Estado Hemodinamico La Primera Semana de Vida en VLBW

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Journal of Perinatology (2017) 00, 1–7

© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved 0743-8346/17

How to assess hemodynamic status in very preterm newborns
in the first week of life?
G Escourrou1, L Renesme2, E Zana3, A Rideau4, MO Marcoux5, E Lopez6, G Gascoin7, P Kuhn8, P Tourneux9, I Guellec10 and C Flamant11

BACKGROUND: Assessing hemodynamic status in preterm newborns is an essential task, as many studies have shown increased
morbidity when hemodynamic parameters are abnormal. Although oscillometric monitoring of arterial blood pressure (BP) is widely
used due to its simplicity and lack of side effects, these values are not always correlated with microcirculation and oxygen delivery.
OBJECTIVES: This review focuses on different tools for the assessment of hemodynamic status in preterm newborns. These include
the measurement of clinical (BP, capillary refill time and urinary output (UO)) or biological parameters (lactate analysis), functional
echocardiography, and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). We describe the concepts and techniques involved in these tools in
detail, and examine the interest and limitations of each type of assessment.
CONCLUSIONS: This review highlights the complementarities between the different parameters used to assess hemodynamic
status in preterm newborns during the first week of life. The analysis of arterial BP measured by oscillometric monitoring must take
into account other clinical data, in particular capillary refill time and UO, and biological data such as lactate levels. Echocardiography
improves noninvasive hemodynamic management in newborns but requires specific training. In contrast, NIRS may be useful in
monitoring the clinical course of infants at risk of, or presenting with, hypotension. It holds the potential for early and noninvasive
identification of silent hypoperfusion in critically ill preterm infants. However, more data are needed to confirm the usefulness of
this promising tool in significantly changing the outcome of these infants.
Journal of Perinatology advance online publication, 4 May 2017; doi:10.1038/jp.2017.57

INTRODUCTION This review describes tools that allow the assessment of the
Newborn hemodynamic status results from many physiological hemodynamic status in preterm newborns where clinicians often
parameters in the first days of life and is closely related to need multiple tools to assess properly this complex transitional
morbidity.1,2 Physiological transitional hemodynamics results imme- hemodynamics status (Table 1). It focuses on the interest and
diately after birth (0 to 1 h), in the loss of low resistance placental limitations of each technique, highlighting the complementarity
circulation due to cord clamping, increase in the systemic venous between the continuous monitoring of certain parameters (arterial
resistance and decrease in the pulmonary vascular resistance.3 A BP, tissue oxygenation as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy
transitional phase (1 to 48–72 h) will follow with further increase in or NIRS), clinical evaluation (urinary output (UO), capillary refill
systemic venous resistance, and decrease in pulmonary vascular time), biological analysis (serum lactate concentrations) and
specific examinations such as echocardiography performed
resistance and closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).3 Post-
transitional phase (day 3 till discharge) will include further increase in
afterload and further increase in preload.4 Thus, assessing hemody-
namic status in preterm newborns in this transitional period is Arterial BP
challenging. For the last decade, functional echocardiography has
The use of arterial BP to assess hemodynamic status remains
improved noninvasive hemodynamic management in newborns, widely controversial, even though hypotension is statistically
allowing for the rapid assessment of cardiac output. It has also associated with neonatal morbidity, such as intraventricular
improved our understanding of the pathophysiology of an eventual hemorrhage.6 A systematic review has shown that the
shock. However, this technique requires specific training and up-to- incidence of hypotension among the very low birth weight
date equipment, and cannot be performed 24 h a day in all neonatal (VLBW) preterm infant population differs between neonatal
intensive care units. In contrast, arterial blood pressure (BP) measured intensive care units, and the frequency of physician inter-
with an oscillometric monitor, a hemodynamic parameter that can vention varies widely, from 29 to 98%.2 This work underlines the
be continuously monitored with little cost and no side effects, is need for clarification regarding the methods of measurement
widely used. However, it is not always correlated with central blood and the definition of ‘symptomatic hypotension’ requiring
flow, organ blood flow and oxygen delivery.5 treatment.

Department of Neonatal Medicine, CH Montreuil, Montreuil, France; 2Department of Neonatal Medicine, CHU Bordeaux, France; 3Department of Neonatal Medicine, Port Royal
Maternity, Paris, France; 4Department of Neonatal Medicine, CHU Paris, France; 5Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, CHU Toulouse, France; 6Department of Neonatal Medicine, CHU
Tours, France; 7Department of Neonatal Medicine, CHU Angers, France; 8Department of Neonatal Medicine, CHU Strasbourg, France; 9Department of Neonatal Medicine, CHU
Amiens, France; 10Department of Neonatal Medicine, CHU Paris, France and 11Department of Neonatal Medicine, CHU Nantes, Service de Réanimation néonatale, Nantes, France.
Correspondence: Dr C Flamant, Department of Neonatal Medicine, CHU Nantes, Service de Réanimation Néonatale, 38 Boulevard Jean Monet, Nantes 44093, Cedex 1,
E-mail: cyril.fl[email protected]
Received 16 September 2016; revised 12 February 2017; accepted 28 March 2017
Hemodynamic status in very preterm newborns
G Escourrou et al
spontaneously increase within the first 48 h of life even if the
Table 1.
Comparing advantages of various techniques to assess
MAP is initially lower than the GA.15
hemodynamic status in the preterm neonate

Accuracya Low cost Quick Easy Should we treat low arterial BP?
learning access In regards of the description above, the question remains to
tolerate or not low arterial BP measurements if other hemody-
Oscillometric arterial BP + +++ +++ +++ namic parameters are in the normal range. Studies have shown a
Invasive arterial BP +++ +++ +++ + poor neurological outcome with increased intraventricular hemor-
Capillary refill time + +++ +++ +++ rhage and leukomalacia when antihypotensive therapy was
Urinary output + +++ +++ ++ used.16,17 However, hypotension itself many be responsible for
Lactates + ++ +++ ++ intraventricular hemorrhage.18 Taken together, these data lead to
Echocardiography +++ + + ++ the conclusion that a low MAP value in very preterm infants must
NIRS ++ + ++ ++
be considered in conjunction with other clinical and biological
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; NIRS, near-infrared spectroscopy. parameters to consider whether hemodynamic support treatment
Accuracy to reflect HD change. should be instituted.

Capillary refill time

Capillary refill time (CRT) is widely used to evaluate hemodynamic
How to measure arterial BP? status. A recent survey found CRT on the chest to be used most
The gold standard for the determination of arterial BP in critically often (95%) as a diagnostic method for poor perfusion in
ill infants is the use of an arterial catheter line, for a maximum extremely preterm babies.19 CRT has a wide range of normal
duration of 4 days.7 While this measurement technique is values (up to 5 to 7 s) in newborns.20 Even though there is a
considered accurate, it is invasive, and has some disadvantages significant relationship between cardiac index and CRT in preterm
in very preterm infants: the umbilical artery catheter has a small babies, there appears to be only a weak association between CRT
diameter, which acts as a filter. This ‘technical issue’ can result in and systemic blood flow.21 Moreover, BP and CRT are imperfect
the loss of higher frequencies, yielding inaccurate systolic arterial bedside tests for detecting low blood flow on the first day after
BP measurements. Another source of error is the introduction of birth in very premature infants.22 Nevertheless, central CRT values
microbubbles of air into the arterial line, resulting in erroneous ⩾ 4 s may represent significantly reduced organ blood flow
arterial BP readings, with a lower systolic and higher diastolic (likelihood ratio 7.25 in preterm infants at o 30 weeks GA).19
pressure.8 CRT is also one of the most appropriate criteria to stop
The most popular method of noninvasive arterial BP measure- resuscitation, being normal in 470% of survivors at 6 h23 and
ment uses an automatic oscillometric monitor. There are some the first parameter to be significantly normalized in septic shock
critical aspects such as cuff size and localization of the measure. management.24 A randomized controlled trial (HIP Trial) to
Previous studies have shown good correlation between invasive validate a clinical scoring system for the diagnosis of shock or
and noninvasive measurements in a restricted population of 32 failure of systemic perfusion in preterm infants is ongoing, and
neonates.9,10 However, another study in hypotensive VLBW infants CRT will be among the clinical and biochemical parameters
(o 1500 g) has found a frequent overestimation of arterial BP with assessed to determine the adequacy of perfusion.25
a noninvasive monitoring technique.11
Considering these facts and keeping in mind the current
movement toward less invasive neonatal therapies, noninvasive Urinary output
BP-monitoring methods would be well adapted to most VLBW Physiological arterial pressure can be defined as the arterial
infants. Nevertheless, critically ill neonates under consideration for pressure that allows normal organ perfusion.26 Renal hypoperfu-
possible treatment for hypotension may benefit from arterial sion may lead to lower UO as a result of impaired glomerular
access. filtration. In preterm neonates, UO is assessed by weighing
diapers, as catheters and urine-collection bags may lead to
What definition of arterial BP? infection or skin breakdown.27 Oliguria is considered a marker of
acute kidney injury in critically ill patients.28 In the pediatric
To define a normal MABP range in the VLBW population requires population, oliguria, defined as a UO o0.5 ml kg − 1 per h for at
stable preterm infants for a control group. This situation is rare least 16 h, is associated with increased mortality.29 Non-oliguric
among the high-risk population of VLBW infants in the first weeks
acute kidney injury is common in preterm neonates due to their
of life. Fanaroff et al.12 determined normal physiologic BP of
immature tubular function.30 A large retrospective study found
extremely low birth weight in the first 72 h of life. The most
that a UO o 1.5 ml kg − 1 per h was associated with a significant
commonly accepted ‘rule of thumb’ for low arterial BP is a mean
increase in in-hospital mortality.31 However, the authors did not
arterial pressure (MAP) less than or equal to the infant’s
include the first 24 h of life, considered a ‘prediuretic phase’
postmenstrual age.13 Another definition of abnormal arterial BP
during which the UO is often o1 ml kg − 1 per h32 and also
among premature infants o 31 weeks of gestational age (GA) is a
depends on renal perfusion.33 For the present, neonatal hypoten-
MAP of o 30 mm Hg.6 Such definitions may lead, in the first days
sion associated with a UO o1.5 ml kg − 1 per h should be a cause
of life, to the initiation of unnecessary therapy in infants who
for concern after 24 h of life.
manage to maintain good microcirculation at a lower range of
MAP. To the best of our knowledge, there are no randomized
placebo-controlled studies of volume expansion in hypotensive Lactates and hemodynamic evaluation: is there a correlation?
very preterm infants. A few studies have found that preterm In addition to the clinical parameters, biological parameters
infants treated for hypotension show no signs of a decrease in reflecting tissue perfusion, such as metabolic acidosis, should be
microcirculation or oxygen delivery.4,5 Low MAP is frequently considered to reflect the preterm infant hemodynamic status.34 In
associated with normal or high left ventricular output (LVO),5 and case of hypoperfusion and tissue hypoxia, lactic acid is a product
volume expansion is potentially associated with complications of anaerobic glycolysis. An international survey on the diagnosis of
such as brain hemorrhage.14 Furthermore, MAP values hypotension in extremely preterm infants has shown that among

Journal of Perinatology (2017), 1 – 7 © 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature.
Hemodynamic status in very preterm newborns
G Escourrou et al
laboratory methods used to evaluate tissue perfusion, the most relatively independent of the timing of birth (often around 30 to
common was lactate analysis (70%).35 32 weeks GA). Cardiac contractility does not change much in
Serum lactate concentrations have been previously used in preterm infants due to the balanced increase in preload and
preterm infants as a criterion for red blood cell transfusion in afterload.53–56
anemia,36 sepsis,37 necrotizing enterocolitis,38 and were strongly
correlated with outcome. Thus, Deshpande and Platt39 found a LV systolic and diastolic function
57% increase in mortality with two measurements of serum
lactate concentration above 5 mmol l − 1 in a cohort of sick Although previously used, assessment of LV systolic function
ventilated newborns ranging from 23 to 40 weeks GA. In a cohort relying on LV dimensions and LV shortening fraction by M-Mode
of preterm babies, Groenendaal et al.40 estimated that the positive are no longer recommended. Assessment of cardiac output (right
predictive value for an adverse outcome (death or adverse ventricular output and LVO) by Simpson ejection fraction is better.
neurodevelopmental outcome) is 0.47 and the negative predictive Tissue Doppler imaging from the medial mitral and lateral mitral
value is 0.97 for a cutoff value of 5.7 mmol l − 1 for arterial lactate annuli represent LV function. Peak systolic (S′), early diastolic (E′)
within 3 h after birth. and late diastolic (A′) myocardial velocities are measured.57,58
Only two studies evaluated lactate in the assessment of Myocardial function indices vary with GA at birth, and with post-
perfusion during the first 24 h of life, and the methods used to natal maturation in healthy term and preterm infants.59 In addition
assess hemodynamic status were quite different. The first, which to tissue Doppler imaging, newer functional techniques, including
assessed peripheral oxygenation by NIRS in 30 preterm infants at deformation imaging (strain and strain-rate imaging), have
27 to 29 weeks of GA, found no difference in serum lactate recently been studied in neonates, but further validation is
concentrations between normotensive and hypotensive preterm needed before they can be recommended for use in routine
infants.41 In this study, hypotension was defined as an invasive clinical practice. During the first week of life, the impact of LV
arterial BP measurement below the 10th percentile for birth diastolic dysfunction on neonatal hemodynamics is difficult to
weight and post-natal age.42 The second study found a weak determine by echocardiography because there is a progressive
negative correlation between serum lactate concentrations and increase in E-wave velocities, the E/A ratio, and fused E and A
superior vena cava blood flow.43 Serum lactate concentrations waves related to high heart rates. PDA also increases left atrial
were higher in low-flow states when compared to normal flow pressure and E waves.
states (3.5 vs 2.7 mmol l − 1, P = 0.015).43 It should be noted that
serum lactate concentration does not always correlate with tissue
perfusion. The liver is the major organ that metabolizes increased RV systolic and diastolic function
lactic acid produced in regional tissues. A rare inborn error of Right ventricle (RV) functional assessment in neonates has been
metabolism in preterm infants with reduced liver metabolism will reviewed recently.60,61 It first includes linear dimensions and cavity
have altered lactate levels.44 area measurements with the global RV fractional area change
(FAC global = (FAC − 4C+FAC − 3C)/2). Systolic RV function can be
Echocardiographic assessment appreciated by tissue Doppler imaging-derived myocardial velocities
During the first week after birth, very preterm newborns may have from lateral tricuspid annulus (S′), tricuspid plane excursion and RV
low systemic blood flow that occurs frequently without hypoten- deformation imaging (strain). RV diastolic function in preterm
sion. In such cases, systemic blood flow assessment using targeted infants is assessed by transtricuspid flow profile (E, A and E/A ratio)
neonatal echocardiography is useful to guide therapeutic strategy and tissue Doppler imaging velocities (e′, a′ and e′/a′ and E/e′). RV
according to the main dysfunction: myocardial dysfunction, function changes significantly during the transitional period in
pulmonary hypertension, hypovolemia or vasoplegia.45–47 preterm infants,51 with decreased relaxation of both ventricles. RV
obstructive shock secondary to pulmonary hypertension is noted
Central blood flow in case of dilatation of right cavities, high RV systolic pressure and
high pulmonary arterial pressure, based on measurements of
LVO and right ventricular output can be used to determine shunt
volume and global cardiovascular function. They are calculated in tricuspid and pulmonary regurgitant jets, and a right-to-left shunt
preterm infants using similar methods to those in adults or across a PDA.
children, by measuring the internal diameter of the artery, the In the first week of life, common HD situations in preterm
velocity time integral and the heart rate, and using the following infants are known. First, immediately after birth (before 1 h), a
formula: ventricular output = 3.14 × (diameter2/4) × velocity time situation of pulmonary hypertension or poor cardiac function with
integral × heart ratio/weight of the baby.48 The baseline LVO in variable afterload occurs. During the transitional phase (1 to 48 h),
healthy preterm infants is 150 to 300 ml kg − 1 per min. LVO and hypotension (dysregulation of systemic venous resistance with
right ventricular output increase during the first days of life and low afterload) and/or low systemic blood flow (poor cardiac
cannot be used to detect low cardiac output in case of large left- function with high afterload) may occur. Third, a post-transitional
to-right shunts.48 Right ventricular output is believed to be a phase (day 3 and later) with a risk of PDA volume afterload (high
better measure of systemic blood flow in neonates with PDA, if preload with low afterload) or sepsis (low afterload).62
there is negligible shunting across the patent foramen ovale.49 To conclude, hypotension in preterm infants in the first week of
Superior vena cava flow, which avoids contamination due to left- life may be explored by targeted neonatal echocardiography, by
to-right shunts, can be used as a surrogate marker for systemic assessing systemic blood flow (superior vena cava flow in case of
blood flow.50 It is well correlated with cerebral blood flow, cerebral large left-to-right shunts) and its components (global myocardial
NIRS, CRT and lactate concentrations in the preterm function, pulmonary hypertension and intravascular volume
population,43,51 and is one of the criteria associated with impaired status). Targeted neonatal echocardiography is useful in guiding
neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants.52 therapeutic decisions such as fluid administration, and the use of
inotropic or vasoactive agents.45 Nevertheless, targeted neonatal
Myocardial dysfunction echocardiography does not only explore hypotension. Low
Myocardial performance in preterm infants increases in the first systemic blood flow occurs frequently without hypotension, so
48 h of life partly due to changes in loading conditions. In very systemic assessment is recommended for all infants at risk, usually
preterm infants, maturational changes in diastolic function occur selected on GA and post-natal age.

© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. Journal of Perinatology (2017), 1 – 7
Hemodynamic status in very preterm newborns
G Escourrou et al
NIRS in early hypotension in preterm infants: a promising tool to another report, NIRS allowed the identification of infants likely to
guide treatment decisions? benefit from early echocardiography and subsequent intervention
NIRS has the potential to assess the circulatory well-being of very to close a PDA.73 In addition, in preterm infants with echocardio-
preterm infants in the first few days of life and beyond. The NIRS graphically significant PDA, NIRS may help in the evaluation of
technique allows the noninvasive measurement of regional tissue rSO2 levels, which could be decreased at the mesenteric, but not
oxygenation (rSO2) and perfusion by assessing levels of oxyge- at the renal or cerebral levels.74 Thus, NIRS may provide
nated (HbO2) and deoxygenated hemoglobin (HHb), measured in complementary information to echocardiography for PDA evalua-
real time from a neonatal transducer fixed to the infant’s body. tion and treatment guidance.
This technique is used frequently to assess the cerebral, renal,
splanchnic or peripheral muscular oxygenation. It measures Cerebral autoregulation and neurological outcome
changes in the concentration of HbO2 and HHb using near- NIRS may be used in preterm infants to noninvasively and
infrared light of two different wavelengths, 760 and 850 nM that continuously assess dynamic cerebral autoregulation, that is, the
penetrate the thin tissues and skull of newborns. The absorption ability of the brain to maintain constant blood flow during normal
of this light by chromophores, such as circulating hemoglobin, variations of arterial pressure. When this system fails, it leads to
differs according to their oxygenation status. The levels of HbO2 pressure-passive circulation, where cerebral blood flow has a
and HHb permit calculation of rSO2, expressed as the venous- direct linear relationship with mean arterial BP (MABP).75 NIRS
weighed percentage of oxygenated hemoglobin and of the tissue parameters (rSO2, tissue oxygenation index) measured at regional
oxygenation index. Concomitant measurement of the percentage cerebral levels provide an indirect evaluation of cerebral blood
of oxygen saturation in arterial blood (SaO2) and rSO2 in the brain flow. In association with MABP, assuming that SaO2 remains
allows estimation of fractional tissue oxygen extraction (FTOE), a constant, they reflect cerebral autoregulation.76 In preterm infants,
parameter that reflects variations in cerebral oxygenation cerebral autoregulation is more important than the range of MABP
independently of systemic oxygenation, using the following in maintaining cerebral blood flow, a loss of cerebral autoregula-
formula (FTOE = (SaO2 − rSO2)/SaO2). FTOE correlates positively tion is more closely associated with adverse neurological out-
with tissue oxygenation index.63 comes than the MABP value alone.77 These data provide a
Concerns exist regarding the external validity of NIRS, among rationale for the continuous monitoring of cerebral oxygenation to
devices and sensors. Between different NIRS sensors and devices, assess cerebral autoregulation in preterm infants to improve long-
in preterm infants, NIRS values may differ as much as 15 (mean term outcome. Regarding the association between cerebral rSO2’s
10%).64–66 Therefore, study results that assess NIRS in preterm threshold and neurologic outcome, one study in preterm infants
infants should be interpreted with caution and taking into account suggested that cerebral rSO2 below 50% could be associated with
the device and sensors used. The comparability of measurements a poorer neurodevelopmental outcome at 18 months’ corrected
between devices and processes used to reject artifacts using this age.78
technique have been questioned, and recommendations to
increase validity of measurements have been proposed.67
References values for preterm in the first 72 h of life have been Multisite NIRS approach for hemodynamic assessment
described. In this prospective cohort (n = 999), cerebral rSO2 and Rhee et al.79 have shown in a model of hemorrhagic shock in
FTOE were influenced by gender, GA, post-natal age, fetal growth piglets that renal blood flow is impaired before cerebral blood
restriction and significant PDA.65 Thus, despite the known pitfalls flow and MABP. They also demonstrated that renal rSO2 measured
of this method, there are arguments in favor of its use to monitor by NIRS is a reliable index for the assessment of renal blood flow.
trends in an individual patient, and it appears to be valuable as a Hoffman et al.70 proposed a two-site NIRS model in infants that
semiquantitative indicator of changes in cerebral oxygenation and shows good correlation with venous oxygen saturation. Moreover,
oxygen extraction.68 A recent systematic review of the literature this two-site model shows that renal rSO2 is more sensitive to
concluded that peripheral muscle NIRS measurements alone or in circulation impairment than cerebral rSO2. In preterm infants, the
combination with cerebral or multisite NIRS measurements could abdominal rSO2 signal shows more intra-individual variability than
enable the recognition of early states of compensated shock cerebral or renal rSO2, with additional uncertainty as to which
during the care of critically ill neonates.69 NIRS has been used in tissue exactly is being sampled.80 Thus, renal rSO2 should be
preterm infants mainly to monitor hemodynamic changes related preferred to abdominal rSO2 for multisite NIRS. Multisite NIRS
to PDA, to assess cerebral autoregulation and neurological seems to increase the sensitivity of tissue oximetry to detect
outcome, and to examine the potential value of a multisite NIRS systemic hypoperfusion; however, more data are needed.81
approach for hemodynamic assessment. Although no specific Recently, a prospective cohort study of 28 very preterm infants
evaluation of NIRS measurements in the context of isolated with clinical sepsis has suggested that multisite NIRS monitoring
hypotension in very preterm infants has been published, NIRS (FTOE values at the cerebral, renal and intestinal levels) might help
could be an additional monitoring tool to assess hemodynamic in the detection of low tissue oxygen delivery that leads to
status and the need for further intervention or evaluation. NIRS is adverse outcomes, which was not detected by routine clinical
beneficial in managing newborns during cardiac surgery and is signs of circulatory failure.82
widely used for this indication.70
NIRS monitoring of cerebral oxygenation to guide treatment in
Patent ductus arteriosus preterm infants
Results to assess the potential of NIRS as a screening tool for PDA The potential clinical value of NIRS measurements in guiding
in preterm infants are conflicting.71,72 Chock et al.71 found that low treatment decisions has been evaluated recently in extremely
renal saturation o 66% was associated with the presence of preterm infants.83 This multicenter randomized control trial
hemodynamically significant PDAs in o29 weeks gestation showed that the combination of continuous NIRS cerebral
preterm infants. They also showed that cerebral saturation may monitoring with a prespecified treatment algorithm, as compared
be preserved if cerebral autoregulation remained largely intact. to standard care, was more successful in stabilizing cerebral
Another recent study in a cohort of preterm infants o 32 weeks oxygenation and maintaining cerebral rSO2 values in a target
gestation with clinical signs of an hemodynamically significant range (55 to 85%). While these data are encouraging, for its
PDA within 2 weeks after birth showed that cerebral and renal implementation in clinical routine, this strategy has to prove its
oxygen saturation and extraction were not affected.72 In yet effectiveness in enhancing the mid- or long-term outcome in

Journal of Perinatology (2017), 1 – 7 © 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature.
Hemodynamic status in very preterm newborns
G Escourrou et al
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