Cross-Functional Competencies

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Cross-functional Competencies


The key cross-functional competencies are driven by the UNDP operating and funding models and are aligned with the best practice in
other private and public knowledge-based professional services organisations. Such competencies capture knowledge and skills to be
demonstrated by personnel in a significant number of jobs across career tracks and streams. The main cross-functional competencies
include the following.

Cross Functional Competency Definition

I. Business Direction & Strategy
Abilit to de elop effecti e strategies and prioriti ed plans in line ith UNDP s
objectives, based on the systemic analysis of challenges, potential risks and
opportunities; linking the vision to reality on the ground, and creating tangible
Strategic Thinking solutions
Abilit to le erage learning from a ariet of sources to anticipate and respond to
future trends; to demonstrate foresight in order to model what future developments
and possible ways forward look like for UNDP
Abilit to understand and deal with a business situation in a manner that is likely to
lead to a good outcome
Business Acumen
Kno ledge and understanding of the operational frame orks in the organi ation and
ability to make good judgments and quick decisions within such frameworks
Abilit to create clarit around UNDP alue proposition to beneficiaries and partners
Entrepreneurial Thinking and to de elop ser ice offers responding to client needs based on UNDP s
organizational priorities and mandate
Abilit to use objective problem analysis and judgement to understand how
System Thinking interrelated elements coexist within an overall process or system, and to consider
how altering one element can impact on other parts of the system
Abilit to take decisions in a timel and efficient manner in line ith one s authorit ,
Effective Decision Making
area of expertise and resources
Abilit to reach an understanding, persuade others, resol e points of difference, gain
Negotiation and Influence advantage in the outcome of dialogue, negotiates mutually acceptable solutions
through compromise and creates in- in situations
II. Business Development
Abilit to research and turn information into useful kno ledge, rele ant for conte t,
Knowledge Generation
or responsive to a stated need
Abilit to animate indi iduals and communities of contributors to participate and
Knowledge Facilitation
share, particularly externally
Abilit to bringing together di erse groups of people, data, information or ideas, and
Collective Intelligence Design
technology to design services or solutions
Abilit to de elop solutions to problems b in ol ing the human perspecti e in all
Human-centered Design
steps of the problem-solving process

UNDP | People for 2030 – Competency Framework – Cross-functional Competencies


Abilit to identit , and integrate capacity and assets of the UN system, and engage
Integration within the UN in joint work; knowledge of the UN System and ability to apply this knowledge to
strategic and/or practical situations
Abilit to represent UNDP and producti el share UNDP knowledge and activities;
UNDP Representation
advocate for UNDP, its values, mission and work with various constituencies
III. Business Management
Abilit to manage programmes and projects ith a focus at impro ed performance
Results-based Management
and demonstrable results
Abilit to plan, organi e, prioriti e and control resources, procedures and protocols
Project Management
to achieve specific goals
Abilit to select, prioritise and control the organi ation s programmes and projects, in
line with its strategic objectives and capacity; ability to balance the implementation of
Portfolio Management
change initiatives and the maintenance of business-as-usual, while optimising return
on investment
Abilit to build and maintain partnerships ith ide networks of stakeholders,
Partnerships Management Governments, civil society and private sector partners, experts and others in line with
UNDP strategy and policies
Abilit to identif and organi e action around mitigating and proacti el managing
Risk Management
Abilit to allocate and use resources in a strategic or tactical a in line ith
Resource Management
principles of accountability and integrity
Abilit to prepare, support, and help indi iduals and teams in designing and
Change Management
implementing organizational change
Abilit to communicate in a clear, concise and unambiguous manner both through
written and verbal communication; to tailor messages and choose communication
Communication methods depending on the audience
Abilit to manage communications internally and externally, through media, social
media and other appropriate channels
Abilit and inclination to rapidl adopt ne technologies, either through skilfull
Digital Awareness and Literacy grasping their usage or through understanding their impact and empowering others
to use them as needed
Abilit to inspect, cleanse, transform and model data ith the goal of disco ering
Working with Evidence and Data
useful information, informing conclusions and supporting decision-making
Abilit to pro ide managers and ke stakeholders ith regular feedback on the
Monitoring consistency or discrepancy between planned and actual activities and programme
performance and results
Abilit to make an independent judgement based on set criteria and benchmarks -
Ability to anticipate client's upcoming needs and concerns.
Abilit to respond timel and appropriatel ith a sense of urgenc , pro ide
consistent solutions, and deliver timely and quality results and/or solutions to fulfil
Customer Satisfaction/Client Management and understand the real customers' needs. Pro ide inputs to the de elopment of
customer ser ice strateg . Look for a s to add alue be ond clients' immediate
requests. Abilit to anticipate client's upcoming needs and concerns.
Abilit o effec i el plan, o gani e, and o e ee he O gani a ion b ine
Operations Management
processes in order to convert its assets into the best results in the most efficient
manner. Knowledge of relevant concepts and mechanisms

UNDP | People for 2030 – Competency Framework – Cross-functional Competencies

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