By the use of a reservoir in the upgrading module the same tbe passage ofthe umbilical may be used for both the supply and the retum of uid. [tis fuer possible to use temporary supply foe al fmetions from a vessel Tn What follows, an example of a prefered method and ‘embodiment is described, which i visualized inthe aecom- panying drawings, in which: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OP THE DRAWINGS. FIG. shows schematically a Submerged wel with prior. ant Christmas tee; FIG. 2 shows schematically an upgrading module accord ing to the invention, the upgrading module being by the Christmas tee: and FIG. 3 shows schematically the same as FIG. 2, but in an altemative embodiment. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OP THE DRAWINGS Inthe drawings, the reference numeral I indicates subsea well withan outer pipe 2, for example in the form of casing, and a production tubing , wherein an annulus 6 is formed between the outer pipe 2 and the production tubing 4 ‘Te production tubing 4 is hung off in a wellhead 8, 3 (Christmas tee 10 being positioned on the wellhead 8. ‘The Christmas tre 10 is provided with a high-pressure Inydraulic valve pack 12, low-qressure hyde valve pack and a chemical valve pack 16 The different valve packs 12, 14, 16 are controlled, via ‘contro lines 20, from control module 18 located by orem the Christmas ree 10, The valve packs 12, 14, 16 and the contol module 18 are ofien constituted by an assembly which is indicated in the figures by means of a dotted rectangle "An umbilical 22 which extends to plant, notshovwn, onthe surface comprises clerical wires 24 fr electrical power and ‘control signals, high-pressure tbe 26, a low-pressure tbe 28 anda chemical tbe 30. ‘The electrical wires 24 are connected ta the control modile 18, the high-pressure tube 26 tothe high-pressure hydraulic valve pock 12, the low-pressure tube 28 to the low-pressure hydraulic valve puck 14 and the chemical ube 30 to achemi- cal alve 31 whichis activated by means ofthe chemical valve pack 16. “The high-presture hydraulic valve pack 12 is connected to 1 downhole blowout proventor 32 by means of a blowout- preventer tube 34. The low-pressure hydraulic valve pack 4 Js connected by means of actuator tubes 36 1 actuators 38 in the Christmas tre, The chemical valve 31 is connected to the production tubing 4 by means ofa chemical passage 40, "The Christmas tree 10 is provided with « Chaistaas-tree {jacket 42 and otherwise comprises lange numberof eompo- ‘ens not showin, which are known fo a perso skilled in the “Tubes and wires 24, 26, 28 and 30 in the umbilial 22 are extended in normal way to @ ROV-connectable frst panel 4 o ‘Reference is now made FIG. 2. An uparading module $0 is placed beside the Christmas tree 10. If desirable, the ‘upgrading module 80 may be placed onthe Christmas tree 10, possibly located by means ofthe guide posts $2 the wel 1 ‘The upgrading module 80 is provided with an ROV-con- nectable second panel with connectors $4 which are eon- fected to-8 high-pressure hydraulic connection $6, a low pressure hydraulic connection $8 and a chemical connection US 9,033,053 B2 5 60, The other connections 54 are connected, known per se, the fist coanectors 44 Fuster, a second high-pressure hydraulic valve pack 61 and a socond control module 62 have boon arranged, the second contro module 62 being connected i this prefered ‘exemplary embodiment, directly or via the contol mode 18 to theeletrcal wires 24 ofthe umbilical 22, controlling the lifferent valve packs 12, 14, 16 via contol lines 64, a the ‘control lines 20 from the control module 18 may be discon- nected. Alternatively, the second! control module 62 may con- teol the valve packs 61, 82 via contol lines 64 ifthe valve packs 12, 4, 16 areout of function ‘A hydrauite high-pressure pump 66 is Tocated in the ‘upgrading module 80 ands supplied with hydraulie fui at reduced pressure from the high-pressure tuhe 26 vi the high- pressure hydraulicenanection $6, Thehigh-pressure-hydrat- Tie valve pack 12 may be disconnected from the high-pressure tube 26, The high-pressure pump 66 is connected to the see- ‘ond high-pressure hydraulic valve pack 61 by means of a high-pressure ube 68. reservoir Wis connected to theialet side ofthe high-pressure pump 66 while an accumlator 72 is ‘connected tothe outlet sideof the high-pressure pump 66. The high-pressure pump 6 is controlled from the second control module 62 via a coatrl line 74. The second high-pressure hydraulic valve pack 61 is connected tthe blowou ter tube 34 by means ofa high-pressure tube 76 in the same way as the second low-pressure hydraulic valve pack 82 is ‘connected io Theaetuators 38 by means of low-pressure tubes % “The upgrading module 50 is also provided with a low= pressure primp 80 and is supplied with byceaulic Mid at reduced pressure from the low-pressure tube 28 va the lovs- pressure hydraulic connection $8, The low-pressure hye Tie valve pack 14 may be disconnected from the low-pressure tube 28, The low-pressure pump 80 is connected to a second Jow-pressure hydraulic valve pack 82 by means of a low- pressure tube 84. reservoir 86 is connected tothe inlet side $f the low-pressure pomp 80 while an accumulator 88 is ‘connected 1a the outlet sie of the low-pressure pam 80, The Jow-pressure pump 80 is controled from the second control rode 62 via a contro line 9. I desiable the high-pressure pump 66 may’ also be sup= plied with hydraulic Haid via the low-pressure tube 28. ‘A chemical pump 92 is supplied with chemical, possibly at reduced presse, rom the chemical tbe 30 va the chemical ‘conduit 60. Thechemical valve M may be disconnected fom. the chemical tube 30, The chemical pump 92 is connected 10 the chemical valve31 ordiretly to theproduetion ubing4 by means of a chemical connection 94, \ reservoir 96 is con- nected tothe inlet side of the chemical pump 92 while an sccumulator98 is connected to the outlet side ofthe chemical ump 92. The chemical pump 92 is controlled from the sec- ‘ond control modile 62 Via & control Hine 100, whereas the ‘chemical valve 31 is controlled from the second contol mod lle 62 via a contol line 102 ‘When the upgrading module 80 is to be installed, it is placed on or by the Christmas tree 10, after which eonnee- tions, tubes and the wire connections 24, 56, 58,60, 64, 76 ‘and 78 are connected 1a the Christmas tee 10 ss described above. “The second conteol module 62s then controlled in a man- ner known per se to start the components cancemed in the ‘Christmas tee 10 and the upgrading module 80, Which com= ponents are started, depends on the prevailing conditions. In the exemplary embodiment show, the upgrading module 50 has taken overall fnetions, Normally, the hydeaulie pumps 66,80 are started to maintain the necessary pressure foe theie 0 o 6 respective second valve packs 61 and 82, whereas the chen cal pump 92 may be controlled with respect to pressure oF Tt may be added that the reservoir 96 may be divided in ‘order to contain, fr example, botha chemical and methanl ‘The methanol is supplied by means ofa tube, aot show, ia the umbilical 22, andthe chemical pump 92 is provided with ‘change-over valve to he able to draw the desired chemical. ‘Valves required per se which ate not necessary for the explanation of the invention, are not shown, as a person sulle in the art wil know the purpose and operation thereof. "Thus, during operation, the second contol module 62 has taken overat least the control funetions ofthe contro! module 18, whereas the high-pressure tube ofthe umbilical 22 may work at 3 considerably reduced pressure. an alternative exemplary embodiment, see FIG. 3, the bilical 22 is so damaged that iteannot be used. Eleteical power and contol signals are supplied via line 1M frm a ‘vessel not shown. Whenever necessary, the reservoirs 70,86, 96 are replenished ina manner known per se ‘The invention claimed is: 1A method of extending the lifetime of a Christmas toe, the Christmas tree being provided with atleast a first high- pressure hydraulic valve ack, a fist low-pressure hydraulic valve pack or first chesnical valve pack, snd the Christas {nee being arranged to be connectable to an umbilial which ‘comprises at least electrical power or contra cables, hydra lie tubes or chemical tubes, the method comprising retrofiting an upgrading module in association with the ‘Christmas toe and connecting the upgrading module to the Chaistmas tree withthe a numberof tuhe and wire ‘connections, the upgrading module comprising, a sec- ‘ond control mole, and at least a hydealic high-pres- sure pump with second high-pressure valve pack and hydraulic reservoir, hydraulic low-pressure pump with ‘8 second low-pressure hydraulic valve pack and a Ihydravlie reservoir ora chemical purnp with a chemical supplying the second control module wth electeiel power ‘and control signals via the umbilical or from a vesscl and supplying at last the high-pressure pump the low-res sure pump or the chemical pump directly or indirectly Via their respective reservoirs with hydraulic Mid via ‘tho umbilieal of from a vessel, wherein the upgrading module is placed beside the Christmas tee 2. Amupgrading moduleto be retrofited inassociation with ‘Chirstmas ire, the Christmas toe being provided with at least a fist high-pressure hydraulic valve pack, a fist low: pressure hydraulic valve pack ora first ehemical valve pack, the Christmas tree being arranged to be connected to an ‘umbilical which comprises a east elecrial power and con- trol cables, hydrate tubes or chemical ubes, andthe upgrad- ing module being provided with a second electric control ‘module which is connectable to at lest the power and control cables ofthe umbilical or fom a vessel, and the upgrading ‘modlale comprising a lest a hydraulic high-pressure pump ‘with a second high-pressure valve pack and a hydraulic es: envoir, hydraulic low-pressure pump with a second low pressure hy drauli valve pack and a hydraulic reservoir or chemical pump with a chemical reservoir, the upgrading ‘medlile being connectable tothe Christmas tree, wherein the ‘upgrading module is placed beside the Christmas tee. 3. The upgrading module in aocordance with claim 2, ‘wherein the hydraulic high-pressure pump is connectable, iret or inditectly vias reservoir, toa least the tubes of aa US 9,033,053 B2 7 "umbilical oF to a vessel and to at least a valve of @ second high-pressure hydraulic valve pack and to the second control made 4. The upgrading module in accordance with claim 2, ‘wherein the hydraulic low-pressure pump is connectable, s dirctly or indirectly via reservoir, oat least the mbes of an "umbilical oF to a vessel and to atleast a valve of second low-pressure hydmmulic valve pack and tothe second control mod '. The upgrading module in accordance with claim 2, 10 wherein the ebemical pump is connectable, diretly or indi- recily isa reservoir, at least the tubes of aa umbilical or a vessel, and to at least a chemical valve or directly to a production mbing 6. The upgrading module in accordance with claim 2, 15 wherein the second control module is connected to a valve pack for chemical injection "7. The upgrading module in accordance with claim 2 ‘wherein the upgrading module is connected to the Christmas tree by means of ROV-sctivatuble connections. »

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