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This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
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ISBN 978-0-626-28121-2
SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1


Hand dishwashing and light duty detergent


Published by SABS Standards Division

1 Dr Lategan Road Groenkloof Private Bag X191 Pretoria 0001
Tel: +27 12 428 7911 Fax: +27 12 344 1568

© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1

Table of changes
Change No. Date Scope
Amdt 1 2012 Amended to update normative references, and to move reference
to a national authority to the foreword.

This South African standard was approved by National Committee SABS SC 1006B, Detergents,
polishes and other chemicals – Detergents, soaps, cleaners, degreasers and oil spill dispersants
and absorbents, in accordance with procedures of the SABS Standards Division, in compliance with
annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.

This document was published in December 2012.

This document supersedes SANS 825:2011 (edition 4).

Reference is made in 7.2 to the "relevant national legislation". In South Africa, this means the
Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act No. 54 of 1972) and the Trade Metrology
Act, 1973 (Act No. 77 of 1973) (as amended from time to time).

Reference is made in 7.2(g) to the "relevant national authority". In South Africa this means the local
Transport Authority. Amdt 1

A vertical line in the margin shows where the text has been technically modified by amendment
No. 1.

Annex A forms an integral part of this document. Annex B is for information only.

© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1



1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Normative references .............................................................................................................. 3

3 Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 3

4 Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 4

5 Sampling and compliance with the standard ......................................................................... 5

6 Inspection and methods of test ............................................................................................... 5

6.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 5

6.2 Inspection ...................................................................................................................... 5
6.3 Test samples ................................................................................................................. 5
6.4 Standard hard water ...................................................................................................... 6
6.5 Insoluble matter ............................................................................................................. 6
6.6 pH value ......................................................................................................................... 6
6.7 Rinsing properties .......................................................................................................... 6
6.8 Cleaning efficiency ......................................................................................................... 7

7 Packing and marking .............................................................................................................. 9

Annex A (normative) Notes to purchasers ........................................................................... 12

Annex B (informative) Quality verification of hand dishwashing and light duty

detergent (liquid) ................................................................................ 12

Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 12

© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1
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© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1

Hand dishwashing and light duty detergent (liquid)

1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements of liquid detergents for use in soft or hard water for hand
dishwashing and for the cleaning of hard surfaces such as painted surfaces, floors, ceilings,
ceramic and plastics tiles, and the surfaces of equipment.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies. Information on currently valid national
and international standards can be obtained from the SABS Standards Division.

ISO 2271, Surface active agents – Detergents – Determination of anionic-active matter by manual
or mechanical direct two-phase titration procedure.

SANS 892, General purpose detergent (beads, granules and powders).

SANS 10523/ISO 10523, Water quality – Determination of ph. Amdt 1

SANS 51676/EN 1676, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Alloyed ingots for remelting –

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply:

acceptable to the authority administering this standard, or to the parties concluding the purchase
contract, as relevant

material from a single mix or, in the case of a continuous production process, the material from a
single day's production

detergent or a container that fails in one or more respects to comply with the relevant requirements
of this standard

© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1
quantity of detergent bearing the same batch identification, from one manufacturer, and submitted
at any one time for inspection and testing

4 Requirements
4.1 General

4.1.1 The detergent shall be a uniform aqueous solution, which, if so required, may be coloured. It
shall be free from abrasives and organic solvents, and solids shall not precipitate from it during
storage at ambient temperature.

4.1.2 It shall not be irritating to the normal skin and it shall not contain any ingredients in a quantity
that is toxic to human beings.

4.2 Consistency
On being cooled to 4,5 °C ± 0,5 °C for 24 h, the detergent shall show no separation and shall
remain liquid.

4.3 Odour

4.3.1 When so required, the detergent shall be perfumed. The detergent and a solution of the
detergent in water at 60 °C ± 2 °C shall have an acceptable odour.

4.3.2 During storage at ambient temperature, the odour of the detergent shall remain such as to be
acceptable, and when perfumed, the fragrance shall not change.

4.4 Residual taste

The detergent shall not leave any residual taste on washed articles.

4.5 Insoluble matter

When determined in accordance with 6.5, the insoluble matter content shall not exceed a mass
fraction of 0,50 %.

4.6 pH Value
The pH value of a volume fraction of 1,00 % solution of the detergent, when determined in
accordance with 6.6, shall be not less than 6,0 and not more than 9,0.

4.7 Rinsing properties

When tested in accordance with 6.7, the detergent shall be free-rinsing.

4.8 Cleaning efficiency

When tested in accordance with 6.8, the cleaning efficiency of liquid hand dishwashing and light
duty detergent shall be at least 80 % of that of the standard detergent.

© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1

4.9 Storage stability

The detergent shall, after a storage period of 12 months in the original container under normal
storage conditions, still comply with all the requirements of this standard.

5 Sampling and compliance with the standard

5.1 Sampling
The following sampling procedure shall be applied in determining whether a lot that was submitted
for inspection and testing, complies with the relevant requirements of this standard. The sample so
drawn shall be deemed to represent the lot.

5.1.1 Sample for inspection

Draw at random from the lot

a) five containers, if the lot is packed in containers of net volume not exceeding 5 L, or

b) three containers, if the lot is packed in containers of net volume exceeding 5 L.

5.1.2 Sample for testing From the containers taken in accordance with 5.1.1 draw enough detergent to provide a
composite test sample of total volume at least 1 L, taking equal quantities of detergent from all
containers. Before drawing a sample thoroughly mix the contents of the relevant container. Pour the samples into a clean, dry, air-tight glass or plastics bottle clearly marked with the
manufacturer's name or trademark, the batch identification and the date of sampling.

5.2 Compliance with the standard

Deem the lot to comply with the requirements of the standard if, after inspection and testing of the
samples taken in accordance with 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, the samples are found to comply with all the
requirements of the standard and no defects are found.

6 Inspection and methods of test

6.1 General
All reagents used shall be of analytical reagent grade, and all water shall be distilled or deionized

6.2 Inspection
Inspect the containers taken in accordance with 5.1.1 for compliance with the requirements of
clause 7.

6.3 Test samples

Carry out determinations of the consistency, odour, residual taste, insoluble matter, pH value,
rinsing properties and cleaning efficiency on the composite test sample taken in accordance with

© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1

6.4 Standard hard water

Dissolve 3,520 g of chemically pure calcium chloride (CaCl2·2H2O) and 3,947 g of chemically pure
magnesium sulfate (MgSO4·7H2O) in distilled water and dilute to 20 L with distilled water. (This
standard hard water has a hardness of approximately 200 mg/L calculated as calcium carbonate.)

6.5 Insoluble matter

6.5.1 Procedure Accurately weigh (to ± 0,001 g) approximately 5 g of the test sample (see 6.3) into a beaker
and add 250 mL of the standard hard water (see 6.4). Heat on a steam bath, with frequent stirring, until the sample is completely dispersed. Filter the solution immediately, under suction, through a dried and tared Whatman GF/A
glass-fibre filter paper or equivalent and ensure that the insoluble matter is quantitatively transferred
to the filter. Wash the beaker and the residue five times with 20 mL portions of hot standard hard water. Allow the solution to drain completely and dry the residue at 105 °C until a constant mass is

6.5.2 Calculation

Calculate the insoluble matter content S as a percentage by mass, as follows:

m2 100
S= ×
m1 1


S is the insoluble matter content as a percentage by mass;

m1 is the mass of the test sample taken, expressed in grams (g); and

m2 is the mass of the insoluble matter after it has been dried, expressed in grams (g).

Check for compliance with 4.5.

6.6 pH value
Dissolve 1,0 mL of the test sample in 100 mL of carbon-dioxide-free distilled or deionized water and
determine its pH value, using SANS 10523. Check for compliance with 4.6. Amdt 1

6.7 Rinsing properties

6.7.1 Accurately weigh (to ± 0,001 g) approximately 0,4 g of the test sample (see 6.3) into a
thoroughly cleaned 500 mL conical flask and add 200 mL of the standard hard water (see 6.4).

6.7.2 Stopper the flask and shake it vigorously for 1 min.

6.7.3 Pour out the solution and rinse the flask by adding 200 mL of the standard hard water,
shaking vigorously for 1 min and pouring off the water.

© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1

6.7.4 Invert the flask and allow to dry.

6.7.5 Carry out a blank by repeating the above procedure but omitting the test sample.

6.7.6 Compare the two flasks.

6.7.7 Consider the detergent to comply with 4.7 if the streaks and marks on the flask used for the
test do not exceed those on the flask used for the blank.

6.8 Cleaning efficiency

6.8.1 Apparatus Six test panels of anodized aluminium, machined from aluminium that complies with
SANS 51676 (alloy designation Al-99,5A: alloy code number SA2). The panels are of the
dimensions given in figure 1 and have indentations as shown in figure 1. Six suitable clamps, so fitted to the stirrers (see as to allow the panels to be
gripped and rotated about a vertical axis. Six mechanical stirrers, capable, when supporting the test panels, of operating smoothly
and continuously at 60 r/min to 62 r/min. Water-bath, that is thermostatically controlled, is capable of maintaining a temperature of

21 °C ± 2 °C, and is fitted with a cover that has a row of six holes to accommodate the test beakers
(see Six beakers, of capacity 800 mL, of internal diameter approximately 90 mm and of height
approximately 135 mm. Six flat-bottom glass crystallizing basins, of capacity 175 mL, of diameter approximately
80 mm and of height approximately 40 mm, to hold the six test panels. Six tall-form beakers, of capacity 150 mL. Spatula, fitted with a flexible straight-edge steel blade. Watch glasses.

6.8.2 Materials Standard hard water (see 6.4). Standard detergent, a solution containing a mass fraction of 4,0 % sodium lauryl ether
sulphate (SLES) and a mass fraction of 16,0 % sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate (SDBS) at a
pH of 7.5 ± 1 that is prepared as follows:

a) Determine the anionic content of the sodium lauryl ether sulphate (SLES) in accordance with
ISO 2271, using 442 g for 3 moles ethylene oxide or 384 g for 2 moles ethylene oxide as the
molecular mass in the calculation.

b) Determine the anionic content of the sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate (SDBS) in accordance
with ISO 2271, using 340 g as the molecular mass or the molecular mass as supplied by the

© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1
c) Measure a calculated amount of the SLES (see (a)) to give a mass fraction of an active
content of 4,0 % and a calculated amount of SDBS (see (b)) to give a mass fraction of an
active content of 16,0 %.

d) Add water to give a combined mass of 100,0 g.

e) Mix the solution thoroughly and adjust it if necessary to a pH of 7,5 ± 1, using 4g/L of sodium
hydroxide or 10 g/L citric acid. Artificial soil, comprising an intimate mixture of the following ingredients:

a) 85,0 % margarine;

b) 10,0 % egg-powder; and

c) 5,0 % cornflour.

6.8.3 Procedure Accurately weigh 15,0 g of the standard detergent into each of three beakers, and 15,0 g of
the test sample into each of the other three beakers. Add 750 mL of the standard hard water to each beaker and so place the beakers in the
water-bath, maintained at 21 °C ± 2 °C, that the three beakers containing the standard detergent
are in the first, third and fifth holes and the three beakers containing the test sample are in the
remaining holes. Cover the beakers with watch glasses. Thoroughly clean the test panels with a suitable detergent (e.g. 1 % solution of detergent
that complies with SANS 892, dissolved in hot water), and allow to air dry. Place each panel in its glass crystallizing basin, clearly identify the panel-and-basin
combination, and place the basins and panels into an oven at 105 °C ± 3 °C for 1 h. Remove the
basins and panels from the oven and, after allowing them to cool in a desiccator, determine the
mass of each glass basin together with its panel. Homogenize the artificial soil by mixing it with the spatula. Use the spatula to pack each panel with approximately 1,3 g of the homogenized soil,
ensuring that the mass of each panel does not differ by more than 0,1 g from the mass of any of the
other panels and that the exposed surfaces of the soil are smooth and flat. When the packed panels
are inspected, no pin holes, air bubbles or other inclusions shall be visible. When each panel has been packed with soil, place it in its glass crystallizing basin and
determine the mass of each glass basin together with its panel. To condition the soil, refrigerate it at
4, 5 °C ± 5 °C for 15 min.

NOTE The portion of the panel containing the soil should not be touched during the procedure. Remove the glass basins containing the soiled panels from the refrigerator and so fit the
panel into the clamp of the stirrer (see that the jaws of the clamp are positioned at the end
of the panel above the soiled areas. So adjust the panel that it is vertical. Lower a panel assembly carefully into the centre of each of the six beakers containing
750 mL of detergent solution maintained at 21 °C ± 2 °C, until the solution level just reaches the
marked line above the soiled area (see figure 1).

© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1 Allow the refrigerated soiled panels to stand for 15 min in the test solution before stirring
the solution for 60 min at 60 to 62 r/min. Remove each panel in turn from the detergent solution,
and temporarily place the panel in a vertical position in an empty 150 mL tall-form beaker. Remove any traces of emulsified soil on the flat surfaces of the panels by using absorbent
paper e.g. toilet paper taking care that the soil in the indentations of the panels is not touched.
Remove any traces of emulsified soil on the flat surfaces between the indentations of the panels, by
scraping the flat surfaces with a straight-edge spatula. Place each panel in its glass crystallizing basin, clearly identify the panel-and-basin
combination, and place the basins and panels into an oven at 105 °C ± 3 °C for 3 h. Remove the
basins and panels from the oven and, after allowing the basins and panels to cool in a desiccator,
determine the mass of each glass basin together with its panel.

6.8.4 Calculation Calculate the cleaning efficiency C (as a percentage by mass) of each test sample and of
each portion of standard detergent, as follows:

m 2 − m3
C= × 100
m2 − m1


m1 is the mass of the panel and glass basin, expressed in grams (g);

m2 is the initial mass of the panel, soil and glass basin, expressed in grams (g); and

m3 is the final mass of the panel, soil and glass basin, expressed in grams (g). Calculate the mean cleaning efficiency of the test samples and of the standard detergent
samples, subject to the following conditions:

a) use all three results (calculated as in to calculate a mean if no two results exceed three
percentage points difference, or

b) use any two results (calculated as in that do not exceed three percentage points
difference to calculate the mean, or

c) if the individual results (calculated as in do not conform to (a) or (b) above, discard all the
results and repeat the test.

Check for compliance with 4.8.

7 Packing and marking

7.1 Packing
The detergent shall be packed in containers that are strong enough to withstand normal handling
and transportation and that will prevent leakage and contamination of the product. These containers
may then be packed in bulk packages. Only detergent from the same batch shall be packed in any
one container and, when relevant, in any one bulk package.

© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1

7.2 Marking
Each container and each bulk package shall bear in prominent, legible and indelible marking the
information required in terms of the relevant national legislation (see foreword) and the following
additional information, as relevant:

a) the manufacturer's name or trademark or both;

b) words indicating that the product is a hand dishwashing and liquid light duty detergent ;

c) general instructions for use that are suitable for the purposes specified;

d) the batch identification (which may be given in code);

e) the volume of the contents;

f) in the case of bulk packages, the quantity of containers; and

g) any additional information required in terms of the relevant national authority (see foreword).
Amdt 1


© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1

Figure 1 — Aluminium test panel


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© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SANS 825:2012
Edition 4.1

Annex A

Notes to purchasers
The following requirements shall be specified in tender invitations and in each order or contract:

a) if relevant, the colour of the product (see 4.1); and

b) whether the product is to be perfumed (see 4.3).

Annex B

Quality verification of hand dishwashing and

light duty detergent (liquid)
When a purchaser requires ongoing verification of the quality of liquid hand dishwashing and light
duty detergent, it is suggested that, instead of concentrating solely on evaluation of the final
product, he also direct his attention to the manufacturer's quality system. In this connection it should
be noted that SANS 9001 covers the provision of an integrated quality system.

SANS 9001/ISO 9001, Quality management systems – Requirements.



© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.

SABS – Standards Division

The objective of the SABS Standards Division is to develop, promote and maintain South African
National Standards. This objective is incorporated in the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No. 8 of 2008).

Amendments and Revisions

South African National Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of South African
National Standards should ensure that they possess the latest amendments or editions.

The SABS continuously strives to improve the quality of its products and services and would
therefore be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this standard would
inform the secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which can be found in
the foreword.

The SABS offers an individual notification service, which ensures that subscribers automatically
receive notification regarding amendments and revisions to South African National Standards.
Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 6883 Fax: +27 (0) 12 428 6928 E-mail: [email protected]

Buying Standards

Contact the Sales Office for South African and international standards, which are available in both
electronic and hard copy format.
Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 6883 Fax: +27 (0) 12 428 6928 E-mail: [email protected]
South African National Standards are also available online from the SABS website

Information on Standards

The Standards Information Centre provides a wide range of standards-related information on both
national and international standards. The Centre also offers an individual updating service called
INFOPLUS, which ensures that subscribers automatically receive notification regarding
amendments to, and revisions of, international standards.
Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 7911 / 0861 27 7227 Fax: +27 (0) 12 428 6928 E-mail: [email protected]


The copyright in a South African National Standard or any other publication published by the SABS
Standards Division vests in the SABS or, in the case of a South African National Standard based on
an international standard, in the organization from which the SABS adopted the standard under
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Details and advice can be obtained from the Manager – Standards Sales and Information Services.
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© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.

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