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Journal of Econometrics 147 (2008) 326–335

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Consumption and labor supply

Dale W. Jorgenson a,∗ , Daniel T. Slesnick b
Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, United States
Department of Economics, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, United States

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: We present a new econometric model of aggregate demand and labor supply for the United States.
Available online 16 September 2008 We also analyze the allocation full wealth among time periods for households distinguished by a
variety of demographic characteristics. The model is estimated using micro-level data from the Consumer
JEL classification:
Expenditure Surveys supplemented with price information obtained from the Consumer Price Index. An
important feature of our approach is that aggregate demands and labor supply can be represented in
D91 closed form while accounting for the substantial heterogeneity in behavior that is found in household-
level data. As a result, we are able to explain the patterns of aggregate demand and labor supply in the
Keywords: data despite using a parametrically parsimonious specification.
Consumption © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction employed, we impute the opportunity wages they face using the
wages earned by employees.
The objective of this paper is to present a new econometric Cross-sectional variation of prices and wages is considerable
model of aggregate consumer behavior for the United States. The and provides an important source of information about patterns
model allocates full wealth among time periods for households of consumption and labor supply. The demographic characteristics
distinguished by demographic characteristics and determines the of households are also significant determinants of consumer
within-period demands for leisure, consumer goods, and services. expenditures and the demand for leisure. The final determinant
An important feature of our approach is the development of a of consumer behavior is the value of the time endowment for
closed form representation of aggregate demand and labor supply households. Part of this endowment is allocated to labor market
that accounts for the heterogeneity in household behavior that activities and reduces the amount available for consumption in the
is observed in micro-level data. Aggregate demand functions are form of leisure.
important components of general equilibrium models that are We employ a generalization of the translog indirect utility
used to analyze the macroeconomic consequences of a broad function introduced by Jorgenson et al. (1997) in modeling
spectrum of public policies. household demands for goods and leisure. This indirect utility
We combine expenditure data for over 150,000 households function generates demand functions with rank two in the sense
from the Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CEX) with price infor- of Gorman (1981). The rank-extended translog indirect utility
mation from the Consumer Price Index (CPI) between 1980 and function proposed by Lewbel (2001) has Gorman rank three. We
2006. Following Slesnick (2002) and Kokoski et al. (1994), we ex- present empirical results for the original translog demand system
ploit the fact that the prices faced by households vary across re- as well as the rank-extended translog system and conclude that the
gions of the United States as well as across time periods. We use rank three system more adequately represents consumer behavior
the CEX to construct quality-adjusted wages for individuals with although the differences are not large.
different characteristics that also vary across regions and over time. Our model of consumption and labor supply is based on two-
In order to measure the value of leisure for individuals who are not stage budgeting and is most similar to the framework described
and implemented by Blundell et al. (1994) for consumption goods
alone. The first stage allocates full wealth, including assets and

Corresponding author. the value of the time endowment, among time periods using the
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D.W. Jorgenson), standard Euler equation approach introduced by Hall (1978). Since
[email protected] (D.T. Slesnick). the CEX does not provide annual panel data at the household level,
0304-4076/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.W. Jorgenson, D.T. Slesnick / Journal of Econometrics 147 (2008) 326–335 327

we employ synthetic cohorts, introduced by Browning et al. (1985) Gorman showed that if demands are consistent with consumer
and utilized, for example, by Attanasio et al. (1999), Blundell et al. rationality, the matrix {bij (ρ)} has rank that is no larger than three.1
(1994) and many others. We assume that household preferences can be represented by a
We introduce our model of consumer behavior in Section 2. We translog indirect utility function that generates demand functions
first consider the second stage of the model, which allocates full of rank three. Lewbel (2001) has characterized such a utility
consumption among leisure, goods, and services. We subsequently function to be of the form:
ρk ρk ρk
present the first stage of the consumer model that describes the
  0  0  
allocation of full wealth across time periods. In Section 3 we discuss (ln Vk )−1
= α0 + ln αp + ln Bpp ln
Fk 2 Fk Fk
data issues including the measurement of price and wage levels
ρk ρk
that show substantial variation across regions and over time. In
 0  0
Section 4 we present the estimation results for the rank-two and + ln BpA Ak − ln γp (1)
Fk Fk
rank-three specifications of our second-stage model. We present
estimates of price and income elasticities for goods and services, where we assume Bpp = B0pp , i0 BpA = 0, i0 Bpp i = 0, i0 αp = −1 and
as well as leisure. We find that the wage elasticity of household i0 γp = 0.
labor supply is essentially zero, but the compensated elasticity To simplify notation, define ln Gk as:
is large and positive. Leisure and consumer services are income
ρk ρk ρk
 0  0  
elastic, while capital services and nondurable goods are income ln Gk = α0 + ln αp + ln Bpp ln
inelastic. Perhaps most important, we find that the aggregate Fk 2 Fk Fk
demands and labor supplies predicted by our model accurately 
replicate the patterns in the data despite the (comparatively) + ln BpA Ak . (2)
simple representation of household labor supply. Fk
Finally, we estimate a model of the inter-temporal allocation Application of Roy’s Identity to Eq. (1) yields budget shares of the
of full consumption. We partition the sample of households into form:
17 cohorts based on the birth year of the head of the household.
There are 27 time series observations from 1980 through 2006 for wk = αp + Bpp ln + BpA Ak + γp [ln Gk ]2 (3)
all but the oldest and youngest cohorts and we use these data to D(ρk ) Fk
estimate the remaining unknown parameters of the Euler equation where D(ρk ) = −1 + i0 Bpp ln ρk .
using methods that exploit the longitudinal features of the data. With demand functions of this form, aggregate budget shares,
denoted by the vector w, can be represented explicitly as functions
2. Modeling consumption behavior of prices and summary statistics of the joint distribution of full
expenditure and household attributes:
We assume that household consumption and labor supply are Fk wk  P
allocated in accord with two stage budgeting. In the first stage, k 1 Fk ln Fk
w = = αp + Bpp ln ρ − i Bpp P
full expenditure is allocated over time so as to maximize a lifetime Fk Fk
utility function subject to a full wealth constraint. Conditional on k

Fk (ln Gk ) 2
P P 
the chosen level of full expenditure in each period, households Fk Ak
allocate expenditures across consumption goods and leisure so as + BpA + γp P .
Fk Fk
to maximize a within-period utility function.
To describe the second stage model in more detail, assume that
households consume n consumption goods in addition to leisure. 2.1. The inter-temporal allocation of consumption
The within-period demand model for household k can be described
using the following notation: In the first stage of the household model, full expenditure Fkt is
xk = (x1k , x2k , . . . , xnk , Rk ) are the quantities of goods and allocated across time periods so as to maximize lifetime utility Uk
leisure. for household k:
ρk = (pk , pLk ) are prices and wages faced by household k. These (
(1−σ )
−(t −1) Vkt
prices vary across geographic regions and over time. max Uk = Et (1 + δ) (4)
wik = pik xik /Fk is the expenditure share of good i for household Fkt
t =1
(1 − σ )
subject to:
wk = (w1k , w2k , . . . , wnk , wRk ) is the vector of expenditure
shares for household k.
(1 + rt )−(t −1) Fkt ≤ Wk
Ak is a vector
P of demographic characteristics of household k.
t =1
Fk = pik xik + pLk Rk is the full expenditure of household
k where pLk is the wage rate and Rk is the quantity of leisure where rt is the nominal interest rate, σ is an inter-temporal
consumed. curvature parameter, and δ is the subjective rate of time
In order to obtain a closed-form representation of aggregate preference. We expect δ to be between zero and one and the
demand and labor supply, we use a model of demand that within-period utility function is logarithmic if σ is equal to one.
is consistent with exact aggregation as originally defined by The first order conditions for this optimization yield Euler
Gorman (1981). Specifically, we focus on models for which the equations of the form:
aggregate demands are the sums of micro-level demand functions ∂ Vkt ∂ Vk,t +1 (1 + rt +1 )
rather than the typical assumption that they are generated by (Vkt )−σ = Et (Vk,t +1 )−σ .
∂ Fkt ∂ Fk,t +1 (1 + δ)
a representative consumer. Exact aggregation is possible if the
demand function for good i by household k is of the form: (5)

xik = bij (ρ)ψj (Fk ).
1 See Blundell and Stoker (2005) for further discussion.
j =1
328 D.W. Jorgenson, D.T. Slesnick / Journal of Econometrics 147 (2008) 326–335

If the random variable ηkt embodies expectational errors for sources. While the BLS provides time series of price indexes for
household k at time t, Eq. (5) becomes: different cities and regions, they do not publish information on
price levels. Kokoski et al. (1994) (KCM) use the 1988 and 1989
∂ Vkt
(Vkt )−σ CPI database to estimate the prices of goods and services in 44
∂ Fkt urban areas. We use their estimates of prices for rental housing,
∂ Vk,t +1 (1 + rt +1 ) owner occupied housing, food at home, food away from home,
= (Vk,t +1 )−σ ηk,t +1 . (6) alcohol and tobacco, household fuels (electricity and piped natural
∂ Fk,t +1 (1 + δ)
gas), gasoline and motor oil, household furnishings, apparel, new
We can simplify this equation by noting that, for the rank three vehicles, professional medical services, and entertainment.4 Given
specification of the indirect utility function given in Eq. (1), we price levels for 1988 and 1989, prices both before and after this
obtain: period are extrapolated using price indexes published by the BLS.
∂ Vkt Vkt Most of these indexes cover the period from December 1977 to the
= (−D(ρkt ))[1 − (γp0 ln ρkt )∗ Gkt ]−2 . present at either monthly or bimonthly frequencies depending on
∂ Fkt Fkt
the year and the commodity group.5
The last term in the square bracket is approximately equal to one These prices are linked to the expenditure data in the CEX.
in the data, so that taking logs of both sides of Eq. (6) yields: Although KCM provide estimates of prices for 44 urban areas across
∆ ln Fk,t +1 = (1 − σ )∆ ln Vk,t +1 the US, the publicly available CEX data do not report households’
cities of residence in an effort to preserve the confidentiality of
+ ∆ ln(−D(ρk,t +1 )) + ln(1 + rt +1 ) − ln(1 + δ) + ln ηkt . (7)
survey participants. This necessitates aggregation across urban
Eq. (7) serves as the estimating equation for σ and the subjective areas to obtain prices for the four major Census regions: the
rate of time preference δ . Northeast, Midwest, South and West. Because the BLS does not
collect nonurban price information, rural households are assumed
3. Data issues to face the prices of Class D-sized urban areas.6

3.1. The CEX sample 3.3. Measuring wages in efficiency units

In the United States, the only comprehensive sources of The primitive observational unit in the CEX is a ‘‘consumer
information on expenditure and labor supply are the CEX unit’’, and expenditures are aggregated over all members. We
published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These surveys choose to model labor supply at the same level of aggregation
are representative national samples that are conducted for the by assuming that male and female leisure are perfect substitutes
purpose of computing the weights in the CPI. The surveys were when measured in quality-adjusted units. The price of leisure (per
administered approximately every ten years until 1980 when they efficiency unit) is estimated using a wage equation defined over
were given every year. Detailed information on labor supply is ‘‘full time’’ workers, i.e. those who work more than forty weeks
provided only after 1980 and, as a result, we use the sample per year and at least thirty hours per week. The wage equation for
that covers the period from 1980 through 2006. Expenditures are worker i is given by:
recorded on a quarterly basis and our sample sizes range from X X
between 4000 and 8000 households per quarter. To avoid issues ln PLi = βjz zji + βjs (Si∗ zji )
related to the seasonality of expenditures, we use only the set of j j

households that were interviewed in the second quarter of each

βjnw (NWi∗ zji ) +
+ βlg gli + εit (8)
j l
In order to obtain a comprehensive measure of consumption,
we modify the total expenditure variable reported in the surveys where
by deleting gifts and cash contributions as well as pensions, pLi — the wage of worker i.
retirement contributions, and Social Security payments. Outlays zi — a vector of demographic characteristics that includes
on owner occupied housing such as mortgage interest payments, the age, age squared, years of education, and years of education
insurance, and the like are replaced with households’ estimates squared of worker i.
of the rental equivalents of their homes. Durable purchases are Si — a dummy variable indicating whether the worker is female.
replaced with estimates of the services received from the stocks of NWi — a dummy variable indicating whether the worker is
goods held by households.3 After these adjustments, our estimate nonwhite.
of total expenditure is the sum of spending on nondurables gi — a vector of region-year dummy variables.
and services (a frequently used measure of consumption) plus The wage equation is estimated using the CEX from 1980
the service flows from consumer durables and owner-occupied through 2006 using the usual sample selection correction, and the
housing. quality-adjusted wage for a worker in region-year s is given by
psL = exp(β̂s ). The parameter estimates (excluding the region-year
3.2. Measuring price levels in the US effects) are presented in Appendix Table A.1.
In Fig. 1a we present our estimates of quality-adjusted hourly
The CEX records the expenditures on hundreds of items, but wages in the urban Northeast, Midwest, South, West as well
provides no information on the prices paid which makes it
necessary to link the surveys with price data from alternative
4 In 1988 and 1989 these items constituted approximately 75% of all
2 Surveys are designed to be representative only at a quarterly frequency. We use 5 A detailed description of this procedure can be found in Slesnick (2002).
the second quarter to avoid seasonality of spending associated with the summer 6 These areas correspond to nonmetropolitan urban areas and are cities with
months and holiday spending at the end of the calendar year. less than 50,000 persons. Examples of cities of this size include Yuma, Arizona in
3 The methods used to compute the rental equivalent of owner occupied housing the West, Fort Dodge, Iowa in the Midwest, Augusta, Maine in the Northeast and
and the service flows from consumer durables are described in Slesnick (2001). Cleveland, Tennessee in the South.
D.W. Jorgenson, D.T. Slesnick / Journal of Econometrics 147 (2008) 326–335 329

Fig. 1a. Regional wages (current dollars).

Fig. 2a. Log consumption per capita (constant dollars).

Fig. 1b. Regional real wages (NE 1989 dollars).

Fig. 2b. Quality-adjusted leisure per adult.
as rural areas from 1980 through 2006. The reference worker,
whose quality is normalized to one, is a white male, age 40, with For nonworkers, we impute a nominal wage for individual m in
13 years of education. The levels and trends of the wages are household k, p̂mLkt , using the fitted values of a wage equation similar
generally consistent with expectations; the highest wages are in to Eq. (8). The estimated quality adjustment for nonworkers is:
the Northeast and the West and the lowest are in rural areas.
Nominal wages increase over time with the highest growth rate p̂m
kt =
occurring in the Northeast and the lowest is in rural areas. Perhaps pLt
more surprising is the finding that real wages, shown in Fig. 1b,
have decreased over the sample period and exhibit substantially and the individual’s leisure consumption is calculated as Rm kt =
less variation across regions. This suggests that more accurate kt ∗(14). Given estimates of leisure for each adult in the household,
adjustments for differences in the cost of living across geographic full expenditure for household k is computed as:
regions reduce the between-region wage dispersion to a large
Fkt = pLt Rkt + pik xik

3.4. Measuring quality-adjusted household leisure where Rkt = m Rkt is total household leisure computed as the
sum over all adult members.
For workers, estimates of the quantity of leisure consumed are In Fig. 2a we present tabulations of per capita full consumption
easily obtained. The earnings of individual m in household k at time (goods and household leisure) as well as per capita consumption
t are: (goods only). For both series, expenditures are deflated by price
and wage indexes that vary over time and across regions. Over
kt Hkt ,
Ekt = pLt qm m
the period from 1980 through 2006, per capita consumption grew
where pLt is the wage at time t per efficiency unit, qm
kt is the quality
at an average annual rate of 1.1% per year compared to 1.0% per
m year for per capita full consumption. Fig. 2b shows the average
index of the worker, and Hkt is the observed hours of work. With
observations on wages and the hours worked, the quality index for level of quality-adjusted leisure consumed per adult. The average
worker m is: annual hours increased by approximately 18% over the 26 years
Ekt from 2656 in 1980 to 3177 in 2006. Fig. 2c shows that the inclusion
kt = m
. of household leisure has the effect of lowering the dispersion
pLt Hkt
in consumption in each year. The variance of log per capita full
If the daily time endowment is 14 h, the household’s time consumption is approximately 25% lower than the variance of log
kt ∗ (14) and
endowment measured in efficiency units is Tktm = qm per capita consumption. The trends of the two series, however, are
leisure consumption is Rm
kt = qm
kt ( 14 − H m
kt ). similar.
330 D.W. Jorgenson, D.T. Slesnick / Journal of Econometrics 147 (2008) 326–335

Table 1
Sample summary statistics (Sample size: 154,180).
Variable Mean Standard error Minimum Maximum

Share NON 0.101 0.052 0.0009 0.695

Share CAP 0.133 0.076 0.0001 0.895
Share CS 0.072 0.054 0.00004 0.787
Share LEIS 0.694 0.123 0.0001 0.991
Log PNON 0.116 0.212 −0.510 0.877
Log PCAP −0.090 0.280 −1.101 0.526
Log PCS 0.144 0.333 −0.828 0.702
Log wage −0.304 0.234 −0.933 0.137
Log full exp. 11.547 0.605 8.241 15.281
No. children 0.717 1.121 0.000 12.000
No. adults 1.887 0.841 1.000 13.000
White dummy 0.844 0.363 0.000 1.000
Nonwhite dummy 0.156 0.363 0.000 1.000
Male dummy 0.715 0.451 0.000 1.000
Female dummy 0.285 0.451 0.000 1.000
Urban dummy 0.905 0.293 0.000 1.000
Rural dummy 0.095 0.293 0.000 1.000
NE dummy 0.198 0.398 0.000 1.000
MW dummy 0.249 0.433 0.000 1.000
South dummy 0.311 0.463 0.000 1.000
West dummy 0.242 0.428 0.000 1.000

substantial variation in the sample as does the price of consumer

services. The average number of adults is 1.9 and the average
number of children is 0.7. Female headed households account for
over 28% of the sample and almost 16% of all households have
nonwhite heads.
We model the within-period allocation of expenditures across
the four commodity groups using the rank-extended translog
model defined in Eq. (3). We assume that the disturbances of the
demand equations are additive so that the system of estimating
equations is:
wk = αp + Bpp ln + BpA Ak + γp [ln Gk ]2 + εk
D(ρk ) Fk
where the vector εk is assumed to be mean zero with
variance–covariance matrix Σ . We compare these results to those
obtained using the rank two translog demand system originally de-
Fig. 2c. Variance of log per capita consumption.
veloped by Jorgenson et al. (1997):
4. Aggregate demands for goods and leisure 1
wk = αp + Bpp ln + BpA Ak + µk .
D(ρk ) Fk
We estimate the parameters of the second stage model using a
demand system defined over four commodity groups: Note that the two specifications coincide if the elements of the
Nondurables—Energy, food, clothing and other consumer goods. vector γp are equal to zero.
Consumer Services—Medical care, transportation, entertainment Both the rank two and rank three demand systems are
and the like. estimated using nonlinear full information maximum likelihood
Capital Services—services from rental housing, owner occupied with leisure as the omitted equation of the singular system. The
housing, and consumer durables. parameter estimates of both models are presented in Appendix
Household Leisure—the sum of quality-adjusted leisure over all Tables A.2 and A.3. The level of precision of the two sets of
of the adult members of the household. estimates is high as would be expected given the large number
The demographic characteristics that are used to control for of observations. Less expected is the fact that the rank two
heterogeneity in household behavior include: and rank three estimates are similar for all variables other than
Number of adults: A quadratic in the number of individuals in full expenditure. Note, however, that the parameters γp are
the household who are age 18 or older. statistically significant and any formal test would strongly reject
Number of children: A quadratic in the number of individuals in the rank two model in favor of the rank three specification (i.e. the
the household who are under the age of 18. likelihood ratio test statistic is over 998).
Gender of the household head: Male, female. In Table 2 we compute price and income elasticities for the
Race of the household head: White, nonwhite. three consumption goods and leisure. In all cases the elasticities
Region of residence: Northeast, Midwest, South and West. are calculated for a particular type of household: two adults
Type of residence: Urban, rural. and two children, living in the urban Northeast, with a male,
In Table 1 we present summary statistics of the variables used white head of the household with $100,000 of full expenditure in
in the estimation of the demand system. On average, household 1989. Both nondurables and consumer services are price inelastic
leisure comprises almost 70% of full expenditure although the while capital services have elasticities exceeding unity. The own
dispersion is greater than for the other commodity groups. As compensated price elasticities are negative for all goods and the
expected, the price of capital (which includes housing) shows differences between the rank two and rank three models are small.
D.W. Jorgenson, D.T. Slesnick / Journal of Econometrics 147 (2008) 326–335 331

Table 2
Price and income elasticities (Reference household: Two adults, Two children, NE Urban, Male, White, Full expenditure = 100 K).
Good Uncompensated price elasticity Compensated price elasticity Full expenditure elasticity
Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 2 Rank 3

Nondurables −0.918 −0.903 −0.822 −0.809 0.722 0.724

Capital services −1.428 −1.432 −1.314 −1.319 0.926 0.930
Consumer services −0.613 −0.614 −0.548 −0.548 1.088 1.096
Leisure 0.012 0.014 −0.323 −0.314 1.059 1.056
Labor supply −0.026 −0.030 0.698 0.698 −2.289 −2.342

The uncompensated wage elasticity of household labor supply is

Table 3
negative but close to zero while the expenditure elasticity is quite Full expenditure and household budget shares (Reference household: Two adults,
high. The compensated wage elasticity is around 0.70 and, as with Two children, NE Urban, Male, White).
the consumption goods, the differences between the two types of Expenditure level Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 2 Rank 3
demand systems are small.7
Nondurables share Capital services share
If the rank two and rank three models are to differ, they most
7 500 0.227 0.268 0.147 0.183
likely differ in terms of their predicted effects of full expenditure on 25 000 0.183 0.192 0.136 0.145
demand patterns. To assess this possibility, we present the fitted 75 000 0.143 0.140 0.126 0.125
shares from both systems at different levels of full expenditure 150 000 0.117 0.116 0.120 0.119
275 000 0.095 0.100 0.114 0.119
for the reference household in Table 3. The predicted shares
350 000 0.086 0.095 0.112 0.120
for both models are similar for levels of full expenditure in the
Consumer services share Leisure share
range between $25,000 and $150,000. They diverge quite sharply,
however, in both the upper and lower tails of the expenditure 7 500 0.047 0.073 0.579 0.476
25 000 0.053 0.060 0.627 0.603
distribution. For example, when full expenditure is $7500, the
75 000 0.059 0.058 0.672 0.677
share of nondurables in the rank two model is 0.227 compared with 150 000 0.063 0.062 0.700 0.702
0.268 for the rank three model. At high levels of full expenditure 275 000 0.066 0.070 0.725 0.711
($350,000) the fitted share of household leisure is 0.734 in the rank 350 000 0.067 0.073 0.734 0.711

two model and 0.711 in the rank three model.

4.1. Aggregate demands

7 In the calculations of the wage elasticities, unearned income is assumed to be Both the rank two and rank three demand systems are
zero the value of the time endowment is equal to full expenditure. consistent with exact aggregation and provide closed form

Table 4
Aggregate budget shares.
Year Sample shares Fitted shares R-squared Aggregation factors
Price Expenditure Demographics

1980–1981 0.1145 0.1074 0.1273 0.3985 −0.3009 0.0098
1985–1986 0.0993 0.1003 0.1609 0.4009 −0.3090 0.0084
1990–1991 0.0967 0.0990 0.1793 0.4051 −0.3141 0.0080
1995–1996 0.0898 0.0892 0.2198 0.3996 −0.3181 0.0077
2000–2001 0.0846 0.0852 0.1910 0.4011 −0.3235 0.0076
2005–2006 0.0864 0.0845 0.1806 0.4055 −0.3279 0.0068
Capital services
1980–1981 0.0956 0.1162 0.0296 0.2100 −0.0141 −0.0797
1985–1986 0.1134 0.1178 0.1003 0.2103 −0.0143 −0.0782
1990–1991 0.1186 0.1213 0.1292 0.2132 −0.0145 −0.0774
1995–1996 0.1222 0.1240 0.1161 0.2161 −0.0150 −0.0771
2000–2001 0.1306 0.1272 0.1226 0.2193 −0.0154 −0.0766
2005–2006 0.1403 0.1344 0.1134 0.2255 −0.0155 −0.0756
Consumer services
1980–1981 0.0566 0.0561 0.0018 −0.0439 0.1202 −0.0202
1985–1986 0.0626 0.0668 0.0111 −0.0370 0.1236 −0.0199
1990–1991 0.0706 0.0678 0.0317 −0.0379 0.1258 −0.0201
1995–1996 0.0734 0.0750 0.0318 −0.0326 0.1270 −0.0193
2000–2001 0.0724 0.0747 0.0420 −0.0350 0.1289 −0.0192
2005–2006 0.0748 0.0678 0.0245 −0.0434 0.1308 −0.0195
1980–1981 0.7333 0.7203 0.1506 0.4354 0.1948 0.0902
1985–1986 0.7247 0.7151 0.1532 0.4257 0.1997 0.0897
1990–1991 0.7141 0.7119 0.1804 0.4197 0.2028 0.0895
1995–1996 0.7146 0.7117 0.1791 0.4170 0.2060 0.0887
2000–2001 0.7124 0.7129 0.1758 0.4147 0.2100 0.0882
2005–2006 0.6985 0.7133 0.1458 0.4124 0.2126 0.0883
332 D.W. Jorgenson, D.T. Slesnick / Journal of Econometrics 147 (2008) 326–335

Table 5
Group budget shares of leisure (Male household head with 2 or more adults).
Year At least 1 child No children
Sample share Fitted share R-Squared Sample share Fitted share R-Squared

1980–1981 0.7347 0.7236 0.1144 0.7522 0.7412 0.0277

1985–1986 0.7221 0.7167 0.0774 0.7467 0.7391 0.0171
1990–1991 0.7171 0.7136 0.0730 0.7342 0.7366 0.0811
1995–1996 0.7161 0.7138 0.0799 0.7364 0.7343 0.0612
2000–2001 0.7115 0.7158 0.0633 0.7405 0.7358 0.0528
2005–2006 0.7029 0.7161 0.0421 0.7200 0.7360 0.0349

Table 6
Synthetic cohorts.
Cohort Cohort birth year Average no. observ. Range of no. observ. Years covered

1 1900–1904 108 52–169 1980–1989

2 1905–1909 158 78–229 1980–1994
3 1910–1914 195 92–305 1980–2000
4 1915–1919 261 176–347 1980–2000
5 1920–1924 284 53–415 1980–2005
6 1925–1929 337 234–417 1980–2006
7 1930–1934 337 272–469 1980–2006
8 1935–1939 354 289–446 1980–2006
9 1940–1944 437 341–554 1980–2006
10 1945–1949 546 432–705 1980–2006
11 1950–1954 622 457–817 1980–2006
12 1955–1959 650 382–910 1980–2006
13 1960–1964 580 120–870 1980–2006
14 1965–1969 484 103–768 1985–2006
15 1970–1974 464 83–742 1990–2006
16 1975–1979 397 71–594 1995–2006
17 1980–1984 331 45–473 2000–2006

and Yt and Dt are defined similarly for the full expenditure and
demographic components of the aggregate demand system:

Fkt D(ρkt )−1 (γp (ln Gkt )2 − i0 Bpp ln Fkt )

Yt = P

Fkt D(ρkt )−1 (BpA Akt )

Dt = P .

How well do the fitted demands reflect aggregate expenditure

patterns and their movements over time? In Table 4 we compare
the fitted aggregate shares for the rank three system with sample
averages tabulated for each of the four commodity groups. The
rank three demand system provides an accurate representation
Fig. 3a. Age profile of per capita full consumption. of both the levels and movements of the aggregate budget
shares over time. With few exceptions, the fitted shares track
the sample averages closely in terms of both the absolute and
representations of aggregate demands for the four goods: relative differences. Table 4 also reports the R-squared statistic to
P assess the normalized within-sample performance of the predicted
Fk wk household-level budget shares. At this level of disaggregation, the
w =
P nondurables and leisure demand equations fit better than the other
Fk two commodity groups in most years.
The aggregation factors show that essentially all of the
= Pt + Yt + Dt movement in the aggregate shares was the result of changes in
prices and full expenditure; the demographic factors showed very
where Pt , Yt , and Dt are summary statistics similar to the little movement over time for any of the four commodity groups.
aggregation factors described by Blundell et al. (1993). Specifically, This is especially true of leisure where the effects of prices and
the price factor is the full expenditure weighted average of the full expenditure on the aggregate shares changed significantly (in
opposite directions) while the influence of demographic variables
price terms in the share equations in each time period:
showed little temporal variation.
As a final assessment of our within-period demand model, we
Fkt D(ρkt )−1 (αp + Bpp ln ρkt )
examine the statistical fit of the leisure demand equations for
Pt = P , subgroups of the population for whom our model might perform
poorly. Recall that in order to develop a model of aggregate labor
D.W. Jorgenson, D.T. Slesnick / Journal of Econometrics 147 (2008) 326–335 333

Fig. 3b. Age profile of per capita consumption. Fig. 4. Age profile of ln Vk .

∆ ln Fc ,t +1 = ln Fk,t +1 − ln Fk,t
kε c kε c
∆ ln Vc ,t +1 = ln Vk,t +1 − ln Vk,t
kε c kε c
∆ ln(−D(ρc ,t +1 )) = ln(−D(ρk,t +1 )) − ln(−D(ρk,t ))
kε c kε c

where the summations are over all households in cohort c at time t.

To create the cohorts, we partition the sample of households in
the CEX into birth cohorts defined over five year age bands on the
basis of the age of the head of the household. In 1982 and 1983 the
BLS did not include rural households in the survey and, to maintain
continuity in our sample, we use data from 1984 through 2006. The
characteristics of the resulting panel are described in Table 6. The
oldest cohort was born between 1900 and 1904 and the youngest
Fig. 3c. Age profile of per capita leisure.
cohort was born between 1980 and 1984. The cell sizes for most of
the cohorts were typically several hundred households, although
supply, we have made the simplifying assumption that quality- the range is substantial.
adjusted male and female leisure are perfect substitutes within the The age profiles of full consumption per capita, consumption
household. If this turns out to be overly strong, we might expect per capita, and household leisure per capita are presented in
the demand system to predict less well for groups for which this Figs. 3a–3c for the cohorts in the sample. Not surprisingly, the
assumption is likely to be counterfactual. profile of per capita full consumption is largely determined by
In Table 5 we compare the aggregate leisure demands of the age profile of household leisure. Per capita full expenditure
households with at least two adults. It seems reasonable to expect remains relatively constant until age 35, increases until age 60
that the presence of children almost certainly complicates the and then decreases. Fig. 4 shows the age profile of the average
labor supply decisions of adults and, given that we do not explicitly within period utility levels (ln Vk ) which plays a critical role in the
model this interaction, our model might not fit the data well for estimation of Eq. (9).
this subgroup as for others. Instead, we find that for both types of The statistical properties of the disturbances νct in Eq. (9) that
are used with synthetic panels are described in detail by Attanasio
households, the fitted aggregate demands for leisure are quite close
and Weber (1995). They note that the error term is the sum
to the sample averages for the subgroups. Moreover, the R-squared
of expectational error as well as measurement error associated
computed for households with children is actually higher than that
with the use of averages tabulated for each cohort. We present
computed for those without.
estimates of δ and σ using ordinary least squares, least squares
weighted by the cell sizes of each cohort in each year, and a random
5. Inter-temporal allocation of full consumption effects estimator that exploits the panel features of our synthetic
cohort data. The first panel in Table 7 shows that estimates of
δ are consistently around 0.015 while the estimates of σ are
In this section we describe the inter-temporal allocation of full
approximately 0.1.
consumption. Eq. (7) serves as the basis for the estimation of the
We re-estimate Eq. (9) using a variety of instruments to
curvature parameter σ and the subjective rate of time preference account for expectational and measurement error associated with
δ . However, because we do not have longitudinal data on full synthetic cohorts. The results shown in the second panel of Table 7
consumption, we create synthetic panels from the CEX as described are based on different sets of instruments. The first estimator, (IV1),
by Blundell et al. (1994) and Attanasio and Weber (1995). The uses a constant, the average age of the cohort, a time trend, and
estimating equation for this stage of the consumer model is: the two period lagged average marginal tax rate on earnings as
instruments. The second estimator (IV2) uses, in addition, the two
∆ ln Fc ,t +1 = (1 − σ )∆ ln Vc ,t +1 + ∆ ln(−D(ρc ,t +1 )) period lags of wages, interest rates, and prices of capital services
+ ln(1 + rt +1 ) − ln(1 + δ) + νct (9) and consumer services. The third estimator (IV3) also includes
334 D.W. Jorgenson, D.T. Slesnick / Journal of Econometrics 147 (2008) 326–335

Table 7
Parameter estimates — intertemporal model.
Least squares estimates
OLS Weighted OLS Random effects
Variable Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE

δ 0.01471 0.0011 0.01185 0.0011 0.01460 0.0016

σ 0.08226 0.0194 0.11280 0.0218 0.10183 0.0202
Instrumental variables estimators
Variable Estimate SE Estimate SE Estimate SE
δ 0.01253 0.0012 0.01251 0.0012 0.01249 0.0011
σ 0.03414 0.0357 0.05521 0.0350 0.08150 0.0337

Table A.1 Table A.3

Parameter estimates of wage equation. Parameter estimates– rank 3 model (A0 = −12.1089, SE = 1.2657).

Variable Estimate SE Variable Estimate SE Estimate SE

CONST 0.04507 0.0783 Nondurables Capital services

AGE 0.06014 0.0024
CONST −0.42468 0.2143 −0.20158 0.1835
AGESQ −0.00056 0.00003
PNON −0.01508 0.0039 −0.02232 0.0043
EDUC 0.03609 0.0058
PCAP −0.02232 0.0043 0.05330 0.0039
EDUCSQ 0.00118 0.0002
PSERV 0.05108 0.0018 −0.04132 0.0034
FEM ∗ AGE −0.02322 0.0028
WAGE −0.04136 0.0086 0.00886 0.0053
FEM ∗ AGESQ 0.00022 0.00003
FULLC 0.02768 0.0177 0.00148 0.0151
FEM ∗ EDUC −0.00808 0.0082
FULLCSQ −0.00678 0.0002 −0.00590 0.0003
FEM ∗ EDUCSQ 0.00075 0.0003
CHILD −0.01474 0.0004 −0.00257 0.0004
NW ∗ AGE −0.01340 0.0035
CHILDSQ 0.00150 0.0001 0.00065 0.0001
NW ∗ AGESQ 0.00014 0.00004
ADULT 0.00112 0.0007 0.04090 0.0011
NW ∗ EDUC −0.02971 0.0088
ADULTSQ 0.00003 0.0001 −0.00360 0.0001
NW ∗ EDUCSQ 0.00127 0.0003
REGMW −0.00400 0.0004 0.00851 0.0007
MAR 0.09257 0.0044
REGS −0.00816 0.0005 0.01151 0.0007
NW 0.38577 0.0882
REGW 0.00054 0.0004 −0.00747 0.0006
FEM 0.30830 0.0772
NONWHITE 0.01079 0.0005 0.01306 0.0006
INVMILLS −0.21600 0.0204
FEMALE 0.00848 0.0003 0.00312 0.0004
RURAL −0.01274 0.0005 0.03112 0.0008
Table A.2 Consumer services Leisure
Parameter Estimates– rank 2 Model.
CONST 0.03746 0.1305 0.41120 0.5281
Variable Estimate SE Estimate SE PNON 0.05108 0.0018 −0.04136 0.0086
Nondurables Capital services PCAP −0.04132 0.0034 0.00886 0.0053
PSERV −0.02203 0.0022 0.02310 0.0046
CONST −0.53660 0.0027 −0.29696 0.0041 WAGE 0.02310 0.0046 0.02773 0.0608
PNON −0.01576 0.0014 −0.02430 0.0013 FULLC −0.01082 0.0107 −0.01833 0.0435
PCAP −0.02430 0.0013 0.05172 0.0022 FULLCSQ −0.00428 0.0002 0.01696 0.0005
PSERV 0.05024 0.0009 −0.04291 0.0012 CHILD −0.00080 0.0003 0.01811 0.0008
WAGE −0.04689 0.0019 0.00632 0.0026 CHILDSQ 0.00052 0.0001 −0.00267 0.0002
FULLC 0.03670 0.0002 0.00916 0.0004 ADULT 0.01649 0.0008 −0.05851 0.0020
CHILD −0.01482 0.0002 −0.00256 0.0004 ADULTSQ −0.00106 0.0001 0.00462 0.0002
CHILDSQ 0.00152 0.0001 0.00066 0.0001 REGMW −0.01275 0.0005 0.00824 0.0011
ADULT 0.00360 0.0006 0.04338 0.0007 REGS −0.01847 0.0006 0.01512 0.0012
ADULTSQ −0.00048 0.0001 −0.00407 0.0001 REGW −0.00215 0.0004 0.00907 0.0009
REGMW −0.00390 0.0004 0.00865 0.0007 NONWHITE 0.01113 0.0005 −0.03497 0.0013
REGS −0.00824 0.0004 0.01163 0.0007 FEMALE −0.00748 0.0003 −0.00412 0.0007
REGW 0.00057 0.0004 −0.00753 0.0005 RURAL −0.01150 0.0005 −0.00687 0.0011
NONWHITE 0.01115 0.0003 0.01341 0.0005
FEMALE 0.00823 0.0003 0.00285 0.0004
RURAL −0.01264 0.0004 0.03158 0.0008 the third period lags. Regardless of the instrument set, the point
Consumer services Leisure estimates of the subjective rate of time preference remains around
CONST −0.03032 0.0030 −0.13615 0.0063 0.0125 while the estimates of σ are in the range between 0.0341
PNON 0.05024 0.0009 −0.04689 0.0019 and 0.0815.
PCAP −0.04291 0.0012 0.00632 0.0026
PSERV −0.02309 0.0013 0.02110 0.0018
6. Summary and conclusion
WAGE 0.02110 0.0018 0.05999 0.0045
FULLC −0.00535 0.0003 −0.04052 0.0006
CHILD −0.00077 0.0003 0.01815 0.0006 In this paper we have integrated twenty-seven years of
CHILDSQ 0.00053 0.0001 −0.00271 0.0002 repeated cross sections with information on the levels of prices and
ADULT 0.01814 0.0007 −0.06511 0.0011 wages that vary across regions and over time. The resulting data set
ADULTSQ −0.00139 0.0001 0.00594 0.0002
REGMW −0.01280 0.0005 0.00805 0.0010
is comprised of over 150,000 households and allows us to model
REGS −0.01857 0.0005 0.01519 0.0010 the joint determination of the allocation of full expenditure across
REGW −0.00216 0.0004 0.00913 0.0009 goods and leisure. The large sample sizes and lengthy time series
NONWHITE 0.01139 0.0004 −0.03594 0.0008 enable us to create synthetic cohorts that facilitate the estimation
FEMALE −0.00776 0.0003 −0.00333 0.0007
of the allocation of full wealth, including the assets and time
RURAL −0.01141 0.0005 −0.00752 0.0011
endowment of each household, over time.
D.W. Jorgenson, D.T. Slesnick / Journal of Econometrics 147 (2008) 326–335 335

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