Adoption of Fintech On Digital Banking: Exploring Trends, Prospects and Risk

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Adoption of Fintech on Digital Banking:

Exploring Trends, Prospects and Risk
Dr. Richa Gupta*
*Assistant Professor,
D.A.V. P.G. College, Varanasi

Abstract: This paper examines the theoretical literature procedures, or products that significantly affect financial
on the development of information and digital markets, institutions, and the provision of financial
technologies in the Indian banking sector. The purpose services". The term "financial technology" refers to a variety
of this study is to emphasis the function of financial of things, from the invention of digital money to double-
technologies or Fintech in the financial industry, entry bookkeeping.Fintech firms are designed to compete
particularly in the banking sector, using information with and ultimately replace existing traditional financial
collected from secondary sources on Fintech and Digital service providers by being more flexible, catering to an
Banking. The study review the overall idea of Fintech underserved market, or offering quicker and better
and Digital banking and also the initiatives launched by service(D'Acunto et al., 2019).
RBI recently. The Published data is used to understand
the pattern of fintech and digital banking services in A. Financial Technology (Fintech):
Indian Context. This study indicates a direction for The term "fintech" is not of recent origin.The financial
Fintech evolution in terms of changing industries and industry, information technology (IT), and innovation are all
customers. Over the past several years, there has been a connected by fintech. The phrase "Fin-Tech" was created by
significant increase in the usage of fintech in the banking combining the terms "finance" and "technology," and it
industry. This study gives a thorough review of the new accurately captures what the acronym truly stands for, which
opportunities that FinTech has opened up for the is the advancement of technology and innovation to enhance
banking industry, as well as the difficulties that may banking and financial abilities with the most recent
arise throughout the adaption process. technologies. Fin-Tech alsorefers to the interaction between
financial services companies like loans, payments, money
Keywords:- Financial Technology, Digital Banking, transfers, and other banks, and technology like cloud
Banking services, Digital initiatives, Opportunities and computing and mobile internet. According to (,
Threats 2019) Fintech is a process of emerging financial innovation,
which has been proved to be valuable yet dangerous in
I. INTRODUCTION recent evidence that it provides significant value to
Globally, the banking industry is now undergoing a
possible disruption due to recent advancements in FinTech.  Fintech Ecosystem:
A number of variables, including as financial globalisation, Fintech ecosystems are groups of businesses that
technical development, the need for new business models, collaborate to accomplish a single objective. This often
and rivalry among service providers in an effort to meet refers to the creation and acceptance of innovative
increased consumer expectations, contributed to this technologies to enhance or undermine the conventional
transition. The banking industry is moving towards banking industry in the context of financial services.
operational innovation as a result of the financial technology Additionally, it may imply expanding social inclusion and
industry's fast growth in order to obtain a lasting economic progress for more people globally.
competitive edge(Zhao et al.,2019).

The word "fintech" refers to the application of

technology to a range of financial services. Traditional
financial institutions, start-ups, venture investors, and
regulators are all involved in fintech (Lee and Shin, 2018).
According to Financial Stability Board (FSB) defines
Fintech as a "new business models, technologies,

Table 1: Shows the Fintech Ecosystem Components

Clearing and Deposits, Lending Investment Provisioning Risk Assessment
Settlement of and Management on the and
Payments Funding market Data Analytics
Distributed Decentralized ledger, Robotic trading Smart contracts, Robotics, artificial
cryptocurrency peer-to-peer lending, advice for smart cloud networking, intelligence, and big
ledger for mobile and crowdfunding, and contracts and e-aggregators data
internet payments digital currency
Source: World Economic Forum

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Phases of Fintech: is what drives the current wave of enthusiasm and academic
According to Consumer International (2017) there have interest.
been three stages of fintech, and the third stage is what we
are presently seeing. The fact that fintech avoids using Following is the phases of Financial Technology.
conventional middlemen when providing financial services

Fig. 1: The three phases of fintech.

Source: Consumers International (2017)

 Fintech Startups: Following table shows the Fintech startups in India

The nature of financial transactions has also altered as a which has been categorized into 6 sub categories. Fintech
result of Indian fintech start-ups. There is no longer a related to payments, lending tech, investment tech,
requirement for you to visit banks for such demands because Insurance tech, fintech saas and cryptocurrency.
the bulk of payments are now made using online internet
banking or other payment apps.

Table 2: Shows the list of Fintech startups under various segments

Sr. No. FinTech Startups in India
Payments Lending Tech Investment Tech Insurance Tech Fintech Saas Cryptocurrency
1 Paytm Dripc Scripbox Digit Credgenics Bitbns
2 Cred Kreditbee Sanctum Wealth Policy Bazar Zeni Zebpay
3 Zeta Leapfinance Smallcase RenewBuy PayMate Coin DCX
4 PhonePe UNI Upstox Turtlemint Khata Book Coinswitch Kuber
5 Mobikwik Capital Float Dezerv Loop Health Shopse Unocoin
6 Cashfree CredAvenue Sentieo Nova Benefits Unbound Wazirx
Source : Author’s Compilation

Fig. 2: Market size of India’s Fintech is $3.1 billion in the year 2021, third largest in world

Source: Economics Times, BFSI

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Digital Banking: under the broad category of "digital banking." These
Technology advancements in the banking industry have services are accessible via the bank's website, a mobile app,
significant effects on banks' marketing strategies, especially or both. Through digital banking, anybody may access their
with regard to their Digital Banks (DB) services since they financial services remotely from any location in the globe.
influence how clients utilise them. The financial services
sector is revolutionised by information technology, which According to Chikoko&Munongo (2015) Digital
also gives them the chance to expand their customer base banking services refer to the use of the internet, mobile
and offer significant advantages for carrying out financial devices, and any other electronic mediums as a delivery
operations (Owusu etal, 2018). People with no bank channel for banking services. This includes both established
accounts now have more ways to engage and directly use banking services like balance inquiries, statement printing,
financial services through mobile phone banking. It provides transfers to other accounts, and bill payment as well as
several practical services, such online bill paying, money cutting-edge banking services like electronic bill
transfers, and depositing money without physically going to presentment and payment without having to physically visit
the local bank (Lenka& Barik, 2018).All services a bank.
connected to internet banking and financial institutions fall

Fig. 3: Graph showing trend of Digital payments and digital sales

Source: Research Dive Analysis

According to the report by Research Dive Analysis, field of Information Technology. This innovation has lead to
the digital payments and digital sales are projected to more convenience and easy access to the digital payment
significantly increase in the coming years. This is due to the platforms.
fact that the sector has experience a lot of innovation in the

Fig. 4: Shows the growth of Digital Banking over the years

Source: Business Insider

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
From the above graph, we can interpret that there has The various type of digital banking services provided
been an increasing trend in the growth of digital banking in by banks are the use of UPI (Unified Payment Interface),
the last few years. The number of users of digital banking mobile banking, internet banking, mobile wallet etc.
has increased over the years and is projected to experience According to a report by “National Payment Corporation of
an upward trend in the coming years. Simultaneously the India (NPCI)”, the number of UPI transactions from the year
account holders also shows an increasing trend and is 2020 to 2021 has increased with a increasing trends and
projected to further increase in the coming years. simultaneously the overall value of the UPI has also
increased to a great extend.

Table 3: Shows the number of UPI transactions and their value

Year UPI transactions Overall Value
March 2021 2732 million 5,04,886 crore
April 2020 999.6 million 1,51,141 crore
Source: Report by NPCI

C. Key Initiatives launched during the Global Fintech Fest NPCI, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das introduced three
2022: significant initiatives at the Global Fintech Fest 2022.
In the presence of Biswamohan Mahapatra, Chairman of RuPay Credit Card on UPI, UPI LITE, and Bharat BillPay
the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), and Cross-Border Bill Payments were launched as a part of
Nandan Nilekani, Chairman of Infosys and Advisor to the initiatives by RBI.

Rupay Credit UPI Lite Bharat Bill Pay Cross

Card on UPI Border Bill Payment
Fig. 5: Initiatives launched during the global fintech fest 2022

Source: NPCI

 RuPay Credit Card on UPI : The Virtual Financial A. Fintech and digitalization:
Address (VPA), commonly referred to as a UPI ID, will Fintech has developed as a result of shifting global value
be linked to RuPay Credit Cards, enabling risk-free and chain drivers that have exposed flaws in banks' present
secure financial transactions. The first users of RuPay business models. This has helped highlight areas that require
Credit Cards with UPI and the BHIM App will be those change and encouraged adaption of such business models
who bank with Punjab National Bank, Union Bank of for future growth (Thurber, 2012). The survey asserts that
India, and Indian Bank. in 20 important worldwide regions where fintech adoption is
 UPI LITE: Consumers will be able to complete low-value anticipated to reach 52% globally, fintech adoption is more
transactions more rapidly because of UPI Lite. Users of pronounced at the retail level (Ernst & Young,
the BHIM App who activate UPI Lite will be able to 2017).According to (Kaur and Dogra, 2019) the top 10
execute low-value transactions almost entirely offline. It Fintech entrepreneurial projects are investigated based on
is anticipated to reduce the load that debit transactions their goals and objectives, and growth analysis is done
place on the main banking system, boost transaction according to the source of funding. Finance for fintech firms
success rates, and enhance user experience. is increasing, which promotes healthy economic growth.
 Bharat BillPay Cross-Border Bill Payments: For people India, which has the largest population and the biggest
who live outside of India yet own property in India, the percentage of unbanked and underbanked people, is a
governor created the Bharat BillPay Cross-Border Bill potential market for financial disruption. Disruptive
Payments, which would make bill payments simpler. innovation in the shape of fintech is revolutionising the
NRIs might use the service to cover their Indian relatives' established financial markets. For the past five years, fintech
energy, water, and phone costs. Bharat BillPay Cross- has been expanding in India, and experts predict that it will
Border Bill Payments will be accepted for the first time by continue to expand quickly in the next years (Priya and
Federal Bank in association with the Lulu Exchange in the Kanagala, 2019). According to (Vijai, 2019), the
United Arab Emirates. digitization of financial transactions is offered by the fintech
firm. The sought-after benefits of fintech services result in
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE less time and money spent on operations. In terms of
worldwide comparison, India has the fastest-growing fintech
The digital revolution of the banking and financial services. The finance industry in India will undergo major
industries depends on fintech or financial technology. transformation as a result of the new fintech idea.(Gupta
Driving digitization in the banking sector involves the and Agrawal 2021) in their study demonstrate the positive
fintech sector. Fintech service providers significantly impact connection between end-user adoption of fintech and the
markets with their creative business structures and goods. worldwide COVID-19 epidemic. It indicates that the rate of
The following literature review is categorized into three fintech adoption has dramatically grown, indicating more
categories. financial inclusion and progress.Demir et al (2022) found

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
that FinTech decreases income inequality and enhances C. Fintech and Banking Industry:
wellbeing through a crucial channel called financial Yudhira (2021) Banks employ the fintech system known
inclusion, with the positive impact being stronger in high- as "digital banking" to address the demands of their
income nations. Murinde, Rizopoulos&Zachariadis consumers by offering services via the use of digital and
(2022) in their study shows that banks may not be replaced internet technologies. Digital banking examples include
by fintech lenders since banks are creating their own fintech SMS banking, internet banking, phone banking, mobile
platforms in collaboration with fintech companies. The banking, video banking, and ATMs and EDC/Electronic
future of banking will be shaped by global infrastructure, Data Capture, which are the most well-known to the general
laws, and geopolitical pressures. public.

B. Digital banking and financial services: (Kholis, 2018) Several items that can simplify and
Vishnoi and Bishla (2021) the UPI system in India expedite financial transactions have been developed as
enables the elimination of black money, corruption, and the operational advances for the banking sector in Indonesia.
promotion of green transactions. The analysis indicates that One of them is digital banking, which is a service for doing
it only took India five years to surpass the United States in financial business via electronic or digital methods. Services
terms of real-time financial transactions. Arner et al through this facility, independent actions can be taken to
(2018)argued that in order to fully utilise FinTech for gather information, communicate, register, open accounts,
financial inclusion, a framework that supports infrastructure conduct banking transactions, and close accounts.
and an enabling policy and regulatory environment is
required. This framework must be built on a solid III. NEED OF THE STUDY
foundation of digital identification and electronic payment
systems. According to Baghla. A. (2018)India is moving The emergence of financial technology has both
more quickly towards a cashless society, but it will take a benefits and drawbacks for the banking industry. On the one
while before that is fully realised. Through government hand, it offers ways to improve the services that banks offer
initiatives, commercial institutions are launching e-wallet to their clients, with chatbots enhancing customer
apps like Paytm, Phonepe, etc. as a complement to the experience, mobile apps giving clients a real-time view of
digital payment system. Joshi and Desai (2017) After the their bank accounts, and machine learning securing against
subsequent demonetization, people's perceptions about fraud. On the other hand, fintech is putting traditional
digital payments altered, and they were replaced by banking and financial services under intense pressure from
alternative payment options including NACH, IMPS, UPI, all sides, endangering the long-term viability of some of our
and BHIM (UPI). Consequently, there is a chance that the most recognisable institutions. Fintech aids in resource
nation's digital economy may grow in the future. Khorshid management and finding useful applications for financial
and Ghane (2009) in their study examines the privacy, accounting data. Banks and other financial organisations that
security, and trust of consumers were recognised as frequently need to maintain high operational efficiency
difficulties resulting from e-banking challenges for bank across many industries benefit greatly from fintech.
management, and further study was undertaken on IV. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
prioritising these challenges. Customers identified
reputation of the bank, compliance with rules and  To understand the concept of Fintech and digital banking
regulations, and ease of access as the primary obstacles to and its emergence in the todays digitalized world.
the growth of e-banking.Uppal and Chawla (2009)  To analyse and interpret the trends associated with digital
Customers of public sector, private, and foreign banks in the financial services
Punjabi district of Ludhiana were found to be interested in  To explore various opportunities and threats of Financial
e-banking services, but they were also struggling with issues Technology (Fintech) on the Banking and financial
like poor knowledge, a bad network, a lack of infrastructure, services.
an inappropriate location, misuse of ATM cards, and
difficulties opening accounts.Sharma and Avasthi (2001) V. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
According to a research, technological advancements will
revolutionise how the banking industry operates. The The research design used in our study is exploratory
distribution methods used by banks for retail banking have cum descriptive research. The data collection used in our
changed as a result of technology. Additionally, it has an study is from secondary sources collected using annual
effect on bank markets. The report also looked at the reports of RBI, NPCL, articles, research papers, magazines
problems that the banking sector and its regulator have. and websites. For the study of trend in financial services,
Shukla and Shukla (2011) said that using e-banking data has been collected for 5 years to interpret the results.
provides a better level of ease for handling accounts, even
from a person's bed. However, it still poses threats to one's
financial security and private life.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 4: The Volume and Value of the services like RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement), NEFT(National Electronic Funds
Transfer) and Mobile Banking are stated below:
month of Volume Value No. of transactions Amount Volume Value
every year (Lakhs) (Crore) (Lakhs) (Crore) (Lakh) (Crore)
2022 21503150 13736057.18 4854.8 2981681.2 7465027.275 1991760.73
2021 19278396 12966990.79 3763.4 2724980.1 45286 1359381
2020 16347917 10659120.35 3076.1 2558304.2 25199 899401
2019 13601582 10316936.81 2336.9 1942230.7 14322.09 493143.67
2018 11317114 116423.73 194.8 19570.4 6614.30 277633
Source: RBI Annual Report

(The data is taken for the month of December only including all the types of banks for five years)

 Interpretation: The above table shows the digital increasing trends in both the volume and value. This
transactions that occurred in the month of December shows that the digital transactions gives a favourable
every year for 5 years. The study depicts that there has results in the digitalization of banking industry. The study
been an increasing trend in all the three digital banking. analyse a positive relationship of digital transactions in
RTGS/NEFT and mobile banking has experienced an banking industry.

Table 5: The volume and Value of Digital Transaction and credit card transaction
Year Digital Transactions Credit Card Transactions
No. of transactions (crore) Value in lakhs crore Volume (billion) Value(trillion)
21-22 8840 3021 1.89 7.3
20-21 5554 3000 1.76 6.3
20-19 4572 2953 2.18 7.31
19-18 3134 2482 1.76 6.03
18-17 2071 1962 1.89 4.59
Source: RBI, NPCI

 Interpretation: The table above shows the comparision name a few. AI and machine learning are being used by
between digital transactions and the credit card banks in a variety of contexts. The public is most familiar
transactions for 5year duration. The study clearly shows with chatbots, but artificial intelligence also affects back-
an upward trend in the no. of digital transactions and the office operations, product delivery, risk management,
value of digital transaction has increased every year. marketing, and security. (Truby et al. 2020) New
Whereas the credit card transaction shows an decreasing technologies affect how individuals handle and move money
trend except the year 20-21. The main reason for the and reset customer expectations. A large shift in financial
downfall in the year 2020-21 is due to the pandemic. Soon services from traditional banks to neo-banks is referred to as
after the pandemic, we can observe a rise in the credit a fintech disruption. Retail banking products and services
card transactions again. are directly impacted by a number of developing
technologies in the Fintech sector. (KPMG 2019) Although
VII. EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN BANKING it is still in the early stages of implementation, blockchain is
INDUSTRY a new financial services technology trend that is
revolutionising the financial world as we know it. We
(Chonsawat and Sopadang 2020) Emerging choose to concentrate primarily on how blockchain
technology must have the capacity to completely change a technologies impact banking in our study because of this.
particular market or industry, even if it is neither innovative Blockchain definitely has a substantial influence on the
or revolutionary. This type of technology is used in many finance function, and most businesses will progressively
industries, from agriculture to education. (Schulte and Liu incorporate the technology as they anticipate a new
2017) Emerging technologies employed in the banking operating model for finance, according to a report by
sector include blockchain, cryptocurrencies, AI, IoT, cloud KPMG.
computing, virtual/augmented reality, and e-commerce, to

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 6: Top Deals in Indian Fintech in 2022

Source: Economics Times

VIII. PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES OF prudential standards involving reporting and consumer
FINTECH FOR BANKING AND FINANCIAL protection) and comply with regulatory requirements
SYSTEMS with the use of modern, innovative technology. RegTech
provides banks with more efficient solutions to enhance
Efficiency is one of the several fronts on which their compliance and risk management. It may also be a
FinTech companies, who are seen as a genuine threat to the way to manage regulatory environment change and
established banking system, must compete with banks. New reduce the expenses associated with fulfilling the
technologies like "BlockChain" increase effectiveness necessary standards.
(Peters & Panayi, 2016). These advancements are  Upliftment in Security and increased compliance of
anticipated to help FinTech businesses more since banks are cloud-based data: Security is included into the
often less inclined to embrace new technology rapidly blockchain for one of the key breakthroughs in FinTech
owing to the regulatory environment and frequently rely on through encryption of the blocks and the connections
decades IT infrastructure. between the blocks. With current technology, it is also
more difficult to attack every node in a blockchain than it
A. Prospects/ Opportunities:
is to attack a central database. FinTech platforms also
 Financial Inclusion: People with limited resources now provide a number of ways to safeguard privacy and stop
have easier access to financial services because to digital data leaking.
banking. FinTech platforms are changing to firm and
 Cost benefit using blockchain technology: Fintech
executable orders and focusing more on larger-sized
companies provide quicker and more affordable financial
deals. Another aspect of this opportunity is the inclusion
services. In the case of cross-border transfers, fintech
of new asset classes. For instance, many Distributed
businesses can offer speedier banking services at a
Ledger Technologies (DLT) experts point out that one
cheaper cost. Fintech players may speed up transfers and
advantage of DLT is the ability to "tokenize" for
payments and reduce their expenses. Shortening the
securitization assets that are expensive to source,
settlement cycle from three days to two days has been
transact, and deliver, such as commodities, energy
beneficial for some markets, and blockchain
products, works of art, real estate, and private equities,
technologies have the potential to result in almost
making them available for trading and as collateral.
immediate settlement. A distributed ledger using
 Positive impacts on financial stability driven on by blockchain technology allows for the real-time,
enhanced competition: The emergence of new chronological, and secure recording and transmission of
competitors for established banks may eventually cause data (Jani & Shah, 2018).
the market for banking services to become more
 Big data and fog computing to provide clients with
fragmented and lower the systemic risk posed by
individualised services:
businesses with systemic scale.
 The Regulation of Technology (Regtech): Financial
 Using big data, banks may divide their clients based on
their income levels, spending habits, and transactional
institutions can achieve regulatory goals (such as

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
behaviours. Using this client segmentation as a responsible for compliance may come from the product
foundation, it is possible to create and successfully or service's increased level of automation and spread
advertise reasonably customised items that address their among banks and fintech firms. The risk of engaging in
demands. Big data analytics is the computer process of broad solicitation/unlicensed operations is now greater
gathering and analysing enormous, more diverse datasets than it was previously. Furthermore, compared to
to find specific trends (Riahi 2018). Additionally, data securities on the public markets, many FinTech platforms
obtained from mobile devices is collected and analysed could lack standardisation and offer less information.
via fog computing technology. When offering  Cyber Threat: The financial system may become more
personalised customer support and product suggestions, exposed to cyber threats and expose substantial amounts
these technologies use predictive systems (Nieves of sensitive data to possible breaches if it relies more
2019) heavily on application programming interfaces (APIs),
cloud computing, and other emerging technologies
B. Challenges/ Threats: enabling higher interconnection.
FinTech has advantages and possibilities, but it also  Conflict for market share: Risks to the profitability of
comes with a number of potential hazards. individual banks are increased by the possibility of fast
 Volatility of bank financing and liquidity risk: Customers unbundling of bank services to non-bank fintech or
now have the option to automatically switch between BigTech companies. If new entrants are able to exploit
several savings accounts or mutual funds to get a better innovation more effectively and produce less priced
return thanks to the usage of modern technologies and services that better satisfy client expectations, existing
aggregators. While this can boost productivity, it might financial institutions are at risk of losing a significant
also diminish consumer loyalty and make deposits more portion of their market share or profit margin.
erratic. This might consequently expose banks to greater  Regulation Risk: Since many of the FinTech solutions,
liquidity risk. such as blockchain, crowdsourcing, crypto currencies,
 Concerning data privacy compliance risk: With the etc., are new to the banking industry, central banks
expansion of big data, more outsourcing as a result of around the world have been attempting to keep up with
partnerships with fintech companies, and the ensuing these innovations by providing them with the necessary
rivalry for control of the customer relationship, the regulations; however, there is a risk in the event that a
danger of not adhering to data privacy regulations may regulation is delayed or does not exist. Since P2P lending
rise. This danger might be increased by the availability is not technically lending, lending restrictions that are
of platforms run by unregistered organisations. often based on the capital of financial institutions may
 Increased challenges in fulfilling compliance duties, not apply to FinTech firms who perform it. A P2P
particularly those related to anti-money laundering and lending service connects lenders and borrowers online
combating the financing of terrorism: Less transparency (Lee &Shin, 2018)
on how transactions are carried out and who is

Table 6: Shows the impact of Fintech on bank and banking system

Opportunities Threats
 Financial Inclusion  Volatility of bank financing and
 Positive impacts on financial stability liquidity risk:
 Regulation Technology (Regtech)  Data privacy compliance risk
 Upliftment in Security  challenges in fulfilling compliance
Impact of Fintech on  Cost benefit using block chain duties related to anti money
Bank and Banking technology laundering
System  Big data and fog computing to provide  Cyber Threat
clients with individualized services  Conflict for market share
 Regulation Risk
Source : Author Compilation

IX. THE FUTURE OF FINTECH AND DIGITAL has become quicker as a result of it, meeting times have
BANKING IN INDIA gone from months to weeks. The latest statistics from the
RBI show that there were 1.06 billion digital transactions in
Sironi (2016) in a book contrasted the futures of 2017, an increase of 6.05 percent.(Ravindra and Tejashwini
traditional banking with those of other Fintech-based 2022) in their study highlighted the role of fintech in digital
businesses. Currently, 87 percent of people still pay in cash banking. The study highlighted that the government and
and 40% of the population lacks access to financial services. regulatory bodies' initiatives, all of which are keen to go
India might so serve as a breeding ground for new financial above and beyond to assist growth in the banking industry,
technologies start-ups in technology. According to also contribute to the Fintech revolution. To advance fintech
predictions, mobile usage will rise from 64% in 2018 to in India, banks and financial institutions must work
70% in 2019, and increased Internet usage will help Fintech successfully with creative businesses.
in India grow.Ahern (2018) in his study examines that
Crowdfunding makes it quick and simple to raise money
from donors all around the world. Finding startup resources

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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