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You must complete a semester project that will be a significant portion 

of your final
grade. Failure to complete the project will result in a failing grade for the course.
Project Summary: E-commerce System implemented on University Servers and
demo’ed Zoom or other type of software.  Your E-commerce store should be
dedicated to a particular flower.  Your store needs to e very “Niche”, that is it will
speak to a very small group of enthusiastic fans.  Keep it G-rated.
Students must:

 Complete a project
 They can design the database/application website themselves as their own
client but extra credit will be given to a real world client
 All systems must be demo’ed on the university server
(http://cyan.csam.montclair.eduLinks to an external site. ). Failing to get it
onto the server will result in a zero (0) grade
 Students will have to submit significant documentation that includes all
code to the professor by the submission deadline.
 Students will need to submit a compressed version of the implementation
system, accompanying write up, application code and any support files also
through canvas.
 FOR SECURITY AND COPYRIGHT PURPOSES, students sites will need to
first bring a user to a login landing pad where the user should submit
credentials. Failure to do so will impact your grade.
 NO Project should take any payment information at all – no credit cards
stored nor any integration with paypal or amazon payments or any similar
system. Failure to do this will result in a significantly lower grade
 Students may work alone.
 There will be a list of banned themes for the project- please pay attention
to this.

Key Reminders:

1. You are being assessed on your technical skills, communication skills,

ability to read a specification and balance the professor’s requirements
with your client’s needs. Make sure you monitor your progress in all of
these areas.
2. I expect professionalism at all times. All projects should have G-Rated
content.  If anyone uses profanity, racial or sexual slurs or content of an
adult or violent nature, you will fail the project.
3. GUN, Modern Weaponry or any violence related sites will receive a failing
grade and due to the laws regarding active shooter situations, I will have to
turn over those materials to university police.
4. All Projects MUST have G-RATED content!!!! NO projects should be about
guns, weaponry, sexual topics or slurs about any minority group.  Failure to
do this will result in a 0 grade.

Part 1:  Create your database – 70 points
The semester project will entail the following:  You need to design a website that has
e-commerce capabilities for a client.   You will be creating a database front-ended by
a website.  You will need to offer at least 30 products that can be categorized into at
least 5 categories.  Your website will need to also support minor human resources
management for your employees so you can track them properly.   It should also
allow users to create accounts for customers and then in the employee area, create
employee accounts.
*******************NOTE – your business should be very unique.  Book and computer
hardware businesses will not be accepted.  A more comprehensive list will
accompany this document. ********************************************************

1. Individual Projects only.

2. Design a concept for your business. Extra credit will be given to projects
who have a real client and is not based off of your imagination.  Your
business must sell at least 30 products over 5 categories.  You will need to
offer at least 30 products that can be categorized into at least 5 categories.
3. For Individual Project: Identify at least two user groups (you may have
more) and the views they will need to see: a shopper and an employee.  In
your documentation, you will need to describe this person’s job
and describe access to what data they have and provide screenshots
showing examples of the data they can see.
4. Develop a data model and present the E-R diagram for your business. This
includes data about your employees as well as your product line.  Your data
model must implement client orders correctly.  Client orders need to be put
into the database, allow for the client to order as much as the inventory
allows, and retrieve their previous orders by date and time.  Projects with
only one table will receive a maximum “F“ Grade. Projects with only 2
tables will receive a C grade.
5. Develop a plan for the views (2) of the data for each category of user.
Describe these views in your documentation and implement them in your
6. Implement the following actions on the database: You must be able to have
a general search the product portion of the database, insert into the
database, delete information from the database and modify a record in the
database and keep inventory accurately.  Demonstrate in documentation
by listing the query that does the modification and a description of how
that query works.  Screenshots would also be helpful.  For every screen
shot, you should have one paragraph describing that screenshot.
7. Implement a shopping cart for your site. It will need to record the items
the user wishes to buy, allow the user to buy as many products as they
want (so long as they are in inventory), complete the transaction, record
the receipt, update inventory and store the receipt
persistently.  Remember, the user should be able to buy as much as they
want (no Target 20 items or less).  Users should also be able to see
previous orders grouped by order instance (look at how amazon does it).
8. View Order History by date.
9. Implement security on your website. The first page that a user comes into
should be a log-in page.  No one should be able to reach any of your E-
Commerce pages without logging into the system. Passwords should not
be saved in plaintext.  SQL Injections must be accounted for. NO ONE
should be able to even see product on your site before logging in.  If this
minimal security is not implemented, the maximum grade will be a B+.
10. Implementation will be entirely done on the department’s C-Panel server
that will be provided for in class. No other platform will be accepted.
11. Implement personal data security – you must show how you consider
personal data issues for the user. NO CREDIT CARDS SHOULD BE
ACCEPTED.  If numbers are accepted, points will be taken off.  Accepting
numeric characters will result in a letter grade deduction.  Using an external
tool to collect payment will also result in a significant grade deduction and
possibly failing grade..
12. Your website will be deployed on-line via cPanel on a departmental server
(information to come later) - this means it will be available on the World
Wide Web.  The first screen a user will see will be a plain log-in screen for
security purposes.  The security will ensure no hapless user tries to buy
product from you and that you are not violating copyright on the images.  
You may not profit off of this website while the class is in session nor may
you violate copyrights.  If you do plan to use it after the class ends, you
cannot use Montclair servers to host your E-commerce site.
13. You must demo the project. In demo’ing the project, you will need to
demo from the university C-Panel server on zoom.  Only if electrical is out
or the network is unreachable will I allow you to demo from your laptops.   
14. You must document your project, This document will have interim
deadlines but your final draft will be submitted at the time of project
submission deadline. Note the documentation will be due before
submission.  In this document, you should include the following:  

*************Discussion means that there should be multiple paragraphs explaining
how you dealt with each deliverable.**************************************************

1. First Page – Title, Names and Emails of everyone who is working on this
2. Page 2: A page with usernames and passwords for each of your two or four
3. Page 3: Executive summary of your Problem
4. Analysis of Client and His or Her needs
5. Business plan and purpose for the project
6. Discussion of data views, screen shots demonstrating the data views and
the SQL statements used to general such views for each type of user.
7. Data Model – conceptual (both diagram and discussion and how it evolved
during the semester)
8. Data Model – implementation (both diagram and discussion)
9. Discussion on Website implementation including screen shots.
10. Analysis of Database issues – What normal form is your database in and
why? Is there redundancy?  Is all data reachable?  In general, your tables
should be in 2nd normal form.  Take each table and describe what normal
form it is in and write 1 paragraph as to why it is in this form.
11. Security discussion –discuss the security measures that you have
implemented including:
1. Log-in landing pad
2. Implementation of the secure passwords

 Implementation of the protection for the SQL injections

1. For those going for extra credit: Client review – the client must review and
give you critical feedback for the tool. I will give you a set of questions to
guide the discussion.
2. Conclusion and a discussion on what would you do next with the website if
you had more time.
3. Appendix with all code
4. Appropriate citations (every image and sourced used for this project
better be documented or you will get points off).
5. CD/flashdrive/external media with report, code, data and if possible, an
exported version of the database.


1. Submit on canvas, a Report and a database Dump delivered during Demo,

put into one report and submitted through canvas.
2. A page included with the report listing your contact information, email and
then usernames and passwords to all views on the active database.  You
should have one account for each type of view implemented before you

15. Report and System must be completed by at the latest May 10th at 9:

00am via canvas. Projects will not be accepted during class.  The Canvas
Submission will disappear at 9:00am.
16. Report must be accessible via Canvas. System availability will be discussed
as the semester progresses. Both report and system must be accessible this

Part 3 – 20 points Documentation and Professional Behavior.

1. Projects need to complete their reports on the appropriate time frame by

Thursdays at 5:30pm of the week of the report, submitted through canvas.
Reports must both be submitted in class and via Canvas and be written in
a word processor following the template the professor provides.
2. Each project must demo their software to the professor by End of day  on
May 10th.  All team members must be present with the professor for the
3. Each project will get one chance to demonstrate their system with the
professor. No demonstrations will be accepted after the demo
date.  Failure in demo’ing your system will result in a failing grade for the

Schedule for Deliverables:

5. Friday, March 31 - Discussion of your client business model – 
6. Friday, April 14  - ER diagram – submit on Canvas in the assignment area.
7. Weekly reports from groups following either individual or group report
format - Weekly via canvas AND print outs during class. Weekly Reports
Start April 3rd
8. Views – email me if you are interested in me reviewing your views. These
can be conceptual or implemented.  Views must be included in the final
9. Final Project Documentation: Wednesday, May 10th @ 9am .  NO
Canvas both through discussion board (for the link) and through the
project area (for documentation and code), to the professor by 10am.  NO
LATE SUBMISSIONS  Remember to include a page of passwords for your
4 views if you are a group, 2 individual.
10. Project Presentations: Anytime up until May 10th. I will only be able to
accommodate 10 presentations on the due date during class time so you
can also schedule with me at an alternative time. 
11. Schedule Project Appointments by May 1, 2023

Business Plan - Things to include
List participants
Define your Business and its practices
               Who is your client and how did you find this client?
               What is the contact information for your client:
               Why does this client want this website?
What are your products?
Who do you expect your client to be? Discuss what you think your client’s
expectation are going to be.
What access your various users should have to your product – define your four user
groups and discuss in high level English what access they should have
Basic plan of implementation – groups
               Who is in the group?
Who is doing what? – discuss how you have delegated work so far.
Everyone must code
Everyone must participate in the data model
How are you collecting requirements and information about your miniverse. 
What are your sources?
E-R Diagram - Due April 14th

 Model all of the data needed in your database

o Examples
 User data – client, employee, etc
 Product data
 Purchases/Orders data
 Data your domain may need stored for practical
 Employee Data
o Should include description of the E-R diagram
o Include assumptions

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