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Core Subject Title: Empowerment Technologies (HUMSS) Semester: First

Core Subject Description: No of Hours/ Semester: 80 hours/ semester

Information and communication technologies as a tool for curating, contextualizing, collaborating, and creating content
and experiences for learning in the professional tracks.
Culminating Performance Standard:


#063 HL Labac, Naic, Cavite

Senior High School Department

DATE & TIME: Monday. Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday Flexible Instructional Delivery Plan 4 0 2 2 5 3
First Quarter S.Y. 2022 - 2023
Empowerment Technologies
What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?
Highest Enabling Strategy to
Highest Thinking Skill to Use in Developing the
Learning Competencies
Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
Content Most Essential Flexible
Content Standards
Standards Topics Assessment
Most KUD Enabling Flexible
KUD Activities
Complete Essential Classificatio RBT Level General Learning
Classification (FAA)
(MELCs) n Strategy Strategies (FLS)
I. Information The learners The learner… The learner… 1. Explains the Understandin Essay Writing Communication Writes a 250-
and demonstrate an designs and 1. Defines functions, g word essay
Communication understanding performs communication K nature, and U Roleplay defining
Technology of: effective process of communication
covering the ICT in the controlled and communication based on their
topics of: context of uncontrolled . own
1. The current global oral Reading understanding.
state of ICT communicatio communication 2. Differentiates U Mini-Task:
technologies (i.e., n for specific activities the various Journal Entry of Display
Web 2.0, 3.0, professional based on models of observed real- knowledge of the
convergent track context. communication life topic by
technologies, 3. Use various communication brainstorming and
social, mobile, strategies to from people in performing
and assistive avoid D their roleplay.
media) communication community.
2. Online breakdown. Writes a 200-
systems, word essay
functions, defining
and platforms communication
based on their
2. Explains the Compare and Representation Using a Venn
nature and Contrast Diagram, the
process of U learners will
communicatio differentiate the
n models of
3. Communication The learners will
Differentiate Analysis share their
the various U experience
models of through “Think
communicatio Applying Aloud Activity”
n in studying a
Reflection foreign language
and using it as a
4. Distinguishes medium in
the unique communication.
feature (s) of
one U
from the other.
5. Explains
why there is a U
breakdown of
6. Use various
strategies in The learners will
order to avoid D write a reflection
communicatio with someone
n breakdown whose first
7. language is
Demonstrates foreign.
sensitivity to
sociocultural D
dimension of
situation with
focus on

a. culture
b. gender
c. age
d. social status
e. religion
II. Functions of values the II. Functions of writes a 250- 1. Discusses the Applying Analyzing a Representation Brainstorming
Communication functions/ Communication word essay of functions of K D scenario
purpose of his/her communication.
 Regulation/ communication • Regulation/ objective 2. Identifies the Examines
Control . Control observation and speaker’s K sample oral
evaluation of purpose (s). communicatio
 Social • Social the various n activities.
Interaction Interaction speakers 3. Watches and
watched and listens to sample D
 Motivation • Motivation listened to oral Group
communication Video Roleplay Presentation
 Information • Information activities. through Video
• Emotional 4. Ascertains the
 Emotional verbal and
Expression Expression
nonverbal Comic Making Create a comic
cues that each U strip about
speaker uses to different oral
achieve his/her communication
purpose. activities.
5. Comprehends
various kinds of K
oral texts.
6. Identifies
strategies used
by each speaker K
to convey his/her
ideas effectively.
7. Evaluates the
effectiveness of
an oral U
III. recognizes that III. demonstrates 1. Identifies the 1. Identifies the Understanding Journal Writing Problem Solving The learners will
Communicative communicative Communicative effective use of various types of various types of observe and
Competence competence Competence communicative speech K speech K identify different
Strategies In requires Strategies In strategy in a context context type of speech
Various Speech understanding Various Speech variety of context in their
Situations of speech Situations speech homes through
A. Types of context, speech situations. observation and
Speech context style, speech A. Types of Journal entry.
1. Intrapersonal act and Speech context 2. Exhibits 2. Distinguishes Analyzing Speech/ Reasoning and The learners will
2. Interpersonal communicative 1. Intrapersonal appropriate types of Analysis Proof watch a speech
a.1 Dyad strategy. 2. Interpersonal verbal and D speeches and U and analyze the
a.2 Small a.1 Dyad nonverbal speech style way the speaker
group a.2 Small group behavior in a delivers the
3. Public 3. Public given speech speech.
B. Types of B. Types of context
Speech Style Speech Style
1. Intimate 1. Intimate
2. Casual 2. Casual
3. Consultative 3. Consultative
4. Formal 4. Formal
5. Frozen 5. Frozen
3. Distinguishes Formative
types of speech U Assessment
4. Identifies
social situations
in which each K
speech style is
appropriate to
5. Observes the
language forms K
in using a
particular speech
6. Responds
appropriately U
and effectively
to a speech act

Submitted by: Submitted to: Checked by:

Ms. Genelyn N, Tablada Ms. Lorelie N. Carzon Mrs. Daisy E. Apinado


DATE & TIME: Monday –
Thursday Flexible Instructional Delivery Plan 4 0 2 2 5 3

Second Quarter S.Y. 2022 - 2023

Oral Communication in Context
Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?
What to Teach?
Highest Enabling Strategy to
Highest Thinking Skill to
Learning Competencies Use in Developing the Highest
Thinking Skill to Assess
Most Performance
Content Assessment
Content Essential Standards
Standards Most KUD Activities Enabling Flexible
Topics KUD
Complete Essential Classificati RBT Level (FAA) General Learning
(MELCs) on Performanc Strategy Strategies (FLS)
C. Types of recognizes that C. Types of demonstrates 5. Observes the 3. Responds Understandin Roleplay of Representation The learners will
Speech Act communicativ Speech Act effective use appropriate appropriatel g Types of show knowledge
1. Locution e competence 1. Locution of language forms y and U Speech Act, about the topic
(Utterance) requires (Utterance) communicativ in using a K effectively and Types of through
2. Illocution 2. Illocution particular
understanding e strategy in a to a speech Communicati brainstorming
(Intention) (Intention) speech style
3. Perlocution
of speech 3. Perlocution
variety of act ve Strategy and group
(Response) context, (Response) speech presentation.
speech style, situations.
speech act and
D. Types of communicativ D. Types of 6. Engages in a Formative
Communicative e strategy. Communicative communicative Assessment
Strategy Strategy situation
1. Nomination 1. Nomination using D
2. Restriction 2. Restriction acceptable, Journal Entry The learner will
3. Turn-taking 3. Turn-taking polite and try to record
4. Topic control 4. Topic control meaningful through a journal
5. Topic shifting 5. Topic shifting communicative entry the
6. Repair 6. Repair strategies different
7. Termination 7. Termination
7. Explains that
a shift in speech
U strategy found on
context, speech their community.
style, speech act
and Self-paced
communicative Reading
strategy affects
the following

o Language
o Duration of
o Relationship
of speaker
o Role and
of the speaker
o Message
o Delivery
Types of realizes the Types of Proficiently 1. Distinguishes Speech Individual
Speeches rigors of Speeches delivers types of Delivery Presentation
A. According to A. According to speeches.
crafting various Presentation
purpose one’s speech purpose speeches using
the principles 2. Uses
-Expository/ -Expository/ principles of
Informative Informative
of effective
effective speech
Speech Speech speech
delivery in K
delivery different
- Persuasive - Persuasive situations.
Speech Speech
3. Uses D
- Entertainment - Entertainment principles of
Speech Speech effective speech
writing focusing
B. According to B. According to on
delivery delivery
o Audience
- Reading from a - Reading from a profile
manuscript manuscript o Logical
- Memorized - Memorized o Duration
Speech Speech o Word choice
o Grammatical
- Impromptu - Impromptu correctness
Speech Speech
4. Uses
- - principles of
Extemporaneous Extemporaneous effective speech
Speech Speech delivery
focusing on
C. Principles of C. Principles of
Speech Writing Speech Writing o Articulation
o Modulation
- Choosing the - Choosing the o Stage
Topic Topic Presence
- Analyzing the - Analyzing the o Facial D
Audience Audience Expressions,
- Sourcing the - Sourcing the Gestures and
Information Information Movements
- Outlining and - Outlining and o Rapport with
Organizing the Organizing the the audience
Speech Contents Speech Contents

D. Principles of
Speech Delivery D. Principles of
Speech Delivery
Submitted by: Submitted to: Checked by:

Ms. Genelyn N, Tablada Ms. Lorelie N. Carzon Mrs. Daisy E. Apinado


Performance Task: SPEAK UP!

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