GE Transport PT900
GE Transport PT900
GE Transport PT900
PT900 Portable
Ultrasonic Flow Meter
for Liquids
Introducing the TransPort
The TransPort PT900 is the latest generation of portable clamp-on flow meters from
GE’s Panametrics line of ultrasonic meters. It capitalizes on the ruggedness and
superior performance of its predecessor, the TransPort PT878, but delivers a whole
new level of intuitive and user-friendly capability based on today’s technology.
• Wireless tablet for Bluetooth® communication • Suitable for virtually every industry that requires
with the transmitter temporary or spot flow rate measurement
• Easy programming with bright touch screen and • Suitable for many fluids, including potable water,
multiple-language user interface wastewater, cooling and heating water, ultrapure
water and other liquids such as
• Fast-responding, high-accuracy transmitter with water/glycol solutions, crude oil, refined
green/red light health indication and 8 GB of hydrocarbons, chemicals and beverages
datalogging storage
Response Time
Up to 2 Hz
Measurement Parameters
Velocity, Volume, Mass, Energy, Total Flow
1 or 2 channels
Flow Transmitter
Enclosure Transmitter Electrical
IP65 rating Connections
• Weight: 3 lb (1.4 kg)
• Size (h x w x md): 7.9 x 4.3 x 1.5 in. (200 x 109 x 38 mm)
• Mounting: Soft strap around pipe or magnetic clamp
TransPort PT900 Specifications
User Interface Battery Life
>12 hours of continuous use
Requires a tablet with Android operating system Battery Charger
(version 4.4 or greater), LCD capacitive touchscreen, 100 to 250 VAC (50/60 Hz)
800 x 1280 resolution
Operating Temperature
Dimensions 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
• 7 in. Tablet:
7.75 x 4.75 x 0.75 in. (196 x 120 x 19 mm) typical Communication with Flow Transmitter
• 8 in. Tablet: Bluetooth®
8.75 x 6.00 x 0.75 in. (222 x 152 x 19 mm) typical
• Input and Output Cables: Analog and Digital
• Cable Adapters: TNC to BNC or UTDR connectors
Spare Battery
• Battery Pack: Lithium ion, high-energy, rechargeable
• Battery Charger: 100 to 240 VAC (50/60/Hz)
Cable Adapter
TNC to BNC or UTXDR connectors
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