English Hounours 2nd Year Syllabus

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Second Year Syllabus

Department of English

Four-Year B.A. Honours Course

Effective from the Session: 2013–2014
Syllabus for Four Year B.A. Honours Course
Subject: English
Session: 2013-2014

Paper Code Paper Title Marks Credits

221101 Introduction to Drama 100 4
221103 Romantic Poetry 100 4
221105 Advanced Reading and Writing 100 4
221107 History of English Literature 100 4
222009 Sociology of Bangladesh 100 4
222115 Bangladesh Society and Culture
221909 Political Organization and The Political System of UK
100 4
and USA
Total = 600 24
Paper Code : Marks : 100 Credits : 4 Class Hours : 60
Paper Title : Introduction to Drama

Sophocles Oedipus Rex

W. Shakespeare As You Like It
G. B. Shaw Arms and the Man
J. M. Synge Riders to the Sea

W. Soyinka The Lion and the Jewel

Paper Code : Marks : 100 Credits : 4 Class Hours : 60

Paper Title : Romantic Poetry

W. Blake Selections from Songs of Innocence

and Experience

“Introduction”, “Lamb”, “Chimney Sweeper”, “The Nurse’s Song”, “Holy Thursday”

“Introduction”, “Tyger”, “Chimney Sweeper”, “The Nurse’s Song”, “Holy Thursday”,
“London” (Experience)

W. Wordsworth “Tintern Abbey”, “Immortality Ode”, “It is a beauteous

Evening,calm and free” , “London 1802”, “She Dwelt

Among the Untrodden Ways”

S.T. Coleridge “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, “Kubla Khan”,

George Gordon Byron Don Juan, Canto –I

P. B. Shelly “To a Skylark”, “Adonais”

John Keats “Ode on Melancholy”, “Ode on a Grecian Urn”, “Ode to

a Nightingale”, “On His First Looking into Chapman’s

Paper Code : Marks : 100 Credits : 4 Class Hours : 60

Paper Title : Advanced Reading and Writing

This Paper aims at training students in the higher order sub-skills of reading and writing. In
the reading part, the focus will be on close and critical reading. Students will be required to
develop an awareness of the devices an author employs for producing an intended effect and
the effects they really produce.

Reading will cover:

a) Understanding rhetorical devices used,
b) Finding explicit and implicit relationship between sentences, parts and elements of
c) Distinguishing between facts and opinions
d) Indentifying author’s position, attitude, and tone (negative, positive, neutral,
sympathetic, satirical, angry, sarcastic, contemptuous, critical etc.)
e) Interpreting and evaluating ideas critically.
f) Commenting on style

Materials used for reading in this Paper will cover journalistic writing and literary texts of
different genre.

Writing will focus on:

a) Writing with a sense of audience,

b) Establishing the topic focus,
c) Writer’s voice,
d) Taking a position (negative, positive or neutral),
e) Using appropriate style according to purpose and audience,
f) Writing academic essays and assignments using MLA and APA Style of

Recommended Reading:

M.J. Murphy. Understanding Unseen ( selections)

Roger Gower and M Pearson. Reading Literature. Longman.
Simon Greenall and Michael Swan. 1986. Effective Reading. Cambridge University Press.
T. U. Sachs. Now Read On. OUP


Neil Mccaw. How to Read Texts: A Student Guide to Critical Approaches and Skills
John Mc Cray, Roy. Reading between the Lines-Students’ book.
Walter, Catherine. 1982 Authentic Reading. CUP
Barr. P. Clegg, J. and Wallace, C. 1981. Advanced Reading Skills. Longman.
Cleanth Brooks. 1960. Understanding Poetry. Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc.

For Writing:

Heath Guide to Writing 1990. Heath Publications

Anderson, Duston and Poole.1992 Thesis and Assignment Writing. Wiley
H. Ramsey Fowels. 1983. The Little Brown Handbook. The Little Brown Company.


John Longman. 2001 College Writing Skills (International edition) Mcgraw-Hill.

Josep Gibaldi and Walters S Achtert. MLA Handbook for Writers of Reasearch Papers. New
Delhi: Affiliated East West Press.
Karen L Greenberg.1994. Advancing Writer, Book 2. Harper Collins.
Mary Stephens. Practise Advanced Writing. Longman.
R.R. Jordon.1995 Academic Writing. OUP
Paper Code : Marks : 100 Credits : 4 Class Hours : 60
Paper Title : History of English Literature

1. Early and Middle English Period

2. Age of Chaucer
3. Reformation Period
4. Renaissance: Elizabethan, Jacobean and Puritan Age
5. Restoration Period
6. Neoclassical Age
7. Romantic Age
8. Victorian Age
9. Modern Age

George Sampson Cambridge History of English Literature
Robert Barnard A Short History of English Literature
William J. Long A Short History of English Literature

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