Curriculum For Eshanvi Grade 2 Maths

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o AC9E2LA02 Explore how language can be used for appreciating texts and
providing reasons for preferences

 Find the words with related meanings (2-GG.1)

 Describe the difference between related words (2-GG.2)
 Order related words based on meaning (2-GG.3)

 Text structure and organization

o AC9E2LA03 Identify how texts across the curriculum are organized differently
and use language features depending on purposes

 Compare and contrast in informational passages (2-S.1)

o AC9E2LA04 Understand how texts are made cohesive by using personal and
possessive pronouns and by omitting words that can be inferred

 Identify personal pronouns (2-MM.1)

 Identify possessive pronouns (2-MM.7)

o AC9E2LA05 Navigate print and screen texts using chapters, tables of contents,
indexes, side-bar menus, drop-down menus or links

 Language for expressing and developing ideas

o AC9E2LA06 Understand that connections can be made between ideas by using a

compound sentence with 2 or more independent clauses usually linked by a
coordinating conjunction

 Use conjunctions (2-W.1)
 Identify the subject of a sentence (2-KK.2)
 Identify the predicate of a sentence (2-KK.3)

o AC9E2LA07 Understand that in sentences nouns may be extended into noun

groups using articles and adjectives, and verbs may be expressed as verb

 Select the nouns (2-LL.1)

 Which word is a noun? (2-LL.2)
 Identify nouns (2-LL.3)
 Identify action verbs (2-NN.2)
 Identify helping verbs (2-NN.3)
 Identify articles (2-QQ.2)
 Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many? (2-RR.2)
 Identify the adjective that describes the noun (2-RR.3)
 Identify adjectives (2-RR.4)
 Identify comparative and superlative adjectives (2-RR.5)

o AC9E2LA08 Understand that images add to or multiply the meanings of a text

o AC9E2LA09 Experiment with and begin to make conscious choices of vocabulary

to suit the topic

 Identify time-order words (2-W.3)

 Use time-order words (2-W.4)
 Sort words into categories (2-CC.1)
 Which word is not like the others? (2-CC.2)
 Choose the synonym (2-DD.1)
 Find synonyms in context (2-DD.2)
 Choose the antonym (2-DD.3)
 Which sentence uses an antonym? (2-DD.4)
 Find antonyms in context (2-DD.5)
 Which sentence has the same meaning? (2-DD.6)
 Homophones with pictures (2-EE.1)
 Identify homophones (2-EE.2)
 Use the correct homophone (2-EE.3)
 Multiple-meaning words with pictures (2-FF.1)
 Find the words with related meanings (2-GG.1)
 Describe the difference between related words (2-GG.2)
 Order related words based on meaning (2-GG.3)
 Use context to identify the meaning of a word (2-II.1)

o AC9E2LA10 Recognise that capital letters are used in titles and commas are
used to separate items in lists

 Capitalising titles (2-UU.4)


 Literature and contexts

o AC9E2LE01 Discuss how characters and settings are connected in literature

created by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging Australian and world
authors and illustrators
 Engaging with and responding to literature

o AC9E2LE02 Identify features of literary texts, such as characters and settings,

and give reasons for personal preferences

 Use actions and dialogue to understand characters (2-P.1)

 Examining literature

o AC9E2LE03 Discuss the characters and settings of a range of texts and identify
how language is used to present these features in different ways

 Use actions and dialogue to understand characters (2-P.1)

 Analyse stories (2-P.2)
 Choose the sensory details that match the picture (2-Z.1)

o AC9E2LE04 Identify, reproduce and experiment with rhythmic sound and word
patterns in poems, chants, rhymes or songs

 Choose the picture that rhymes with the word (2-B.1)

 Which word does not rhyme? (2-B.2)
 Complete the rhyme (2-B.3)
 Complete the poem with a word that rhymes (2-B.4)
 Spell rhyming words to answer riddles (2-B.5)

 Creating literature

o AC9E2LE05 Create and edit literary texts by adapting structures and language
features of familiar literary texts through drawing, writing, performance and
digital tools

 Put the sentences in order (2-U.1)

 Use time-order words (2-W.4)
 Choose the sensory details that match the picture (2-Z.1)
 Add descriptive details to sentences (2-Z.2)
 Revise the sentence using a stronger verb (2-Z.3)


 Texts in context

o AC9E2LY01 Identify how similar topics and information are presented in

different types of texts

 Compare and contrast in informational passages (2-S.1)

 Read and understand informational passages (2-T.1)

 Interacting with others

o AC9E2LY02 Use interaction skills when engaging with topics, actively listening
to others, receiving instructions and extending own ideas, speaking
appropriately, expressing and responding to opinions, making statements, and
giving instructions

 Analysing, interpreting and evaluating

o AC9E2LY03 Identify the purpose and audience of imaginative, informative and

persuasive texts

 Choose the text that matches the writer's purpose (2-X.1)

o AC9E2LY04 Read texts with phrasing and fluency, using phonic and word
knowledge, and monitoring meaning by re-reading and self-correcting

 Complete the sentence with a three-letter consonant blend word (2-C.10)

 Choose the vowel digraph sentence that matches the picture (2-F.4)
 Choose the diphthong sentence that matches the picture (2-I.3)
 Complete the sentence with a two-syllable word (2-L.4)

o AC9E2LY05 Use comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting,

connecting, summarising, monitoring and questioning to build literal and
inferred meaning

 Order events in a story (2-O.1)

 Use actions and dialogue to understand characters (2-P.1)
 Analyse stories (2-P.2)
 Determine the themes of myths, fables and folktales (2-Q.1)
 Compare and contrast in informational passages (2-S.1)
 Read and understand informational passages (2-T.1)

 Creating texts

o AC9E2LY06 Create and edit short imaginative, informative and persuasive

written and/or multimodal texts for familiar audiences, using text structure
appropriate to purpose, simple and compound sentences, noun groups and verb
groups, topic-specific vocabulary, simple punctuation and common 2-syllable

 Put two syllables together to create a word: easier (2-L.1)

 Put two syllables together to create a word: harder (2-L.2)
 Complete the two-syllable words (2-L.3)
 Complete the sentence with a two-syllable word (2-L.4)
 Spell the consonant-l-e word (2-M.3)
 Match each effect to its cause (2-R.1)
 Match each cause to its effect (2-R.2)
 Put the sentences in order (2-U.1)
 Choose topic sentences for narrative paragraphs (2-V.1)
 Choose topic sentences for expository paragraphs (2-V.2)
 Use conjunctions (2-W.1)
 Use subordinating conjunctions (2-W.2)
 Use time-order words (2-W.4)
 Choose the text that matches the writer's purpose (2-X.1)
 Complete the fact and opinion sentences (2-Y.1)
 Complete the opinion passage with an example (2-Y.2)
 Complete the opinion passage with a reason (2-Y.3)
 Complete the opinion-reason-example table (2-Y.4)
 Choose the sensory details that match the picture (2-Z.1)
 Add descriptive details to sentences (2-Z.2)
 Revise the sentence using a stronger verb (2-Z.3)
 Choose the synonym (2-DD.1)
 Choose the antonym (2-DD.3)
 Which sentence uses an antonym? (2-DD.4)
 Which sentence has the same meaning? (2-DD.6)
 Find the words with related meanings (2-GG.1)
 Describe the difference between related words (2-GG.2)
 Order related words based on meaning (2-GG.3)
 Is it a complete sentence or a fragment? (2-KK.4)
 Is it a complete sentence or a run-on? (2-KK.5)
 Is it a complete sentence, a fragment or a run-on? (2-KK.6)
 Unscramble the words to make a complete sentence (2-KK.7)
 Choose between subject and object personal pronouns (2-MM.2)
 Replace the singular noun with a personal pronoun (2-MM.3)
 Replace the plural noun with a personal pronoun (2-MM.4)
 Choose the correct personal pronoun (2-MM.6)
 Use possessive pronouns (2-MM.8)
 Choose between personal and reflexive pronouns (2-MM.9)
 Use reflexive pronouns (2-MM.10)
 Use action verbs (2-NN.1)
 Use sense words (2-RR.1)
 Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many? (2-RR.2)
 Identify the adjective that describes the noun (2-RR.3)
 Identify adjectives (2-RR.4)
 Identify comparative and superlative adjectives (2-RR.5)

o AC9E2LY07 Create, rehearse and deliver short oral and/or multimodal

presentations for familiar audiences and purposes, using text structure
appropriate to purpose and topic-specific vocabulary, and varying tone, volume
and pace

o AC9E2LY08 Write words legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper-
case and lower-case letters

 Phonic and word knowledge

o AC9E2LY09 Manipulate more complex sounds in spoken words and use

knowledge of blending, segmenting, phoneme deletion and phoneme
substitution to read and write words

 Use spelling patterns to sort long and short vowel words (2-G.7)

 Is the syllable open or closed? (2-G.8)
 Which word has a different vowel sound? (2-J.2)

o AC9E2LY10 Use phoneme–grapheme (sound–letter/s) matches, including vowel

digraphs, less common long vowel patterns, consonant clusters and silent
letters when reading and writing words of one or more syllables, including
compound words

 How many syllables does the word have? (2-A.1)

 Sort by the number of syllables (2-A.2)
 Complete the word with the correct initial consonant blend (2-C.1)
 Complete the word with the correct final consonant blend (2-C.2)
 Spell the word with a consonant blend (2-C.3)
 Complete the word with the correct digraph: ch, sh, th (2-C.4)
 Complete the word with the correct digraph: ph, qu, wh (2-C.5)
 Spell the digraph word: ch, sh, th (2-C.6)
 Spell the digraph word: ph, qu, wh (2-C.7)
 Sort by initial consonant blend or digraph (2-C.8)
 Complete the word with a three-letter consonant blend (2-C.9)
 Complete the sentence with a three-letter consonant blend word (2-C.10)
 Complete the words with silent letters (2-C.11)
 Complete the word with the correct short vowel (2-D.1)
 Spell the short a word (2-D.2)
 Spell the short e word (2-D.3)
 Spell the short i word (2-D.4)
 Spell the short o word (2-D.5)
 Spell the short u word (2-D.6)
 Choose the silent e word that matches the picture (2-E.1)
 Complete the silent e words (2-E.2)
 Spell the silent e word (2-E.3)
 Choose the picture that matches the vowel digraph word (2-F.1)
 Complete the vowel digraph words (2-F.2)
 Complete the word with the correct vowel digraph (2-F.3)
 Choose the vowel digraph sentence that matches the picture (2-F.4)
 Sort short and long vowel words (2-G.1)
 Match the short a and long a words to pictures (2-G.2)
 Match the short e and long e words to pictures (2-G.3)
 Choose the short i or long i word that matches the picture (2-G.4)
 Choose the short o or long o word that matches the picture (2-G.5)
 Choose the short u or long u word that matches the picture (2-G.6)
 Use spelling patterns to sort long and short vowel words (2-G.7)
 Is the syllable open or closed? (2-G.8)
 Spell words with open and closed syllables (2-G.9)
 Complete the sentence with the correct -ild, -ind, -old, -olt or -ost word (2-G.10)
 Choose the words with a given long vowel (2-H.1)
 Spell the long a word: silent e, ai, ay (2-H.2)
 Spell the long e word: ee, ea (2-H.3)
 Spell the long i word: silent e, ie, y (2-H.4)
 Spell the long o word: silent e, oa, ow (2-H.5)
 Spell the long u word: silent e, ue, oo, ew (2-H.6)
 Choose the diphthong word that matches the picture (2-I.1)
 Complete the word with the correct diphthong: oi, oy, ou, ow (2-I.2)
 Choose the diphthong sentence that matches the picture (2-I.3)
 Complete words with variant vowels (2-J.1)
 Which word has a different vowel sound? (2-J.2)
 Sort soft and hard g words and soft and hard c words (2-K.1)
 Pick the soft g or soft c word that matches the picture (2-K.2)
 Choose the soft g or soft c sentence that matches the picture (2-K.3)
 Spell the soft g or soft c word (2-K.4)
 Put two syllables together to create a word: easier (2-L.1)
 Put two syllables together to create a word: harder (2-L.2)
 Complete the two-syllable words (2-L.3)
 Complete the sentence with a two-syllable word (2-L.4)
 Complete the consonant-l-e words (2-M.1)
 Choose the correct spelling of the consonant-l-e word (2-M.2)
 Spell the consonant-l-e word (2-M.3)
 Form compound words (2-BB.1)
 Form and use compound words (2-BB.2)

o AC9E2LY11 Use knowledge of spelling patterns and morphemes to read and

write words whose spelling is not completely predictable from their sounds,
including high frequency words
 Choose the sight word that you hear (2-N.1)
 Complete the sentence with the correct sight word (2-N.2)
 Spell the sight word (2-N.3)

o AC9E2LY12 Build morphemic word families using knowledge of prefixes and


 Complete the word with the ending that you hear (2-AA.1)

 Identify base words, prefixes and suffixes (2-AA.2)
 Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re- or mis- (2-AA.3)
 Use the prefixes pre-, re- and mis- (2-AA.4)
 Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less (2-AA.5)
 Prefixes and suffixes: review (2-AA.6)
 Form regular plurals with -s and -es (2-LL.6)
 Use regular plurals with -s and -es (2-LL.7)
 Which sentence is in the regular past tense? (2-PP.1)
 Identify verbs in the regular past tense (2-PP.2)
 Form and use the regular past tense (2-PP.3)
 Change the sentence to future tense (2-PP.4)
 To be: use the correct present tense form (2-PP.12)
 To be: use the correct past tense form (2-PP.13)
 To be: use the correct form (2-PP.14)
 To have: use the correct form (2-PP.15)


 AC9M2N01 Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least 1000 using

physical and virtual materials, numerals and number lines

o Hundred chart (2-A.8)
o Number lines - up to 1000 (2-A.16)
o Comparing numbers up to 1000 (2-B.2)
o Comparing numbers up to 10 000 (2-B.3)
o Put numbers up to 1000 in order (2-B.5)
o Put numbers up to 10 000 in order (2-B.6)
o Writing numbers up to 1000 in words - convert words to digits (2-C.5)
o Writing numbers up to 1000 in words - convert digits to words (2-C.6)
o Writing numbers up to 10 000 in words - convert words to digits (2-C.7)
o Writing numbers up to 10 000 in words - convert digits to words (2-C.8)
o Roman numerals I, V, X, L (2-C.10)
o Place value models - tens and ones (2-K.1)
o Place value models - up to hundreds (2-K.2)
o Place value models - up to thousands (2-K.3)

 AC9M2N02 Partition, rearrange, regroup and rename two- and three-digit

numbers using standard and non-standard groupings; recognise the role of a zero
digit in place value notation

o Place value - tens and ones (2-K.4)

o Place value - up to hundreds (2-K.5)
o Regroup tens and ones (2-K.7)
o Regroup tens and ones - ways to make a number (2-K.8)
o Convert to/from a number - tens and ones (2-K.9)
o Convert to/from a number - up to hundreds (2-K.10)
o Convert between place values - ones and hundreds (2-K.12)
o Convert between place values - ones, tens and hundreds (2-K.13)
o Convert from expanded form - up to hundreds (2-K.15)
o Identify a digit up to the hundreds place (2-K.17)
o Guess the number (2-K.18)

 AC9M2N03 Recognise and describe one-half as one of 2 equal parts of a whole and
connect halves, quarters and eighths through repeated halving

o Equal parts (2-U.1)
o Halves (2-U.2)
o Quarters (2-U.4)
o Eighths (2-U.5)
o Halves, quarters and eighths (2-U.7)
o Make halves (2-U.8)
o Make quarters (2-U.9)
o Make eighths (2-U.10)
o Make halves, quarters and eighths (2-U.11)
o Make halves and quarters in different ways (2-U.12)

 AC9M2N04 Add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers, representing problems
using number sentences, and solve using part part whole reasoning and a variety
of calculation strategies

o Add one-digit numbers (2-E.13)

o Complete the addition sentence - one digit (2-E.17)
o Which addition sentence is true? (2-E.20)
o Add three or more one-digit numbers (2-E.21)
o Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number up to 18 (2-F.8)
o Complete the subtraction sentence - up to 18 (2-F.12)
o Which subtraction sentence is true? (2-F.15)
o Use models to add a multiple of ten and a one-digit number (2-G.1)
o Add a multiple of ten and a one-digit number (2-G.2)
o Add multiples of ten (2-G.3)
o Write addition sentences to describe pictures (2-G.4)
o Use models to add a multiple of ten and a two-digit number (2-G.5)
o Add a multiple of ten and a two-digit number (2-G.6)
o Use models to add a two-digit and a one-digit number - without regrouping (2-G.7)
o Use models to add a two-digit and a one-digit number - with regrouping (2-G.8)
o Add a two-digit and a one-digit number - without regrouping (2-G.9)
o Add a two-digit and a one-digit number - with regrouping (2-G.10)
o Use models to add two-digit numbers - without regrouping (2-G.11)
o Use models to add two-digit numbers - with regrouping (2-G.12)
o Add two-digit numbers - without regrouping (2-G.13)
o Add two-digit numbers - with regrouping (2-G.14)
o Use compensation to add - up to two digits (2-G.15)
o Ways to make a number using addition (2-G.17)
o Complete the addition sentence - up to two digits (2-G.20)
o Add three or more numbers up to two digits each (2-G.23)
o Subtract multiples of ten (2-H.1)
o Write subtraction sentences to describe pictures - up to two digits (2-H.2)
o Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number - without regrouping (2-H.3)
o Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number - with regrouping (2-H.4)
o Subtract two-digit numbers - without regrouping (2-H.5)
o Subtract two-digit numbers - with regrouping (2-H.6)
o Use compensation to subtract - up to two digits (2-H.7)
o Ways to make a number using subtraction (2-H.9)
o Complete the subtraction sentence - up to two digits (2-H.12)
o Which addition or subtraction sentence is true? (2-L.7)
o Add and subtract numbers up to 100 (2-L.8)
o Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 100 (2-L.9)
o Write addition and subtraction sentences (2-L.17)
o Compare with addition and subtraction - up to 100 (2-L.18)

 AC9M2N05 Multiply and divide by one-digit numbers using repeated addition,

equal grouping, arrays, and partitioning to support a variety of calculation

o Identify repeated addition in arrays - sums to 10 (2-E.23)

o Write addition sentences for arrays - sums to 10 (2-E.24)
o Identify repeated addition in arrays - sums to 25 (2-E.25)
o Write addition sentences for arrays - sums to 25 (2-E.26)
o Identify multiplication sentences for equal groups (2-W.2)
o Write multiplication sentences for equal groups (2-W.3)
o Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups (2-W.4)
o Relate addition and multiplication (2-W.5)
o Identify multiplication expressions for arrays (2-W.6)
o Write multiplication sentences for arrays (2-W.7)
o Multiplication sentences (2-W.8)
o Multiplication facts up to 5 (2-X.2)
o Multiplication facts up to 10 (2-X.5)
o Write division sentences for groups (2-Y.2)
o Relate multiplication and division for groups (2-Y.3)
o Write division sentences for arrays (2-Y.4)
o Relate multiplication and division for arrays (2-Y.5)
o Divisors and quotients up to 5 (2-Z.2)
o Divisors and quotients up to 10 (2-Z.3)
o Complete the division table (2-Z.4)

 AC9M2N06 Use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving

additive and multiplicative situations, including money transactions; represent
situations and choose calculation strategies; interpret and communicate solutions
in terms of the situation

o Addition word problems - one digit (2-E.16)

o Write the addition sentence - one digit (2-E.18)
o Add three or more one-digit numbers - word problems (2-E.22)
o Subtraction word problems - up to 18 (2-F.11)
o Write the subtraction sentence - up to 18 (2-F.13)
o Addition word problems - up to two digits (2-G.19)
o Write the addition sentence - up to two digits (2-G.21)
o Add three or more numbers up to two digits - word problems (2-G.24)
o Subtraction word problems - up to two digits (2-H.11)
o Write the subtraction sentence - up to two digits (2-H.13)
o Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 20 (2-L.4)
o Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 100 (2-L.12)
o Two-step addition and subtraction word problems - up to 100 (2-L.13)

 AC9M2A01 Recognise, describe and create additive patterns that increase or
decrease by a constant amount, using numbers, shapes and objects, and identify
missing elements in the pattern

o Repeating patterns (2-D.1)
o Growing patterns (2-D.2)
o Find the next shape in a pattern (2-D.3)
o Complete a repeating pattern (2-D.4)
o Make a repeating pattern (2-D.5)
o Find the next row in a growing pattern (2-D.6)
o Addition input/output tables - sums to 20 (2-E.14)
o Subtraction input/output tables - up to 18 (2-F.9)
o Addition input/output tables - up to two digits (2-G.16)
o Subtraction input/output tables - up to two digits (2-H.8)
o Add multiples of 100 (2-I.1)
o Add multiples of 10 or 100 (2-I.2)
o Subtract multiples of 100 (2-J.1)
o Write the addition or subtraction rule for an input/output table - up to 20 (2-L.6)
o Write the addition or subtraction rule for an input/output table - up to 100 (2-L.15)

 AC9M2A02 Recall and demonstrate proficiency with addition facts to 20; extend
and apply facts to develop related subtraction facts

o Review - add one-digit numbers - sums to 10 (2-E.1)

o Review - ways to make a number - sums to 10 (2-E.2)
o Match addition sentences and models - sums to 10 (2-E.3)
o Write addition sentences to describe pictures - sums to 10 (2-E.4)
o Turn words into an addition sentence - sums to 10 (2-E.5)
o Add doubles using models (2-E.6)
o Add doubles (2-E.7)
o Add doubles - complete the sentence (2-E.8)
o Make ten to add (2-E.9)
o Addition with pictures - sums to 20 (2-E.10)
o Write addition sentences to describe pictures - sums to 20 (2-E.11)
o Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 20 (2-E.12)
o Add one-digit numbers (2-E.13)
o Complete the addition sentence - one digit (2-E.17)
o Which addition sentence is true? (2-E.20)
o Review - subtract one-digit numbers - up to 10 (2-F.1)
o Review - ways to subtract - up to 10 (2-F.2)
o Review - writing subtraction sentences - up to 10 (2-F.3)
o Subtract doubles (2-F.4)
o Subtraction with pictures (2-F.5)
o Write subtraction sentences to describe pictures - up to 18 (2-F.6)
o Subtraction sentences using number lines (2-F.7)
o Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number up to 18 (2-F.8)
o Subtract zero/all (2-F.10)
o Complete the subtraction sentence - up to 18 (2-F.12)
o Which subtraction sentence is true? (2-F.15)
o Related addition facts (2-G.18)
o Related subtraction facts (2-H.10)
o Add and subtract numbers up to 20 (2-L.1)
o Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 20 (2-L.2)
o Fact families (2-L.3)

 AC9M2A03 Recall and demonstrate proficiency with multiplication facts for twos;
extend and apply facts to develop the related division facts using doubling and

o Multiplication facts for 2 (2-X.1)

o Division facts for 2 (2-Z.1)


 AC9M2M01 Measure and compare objects based on length, capacity and mass
using appropriate uniform informal units and smaller units for accuracy when

o Long and short (2-Q.1)

o Tall and short (2-Q.2)
o Light and heavy (2-Q.3)
o Holds more or less (2-Q.4)
o Compare size, weight and capacity (2-Q.5)
o Measure using objects (2-Q.7)

 AC9M2M02 Identify common uses and represent halves, quarters and eighths in
relation to shapes, objects and events

o Time words: o'clock, half, quarter (2-O.5)

 AC9M2M03 Identify the date and determine the number of days between events
using calendars

o Days of the week (2-O.13)

o Read a calendar (2-O.16)
 AC9M2M04 Recognise and read the time represented on an analog clock to the
hour, half-hour and quarter-hour

o Match analogue clocks and times (2-O.1)

o Match analogue and digital clocks (2-O.3)
o Read clocks and write times (2-O.4)
o Time words: o'clock, half, quarter (2-O.5)

 AC9M2M05 Identify, describe and demonstrate quarter, half, three-quarter and full
measures of turn in everyday situations

o Fractions of a turn (2-R.11)


 AC9M2SP01 Recognise, compare and classify shapes, referencing the number of

sides and using spatial terms such as "opposite", "parallel", "curved" and

o Name the two-dimensional shape (2-R.1)

o Select two-dimensional shapes (2-R.2)
o Count sides and vertices (2-R.3)
o Compare sides and vertices (2-R.4)
o Equal sides (2-R.5)
o Parallel sides (2-R.6)
o Curved parts (2-R.7)
o Rhombuses (2-R.8)

 AC9M2SP02 Locate positions in two dimensional representations of a familiar

space; move positions by following directions and pathways

o Location in a grid (2-R.9)


 AC9M2ST01 Acquire data for categorical variables through surveys, observation,

experiment and using digital tools; sort data into relevant categories and display
data using lists and tables

o Which tally chart is correct? (2-P.1)

o Interpret tally charts (2-P.2)
o Which table is correct? (2-P.3)
o Interpret data in tables (2-P.4)
 AC9M2ST02 Create different graphical representations of data using software
where appropriate; compare the different representations, identify and describe
common and distinctive features in response to questions

o Interpret bar graphs (2-P.5)

o Which bar graph is correct? (2-P.6)
o Create bar graphs (2-P.7)
o Interpret picture graphs I (2-P.8)
o Interpret picture graphs II (2-P.9)
o Create picture graphs I (2-P.10)
o Create picture graphs II (2-P.11)

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