Chalcogenide Perovskites: Tantalizing Prospects, Challenging Materials

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Chalcogenide Perovskites: Tantalizing Prospects, Challenging Materials

Article  in  Advanced Optical Materials · December 2021

DOI: 10.1002/adom.202101704


33 128

4 authors, including:

Kostiantyn Sopiha Corrado Comparotto

Uppsala University Uppsala University


Jose Marquez-Prieto
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin


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Chalcogenide Perovskites: Tantalizing Prospects,

Challenging Materials
Kostiantyn V. Sopiha, Corrado Comparotto, José A. Márquez, and Jonathan J. S. Scragg*

almost anything that has come before.

Chalcogenide perovskites have recently emerged into the spotlight as highly High absorption coefficients allow effi-
robust, earth abundant, and nontoxic candidates for various energy con- cient solar cells to be made from films in
version applications, not least photovoltaics (PV). Now, a serious effort is the range of 300–500 nm thick, while high
mobilities for electrons and holes, and a
required to determine if they can emulate the PV performance of the better-
lack of deep defects, allow long charge car-
known, part-organic halide perovskites, in applications such as tandem rier diffusion lengths and lead to efficient
solar cells. This review summarizes the surprisingly large body of literature collection of photoexcited electrons.[1,2]
pertaining to chalcogenide perovskites, which have been investigated for These properties have underpinned the
many years despite only recently being considered for applications. The rapid rise of certain halide perovskites to
high efficiency in PV cells.
confusing variety of claims coming from computational materials discovery is
While very impressive single-junction
clarified, and it is specified which chalcogenide perovskites actually exist and solar cell efficiencies have been reached,[3]
should form the focus of experimental work. The highly interesting optoelec- the “killer” application of PV perovskites
tronic and transport properties of the known materials at their current stage in the near term is thought to be the aug-
of development are summarized, which makes a clear case for investigating mentation of commercial crystalline sil-
them further. The existing synthesis literature is collated, which provides icon solar cells with wide-bandgap perov-
skite top cells, to create a tandem device.
some important and possibly unnoticed clues to experimentalists grap-
Si-perovskite tandem device efficiencies
pling with these somewhat challenging materials. The authors hope that the have reached 29%, which already exceeds
highlighting of this information will facilitate further exciting studies, better the record for silicon technology alone,
approaches, and new progress for chalcogenide perovskites. clearly demonstrating the promise of this
concept.[4] Such tandem devices could be
manufactured with high throughput, with
1. Introduction some studies predicting lower per-Watt costs than existing tech-
nology.[5] Unsurprisingly, attempts to commercialize this tech-
In the past decade, the field of photovoltaics (PV) has been nology are already underway.[6]
turned on its head by the arrival of “perovskite” materials. In Apart from their optoelectronic properties, a useful engi-
this context, “perovskite” means hybrid organic–inorganic hal- neering factor for halide perovskites is the ability to deposit
ides crystallizing in perovskite structures, and such materials films at low temperatures, in the range of 80–150 °C.[7] The
have shown better intrinsic properties for PV applications than ability to form highly crystalline, large-grained halide perov-
skite layers at low temperature, using simple solution-based
approaches, has been an integral part of the rapid improvement
K. V. Sopiha, C. Comparotto, J. J. S. Scragg
Solar Cell Technology Division in device performance compared with other (inorganic) PV
Dept. Materials Science and Engineering technologies.[7] Besides, a low deposition temperature allows for
Uppsala University straightforward integration of halide perovskite top cells onto
Uppsala 75237, Sweden completed Si subcells without risk of damage to the latter.
E-mail: [email protected]
Despite their advantages, halide perovskite solar cells face
J. A. Márquez
Department of Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials
challenges in terms of their long-term stability, due to degra-
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB) dation of the perovskite bulk and interfaces under various
14109 Berlin, Germany combinations of internal and external stressors such as heat,
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article light, humidity, and electric fields.[8–11] For any new PV tech-
can be found under nology aiming at mainstream applications, long term stability
© 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by must meet or exceed the high bar set by existing (Si) technolo-
Wiley-VCH GmbH. This is an open access article under the terms of gies. Performance warranties from some Si module manufac-
the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, turers are at 25 years with as little as 10% degradation, and this
which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original is expected to improve to 30 years within a decade.[12] Even a
work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications
or adaptations are made.
small compromise in the operational lifetime of a perovskite–
silicon tandem PV module could offset efficiency gains, erode
DOI: 10.1002/adom.202101704 cost reductions, and make the technology less attractive for

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (1 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

investors.[5] The stability of halide perovskites might be nearest the appropriate bandgap range (of which there are
enhanced by external means, such as encapsulation, but the few) have considerably larger voltage losses with respect to
ultimate solution lies in modifying the intrinsic properties of the SQ limit. Part of these voltage losses could simply be due
the perovskite materials themselves. To what extent this can to nonoptimal contacts and interfaces in the solar cell struc-
be achieved with halide perovskites while retaining their good tures used.[20] However, unlike the halide perovskites, none
qualities is a question that is under intense research today. of the chalcogenide candidates has shown any other primary
Another family of PV materials, the chalcogenides, have indication of high photovoltaic potential, such as a high lumi-
already provided high-performance examples that have nescence quantum yield that would suggest open-circuit
reached commercial applications in single-junction solar cells voltage potential near the SQ limit. This points to a widespread
(principally Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 and CdTe), and this family could problem of low defect tolerance in the wide gap chalcogenide
thus be an alternative source of tandem top cell materials. absorber materials that have been examined thus far.
Unlike the halide perovskites, good environmental stability is In summary, while halide perovskite PV researchers have
a common feature of chalcogenide compounds, which is an become increasingly invested in the search for alternative
important advantage and underpins their commercialization perovskites that can fully eliminate instability issues (and,
by companies such as First Solar, Inc and Avancis GmbH. ideally, avoid the use of Pb), chalcogenide PV researchers are
The challenges here are different from the halide perovskite searching for new wide bandgap materials with higher defect
case. One issue is that the better stability tends to go hand-in- tolerance and device performance. These parallel pursuits may
hand with higher temperature synthesis (>400 °C). While this now converge in a relatively new family of materials, which are
can present problems for monolithic integration with Si cells, chalcogenides that adopt perovskite-type structures. Even at
recent results have shown that this can be dealt with.[13,14] A the very early stages, chalcogenide perovskites appear to fulfill
more serious issue is that none of the emerging chalcogenide many of the key optoelectronic and chemical prerequisites for
candidates has shown sufficiently high efficiency. To achieve a high efficiency PV, including exceptional stability and intense
Si-based tandem device with over 30% efficiency, the top cell luminescence. At the same time, their synthesis chemistry has
must have efficiency in the range of 17–19% for bandgaps in stark differences to that of halide perovskites, and thin film
the range of 1.7–1.8  eV.[15] To date, the best example from the growth apparently presents challenges. A short perspective on
chalcogenides is Cu(In,Ga)S2, with a 15.5% efficiency at an this topic was published in 2019,[21] but recent progress and
≈1.65  eV bandgap.[16] Figure  1 compiles open-circuit voltage growing interest has prompted us to put forward a more exten-
data from solar cells based on different material categories, sive review.
compared to the band-gap dependent Shockley–Queisser (SQ) This review is intended to help kick-start a serious investiga-
limit. Data are shown for chalcogenides in the chalcopyrite tion of the chalcogenide perovskites, which is needed to deter-
group (i.e., Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and derivatives), “emerging” chal- mine their usefulness for PV applications. We hope that it can
cogenides including Cu2ZnSnS4 and other newer examples, clear up some of the early misunderstandings that are natural
halide perovskites containing organic cations as well as pure in a new field, and provide guidance for researchers aiming
inorganic halide perovskites. The data are assembled from sev- to enter this area. Section  2 provides an assessment of which
eral sources;[17–19] the reader is referred to these and the refer- chalcogenide perovskites actually exist. It becomes clear that
ences therein for more detailed information. The figure shows the family is rather smaller than imagined by many, but that it
that the halide perovskites stand out in terms of low voltage still contains candidates for tandem PV as well as other appli-
losses in the relevant bandgap range. The chalcogenides cations. Section  3 deals with the chemical properties, empha-
sizing the abundance, stability, and low toxicity of chalcogenide
perovskites compared to other PV materials. Section 4 concerns
optoelectronic properties, highlighting the critical unresolved
questions surrounding chalcogenide perovskites’ potential in
PV. Section  5 covers the current understanding of synthesis
and formation of chalcogenide perovskites, points out some
inherent problems with the currently used methods from thin
film growth and derives useful lessons from the solid-state syn-
thesis literature. Section 6 summarizes the key take-home mes-
sages from the previous sections.

2. The Discovered Chalcogenide Perovskites

This section summarizes which chalcogenide perovskites exist,
or which might exist based on published data. We focus only on
ABX3 compounds where X is S or Se. Oxide perovskites tend to
Figure 1.  Reported open-circuit voltages (Voc) as a function of bandgap
possess bandgaps much too wide for PV, besides being a class
for four categories of PV absorber materials. The black solid lines indicate
the Voc attained by a cell operating at the Shockley–Queisser limit (labeled of compounds in themselves, while telluride perovskites have
100%), the remaining solid lines indicate percentages of this limiting Voc, been neither reported experimentally nor predicted to be stable
as labeled.[17–19] computationally.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (2 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

loosely referred to as a “perovskite” based on an ABX3 chemical

formula, despite having nonperovskite crystal structures.
Both perovskite structures illustrated in Figure  2 are distor-
tions of the idealized cubic perovskite. Figure  3 illustrates the
decrease in structural symmetry from cubic perovskite, via
pseudo-cubic (distorted) perovskites and to nonperovskites.
The most relevant form for our purposes is the GdFeO3-type
structure, known as β-phase in the chalcogenide perovskite lit-
erature due to being observed at higher temperature. Another
relevant phase is the nonperovskite NH4CdCl3-type, which has
become known as α-phase and appears at lower temperature in
some ABX3 systems. We note that this α/β nomenclature dif-
fers from that used for halide perovskites. To avoid confusion,
we will primarily refer to the structures by the prototype names.

Figure 2.  Illustration of the structures of the main ABX3 prototypes of 2.2. Experimental Structures of ABX3 Compounds (X = S, Se)
interest for this review. The corner sharing GdFeO3-type and YScS3-type
structures are perovskites, the others are not.
Table  1 compiles the structures of ABX3 compounds experi-
mentally reported to-date for X = S or Se. The set of compounds
2.1. Perovskite Structures adopting the corner sharing perovskite structures consists of II-
IV-VI3 compounds (II = Ba, Sr, Ca, Eu; IV = Zr, Hf; VI = S, Se)
ABX3 chalcogenides exhibit many different structural motifs and III1-III2-VI3 compounds (III1 and III2 = Lanthanides, Y, Sc;
with different connectivity of BX6 octahedra.[22] Only some of VI = S, Se). If we exclude the compounds containing radioac-
these—specifically those with corner-sharing BX6 octahedra— tive elements, there are eight II-IV-VI3 and thirteen III1-III2-VI3
are classified as perovskite structures, and various distorted ver- experimentally reported chalcogenide perovskites. Below, we
sions of these occur. The main prototype structures discussed bring out the important findings for the sulfides and selenides.
here are depicted in Figure 2, of which the perovskite structures Sulfides: The most commonly synthesized sulfide perov-
are the GdFeO3-type (space group Pnma) and YScS3-type (space skite is BaZrS3, which is reported to crystallize in the
group Pna21). In the latter, there is a slight displacement of GdFeO3-type structure irrespective of the deposition method
the B-site cations away from the center of their BX6 octahedra. and temperature.[23,24,32,41,42,68–73] Similarly, BaHfS3 has only
Nonperovskite configurations include networks of edge- or been found in the GdFeO3-type phase by several authors.[23–25]
face-sharing BX6 octahedra, including the hexagonal BaNiO3- By contrast, SrZrS3 occurs in two distinct modifications
type (space group P63/mmc), the “needle-like” (NH4CdCl3-type, depending on the growth process[70,92]—low-temperature
space group Pnma) and the UFeS3-type (space group Cmcm) NH4CdCl3-type (α-phase) and high temperature GdFeO3-
structures. All reported ABX3 perovskites (except for several type (β-phase)—with the phase transition at about 980 °C.[92]
model compounds in simulations) show either II-IV-VI3 or III- Most studies report the GdFeO3-type modification for
III-VI3 chemical formulae, but not all such formulae lead to SrZrS3, due to using synthesis temperatures above the tran-
perovskite structures. In fact, many compounds in literature are sition.[23,24,32,70,92] EuZrS3 seems to have similar behavior

Figure 3.  Structural relationship between different ABX3 phases, taken from halide perovskite literature. The figure indicates two relevant phases for
the purposes of chalcogenide perovskites, related by a phase transition triggered by changing temperature. Adapted with permission from J. A. Steele
et al., Acc. Mater. Res. 2020, 1, 3. Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (3 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Table 1.  Crystal structures of experimentally grown ABX3 chalcogenide compounds reported in literature. Entries in bold have had perovskite struc-
tures reported.

Compound Phases reported Compound Phases reported

BaHfS3 GdFeO3-type LaYbS3 Below 1270 K, UFeS3-type[26,27]
BaNbSe3 Off-stoichiometric hexagonal[30,31] High-temperature YScS3-type[26,28]
BaSnS3 NH4CdCl3-type LaYbSe3 UFeS3-type[27]
(high-pressure synthesis)[32,33]
LaYS3 CeTmS3-type[28,34,35]
BaTaS3 BaNiO3-type hexagonal NdScS3 YScS3-type[37]
BaTaSe3 Off-stoichiometric hexagonal[38] NdLuS3 UFeS3-type[28]
BaNiO3-type[39] NdLuSe3 UFeS3-type[40]
BaTiS3 Hexagonal NdYbS3 UFeS3-type[28,47]U
Misfit off-stoichiometric[46] NdYbSe3 FeS3-type[27]
BaTiSe3 BaNiO3-type[39] PbHfS3 NH4CdCl3-type[48–50]
BaUS3 GdFeO3-type[23] PbSnS3 NH4CdCl3-type (high-pressure synthesis)[33]
BaVS3 Hexagonal above 240 K[53–56] PbTiS3 Tetragonal but authors say that inaccurate[43,49,59]
Cmc21 or Cmcm below 240 K[53–57] Misfit off-stoichiometric[60–64]
BaNiO3-type hexagonal[58]
BaVSe3 Hexagonal, isostructural with BaVS3[65] PbVS3 Misfit off-stoichiometric[66]
PbZrS3 NH4CdCl3-type[48,49,67]
BaZrS3 GdFeO3-type[23,24,32,41,42,68–73] PrLuS3 UFeS3-type[28]
BaZrSe3 Hexagonal off-stoichiometric misfit PrLuSe3 UFeS3-type[40]
(distorted BaNiO3-type)[74,75] PrScS3 YScS3-type[37]
PrYbS3 UFeS3-type[28]
CaHfS3 GdFeO3 -type[23] PrYbSe3 UFeS3-type[27]
CaSnS3 GdFeO3-type[76]a) SmScS3 YScS3-type[37]
CaZrS3 GdFeO3-type SmYbSe3 UFeS3-type[27]
CeLuS3 UFeS3-type[28] SnHfS3 NH4CdCl3-type[50]
CeErS3 CeErS3-type[29] SnNbS3 Misfit off-stoichiometric[64]
CeHoS3 CeTmS3-type[29] SnSnS3 NH4CdCl3-type[77]
CeScS3 YScS3-type[37] SnZrS3 NH4CdCl3-type[80]
GdFeO3-type[78,79] SrHfS3 GdFeO3-type[23–25]
CeTmS3 CeTmS3-type SrHfSe3 NH4CdCl3-type[82]
CeErS3-type[29] SrSnS3 NH4CdCl3-type (high-pressure synthesis)[32,33]
CeYbS3 UFeS3-type[28] SrTiS3 Hexagonal[32,41]
CeErS3-type[29] Hexagonal off-stoichiometric misfit
(distorted BaNiO3-type)[75,83–87]
CeYbSe3 UFeS3-type[27]
CuTaS3 CuTaS3-type[88–91] SrTiSe3 Hexagonal off-stoichiometric misfit
(distorted BaNiO3-type)[75]
DyScS3 YScS3-type[37]
ErScS3 YScS3-type[37] SrZrS3 α-phase (NH4CdCl3-type) < 980 °C and
β-phase (GdFeO3-type) > 980 °C[92]
α-phase@850 °C and β-phase@1100 °C[70]
EuHfS3 GdFeO3-type[23] SrZrSe3 NH4CdCl3-type[74]
EuZrS3 NH4CdCl3 -type[93] TbScS3 YScS3-type[37]
EuZrSe3 NH4CdCl3 -type[94] UCrS3 GdFeO3-type[96]

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (4 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Table 1.  Continued.

Compound Phases reported Compound Phases reported

GdScS3 YScS3-type UNiS3 GdFeO3-type[97]
HoScS3 YScS3-type[37] URhS3 GdFeO3-type[98]
LaErS3 CeErS3-type UVS3 GdFeO3-type[96]
LaLuS3 YScS3-type YScS3 YScS3-type[37,99]
LaScS3 YScS3-type[37]
LaTmS3 CeErS3-type[29]

Structural characterization matched SnS2 phase, existence of perovskite not proven.

considering that the low-temperature NH4CdCl3-type[93] and Tien et al. attempted to grow LnLn′S3 compounds with Ln =
the higher-temperature GdFeO3-type[23] phases were reported La, Ce, Pr, Nd and Ln′ = Lanthanides or Y.[28] They found stable
in different works. The related compounds, SrHfS3[23–25] and compounds only when the ionic radii of Ln and Ln′ were sub-
EuHfS3,[23] have only been grown in the GdFeO3-type struc- stantially different. Two compounds of YScS3-type were iden-
ture (owing to higher temperature synthesis), but considering tified: LaYbS3 and LaLuS3. Later, Rodier et al. discovered that
the chemical similarity of Zr and Hf, they may have low-tem- LaYbS3 undergoes a structural transformation to a low-temper-
perature NH4CdCl3-type modifications as well. CaZrS3 and ature UFeS3-type phase between 1270 and 1520 K,[26] indicating
CaHfS3 were claimed to have been made in the GdFeO3-type that perovskite is a high-temperature phase in III-III-S3 ABS3
structure,[23,42,68] although several authors noted that these as well. This conclusion is consistent with the newer findings
compounds required higher growth temperatures than, e.g., of Mitchell et al., who produced UFeS3-type LaYbS3 at 1223 K.[27]
BaZrS3,[25,41,42] implying that they might be unstable at lower Kuhar et al.[35] and Crovetto et al.[34] reported formation of non-
temperatures. perovskite LaYS3 (monoclinic; CeTmS3-type), in accordance
Most studies agree that BaTiS3 and SrTiS3 both have hex- with the earlier work by Tien et al. Several studies reported syn-
agonal symmetry.[32,41–45] Clearfield noted that hexagonal BaTiS3 thesis of the related ABS3 compounds from the series of LnMS3
becomes disordered and S-deficient with increasing prepara- (Ln = Lanthanides or Y; M = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co or Ni),[102–105]
tion temperature,[42] which could be related to formation of the but none of them was found to form a perovskite structure.
off-stoichiometric misfit BaTiS3 compounds with a distorted Several other ABS3 compounds with various symmetries have
hexagonal lattice,[46] commonly observed for SrxTiSy.[75,83–87] also been reported in the literature. One of them is CuTaS3, which
Hexagonal symmetry was also reported for BaTaS3[36] and has been shown to appear in a “needle-like” phase with a struc-
BaVS3.[53–56,58] ture different from the NH4CdCl3-type discussed above.[88–91]
Recently, Shaili et al. reported the synthesis of CaSnS3 at a Finally, we note a series of GdFeO3-type compounds containing
relatively low temperature of 500 °C.[76] However, the reported uranium,[106] including URuS3,[98] URhS3,[98] UNiS3,[97] UVS3,[96]
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, refined assuming the GdFeO3- UCrS3,[96] and BaUS3.[23] Obviously, these compounds have little
type structure, correspond well to SnS2. Since their derived practical relevance for PV, and hence are disregarded.
lattice constant c was also about 15% larger than calculated Selenides: Only a few ABSe3 combinations have with cer-
for CaSnS3,[100] we suppose that the structural assignment is tainty been synthesized in the perovskite phase with GdFeO3-
erroneous. type symmetry, and all of them contain uranium[107–109] or tho-
There are several ABS3 compounds with A = Pb2+ or rium.[110] Obviously, application of such compounds in solar
Sn2+, including PbZrS3,[48,49,67] PbHfS3,[48–50] PbSnS3,[33,51,52] cells would not be practical. Other findings for the selenides are
SnZrS3,[80] SnHfS3,[50] and SnSnS3 (Sn2S3 with mixed +2/+4 briefly summarized below.
valence of Sn).[77] All these systems crystallize in the NH4CdCl3- Growth of BaZrSe3 was first reported by Aslanov, who con-
type structure. When A = Sn, Pb, Bi and B = Ti, Ta, Nb, V or cluded that it crystallizes in a hexagonal structure, and that
Cr, the off-stochiometric misfit layer compounds are formed BaTiSe3 and BaTaSe3 were isostructural with BaZrSe3.[39] Later,
instead.[60–64,66,101] Tranchitella et al. found that BaZrSe3 instead forms an off-stoi-
Several III-III-S3 systems have also been identified. The typi- chiometric misfit phase,[74,75] which was also seen for SrTiSe3.[75]
cally adopted structures are the distorted perovskite YScS3-type, Given these findings, a GdFeO3-type perovskite structure for
derived from the GdFeO3 prototype by a slight displacement BaHfSe3, as reported in the Ph.D. thesis of Moroz,[111] seems
of the B cation, and the nonperovskite UFeS3 (or NdYbS3)- unlikely. A misidentification, possibly related to substantial
type structure. A series of lanthanide (Ln) compounds LnScS3 oxygen contamination, is possible.
were made by Rodier et al. and found to have the YScS3 struc- ABSe3 compounds with slightly smaller A cations, namely,
ture,[37,99] although later CeScS3 and GdScS3 were reassigned SrZrSe3,[74] SrHfSe3,[82] and EuZrSe3,[94] were all grown in the
to the GdFeO3-type.[78,79,95] The original misidentification was NH4CdCl3-type phase. To the best of our knowledge, no phase
likely due to the similarity of YScS3-type and GdFeO3-type transitions or alternative crystal structures have been reported
structures, implying that the assignments for the other Ln com- for these compounds, in contrast to their sulfide relatives. For
pounds might need to be revisited. Ca at the A site, no ternary compounds have been reported.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (5 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Tranchitella et al. mentioned that their attempts to prepare

CaZrSe3 yielded a mixture of CaSe and ZrSe2.[74] Moroz et al.
also reported that CaHfSe3 could not be obtained.[82,111]
A series of III-III-Se3 combinations has also been studied
by Mitchell et al.[27] and Jin et al.,[40] who found that LnYbSe3
(Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd or Sm) and LnLuSe3 (Ln = Pr or Nd)
crystallize in the UFeS3-type structure. Later, Jin et al.
also reported that slightly off-stoichiometric GdScSe3 (i.e.,
Gd1.05Sc0.95Se3) also forms in the UFeS3-type structure.[95]

2.3. Structural Factors and the Rarity of True Perovskite

The previous section revealed that true perovskite chalcogenides Figure 4.  Goldschmidt tolerance factors versus octahedral factors for
are actually rather rare, occurring primarily among sulfides, chalcogenide ABX3 compounds. The shaded region indicates approxi-
mately where perovskite structures are expected.
with many examples only emerging as high-temperature phases
rather than ground states. The relative rarity of true chalcoge-
2.4. Structures from Density Functional Theory (DFT)
nide perovskites seems related to the Goldschmidt tolerance
rA + rX [112] r
factor t = and octahedral factor µ = B .[113,114] Although many compounds have been experimentally inves-
2(rB + rX ) rX tigated, calculations can identify unexplored possibilities, or
These quantities are empirical parameters for predicting sta- at least help rationalize observed trends. Considerable effort
bility and type of ABX3 structures using tabulated radii, rA, has been devoted to identifying stable ABX3 structures and
rB, and rX. True perovskites are generally expected for 0.7 < analyzing their properties with DFT. Many of these works
t  <  1.1, with the undistorted cubic symmetry usually forming employed high-throughput material screening, which has the
for t = 0.9–1. At the same time, only those ABX3 combinations disadvantage of sacrificing accuracy and thoroughness to the
which have ( 2 − 1) < µ < ( 3 − 1) form stable perovskites.[115] benefit of rapid discovery. For instance, Körbel et al. analyzed
Various definitions of ionic radii exist but must be used consist- the stability of over 32 000 ABX3 combinations (not limited to
ently to provide meaningful results.[116] Consequently, we limit chalcogenides), but did so for a high-symmetry cubic phase
ourselves to the values deduced by Shannon.[117] While various containing 5 atoms only, with an additional analysis of just
modifications of the structural factors have been proposed, to one distortion type for a selected subset of compounds.[118] As a
incorporate electronegativity,[22] to account for alloying[115] or to result, the ground state energies of chalcogenide ABX3 reported
combine them into single expression,[114] we use the conven- by Körbel are consistently higher than those found elsewhere.
tional definitions for simplicity. We note that this approach is In the study performed by Kuhar et al., 705 different ABS3 com-
only empirical, and exceptions can occur. binations in eight symmetries were analyzed,[35] but the results
Since O is a small anion (rO  = 1.40 Å), a huge number of show overall poor agreement with all other works, which might
cationic combinations yield both t and μ in the desired ranges, be due to the use of different functional but may also indicate
explaining why over 90% of metal ions are found in ABO3 a systematic error. The key parameters and limitations of the
perovskites.[115] In the case of sulfides (rS  = 1.84 Å) and sele- high-throughput computational works on this topic are sum-
nides (rSe  = 1.98 Å), the reduction in structural factors due to marized in Table 2.
the larger anions must be balanced by switching to correspond- A recurring problem with the high-throughput works is that
ingly larger cations. Placing a heavier alkali-earth or rare-earth they tend to focus only on one aspect of thermodynamic stability:
cation at the A site easily satisfies the criteria for t,[32] but there either on the energy of the perovskite ABX3 structure versus the
are very few options for the B-site with large enough radius to competing ABX3 structures,[22,119] or on the energy of formation
keep μ above its critical value. For the case of sulfides with the of ABX3 with respect to competing phases.[118,121] Strictly, stability
A cation from the heavier alkali-earths (i.e., Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+), a can only be established by evaluating both parameters. Construc-
B cation with stable oxidation state of 4+ is needed to form a II- tion of exhaustive convex hulls or more complete sets of decom-
IV-VI3-type compound. Excluding toxic Pb, possible candidates position reactions would be needed to firmly establish thermo-
are Ti, Zr, Hf, and Sn. Unfortunately, all these elements give dynamic stability of the ABX3 compounds.[122] In the meantime,
μ values below the threshold of 0.41, see Figure 4. The highest we attempt to make sense of the available literature data. For
μ value, 0.39, is achieved for (A)ZrS3 (rZr = 0.72 Å, rS = 1.84 Å), consistency, we summarize the results from various sources by
explaining why most experimental studies to-date concern adjusting all reported energies according to the following defini-
such compounds. As the octahedral factor gets even lower for tions for Hf, the formation energy with respect to binaries, and
smaller B cations, the probability of forming perovskites (and for Hg, the energy with respect to the ground state, where all
hence, the frequency of experimental reports) decreases rap- terms are energies (Ex) in the relevant structure
idly. This problem is even worse for Se anions. While μ is the
hardest to satisfy, t is still relevant, because a lower μ can be H f = E ABX
− E BX 2 − E AX (1)
tolerated when t is closer to unity.[113] This explains why BaZrS3
is the most reported chalcogenide perovskite. H g = E ABX
ground state

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (6 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Table 2.  Summary of the most important computational studies about stability of ABX3 chalcogenide perovskites.

Reference Functional Systems considered Stability criteria Remarks # phases

Sun et al. PBEsol A = Ca, Sr, Ba, B = Ti, Zr, Hf Formation energy difference for ABX3 4
X = S, Se phases
Huo et al.[120] PBE A = Mg, Zn, Cd, Ca, Sr, Ba, Sn, Pb Formation energy difference 4
B = Ti, Zr, Hf, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb for ABX3 phases.
X = O, S, Se Energy with respect to binary phases.
Phonon spectra
Brehm et al.[22] LDA X = S (all) Formation energy difference Included entropy contribution. 22
1) A = Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb, Sn with B = Zr, Ti for ABX3 phases Less accurate functional
2) A = K, Rb, Cs, Tl with B = V, Nb
3) A = Bi with B = Sc, Y
Kuhar et al.[35] mBEEF 705 different ABS3 combinations Formation energy difference Symmetry defined before 8
for ABX3 phases. ionic relaxation.
Convex hulls based Poor consistency with
on OQMD database other studies
Körbel et al.[118] PBE A and B = all elements up to Bi, Convex hulls based on MP Quantification of instabilities Only cubic
excluding rare gases and lanthanides and OQMD is impossible based on
X = N, halogens, chalcogens. one phase results only
Over 32 000 systems in total
Filippone et al.[121] PBEsol, A = Ca, Sr, Ba Energy with respect Only
SCAN, B = Ti, Zr, Hf to binary phases GdFeO3-type
SCAN + rVV10 X = S, Se

If either of these quantities is positive, the ABX3 structure energy than the perovskite ground state and might form under
in question is unstable, which will hinder synthesis or render certain growth conditions.[100,119]
it impossible. In practice, slightly unstable phases can be real- SrZrS3 and SrHfS3 are somewhat less stable in the perov-
ized if both energies do not exceed certain thresholds—set at skite phase than their Ba-containing counterparts due to the
200 meV f.u.−1 for Hf and 50 meV f.u.−1 for Hg as discussed slightly smaller tolerance factors. Most studies agree that the
below. The difference between these energies, Hf – Hg, deter- NH4CdCl3-type is the ground state, with the GdFeO3-type struc-
mines the stability of the ABX3 ground state against decompo- ture being within 75 meV f.u.−1 higher in energy.[22,100,119,120,128]
sition irrespective of its crystal structure. It should be stressed The only exception is OQMD, which indicates that the
that any compound hitherto predicted to be stable can later be NH4CdCl3-type and GdFeO3-type phases have nearly identical
proven unstable if a more favorable decomposition route or energies.[123] Likewise, the NH4CdCl3-type phase of SrHfS3 is
more stable ground state is identified, but the unstable phases between zero[120] and 35 meV f.u.−1[119] more stable than the
cannot be stabilized through such future revisions. GdFeO3-type phase. Our assessment is that the NH4CdCl3-type
Table 3 compiles the literature data for Hf and Hg for ABX3 phase is the ground state for both compounds, with the perov-
with A = Ba, Sr, Ca, B = Zr, Hf, Ti, Sn, and X = S, Se. Energies skite phase being close in energy. All reported Hf values are
presented by Körbel et al.[118] and Kuhar et al.[35] are excluded negative for SrZrS3 and SrHfS3,[100,121,123] indicating that they
due to the aforementioned limitations. To minimize the vari- are stable with respect to the binaries.
ations, only one set of energies from Filippone et  al.[121]— The predicted GdFeO3-type ground states for BaZrS3 and
those computed with PBEsol functional—is presented. Energy BaHfS3, as well as the NH4CdCl3-type ground state for SrZrS3,
values are estimated from figures if not given explicitly, as in have all been observed experimentally (see Table 1). Importantly,
the work of Huo et al.[120] We supplement the literature values the GdFeO3-type perovskite structure for SrZrS3 appeared at
with data available from the Materials Project (MP)[100] and temperatures above 980 °C.[70,92] The stabilization of GdFeO3-
Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD).[123] We note that type SrZrS3 at higher temperature signifies that it has higher
the family of III-III-X3 perovskites has only been analyzed in a entropy than the NH4CdCl3-type ground state. Indeed, Brehm
high-throughput manner by Kuhar et al.[35] and only one repre- et al. demonstrated that GdFeO3-type phases have higher
sentative, YScS3, has been studied in detail by Zhang et al.[124] vibrational entropy than their NH4CdCl3-type counterparts,[22]
Owing to the lack of data, these compounds and II-IV-X3 perov- although unfortunately this is the only report explicitly dealing
skites containing uranium are excluded from the discussion with the entropy contribution to the free energy of chalcoge-
below. nide perovskites. For this reason, we call for a more extensive
Based on the available calculations, BaZrS3 and BaHfS3 are analysis of this material aspect. In the meantime, based on the
the only ABX3 chalcogenides that can be confidently claimed case of SrZrS3, phase transitions into the GdFeO3-type phase
stable and be ascribed the GdFeO3-type ground state. For can be anticipated in all systems where Hg is below 50 meV
BaZrS3, this conclusion was reached in nearly every theoretical f.u.−1 This value is estimated based on the Hg values for SrZrS3
study,[100,119–121,123,125] with the exception of Brehm et al.[22] For listed in Table 3 and used henceforth to analyze the possibility
BaHfS3, the NH4CdCl3-type structure has only slightly higher of growing GdFeO3-type phases for other ABX3 compounds.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (7 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Table 3.  Energies of selected GdFeO3-type ABX3 perovskites with respect was found to have negative Hf by most authors.[119,120,126] The
to binaries (Hf) and with respect to the corresponding ABX3 ground Hf values for BaHfSe3 are less consistent, but there is at least
states (Hg) reported in different works. The majority of Hg values were
obtained by comparing GdFeO3-type with NH4CdCl3-type and BaNiO3-
agreement that the ground state NH4CdCl3-type phase is stable
type structures, except for those in parenthesis. Asterisks (*) indicate against decomposition into binaries. On the other hand, the
values computed by combining Hg from Huo et al.[120] and Hg from the calculations predict that the NH4CdCl3-type ground states of
other sources cited. Values without zero-point energies are taken from SrZrSe3 and SrHfSe3 are prone to decompose into the binary
Brehm et al.[22] Energies computed with PBEsol functional are taken selenides—all Hf energies are positive,[100,120,121,123] as well as
from Filippone et  al.[121] Most values from Huo et  al.[120] were extracted
from the presented figures. The bold font highlights the values used for the corresponding Hf–Hg values. In theory, this should hinder
the construction of Figure 5. formation of SrZrSe3 and SrHfSe3 ternary phases even in the
predicted NH4CdCl3-type ground state, but this does not agree
Compound Hf [meV f.u.−1] Hg [meV f.u.−1] with the experimental findings where the NH4CdCl3-type was
BaHfS3 −435,[121] −290[100] 0,[119] 0,[120] 0[100]
indeed observed. The possible explanations for this discrepancy
include, from the computational side, the choice of exchange-
BaHfSe3 −103,[121] 42[120] 91,[119] 110[120]
correlation functional or the omission of van der Waals inter-
[123] [100]
BaSnS3 160*, 169* 355[120] actions. (Filippone et al. demonstrated that inclusion of van
BaSnSe3 – 331[120] der Waals interactions stabilizes the ABX3 perovskites by up to
BaTiS3 −184,[121] −249[125] 161,[119] 194,[120] 108,[22] 60 meV f.u.−1.[121]) From the experimental side, the synthesis
(163),[22] 237[125] was carried out at temperatures of 800 °C or higher,[74,82] and
BaTiSe3 181,[121] 354[120] 288,[119] 393[120] hence the difference in the entropy contribution to free energy
must have been significant. This factor is ignored in standard
BaZrS3 −456,[121] −339,[120] −350,[123]  0,[119] 0,[120] 13[22]
energy calculations dealing with ground states (T = 0 K). It has
−317,[100] −221[125]
already been estimated for halide perovskites using phonon
BaZrSe3 −133,[121] −56,[120] −40[123] 95,[119] 60,[120] 50[126]
calculations that entropy can indeed contribute more to the
CaHfS3 105,[121] 186[100] 0,[119] 0[120] product than to the reactants.[129] Computational analysis of the
CaHfSe3 293[121] 0,[119] 0[120] effect would be extremely valuable for chalcogenide ABX3. In
CaSnS3 541,[123] 547[100] 226,[120] (225),[100] (185)[123] the absence of such, we define a separate energy threshold of
200 meV f.u.−1 for Hf, above which the predicted ABX3 is likely
CaSnSe3 – 241[120]
to decompose into binaries. This threshold value is selected to
CaTiS3 270,[121] 306[120] 40,[119] 10,[120] (40)[22]
match the available observations and predictions for ABX3, but
CaTiSe3 453[121] 39,[119] 30[120] this may need to be revised when more date becomes available.
CaZrS3 108,[121] 185,[120] 175,[123] 183[100] 0,[119] 0,[120] 0,[22] (58)[22] More contradictory results were reported for CaZrS3,
CaZrSe3 290[121] 0,[119] 0[120] CaHfS3, CaZrSe3, and CaHfSe3. Sun et al.[119] and Huo et al.[120]
35,[119] 0[120]
both found that the GdFeO3-type is more stable than the other
SrHfS3 −125,[121] −24[100]
three phases considered (NH4CdCl3-type, hexagonal BaNiO3-
SrHfSe3 129,[121] 248[120] 83,[119] 90[120]
type, and cubic perovskite). This prediction agrees with the
[123] [100]
SrSnS3 360*, 380* 355,[120] 470[127] GdFeO3-type structures of CaZrS3 and CaHfS3 observed experi-
SrSnSe3 – 392,[120] 430[127] mentally. However, analysis of just three phases is insufficient
SrTiS3 116,[121] 173[120] 95,[119] 73,[120] (>128)[22] to make a conclusion about the ground state in this case. For
instance, by analyzing 22 crystal structures, Brehm et al.[22]
SrTiSe3 368 143,[119] 121[120]
found that CaZrS3 stabilizes in a completely different prototype
SrZrS3 −135,[121] −70,[123] −42[100] 45,[119] 57,[120] 10,[100] with a mixed edge- and corner-sharing connectivity of BX6 octa-
0,[123] 73,[22] 12[128]
hedra. The computed energy for this structure is 58 meV f.u.−1
SrZrSe3 114,[121] 175,[120] 158*,[123] 166*[100] 83,[119] 30[120] lower than of the GdFeO3-type CaZrS3, which exemplifies the
need to include more crystal symmetries for ABX3 (especially
As an example, a phase transition between GdFeO3-type and with A = Ca) in future studies. Along with the uncertainty
NH4CdCl3-type phases is likely to occur in SrHfS3, which has around ground states, CaZrS3, CaHfS3, CaZrSe3, and CaHfSe3
so far only been grown in the former but might transform into appear prone to decomposition into binaries, since all reported
the latter at lower temperatures (since Hg values for SrHfS3 and Hf values are positive. For CaZrS3 and CaHfS3, the values vary
SrZrS3 are similar). between 100 and 200 meV f.u.−1. This could be the reason why
For BaZrSe3, BaHfSe3, SrZrSe3, and SrHfSe3, the reported growth of CaZrS3 and CaHfS3 required further increase in tem-
Hg energies indicate that all four have NH4CdCl3-type ground perature.[25,41,42] The instability of CaZrSe3 and CaHfSe3 is even
state, with the GdFeO3-type perovskite being between 50 and more severe, as the computed Hf values exceed 200 meV f.u.−1,
100  meV f.u.−1 higher in energy. In other words, the selenide as discussed in the work of Filippone et al.[121] This seems
perovskites are substantially less stable than their sulfide rela- to explain why the reported synthesis attempts were not
tives, as expected from the decrease in the octahedral and tol- successful.
erance factors (see Figure  4). This is consistent with experi- The Ti containing sulfides and selenides, BaTiS3, BaTiSe3,
ment, which hitherto did not produce any perovskite phases SrTiS3, SrTiSe3, CaTiS3, and CaTiSe3, have octahedral factors
for these compounds. When it comes to the stability with μ of 0.33 and 0.31 (see Figure  4), much lower than the min-
respect to binaries, BaZrSe3 is the only selenide ABX3 that imum value for stable perovskite structures (0.41). As such, it

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (8 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 5.  Summary of the computed Hg and Hf energies for the most studied ABX3 chalcogenide compounds. The colors indicate assessed stability
of the perovskite phase based on the two thresholds Hg (0 or below 50 meV f.u.−1 for a perovskite ground state structure) and Hf (negative or below
200 meV for stability of the perovskite phase with respect to binary compounds). If either parameter is above the threshold value (>), the compound
will not form a perovskite phase (red). If Hg = 0 and Hf is negative (−), perovskite is the most stable phase (green). If Hg = 0 or Hf is negative (−), with
the other parameter within its threshold (<), a perovskite phase might form experimentally, e.g., at an elevated temperature.

is not surprising that none of these compounds has GdFeO3- relaxation. This finding means that the prototype structure is
type ground state (all Hg are positive). In most computational incorrect. In any case, both YScS3-type and GdFeO3-type phases
studies, the BaNiO3-type hexagonal phase was found to be are perovskites, differing merely by a slight displacement of the
the ground state for BaTiS3 and BaTiSe3, with the perovskite Sc atom.[124]
GdFeO3-type phase being 100–250 and 250–400 meV f.u.−1 Figure  5 summarizes the computed values of Hg and Hf,
higher in energy, respectively.[22,119,120,125] All computed Hf weighted against the energy thresholds, for the most studied
values for BaTiS3 are negative, indicating stability with respect ABX3 chalcogenides—those with A = Ba, Sr, Ca, B = Ti, Zr, Hf,
to binaries, agreeing with the experimental findings. As for and X = S, Se. As one can see, only a handful of them—three
BaTiSe3, the computed Hf are all positive, and the sign of Hf–Hg (A)ZrS3 and three (A)HfS3—could be expected to form perov-
depends on the combination of energies taken from Table 3. Fur- skite structures. This conclusion somewhat limits the selection
ther analysis is needed to clarify this point. Sun et al.[119] and Huo pool for future material engineering and suggests focusing the
et  al.[120] predicted the NH4CdCl3-type ground state for SrTiS3 research on these few stable chalcogenide perovskites. There
and SrTiSe3, with the Hg energies exceeding the 50 meV f.u.−1 might also be some interesting material candidates among
threshold (70–100 meV f.u.−1 for SrTiS3 and 120–150 meV f.u.−1 stable III-III-X3 perovskites, but these are still barely explored
for SrTiSe3). The Hg and even Hf–Hg values are positive, indi- such that we find it currently impossible to assess their PV
cating possible decomposition into the binaries, although this potential.
does not match experimental findings. Again, the consideration
of more structures might have resolved this discrepancy. In
the meantime, the available information does let us conclude 2.5. Alloying of BaZrS3
that formation of GdFeO3-type phases for SrTiS3 and SrTiSe3 is
highly unlikely. While both CaTiS3 and CaTiSe3 also have the This section focuses on alloying of BaZrS3, which is the most
lowest energy in the NH4CdCl3-type ground state, the GdFeO3- popular chalcogenide perovskite synthesized by several inde-
type phases are only between 10 and 40  eV f.u. −1 higher in pendent research teams. Alloying can usually be realized
energy, i.e., within the threshold of 50 meV f.u. −1 On the other between elements of the same valency and similar ionic radii.
hand, the computed Hf values, 300 meV f.u. −1 for CaTiS3 and To obtain a wide range of alloy compositions, it is desirable
450  meV f.u.−1 for CaTiSe3, lie well above the corresponding that the terminal compounds have the same crystal structures.
threshold of 200 meV f.u.−1, and thus these ternary compounds Based on the preceding sections, this suggests that alloying will
are unlikely to form at all. These considerations might explain be restricted to incomplete substitution of one or more of the
why synthesis of CaTiS3 or CaTiSe3 has not been reported. constituing elements, Ba, Zr or S.
For the Sn-containing compounds, BaSnS3, SrSnS3, CaSnS3, Several authors have investigated alloying BaZrS3 on the
BaSnSe3, SrSnSe3, and CaSnSe3, the results again point to non- anion site by partial replacement of S with O or Se. Perera
perovskite structures as the ground state; the corresponding et al. claimed to have synthesized BaZr(O,S)3 alloys with dif-
Hg values exceed the threshold of 50 meV f.u.−1 several times ferent O/S ratios, based on their observation of a gradual shift
over. The data in Table  3 show that all (A)SnS3 have positive in absorption edge but without direct characterization of the
Hf, exceeding the threshold of 200 meV f.u. −1 in most cases, crystal structure.[68] By contrast, an earlier study found that
ensuring that none of the six compounds can be stabilized as BaZrS3 crystals segregated alongside BaZrO3 crystals in mixed
a perovskite. This is another indication that the experimental O–S systems, with no solid solution forming.[42] Marquez et
structure reported by Shaili et al.[76] has been misidentified. al. confirmed that there is indeed no crystalline solid solu-
Surprisingly, little attention has been paid to III-III-X3-type tion, but they also saw the gradual shift in optical absorption
perovskites. Zhang et al. analyzed YScS3 and found that it has edge for partly sulfurized BaZrO3, see Figure  6a,b.[130] They
nonperovskite UFeS3-type ground state, but with the perovskite reconciled these seemingly contradicting results by postu-
phase lying only 17 meV f.u.−1 higher in energy.[124] The authors lating the existence of an amorphous BaZr(O,S)3 phase. Com-
also found that YScS3 transforms from the prototypical YScS3- putationally, Vonrüti et  al. analyzed several BaZr(O,S)3 struc-
type into the less distorted GdFeO3-type structure upon ionic tures in a limited 40-atom supercell.[131] In our appraisal, their

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (9 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 6.  a) Diffraction patterns for a series of BaZrO3 films that were heated in H2S at increasing temperatures, showing a mixture of BaZrO3 and
BaZrS3 phases with no solid solution. b) Gradual shift of bandgap observed in the same series of samples. Reproduced with permission.[130] Copyright
2021, American Chemical Society. c) Ellipsometry data for Ba(Ti,Zr)S3 and BaZr(S,Se)3 alloys, extracted bandgaps are indicated by the solid circles.
Reproduced with permission.[24] Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH. d) Variation in absorption edge of Ba(Ti,Zr)S3 with Ti content in the range of 0–4%.
e) Bandgap shifts in the same series of samples. Reproduced with permission.[72] Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society.

results favor decomposition into the pristine end members. Ti/(Zr+Ti) = 0.05 by Nishigaki et al.[24] and at Ti/(Zr + Ti) = 0.04
Pilania et al. considered a larger set of anionic arrangements by Wei et al.,[72] see Figure 6c–e. Another candidate for alloying
focusing on the O/S = 0.5 composition in a 20 atom super- on the B site is Hf. It is expected to produce a fully miscible
cell.[115] Although all investigated configurations were found Ba(Zr,Hf)S3 alloy because of the very similar ionic radii of
unstable for CaHf(O0.5,S0.5)3, BaZr(O0.5,S0.5)3, BaHf(O0.5,S0.5)3, Zr and Hf. We are not aware of any experimental study of
and SrHf(O0.5,S0.5)3, several configurations did attain nega- Ba(Zr,Hf)S3 alloying to-date. Further possibilities, including
tive mixing enthalpies when replicated in CaZr(O0.5,S0.5)3 and substitution of Zr by Sn, remain to be investigated.
SrZr(O0.5,S0.5)3. On the other hand, stability with respect to
the competing phases was not considered, and in the light of
the previous sections, this casts doubt on the existence of such 2.6. Summary of Stable Perovskite Phases and Their
compounds. Bandgap Range
Adding Se at the S site in BaZrS3 offers better miscibility
due to the smaller difference in ionic radii. However, the non- Our appraisal of the literature to date reveals that there are
perovskite ground state of BaZrSe3 and the existence of a com- rather fewer chalcogenide perovskite compounds than might
peting Ba1.07ZrSe3 phase discovered by Tranchitella et al.[74,75] previously have been perceived. For one thing, there is no good
naturally confine the range of alloying toward the more S-rich evidence of any selenide (or telluride) perovskites, apart from
side. Nishigaki et al. reported synthesis of BaZr(S,Se)3 with those based on uranium. Thus, a better label for this family
the distorted perovskite symmetry at Se/(S + Se) = 0.4,[24] with may simply be “sulfide perovskites.” In terms of sulfides exhib-
both the bandgap and structural changes indicating successful iting a perovskite structure as their ground state, BaZrS3 and
alloying, see Figure 6c. BaHfS3 are the only clear-cut examples. While there are other
Alloying on the A site (Ba) presents few options due to the experimentally determined perovskites among the sulfides, like
lack of larger divalent candidates for substitution. Sr is the main Sr(Zr,Hf)S3, or EuZrS3, these appear to form only at higher tem-
candidate, but perovskite is only the high-temperature phase of peratures (e.g., above 900 °C), which may restrict their applica-
SrZrS3, and thus the maximum extent of alloying should be tions. Others, such as CaSnS3, may have been wrongly assigned
temperature-dependent. To the best of our knowledge, allowing (although this must be reinvestigated). Additional examples
with Sr (or Ca) has not been investigated in literature. of genuine sulfide perovskites include lanthanide LnScS3 and
Partial replacement of the B cation, Zr, can provide more LnLn′S3, many of which are proven stable but the data to assess
possibilities. A natural choice is Ti, but again the range of their PV potential is currently missing. The only piece of infor-
alloying is limited due to the nonperovskite ground state of mation available is from the computation study of YScS3 con-
BaTiS3. Correspondingly, Meng et  al. observed segregation of cluding that the material has an optical absorption onset of over
hexagonal BaTiS3 already at Ti/(Zr + Ti) = 0.1.[125] Ba(Zr,Ti)S3 3  eV, which is more relevant for transparent conductive films
without noticeable presence of secondary phases was realized at than for solar absorbers.[124]

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (10 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Table 4.  Summary of bandgaps for the known chalcogenides adopting is no evidence of low enough bandgaps for chalcogenide perov-
perovskite structures. Bandgaps are experimental values when available, skites to be used as tandem bottom cells.
otherwise from calculations (marked *).
The other known chalcogenide perovskites have wider band-
gaps than BaZrS3. The values for BaHfS3 and SrZrS3 are around
Compound/alloy Bandgap [eV]
2.1 eV, for SrHfS3 they are in the range from 2.3 to 2.4 eV. These
BaZrS3 1.75,[73] 1.82,[71] 1.89,[136] 1.94[24] numbers could also be tuned by alloying, but since the parent
BaHfS3 2.17,[24] 2.06[25] compounds are less stable in the perovskite phase than BaZrS3
SrZrS3 (β phase) 2.05,[70] 2.14[24] (see Table 3), they presumably can tolerate even lower concentra-
tions of alloy elements. Nevertheless, these materials could find
SrHfS3 (β phase) 2.32,[25] 2.41[24]
applications in future in multijunction PV, in semitransparent PV
BaZr(S1-xSex)3 1.76 (x = 0.4)[24]
(such as for building-integrated PV, agrivoltaics, etc.) or in direct
Ba(Zr1-xTix)S3 1.63 (x = 0.05),[24] 1.51 (x = 0.04)[72] solar water splitting and photocatalytic processes, where their
YScS3 ≈3*[124] apparent stability, strong light absorption, and earth abundance
Additional compounds are still highly advantageous. We also note that SrHfS3 is under
investigation for green light emitting diodes (LEDs).[25]
Ba2ZrS4 (RP with n = 1) 1.33[137]
Finally, we note that layered, or “2D” phases of the Ruddlesden–
Ba3Zr2S7 (RP with n = 2) 1.28[137] Popper (RP) type have been reported, in which ABX3 layers in
the perovskite structure are interspersed by planes of alkali metal
Based on the preceding sections, we can summarize the cations at every nth ABX3 layer. This results in chemical formulae
known scope of bandgaps within the stable chalcogenide perov- of the general type An+1BnX(3n+1). Experimental examples include
skites and their alloys—shown in Table 4—to see whether and Ba3Zr2S7 (n  = 2) and Ba2ZrS4 (n  = 1); n  =  ∞ corresponds to the
where they may find applications in PV or other contexts. We parent perovskite structure.[134] These particular compounds dem-
note that the literature is incomplete, so this summary is sub- onstrate narrower bandgaps, ≈1.3 eV, making them potentially suit-
ject to future extensions. able for single junction solar cells.[134,135] However, since they fall
The bandgap of BaZrS3 is reported in the range of outside the strict scope of this review, we remark upon these com-
1.75–1.95  eV. The reason for the ≈0.2  eV spread is unclear at pounds for the interested reader, without discussing them further.
the present time. Part of the explanation could be different
amounts of Hf impurities, which are common at the level of
several at% in Zr source materials,[132] and part due to different 3. Chemical Properties
material quality and characterization methods. Further possible
reasons for the spread are discussed in Section  4. The lowest 3.1. Abundance and Toxicity
reported bandgaps are for alloys of BaZrS3, with 4–5% of Ti at
the B site causing the bandgap to drop by ≈0.3 eV. Se alloying Two increasingly important considerations for PV are a) suffi-
was also capable of producing bandgaps down to 1.76 eV (from cient availability of the constituent elements, to sustain large
a reference point of 1.94 eV for BaZrS3 in the same study). We scale production at low cost, and b) low toxicity, to reduce lifecycle
note that the exact values of the alloy bandgaps may be sub- impacts and risks of the technology. Both aspects are complex,
ject to similar variations as those of the parent compound; this and a full discussion is beyond the scope of this review. Here,
matter needs further investigation. In any case, BaZrS3 and its we simply perform a basic comparison to existing and emerging
alloys are in principle suitable for applications in tandem PV PV technologies based on Si, GaAs, CdTe, Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS),
with silicon bottom cells, for which the ideal top cell bandgap is halide perovskites, and Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS).
in the interval 1.7–1.8 eV.[133] While it is possible that Ba(Ti,Zr) The abundances of some PV-relevant elements in the Earth’s
S3 can be applied in single junction solar cells, at present there crust are given in Figure  7, with the elements found in the

Figure 7.  Elemental abundance of common elements used in PV technologies, with the chalcogenide perovskite constituents highlighted in yellow.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (11 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

chalcogenide perovskites highlighted in yellow. All the men- S is nontoxic apart from in certain biologically active com-
tioned elements except for Hf and Se lie in the top 20 most pounds (e.g., H2S). Therefore, from a toxicity perspective, chal-
abundant, having higher abundance than, for example, Zn, Cu, cogenide perovskites offer considerable benefits over both tra-
and Pb. Data are taken from the work of Lide.[138] These figures ditional PV including CdTe and GaAs as well as the emerging
do not translate to prices, because of the different accessibility Pb-containing halide perovskites.
and peculiarities of the mining and purification processes. Still,
the relative abundances do indicate that a PV technology based
on chalcogenide perovskites would be unlikely to face limita- 3.2. Stability
tions in the availability of the core elements, creating the poten-
tial for low-cost production. This is in contrast to the challenges While poor chemical and environmental stability is a major
faced by Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and CdTe due to the scarcity of In and, concern for halide perovskites, the chalcogenide perovskites
particularly, Te. Other emerging chalcogenides also have an appear to be devoid of such problems. This has been most
unfortunate tendency to incorporate rare elements, such as Ag- strikingly demonstrated by Niu et  al.,[141] who performed ther-
alloyed CIGS, Ge-alloyed Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 and Sb2(S,Se)3, where mogravimetric analysis—in air—on SrZrS3, BaZrS3 and several
Ag, Ge, and Sb have abundances comparable to In. related chalcogenides, as shown in Figure  8a. They observed
In terms of toxicity, the absence of any heavy metals such that chemical degradation (i.e., oxidation) of the materials in
as As, Cd or Pb is also advantageous. In fact, the elements these conditions commenced only from 500 to 600 °C, as con-
found in the chalcogenide perovskites are more benign than in firmed by the mass change and postanalysis by XRD. It was also
CIGS or CZTS, with Cu and Zn being eco-toxic in their (many) reported that long-term ambient air storage as well as repeated
soluble forms. By contrast, the alkali earth metals including Sr water rinsing had no effect on the XRD pattern or the charac-
have various roles in living organisms and therefore are not teristics observed by UV–vis spectrophotometry for BaZrS3.[68]
considered toxic apart from at extreme exposure levels.[139] Ba is Wang et al. also reported the effects of water dipping on BaZrS3
toxic in its few water-soluble forms (e.g., BaCl2) but since most bulk powders; they found that certain degradation was observ-
of its stable compounds are highly insoluble, its toxicity is min- able for less crystalline material, but that well-crystallized sam-
imal in practice (e.g., BaSO4 is used as a radiocontrast agent in ples did not undergo degradation.[142] Gupta et al.[73] performed
medical X-ray imaging[138]). Zr and Ti are ubiquitous in living direct stability comparisons between BaZrS3 and methylammo-
organisms despite not having natural biological roles,[140] while nium lead iodide (MAPbI3). They recorded photoluminescence

Figure 8.  a) Thermogravimetric analysis curves for (among others) BaZrS3 and β-SrZrS3. The onset of mass gain, corresponding to oxidation, begins
from ≈450 °C depending on the material. b) Decay curves for photoluminescence signals from unprotected BaZrS3 compared to MAPbI3 during
ambient storage and steam exposure (inset). c) Crystal structures of BaZrS3 and MAPbI3 indicating anion vacancy migration pathways and d) their
associated activation energies. (a) Reproduced with permission.[141] Copyright 2018, Springer Nature. (b–d) Reproduced with permission.[73] Copyright
2020, Wiley-VCH.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (12 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

(PL) intensity during ambient storage and steam exposure, of the absorber layer necessary, and by extension, the material
as shown in Figure  8b. For ambient storage, the PL intensity consumption per unit area. A thinner absorber offers lower
of MAPbI3 halved after 3–4 days, whereas this took around series resistance and means that photogenerated charge carriers
5 weeks for the BaZrS3 sample. For steam exposure, the PL of must cover a shorter path before being collected. This relaxes
MAPbI3 was extinguished within 60 s, while the BaZrS3 sample requirements on carrier mobility and/or lifetime. Thus, a better
retained more than 80% of its PL intensity after 10 min of treat- absorber can—all other things being equivalent—deliver high
ment (further durations were not reported). The shape of the efficiency for poorer bulk properties, and with lower resource
PL and the XRD pattern of the BaZrS3 sample were unchanged consumption.
by the treatments. In the same work, the enhanced stability In terms of light absorption, the chalcogenide perovskites are
of the chalcogenide perovskite was attributed to two effects: indeed truly exceptional. Their band edges, according to sev-
1) a substantially lower degradation of the crystal surface via eral authors, are composed mainly of sulfur 3p valence states
interaction with water, as determined by ab initio molecular and transition metal d conduction states, and these states have
dynamics simulations, and 2) a much larger activation barrier a very high joint density.[24] The result is a calculated absorp-
for anion vacancy diffusion in the bulk. In the latter case, the tion coefficient (α) that climbs rapidly above 105 cm−1 within
lowest activation energy determined among various migration 0.3–0.5  eV above the onset of absorption.[24,119,125] Meng et  al.
pathways was 0.43 eV higher in BaZrS3 compared to MAPbI3, made comparable calculations for BaZr(S,Se)3, Ba(Ti,Zr)S3, and
as shown in Figure 8c,d. The difference was calculated to result halide perovskite MAPbI3, which showed very similar behavior
in a seven-order of magnitude reduction in room temperature (Figure  9a).[125] The comparison made by Nishigaki et  al. for
vacancy migration rate in the chalcogenide. This in turn was BaZrS3, SrZrS3, BaHfS3, and SrHfS3 with MAPbI3, GaAs, and
proposed to reduce photo-induced degradation—occurring as a CuInSe2 determined that the absorption coefficient of the chal-
result of anion vacancy creation and migration—which is one cogenide perovskites exceeded that of the established PV mate-
aspect of the stability problem in halide perovskites.[143] How- rials by up to one order of magnitude (Figure 9b).[24]
ever, slow diffusion of S vacancies or other species can also be These large absorption coefficients have been confirmed by
related to the general environmental stability of the chalcoge- experimental studies, which all agree that α exceeds 2 × 105 cm−1
nide compounds, because any chemical changes initiated at at photon energies of 0.5 eV above the bandgap.[24,71,130,144] Pos-
surfaces—such as oxidation—must be mediated by diffusion sibly the most convincing data come from Nishigaki et al., who
processes if they are to affect the bulk of the material. supplemented DFT calculations with ellipsometry measure-
The above findings provide striking indications of stability ments on pelletized powders of several chalcogenide perov-
in certain chalcogenide perovskites, but more comprehensive skites, and were able to show extremely good agreement.[24] As
studies need to be carried out to understand the origins and a result of the excellent light absorption, an absorber thickness
extent of this phenomenon. For instance, it would be relevant of around 500 nm would be sufficient for high efficiency solar
to understand to what extent the stability depends on the type cells,[24] less than half the material thickness used in commer-
of anions, and to what extent it depends on the different cati- cial chalcogenide thin film solar cells.
onic components. Furthermore, a closer examination of the As the reverse of light absorption, efficient light emission
chemical and structural characteristics of the material surfaces at open circuit is a critical early indicator of high PV potential,
before and after air, heat and humidity treatments, e.g., by that can be assessed before the technical challenges of device
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) or Raman characteri- integration are approached. A high external luminescence effi-
zation, would shed more light on any critical changes that are ciency (ηext) indicates small quasi-Fermi level splitting losses
occurring. associated with nonradiative recombination, which in turn
implies a potential for high open-circuit voltage.[145] Thus, the
magnitude of ηext is an important means to assess the defect
4. Optoelectronic Properties and Defect Chemistry tolerance and estimate open-circuit voltage that the material
could yield in a solar cell in the best case. A few studies have
The attention gained by chalcogenide perovskites is largely already reported promising external luminescence efficiencies
attributable to the first-principles calculations demonstrating for chalcogenide perovskites. For SrZrS3 (Eg  = 2.13  eV), a ηext
impressive optoelectronic properties—comparable to their halide of ≈0.05% was determined (see Figure 9c) for one-sun equiva-
cousins—which have now begun to be verified in experiment. In lent illumination (extrapolated to a power density of 300 Wm−2,
this section, we first review optical absorption and emission phe- which corresponds to one-sun illumination for 532  nm radia-
nomena, before discussing the reported results concerning the tion and the given bandgap[70]). This is still much lower than the
nature of the bandgaps, band edges and tails, charge transport, 1−5% achieved in >20%  efficient halide perovskite and CIGS
and defect chemistry. While the early results are indeed very solar cells,[146,147] but considering the early stage of development
promising, there is still uncertainty around some basic proper- and that the measurements were made on nonoptimized pow-
ties that we highlight here as a basis for future work. ders, the values are encouraging. Perhaps a fairer comparison
is with other emerging inorganic PV materials. Indeed, the
ηext values reported for SrZrS3 powders already exceed those of
4.1. Light Absorption and Luminescence top-efficient Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells and evaporated CsPbI3
absorber layers.[148,149] In terms of open-circuit voltage, ηext of
For PV devices, the strength of light absorption is an impor- 0.05% at a bandgap of 2.13  eV corresponds to an implied Voc
tant parameter, because it determines the minimum thickness of 1.6  eV, an impressive 90% of the SQ limit.[150] This sets a

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (13 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 9.  a,b) Comparisons of absorption coefficients of several chalcogenide perovskites (calculated and separately verified experimentally) with
MAPbI3, CuInSe2, and GaAs (measured).[24,125] c) Experimental data of external and internal luminescence efficiencies for β-SrZrS3.[70] d) Components
of the dielectric response arising from transitions from valence to conduction band in BaZrS3.[24] (a) Reproduced with permission.[125] Copyright 2016,
American Chemical Society. (b,d) Reproduced with permission.[24] Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH. (c) Reproduced with permission.[70] Copyright 2016,

precedent for wide gap chalcogenides and provides a clear indi- the absorption and emission data exhibit some curious features
cation that the optoelectronic quality of chalcogenide perov- that demand a more thorough investigation.
skites can meet or exceed that of traditional PV materials, even
in the early stages of their development. In the same study,
the PL intensity of BaZrS3 was about 1/20th that of SrZrS3, 4.2. Absorption Onset and Band Tailing
although again we point out that the samples were in no way
optimized for optoelectronic performance. Incidentally, the For BaZrS3, the current literature gives conflicting results con-
related Ruddlesden–Popper phase Ba3Zr2S7 has also displayed cerning the size and nature of the optical bandgap, while the
excellent PL efficiency, 0.1% for one sun-equivalent illumina- absorption onset region has stark differences to those of tradi-
tion, corresponding to an implied Voc of 0.83  V at a bandgap tional PV materials.
of 1.28 eV, i.e., 80% of the SQ limit. Finally, it has been noted In all cases, the band structure determined by DFT calcula-
that the PL emission of undoped SrHfS3 is visible to the naked tions has indicated a direct bandgap for BaZrS3,[24,68,70,119,125,152,153]
eye,[25] which is a qualitative indicator of high luminescence which is intuitive given the excellent near-gap light absorption.
efficiency. However, few authors have commented on the selection rules
Excitonic effects are also important for certain materials, governing the fundamental transition. Hanzawa et  al. con-
although exciton binding energies in 3D semiconductors cluded that the transition is allowed,[25] but Peng et  al. deter-
(unlike in 2D and layered 3D) are typically lower than thermal mined that the lowest energy transition in BaZrS3 is in fact
energy at room temperature (e.g., ≈10 meV in MAPbI3[151]). In forbidden, with the first allowed transition having an energy
the case of chalcogenide perovskites, the absorption and photo­ around 0.1  eV higher than the fundamental bandgap.[154] A
luminescence measurements in the literature are performed similar result was found by Nishigaki et  al. who reported that
at room temperature, showing no signs of excitonic features. the lowest energy transition (V1→C1) is nonallowed, while the
Further information might be obtained in future through next-lowest energy transition (V2→C1) dominates α(E) from
measurements at low-temperature, or via investigation of about 0.1  eV above the onset (see Figure  9d).[24] The possible
quantum dot chalcogenide perovskite samples. unusual nature of the lowest energy transitions means that
The reported light absorption and emission measurements extracting bandgap values from experimental data using, e.g.,
reveal important similarities between chalcogenide and halide Tauc plots—already an area subject to various errors of inter-
perovskites, particularly in terms of defect tolerance. These pretation—must be done with extra care. This might underlie
results alone provide strong motivation to pursue chalcogenide the large spread of experimental bandgap values reported for
perovskites for PV applications and beyond. At the same time, BaZrS3 (see Table 4).

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (14 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 10.  a) Photoluminescence peaks for several chalcogenide perovskites and a sample of MAPbI3 for comparison, indicating full-width at half-
maximum values (FWHM) in meV.[25,70,73] b) Absorptivity for a 500 nm thick BaZrS3 film (red circles) calculated from the absorption coefficient reported
by Nishigaki et al.[24] with Lambertian assumptions and neglecting front reflectance. For photon energies below 1.88 eV, the data are extended with
an Urbach tail EU = 18 meV (dashed red line). The PL spectrum (purple line) is obtained by multiplying the absorptivity spectrum by the black body
radiation spectrum at 300 K.

On the other hand, the room-temperature PL peak position case the absorption coefficient measurements are resolved only
is very consistent. The reported positions from the six available down to 2–3 orders of magnitude.
studies yield an average of 1.82  ± 0.04  eV.[69–71,73,137,144] Notably, Another window onto subgap states can be via PL measure-
estimation of PL peak position is far less subject to measure- ments. In the presence of band tails, the PL peak can extend far
ment error than bandgap estimation from, e.g., Tauc plots. below the bandgap. Indeed, all PL measurements for chalcoge-
From this we conclude that ≈1.8  eV is a more reliable estima- nide perovskites show a relatively large degree of broadening,
tion of the bandgap of BaZrS3, assuming that the peak arises especially toward lower energies; see Figure  10a. Whereas the
from the band-to-band transition. However, PL measurements PL for the MAPbI3 sample synthesized by Gupta et  al. had a
do not explain the spread of optical absorption data nor shed full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of barely 90 meV and is
light on the bandgap type. The PL peak position, however con- essentially symmetrical, the best FWHM values for the chalco-
sistent, can also lie lower than the true gap because of band genide perovskites range from 120 meV for SrZrS3 to 250 meV
tailing and sub-bandgap absorption or when defect levels are for BaZrS3.[73] Because the high-energy wing of the PL spectra
involved in the luminescence process. We return to the possible depends exclusively on the temperature, a broader PL peak
origins of the above discrepancies later. For now, we are forced must have a larger red-shift with respect to the bandgap energy,
to conclude that the bandgap of BaZrS3, by far the best studied and this yields a larger penalty on the open-circuit voltage
chalcogenide perovskite, is not yet well-enough characterized potential.[156,157] For comparison, assuming a band-to-band tran-
to convincingly determine its size or type. Until the issue is sition in BaZrS3, we calculated a theoretical PL spectrum from
resolved, the DFT and experimental bandgaps for all the chalco- the absorption coefficient data reported by Nishigaki et  al.[24]
genide perovskites should be treated with some open-minded- The result is a PL peak centered at 1.92 eV with an FWHM of
ness. We point out that these inconsistencies do not affect the ≈95 meV (see Figure 10b), i.e., significantly narrower than what
promising high magnitude of the absorption coefficient, which is found in the literature, and at 100 meV higher energy. This
is found both theoretically and experimentally. comparison demonstrates that current experimental samples
Besides the bandgap itself, it is also important to make are not ideal. Still, at the present time materials synthesis of
early analysis of band tails, which are caused by the existence chalcogenide perovskites is in its infancy, and optimization is
of sub-bandgap states in a material. Quantifying band tails is expected to lead to further improvements.
important for assessing the open-circuit voltage potential of a While more data is needed, we point to some general phe-
material. A straightforward means to characterize band tails is nomena that can help understand the large sample-to-sample
via the Urbach energy EU, measured by the inverse gradient of variation, the general broadening of the PL response, and the
ln(α) versus α at the onset region. In highly crystalline mate- disagreement between calculated and experimental data. To
rials with direct gaps and minimal subgap states, e.g., GaAs, begin with, the fact that different bandgaps and PL peak widths
EU values can be in the range of 7–10 meV.[155] Nishigaki et al. are measured for different samples of BaZrS3 strongly sug-
determined an EU value of 28.1 meV from their ellipsometry gests that “extrinsic” factors are distorting the intrinsic prop-
data for BaZrS3.[24] For other literature examples, we deter- erties of the material. The most obvious source of these could
mined Urbach energies of about 75 meV.[71,144] It should be be secondary phases with narrower bandgaps, which could
borne in mind that, without having good understanding of the occur for nonoptimized synthesis and especially in the event
bandgap type (whether it is indirect/direct, forbidden/allowed), of nonstoichiometry. On the Ba-rich side, we note that all the
it is not possible to surely attribute these measurements to phases belonging to the An+1BnS3n+1 series have narrower band-
subgap states. To characterize properly subgap states, sensitive gaps than the perovskite phase.[137,158] The presence of smaller
measurements are required to probe the absorption when the bandgaps could strongly affect absorption and emission meas-
density of states becomes very low. This is currently not avail- urements, giving the appearance of long tails or shifting the
able in the chalcogenide perovskite literature where in the best absorption onset. On the Zr-rich side, ZrS2 or ZrS3 could be

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (15 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

expected, which have reported bandgaps in a range from 1.7 have an exceptionally large average dielectric constant of 80 ±
to 2.8  eV.[159,160] Another possibility is that stoichiometry or 14,  exceeding the highest reported values for other semicon-
temperature differences could induce phase transitions or ductors with bandgaps in the visible light range, including
structural distortions in synthetic material. Calculations have halide perovskites.[166] This inspires optimism that long charge
indicated that the bandgap of BaZrS3 is sensitive to the pre- carrier lifetimes may also be obtained in high quality samples
cise degree of rotation of the ZrS6 octahedra:[33,35] the bandgap of BaZrS3 and possibly other chalcogenide perovskites. Experi-
difference between a hypothetical cubic perovskite phase of mentally, charge carrier lifetimes have not been determined
BaZrS3 and the true orthorhombic phase, in which the octa- directly, but a PL emission lifetime of <7  ns  was determined
hedra are rotated by ≈9°, is nearly 0.7 eV.[35] Whether the degree at 300 K in BaZrS3 sample.[71] However, the time-resolved PL
of octahedral rotation might depend on growth conditions decay was not modeled and not many details about the meas-
(such as temperature), strain and so on, remains to be estab- urement conditions were provided, while the samples them-
lished. Finally, as noted above, common impurities, such as Hf selves did not demonstrate high crystalline quality or chemical
in Zr, could also modify bandgaps and PL signals. purity.
Radiative recombination rates are also not discussed in the
literature yet, since the values for the radiative constant krad of
4.3. Charge Carrier Transport and Recombination the chalcogenide perovskites have not been calculated. Using
the DFT calculated data presented in the literature we can
There is little information on charge transport in chalcogenide make a rough estimate for krad. With band direction-averaged
perovskites, largely because few studies have dealt with thin effective masses of electrons and holes of 0.3m0 and 0.5m0,
film samples for which such measurements are most readily respectively,[125] a combined density of states product NCNV of
made. Computational studies have determined low effective 6.7 × 1037 cm−6 is estimated using the standard semiconductor
masses for holes and electrons, due to the dispersive nature equations. This yields a range of intrinsic charge carrier con-
of the band edges.[125] The band direction-averaged effective centration ni2 of 1.4 × 106–1.4 × 104 cm−6 for bandgap values
masses of electrons and holes in BaZrS3 are 0.3m0 and 0.5m0, between 1.88 and 2 eV. With these ni2 values and using the van
respectively, which are only slightly larger than those calculated Roosbroeck–Shockley equation[167] with the absorption coeffi-
for halide perovskites such as MAPbI3 (0.2m0 for electrons and cient and the refractive index nr reported by Nishigaki et al.,[24]
0.3m0 holes[161]). The effective masses of SrZrS3 and CaZrS3 are we obtain a range of krad values of 10−11 to 10−9 cm3 s−1. These
somewhat larger than for BaZrS3.[24] values are in reasonable agreement with the ones reported
Wei et al. made Hall measurements on BaZrS3 films made for other direct semiconductors like halide perovskites[168] or
by sulfurization of oxide precursors, and found electron CIGS,[169] and significantly larger than the ones reported for Si
mobility values up to 13.7 cm2 V−1 s−1 with an equilibrium at 300 K.[170] The relatively large radiative constant suggests that,
carrier density of 3 × 1020 cm−3.[71] In that case the material as for halide perovskites, the detailed balance efficiency limit
was n-type. Zeng et  al., for similarly prepared films, found at one sun equivalent conditions for chalcogenide perovskites
9.4 cm2 V−1 s−1 hole mobility and a p-type carrier density of will not be limited by Auger recombination, in contrast to what
8 × 1017 cm−3.[144] The type change is evidence that the pro- occurs in Si solar cells. We stress that dedicated experiments
cessing and composition variations could shift the Fermi level considering both transient and steady-state photoluminescence
to either side of midgap, as discussed further in the next sec- measurements are needed to quantify these values with more
tion. Yu et  al. made films by sulfurization of Ba–Zr–S pre- precision.
cursors and reported electron mobility of 16.8 cm2 V−1 s−1 In addition to the experimental studies, charge carrier
and hole mobility of 2.6 cm2 V−1 s−1.[162] The mobility values dynamics in chalcogenide perovskites have been investigated
reported for chalcogenide perovskites are comparable to computationally using nonadiabatic molecular dynamics
other direct bandgap inorganic compound semiconductors. simulations. Nijamudheen and Akimov[171] calculated specific
For instance, the sum mobilities (hole plus electron mobili- times for nonradiative electron–hole recombination in pris-
ties) around 30–40 cm2 V−1 s−1 are measured for CsPbI3 and tine BaZrS3 as well as alloys with Ti or Hf (at the Zr site) and
CZTS.[149,163] However, due to various influences of sample O or Se (at the S site). They found that symmetry breaking,
type, quality, measurement method and the associated uncer- induced by alloying, promotes nonradiative carrier recom-
tainties, more measurements are required to build up a con- bination. This effect was most severe in the case of alloying
sistent picture.[164] with Ti and O. The extent to which these results permit
In terms of charge carrier lifetimes, little is reported to- estimation of true carrier lifetimes is a topic of ongoing
date. From a fundamental point of view, we note that BaZrS3 debate.[172,173] At the same time, consideration of intrinsic
belongs to a rarefied group of “highly polarisable” semiconduc- defects would be necessary to evaluate the typically dominant
tors, i.e., materials with relatively narrow bandgaps as well as recombination path via deep defects (i.e., Shockley–Read–
low-frequency dielectric constants above ≈50; these are charac- Hall recombination).[174] Guo and Wang analyzed hot carrier
teristics that rarely go together.[165,166] For photovoltaics, a high dynamics in SrSnX3 (X = S,Se) and concluded that the decay
dielectric constant is argued to be beneficial via its contribu- times are longer than in organic–inorganic perovskites.[175]
tion to charge carrier screening, thereby reducing recombina- Unfortunately, as concluded in Section  2, these compounds
tion rates and extending carrier lifetimes. This phenomenon are unlikely to form. Whether more stable chalcogenide
may be part of the reason that halide perovskite solar cells perovskites exhibit similarly favorable hot carrier dynamics
have reached such high efficiencies.[165] BaZrS3 was found to remains to be determined.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (16 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 11.  a) Defect transition energy levels for BaZrS3, in which donor levels are in blue and acceptor levels are in red. Reproduced with permission.[125]
Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society. b) Influences of extrinsic doping on Seebeck coefficient, showing p-type and n-type character for La-doping
and P-doping of SrHfS3. c) Conductivity for the same samples as (b). (b,c) Reproduced with permission.[25] Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society.

4.4. Defect Chemistry and Doping semiconductors. This is consistent with the promising lumi-
nescence efficiencies mentioned above. On the other hand,
If any single issue is decisive when determining which mate- Wu et al. also found that hybrid functional yields deeper in-gap
rials are suited for optoelectronic applications such as solar donor states for VZr, Si, SBa, and SZr due to less thorough self-
cells, it is defect chemistry. Fortunately for the chalcogenide passivation. Still, all deep defects were found to have high for-
perovskites, the early results on defect properties are very mation energies, which limit their equilibrium concentrations,
promising. First, we consider the potential for formation of especially at S-poor conditions. Therefore, purely from the
deep defects—which we define as those with transition energy defect chemistry perspective, S-poor synthesis of BaZrS3 seems
levels near midgap. Two reports present defect calculations for favorable.
BaZrS3.[125,144] The most significant difference between these Going forward, it is important that the mentioned calcula-
works stems from the adoption of different Hubbard U values tions are clarified, and performed for other materials apart
for the Zr 4d electrons: 4.5 and 1.65 eV, respectively. Meng et al. from BaZrS3. In addition, more defect types can be considered,
calculated transition energy levels and formation energies of all in particular defect complexes, which in some materials have
12 possible native point defects BaZrS3.[125] They suggested five exceptionally low formation energies (e.g., {CuZn  + ZnCu} in
“deep” defect levels, created by Si, SZr, SBa, Zri, and ZrS. The Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4[176]). Defect complexes can lead to phenomena
first two, Si and SBa, can be discounted immediately, because such as preferred off-stoichiometric compositions, ordered
they are acceptors sitting close to the conduction band edge (see defect compounds or disorder in the crystal structure. Indeed,
Figure 11a). This means that they would have negligible contri- it has been reported several times that BaZrS3 was formed with
bution to Shockley–Read–Hall (defect-assisted) recombination, S-poor composition, which persisted despite annealing with
although they could have some effect on carrier mobility due excess S vapor.[178] This could imply formation of S-poor neutral
to trapping/de-trapping. The next two “deep” defects, ZrS and defect complexes such as {VS  + BaZr}. It will be important to
SZr, had relatively high formation energies, >2 eV for all growth explore this and related issues in BaZrS3 and the other chalco-
conditions considered, which will lead to negligible defect con- genide perovskites.
centrations. Zri is the deep defect having lowest formation The other important aspect of defect chemistry is doping.
energy, but even for Zr-rich growth conditions, this reaches The type and density of doping and the degree to which it can
just below 2  eV. By way of comparison, the suspected deep be controlled are important for solar cell design and perfor-
defects VS and SnZn in the well-known emerging PV material mance. The defect calculations of Meng et  al. predict several
Cu2ZnSnS4 have formation energy below 1  eV, and as low as shallow intrinsic defects, including the donors (Bai, ZrBa, VS,
0.6  eV in certain conditions.[176] This difference will lead to a and BaS) and the acceptors (BaZr and VZr). They concluded that
substantially higher deep defect concentration in Cu2ZnSnS4 S-poor growth conditions are likely to lead to degenerate n-type
compared to BaZrS3, other things being equal. Thus, from a doping by VS, while S-rich conditions could create weak p-type
defect point of view, given the limited information, BaZrS3 is material due to the balance of VS and Si.[179] On the contrary,
already more promising than existing candidates for inorganic, Wu et al. predicted that all defects with relatively low formation
earth abundant PV absorbers. energies (below 1  eV in the neutral charge state) are shallow
While the results of Meng et al. gave a positive picture, Wu donors (VS, Zri, ZrBa, and ZrS), which led the authors to con-
et al. went further and claimed that, with a more accurate Hub- clude that BaZrS3 cannot be intrinsically p-type irrespective of
bard U value for Zr 4d orbitals (1.65 eV), none of the intrinsic the growth conditions. Still, the Fermi level can be somewhat
defects generate deep levels at all.[177] Specifically, the authors shifted depending on the growth conditions—higher majority
found that VBa and BaZr are shallow acceptors, VS, Bai, Zri, carrier (electron) concentration, primarily due to VS, is expected
ZrBa, BaS, and ZrS are shallow donors, and VZr, Si, SBa, and SZr in S-deficient BaZrS3.
behave as self-passivated defects without midgap states in the Experimental reports do seem to support the possibility of
neutral charge state. The self-passivation behavior was enabled ambipolar intrinsic doping in BaZrS3. In two cases, p-type
by the spontaneous rearrangement of S atoms into small sulfur doping was found.[144,178] In these cases, the carrier concentra-
clusters with SS bonds. If true, such defect chemistry would, tions were 8 × 1017 cm−3 and 3 × 1017 cm−3 (the latter estimated
in principle, allow BaZrS3 to be made free of deep defects, from conductivity data taken from the work of Yan et  al.[178]
which would place it firmly in the category of “defect tolerant” using the mobility value of Zeng et  al.,[144] 9.4 cm2 V−1 s−1). In

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (17 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

another instance, intrinsic behavior was found,[136] and in yet hinted at in Section 3. Here, we review the synthesis methods
another, n-type conduction was reported with a carrier con- employed for chalcogenide perovskites in various forms. Our
centration of 5  × 1020 cm−3.[71] These findings do not show a focus is on the prospects for high-quality thin film growth. We
clear correlation between doping type/density and the growth find that the existing studies have used inappropriate methods,
parameters or composition of the materials (although limited which may explain the challenges encountered for making
information is provided), so further investigations are needed. good quality thin films. A targeted effort from this point could
An important experiment would be to characterize charge car- unlock major progress in the field.
rier type and density for high-quality samples of chalcogenide
perovskites (e.g., single crystals) annealed in different S vapor
atmospheres; this may influence the proportions of the impor- 5.1. Lessons from Solid-State Synthesis
tant donors and acceptors in a more controllable manner.
Hanzawa et al. showed experimentally that SrHfS3 could A good deal of the literature of chalcogenide perovskites
be extrinsically doped both n-type and p-type using phospho- concerns materials prepared by bulk solid-state syn-
rous (P) at the S site or lanthanum (La) at the Hf site; see thesis.[23–25,42,68,70,72,74,92,93,127,137,141,142,152,178,180–184] The typical
Figure 11b,c. Without doping, the conductivity was very low.[25] growth conditions, including temperatures in excess of 1000 °C
The authors suggested that ambipolar doping can in general and reaction periods of many hours to days, are designed to
be expected in the chalcogenide perovskites due to the fact that facilitate complete interdiffusion of reactant materials over
their band edges lie within an appropriate range with respect large length scales (µm to mm), to yield homogeneous and
to the vacuum level.[25] Multiple additional possibilities for crystalline bulk material. These conditions are totally different
extrinsic dopants can be suggested—and should be explored— to those that will be used for PV devices, and this can lead to
including alkali metals (Li, Na, K, etc.) as p-type dopants. some potentially misleading conclusions. One such example
For solar cell design, the ability to control doping type and is the observation of perovskite structures for SrZrS3[24,92] and
concentration from intrinsic to degenerate levels could be EuZrS3.[93] In fact, while these materials do happen to crystal-
extremely useful. To fabricate efficient solar cells based on p–n lize in this structure at the temperature of solid-state synthesis,
heterojunctions, carrier concentrations below 1017 cm−3 are at the temperatures commonly used for thin film synthesis
desirable, and much lower if p–i–n structures are to be used. (<700 °C), they would preferably adopt the NH4CdCl3-type
Doping control is also valuable for formation of low-resistance, structure (see Section  2), unless stabilized by some external
carrier-selective contacts. factors. In the same vein, some materials may change their
physicochemical properties and exhibit incipient structural
degradation, due to, e.g., anion deficiency, when grown at high
4.5. Devices Using Chalcogenide Perovskites temperatures.[42,59] Indeed, several authors have reported sulfur
deficiency, in the range 1–6 at% in BaZrS3 samples synthesized
Initial studies have encountered challenges in growing high- by reacting BaZrO3 with flowing CS2 at 900–1200 °C.[42,68,152,178]
quality chalcogenide perovskite thin films, as a prerequisite In other methods, especially where the reaction was carried out
for making devices. As we discuss in the next section, this is in a sealed vessel, stoichiometric or even S-rich material has
likely due to inappropriate growth conditions, necessitating been grown (e.g., for BaZrS3[183,184] and for SrZrS3[92]). Sulfur
exceptionally high growth temperatures. As a result, it has not deficiency can be connected to the low formation energy of
been possible to grow chalcogenide perovskite thin films on S vacancies discussed earlier, and is likely to result in n-type
conductive substrates, and therefore the fabrication of solar material which may even become degenerate in the worst
cells has been elusive. In two cases, device test structures have case.[125] Thus, it should be remembered that the material pre-
been formed by depositing contacts onto the surface of BaZrS3 pared from solid-state synthesis does not necessarily represent
thin films grown on insulating substrates.[71,73] In both cases, the best achievable absorber.
the current flow between these surface contacts was enhanced Nonetheless, some key insights have been gained in the
under illumination, indicating generation and transport of solid-state synthesis literature. First, several authors reported
charge carriers. This area is naturally of great importance, but difficulties in forming BaZrS3 using “standard” reaction con-
inability to grow high-quality thin films is a major bottleneck ditions, i.e., mixing stoichiometric quantities of the elements
at present. In the final chapter, we summarize the materials or binary sulfides. For example, Hahn and Mutschke found
chemistry underlying formation of chalcogenide perovskites, that BaS and ZrS2 did not react together until a temperature
which reveals important clues to making progress on this of 900 °C was reached,[41] despite the fact that the ternary phase
front. is known to be more thermodynamically stable than the bina-
ries. This result indicates a large kinetic barrier to phase for-
mation. A hypothesis is that the initial formation of a BaZrS3
5. Synthesis and Synthetic Challenges layer—at the interface of BaS and ZrS2 particles—restricts fur-
ther diffusion of one or more of the reacting elements. Thus,
While the crystal structure and optoelectronic properties of growth of the ternary phase becomes diffusion limited and con-
chalcogenide perovskites seem similar to those of halide siderable thermal energy is needed to drive it to completion by
perovskites, the synthesis approaches adopted are completely Reaction (1)
different. This appears to be connected to the very different
chemical properties of the chalcogenide compounds, as already BaS + ZrS2 → BaZrS3 (slow)  (Reaction 1)

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (18 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

The more widely used solid-state route for preparing chal- BaS ( s) + S2 ( g ) → BaS3 ( l )  (Reaction 4a)
cogenide perovskites is the reaction of an oxide precursor
with flowing CS2, see Reaction (2). Clearfield showed that this
BaS3 ( l ) + ZrS2 → BaZrS3 + S2 ( g )  (Reaction 4b)
process can yield phase-pure BaZrS3, and concluded that the
required time and temperature to displace all oxygen was 4 h At the higher limit of ps, α  >  1.5, the appearance of ZrS3
at 1050 °C.[42] was associated with the decrease and disappearance of BaZrS3.
The formation of ZrS3, following Reaction (5), may somehow
2BaZrO3 + 3CS2 → 2BaZrS3 + 3CO2  (Reaction 2) block the ternary phase from forming. Another possibility is
that a too-high ps causes BaZrS3 itself to become unstable,
As noted above, it can be desirable to perform solid-state Reaction (6)
synthesis under milder conditions. For chalcogenides, this can
often be achieved by providing a molten sulfur (S) phase.[59] ZrS2 + 1/2 S2 → ZrS3  (Reaction 5)
Wang and co-workers synthesized BaZrS3 by a solid state route
using excess S, ostensibly to create this molten phase.[142,182,183] BaZrS3 + 1.5S2 ( g ) → BaS3 + ZrS3  (Reaction 6)
In this way, a growth temperature as low as 500–600 °C could
be used, with a high BaZrS3 yield. The quantity of S excess, Regardless of the mechanistic details, the appearance of the
expressed as α in Reaction (3), was important. If too little secondary phases (BaS3 and ZrS3) seems to define a window
excess S was added, the BaZrS3 product was nonexistent (α  = of ps between which BaZrS3 forms quickly at a given tempera-
0) or poorly crystallized (α  <  0.5), with the main products ture. Within this “fast-formation” window, ps is high enough
being BaS, BaS2, and ZrS2. On the other hand, if a too large S to form BaS3 (Reaction (4a)), but low enough to avoid ZrS3
excess was added (α > 1.5), the S-rich binary compounds BaS3 formation (Reaction (5)). The fast-formation window could be
and ZrS3 were the major products. The largest yield of BaZrS3 defined in terms of ps(T) curves for the formation of BaS3 and
occurred for intermediate α values. In this intermediate range, ZrS3 and for Reaction (6),[186] but unfortunately complete ther-
secondary phases, when observed, were only BaS3 and ZrO2.[142] modynamic data is lacking. The ps(T) curve for Reaction (5) is
Reaction (3) also includes the presence of 0.1 moles BaCl2. This known,[187] and is shown in Figure 12. Apart from that, we have
was found to assist the reaction: if BaCl2 was omitted, higher to rely on guesswork. If the decomposition of BaZrS3 by Reac-
temperatures were required to drive BaZrS3 formation, and the tion (6) is the true upper limit, then the fast-formation window
yield was somewhat lower[142] will extend to somewhat higher ps values than the curve in
Figure 12, due to the extra stability of the ternary phase over a
0.9BaS + 0.1BaCl2 + ZrS2 + α S → BaZrS3 ( +S2 ,Cl 2 )( fast ) mixture of binaries.[186] Meanwhile, we know from Wang et al.
( 0.5 < α < 1.5)  (Reaction 3) that BaS3 forms at a relatively lower ps than ZrS3. Thus, the

While these results are clear proof that BaZrS3 can be grown
at temperatures suitable for solar cell integration, the dramatic
effect of excess S was not adequately explained. Although Wang
et al. implied that the excess S generated a molten phase, the
reported reaction conditions do not appear to support this
claim: the small amounts of S would have been able to vaporize
entirely as S8 in most of the experiments. Neither does BaCl2
create a molten phase at the relevant temperatures; its melting
point is ≈960 °C. Another conjecture was that vaporization of
BaS3(g) and ZrS3(g) played a role in the formation of the ter-
nary phase. However, we have been unable to find evidence that
these phases have significant vapor pressures. Instead, we pro-
vide another explanation based on the changing S pressure in
the reaction vessel, which should have been the main result of
changing the value of α in Reaction (3).
For increasing α (i.e., increasing S pressure, ps), Wang et al.
observed a sequence of phase formation as follows: BaS +
ZrS2  → BaS2  + ZrS2  → BaZrS3 (+ BaS3) → BaS3  + ZrS3. The
appearance of BaS3 at α  ≈ 0.5 was followed by the sudden
formation of BaZrS3 at high yield. This apparent accelerating
effect could be related to the melting point of BaS3 being rel-
atively low, 554 °C,[185] because molten or near-molten BaS3
could admit much faster in-diffusion of Zr compared to BaS2
Figure 12.  Approximate range of S pressures and temperatures for which
or BaS, which have melting points of 700 and 925 °C, respec-
BaZrS3 is expected to form quickly due to the assistance of a near-molten
tively. Thus, under conditions of ps and temperature (T) where BaS3 phase above 554 °C. The solid line shows experimental data for the
BaS3 becomes the stable binary phase, the formation of BaZrS3 reaction ZrS2 + ½S2 → ZrS3,[187] the yellow shaded range includes extrapo-
could be accelerated compared to Reaction (1), as below lation of this data to higher and lower temperatures.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (19 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

fast-formation window extends to lower ps than the curve in thermal energy needed to react them may be provided either
Figure 12. The overall picture is that the fast-formation window during deposition, or subsequently in a separate heating step.
for BaZrS3, while so far poorly defined, is distributed approxi- The chalcogen element may be included in the deposition step,
mately around the ps(T) curve for ZrS3 formation, as illustrated or may be added entirely during the heating process, or some
by the yellow region in Figure 12. Within the picture described combination of the two. Regardless of the growth sequence, the
above, the role of the BaCl2 additive is not yet clear. One possi- temperatures required for formation of highly crystalline mate-
bility is that it helped regulate ps by absorbing S vapor, keeping rials are nearly always in the range of 450–600 °C.
it low enough to avoid decomposition of BaZrS3.[43] Another For PVD processes, the material sources are normally the
possibility is that it acts as a precursor for forming BaS3. pure metal elements or their binary sulfides/selenides. Nearly
Although the picture is still incomplete, there are some always, these source materials must be handled in air, unless
important lessons for thin film growth of chalcogenide perov- the PVD system is especially equipped for inert handling. This
skites, or at least for BaZrS3. The first is that severe kinetic creates a problem for chalcogenide perovskites, because the
limitations may operate in simple formation processes. This pure elements Sr and Ba, as well as several of their sulfides/
could result in poor crystallization at lower growth tempera- selenides, are air sensitive. Moreover, some of the binary
tures, for example. However, under the right conditions, it sulfides/selenides formed en route to making chalcogenide
has been shown that BaZrS3 can be formed at reasonable thin perovskites might be unstable in air. Therefore, measures
film growth temperatures (≈500–600 °C). A point of particular must be taken to minimize air exposure of source materials
importance seems to be providing an appropriate partial pres- and intermediates, as well as to allow safe handling, chamber
sure of S, in order to take advantage of a faster phase formation cleaning, and so on. Nevertheless, assuming that appropriate
route via the low-melting point secondary phase BaS3. measures can be taken for handling precursor materials, there
are numerous methods by which chalcogenide perovskites
could be grown by PVD, and once the ternary phase is formed,
5.2. Thin Film Growth it is completely air stable.
The first reports of thin film synthesis of chalcogenide perov-
Before applying the above discussion to the case of thin film skites emerged in 2019 and 2020,[34,69,71,73,136] and the nonper-
growth of chalcogenide perovskites, we briefly cover the gen- ovskite but chemically related LaYS3 compound in 2017.[34,35]
eral methodologies used for halide perovskite film growth, and We highlight (but do not discuss) one report on preparation of
why different methods must be used for chalcogenides. Halide thin films by solution deposition of colloidal BaZrS3 nanoparti-
perovskites are typically deposited by coating from a solution cles,[189] and two reports coming to press at the time of writing,
of metal halides (e.g., PbI2), organic cations (e.g., MA+), and concerning epitaxial growth of BaZrS3.[190,191] Concerning the
various additives, followed by mild heating (<250 °C) during “traditional” thin films growth, in most cases high temperatures
which the solvent evaporates while the perovskite film crystal- (>900 °C) were used to form the desired compounds. This is
lizes. The solvent is chosen for good solubility of the precursor too high to be compatible with metal or transparent conduc-
materials and a relatively low boiling point; dimethyl forma- tive oxides, which would form the back contact in a device. In
mide and dimethyl sulfoxide are common examples.[7] Mild some instances, the high temperatures were a necessary part of
heating or addition of an antisolvent causes saturation and pre- the synthesis process: following the majority of the solid state
cipitation of the perovskite.[188] Both the cationic and anionic literature, and to circumvent the difficulty of handling alkali
components of the halide perovskite can be provided in a single earth metals, several groups have deposited BaZrO3 films and
solution without the need for additional counterions. Solution then converted them to sulfides in a thermal process (i.e., Reac-
growth of halide perovskites is normally made within a glove tion (3)), using either CS2 or H2S. Wei et al. converted pulsed-
box, to avoid degradation of the perovskite product by contact laser deposited (PLD) BaZrO3 films on sapphire substrates by
with air or moisture. annealing in CS2 flux at 900–1050 °C for 2–4 h,[71] and Gupta
To date, direct solution-based deposition has not been applied et al. performed essentially the same process on solution-depos-
to chalcogenide perovskites. In principle it could be achieved ited BaZrO3 films on quartz.[73] Márquez et  al. converted PLD-
using salts of the alkaline earth metals and group IV transition grown BaZrO3 into increasingly sulfur-rich films by heating in
metals along with, e.g., thiourea, which would be coated and H2S from 700 to 1100 °C.[130] The use of oxide precursors carries
heat-treated. Since the metal salt precursors are in most cases the inherent problem noted by Clearfield, that complete con-
air sensitive, it would again be necessary to use a glove box to version of an oxide precursor to a sulfide compound requires a
achieve air- and moisture-free conditions (on the other hand, combination of high temperatures and long times, e.g., >900 °C
the final product is air stable). An alternative method, which for several hours, due to the high stability of the oxides. Thus,
circumvents the instability of the precursor material, is to delib- routes in which oxide precursors are used, or in which any
erately deposit an oxide film that is later converted to a chalco- appreciable oxygen contamination is obtained, will invariably
genide by thermal processing with a source of S(e). require high temperatures to generate the target compound. As
For chalcogenides in general, it is much more common to noted by Crovetto et  al., this makes the process incompatible
grow thin films by physical vapor deposition (PVD) approaches, with normal conductive back contacts, whether metal or oxide-
including thermal and e-beam evaporation, as well as sput- based.[34] Furthermore, it seems difficult to remove all oxygen: for
tering. These methods can deposit highly pure and additive-free Márquez et al., the S/(O+S) ratio saturated at 0.85 for a 30 min
films. A spectrum of deposition procedures exists in which the treatment in H2S at 1100 °C.[130] For Wei et al., a strong oxygen
elements are deposited simultaneously or sequentially, and the peak was recorded by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (20 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 13.  a) Main picture: morphology of BaZrS3 films prepared by CS2-sulfurization of BaZrO3 precursors at increasing temperatures; insets (top)
grain diameter of same samples, (bottom) EDS spectrum of sample made at 1050 °C. Reproduced with permission.[71] Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
b) Morphology of BaZrS3 films prepared by H2S-sulfurization of BaZrO3 precursors at increasing temperatures. Reproduced with permission.[124]
Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society. c) FWHM of (121) diffraction peak and crystallite size as a function of annealing temperature, for BaZrS3
films made by crystallization of amorphous Ba–Zr–S precursors by PLD. Reproduced with permission.[162] Copyright 2021, Elsevier. XRD patterns and
FWHM of (121) peak for a similar route, crystallization from sputtered Ba–Zr–S precursors. Reproduced with permission.[69] Copyright 2020, American
Chemical Society.

(EDS), though not quantified, after a CS2 sulfurization at pared to the exciting findings derived from powder materials,
1050 °C for 4 h, see Figure 13a.[71] appear to be related to the wrong choice of growth conditions.
In terms of morphology, the grains of BaZrS3 achieved The apparent need for high growth temperatures, the sluggish
micrometer-scale diameters only above ≈1000 °C growth tem- crystallization and incompatibility with conductive substrates
perature, see Figure 13a,b. By contrast, other PV chalcogenides stem from the same issue. Using oxide precursors carries the
achieve grain sizes in this range for growth temperatures of inherent difficulty of removing oxygen, while the attempts at
450–550 °C, and halide perovskites below 200 °C. This seems direct crystallization from amorphous precursor films failed due
to reinforce the idea of slow diffusion within the ternary phase, to (presumably) slow diffusion kinetics. Based on Section  5.1,
since grain growth is a diffusion-limited process. a more effective thin film synthesis method for BaZrS3 would
There are fewer examples in which nonoxide precursors be to go via a diffusion-enhancing intermediate phase of BaS3.
were used, but two recent cases are instructive. Comparotto The generation of this phase would not have occurred in any
et al. produced slightly S-rich, amorphous BaZrS3 films by reac- of the thin film cases mentioned above, due either to the
tive sputtering, which were crystallized by rapid thermal pro- absence of a sulfur-excess, and/or because Ba in the precursors
cessing in an inert atmosphere (i.e., without excess S) at tem- was already bound into a matrix containing both S/O and Zr. To
peratures from 650 to 1000 °C.[69] Yu et al. followed a similar encourage BaS3 formation during the reaction process, precur-
procedure but used PLD to grow slightly S-deficient Ba–Zr–S sors should be incompletely reacted, containing, e.g., metallic
precursor films, which were annealed in an atmosphere con- Ba, or stacked or incompletely sulfurized layers, e.g., BaS/Zr.
taining CS2, at 500–900 °C.[162] In both reports, the grain size A Ba-rich composition may also help provide the binary phase
of the films was limited to about 100  nm even for the higher in excess. Apart from the BaS3-route, another widely used
annealing temperatures (see Figure 13c). Both studies also used approach for assisting diffusion is to use additives that generate
FWHM of the (121) XRD reflection to judge crystallization, low-melting phases or otherwise influence grain growth. This
Figure  13c,d. The results were comparable, showing that crys- is common practice for other chalcogenides including CIGS,
tallization improved continuously in the range of ≈600–900 °C. CZTS, and CdTe, where sodium from the glass substrates, or
Again, these results imply slow diffusion kinetics. added metal chlorides or fluorides, are nearly always important
In summary, the slow progress and disappointing opto- to enhance crystallization.[192,193] Again, this has not been tried
electronic results for thin film chalcogenide perovskites, com- for chalcogenide perovskites. If suitable growth conditions are

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (21 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

employed, we have every expectation that the promising opto- any of the lattice sites of BaZrS3, while the high temperature
electronic performance already demonstrated in powder-based phases may still find their way into applications such as solid-
chalcogenide perovskite materials can be recreated and even state lighting. The above observations rationalize the relative
enhanced in thin film materials, finally unlocking the possi- lack of publications concerning chalcogenide perovskites other
bility to integrate the chalcogenide perovskites into devices. than BaZrS3, but also allow us now to focus our efforts on this
more limited family of materials for which more information is
already available. There are a few gaps and question marks in
6. Summary and Outlook the existing literature regarding structural stability and/or char-
acterization, which we identified here.
Chalcogenide perovskites are an emerging material group The existing literature—primarily from powder samples—
hoped to combine the most favorable application-relevant proves good optoelectronic properties of chalcogenide perov-
properties of both halide perovskites and chalcogenides. A par- skites. Powder materials have verified the exceptionally strong
ticularly interesting application area is in tandem solar cells optical absorption, although there remains some surprising
based on the Si platform. For this, halide perovskites show lack of agreement over the size and nature of the bandgap, at
high performance, but poorer-long term stability (besides con- least in BaZrS3. Regarding PL emission, better results have
taining toxic elements). On the other hand, well-known chal- been demonstrated for the high-T SrZrS3 and SrHfS3 phases
cogenide alternatives, such as CdSe, CdTe, Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2, than for BaZrS3 itself; still, there are few data points and it is
and Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4—while generally very stable—exhibit large not clear if this reflects an intrinsic difference, and the possible
voltage losses with respect to the SQ limit, once their band gaps role of impurities and secondary phases is not yet elucidated.
have been tuned into the necessary range for a tandem cell (ca Certainly, the PL broadening of BaZrS3 is concerning, but
1.6–1.8  eV). Other emerging wide gap chalcogenides also lack needs to be evaluated in better-characterized materials grown in
indications of high photovoltaic potential, such as a strong a more controllable matter; meanwhile sensitive measurements
luminescence quantum yield. of the absorptivity will help to understand the possibly unusual
Chalcogenide perovskites appear to dispense with the disad- band structure and the nature of any subgap states. At the same
vantages of both the above material groups. They contain pri- time, the reported high dielectric constant of BaZrS3 is techno-
marily earth abundant and nontoxic elements, and they have logically very promising (for high charge carrier lifetimes).
been demonstrated to have exceptional environmental stability. In terms of defect tolerance (a cornerstone of the success
They exhibit higher absorption coefficients than any main- of halide perovskites), information is still limited for chalco-
stream chalcogenide or halide perovskite, and some of them genide perovskites. Therefore, a well-balanced comparison of
have shown external luminescence efficiencies that would, in halide and chalcogenide perovskites in this respect is currently
theory, allow a Voc corresponding to 90% of the SQ limit. These impossible. The two theoretical works (again, only for BaZrS3)
properties are encouraging in view of implementing chalco- do seem to suggest that BaZrS3 is defect-tolerant: it does not
genide perovskites as top cell in a tandem solar cell, but also have low-energy defects with deep energy levels that would con-
for other energy conversation applications such as solid-state tribute to Shockley–Read–Hall recombination. This conclusion
lighting. is supported by the available PL measurements. However, the
The purpose of this review is to support a renewed push information, while encouraging, is still fragmented. More work
for development of chalcogenide perovskites. Our aim was to is still needed to make a direct and detailed comparison of the
create clarity in the face of some early misconceptions and dis- defect chemistries at this stage, including on the roles of other
appointing experimental outcomes that sit alongside various defect types, including ever-present impurities such as O and
impressive claims, and to identify the critical hurdles that Hf. Clearly, there is scope for material processing to impact
would need to be overcome for chalcogenide perovskites to defect concentrations, and several chalcogenide perovskites
emerge fully onto the PV stage. In this final section, we sum- have demonstrated the technologically useful feature of variable
marize some of the key results and needs, as related to each of doping level and type. Reasonable charge carrier mobilities for
the foregoing sections. emerging materials have been reported, especially promising
In terms of the discovered (or predicted) chalcogenide considering that most optoelectronic and transport measure-
perovskites, we can confidently state that there are fewer in this ments have been made on relatively poor-quality materials
family than has been imagined by many authors. Despite some from high temperature synthesis, which is expected to lead to
contradicting claims, the assessed picture is that all the prac- degenerate doping and large off-stoichiometry. This suggests
tically applicable II-IV-VI3-type ABX3 compounds are sulfides, there is room for improvements in all characteristics thus far
and only BaZrS3 and BaHfS3 surely possess a ground state determined.
perovskite structure. Others, such as the Sr-equivalents, can Thin film synthesis has been the major sticking point for
be formed as high-temperature phases. Several III-III-VI3-type chalcogenide perovskites so far. The suitable synthesis methods
ABX3 perovskites have also been demonstrated, but these have seem more akin to those for other chalcogenides than those
not been explored beyond determining basic structural parame- for halide perovskites. In particular, solution processing—often
ters yet. The relative lack of chalcogenide perovskites is a conse- viewed as a competitive advantage of halide perovskites—is
quence of nonideal structural factors, especially the scarcity of likely not an option for chalcogenide perovskites. This is pre-
sufficiently large B-site cations to fulfill the minimum require- sumably due to the need for thermal activation of chemical
ment for the octahedral factor. Still, there is quite broad scope rearrangements, which is in turn dictated by the higher
for bandgap and other properties to be tuned, via alloying on strength of chemical bonds. Conversely, it is precisely these

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Kostiantyn V. Sopiha obtained his Ph.D. in Engineering from the Singapore University of
Technology and Design in 2018, after which he joined the Solar Cell Technology Division within
the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Uppsala University as a postdoc and
later as a researcher. His research is focused on the first-principles modeling of chalcogenide
solar absorbers, which is usually carried out in close collaboration with experimentalists. His pri-
mary research interests encompass the fundamentals of materials for solar energy harvesting and
storage, photocatalysis, gas sensing, and novel 2D compounds.

Corrado Comparotto received his master’s degree in electronic engineering from the University
of Brescia, Italy. From 2011 to 2018 he worked for the International Solar energy Centre Konstanz,
Germany, within the Department of Future Solar Cell Concepts, with focus on n-type and bifacial
Si solar cells. In 2019 he joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Uppsala
University, Sweden, where he is currently working toward his Ph.D. degree on chalcogenide
perovskites for Si-based tandem solar cells.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (26 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

José A. Márquez is currently working as a postdoc researcher in the Structure and Dynamics of
Energy Materials group at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB). He graduated in Chemistry
at the University of Sevilla and completed his Ph.D. in Physics and Electrical Engineering at
Northumbria University as part of a Marie Curie Programme. His Ph.D. included research stays at
HZB and at EMPA in the Laboratory for Thin Films and Photovoltaics developing earth-abundant
semiconductors for photovoltaics. His current research focuses on the development of novel
compound semiconductors and high-throughput and in situ characterization methods for energy

Jonathan J. S. Scragg received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Bath, UK,
in 2010. He later joined the division of Solar Cell Technology at Uppsala University, where he
is currently an associate professor in the topic thin film solar cells. His research encompasses
development of robust solar absorbers for sustainable photovoltaics, using scalable synthesis
techniques. The scientific focus is on the chemistry of thin-film material formation. Materials of
interest are primarily chalcogenides, including kesterites and, more recently, wider gap absorbers
suitable for tandem cells.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2021, 2101704 2101704  (27 of 27) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

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