Prova Ansys Mecstrut UNB 190020342

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University of Brası́lia

Faculdade do Gama

Ansys Test

Thiago Silva 19/0020342

Artem Andrianov

Class 1 - 2023/1

July 17, 2023
1 Introduction 2

2 Analytical Resolution 2

3 Finite Element Analysis in Ansys Workbench 2

3.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4 Conclusion 4
1 Introduction
This report aims to solve the presented problem of an steel column by
giving the minimal critical buckling load and its buckling direction by two
different methods, the first one will be the Analytical Resolution with the
equations presented in class, and the other one is the Finite Element Analysis
made on Ansys Workbench 2022 R2, paying attention to the fact that those
results values must match with a variation of up to 5% between them, been
described in this document all the steps taken to get to those results.
- Due to my registration ends in 2, the option for parameters will be option
two, with the following dimensions:
- The Length (L) of the column is 650 mm;
- The height of the column (h) is 22 mm;
- The base of the column (b), is constant 18 mm;
- The material used for the simulation is steel with its properties
- The coefficient of Poisson (ν) is equal to 0,3 ;
- The Elasticity modulus (E) is 200 GPa or 2.1011 Pa;

2 Analytical Resolution
We will use the equation above to find the Critical Pressure at the sides
of our column that enables the buckling, by using the following equations,
with the values in the consideration:

bh3 18.223
Ixx = = = 15972 mm4 =
12 12
hb3 hi b3i 18.223 9.113
Iyy = − = − = 11692 mm4
12 12 12 12
π 2 EI π 2 .200.109 11692.10−12
Pcr = = = 13856, 26N
4l2 (4.(650.10−3 )2

3 Finite Element Analysis in Ansys Work-

With the analytical method already solved, we can now go to the com-
putational simulation, using the same parameters as before, in the program

Ansys 2022 Workbench R2. When performing this simulation, we will define
the unit for millimeters, and the next step is to open the Static Structural
Window and start drawing our geometry with the specifications cited above.
The results that will be detailed below will the total deformation in a col-
umn when buckling occurs. The following images will detail the step-by-step
necessary to carry out the simulations, and their respective results:

Figure 1: Final model

3.1 Results

Figure 2: Buckling results

for deformation type 1

Figure 3: Results for Deformation type 2

To get the load P that we are looking for, we have to use the Load
Multiplier in the deformation type 1 buckling, that shows as 14663 N.

4 Conclusion
To conclude the simulation report, it should be now compared the an-
alytical resolution with the Finite Element Analysis in Ansys Workbench,
having as a rule to be under the 5% of difference between them. The results
are showed above:
Analytical Result :

PCR = 13856N
Ansys Result :

PCR = 14663N
14663 − 13856
ε= = 5, 00%
The error is on 5% limit, so it makes sense that we can trust in both of
the results, since they were made by two different methods and the results
difference is small

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