Accounting Quitch ACCT5432 PIF Final

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You are invited to participate in a study where you will be asked to provide feedback about your participation
in the teaching initiative introduced this trimester entitled “Gamification in Accounting: enhancing the learning
experience of Accounting students in a Master program”.

What does the research involve?

Your lecturers in ACCT5432 will be using Quitch, a smartphone application, as a teaching tool in the unit. You
will be invited to download the Quitch App and receive daily multiple-choice questions from the unit
coordinator relating to the most recent topics covered in the unit. Points will be awarded for each answer and
a leader board will be established for participating students. Various performance badges can be earned.

What are you asked to do?

In addition to downloading the App and completing the daily question, you will be invited to complete a survey
before and after the unit. The first survey asks questions about your preference for learning methods (e.g.
seminars, teamwork, etc.), previous study and your confidence in outcomes for the unit. The second survey
will ask questions about how you used the App.
You may also be asked to participate in a focus group which will enable a group discussion to provide feedback
on suitability of the App in MPA-level classes. The focus group will run for approximately 60 minutes and will
be scheduled online and on the Crawley campus. We will provide more details in an email invitation about the
venue etc. closer to the time. As a token of thanks for participating in the focus group you will receive a Co-op
book voucher.

What other data will be collected?

We will seek your permission to access other data that will help us investigate the role of the App with your
survey responses and your performance in the unit. We will use your student ID to link these.
Data will only be accessed AFTER the unit is completed. Further, a staff member not involved with teaching the
unit or with the research project will collate the required information and then remove your student ID before
providing it to the researchers.

Do I have to participate and what happens if I don’t?

As with the Quitch-application itself (where participation is voluntary) participating in this study is also
voluntary. There is no relationship between participation in this project and the grade you are awarded for this
unit. As noted above all data is accessed AFTER the unit is completed and identifying information is removed.
Participants can withdraw from the study at any time, without any consequences.

How data is managed

As per UWA’s data management policy, a copy of the data will be kept for seven years from completion of the
project. A copy of the data, excluding any identifying information, will be stored on UWA’s Institutional
Research Data Store.

How will the research be reported?

The results of the study will be submitted for publications, but your responses will not be individually
identifiable. Only aggregated results will be reported.

I am happy to answer any further questions you may have about the study. Please telephone or email me at the
above number/address. If you are able to participate in the study, please acknowledge your consent by selecting
the “Yes”-option when requested in the online survey.

Thank you for your participation.

Mrs Nikki Schonfeldt

July 2017
Approval to conduct this research has been provided by the University of Western Australia with reference
number RA/4/1/8940, in accordance with its ethics review and approval procedures. Any person considering
participation in this research project, or agreeing to participate, may raise any questions or issues with the
researchers at any time. In addition, any person not satisfied with the response of researchers may raise ethics
issues or concerns, and may make any complaints about this research project by contacting the Human Ethics
office at UWA on (08) 6488 4703 or by emailing to [email protected]. All research participants are
entitled to retain a copy of any Participant Information Form and/or Participant Consent Form relating to this
research project.

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