Plant Floor Safety by CFE MEDIA
Plant Floor Safety by CFE MEDIA
Plant Floor Safety by CFE MEDIA
3 — Benefits of using a control of work system in a
manufacturing facility
11 — Understanding ASHRAE Standard 199
12 — 10 Tips for Keeping Your Dust Collection System
Performing Optimally and Safely
22 — Benefits of a rack safety flywheel in warehouse,
manufacturing facilities
27 — Bolted Access Stairs: Code-Compliant Facility Stairs
28 — Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
54 — Select the right PPE to take control of electrical risks
61 — Therm-O-Mix Station: How it Works
62 — Selecting The Right Tepid Water Solution
69 — Why you should consider using steel conduit and tubing
73 — Seven clean-in-place design best practices
Benefits of using a control of work
system in a manufacturing facility Back to TOC
M any facility managers, plant engineers and environmental, health and safety
(EHS) professionals know there are regulatory requirements for safe work prac-
tices and procedures for permit-required confined space entry or “hot work.” This
includes welding, cutting, grinding, torching, brazing or other slag or spark producing
activities. However, workers may not understand how these requirements fit into and
are more easily managed as part of a larger control of work system. They may not real-
ize the wider benefits of control of work for safety management which builds the foun-
dation for environmental, social and governance (ESG) maturity.
Companies with robust control of work programs can reduce risk and improve relation-
ships with key stakeholders such as employees and contracted workers. It also provides
an important building block for ESG maturity.
Benefits of using a control of work system in a manufacturing facility
Systems involving spreadsheets and paper documents are often cumbersome and
tedious; modern EHS software can simplify the process, improving efficiency and mini-
mizing management time. The right software gives organizations all the benefits of an
effective system without the headaches.
A PTW system can improve key areas of regulatory compliance and EHS management.
• It has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiat- Back to TOC
ed by inwardly converging walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to
a smaller cross-section.
OSHA sets requirements for “permit-required” confined spaces at 29 CFR 1910.146 for
general industry, and a similar standard at 1926.1206 for construction. These regula-
tions define which confined spaces are “permit required” confined spaces and define
the information that needs to be included in the permit. This includes the permit space
to be entered, the date, the length of time the permit is valid, name of entry supervi-
sor, methods of assessing air contamination hazards and more.
There is no specific European Union requirement for confined spaces, although Direc-
tive 89/391/EEC from June 12, 1989, covers all aspects of safety and health at a work-
place and places a duty on employers to consider the specific characteristics of every
workplace. A formal PTW system, even when not specifically required in a regulatory ju-
risdiction, is an effective way to limit and monitor access to hazardous confined spaces.
In the U.S., OSHA has a regulatory standard addressing LOTO at 29 CFR 1910.147. Back to TOC
None of these standards explicitly state employers should use a PTW system, but in
practice, many employers do use one because it provides better assurance employees
don’t activate dangerous equipment by accident.
OSHA’s hot work regulations in the U.S. require a prework inspection and authoriza- Back to TOC
tions assuring the work is performed by a competent individual.
With contractors always entering and exiting workplaces, it can be challenging to track
them, and even to know which specific individuals are on-site at any given time.
Benefits of using a control of work system in a manufacturing facility
While site representatives knew the person inside the tank was a male contractor — Back to TOC
that’s all they knew. They didn’t know his name or what time he’d entered the tank. This
real-life example highlights the horror of how badly things can go wrong when organiza-
tions lack efficient and effective control of work processes tracking who’s on-site, tightly
controlling access to dangerous places and processes and ensuring everyone on-site has
the right knowledge, pre-qualifications and competencies before starting work.
Formal control of work and PTW systems provide an effective communication frame-
work that promotes collaboration and coordination between host and temporary em-
ployers and between host employers and contractors. This makes it easier to ensure all
parties to the employment contract are aware of their obligations for worker safety and
verify all necessary training, hazard controls, PPE and other job-specific precautions are
in place before work. This understanding and communication are a crucial, yet often
overlooked component of contractor and temporary worker safety, the lack of which
has been shown to be a significant factor in temporary worker injuries and illnesses.
Control of work improves communications with these stakeholders, which helps or- Back to TOC
ganizations maintain ESG programs and policies. Organizations may have great pro-
grams to avoid impacts to stormwater and wastewater, reduce wastes sent to landfill
and avoid use of chemicals that pose hazards to workers, the community and the value
chain. However, if contractors don’t know those policies, those sustainability efforts
may be negatively impacted and the organization’s reputation will be damaged.
The stakeholder relationships that control of work helps build can then help organiza-
tions advance their ESG initiatives by identifying and focusing on the issues that matter
most. The term for such an exercise is a materiality assessment, which is a stakehold-
er survey designed to assess the relative importance of various areas of ESG, such as
greenhouse gas emissions or supply chain stability.
Contractors, for example, may have important insights into aspects of business they’d
need to know about. Modern ESG software can then organize the survey results in the
form of a materiality matrix, which ranks ESG issues as a function of impact and impor-
tance and shows the most significant issues in the top right corner.
Putting everything together, a control of work system can help proactively reduce risk,
help maintain regulatory compliance and protect employees, temporary workers and
contractors. In a business environment where stakeholders demand higher levels of
ESG accountability and performance, control of work can be an important part of the
journey, helping organizations demonstrate proactive safety practices, improve value
chain relationships and gain competitive advantages by building ESG maturity.
Phil Molé
Phil Molé, MPH, EHS & sustainability expert for VelocityEHS. 10
Understanding ASHRAE Standard 199
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Understanding ASHRAE Standard 199
ASHRAE developed Standard 199-2016 to test the performance
of a dust collection system under real-world conditions. Testing
involves six stages that measure a dust collector’s emissions,
pressure drop, and compressed air usage. This video explains
why the ASHRAE 199 testing process is a better measure of filter
efficiency than MERV ratings, what’s included in the ASHRAE 199
testing process and how testing results help you select the ideal
dust collector for your application.
10 Tips for When operating an industrial dust collector,
deflagration protection, venting, filter efficiencies
and safety monitoring are just a few elements
Keeping Your that can mean the difference between high-
efficiency performance or a production shutdown.
Dust Collection A dust collector is a key component in the safety
a reluctant purchase. Few plant professionals get excited
about buying a dust collection system. As a result, they
will often select the lowest-cost equipment available for
the job. However, the solution with the lowest price tag
can prove to be the most costly in terms of worker safety,
production downtime, regulatory compliance and other
problems that plague companies when dust collectors do
not perform properly.
from a safety standpoint. Consider the following guidelines when selecting new equip- Back to TOC
ment and when looking to improve an existing system.
Self-dumping hoppers are used for a range of dry dusts, including those that must be
reclaimed or recycled after the collection process.
10 Tips for Keeping Your Dust Collection System Performing Optimally
Downtime cleaning allows for time-based pulsing at the end of a plant shift, after
completing a batch process or after an upset condition that may affect the filter’s per-
formance. Downtime cleaning allows you to shut off the fan and clean the filters during
10 Tips for Keeping Your Dust Collection System Performing Optimally
a set duration of time. After the cleaning period is finished, the unit will shut off com- Back to TOC
pletely. This is an important feature because overcleaning the cartridges during op-
eration causes higher emissions, shorter cartridge life and higher energy costs due to
overuse of compressed air.
ance isn’t enough. The MERV scale provides a good indicator of a filter’s initial efficien- Back to TOC
cy; however, it does not measure pressure drop, emissions while pulsing, energy per-
formance or the other parameters that better reflect dust collector efficiency. The EPA
and OSHA want to know that emissions will be at or below their required thresholds.
Ask the filtration manufacturer for a written guarantee of emissions performance stated
as grains per cubic foot.
A good way to measure your dust collector’s emissions effectiveness is to test it ac-
cording to the recently published ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 199-2016, Method of Testing
the Performance of Industrial Pulse Cleaned Dust Collectors. This standard is designed
to help end users evaluate collection equipment effectively and accurately. The test
measures four key performance parameters: emissions, pressure drop, compressed air
usage and emission reading.
We recommend looking for doors that are fully reversible for access from either side Back to TOC
and have an exclusive lock-out feature for worker safety.
Pulling out a dirty overhead filter that weighs 100 pounds can result in neck, back and
foot injuries. Avoid threaded connections on the filter access doors or hoppers be-
cause dust tends to build up in the threads and cause connections to stick.
Camlock-style devices are not subject to this problem and make for easier service.
Instead of using guesswork to select this equipment, use ASHRAE Standard 199 Back to TOC
testing. It compares dust collectors based on true operating conditions and real
world performance data on emissions, pressure drop, compressed air usage, energy
consumption and emission readings.
The standard applies to industrial dust collectors that use pulse cleaning to recon-
dition the filter media so the collector can continue to operate. Armed with this com-
parative data on operation, energy costs and
particle emissions, you can make more in-
formed long-term decisions to reduce main-
tenance, consumables and disposal costs.
Dust collectors that use vertically mounted cartridges also reduce fire and explosion
risks. With horizontally mounted systems on heavy-dust-loading applications, dust
becomes entrained at the top of the filters, and there is no pre-separation of heavy or
abrasive particles from the air stream. This situation can shorten filter life and provide a
dusty surface for sparks to ignite. Vertical mounting reduces heavy loading dust on the
10 Tips for Keeping Your Dust Collection System Performing Optimally
OSHA-compliant railed safety platforms and caged ladders can prevent slips and falls
when workers access the collector for service.
Benefits of a rack safety flywheel in
warehouse, manufacturing facilities Back to TOC
Damage isn’t limited to a careless forklift driver, Rousseau said. Like anything else that
requires maintenance, the brace or the column wears over time or too much weight is
placed and it degrades the structure.
“What’s unfortunate with racking is they’re all tied together so damage causes prob-
lems to all,” he said.
The key to long-term success, Rousseau said, is finding a reliable partner. “They can Back to TOC
help you plan for the long term and you should look for someone who has your best
interests at heart.”
The partner, he said, should be able to provide a wide range of products and services,
has engineers on their staff who can leverage software to manage inspections and
track potential issues.
Rousseau said, “If you work at it and stay consistent and work with a partner and keep
working at the flywheel, you’ll get yourself in a better place.”
Chris Vavra
Chris Vavra, web content manager, CFE Media and Technology.
Bolted Access Stairs: Code-Compliant Facility Stairs
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Bolted Access Stairs: Code-Compliant
Facility Stairs
Learn how to determine which code applies to your stair
application; identify design specifications for OSHA and IBC stairs;
and understand other factors that contribute to stair safety.
stair design
for safety and
Providing code-compliant stairs is the first step to ensuring
safe access in your facility. Additional measures of safety
and improved ergonomic factors are achieved by limiting
environmental, behavioral, and design factors that can
contribute to the risk of using stairs.
Our 113 full-time employees have a combined 661 years of stair manufacturing
experience and we execute every step of each project with an unwavering commit-
ment to zero-defect manufacturing. All of our products undergo complete, struc-
tural analyses to ensure every stair we ship fully complies with all applicable codes
and standards.
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
OSHA-compliant stairs
OSHA standards are federally
regulated and apply to places
of employment in the United
States. OSHA-compliant stairs are intended
for use in facilities designated as employee
workspaces such as factories and manufac-
turing facilities. OSHA stairs can be used on
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
both the interior and exterior of these locations to access equipment, platforms, mez- Back to TOC
zanines, pits, or other floors.
The information in this white paper that pertains to OSHA stairs is based on the stan-
dards for General Industry. OSHA has separate standards for Construction, Agriculture,
and Maritime. There are other standards that may also apply; always double check to
ensure your stairs comply with any and all applicable codes and standards.
IBC-compliant stairs
IBC standards apply to stairs
accessible by the general pub-
lic and focus on the safety of
all people, including children and the elder-
ly. IBC stairs are part of a building’s means
of egress. There are four IBC standards that
apply to stairs: Industrial Egress, Commer-
cial Egress, Accessible Commercial Egress,
and Commercial Residential Egress. IBC
stairs that are located in areas required to be handicap accessible must also comply
with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Accessibility Standards.
Most jurisdictions in the United States have adopted IBC standards as their base code.
Always check with your local code enforcement to ensure your stairs comply with any
and all applicable codes and standards.
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Back to TOC
Back to TOC
• Mezzanine stairs
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
OSHA Terminology & Definitions IBC Terminology & Definitions Back to TOC
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
• 1910.28(b)(1)(i)(C) Personal fall protection systems, such as personal fall arrest, trav-
el restraint, or positioning systems.
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Back to TOC
IBC-compliant use of non-standards stairs §1011.14
• Egress from mezzanines under 250 square feet with five or less occupants
• Egress from guard towers, observation towers, and control rooms under 250 square
Back to TOC
“ OSHA believes that the language in the final rule gives employers greater
flexibility (than the previous language.) The final rule limits the use of non-standard
stairs to those circumstances where, based on specific case-by-case evaluations
and demonstrations, it is not possible to use standard stairs. ”
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 223
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
KEY TAKEAWAY: Steep-angle stairs require less floor space to install but also
provide less usable tread depth to users
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
• Treads that are too short force the stair user to either rest only part of the foot on
each tread or to twist the foot unnaturally; both of these cases increase the risk of a
misstep Jackson and Cohen, 1995
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Back to TOC
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Virginia Tech conducted a study comparing alternating tread stairs to ship stairs and Back to TOC
concluded that alternating tread stairs have a clear comfort and safety advantage
over ship stairs
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
“Lack of user-stability accounts for 55.2% of all cases of ladder-related falls from
self-supported ladders that are associated with the main ladder-use interactions and
fall mechanisms (slip, trip, loss of balance, stuck by object, lost hand grip.) ”
Fall Prevention and Protection (Human Factors and Ergonomics)
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
“The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) defines a
musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) as a soft-tissue injury caused by sudden or
sustained exposure to repetitive motion, force, vibration, and awkward positions. ”
Diagnosed MSDs due to ladders that
resulted in lost workdays
Lost work-day injuries caused
by overexertion due to ladders
Median days away
from work
Median days away
from work
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
Code-compliant stair design for safety and ergonomics
• Acting Director Directorate of Enforcement Programs Patrick J. Kapust to Amanda Edens Act-
ing Deputy Assistant Secretary, September 23, 2019, Subject Correspondence, Enforcement of
29 CFR 1910.29(f)(1)(ii)(B) and 1910.29(f)(1) (iii)(A): Heights of Handrail and Stair Rail Systems
• Jackson, P.L. & Cohen, H.H. (1995). An in-depth investigation of 40 stairway accidents and the
stair safety literature. Journal of Safety Research, 26(3), 151-159.
• Templer, J.A. (1992). The staircase: Studies of hazards, falls and safer design. Cambridge, MA:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
• Templer, J. A. Stair Shape and Human Movement, doctoral dissertation. New York, NY: Colum-
bia University (1975)
• Jorna, G.C., Mohageg, M.F., & Snyder, H.L. (1988) Performance, Perceived Safety, and Comfort
of the Alternating Tread Stair. Human Factors Engineering Laboratory, Virginia Polytechnic
• Fall Prevention and Protection: Principles, Guidelines, and Practices. CRC Press. 2017 22
Select the right PPE to take
control of electrical risks Back to TOC
M aintenance employees are exposed to more electrical hazards than in the past.
Technology advances have caused an increased risk to maintenance employees
due to the number of devices using electricity as an energy source. Most of the electri-
cal incidents employers investigate are caused by an employee’s lack of understanding
on how to protect themselves from a hazard that they cannot readily see.
According to the most recent United States Bureau of Labor Statistics data from the
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 126 workers died due to exposure to electricity
in 2020. This was the lowest level since the survey started in 1992. But that is not to say
the risk is going away anytime soon.
Another factor that increases employee electrical safety risk is the current labor market
conditions. Employers rely on our people to work more hours and do more with less.
The lack of electrical preventive maintenance programs, fatigue and subsequent hu-
man error are factors employers cannot ignore. Employers cannot forgo an equipment
PM, qualified employee training, a hazard analysis for the task or situational awareness
to recognize when a condition is unsafe just to keep our facilities running.
The problem is that electrical energy creates an unseen opportunity for exposure that
increases the risk of injury. For example, exposure to electrical shock can range from
internal organ and muscle damage to burns and possible death. Arc flash events can
Select the right PPE to take control of electrical risks
Back to TOC
cause death due to an explosive projection of molten material, Figure 1: Electrical hazards
hierarchy. Courtesy:
concussive blast, toxic gas exposure, fire or falls.
Schneider Electric
Consensus standards such as NFPA 70E: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Work-
place have been in existence for more than 40 years and have been incorporated by
reference into regulations for more than 30 years.
Therefore, it is not enough for a maintenance employee or their supervisor to plead ig-
norance for not providing or wearing personal protective equipment after an electrical
incident. Employees working with electrical systems must understand the proper shock
and arc flash PPE to wear when working around exposed energized conductors operat-
ing at or greater than 50 volts alternating current or direct current. 55
Select the right PPE to take control of electrical risks
Understanding electrical
First, let’s look at the electrical hazards
hierarchy to understand when mainte-
nance employees are at a higher risk
Figure 2: Electrical current
(see Figure 1). Each step of the electrical hazards hierarchy path through the human body.
has equal importance to overall safety, with risk reduction Courtesy: Schneider Electric
varying between the steps.
For example, levels 1 to 3 are designed to control the risk before it gets in close prox-
imity to the employee. Levels 4 to 6 assume that the employee is already exposed to
the electrical energy and needs to be kept safe while he or she is close to the hazard
by using the appropriate PPE.
PPE is the least effective risk control method and should only be used as a last resort.
Employers should first eliminate the hazard by creating a zero-energy state using
Select the right PPE to take control of electrical risks
Select the right PPE to take control of electrical risks
Arc-rated PPE
In addition to the shock protection
PPE noted above, if the hazard
analysis indicates an incident ener-
gy of 1.2 cal/cm2 or more, the use
of arc-rated PPE is required. NFPA
70E Table 130.7(C)(15)(a and b)
specifies arc flash PPE category 1,
2, 3 or 4.
Why do workers
need PPE?
The electrical hazards
that exist can cause
serious injury or death
to maintenance workers.
Employers should have
very strict expectations
and requirements for
anyone that is working around electricity. Despite years of Figure 5: Example of arc-rated
personal protective equipment
experience and training, maintenance workers still suffer category 4, up to 40 cal/cm2.
injuries related to electricity on the job. Courtesy: Schneider Electric
Many employees who work with electricity don’t believe that an accident will happen
to them, but records prove otherwise. Employers and employees must work together
to make improvements to electrical safe work practices. Automobiles did not always
have seatbelts, but because we do, traffic-related fatalities have declined significantly
since these inventions have been implemented.
Tom Pitts
Tom Pitts is director of safety and environment for Schneider Electric Global Supply Chain.
Therm-O-Mix Station: How it Works
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Therm-O-Mix Station: How it Works
The Therm-O-Mix® Station instantly delivers tepid water to
emergency safety showers and eyewash stations, using only
a facility’s existing steam and water supplies. The unit is
completely mechanical and requires no outside electricity or
air to function, making it particularly ideal for explosion-proof
industrial environments.
Tepid Water Delivery Systems for Safety Shower
Selecting The and Face/Eyewash Stations
drenching or flushing of the eyes and body shall be provided within the work area or Back to TOC
immediate emergency use.”
This states that a safety shower, facewash, or eyewash station is required in facilities
where employees are exposed to injurious corrosive materials but do not specify de-
tails concerning the equipment’s location, installation, nature, and maintenance.
The ANSI Z358.1 standard, published by the International Safety Equipment Associ-
ation (ISEA), establishes “minimum performance and use guidelines for eyewash and
shower equipment.” This standard is a widely accepted guideline for properly select-
ing, installing, operating, and maintaining emergency equipment.
Key features of this standard include the maximum distance from a worker’s station
to the emergency fixture and the required temperature range. For a facility to com-
ply, the emergency equipment must be installed in a location that “should take [no]
longer than 10 seconds to reach” when walking at an average pace of about 55 feet
per 10 seconds.
The standard also mandates that the station’s water be tepid, defined as between
60°F-100°F (15.6-37.8°C). The tepid water must be available for at least 15 minutes at
30 PSI (pounds per square inch) and a flow of 20 GPM (gallons per minute) for drench
showers, 0.4 GPM for eyewash stations, and 0.3 GPM for face/eyewash systems.
Water below this range will be too cold, inhibiting the user from using the equip-
ment for the full 15 minutes; water that is too hot can cause burns and/or a worsened
chemical reaction.
Selecting The Right Tepid Water Solution
ASSE 1071 adds additional regulations in the event of system malfunction. Should the Back to TOC
water supply be dangerously overheated, the “device shall have the means to limit the
maximum outlet temperature.” In addition, the station should “provide full cold-water
flow” in the event of a valve or supply failure (also known as ‘failing cold’) and automat-
ically stop flow “in case of cold-water loss” to prevent accidental scalding.
These regulations governing tepid water delivery systems keep workers safe and steer
the development of new products in a more safety-conscious direction.
Selecting the appropriate system depends on various factors, including installation con-
ditions and restrictions, available energy (steam, electricity, etc.) sources, and budget.
ASSE 1071 mixing valves mix existing hot and cold water supply lines to produce tepid
water. They are offered in a variety of sizes, making them suitable for installations with
Selecting The Right Tepid Water Solution
space restrictions. These mixing valves may support multiple shower and face/eyewash Back to TOC
stations but will require a source of hot water with sufficient GPM flow. When placed
outdoors, ASSE 1071 mixing valves will require freeze protection.
For facilities that do not have an available source of hot water, turnkey systems can be
used to provide one. Typically comprised of a pre-packaged, self-contained heater and
mixing valve, turnkey solutions are simple to install but often have a large footprint,
usually requiring dedicated areas for the unit to occupy. If installed outdoors, the unit
may need freeze protection.
Instantaneous electric systems are also used for facilities that do not have an available
source of hot water. Typically installed on the wall, this option has a small footprint but
extremely high electric requirements. While the unit only uses energy when there is de-
mand, this can result in higher utility costs and may require special insulation in hazard-
ous or explosion-proof locations.
These tepid water delivery systems provide 3 to 25 GPM while maintaining a constant Back to TOC
80 degrees Fahrenheit output regardless of inlet water temperature. The units use
steam only when there is demand and function 100% mechanically with no external
power source, making them ideal for explosive-proof environments.
These stations also have built-in freeze protection and can be placed outdoors with-
out additional insulation or spark protection. Self-purging, there is no requirement
for an elaborate drainage system or an expensive recirculation system. Instantaneous
steam-fired heaters support one activated combination shower and face/eyewash
station at a time.
Mixing valves, instantaneous electric heaters, and some turnkey systems will typical-
ly require freeze protection when placed outdoors or in non-temperature-regulated
environments to ensure successful operation. In addition to protecting the tepid water
system, protecting the emergency fixtures themselves from freezing is also recom-
mended. Many shower manufacturers offer heavily insulated and electrically heat-
traced shower designs. The danger with this method is that electrical tracing cannot
always be used safely due to explosion hazards, and exposed water lines are still at risk
of freezing if there is a power outage.
Selecting The Right Tepid Water Solution
Water-carrying pipes can also quickly become overheated by solar radiation or mal-
functioning heat tracing. If this hazard is not prevented, workers could be exposed to
over-temperature water resulting in burn injuries and worsening chemical reactions.
Back to TOC
Cooler water from the supply will backfill the line and cause the valve to modulate
closed once the water temperature falls to 10 degrees Fahrenheit below the open set-
point. These valves can also be used as backup scald protection on traced units.
Selecting the correct tepid water delivery system is vital to ensuring a safe working en-
vironment for your personnel. It is not a decision to be made without thoroughly con-
sidering your facility’s capabilities and restrictions. However, with appropriate planning
and research, your facility will have the proper system to meet your OSHA and ANSI
approved tepid water delivery needs.
Why you should consider using
steel conduit and tubing Back to TOC
Steel conduit is a versatile and safe wiring method to choose when building
commercial and industrial buildings.
T here are many options contractors have while selecting wiring methods; howev-
er, steel conduit and electrical metallic tubing, are versatile wiring methods often
used as electrical raceways for power, data and communication throughout commercial
and industrial buildings. These are the safest materials to use when choosing building
wiring methods. Steel conduit and EMT are non-combustible, have long lifespans, are
extremely resilient, in addition to being completely recyclable.
Steel conduit and EMT are viable options in fire safety design, yet they sometimes
don’t make the list because they do not have a fire rating. When request for propos-
als or project bids require fire resistance scores, while conduit and EMT have none,
contractors or specifying engineers may not include these valuable choices in their
To better understand why steel conduit and EMT are excellent choices when prioritiz-
ing fire safety, there are many factors to consider like fire resistance ratings, building
codes and thermal protection.
which further protects the integrity and safety of a steel raceway. Wrap systems can be Back to TOC
easy to install and cost effective.
Using steel conduit or EMT in a listed circuit integrity system is another way to have
an effective fire resistive installation. Circuit integrity systems are listed to UL 2196
and use circuit integrity cables within systems such as those with steel conduit or EMT
to achieve fire ratings of one or two hours. The system must be installed as listed to
achieve the fire rating meaning the size and type of cable, conduit and fittings must
match what is included in the listing. Refer to the listing requirements of the system,
the NEC and local codes to be sure of installation requirements on circuit integrity
Although routinely installed in fire-rated assemblies, steel conduit and EMT do not
have a fire rating and are considered non-combustible by most building codes. Before
using steel conduit or EMT, however, be sure to check all NEC and local codes to be
sure the commercial or industrial assembly is admissible by local standards.
Fire safety is an essential part of any specifying process and engineers can amplify
building effectiveness by recognizing all their choices and tools as they select and rec-
ommend their installations.
Dale Crawford
Dale Crawford is the Executive Director and Director of conduit of the Steel Tube
Institute where he is responsible for the organization’s activities to promote the growth
and competitiveness of steel pipe and tubular products throughout North America.
Seven clean-in-place design
best practices Back to TOC
In addition to lost revenue from halted production, improperly cleaned equipment can
spread foodborne contaminants from batch to batch, which is dangerous to consumers
and can lead to recalls that directly impact a company’s bottom line and reputation.
If you’re considering investing in a CIP system for your facility, it’s important to en-
sure you’re getting a design that is reliable and up-to-date. Your process design team
should consider the overall needs of your operation, including changeover efficiency,
water conservation and how the design will affect the complexity of the system.
For a CIP system to be effective, equipment and piping should be designed for easy
cleaning and installed to hygienic standards. Piping should be free draining, free of
“dead legs,” and the water used for the final rinse should meet product contact speci-
Seven clean-in-place design best practices
It’s also important to consider any required changeover processes in your CIP
planning. In some applications, such as making fruit juice, a facility may be able
to switch from Flavor A to Flavor B without any cleaning because Flavor B is more
pungent than Flavor A; but switching from Flavor B back to Flavor A may require
Seven clean-in-place design best practices
running a rinse cycle or other method of cleaning. If the following product is dis- Back to TOC
similar, such as going from a carbonated soft drink to an energy drink, this typically
requires a full system cleaning.
Some CIP systems employ alternatives to the traditional chemical wash step such as
ionized water, ozone or other disinfecting agents. These chemical alternatives vary in
Seven clean-in-place design best practices
usefulness based on cleaning requirements but are expected to become more widely Back to TOC
used in the future.
figuration are compatible. Elastomers (natural or synthetic elastic polymers) are often Back to TOC
present in piping systems and process equipment, and can be damaged by the use of
certain chemicals. You may need to upgrade your piping or elastomer if using a harsh-
er cleaning solution. When planning to develop a CIP system from scratch, consider
compatibility from the start.
• All equipment and piping that must be cleaned, the flow rate and volume of each
• Designing a CIP skid that can accomplish all equipment cleaning in the selected
time frame.
Seven clean-in-place design best practices
Plant Floor
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