09 - Heat Capacity

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Heat Capacity

Chapter 6.3
What are we going to cover today?

By the end of this lesson,

you will be able to:
Key Terms
• Kinetic molecular theory of matter
• all matter is made up of particles that are in constant random

• Thermal energy
• the total kinetic and potential energy of the particles within an

• Temperature
• the average kinetic energy of a substances’ particles
• high temperature means more kinetic energy
• Kelvin scale
• alternate unit of measurement for temperature
• Unit (K): Convert from °C to K by adding 273

• Absolute zero
• lowest temperature theoretically possible (0 K)
• can’t be reached on earth

• Heat
• energy transferred from a warmer object to a cooler object
Specific Heat Capacity
transfer of thermal energy from one body to another
causes a change of temperature or change of state (or both)
different substances require different amounts of energy to
increase the temperature of a give mass of the substance
Specific Heat Capacity (c)
the amount of thermal energy (J) needed to raise the
temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1°C or 1K
measured in J/kg°C
represents how much thermal energy is released when a
substance cools down by 1°C
Table 7.1 on page 213 has the specific
heat capacities of some common
total amount of thermal energy transferred from a warmer
substance to a colder substance is the quantity of heat (Q)

Q = mcDT Q = thermal energy transferred (J)

m = mass (kg)
c = specific heat capacity (J/kg°C)
ΔT = change in temperature
(ΔT=Tf – Ti)
if an object absorbs energy, its final temperature is greater
than its initial temperature, and the value of ΔT and Q are
if an object loses energy, its final temperature is lower than its
initial temperature, and the value of ΔT and Q are negative
specific heat capacity depends on a substances chemical
structure and state
 solids tend to have lower heat capacities than liquids or gases
(i.e. it takes less thermal energy to increase the temperature of
1kg of solid by 1°C)
Example 1
How much heat energy is required to heat a 2.5kg piece of
Copper pipe (c = 3.9x102J/kg K) from 25.0oC to 66.0oC?

Given: Analysis: Solution:

m = 2.5kg Q = mcDT Q = (2.5kg)(390J / kgK)(41K)
DT = T2 - T1 = 41K
c = 3.9x10 J / kgiK
Q  4.0 x104 J


The Principle of Heat Exchange
when thermal energy is transferred from one object to
another, the amount of thermal energy lost by the warmer
object is equal to the amount of thermal energy gained by the
colder object
This is the Law of Conservation of Energy

Qlost +Qgained = 0

• Q lost is the amount of thermal energy lost (by the warmer object; measured in J)
• Q gained is the amount of thermal energy gained (by the colder object; measured in J)
Qlost +Qgained = 0

Qgained = - Qlost

mccc DTc = -mhchDTh

careful and precise measurement of heat transfer
Example 2
A 0.50kg pot of hot water for tea has cooled to 40.0°C. How
much water at 100.0°C must be added to raise the temperature
of the water to 65.0°C?
Given: Cold Warm
mc = 0.50kg cw = 4.19x10 J / kgiK

cw = 4.19x103 J / kgiK T1 = 100.°C = 373K

T1 = 40.0°C = 313K T2 = 65.0°C = 338K
T2 = 65.0°C = 338K DT = -35.0K
Required: DT = 25.0K
mc cc DTc = -(mh ch DTh )
mc cc DTc
mh =
-(ch DTh )

(0.50kg)(4.19x103 J / kgiK )(25K)

mh =
-(4.19x103 J / kgiK )(-35K )

mh  0.36kg
Thermal Expansion and Contraction
 as a substance absorbs thermal energy, some of the energy is
transformed into kinetic energy
 particles spread out and increase in volume (Thermal Expansion)

 sidewalks have spaces in between concrete slabs to make room for

expansion as temperatures rise

 bridges have special expansion joints to prevent damage on hot days

 when substances cool down, their particles release kinetic energy to the
surroundings and substance decreases in volume
 called Thermal Contraction
 Nelson Physics 11 Textbook: Read 6.3 P281-287 do P287 #1-8


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