SD13YS Operation & Maintenance Manual

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Important Safety Information

Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to
observebasic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially
hazardoussituations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This
person should alsohave the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous
andcould result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you
haveread and understood the operation, lubrication,maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warningsare not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or
A non-exhaustive list of operations that may cause product damage are identified by “CAUTION”
labelson the product and in this publication.
SHANTUI cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential
hazard.The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive.
You mustnot use this product in any manner different from that considered by this manual
without firstsatisfying yourself that you have considered all safety rules and precautions
applicable to theoperation of the product in the location of use, including site-specific rules
and precautionsapplicable to the worksite. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique that is notspecifically recommended by SHANTUI is used, you must satisfy yourself
that it is safe for youand for others. You should also ensure that the product will not be
damaged or become unsafe bythe operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures
that you intend to use.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information
thatwas available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques,
pressures,measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These
changes canaffect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current
information before youstart any job. SHANTUI dealers have the most current information available.

When replacement parts are required for thisproduct SHANTUI recommends

using SHANTUI replacement parts or parts with equivalentspecifications
including, but not limited to, physical dimensions, type, strength and material.
Failure to heed this warning can lead to premature failures, product damage,
personal injury ordeath.
The maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devices andsystems may be
performed by any repair establishment or individual of the owner's choosing.

Table of Contents Measures for Reducing Vibration ······················27

Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) ···········28

Important Safety Information ····································I
FOREWORD ·······························································1 Guards ····································································28

Literature Information ·············································1 Cab ·····································································28

Safety ·······································································1 Other Guards (If Equipped)································28

Operation ·································································1 CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section··················29

Maintenance ····························································2 General Information···············································29

Maintenance Intervals ·········································2 Specifications ·····················································29

Certified Engine Maintenance ··································2 Intended Use······················································31

Machine Capacity ····················································2 Identification Information ······································31

CHAPTER 1 Safety Section ·········································3 Plate Locations and Film Locations ····················31

Safety Messages ······················································3 Certifications ······················································32

Additional Messages ··············································10 Sound Certification ············································33

Safety Rules ····························································12 North America and European Union ·················33

General Hazard Information ······························13 Declaration of Conformity ·································33

Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention ·····14 Emissions Certification Film ·······························37

Burn Prevention ·················································15 CHAPTER 3 Operation Section··································39

Batteries ·····························································16 3.1 Inspection Before Operation ····························39

Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention ·········16 3.2 Safety Way ·······················································39

Cautions for Unauthorized Machine 3.3 Cab Lock ···························································40

Modifications ·····················································20 3.4 Seat ··································································40
Before starting Engine········································20 3.5 Seat Belt ···························································41
Engine Starting ···················································21 3.6 Adjustable Armrest···········································42
Before Operation ···············································22 3.7 Operator Controls ············································43
Operation ···························································22 3.7.1 Air conditioning and heating Controls ······43
Slope Operation ·················································23 3.7.2. Engine Throttle ········································44
Parking ·······························································24 3.7.3 Transmission Control Lever and Lockout
Engine Stopping ·················································24 Switch ································································45

Transportation ···················································24 3.7.4 Indicators ··················································46

Towing ································································25 3.7.5 Alert Indicators Panel ································46

Before Maintenance ··········································25 3.7.6 Deceleration Pedal and Brake Pedal ·········47

During Maintenance ··········································25 3.7.7 Bulldozer Control Lever ·····························47

Sound Information and Vibration Information ······27 3.7.8 Ripper Controls (If Equipped)····················49

Sound Performance for Machines with Standard 3.7.9 Winch Controls (If Equipped) ····················49
Cab ·····································································27 3.7.10 Switch Panel ············································51
Information Concerning Vibration Level ············27 3.8 Monitoring System ···········································52
Vibration of Whole Machine ······························27 3.8.1 Functional Test ··········································52
Arm Vibration ····················································27 3.8.2 Alert Indicators ·········································52
3.8.3 Indicators ··················································55 When Required ··················································80
3.8.4 Gauges ······················································56 Every 10 Service Hours or Daily ·························80
3.8.5 Display Window ········································57 Every 50 Service Hours or Weekly ·····················80
3.8.6 Operator Modes ·······································57 Initial 100 Service Hours (for New Systems,
Refilled Systems, and Converted Systems) ········80
3.8.7 Diagnostic display ·····································58
Initial 250 Hours ·················································80
3.8.8 Information Display ···································59
Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly··················80
3.9 Engine Start Switch ··········································59
Initial 500 Hours ·················································81
3.10 Rear View Mirror ············································59
Every 500 Service Hours ····································81
3.11 Backup Alarm ·················································59
Every 500 Service Hours or 6 Months ················81
3.12 Machine Operation ········································60
Every 500 Service Hours or 1 Year ·····················81
General Operational Safety Tips ························60
Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months ··············81
Hydrostatic Drive Operating Principle ················60
Every 2000 Service Hours or 1 Year ···················81
3.12.1 Battery Disconnect Switch ······················60
Every 3000 Service Hours or 2 Years ··················81
3.12.2 Engine Starting ········································61
Every 6000 Service Hours or 3 Years ··················81
3.12.3 Engine Warm-up ·····································61
CHAPTER 5 Index Section ·······································115
3.12.4 Transmission Operation ··························62
3.12.5 Bulldozer Blade Operations ····················62
3.12.6 Winch Operation (IF equipped) ··············63
3.12.7 Stopping the Machine ·····························65
3.12.8 Stop the Engine ·······································65
3.13 Adjustments ···················································65
3.13.1 Bulldozer Blade Adjustment ···················65
3.13.2 Cutting Edges and End Bits ·····················66
3.14 Transportation and Storage ···························66
3.14.1 Land Carriage ··········································66
3.14.2 Water Carriage ········································67
3.14.3 Storage ····················································67
3.15 Engine Starting (Alternate Methods) ·············68
CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE······································71
Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities ··············71
Lubricant Viscosities ··········································71
Maintenance Support ············································76
Welding on Machines and Engines with Electronic
Standard tightening torque of bolt and nut ·······77
Maintenance Access···············································79
Access Doors and Covers ···································79
Maintenance Interval Schedule ······························80
FOREWORD ·············································································

READ THIS MANUAL carefully to learn how to
operate and service your machine correctly.
Failure to do so could result in personal injury or
equipment damage.
permanent part of your machine and should
remain with the machine when you sell it.
MEASUREMENTS in this manual are given in
both metric and customary U.S. unit equivalents.
Use only correct replacement parts and fasteners.
Metric and inch fasteners may require a specific
metric or inch wrench.
determined by facing in the direction of forward
Fig 0. 1
This manual contains safety information,
operation instructions, transportation information,
(P.I.N) in the Machine Numbers section.
lubrication information and maintenance
Accurately record all the numbers to help in
tracing the machine should it be stolen. Your
dealer also needs these numbers when your Some photographs or illustrations in this
order parts. File the identification numbers in a publication show details or attachments that can
secure place off the machine. be different from your machine. Guards and
covers might have been removed for illustrative
WARRANTY is provided as part of SHANTUI’S
support program for customers who operate and
maintain their equipment as described in this Continuing improvement and advancement of
manual. The warranty is explained on the product design might have caused changes to
warranty certificate which you should have your machine which are not included in this
received from your dealer. publication. Read, study and keep this manual
with the machine.
This warranty provides you the assurance that
SHANTUI will back its products where defects Whenever a question arises regarding your
appear within the warranty period. In some machine or this publication, please consult your
circumstances, SHANTUI also provides field SHANTUI dealer for the latest
improvements, often without charge to the availableinformation.
customer, even if the product is out of warranty.
Should be equipment be abused, or modified to Safety
change its performance beyond the original
factory specifications, the warranty will become The safety section lists basic safety precaution. In
void and field improvements may be denied. addition, this section identifies the text and
Setting fuel delivery above specifications or locations of warning signs and labels used on the
otherwise overpowering machines will result in machine.
such action. Read and understand the basic precautions listed
in the safety section before operating or
Literature Information performing lubrication, maintenance and repair on
this machine.
This manual should be stored in the operator’s
compartment in the literature holder or seat back Operation
literature storage area.
The operation section is a reference for the new
operator and a refresher for the experienced It is prohibited for any person engaged in the
operator. This section includes a discussion of business of repairing, servicing, selling, leasing,
gauges, switches, machine controls, attachment or trading engines or machines to remove, alter,
controls, transportation and towing information. or render inoperative any emission related device
or element of design installed on or in an engine
Photographs and illustrations guide the operator
or machine that is in compliance with the
through correct procedures of checking, starting,
regulations. Certain elements of the machine and
operating and stopping the machine.
engine such as the exhaust system, fuel system,
Operating techniques outlined in this publication electrical system, intake air system and cooling
are basic. Skill and techniques develop as the system may be emission related and should not
operator gains knowledge of the machine and its be altered unless approved by SHANTUI.
Machine Capacity
Additional attachments or modifications may
The maintenance section is a guide to equipment exceed machine design capacity which can
care. The Maintenance Interval Schedule (MIS) adversely affect performance characteristics.
lists the items to be maintained at a specific Included would be stability and system
service interval. Items without specific intervals certifications such as brakes, steering, and
are listed under the “When Required” service rollover protective structures (ROPS). Contact
interval. The Maintenance Interval Schedule lists your SHANTUI dealer for further information.
the page number for the step-by-step instructions
required to accomplish the scheduled
maintenance. Use the Maintenance Interval
Schedule as an index or “one safe source”for all
maintenance procedures.
Maintenance Intervals
Use the service hour meter to determine servicing
intervals. SHANTUI intervals shown (daily, weekly,
monthly, etc.) can be used instead of service hour
meter intervals if they provide more convenient
servicing schedules and approximate the
indicated service hour meter reading.
Recommended service should always be
performed at the interval that occurs first.
Under extremely severe, dusty or wet operating
condition, more frequent lubrication than is
specified in the maintenance intervals chart might
be necessary.
Perform service on items at multiples of the
original requirement. For example, at every 500
service hours or 3 months, also service those
items listed under every 250 service hours or
monthly and every 10 service hours or daily.

Certified Engine Maintenance

Proper maintenance and repair is essential to
keep the engine and machine systems operating
correctly. As the heavy duty off-road diesel engine
owner, you are responsible for the performance of
the required maintenance listed in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual.
CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································

CHAPTER 1Safety Section

Safety Messages soap.Don’t use solvents, gasoline or other
harsh chemicals in case of the safety
There are several safety messages on this messages to peel off.
machine. The exact location and description of  Replace any safety messages that is
the safety messagesare reviewed in this section. damaged, missing or can’t be read
Become familiarized with all safety messages. properly. You can look for the particular
number ofthe safety messages fromthis
 Be sure that you completely understand
manual,then place an order with SHANTUI
the correct position and content ofthe
dealer by the number of the safety
safety messages.
 Be sure that the content of the safety
 There are also other messages besidesthe
messages can be read properly; the safety
safety messages, handle those messages
messages are in correct place and always
in the same way as above.
clean. When you cleanthe safety
messages, use a cloth, water, and

··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section

1 2
4 5

10 9 7 8 6

Fig.1. 1

CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································

7 8 9 10

12 11


14 6

Fig.1. 2

 High Temperature Cooling Water  Explosion and Burn Hazard(4)

Safety message (09966-02100)is positioned near
the access doorfor the radiator cap onthe fore Safety message (09664-02000) is in the battery
engine cover. compartment.

Fig.1. 3

··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section

Fig.1. 4

 Batteryand Auxiliary Cables (5)

Safety message (09808-02000) is in the battery

Fig.1. 6

 Do Not Operate(2)

Safety message (09651-20480) is positioned on

the left side of the cab.

Fig.1. 5

 Traveling in Reverse (11)

Safety message (09802-02000) is positioned

near the rear side of the bulldozer control. Fig.1. 7

Do not operate or work on this machine unless

you have read and understand the instructions
and warnings in the Operation and Maintenance
Manuals. Failure to follow the instructions or
heed the warnings could result in injury or
death. Contact Shantui dealer for replacement

 Cautions for Operation, Inspection and

Maintenance (3)

Safety message (09967-00200) is positioned

near the rear side of the steering and
transmission control.
CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································

Fig.1. 8

 Cautions for Track Adjustment(6)

Safety message (09657-10880) is positioned on

the middle side of each track adjustment cover.
Fig.1. 10

While engine is running:

a. Do not open engine side cover.
b. Keep away from fan and fan belt.

Do Not Touch(8)
Fig.1. 9
Safety message (09817-00800) is positioned on
the each side of the engine on the air cleaner
To increase track tension, pump grease through
grease fitting.
To slacken track tension, release grease by
rotating plug screw once ( for track adjustment
details see Operation and Maintenance
To prevent accident or injury due to high
pressure causing oil to spray out, do not loosen
plug screw more than one full turn and do not
loosen any part other than plug screw.
After adjustment, ensure cap is securely

 Cautions for Engine Starting(7)

Safety message (09667-10800) is positioned on

the each side of the engine on the air cleaner

··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section

Fig.1. 11 Fig.1. 12

When touch hot parts such as an engine, Keep away from the running machine. Failure to
motor or muffler that are running or just finish follow this instruction could result in injury or
running may cause serious scald danger. death.
Do not touch them when temperature is high.
No Step(10)
Do Not Approach(9)
Safety message (09805-10480) is positioned on
Safety message (09806-10800) is positioned on the cover for the angle cylinders.
each side of the front engine-hood.

Fig.1. 13

CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································
 Cautions for Hydraulic Tank

Safety message (09965-02100) is positioned on

Do not step on the angle cylinders. Follow this the right rear side of the fuel tank.
instruction in order to protect the pressure line.

 Cautions in Winter

Safety message (09658-02100) is positioned

near the rear side of the bulldozer control.

Fig.1. 14
Fig.1. 16
 Cautions for Filter of Fuel Tank

Safety message (09656-92080) is positioned on

the left rear side of the fuel tank.

Fig.1. 15

··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section

Additional Messages

2 3 3 2

Fig.1. 17

CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································

6 5 2 3 3 2

Fig.1. 18

There are several specific messages on this those messages in the same way as
machine. The location and description of the above.
messages are reviewed in this section. Become
 Sign for Radiator (1)
familiarized with these messages.
 Be sure that you completely understand This message (09669-00001) is positioned near
the correct position and content of the the access door for the radiator cap on the fore
messages. engine cover.
 Be sure that the content of the messages
can be read properly; the messages are in
correct place and always clean. When you
clean the messages, use a cloth, water,
and soap. Don’t use solvents, gasoline or
other harsh chemicals in case of the
messages to peel off.
 Replace any messages that is damaged,
missing or can’t be read properly. You can
look for the particular number of the Fig.1. 19
messages from this manual, then place an  Sign for Hoist Position (2)
order with SHANTUI dealer by the number
of the illustrations. These messages are positioned on the both ends
 There are also other messages, handle of each track adjustment cover.

··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section

Fig.1. 20
Fig.1. 23
 Sign for Fixed Position (3)
Safety Rules
These messages are positioned on the both ends
of each track adjustment cover. The operator must be trained. Do not drive when
tired or after drinking. Prohibit machine work with
trouble or overload.
When operate and maintain machine should
follow safety provision, precautions and
When working with another operator or with a
Fig.1. 21 person on worksite traffic duty, make sure that
relevant personnel understand all hand signals
 Sign for Fuel Tank (4)
that are to be used.
This message (09669-00002) is positioned on the If you find any abnormity in machine during
left rear side of the fuel tank. operation or maintenance, report it to person in
charge and have the necessary action taken.
Don’t operate machine until the abnormality has
been corrected.
The machine is applicable to use below than
3000 meters of altitude. Power will reduce with
increasing of altitude. If machine has been
working for a long time at over range of altitude
may cause damage of parts. If you use above
than 3000 meters of altitude, we recommend you
Fig.1. 22 use the plateau type bulldozer.
 Sign for Reflector Caution (5)

This message (121-90-00003) is positioned on

the back of the machine.
 Sigh for Hydraulic Tank (6)

This message (09669-00003) is positioned on the

left rear side of the fuel tank.

CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································
General Hazard Information compressed air , be sure nobody near the
 Do Not Operate
 Prolonged exposure to loud noise can
cause impairment or loss of hearing. Wear
suitable hearing protection such as
earmuffs or earplugs to protect against
objectionable or uncomfortable loud

Fig.1. 24
You must attach a "Do Not Operate" warning tag
or a similar warning tag to the start switch or to
Fig.1. 25
the controls before you maintain or repair the
machine.  Pressurized Air and Water
You must keep enough room for your machine The flying debris and/or hot water caused by
when you operate the machine near fences or pressurized air and/or water could result in
boundary obstacles. personal injury. Be sure to wear protective
clothing, protective shoes and protective face
Be aware of the buried high voltage power lines
and power cables, which may cause serious
injury or death. Whenusing the pressurized air and/or water, the
pressure of cleaning air must be reduced to 205
kPa (30psi) when the nozzle is deadheaded. The
pressure of cleaning water must be below 275
Maintain or repair the machine without kPa (40psi).
attention can cause the loss of machine
control may result in personal injury or  Trapped Pressure
death. Releasing pressure trapped in a hydraulic system
can cause sudden movement of machine and/or
attachment. Please maintain sharp vigilance
 Wear Protective Equipment when you disconnect hydraulic lines or fittings.
The released high pressure oil can cause a hose
 Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that to whip and oil to spray. Fluid penetration can
can snag on controls or on other parts of cause serious injury or even death.
the machine.
 Fluid Penetration
 Do not wear clothing with oil dirt to prevent
from firing.
 Be sure to wear protective equipment
when you operate and maintain the
machine. If you touch splash scraps and
other small grain, be sure to wear
protection ocular, hard safety hat and thick
glove. When you knock at dowel with
Fig.1. 26
hammer or clean air cleaner element with
··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section
Pressure can stay in the hydraulic system long  Do not brush materials that contain
after stopping the engine. The trapped pressure asbestos.
in the hydraulic system can cause hydraulic fluid  Always remove asbestos dust with water
or plugs to spray rapidly if it is not relived to prevent dust from flying apart.
correctly.  Use a vacuum quipped with a high
Do not remove and disassemble any hydraulic efficiency particulate air filter.
components or parts until pressure relived  When operating should keep as back to
completely. In case of personal injury, please direction of wind as possible.
refer to the service manual for the procedures of  Wear an approved respirator if there is no
relieving the hydraulic pressure. other way to control the asbestos dust.
Fluid penetration can cause serious injury or even  Handling the asbestos materials must
death. Never search for leaks with your hands. obey the applicable rules and regulations
Use a piece of cardboard to find location of for the work place.
escaping fluid. Stop engine and relieve pressure  Do not approach the area that may contain
before disconnecting lines or working on asbestos dust without any protective
hydraulic system. If hydraulic fluid penetrates equipment.
your skin, see a doctor immediately.
 Dispose of Waste Properly
 Inhalation

Fig.1. 28
Fuel, oils, coolants, filters and batteries used with
Fig.1. 27 this machine may be harmful for environment if
not disposed of properly. Never pour waste onto
Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or
the ground, down a drain, or into any water
death. If you must operate in an enclosed space,
provide adequate ventilation. Use an exhaust
pipe extension to remove the exhaust fumes or Air conditioning refrigerants can damage the
open doors and windows to bring outside air into atmosphere. Government regulations may
the area. require using a certified service center to recover
and recycle used refrigerants.
You must avoid inhaling dust when you handle
components or parts that contain asbestos fibers. If uncertain about the safe disposal of waste,
Inhaling this dust can harm your health. The contact your local environmental or recycling
components that may contain asbestos fibers are center or your authorized dealer for more
brake pads, brake bands, lining material, clutch information.
plates, and some gaskets. The asbestos in these
Crushing Prevention and Cutting
components is bound in a resin or sealed in some
way. Normal handling is not harmful for your
health unless the asbestos dust is generated. Give the equipment adequate support before you
wok beneath the equipment to perform any repair
When you handle materials that may contain
or maintenance. Do not use the hydraulic
asbestos, these guidelines should be followed:
cylinders to support the equipment. Equipment
 Do not use compressed air for cleaning. can fall if a control is moved, or if a hydraulic line
CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································
Do not work under the cab unless the cab is
supported firmly.
Do not adjust the machine while the machine is
moving or the engine is running unless you get
special instruction.
Do not attempt to start engine by shorting across
the starter solenoid terminals, or else the machine
may move suddenly.

Fig.1. 30
Burn Prevention

Fig.1. 29
Do not stand in the linkage area. The linkage area
may change suddenly with the movement of
Fig.1. 31
machine or attachments.
Keep away from all the rotating and moving parts.  Engine

If you dismantle the guards to perform the Do not touch or maintain any part of engine
repairmen or maintenance, always install the unless the engine became to cool enough.
guards after the repair or maintenance is When operation is stopped just now, engine
performed. cooling water, engine oil and hydraulic oil is at
Do not use a kinked wire cable or a frayed wire high temperature and high pressure condition. Be
cable. Wear gloves when you handle wire cable. caution, you will get serious scald if you remove
cap to drain off oil or water, or replace the filter.
Chips or other debris generated by you strike
object can fly out rapidly to hurt people around, Be sure engine is stopped water and oil became
make sure nobody will be injured before you to coolenough before you remove the cap in case
strike object. of the hot water and oil to spray, loosen cap and
release the internal high pressure gas and then
Don’t approach rotating parts and be careful not
remove cap.
to be hung. If your body or tools contact the fan
blade, it may be cut off or flied. It is serious (You can inspect the temperature of water and
danger. So, never approach any rotating parts. oil by hand over the surface of radiator and
hydraulic tank. Be careful, do not contact with
radiator and hydraulic tank directly.)
 Coolant

Contact with hot coolant or with steam can cause

serious scald. Do not allow to drain the coolant
until the temperature of cooling system
components become suitable.
Only remove filler cap when cool enough to touch
··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section
with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to relieve the Shantui dealer for service.
internal pressure before removing completely.  Do not operate the machine with a fluid
leak. The leaking or spilled fluids on the
hot surface or onto electrical components
may cause a fire to result in personal injury
or even death. You should repair leaks and
clean up fluids before starting the machine.
 Keep leaves, trash, debris, grease and oil
from accumulating in engine compartment.
These items accumulate near the engine
or other hot components will cause a fire.
 Clean up all the flammable materials such
as fuel, oil, and debris accumulated on the
Fig.1. 32 surface of machine. Do not start the
machine near any flame in case of fire.
Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Alkali  Do not weld or flame cut on tanks or lines
can cause personal injury. You must wear safe that contain flammable fluid or other
guards to protect your skin, eyes, and mouth from flammable material. You should drain out
contacting with alkali object directly. and purge the tanks and lines before
Batteries welding or flame cutting to avoid the fire or
explosion hazard.
Electrolyte is an acid. Electrolyte can cause
personal injury. You must wear safe guards to  Dust that is generated from nonmetallic
protect your skin, eyes, and mouth from hoods or fenders may be flammable and/or
explosive. Repair such components must
contacting with acid object directly. Wash hand
after touching the batteries and connectors. in a well-ventilated area away from open
flames or sparks. Use suitable personal
protection equipment.
 Always inspect lines and hoses. Do not
Fire Prevention and Explosion
operate the machine before you replace
damaged lines and hoses. Adequate
 Cautions for Flammable and Explosive support and secure clamps is
Fluid indispensable to protect lines and hoses
from wear or deterioration. Fuel leak from
the damaged protective cover or insulation
may cause fire.
 Oil

 Fuel, lubricants, and some coolant

mixtures are flammable and explosive.
 Be sure to keep the flammable fluid away
from open flames or sparks
 Always stop the engine before fueling. Do
Fig.1. 33 not smoke while you are fueling a machine
in case of fire.
All fuel, most lubricants, and some coolant
mixtures are flammable and explosive. In order to
minimize the risk of fire or explosion, Shantui
recommends the following actions.
 Always perform overall inspection to look
for the hazards of fire or explosion. Do not
operate the machine when a fire or
explosion hazard exists. Contact your

CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································
 Always perform overall inspection to look
for the hazards of fire or explosion. Do not
operate the machine if battery cables or
related parts show signs of wear or
deterioration. Contact your Shantui dealer
for service.
 Starting engine with jump-start cables
must follow safe procedures that is
provided in the Operation and
Fig.1. 34 Maintenance Manual. Improper jumper
 Fill the fuel tank must in a well-ventilated cable connections can cause an explosion
area away from open flames or sparks. that may result in injury or even death.
 Do not charge a frozen battery, it may
 Battery gas can explode. Keep sparks,
lighted matches, and open flame away
from the top of battery. Do not smoke in
battery charging area.
 Never check battery charge by placing a
metal object across the posts. Use a
voltmeter or hydrometer.
 Daily inspect battery cables that are in
area that are visible. Inspect cables, clips,
Fig.1. 35 straps, and other restraints for damage
 Be sure to screw the caps of fuel tank and and replace any damaged parts.
hydraulic tank firmly in case of fluid  Replace damaged battery cables and
leakage. related parts. Eliminate any fouling that
 Store fuel and oil at designated place and may cause insulation failure or related
don’t allow unauthorized persons to enter. components wear or deterioration. Ensure
 Store oily rags and flammable materials in all the components are reinstalled
protective containers. correctly.
 An exposed wire on the battery cable
 Battery and Battery Cables
contact with a grounded surface may
cause a short. A battery cable short
produces heat from the battery current can
cause a fire.
 An exposed wire on the ground cable
between the battery and the disconnect
switch may cause disconnect switch to be
bypassed if the exposed area contact with
a ground surface. This may provide a
danger condition for servicing the machine.
You should repair or replace the invalid
components before servicing the machine.
 Battery

 Battery electrolyte contains acid. If acid

liquid splashes on your skin, immediately
flush the areas with large amount of water.
Fig.1. 36
If it splashes into your eyes, you will blind.
In order to minimize the risk of fire or an explosion, If Battery electrolyte splashes into your
Shantui recommends the following actions. eyes, immediately flush them with large

··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section
amount of water and see a doctor.

Fig.1. 39
 Wiring

Fig.1. 37 Inspect electrical wires daily. If any of the

following condition exists, replace parts before
 You must drink large amount of water or you operate the machine.
milk, egg or rap oil and see a doctor at
once when your drink battery electrolyte by  Abrasion or wear
mistake.  Cracking
 Always wear safety glasses or blinkers  Discoloration
when you deal with battery.  Cut on insulation
 Battery can produce hydrogen gas that is  Other damage
flammable and explosive. Be sure to keep Keep wires away from the debris and hoses that
battery away from open flames or sparks. contain flammable fluid. Be sure all the wires
have adequate support and secure clamps to
protect wires from wear or deterioration.
 Lines, Tubes, and Hoses

Do not bend and strike any high-pressure lines.

Do not install any lines that are bent or damaged.
Check lines by using a cardboard in case of
leaking fluid penetration. If hydraulic fluid
penetrates your skin, see a doctor immediately.
Replace the affected parts if any of the following
conditions are present:
 End fittings are damaged or leaking.
 Outer coverings are chafed or cut.
Fig.1. 38
 Wires are exposed.
 Stop the engine and turn the ignition switch  Outer coverings are swelling or ballooning.
to OFF position before dealing with battery.  Flexible parts of the hoses are kinked.
 Always check the positive (+) and negative  Ending fittings are displaced.
(-) terminals when removing and installing
 Other damage
the battery.
Be sure all the lines have adequate support and
 Tighten the battery caps securely.
secure clamps to protect line from wear or
 Tighten the battery terminals securely. If deterioration. Do not operate a machine when a
the terminals are loose, the defective fire hazard exists. Replace any lines that are
contact may generate sparks that will damaged. Consult your Shantui dealer for repair
cause an explosion. or for replacement parts.
CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································
 Fire Extinguisher and First Aid Kit watching the relief directly. Watch the track or
track adjustment cylinder to see if the track is
being loosened.
A dry track pin joint can cause the pins and
bushings become very hot. Do not contact with
these components for long, or you may get burn.
 Electrical Storm Injury

If you are in the cab during lightning strikes the

vicinity of the machine, please keep stay in the
cab in case of electrical storm injury.
Fig.1. 40
If you are on the ground near the machine during
 Be sure that fire extinguisher has been lightning strikes the vicinity of the machine,
provided and ensure that you know how to please keep stay away from the machine to a
use them in emergencies. Don’t remove safe area in case of electrical storm injury.
them without permission.
 High-pressure fuel lines
 Always provide first aid kit in the storage
 When fire occurring, should do as follows:
Shut the starting switch and stop the
machine; leave the machine with handrail 4
and pedal.
 Keep emergency numbers for doctors,
ambulance service, hospital, and fire 3
department near your telephone.

Fig.1. 42
(1) High pressure fuel manifold
(2)~(6)High pressure line

Contact with high pressure fuel may cause

fluid penetration and burn hazards. High
pressure fuel spray may cause a fire hazard.
Failure to follow these inspections may lead
to personal injury or even death.
Fig.1. 41
 Track
The high pressure fuel line are the fuel line that
Track adjusting systems use either grease or oil are between the high pressure fuel pump and the
under high pressure to increase track tension. high pressure fuel manifold and the fuel lines that
are between the fuel manifold and cylinder head.
To prevent accident or injury due to the high
These fuel lines are different from fuel lines of
pressure grease or oil coming out of the relief
other fuel systems. The high-pressure fuel
valve,do not inspect the leaking grease or oil by
··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section
linesare charged with high pressure fuel than Before starting Engine
other types of fuel system. The high-pressure fuel
 Safety of Worksite
lines are formed to shape and then strengthened
by a special process. Do not step on or deflect the  Check the area for any conditions that may
high-pressure fuel lines. Do not bend or strike the be dangerous before operation.
high-pressure fuel lines.  Check terrain and condition of the ground
Do not inspect the high-pressure fuel lines when at the worksite, and determine the safest
the engine is working. You cannot service or method forworking. Do not workin the
repair the high-pressure fuel lines until the engine place where may be fall objects.
stopped for 60 seconds to purge the pressure.  When work on a public road, a person
There is no need to remove air from the fuel should specially assigned for a task with
system by loosen the high-pressure fuel lines. If responsibility for directing traffic and also
you inspect the engine in operation, please follow should set road-block to ensure the safety
the safe procedure to avoid fluid penetration. of traffic and pedestrians.
Inspect the high-pressure fuel lines before the  When work on the worksites under which,
engine is started every day. water lines, gas lines and high-voltage
 Inspect the high-pressure fuel lines for cables may be buried, always contact with
damaged, deformation, a nick, a cut, a the related department to determine the
crease, or a dent. position of lines in case of damage them
during work.
 Do not operate the engine with a fuel leak.
Do not tighten the connection to stop the
leak. The connection should be tightened
by the recommended torque.
 Replace the high-pressure fuel lines that
are torque correctly but still leak fuel.
 Do not attach other parts or components to
the high-pressure fuel lines.
 Loosened and removed high-pressure fuel
lines must be replaced. Refer to the
Disassembly and Assembly Manual," Fuel
Fig.1. 43
Injection Lines-Install".
 When work in water or through sand
Cautions for Unauthorized Machine
barrier, you shouldfirst check the mass of
ground, the depth of the water and the
 Modifications of this machine, or addition speed of flow. Do not exceed the allowable
of unapproved products or attachments, water depth.
may affect machine stability or reliability,
and may create a hazard for the operator  Fire Prevention
or others near the machine. Please read  Keep leaves, trash, debris, grease and oil
guideline and content for optional parts. from accumulating in engine compartment.
 Don’t use optional parts are not allowed by These items accumulate near the engine
SHANTUI or your dealer. The installer of or other hot components may cause a fire.
these modifications may cause safety  Clean up all the flammable materials such
problems and influence normally operation as fuel, oil, and debris accumulated on the
and life of machine. surface of machine and repair the leaks.
 SHANTUI will not be responsibility for any  Ensure that there is a reliable fire
injuries, accidents or mechanical failures extinguisher at hand.
resulting from the use of unauthorized
 Do not operate the machine near any open
attachments or parts.
flame in case of fire.
 Get On or Off the Machine

 Never jump up or down from the machine.

CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································
Don’t get up or off from the moving ensure that you have clear view.
machine. Otherwise it may cause serious  Use cleaning liquid of acetaldehyde
injury. instead of formaldehyde in case of spread
 When get on or off the machine, always effect for your eyes.
face the machine and keep three-point  Adjust the rearview mirror for best vision
contact with ladder (both feet and one close to the machine. Make sure that the
hand or both hands and one foot) to machine horn, the backup alarm and other
ensure adequate support. warning devices are working properly.
 Make sure that top light and working light
works properly.
Engine Starting
 Do not start the machine with a warning
tag "Do Not Operate" attached to the start
switch or to the controls.
 Diesel engine exhaust fumes contains
product of combustion which can be
harmful to your health. Start the engine in
a well-ventilated area. If you must operate
Fig.1. 44 in an enclosed space, provide adequate
ventilation. Use an exhaust pipe extension
 Do not hold any control lever when you get
to remove the exhaust fumes or open
on or off the machine in case of injury.
doors and windows to bring outside air into
 Always check handrail and ladder to clean the area.
away oil dirt or mud before you get on or
 Move all the controls to the HOLD position
off the machine. Repair damaged parts
before you start the engine.
and tighten loose bolts in time.
 Do not start the machine until you seat
 In Cab properly.
 Keep tools or spare parts in tool box of  When starting engine, turn the key to
machine. Do not separate them in cab in START position and starting time is less
case of damage or break control lever and than 30 seconds. Repeat the starting
switch. procedure after at least 2 minutes.
 Keep floor of cab, control lever, pedal and Starting engine with jump-start cables must
handrail without oil material, lubricating follow safe procedures provided in the Operation
grease, snow or other dirt. and Maintenance Manual. Improper jumper cable
connections can cause an explosion that may
 Use seat belt when operating machine.
result in injury or even death.
Remember to fasten seat belt when
loading and unloading from trucks and  Wear safety glasses or goggles when you
during other uses. Examine seat belt start engine with jump-start cables.
frequently. Be sure webbing is not cut or  When starting engine from another
torn. Replace seat belt immediately if any machine, do not allow two machines to
part is damaged or does not function contact.
properly. The complete seat belt assembly
 When connecting ground line to machine
should be replaced every three years, frame of started machine, always be sure
regardless of appearance. to connect securely.
 Do not bring flammable or explosive
 Be sure to connect the positive pole first
materials into cab. when installing the booster cables.
 No smoking in cab. Disconnect the negative polefirst when
 Cautions for Rearview Mirror, removing them.
WindowandLight  If there is any tool contact both positive
pole and negative pole at the same time,
 Clean out all the windows and lights to
··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section
an explosionmay occur. Fig.1. 47
 For parallel battery, always connect Operation
positive pole to positive pole, connect
negative pole to negative pole.  Machine Operating Temperature Range

The standard machine configuration is intended

for use within an ambient temperature range of
-40°C ( -40°F ) ~ 50°C ( 122°F ) . Special
configurations for different ambient temperatures
may be available. Consult your Shantui dealer for
additional information on special configurations of
your machine.
 Cautions for Traveling
Fig.1. 45
 Keep blade at a height of 40~50 cm from
Before Operation the ground on level ground.
 Be sure clear all personnel from the  Travelingat low speed and do not operate
machine and from worksite. the steering suddenlyon rough ground.
 Remove all obstacles around the machine  Do not use mobile telephone when
before operation. Beware of hazards such traveling.
as wires, ditches, etc.  If the engine or control lever works in
 Do not allow authorized persons to enter anomalous condition, you should stop the
the cab or locate on other place of machine and repair it at once.
machine. They may fall from machine to  Using light and top light when operate the
get injury and also may obstruct operator’s machine in dark place should and it is also
view. essentialto install the illuminating device at
 Always stop operating the machine in a fog,
snow and rain. Do not work until weather
becomes well.
 Cautions for High Voltage Cable

Driving and operating the machine near high

voltage cable may cause serious person injury or
loss of possession. In order to minimize the risk,
Shantui recommends the following actions.
 Inform local electric power department and
Fig.1. 46
adopt necessary measure before
 For the machine that equipped with operating the machine near the high
back-up alarm, be sure that the alarm can voltage cable. Do not operate the machine
work properly. until with their permission.
 Fasten the seat belt securely.  Serious fire and person injury may occur
caused by electric shock when you
operate the machine near the high voltage
USE cable. So the machine and cable always
keep safe distances. It is necessary for you
to learn and complete understand the safe
SEAT operation regulations of local electric
power department before operating the
CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································
 Do not allow any person enter into the
Voltage for Cable Safety Distance
traveling line of machine.
100V-200V More than 2 m  Operators should follow the above
measures even if the machine is equipped
6600V More than 2 m with reverse alarm and rearview mirror.
 Cautions for Working on Loose Ground
22000V More than 3 m
 Do not go close to cliff, crag and deep
66000V More than 4 m channel. The machine may go down or
turn over to cause serious injury or even
154000V More than 5 m death. Must remember that the carrying
capacity of soil of these places can reduce
187000V More than 6 m after wind and rain.
 Soil near ravine is loose; it may cause
275000V More than 7 m falling because of weight and shock of your
500000V More than 11 m

 Always wear rubber shoes and gloves to

prevent any possible emergency from
happening. Always set rubber pad on the
operator’s seat and be careful enough to
isolate your bare body from chassis.
 Appoint signalman especiallywith a task
that giving a warning when the machine is
close to the high voltage cable.
 Do not allow anyone near the Fig.1. 48
machinewhen the machine works nearthe
Slope Operation
high voltage cable.
 Operatorshould be stay in cab to prevent
from suffering the electric shock when the
machine must work near or touch the high
voltagecable. Operatorcannot leave the
cab until the power supply has been shut
off. Do not permit anyone to near the
 CautionsforTraveling in Reverse

Before operating machine and work equipment,

should do as follows:
Fig.1. 49
 Press horn to warn surrounding persons.
 The machine may turn over or slipwhen
 Be sure that nobody around the machine
traveling on hillside, dam or slope.
and specially pay attention to rear of the
machine.  Keep blade at a height of 20~30 cm from
the ground when the machine is traveling
 It is necessary to appoint a person with a
on hillside, dam or slope. The blade can be
task to check the safety and specially
fall quickly to the ground to stop the
when the machine travelingin reverse.
machine or prevent from overturning.
 It is necessary to appoint a person with a
 Do not sheer on the slope or across the
task to direct the traffic when the operator
slope. When possible, operate the
works at a dangerous area or in a poor
view condition. machine up the slopes and operate the

··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section
machine down the slopes.Place the key. Turning the battery disconnect switch
heaviest end of the machine uphill when to the OFF position will prevent battery
you are working on an incline. discharge from short circuit,some
 Rocks and moisture of the surface material damaged components, vandalism.
may drastically affect the traction and Engine Stopping
stability of the machine. Rocky surfaces
Do not stop the engine immediately after the
may promote side slipping of the machine.
machine has been operated under load. This can
 Do not operate the machine on grass, cause overheating and accelerated wear of
fallen leaves, or wet steel plates in case of
engine components.
slip. If traveling along with edge of the
slope, be sure to travel with low speed. Allow the engine to run for five minutes at LOW
 The machine should travel at low speed IDLE before shutdown. This allows hot areas of
when it is down the slope. the engine to cool gradually.
 When the engine misfire on a slope, Transportation
always put down the blade and stop the
 Load and Unload
machine by brake.
 Forbid to down the slope by weight or  There are always potential risks in loading
inertia of the machine. or unloading the machine, so be especially
careful. The engine should run at a low
speed and the machine should also travel
at a low speed when load and unload the
 Load and unload the machine should on a
firm level surface, and also keep a safe
distance from the edge ofthe road.
 Before loading and unloading, be sure to
insertsome cushion blocks with adequate
strength beneath the trailer’s tires
 Make sure the ramp has sufficient width,
Fig.1. 50 length and thickness to enable the
 Park on a level surface. If you must park machine to be safelyloaded and unloaded.
on a grade, place the heaviest end of the  Make sure the ramp is stably placed and
machine uphill. If the machine is in hard secured, and the two ramps are on the
fights, put down the work equipment on the same plane.
ground to prevent the machine from  Be sure surface of ramp is clean and free
slipping. of grease, oil, ice and loose materials.
 Ensure to set safety lock lever and parking Remove themud from the track of the
lever on LOCK position. If you accidentally machine.
touch the unlocked levers, the machine  Never change the direction of travel when
may suddenly move and cause serious on the ramps. If it is necessary to change
injury or property damage. direction,drive off the ramps and correct
 When leaving the machine, always set the direction, and then drive on to the
completely work equipment on ground and ramps again.
set safety control lever on LOCK position.  After loading, insert blocks beneath the
Thenstop the engine and lock all track to enable the machine to remain in
equipment with key.Take the key with you place reliably.
at any moment.
 Shipping
 Turn the battery disconnect switch to the
OFF position before leaving the machine.  Follow the instructions of each nation and
If the machine will not be operated for long area prescribed about length, wide and
time, remove the battery disconnect switch height of goods and observe all applicable
CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································
law when shipping the bulldozers by trailer. not to touch moving parts or be hung.
 Consider length, width and height of goods  Proper Tools
in case of exceeding limit when the
shipping line was confirmed.  Only use the tools with reliable quality. If
you use the tools which is damaged, bad
quality, defective or makeshift may cause
 Only tow the starting machine with wire serious injury for you.
rope in case of damaging the hydraulic
 Always use the wire rope with enough
strength when tow the machine with other
 Never tow a machine on slope.
 Never use twisted or kinked wire rope to
tow the machine.
 Never stretch over or near the towing wire
rope. Fig.1. 51
 Do not allow anyone to stand between  Periodic replacement of safety critical
towing machine and towed machine when parts
connecting them.
 The axes of towing machine should in the  Periodically replace the following easy
same axes as the axes of owed machine aged parts.
and ensure they are in correct position.  Fuel system: Hose
 Use crane to move the closing machine.  Hydraulic system: Hose for pump output
and the front and rear branch pipe of oil
Before Maintenance pump
 Stop Engine before Carrying Out  The above parts must be periodically
Inspection and Maintenance replaced even if it looks that they are not
damaged, because they will age over time.
 Be sure to stop machine on firmlevel
 Replace or repair safetycritical parts if any
ground before carrying out inspection and
defect is found, even when they have not
maintenance. Carry out inspection and
reached the time specified interval.
maintenance after closing the engine and
take off the key. Or else, it may cause During Maintenance
injury or even death for you by other  Personnel
person who may startengine or operate
control levers when you are carrying out Only authorized personnel can service and repair
inspection and maintenance. the machine. Take precautions when grinding,
 If maintenance must be carried out with the cutting, welding or using a hammer.
engine running, such as cleaning the  Attachments
inside of the radiator, place the parking
lever and safety lock lever at the LOCK Place attachments that have been removed from
position to prevent the work equipment the machine in a stable condition so that they do
from moving suddenly and carry out the not fall. And take steps to prevent unauthorized
operation with two workers. One worker persons from entering the storage area.
must always sit in the operator's seat and
be ready to stop the engine at any time.
This worker must be careful enough to
avoid mistakenly touch any control levers
to injure the other worker who is
performing maintenance.
 The worker who is performing
maintenance must especially be careful
··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section

Fig.1. 52 Fig.1. 54
 Work under the Machine  Rules for Filling Fuel and Oil

 Always downthe work equipment to the  Always clear out the leaking fluid in time to
ground or the lowest position before prevent someone from slipping.
maintaining the machine or repairing under  Always tighten the cover of oil filler.
the machine.  Never clean the parts with fuel.
 Never work under the machine without  Always filling oil at the well ventilated
safety support. place.
The models and types of oil and water used by
the machinedepend on work environment and
temperature. Always use them according to FUEL,
 Never make antifreeze with methyl alcohol
and ethanol to prevent the engine from
causing trouble. Antifreeze is flammable
always far from fire.
 For cooling water always use soft water
Fig.1. 53 and coolant, never add any leak preventive
in cooling water.
 Keep Machine Clean
 Always clean or replace all kinds of filters
 Keepmachineclean anytime. Overflowing on schedule.
oil, lubricating grease, disheveled tools or  Always check for cooling water, fuel,
damaged parts may make you fall over lubricating oil and hydraulic oil etc. at any
and cause injury. moment and supply as required to ensure
 Do not wash sensor, contacting plug or the the normal use of the machine.
inside of cab with water or steam. If water  Lighting
enters into electrical system may cause
the hazard of the machine cannot move or
move suddenly.

Fig.1. 55
When checking fuel, oil, coolant or electrolyte of

CHAPTER 1Safety Section ···························································
battery, always use anti-detonation light. Or else it Standard Cab
will explode.
The dynamic operator sound pressure level is 80
 Precautionsfor Maintaining Battery dB(A) when “ISO6396” and “2006/42/EC” is used
to measurethe value for an enclosed cab. The
When repairing the electrical system or when cab was properlymaintained and with the doors
carrying out electrical welding, remove the
and the windows closed.
negative terminal of the battery to prevent the
flow of current.

Fig.1. 56
Fig.1. 57
 Handling High Pressure Hoses
Information Concerning Vibration Level
 Do not bend or knock high-pressure hoses
Vibration levels are influenced by many different
with a hard object. Do not use bent or
parameters. Many items are listed below:operator
cracked hoses or hard pipes, or there is a
training, behavior, mode, and stress,machine type,
risk of burst during use.
quality of the seat, quality of thesuspension
 Be sure to repair loose or broken oil pipes. system, attachments, condition of the equipment
Oil leakage may cause fire. and so on.
Sound Information and Vibration Vibration of Whole Machine
Information The whole body vibration level of the machine
varies. There is a range of values. According to
The measurement for operator sound “BS6841”, the low value that operator is subjected
pressurelevel was obtained with the procedures by chair is 0.45m/s2RMS.
thatare specified in “ISO6396” and “2006/42/EC”. Arm Vibration
Theprocedure specifies the requirements of the
workcycle to use while the measurement is When the machine is operated according to the
obtained. Theoperator sound pressure level is 80 intended use, according to“ISO8041”, the
dB(A) for the cabthat is offered by Shantui. In hand/arm vibration of this machine is below 2.0
order to reduce sound level should do as meter per second squared.
following actions: proper maintenance of the cab, Measures for Reducing Vibration
closed cabdoors, and closed cab windows.
 Choose machine with right type and proper
Hearing protection may be needed when power according to working condition
themachine is operated with an open operator  Maintainmachines properly according to
station forextended periods or in a noisy the manufacturer'srecommendations.
environment. Hearingprotection may be needed
 Keep the terrain in good condition. You
when the machine isoperated with a cab that is
can reduce the vibration by removing large
not properly maintained, orwhen the doors and
rocks or obstacles and filling any ditches
windows are open for extendedperiods or in a
and holes.
noisy environment.
 Keep the seat routinemaintained and
Sound Performance for Machines with adjusted.

··························································CHAPTER 1Safety Section
 Avoid suddenly brake,accelerate, shift the guard also needs to be installed. Mesh front
gears. guardsapproved by Shantui are available for
 Move the work equipment smoothly. machines with a cab or an open canopy. The
 Adjust the machine speed and the route to windows also need to install the front guards.
minimize the vibration level. Wear Safety glasses when flying object hazards
exist around the machine.
 Prohibit operating machine with trouble or
overloading. Contact your Shantui dealer Top guards and front guards should be installedif
for service. the work material extends above the cab.
Demolition applications, rock quarries, forestry
products are the worksites that require special
Machine meets the requirements of EN 13309. guards.

Guards Consult Shantui dealer for more information

about applications of different types of guards.
Shantui provide different types of guards for the
operator. Machine's worksite and customer's
requirements determine the type of guard that
should be installed. Perform a daily inspection of
the guards to check for structures that are bent,
cracked or loose. The operator will get
intodangerous situation when the machine is
used improperly or the poor operating techniques
is used. This situation canoccur even though a
machine is equipped with anappropriate
protective guard. Please follow all the safety rules
and operating procedures recommended for
Cab installed on the machine canprovide guards
for the operator when machine rolls over
(ROPS/FOPS).When machine rolls over, ROPS
supports its load and absorb its impact energy.
Any unauthorized alteration or
anymodificationmay affect machine stability or
reliability and may create ahazard for others near
the machine.Modifications orattachments can
cause the machine to exceed the allowable
weight that place the operator into a dangerous
situation. Excessive weight may affect the brake
performance, the steering performance and the
ROPS. The machine will provide invalid guard if
the cab is damaged.
Drill holes or weld brackets on the cab will
weaken its strength. Consult your Shantui dealer
foralteration and modification guidelines.
Other Guards (If Equipped)
Special guards are needed when worksite with
flying objects and/or falling objects. Logging
applications and demolition applications are two
examples that require special guards.
If flying objects can be created during work, afront
CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section ········································

CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section

General Information Table 2. 2

8300 kg
Shipping Weight(1)
(18298 lb)
8440 kg
Operating Weight(2)
(18607 lb)
Operating Weight with Ripper 9157 kg
D (three teeth) (20188 lb)
9370 kg
Operating Weight with Winch
(20657 lb)
4296 mm
Length of Machine (A)(3)
(14.1 ft)

ABC Length of Machine with 5459 mm

Ripper (three teeth) (B) (3) (17.9 ft)
Fig.2. 1 Length of Machine with 4906 mm
Winch (C)(3) (16.1 ft)
Table 2. 1
Width of Machine across
2360 mm
SD08YE Tracks (excluding VPAT
(7.7 ft)
Bulldozer blade)
7900 kg
Shipping Weight(1)
(17417 lb) Width of Machine across
3150 mm
Tracks (including VPAT
(2) 8020 kg (10.3 ft)
Operating Weight Bulldozer blade)
(17681 lb)
Height of Machine with 2775 mm
Operating Weight with Ripper 8737 kg
OROPS (D) (9.1 ft)
(three teeth) (19262 lb)
4296 mm
Length of Machine (A)(3) 1. The machine shipping weight includes
(14.1 ft)
the cab, the air suspension, the VPAT
Length of Machine with 5459 mm
blade, the drawbar, the transmission, the
Ripper (three teeth) (B) (17.9 ft)
four-valve hydraulic controls, the engine
Width of Machine across enclosures, the lubricant, the coolant,
2060 mm
Tracks (excluding VPAT and 5% fuel.
(6.8 ft)
Bulldozer blade)
2. Operating weight includes an operator
Width of Machine across and full fuel tank.
2680 mm
Tracks (including VPAT
(8.8 ft) 3. Length of Machine includes VPAT
Bulldozer blade)
Bulldozer blade.
Height of Machine with 2775 mm
OROPS (D) (9.1 ft)

········································CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section
Table 2. 3 Height of Machine with 2825 mm
OROPS (D) (9.3 ft)
Shipping Weight(1) kg(20503 1. The machine shipping weight includes
lb) the cab, the air suspension, the VPAT
blade, the drawbar, the transmission, the
Operating Weight(2) kg(20283 four-valve hydraulic controls, the engine
lb) enclosures, the lubricant, the coolant,
and 15% fuel.
Operating Weight with Ripper 9917 kg
(three teeth) (21863 lb) 2. Operating weight includes an operator
and full fuel tank.
10130 kg
Operating Weight with Winch 3. Length of Machine includes VPAT
(22333 lb)
Bulldozer blade.
4478 mm
Length of Machine (A)(3) Table 2. 5
(14.7 ft)
Length of Machine with Ripper 5641 mm SD13YE
(B) (3) (18.5 ft) 12700 kg
Shipping Weight(1)
Length of Machine with Winch 5088 mm (27998 lb)
(C) (3) (16.7 ft) 12800 kg
Operating Weight(2)
Width of Machine across (28219 lb)
2110 mm
Tracks (excluding VPAT Operating Weight with Ripper 13800 kg
(6.9 ft)
Bulldozer blade) (three teeth) (30423 lb)
Width of Machine across 4924 mm
2860 mm Length of Machine (A)(3)
Tracks (including VPAT (16.2 ft)
(9.4 ft)
Bulldozer blade)
Length of Machine with 6068 mm
Height of Machine with 2825 mm Ripper (B)(3) (19.9 ft)
OROPS (D) (9.3 ft)
Width of Machine across
Table 2. 4 2340 mm
Tracks (excluding VPAT
(7.7 ft)
SD10YS Bulldozer blade)

9400 kg Width of Machine across

Shipping Weight (1) 3060 mm
(21164 lb) Tracks (including VPAT
(10.0 ft)
Bulldozer blade)
9500 kg
Operating Weight (2) Height of Machine with 2988 mm
(20944 lb)
OROPS (D) (9.8 ft)
Operating Weight with Ripper 10217 kg
(three teeth) (22525 lb)
10430 kg
Operating Weight with Winch
(22994 lb)
4478 mm
Length of Machine (A) (3)
(14.7 ft)
Length of Machine with Ripper 5641 mm
(B) (3) (18.5 ft)
Length of Machine with Winch 5088 mm
(C) (3) (16.7 ft)
Width of Machine across
2430 mm
Tracks (excluding VPAT
(8.0 ft)
Bulldozer blade)
Width of Machine across
3200 mm
Tracks (including VPAT
(10.5 ft)
Bulldozer blade)

CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section ········································
Table 2. 6 Intended Use
SD13YS This machine is a track-type tractor that is
classified as a Tractor Dozer. The machine is
13300 kg
Shipping Weight (1) earthmoving equipment that is described in “ISO
(29321 lb)
6165:2006”. The machine propels the track
13400 kg
Operating Weight (2) forward. Also, the machine propels the track
(29542 lb) rearward. This action allows the machine uses
Operating Weight with Ripper 14400 kg equipment for dozing that cuts material. The
(three teeth) (31746 lb) material is moved or graded through the forward
4924 mm motion of the machine. A mounted attachment
Length of Machine (A) (3)
(16.2 ft) can be used to exert a push or a pull force such
Length of Machine with 6068 mm as a ripper or towing winch.
Ripper (B) (3) (19.9 ft)  Restrictions to application and
Width of Machine across configuration
2760 mm
Tracks (excluding VPAT
(9.1 ft) For SD08YE/SD08YS, the maximum towing
Bulldozer blade)
force of a drawbar is 125 kN(28006lb).
Width of Machine across
3380 mm
Tracks (including VPAT For SD10YE/SD10YS, the maximum towing
(11.1 ft)
Bulldozer blade) force of a drawbar is 151 kN (33831 lb).
Height of Machine with 2988 mm For SD13YE/SD13YS/SD13YR, the maximum
OROPS (D) (9.8 ft)
towing force of a drawbar is 210 kN (47050 lb).
Table 2. 7
To obtain the proper lubrication, a maximum
SD13YR slope should not exceed 30 degrees.

Shipping Weight(1)
13560 kg Reference:See “Slope Operation” in this
(29894 lb) manual for more information.
13660 kg
Operating Weight(2) Do not use the machine in explosive
(30115 lb)
4924 mm
Length of Machine (A)(3) Special attachments and operating instructions
(16.2 ft)
are required for waste handling applications,
Width of Machine across
2760 mm forestry applications, and other custom
Tracks (excluding VPAT
(9.1 ft) configurations.
Bulldozer blade)
Width of Machine across Winch (Applications)
3380 mm
Tracks (including VPAT Winch speeds that are standard or slow speed
(11.1 ft)
Bulldozer blade) can exert a bare drum line pull force of 118 kN
Height of Machine with 2988 mm (32628 lb).
OROPS (D) (9.8 ft)
Identification Information
1. The machine shipping weight includes
Plate Locations and Film Locations
the cab, the air suspension, the VPAT
blade, the drawbar, the transmission, the  Product Identification Plates
four-valve hydraulic controls, the engine
The Product Identification Number (PIN) will be
enclosures, the lubricant, the coolant,
used to identify a powered machine that is
and 5% fuel.
designed for an operator to ride.
2. Operating weight includes an operator
and full fuel tank. SHANTUI products such as transmissions and
major attachments that are not designed for an
3. Length of Machine includes VPAT
operator to ride are identified by Serial
Bulldozer blade.

········································CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section

Fig.2. 4
Fig.2. 2
Bulldozer Serial Number
For quick reference, record the identification  Winch Plate
numbers in the spaces are provided below the
illustration. The serial number plate for the winch is located
on the side of the winch.
The plate for Machine Pin is located to the left
the case on front of the machine.
 Machine Type

 Engine Power of primary engine (kW)

 Typical operating weight of machine(kg)

 Year of construction

 Machine PIN

Fig.2. 5
 Engine Dataplate
Winch Serial Number
The Information Plate for the engine is on the
camshaft cover, as shown. Certifications
The Serial Number Plate is located on the left  ROPS/FOPS Plate (5)
side of the engine block left from the starter.
The message is positioned on the outside left

Structural damage, an overturn,

modification, alteration, or improper
repair, can impair this structure’s
protective capability thereby voiding this
certification. Do not weld on or drill holes
in the structure. Consult a SHANTUI
Fig.2. 3 dealer to determine this structure’s
Engine Serial Number limitations without voiding its
 Bulldozer Plate

The serial number plate of the bulldozer is

This machine has been certified to the
located on the back of the blade.
standards that are listed on the certification
plate. The maximum mass of the machine,
CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section ········································
which includes the operator and the
attachments without payload, should not exceed
the mass on the certification plate.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Guards (Operator Protection)” for more
Sound Certification

Fig.2. 8

Fig.2. 6
A typical example of this film is shown. Your
machine may have a different value.
If equipped, the certification film is used to verify
the environmental sound certification of the
machine. The value that is listed on the film
indicates the guaranteed sound power level. Fig.2. 9
The guaranteed sound power level is measured
at the time of manufacture. The guaranteed For quick reference, record this information in
sound power level is measured according to the the spaces that are provided below.
conditions that are specified in “2000/14/EC”.  Engine Power of primary engine (kW)
North Americaand European Union  Typical operating weight of machine for
European market (kg)
This plate is positioned on the bottom left side of
 Year of construction
the Machine PIN (1).
 Machine Type
For machines that are compliant to
“1998/37/EC”, the following information is
stamped onto the “CE” plate.
For the name, the address and the country of
origin for the manufacture, see the PIN plate.
Declaration of Conformity
An EC Declaration of Conformity document was
provided with the machine if it was
manufactured to comply with specific
requirements for the European Union. In order
to determine the details of the applicable
Fig.2. 7 Directives, review the complete CE Declaration
of Conformity provided with the machine. The
extract shown below from an EC Declaration of
Conformity for machines that are declared
compliant to “2006/42/EC” applies only to those
········································CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section
machines originally “CE” marked by the
manufacturer listed and which have not since
been modified.

CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section ········································

POST: LT-02120
2000/14/EC & 2005/88/EC NOISE DIRECTIVE


 Note: The above information was correct as of August 2010, but may be subject to change; please
refer to the individual declaration of conformity issued with the machine for exact details.

········································CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section

POST: LT-02120
2000/14/EC & 2005/88/EC NOISE DIRECTIVE

NOTIFIED BODY NAME: Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation




 Note: The above information was correct as of July 2013, but may be subject to change; please
refer to the individual declaration of conformity issued with the machine for exact details.

CHAPTER 2 Product Information Section ········································
Emissions Certification Film
 Note: This information is pertinent in the
United States, in Canada and in Europe.
Consult your SHANTUI dealer for an Emission
Control Warranty Statement.

CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································

CHAPTER 3Operation Section

 Inspect the Cooling System Coolant Level
 Inspect the Engine Oil Level
Before read this section must read–through  Inspect the Fuel Oil Level
the safety section as required order.  Inspect the Hydraulic System Oil Level
 Inspect the Fuel Tank Water and Sediment
 Inspect the Air Filter Indicator
3.1InspectionBeforeOperation Refer to “Maintenance Section” for the detailed

3.2 Safety Way

Hot oil and hot components can cause
personal injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot
components to contact skin.
At operating temperature, the engine
coolant is hot and under pressure. Check
the coolant level only after the engine has
been stopped and the cooling system
pressure cap is cool enough to touch with
your bare hand.
Explosive release of fluids from
pressurized cooling system can cause
serious burns. Slowly loosen cap to first Fig.3. 1
stop to relieve pressure before removing
Cooling system conditioner contains alkali.
Do not mount a moving machine. Do not
Avoid contact with the skin and eyes to
dismounting a moving machine.
prevent personal injury.
Never jump off the machine.
Do not use any controls as handholds
when you enter the operator compartment
or when you exit the operator
Accumulated grease and oil on a machine is a compartment.
fire hazard. Remove this debris with steam
cleaning or high pressure water, at least every
1000 hours or each time any significant Safety way is allocated on the machine for
quantity of oil is spilled on a machine. mounting and dismounting. The safety way is
composed of handholds, steps and track
 Note:For maximum service life of the
Use steps and handholds whenever you mount
machine, make a thorough daily inspection before
the machine. Use steps and handholds whenever
you operate the machine. Make the needed
you dismount the machine. Before you mount the
repairs before you operate the machine.
machine, clean the handholds, steps and track
Perform the following procedures before shoes. Inspect the steps and handholds. Make all
operation. necessary repairs.
 Inspect the machine for leaks Face the machine whenever you mount the
 Inspect bolts and nuts for loose machine and whenever you dismount the
 Inspect the electric circuit machine. Maintain a three-point contact with the

·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
step and with handholds. each shift and for each new operator.
 Note:Three-point contact can be two feet Make the seat adjustments when the operator is
and one hand. Three-point contact can also be sitting against the back of the seat. Adjust the
one foot and two hands. seat in order to allow full travel of the pedals.

3.3 Cab Lock  Note: Adjust the seat properly to make the
operation comfortable and flexible.
Machines with hexahedron cab are equipped with
alternate exits.
If the left door becomes disabled, the right door
can be used as an alternate exit.
Cab locks are composed of outer lock and inner
lock. When the door is closed, using the inner
lock to lockout.When the door is opened, using
the outer lock to lockout. 7


Fig.3. 2
Inside the cab, press the lever(1) in order to open Fig.3. 4
the inner lock.
Fore/aft Adjustment(1)

The fore/aft adjustment is released by lifting

the locking lever.
 Note: The locking lever must latch into
the desired position. It should not be possible
to move the driver seat into another position
when it is locked.

Seat pan angle adjustment(2)

Fig.3. 3 The angle of the seat pan can be individually

Outside the cab, push the lever(1) in order to
open the outer lock. To adjust the angle of the seat pan, lift the L/H
handle (see arrow). By exerting pressure on or
3.4 Seat off the seat pan it can be moved to the desired
angle position.
The seats are equipped with airsuspension seat.
Adjust the air suspension seat at the beginning of
CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································

HeightAdjustment (3) Headrest(8)

The seat height can be altered by fully pulling The headrest can be individually adjusted for
out or pressing in the actuator lever. height by pulling it upward over the various
increments up the end stop.
 Note: The green marking in the
weight-and-height indicator should be visible. By pushing forward or rearward the angle of
the headrest can be adjusted individually.
 Note: In order to avoid damage, do not
operate compressor for more than 1 minute. To remove the headrest, pull it over the end
 Note:The engine start switch key must be
turned ON or the engine must be running in
 Seat switch (dozer operator)
order to adjust the height of the seat.
Seat switch on the seat can avoid machine
Weight Adjustment(4) moving when operator being away from seat or
without any instructions. When the operator sits
The seat should be adjusted for the driver’s up or down on the seat, the switch can
weight with the driver sitting on the seat. The communicate with ECM/ECU.
adjustment is made by pulling out or pushing
Only if the operator sit on the seat or the brake
in the actuator lever until the green marking is
won’t isolate, also the machine cannot be
visible in the weight-and-height indicator.
 Note:To prevent damage to the health,
 Note: The operator being off the seat when
the setting for the driver’s weight must be
machines runs cannot stop the machine’s normal
checked and adjusted as necessary before the
vehicle is driven.
3.5 Seat Belt
Back Cushion Angle Adjustment(5)

The backrest is adjusted using the locking

Remember to fasten seat belt before
 Note:The locking lever must latch into the operate the machine at any time. Or may
desired position. It should not be possible to cause personal injury.
move the backrest into another position when
it is locked.

Lumbar Support Adjustment(6)

Always check the condition of the seat belt and
By turning the adjustment knob to the left or the condition of the mounting hardware. Make
right, both the height and curvature of the the needed replacing before you operate the
backrest cushion can be individually adjusted. machine.
This increases both the seating comfort and
the performance of the driver.
The machines are equipped with retractable seat
Heated Seat (7) (If Equipped) belts

Press the rocker switch in order to activate the

seat heater. A red light on the panel will turn

·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
release the seat belt. The seat belt will
automatically retract into the retractor.
1 3.6 Adjustable Armrest
SD10YE/YS are equipped with adjustable
armrest. Properly adjust armrest could decrease
the fatigue strength of operation.

Fig.3. 5
Pull seat belt(1) out of the retractor in a
continuous motion. Fasten seat belt catch(2) into
buckle(3) to lockout. Avoid the seat belt twists

Fig.3. 7
Use the following procedure in order to adjust the
armrest, if necessary.
4. Loosen the knobs (1) on the inside of the
5. Move the armrest to the desired height.
6. Tighten the knobs.

Fig.3. 6
Push the release button on the buckle in order to

CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································

3.7 Operator Controls

4 7



Fig.3. 8
1. Air conditioning and heatingControls 2. Engine Throttle 3. Transmission control lever
4. Indicators 5. Alert Indicators Panel 6 Deceleration Pedal and Brake Pedal
8. Winch/ Ripper Control
7. Bulldozer Control Lever 9. Switch Panel
Lever(If Equipped)

3.7.1 Air conditioning and Air conditioning control panel on the left side of
heatingControls operator seat.

Air conditioning system uses the engine hot
water cycle to warm up the cab. Make sure 2
that water inlet and outlet valves of Air 3
conditioning system are opened before using ON

heating function. 1

If you do not use heating function, make sure

that the water inlet and outlet valves of Air Fig.3. 9
condition system maintain closed.
Air conditioning and heating control panel is
composed of three parts.
The machine is equipped with air conditioning
and heating system for engineering machinery.
·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
 1) Control Button  2) Temperature Indicator

ON Air Conditioning Switch


Press this button of the switch in order to turn The temperature indicator displays the target
on the air conditioning. Press the button again control temperature and cab temperature. It
in order to turn off the air conditioning. displays the setting target control temperature
when set temperature. After setting temperature 3
Reducing Temperature Button seconds, it displays the cab real time
Press the button to lower the target
temperature.  3) State Indicator Lamps

State Indicator Lamps show the running state of

Elevating Temperature Button
the machine. The lamps on the panel as follows:
Press the button to higher the target Power
temperature. This indicator is illuminated when the machine is
on the power.
Cooling Mode
Press the button to select cooling mode. This indicator is illuminated when the fresh air
Cooling function will turn into "hibernation" function is started
when environment temperature is lower than 1
degrees centigrade Cooling function will Cool
rework until environment temperature elevate This indicator is illuminated when the air
higher than 4 degrees centigrade. conditioning is on the state of cooling.
Fresh Air
This indicator is illuminated when the fan motor is
Press the button to use fresh air. Press the on the high speed.
button again to turn off the function.
Fan Speed Switch This indicator is illuminated when the fan motor is
on the middle speed.
Press the button to switch the speed of blower Low
fan motor among low speed, medium speed
and high speed. This indicator is illuminated when the fan motor is
on the low speed.
 Note: If the cab temperature is not staying at
the desired temperature, then increase the fan 3.7.2. Engine Throttle
speed to the maximum setting.

Auto Temperature Control Switch

Make sure that the engine throttle is rotated to
the Min position before start the engine
Press the button in order to turn on the ATC.
Press the button again in order to turn off the
ATC. In order to maintain the desired
temperature, the ATC will heat the cab or the
ATC will cool the cab.

CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································
 Transmission Control Lever(1)

Transmission control lever control

machine’sforward, reverse, turning left, turning
right, accelerating and decelerating. There are
horn button and speed recall button on the lever.
Move lever to the center position in order to put
the machine in the NEUTRAL position. If the lever
in the neutral position past 2 seconds, the brake
Fig.3. 10 will automatically engage.
The engine throttle controls the engine speed. 2) FORWARD(B)

Low Idle Move lever to the forward position in order to

move the machine forward.
Rotate the engine throttle counterclockwise in 3) REVERSE(C)
order to lower the idle speed.
Move lever to the backward position in order to
move the machine backward.
High Idle
Rotate the engine throttle clockwise in order to
Move lever from neutral to the left in order to turn
increase the idle speed.
machine counterclockwise counter-rotate. The
rotating radius for the machine is proportional to
the control lever position.
3.7.3 Transmission Control Lever and
Move lever from neutral to the right in order to
turn machine clockwise counter-rotate. The
rotating radius for the machine is proportional to
Make sure that lever lockout switch is engaged
the control lever position.
in order to use steering and transmission
control. 6) FORWARD LEFT(F)
After suing the machine, move lever to the Move lever to the left in order to turn the machine
center position in order to put the machine in to the left. The turning radius for the machine is
the neutral position, and press the lever proportion to the control lever position. In order to
lockout switch in order to lock the lever. turn the machine to the left slightly, move lever
slightly to the left. If you want increase your turn,
move lever further to the left. If you want the
machine to counterrotate, move lever all the way
to the left past the detent position. When the
tracks counterrotate, the right side track will rotate
F B forward, while the left track rotates backward.

H E Move lever to the right in order to turn the
2 machine to the right. The turning radius for the
C machine is proportion to the control lever position.
In order to turn the machine to the right slightly,
1 move lever slightly to the right. If you want
increase your turn, move lever further to the right.
If you want the machine to counterrotate, move
Fig.3. 11
lever all the way to the right past the detent
·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
position. When the tracks counterrotate, the left Push down the button (green) in order to activate
side track will rotate forward, while the right track the horn.
rotates backward.
12) Speed Recall Button(M)
The Speed Recall function will allow operators to
Move lever to the left in order to turn the machine preset a forward speed a reverse speed. Press
to the left. The turning radius for the machine is the Speed Recall Button (red) in order to activate
proportion to the control lever position. In order to the preset speed. Perform the following
turn the machine to the left slightly, move lever procedures to preset speed.
slightly to the left. If you want increase your turn,
1. Ensure that lever lockout switch is on.
move lever further to the left. If you want the
machine to counterrotate, move lever all the way 2. Move the transmission control lever to the
to the left past the detent position. When the FORWARD position, and move the deflector rod
tracks counterrotate, the right side track will rotate to the desired speed.
backward, while the left track rotates forward. 3. Move the transmission control lever to the
9) REVERSE RIGHT(J) REVERSE position, and move the deflector rod to
the desired speed.
Move lever to the right in order to turn the
machine to the right. The turning radius for the 4. Move the transmission control lever to the
machine is proportion to the control lever position. NEUTRAL position. Hold the Speed Recall Button
In order to turn the machine to the right slightly, for 3 seconds, then the preset speed will be
move lever slightly to the right. If you want saved in the system.
increase your turn, move lever further to the right. 5. Press the Speed Recall Button while the
If you want the machine to counterrotate, move machine is moving forward in order to return to
lever all the way to the right past the detent the preset speed. Press the Speed Recall Button
position. When the tracks counterrotate, the left while moving reverse and the machine will return
side track will rotate backward, while the right to the preset speed.
track rotates forward.
 Lockout Switch(2)

The lockout switch is on the left side of the

K transmission control lever. When the lockout
switch is press down, it will cut off the output
signal of the lever and the parking brake also will
be engaged.
3.7.4 Indicators
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
"3.8.3 Indicators"(on page 55) for more
Fig.3. 12 information.

10) TRACK SPEED(K) 3.7.5 Alert Indicators Panel

Push the deflector rod forward when a higher
speed is desired.
Inspect the machine and make the needed
Pull the deflector rod backward when a lower
repairs when the alarm bell sounds or when
speed is desired.
the alert lamps are illuminated. Neglect the
 Note:There is a maximum limit of 9km/h on trouble alert will damage to the machine and
the forward speed and on the reverse speed. cause personal injury.
Consult you SHANTUI dealer to change the
speed settings.
11) Horn(L)

CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································
The first work mode is reducing the engine speed
1 2 3 4 and reducing the ground speed at the same time.
When the operator push pedal downward, the
engine throttle will be reduced, and reducing the
ground speed through controlling the pump and
The second work mode is only reducing the
ground speed. When the operator push pedal
downward, the engine throttle will be maintained,
and reducing the ground speed through
Fig.3. 13
controlling the pump and motor.
Alert Indicators Panel is composed of alarm bell
At both of the two modes, when pedal is
and three alert lamps.
depressed beyond the detent spring, the brake
 Alarm Bell(1) will engage.
Machine failure (especial engine failure) can 3.7.7 Bulldozer Control Lever
result in the alarm bell sound.
Press the buttons on the alarm bell in order to
turn on the alarm bell or turn offthe alarm bell. Turn on the lever lockout switch in order to
 Parking Alert Lamp(2) activate the bulldozer control lever before use
the bulldozer control lever.
The parking alert lamp indicating serious engine
failure is red. Operators must stop the machine After suing the machine, put the bulldozer to
and make needed repairs when the parking alert the ground. Turn off the lever lockout switch in
lamp is illuminated. order to lock the bulldozer control lever.

 Alert Lamp(3)

The alert lamp indicating normal engine failure is

 Start Waiting Lamp(4) 1 2
The start waiting lamp is green. This lamp is
illuminated when the engine start switch key is at
ON position.
3.7.6Deceleration Pedal and Brake Pedal

Fig.3. 15
 Bulldozer Control Lever(1)

Bulldozer control lever controls the raise, lower,

tilt, angle, float and blade shake.

Fig.3. 14
Deceleration pedal andbrake pedal have two
work modes. Refer to "3.8 Monitoring System"
(on page 52) for the way to switch between the
two work modes.
·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
lever, the lever return to the NEUTRAL

When you release the lever, the lever will

return to the NEUTRAL position. The
movement of the blade will stop.



Fig.3. 16

Fig.3. 17
Pull back on the lever in order to raise the
blade. When you release the lever, the lever ANGLE LEFT(G)
will return to the NEUTRAL position.
Roll the wheel to the up in order to angle the
LOWER(B) blade to the left. When you release the wheel,
the wheel will remain in the position.
Push the lever forward in order to lower the
blade. When you release the lever, the lever ANGLE RIGHT(H)
will return to the NEUTRAL position.
Roll the wheel to the down in order to angle
FLOAT(C) the blade to the right. When you release the
wheel, the wheel will remain in the position.
Push the lever all the way past the detent
position. This action will move the bulldozer SHAKE (J)
blade into the FLOAT position. When you
release the lever, the lever will remain in the Push the blade shake button in order to shake
FLOAT position. the blade. The blade will shake until the button
 Note: In the FLOAT position, the blade is released. The shake function is help to drop
moves up and down with the ground contour. the earth on the blade.

 Note:If there is a loss of hydraulic power,
Pull the lever to the left in order to lower the perform the following procedure in order to lower
left side of the blade. When you release the the blade to the ground.
lever, the lever return to the NEUTRAL


Push the lever to the right in order to lower the

right side of the blade. When you release the
CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································

Fig.3. 20
Fig.3. 18
1. Place the hydraulic lockout switch in the LOWER(A)
UNLOCK position.
Move the lever forward in order to lower the
2. Turn the engine start switch key to the ON
ripper. Speed for the ripper lowering is
proportional to the lever position. When you
3. Leave the key in the ON position. release the lever, the lever will return to the
4. Slowly move the joystick control for the NEUTRAL position.
bulldozer blade into the LOWER position in
order to lower the blade to the ground. NEUTRAL(B)
The accumulator style is MU70-300-30, When you release the lever, the lever will
manufactured by NOK. It is mounted on the top of return to the NEUTRAL position. The
the hydraulic valve. movement of the ripper will stop.
 Bulldozer Control Lever Lockout

The lockout switch is used to lock out the Move the lever to the backward in order to
bulldozer control lever. If the lockout switch is in raise the ripper. Speed for the ripper raising is
the LOCK position, it will cut off the output signal proportional to the lever position. When you
of the control lever. Lock out the control lever will release the lever, the lever will return to the
avoid injury caused by mistake operation. NEUTRAL position.

3.7.8Ripper Controls (If Equipped) 3.7.9 Winch Controls (If Equipped)

The ripper controls lever is behind the bulldozer  SD08YE/YS 和 SD10YE/YS Winch Controls
controls lever in the cab if the machine equipped
with ripper.
The winch controls lever is behind the bulldozer
1 controls lever in the cab if the machine equip with

Fig.3. 19
·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
 SD13YE/YS Winch Controls (1)

The winch controls lever and switch is behind the

bulldozer controls lever in the cab if the machine
equip with winch.
1 2

Fig.3. 21

Fig.3. 23



Fig.3. 22


Move the lever forward in order to reel out the

winch cable. Speed for the winch cable is
proportional to the lever position. When you Fig.3. 24
release the lever, the lever will return to the
NEUTRAL position. REEL IN(A)

FREE AND BRAKE(B) Move the lever forward in order to reel in the
winch cable. When you release the lever, the
When the lever is in the NEUTRAL position and lever will return to the NEUTRAL position.
the switch button is un-pressed, the winch brake
will be engaged. Press the switch button, the BRAKE(B)
winch will be on free state. If release the switch
button, the winch brake will be engaged again. When the lever is in the NEUTRAL position, the
winch brake will be engaged.
Move the lever to the backward in order to reel in
the winch cable. Speed for the winch cables is Move the lever to the backward in order to reel
proportional to the lever position. When you out the winch cable. When you release the lever,
release the lever, the lever will return to the the lever will return to the NEUTRAL position.
NEUTRAL position.

CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································

Fig.3. 25

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Press the left of the switch(2) Fig.3. 26
the winch will be on free
state.Press the right of the Side Headlight(1)
switch,the winch will return to
normal mode. Press the top of the switch in order to turn on
the side head light. Press the bottom of the
switch in order to turn off the side head light.
Rear Light(2)

Press the left of the switch(3)
the winch will be on hi-speed Press the top of the switch in order to turn on
mode. Press the right of the the rear light. Press the bottom of the switch in
switch,the winch will return to order to turn off the rear light.
normal mode.
Middle Headlight (3)

3.7.10 Switch Panel Press the top of the switch in order to turn on
the middle headlight. Press the bottom of the
Switch panel in the cab is on the top of the right
switch in order to turn off the middle headlight.
side window.

Press the top of the switch in order to turn on

the defrosting function. Press the bottom of the
switch in order to turn off the defrosting

Front Window Wiper (5)

Press the top of switch in order to activate the

window wipe for the front window. Press the
bottom of switch in order to turn off the window

·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
wipe for the front window.

Rear Window Wiper (6) If the action alarm does not sound during
this test of machine monitoring displays
Press the top of switch in order to activate the are not functioning, do not operate the
window wipe for the rear window. Press the machine until the cause has been
bottom of switch in order to turn off the window corrected. Machine operation with faulty
wipe for the rear window. action alarms or displays could result in
injury or death.
Left Side Door Wiper(7)

Press the top of switch in order to activate the When the engine starts the monitoring system
door wipe for the left side door. Press the runs a test. The operator must observe the
bottom of switch in order to turn off the door monitoring system during the test to determine
wipe for the left side door. proper operation.

RightSide Door Wiper (8) The self-testing feature verifies that the modules
of the monitoring system are properly operating.
Press the top of switch in order to activate the The self-testing feature verifies that the display
door wipe for the right side door. Press the module is properly operating.
bottom of switch in order to turn off the door The operator must observe the outputs in order to
wipe for the right side door. determine if the modules are operating properly.
This self-testing feature is 4 seconds long.
Front-and-Rear Window Washer(9)
The monitoring panel will then return to the
normal operating mode.
Press the top of switch in order to turn on
thefront-and-rear window washer. Press the 3.8.2 Alert Indicators
bottom of switch in order to turn off the
Default interface
front-and-rear window washer.

Left-and-RightDoor Washer(10)

Press the top of switch in order to turn on the

left-and-right door washer. Press the bottom of 2
switch in order to turn off the left-and-right door

3.8 Monitoring System 1

3.8.1 Functional Test

The monitoring system informs the operator of the Fig.3. 27
status of the machine systems. The monitoring
system informs the operator of problems of an
impending problem. Menu key

When this key is put down, the main menu

interface will show.

CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································

Enter key

When this key is put down, the choice will DATA


Default interface key

When this key is put down, the default

interface will show.
The next interface will show when the Menu
key be put down. Fig.3. 30
The next interface will show when the key be put
Reversing Fan key (If equipped) down.

After pressing the key about 3 seconds, the

fan will reverse for the programmed purge
duration. After reversing fan for 15 seconds, CONTROLLER
the fan will return to normal mode DIAGNOSTICS

automatically. ENGINE


Fig.3. 31
SETTINGS The next interface will show when the key be put

Fig.3. 28
The next interface will show when the key be put

Fig.3. 32

Fig.3. 29
·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section


Fig.3. 33 Fig.3. 36
The next interface will show when the key be put The next interface will show when the key be put
down. down.



Description Correction Faults

Ambient Light Day



Unit USA Standard Night

Language English

Fig.3. 34 Fig.3. 37



Fig.3. 35 Fig.3. 38
The next interface will show when the key be put The next interface will show when the key be put
down. down.

CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································
when a higher preset speed is desired. Pull the
deflector rod backward when a lower preset
MODEL SETTINGS speed is desired.Press the OK button“ ” to
Defaults Turning Model Delicate
save the setting values,tip "Complete!"
Pedal Model OFF
When the Transmission control lever is
Blade Model Standard
NEUTRAL, forward preset speed and backward
Reverse Model ON
preset speed adjustment at the same time.
Handle in the FORWARD position,only adjust the
forward preset speed,and when handle in the
BACKWARD position,only adjust the backward
preset speed。
Fig.3. 39


Fig.3. 42
Fig.3. 40
The next interface will show when the key be put
The next interface will show when the key be put down.

Monitor D2201-10000 V2.3.1
Preset Speed
Controller1 D2251-60900 V.shantui.1
Controller2 D2251-12400 V.shantui.1
Forward Speed 1.7
Driving Handle D2270-20320 V1.0
Work Handle D2270-30320 V1.0
Backward Speed 1.7
Throttle D2291-00510 V1.0
Treadle D2280-00510 V1.0
Complete !

Fig.3. 43
Fig.3. 41
3.8.3 Indicators
 Speed Presetting
Accident Indicator
After entering the presetting speed
interface,shows the current preset speed.Walking
in the preset speed adjustment,the lockout switch This indicator indicates engine ECM or
must be locked. controller has a accident.

Working upon the deflector rod of transmission Electrical Voltage

control lever, to the current speed to adjust the
default values. Push the deflector rod forward This indicator indicates a malfunction in the
·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
electrical system. If this alert indicator is
illuminated, the system voltage is too high or Pedal Mode
too low for machine operation. n/min

This indicator is illuminated when pedal mode

Electrical Preheat is selected.

This indicator is illuminated when ether is Speed Preset

injected into the engine or then intake air is
heated. This indicator indicates that the speed
presetting functionis active.
Low Engine Oil Pressure
Hydraulic Oil Temperature
This indicator is illuminated when engine oil
pressure is low. This indicator flashes when the oil temperature
is too high.
TransmissionOil Filter
Engine Coolent Temperature
This indicator is illuminated when the filter is
This indicator flashes when the engine coolant
clogged or when the filter is dirty.
temperature is too high.
Engine Air Filter
Fuel Level
This indicator is illuminated when the filter is
This indicator flashes when the fuel level is
clogged or when the filter is dirty.

Hydraulic Oil Filter 3.8.4 Gauges

 Fuel Level
This indicator is illuminated when the filter is
clogged or when the filter is dirty.

Parking Brake

This indicator is indicates that the parking

brake is engaged.

Machine locked

This indicator is illuminated when bulldozer's

driving system is locked.

Blade Locked Fig.3. 44

The fuel level gauge indicates the amount of fuel
This indicator is illuminated when blade is that remains in the fuel tank.

Blade Floating

This indicator is illuminated when Blade is


CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································
 Engine Coolant Temperature This display indicates the total operation hours of
the engine. Use the display in order to determine
the service hour maintenance intervals.
 Engine Speed
 Bulldozer Speed
The speed scope is 1.0~3.0 when the bulldozer
run forward or reverse. "F" stands for forward, "R"
stands for reverse, and “N" stands for neutral.
 System Voltage
If engine starts, this stands for generator voltage.
If bulldozer is "ON", this stands for battery
Fig.3. 45 voltage.

The water temperature regulator indicates the  Accident Diagnose

coolant temperatures. When the bulldozer controller find something
 Hydraulic Oil Temperature wrong in the system, the accident will be remind,
for example, "travel system accident, please
3.8.6 Operator Modes
 Monitor Operator Mode

Ambient Light Day
Brighness 0%

Unit USA Standard Night

Fig.3. 46
Language English

The gauge indicates that the temperature of the

hydraulic oil in hydraulic oil sump for the steering
and implement circuits.
3.8.5 Display Window
Fig.3. 48
This interface, the monitor ambient light,
brightness, data unit, language can be changed
by operator.

Fig.3. 47
The digital display window provides readouts that
show the following items:
 Operational hours (service hours)

·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
 MachineOperator Mode 3.8.7Diagnostic display
 Controller Diagnostics

Defaults Turning Model Delicate

Pedal Model OFF

Blade Model Standard

Reverse Model ON


Fig.3. 49
 "Turning Model Settings" menu Fig.3. 50

Within the turning Model Settings” menu, the This interface shows controller I/O information.
operator can choose from three levels of If red lamp flashes, there is something wrong.If
modulation: green lamp is illuminated, controller system is
 Quick OK.
 Standard  Engine Diagnostics
 Delicate
"Pedal Model Settings" menu
Within the “Pedal Model Settings" menu, the

operator can choose one of the following two SOURCE




 ON (Brake only)
 OFF (Brake and decelerate)
"Blade Model Settings" menu
Within the “Blade Model Settings” menu, the
operator can choose from three levels of
 Coarse Fig.3. 51
 Standard This interface shows engine ECM Diagnostic
 Delicate information, the interface content contains
information code, information times, information
"Reverse Model Settings" menu
details, etc.
Within the “Pedal Model Settings" menu, the
operator can choose one of the following two The information contains history information and
settings: currentinformation.
 ON
The engine speed will reduce automatically when
the machine reverses.
The engine speed will not change when the
machine reverse.

CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································
3.8.8Information Display Turn the engine start switch key clockwise to the
START position in order to crank the engine.
Release the engine start switch key after the
engine starts and the engine start switch key
VERSION INFORMATION returns to the ON position.
Monitor D2201-10000 V2.3.1
Controller1 D2251-60900 V.shantui.1
Controller2 D2251-12400 V.shantui.1
3.10 Rear View Mirror
Driving Handle D2270-20320 V1.0
Work Handle D2270-30320 V1.0
Throttle D2291-00510 V1.0
Treadle D2280-00510 V1.0

Mirrors provide additional visibility around

your machine. Adjust the rear View mirror
at the beginning of each work period to get
good visibility behind the machine.
Fig.3. 52
Failure to heed adjustment of the rear view
This system showsversion information the
mirror can lead to personal injury or death.
interface. The information contains the version of
hardware and software.

3.9 Engine Start Switch

1 2

Fig.3. 54
Adjust the rear mirror so that an area of at least
30m from the rear of the machine can be seen
Fig.3. 53 from the operator seat. Make sure that the mirror
is clean.

OFF(1) 3.11 Backup Alarm

Insert the engine start switch key only from the
OFF position and remove the engine start switch The backup alarm is mounted on the left rear of
key only from the OFF position. In the OFF the machine.
position, there is no power to most electrical
circuits in the cab. Turn the engine start switch
key to the OFF position in order to stop the

Turn the engine start switch key clockwise to the
ON position in order to activate all of the cab

Fig.3. 55
·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
The backup alarm will sound when the lever for For the forward modes or the reverse modes, the
the steering and transmission control is in the pumps and the motors work with each other. The
REVERSE position. The alarm is used to alert pumps can produce flow to either the forward side
people behind the machine that the machine is of the motors or to the reverse side of the motors.
backing up. The pumps can vary the amount of flow in either
direction in order to produce infinitely variable
3.12 Machine Operation speed capabilities. To turn the machine, each
pump is capable of reducing flow independently.
General Operational Safety Tips Independent flow allows one track to be driven at
The seat belt must be fastened at all times. a slower speed in order to cause the machine to
For a prompt stop, quickly depress service brake
pedal or quickly move lever to the NEUTRAL Slowing the machine or stopping the machine is
position. Either movement causes an immediate done by reducing the flow of oil to the drive
stop. motors or by stopping the flow of oil to the drive
motors. Braking of the machine is caused by
For all turns that are on level ground or on side hill hydrostatic braking of the tracks.
operations, move lever toward the RIGHT
position for right turns. Move lever toward the The parking brakes are engaged while the brake
LEFT position for left turns. pedal is fully depressed. The parking brakes are
engaged while switch is in the ENGAGED
Brakes are applied under the following conditions. position or while the engine is off.
 Pedal is fully depressed. The parking brakes are attached to the final
 Switch is in the ENGAGED position. drives. The parking brake is spring-engaged and
 The engine is off. oil pressure released. The engine must be
Hydrostatic Drive Operating Principle running in order to release the parking brakes.

This machine has a hydrostatic drive system The parking brakes disengage when switch is
which transfers power from the engine to the moved from ENGAGED position. The parking
tracks. The hydrostatic drive system eliminates brakes also disengage when brake pedal is
the conventional type of transmission. The released.
hydrostatic drive system does not use a bevel 3.12.1 Battery Disconnect Switch
gear and a drive line. The hydrostatic drive
system also eliminates the steering clutch and
brake arrangement.
Never move the battery disconnect switch
In the simplest form, a hydrostatic drive system is
to the OFF position while the engine is
a system which contains the following
operating. Serious damage to the electrical
components: a hydraulic pump with control
system could result.
system, a hydraulic motor, and high-pressure
lines that carry oil between the components. The
pump converts mechanical power to hydraulic
power in the form of oil flow and oil pressure.
To meet requirements, the machine must be able
to move forward and rearward. The machine must
also be able to turn. The pumps are designed to
deliver varying flows of oil to either the forward
side or the reverse side of the hydraulic motors.
The track can be driven at varying speeds in
either a forward direction or in a reverse direction.
Since there are two tracks, there are two
hydraulic pumps, two sets of hydraulic lines, and
two hydraulic motors. Fig.3. 56
CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································

3 4


ON 1

Fig.3. 57 Fig.3. 58
The battery disconnect switch is mounted in the 1. Turn the battery disconnect switch to ON
left back shield of the machine and on the top of position.
the battery box. 2. Lower the raised blade to the ground using
ON bulldozer control lever(4), and press down
the lever lockout switch in order to lock out
Turn the battery disconnect switch to ON position
the lever.
in order to activate the electrical system. The
switch must be ON before you start the engine. 3. Move the transmission control lever into
the NEUTRAL position.
OFF 4. Press down the transmission control lever
Turn the battery disconnect switch lockout switch in order to lock out the
counterclockwise in order to shut off the entire transmission control lever.
electrical system.  Note: If the transmission control lever is not
 Note: Remove the key when you exit the in the NEUTRAL position and the transmission
machine overnight or when you exit the machine control lever lockout switch is in the UNLOCK
for an extended period of time. Also, remove the position, the engine will not start.
key when you service the electrical system. 1. Turn the governor control knob to LOW
IDLE before you start the engine.
3.12.2 Engine Starting
2. Turn the engine start switch to the START
3. Release the engine start switch key after
If the engine fails to start, the engine start the engine starts.
switch key must be returned to the OFF
position and remain over 2 minutes in order to
3.12.3 Engine Warm-up
attempt to start the engine again. Refer to "3.12.2 Engine Starting" on page 61to
start engine. Allow the engine to warm up at low
Make sure that the engine start switch key stay
idle. When you idle the machine for warm-up,
on the START position less than 20 seconds.
observe the following recommendations: engine
oil press, gauges and indicators, engine exhaust.
 Note:The machine engine oil press is
regularly about 4.8 bar.
If the temperature is greater than 0°C (32°F),
warm up the engine for approximately 5 minutes.
If the temperature is less than 0°C (32°F), warm
up the engine for approximately 20 minutes.

·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
3.12.4 Transmission Operation  Note: Use the deceleration pedal for
adjusting the machine ground speed. Use the
deceleration pedal for reducing strike before
switch between forward and reverse. For a
TO prevent injury, make sure that no people prompt stop, quickly depress service brake pedal
are working on the machine or near the or quickly press transmission control lever lockout
machine. switch downward. Either movement cause an
Reduce machine speed when you maneuver immediate stop.
in tight quarters or when you are going over a The machines are equipped with wet-type,
hill. multi-disc friction parking brakes. The brake is
spring-engaged and oil pressure released.
Brakes are applied under the following conditions.
a. Pedal is fully depressed.
b. Transmission control lever is in the
4 5 NEUTRAL position.
c. Transmission control lever lockout
6 switch is in the LOCK position.
d. The engine is off.
2 For reducing strike of switching between forward
and reverse and stopping machine, the machine
1 is set with the factory setting that the brake is

automatically engaged when transmission control

lever stay in NEUTRAL position over 1.5 seconds.
Consult your SHANTUI dealer in order to change
Fig.3. 59
the setting.
1. Adjust the operator’s seat and armrest.
3.12.5 Bulldozer Blade Operations
2. Fasten the seat bell.
3. Refer to "3.12.2 Engine Starting" (on page
61) to start engine.
4. Refer to "3.12.3 Engine Warm-up" (on Make sure that no people are in the work area
page 61) to warm up engine. before operating the machine in order to avoid
personal injury or death.
5. Press bulldozer control lever lockout
switch(6) in order to unlock the bulldozer Do not try to force through the especial hard
control lever rocks or barriers, or may damage the machine.
6. Operate bulldozer control lever(5), and When the machine traveling on a slope,
raise the blade to the place 40~50cm vertical grade cannot be over 30 degree. Do
above ground. not work on the slope.
7. Push deceleration pedal(4) downward
beyond the detent spring.
8. Turn transmission control lever lockout The machines are equipped with PAT blade. The
switch(2) to UNLOCK position in order to blade could achieve a series of action such as:
activate transmission control lever(3). raise, lower, tilt, angle. There is aclear view of
9. Rotate the engine throttle(1) in order to set the bottom of the blade. The machine could
the desired engine speed. achieve complicated court model except the
normal work.
10. Move transmission control lever to the
desired position. Refer to "3.7.7 Bulldozer Control Lever" (on page
11. Release deceleration pedal slowly. 47) for more details.
12. Roll the wheel for the ground speed control  Note: For maximum service life of the
in order to set the desired ground speed. machine, obey the following advices when you
CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································
operate the machine. control valve for the winch motor limits the flow of
hydraulic oil through the winch motor and the
1. Choose the different track type machine
winch brake. This will provide a controlled release
according to the earth.
of the winch cable. This will also provide a
2. Reduce prompt start, prompt stop, prompt maximum ground speed for the tractor.
turn and unnecessary high speed during
the operation. Afour roller fairlead assembly is available. The
3. Avoid track skid during the operation. optional fairlead assemblies would be used when
When the machine emerge track skid, slight side directional pulls are routinely
reduce the load until the machine could encountered. The use of the optional fairlead
work again. assemblies will help to maximize the life of the
winch case and the life of the winch cable by
3.12.6 Winch Operation (IF equipped) eliminating wear.
 Operating Principle for the Winch  Warm-up Procedure for the Winch
The winch is a hydraulically driven winch that  Note: warm up the winch at each start-up.
utilizes a dedicated piston pump for power input.
The winch includes both planetary gears and 1.Warm up the hydraulic system for the
standard spur gears. The winch brake is applied machine. For more information, refer to
by spring pressure. This will secure the load while Operation and Maintenance Manual,
control lever is in the HOLD position. The winch “Engine and Machine Warm-up”.
brake is released hydraulically. The winch case is 2. Use the reel-in and reel-out function to
designed to bolt directly to the rear of the operate the winch. This will allow the
machine. hydraulic oil to circulate throughout the
When the winch is operated in either the REEL IN
or the REEL OUT direction, a hydraulic motor  Note: The winch should be operated under a
drives the gear train. The control lever supplies oil no-load condition during warm-up.
to the winch motor by the hydrostatic control
system. The control lever for the winch is a
proportionate control. The amount of hydraulic oil
that will be sent to the winch motor will increase
as lever is moved. The speed of the winch cable
increases as the amount of hydraulic oil to the
winch motor increases. The winch brake will be
released by pilot pressure when lever is moved
into either the REEL IN or the REEL OUT
The mechanism for the free spool for the winch is
a splined gear. The mechanism for the free spool
is spring-engaged and hydraulically released.
Once the FREE SPOOL switch is pressed,
hydraulic oil is ported through the logic valve for
the winch. This will release the winch brake. The
hydraulic oil flows from the logic valve for the
winch into a cylinder. This will force the piston
against the coil spring. This will disengage the
splined connection. This allows the winch cable to
be pulled off the winch drum by hand.
The DRIVE AWAY position allows the operator to
drive the tractor away from a load while the winch
cable is attached to the load. When lever is
moved into the DRIVE AWAY position, the flow
·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section

The warm-up procedure is recommended The winches described in this manual are
at each start-up and is mandatory when neither designed nor intended for use or
temperatures are below 4°C (40°F). application used in the lifting or moving of
 Using the winch

Attaching the Winch Cable

1. If you are working on a hill, maneuver the
machine to the top of the hill and turn the
machine. Drive the machine downhill to the
Personal injury and death can result from object.
unexpected movement of objects. Be sure You could drive to the bottom of the hill
all persons are clear of cable and objects instead. Then, back up into position.
before a machine is winched or moved.A 2. If you are working on a level surface, align
safe distance of at least one and a half the rear of the machine with the object.
times the working length of the cable
should be maintained. The tail end of a
moving object can throw debris at
A minimum of five complete wraps of Do not operate the winch with bare hand.
cables must be maintained on the winch Wear leather gloves when handling the
drum. Do not handle a load with a winch winch cable.
drum than has less than five wraps.

When winding the winch cable on the drum,

Do not operate the winch under loads that never attempt to maintain tension by allowing
exceed the maximum rated bare drum line the winch cable to slip through the hands.
pull. If excessive loads are encountered, Always use hand-over-hand technique, being
use a multi-part line and sheave blocks. very careful to keep hands and clothing away
Any attempt to exceed the capacity of one from the winch drum and rollers.
winch is extremely hazardous.Never try to
couple two or more tractors together.
3. Press the FREE SPOOL switch. Pull out
Do not operate the winch with bare hand. the cable and attach the cable to the
Wear leather gloves when handling the object.
winch cable.  Note: Never operate the winch when there is
less than five wraps of the winch cable around the
load drum. Use red paint in order to paint the last
five complete wraps of the winch cable for a
visual warning.
If at all possible, always line up the rear end of
 Note: Make sure that there is enough
the machine with the logs, so that the logs can
clearance between the object and the machine so
be winched in a straight path. This avoids
that the machine can turn.
unnecessary strain and wear on the side
rollers. It also helps to wind the cable onto the  Note: Make sure that the ground is stable
winch drum in level layers. before winching in a load.
4. To tighten the main cable, make sure that
the drum is not rotating and move lever to
CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································
the REEL IN position. 3. Press down the transmission control lever
 Note: Avoid sudden shock of a load or lockout switch in order to lock out the
jerking of a load. This type of operation may transmission control lever.
cause heavy loads in excess of the rated capacity, 4. Drop off the blade to the ground and move
which may result in failure of the cable or the bulldozer control lever to the NEUTRAL
winch. position.
The winch is used to draw the objects. The 5. Press down the bulldozer control lever
course of work is usually as following: reel out the lockout switch in order to lock out the
cable - tighten the cable to the objects - draw the bulldozer control lever.
object - loosen the cable - reel in the cable. 3.12.8 Stop the Engine
Refer to "3.7.9 Winch Controls (If Equipped)”(on
page49) for more details.
Unhooking the Winch Cable Stopping the engine immediately after it has
been working under load, can result in
overheating and accelerated wear of the
engine components.
Personal injury or death can result from
persons too close to the machine.
When reeling in the cable, make sure that Refer to the following procedure to stop the
all persons are clear from rolling objects or engine.
cable whiplash.
1. Operate the engine for five minutes at low
idle with no load.
2. Turn the engine start switch key to the OFF
1. Reel out the winch cable in order to
position in order to stop the engine.
release tension.
3. Move all hydraulic control levers back and
2. With the winch in FREE SPOOL mode, pull
forth in order to relieve hydraulic pressure.
out enough cable in order to unfasten the
Move all control levers into the NEUTRAL
cables or the chokers.
3. Slowly reel in the cable until the cable is
completely wound. Keep tension on the 3.13 Adjustments
cable so that the cable is wound evenly.
3.13.1 Bulldozer Blade Adjustment
3.12.7 Stopping the Machine The machine is equipped with PAT blade. And
you can adjust the cutting angle according to your

Park on a solid level surface. If it is 3

necessary to park on a grade, chock the
tracks securely. 4
When the machine stop, drop off the blade 2
to the ground to avoid uncertainly drop
which may cause injury. B

1. Reduce the ground speed in order to stop

the machine in position.
Fig.3. 60
2. Move the lever for steering and
transmission control to the NEUTRAL Adjust the distance between blade pin and bow
position in order to stop the machine. frame pin(approximate distance between A and B)
in order to obtain the desired angle for the cutting
·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
edge. The cutting angle could be infinite  Increase Cutting Angle
screw-type adjustment between 52°and 58°. The
clearance between A and B corresponding the Increase cutting angle in order to increase the
degree as the following table. cutting force to deal with hard ground. The earth
more easily fall off the blade when uphill or clayed
AB Clearance(L) Cutting Angle(θ) soil. And work on the uphill, the soil will not flow
314mm 52° from the top of the blade.

346mm 55° Increase cutting angle will reduce the capacity of

blade and lead to rough ground.
378mm 58°
 Decrease Cutting Angle

L(unit: mm) indicate the clearance between A and Decrease cutting angel in order to tilt blade back,
B, and θ(unit: °) indicate the cutting angle. which is suitable for soft soil. Decrease cutting
angle will add the capacity of blade and lead to
The geometrical relationship between L and θis smooth ground.
as follows:
3.13.2 Cutting Edges and End Bits
967273 − 𝐿2
θ = 27.676 + cos−1 ( )

The clearance between A and B should

lessthan 378mm, or may reduce the link
strength of the screw.

1.Loosen cotter pin(4). 2
2.Remove the connecting pin(1).
3.Remove the cover plate(3).
4.Count the clearance between A and B
according to desired cutting angle. Fig.3. 61
5. Use the cover plate(3) as wrench. Turn the Replace the cutting edges(2) or reverse the
middle support clockwise in order to cutting edges. Replace the end bits(1) or reverse
increase the clearance between A and B, the end bits. These processes must be performed
which also to increase cutting angle. Turn before wear occurs on the blade base. If reverse
the middle support counterclockwise in the end bits, reverse the position at the same
order to decrease the clearance between A time.
and B, which also to decrease cutting
angle. Rotate the middle support in order 3.14 Transportation and Storage
to adjust the cutting angle to desired
cutting angle. 3.14.1 Land Carriage
6. Adjust the middle support slimly, and make
sure that the pin hole on the cover plate is
upward. Obey all state and local laws governing the
7. Install the cover plate, connecting pin and weight, width and length of a load during the
cotter pin. transportation.
 Note: According to the real working condition
Check the tunnel and bridge load
and earth type to adjust the cutting angle in order
Characteristic such as weight, width, length
to obtain high operating efficiency.
and height.

CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································

Fig.3. 62
1. Place block under the trailer wheels or
under the rail car wheels before loading, as
Fig.3. 63
2. Slowly drive the machine to trailer and stop
in the proper position. Do not adjust the 1. Make sure that the arrester of the machine
direction on the ladder. If necessary, return is engaged before lifting.
to the ground firstly. 2. Check the weight of your machine, and
3. Lower the blade to the floor of the transport choose the properly rated cables and
machine. Move the transmission control properly rated slings for lifting.
lever and bulldozer control lever to the 3. The position for lifting are indicated on the
NEUTRAL position. track roller frames. Position the sling
4. Run the engine at low idle speed for two beneath the track under the symbols.
minutes, and then stop the engine. 4. Make sure that the machine is lifted in a
5. Turn the engine start switch key to the OFF level plane.
position. Remove the key. 5. After lifting the machine, firmly fasten the
6. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the machine. There are specific locations for
OFF position. tying down the machine.
7. Lock the door and lock the access cover. Front tie-down: Use the eye of the towing hook.
Attach any vandalism protection. Middle tie-down: Use the inside edge of the
8. Install the tie-downs at several locations track shoe.
and block the tracks in the front and in the
Rear tie-down: Use the eye of the traction frame.
 Note: If the width of the blade exceeds the  Note: Take rust protection for long distance
trailer, you can ship the blade alone. water carriage. Paint antirust oil to the piston rod
of the exposed cylinder.
3.14.2 Water Carriage
3.14.3 Storage
If you do not use the machine for a long time, take
good measures to storage the machine. The
Improper lifting can allow the load to roll or machine should be stored up in dry building. If the
fail and cause injury or damage. condition is not allowed and you have to leave it
Improper tie-downs can allow the load to outdoors, park the machine on the wood block
shift and cause injury or damage. mounted on the ground and cover it with canvas.
1. Replace or repair the wear and damaged
parts before storage.
2. Completely fill with the fuel and lubricating
oil and replace with new oil before storage.
If the estimated ambient temperature is
below 0°C, add the antifreeze into cooling
water in advance.
3. Remove the debris with low pressure water,
the pressure should be lower than 14 bar.

·····················································CHAPTER 3Operation Section
4. Apply a thin coat of lubricating oil on the
piston rod of the exposed cylinder
5. Remove the battery and store up battery Do not attempt to charge a battery that has
alone. ice in any of the cells.
6. Fill lubrication point with lubrication grease.
Charging a battery in this condition can
7. Lock out all the door and shield. cause an explosion that may result in
personal injury or death.
3.15 Engine Starting (Alternate
Always let the ice melt before attempting to
Methods) charge.

 Engine starting with jump start cables

When starting from another machine, make

Failure to properly service the batteries
sure that machines do not touch. This could
may cause personal injury.
prevent damage to engine bearings and
Prevent sparks near the batteries. They electrical circuits.
could cause vapors to explode. Do not
Turn on (close) the battery disconnect switch
allow the jump start cable ends to contact
prior to the boost connection to prevent
each other or the machine.
damage to electrical components on the
Do not smoke when checking battery stalled machine.
electrolyte levels.
Severely discharged maintenance free
Electrolyte is an acid and can cause batteries do not fully recharge from the
personal injury if it contacts the skin or alternator after jump starting. The batteries
eyes. must be charged to proper voltage with a
Always wear eye protection when starting a battery charger. Many batteries thought to be
machine with jump start cables. unusable are still rechargeable.

Improper jump start procedures can cause This machine has a 24 volt starting system.
an explosion resulting in personal injury. Use only the same voltage for jump starting.
Use of a higher voltage damages the electrical
When using jumper cables, always connect system.
the positive (+) jumper cable to the positive
(+) battery terminal first. Next, connect the
negative (-) jumper cable to the frame away Use of jump start cables
from the batteries. Follow the procedure in
the Operation and Maintenance Manual. 1. Place the transmission control on the
stalled machine in the NEUTRAL position.
Jump start only with an energy source of Engage the parking brake. Lower all
the same voltage as the stalled machine. attachments to the ground. Move all
Turn off all lights and accessories on the controls to the HOLD position.
stalled machine. Otherwise, they will 2. On the stalled machine, turn the engine
operate when the energy source is start switch to the OFF position. Turn off
connected. the accessories.
3. On the stalled machine, turn the battery
diconnect switch to the ON position.
4. Move the machine or the auxiliary power
source close to the stalled machine so that
the balbes can reach. DO NOT ALLOW
CHAPTER 3Operation Section ······················································
5. Stop the engine on the machine that is the
electrical source. (If you are using an
auxiliary power source, turn off the
charging system.)
6. Check the battery caps for correct
placement and for correct tightness. Make
these checks on both machines. Make
sure that the batteries in the stalled
machine are not frozen. Check the
batteries for low electrolyte.
7. Connect the positive jump start calbe to
the positive calbe terminal of the
discharged battery.
Do not allow positive cable clamps to contact
any metal except for battery terminals.
 Note: Batteries in series may be in separate
compartments. Use the terminal that is connected
to the starter solenoid. This batterty is noumally
on the same side of the machine as the starter.
8. Connect the positive jump start cable to
the positive terminal of the electrical
source. Use the procedure from Step 7 in
order to determine the correct terminal.
9. Connect one end of the negative jump start
cable to the negative terminal of the
electrical source.
10. Make the final connection. Connect the
negative cable to the frame of the stalled
machine. Make this connection away from
the battery, away from the fuel, away from
the hydraulic lines, and away from all
moving parts.
11. Start the engine of the machine that is the
electrical source. (If you are using an
auxiliary power source, energize the
charging system on the auxiliary power
12. Allow the electrical source to charge the
batteries for two minutes.
13. Attempt to start the stalled engine.
Reference: for more information, refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Engine Starting” (on page 21).
14. Immediately after the stalled engine starts,
disconnect the jump start cables in reverse

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································

Lubricant Viscosities and Refill
Capacities Not following the recommendations found in this
manual can lead to reduced performance and
Lubricant Viscosities compartment failure.
 General Information for Lubricants

When you are operating the machine in  Engine Oil

temperatures below -20 ° C(-4F), this
publication is available from your SHANTUI The use of quality engine lubricating oils,
dealer. combined with appropriate oil drain and filter
change intervals, is a critical factor in
For cold-weather applications where maintaining engine performance and durability.
transmission oil SAE 0W-20 is recommended. Extending the oil and filter change interval
The footnotes are a key part of the tables. Read beyond the recommendations will decrease
ALL footnotes that pertain to the machine engine life due to factors such as corrosion,
compartment in question. deposits and wear.

 Selecting the Viscosity  Note:The responsibility is with the owner. If

commendations are ignored, warranty could be
In order to select the proper oil for each machine affected.
compartment, refer to the “Lubricant Viscosity
 Note: A.C.E.A.=Association des
for Ambient Temperature” table. Use the oil type
Constructeurs Europeen d’Automobiles,
AND oil viscosity for the specific compartment at
A.P.I.=American Petroleum Institute and
the proper ambient temperature.
C.E.S.=Cummins® Engineering Standard.
The proper oil viscosity grade is determined by
SHANTUI recommends the use of a high-quality
the minimum ambient temperature (the air in the
SAE 15W-40 heavy-duty engine oil, such as
immediate vicinity of the machine). Measure the
Valvoline Premium Blue™, which meets or
temperature when the machine is started and
exceeds the American Petroleum Institute (API)
while the machine is operated. In order to
performance classification CH-4 or CI-4 and the
determine the proper oil viscosity grade, refer to
Association des Constructeurs Europeen
the “Min” column in the table. This information
d’Automobiles (A.C.E.A) performance
reflects the coldest ambient temperature
classification E5 or E7.
condition for starting a cold machine and for
operating a cold machine. Refer to the “Max” CES API ACEA Comments
column in the table for operating the machine at
the highest temperature that is anticipated. CES-20075 API CG-4
Unless specified otherwise in the “Lubricant
Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures” tables, Good oil
use the highest oil viscosity that is allowed for CES-20071 classificati
CES-20072 ACEA on for
the ambient temperature.
API CH-4 E-5, Midrange
CES-20076 E-7 engines
Machines that are operated continuously should
use oils that have the higher oil viscosity in the CES-20077 without
final drives and in the differentials. The oils that EGR.
have the higher oil viscosity will maintain the CES-20078 API CI-4
highest possible oil film thickness. Refer to
“General Information for Lubricants”
article,”Lubricant Viscosities”tables, and any
associated footnotes. Consult your SHANTUI
dealer if additional information is needed.

CHAPTER 5Index Section
approximately 30 percent lower oil consumption,
compared with monograde oils, it’s important to
An SAE 10W-30 designation on a product is a use multigrade oils to be certain your engine will
viscosity designation only. This designation meet applicable emissions requirements. While
alone does not imply that the product meets the preferred viscosity grade is 15W-40, lower
SHANTUI requirements. Only 10W-30 oils with viscosity multigrade can be used in colder
diesel performance credentials listed in table climates. See the accompanying chart.
above can be used in Cummins® engines if the Oil meeting a 10W30 viscosity grade, must meet
reduced ambient temperature indicated in chart a minimum High Temperature/High Shear
above is observed. viscosity of 3.5 cSt, and ring wear/liner wear
requirements of Cummins® and Mack™ tests.
Thus, they can be used over a wider
The primary SHANTUI recommendation is for temperature range than 10W30 oils
the use of 15W-40 multigrade for normal
Oils have been developed and tested in order to
operation at ambient temperatures above -15 °C
provide the full performance and life that has
[5 °F]. The use of multigrade oil reduces deposit
been designed and built into Cummins engines.
formation, improves engine cranking in low
temperature conditions and increases engine
durability by maintaining lubrication during high
temperature operating conditions. Since
multigrade oils have been shown to provide
Table 4. 1
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Compartment or Oil Type and Performance °C °F

Oil Viscosities
system Requirements Min Max Min Max
SAE 0W-40 -40 40 -40 104
SAE 5W-30 -30 30 -22 86
SAE 0W-30 -40 30 -40 86
Engine Crankcase API CH-4 SAE 5W-40 -30 50 -22 122
SAE 10W-30 -18 40 0 104
SAE 10W-40 -18 50 0 122
SAE 15W-40 -9.5 50 15 122

 Hydraulic Systems and Machine Lubricants”(on page 71) article for important
Hydrostatic Transmissions lubricant information.

Refer to the “General Information for

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
Table 4. 2

Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Compartment or Oil Type and Performance °C °F
Oil Viscosities
system Requirements Min Max Min Max
Hydraulic System SAE 15W-40 -9.5 50 15 122
and Hydrostatic 46 # Antiwear hydraulic oil
Transmissions SAE 10W-30 -18 40 0 104

 Transmission and Axles

For the Final Drives in severe usage or in continuous operations, WARM-UP is required. Exercise the
final drives for several minutes with the engine at a partial throttle in order to warm up the oil prior to
production operation.
Table 4. 3

Track Type Tractors Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Oil Type and °C °F
application Performance Oil Viscosities
of System Min Max Min Max
SAE 75W-90 -30 40 -22 104
Moderate SAE 75W-140 -30 45 -22 113
Reducer Box Usage or
API GL-5 SAE 80W-90 -20 40 -4 104
or Final Drive Intermittent
Operation SAE 85W-90 -10 40 14 104
SAE 85W-140 -10 50 14 122
SAE 75W-90 -30 40 -22 104
SAE 75W-140 -30 45 -22 113
Gear Case for
Normal API GL-5 SAE 80W-90 -20 40 -4 104
the Winch
SAE 85W-90 -10 40 14 104
SAE 85W-140 -10 50 14 122

 Track Type Tractors Special Applications

Table 4. 4

Special Track Type Tractors Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures

Oil Type and °C °F
Compartment of
application Performance Oil Viscosities
System Min Max Min Max
Track Idlers and Normal --- SAE 85W-140 -10 50 14 122
Track Rollers Normal --- SAE 85W-140 -10 50 14 122
Carrier Rollers Normal --- SAE 85W-140 -10 50 14 122

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
 Special Lubricants

In order to use a non-SHANTUI grease, the supplier must certify that the lubricant is compatible with
SHANTUI grease.
Each pin joint should be flushed with the new grease. Ensure that all old grease is removed. Failure
to meet this requirement may lead to failure of a pin joint.
Table 4. 5

Recommended Grease
°C °F
Compartment or system Grease Type
Min Max Min Max
NO.2 and NO.3 GLT2-L1-1 -40 100 -40 212
External Lubrication Points
lithium grease GLT2-L1 -40 100 -40 212

 Diesel Fuel Recommendations cetane number of diesel fuel be a minimum of

45 for engines that are expected to operate at
temperatures below 0 °C [32 °F] and a minimum
of 40 for engines that are operated at
Do not mix gasoline, alcohol, or gasohol temperatures above 0 °C [32 °F].
with diesel fuel. This mixture can cause an
 Note: Using diesel fuel with lower than
recommended cetane number can cause hard
starting, instability, and excessive white smoke.
To maintain satisfactory operation at low
ambient temperatures, it is important to specify
diesel fuel of the correct cetane number.
Due to the precise tolerances of diesel injection
Additional information for fuel recommendations
systems, it is extremely important that the fuel
be kept clean and free of dirt water. Dirt or water and specifications can be found in Fuel for
in the system can cause severe damage to both Cummins® Engines, Bulletin 3379001.
the fuel pump and the fuel injectors. Misfueling with fuels of high sulfur level can
have the following negative effects:
 Reduce engine efficiency and durability
 Increase the wear
 Increase the corrosion
Lighter fuels can reduce fuel economy or
possibly damage fuel system components.  Increase the deposits
 Lower fuel economy
 Shorten the time period between oil drain
SHANTUI recommends the use of ASTM intervals (more frequent oil drain
number 2D fuel. The use of number 2D diesel intervals)
fuel will result in optimum engine performance.  Increase overall operating costs
At operating temperatures below 0 °C [32 °F],  Negatively impact engine emissions
acceptable performance can be obtained by Failures that result from the use of improper
using blends of number 2D and number 1D. fuels are not SHANTUI factory defects.
The following chart lists acceptable substitute Therefore the cost of repairs would not be
fuels for this engine. covered by a SHANTUI warranty.

 Note: SHANTUI recommends that the SHANTUI does not require the use of ULSD in

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
off road and machine applications that are not Cooling System Sealing Additives
Tier4/Stage ⅢB certified engines. ULSD is not Do not use sealing additives in the cooling
required in engines that are not equipped with system. The use of sealing additives will:
after treatment devices.
 Buildup in coolant low-flow areas
Follow operating instructions and fuel tank inlet  Plug the radiator and oil cooler
labels, if available, in order to ensure that the
 Possibly damage the water pump seal.
correct fuels are used.
Cooling System Soluble Oils
 Coolant Information
Do not use soluble oils in the cooling system.
Fully Formulated Coolant/ Antifreeze The use of soluble oils will:
SHANTUI recommends using either a 50/50  Corrode brass and copper
mixture of good-quality water and fully  Damage heat transfer surfaces
formulated antifreeze, or fully formulated coolant
 Damage seals and hoses.
when filling the cooling system.
 Capacities (Refill)
Good-quality water is important for cooling
system performance. Excessive levels of Table 4. 6
calcium and magnesium contribute to scaling
problems, and excessive levels of chlorides and APPROXIMATE REFILL CAPACITIES for
sulfates cause cooling system corrosion. SD08YE, and SD08YS
Compartment Imp
Water Quality Liters US Gal
or System Gal
Calcium Magnesium Maximum 170 ppm as Engine
(hardness) (CaCO3+MgCO3) Crankcase 7 1.85 1.54
and Filter
Chloride 40 ppm as (Cl)
Each Final
Sulfur 100 ppm as (SO4) 3.5 0.92 0.77
Hydraulic Tank 70 18.5 15.4
Fully formulated antifreeze must be mixed with
Fuel tank 172 45.4 37.8
good-quality water at a 50/50 ratio (40- to
60-percetn working range). A 50/50 mixture of Radiator for
antifreeze and water gives a -36 °C [-33 °F] the Cooling 20 5.3 4.4
freezing point and a 108 °C [226 °F] boiling
point, which is adequate for locations in North Gear Case for
15 4.0 3.3
America. The actual lower freezing point of the Winch
ethylene glycol antifreeze is at 68 percent. Track Idlers 0.165 0.044 0.036
Using higher concentrations of antifreeze will
Carrier Rollers 0.2 0.053 0.044
raise the freezing point of the solution and
increase the possibility of a silica gel problem. Track Rollers 0.265 0.07 0.058

Refer to “Operation and Maintenance Manual

QSB4.5 and QSB 6.7 Engine” for more

Never use water alone as a coolant. Water

alone is corrosive at engine operating
temperatures. In addition, water alone does not
provide adequate protection against boiling or

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
Table 4. 7 the transmission.


SD10YE, and SD10YS
Compartment Imp Welding on Machines and Engines with
Liters US Gal
or System Gal Electronic Controls
Engine Do not weld on any protective structure. If it is
Crankcase 15 4.0 3.3 necessary to repair a protective structure,
and Filter contact your SHANTUI dealer.
Each Final
4 1.1 0.88 Proper welding procedures are necessary in
order to avoid damage to the electronic controls
Hydraulic Tank 70 18.5 15.4 and to the bearings. When possible, remove the
Fuel tank 172 45.4 37.8 component that must be welded from the
Radiator for machine or the engine, temporarily remove the
the Cooling 20 5.3 4.4 electronic control in order to prevent heat
System related damage. The following steps should be
followed in order to weld on a machine or an
Gear Case for
15 4.0 3.3 engine with electronic controls.
the Winch
Track Idlers 0.165 0.044 0.036 1. Turn off the engine. Place the engine
start switch in the OFF position.
Carrier Rollers 0.2 0.053 0.044
2. If equipped, turn the battery disconnect
Track Rollers 0.265 0.07 0.058 switch to the OFF position. If there is no
battery disconnectswitch, remove the
Table 4. 8 negative battery cable at the battery.


SD13YE, SD13YS and SD13YR
Compartment Imp
Liters US Gal Do NOT use electrical components (ECM or
or System Gal
sensors) or electroniccomponent grounding
points for grounding the welder.
Crankcase 24 6.4 5.28
and Filter
Each Final
20 5.33 4.4 3. Clamp the ground cable from the welder
to the component that will be welded.
Hydraulic Tank 60 16 13.2 Place the clamp as close as possible to
Fuel tank 268 71.47 58.97 the weld. Make sure that the electrical
path from the ground cable to the
Radiator for
the Cooling 26 6.93 5.72 component does not go through any
System bearing. Use this procedure in order to
reduce the possibility of damage to the
Track Idlers 0.25 0.067 0.055
following components:
Carrier Rollers 0.11 0.029 0.024  Bearing of the drive train
Track Rollers 0.18 0.048 0.040  Hydraulic components
 Note: When you are operating on severe  Electrical components
slopes, the quantity of oil in the transmission  Other components of the machine
can be increased up to 10 percent. When you
4. Protect any wiring harnesses and
are operating with the increased oil quantity,
components from the debris and the
prolonged operation in some machines can
spatter which is created from welding.
cause high transmission oil temperatures. After
the work on the severe slopes has been 5. Use standard welding procedures in
completed, drain the excessive oil quantity from order to weld the materials together.

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
Standard tightening torque of bolt and
nut Pay attention to tightening torque when
tightening the parts.
1.The tightening torque of nominal nut and bolt
If the bolt, nut or other parts required to be is listed in the following table unless specified
tightened aren’t tightened as per specified otherwise.
torque, the parts will be loose and damaged to
If need replace the nut or bolt, use the genuine
result in the damage and operation failure of the
SHANTUI fittings with the same size.

Table 4. 9
Bolt &
End Tightening torque
eter Aimed value Torque range
(mm) N·m kgf·m lbft N·m kgf·m lbft
6 10 13.2 1.35 9.8 11.8-14.7 1.2-1.5 8.7-10.8
8 13 31 3.2 23.1 27-34 2.8-3.5 20.3-25.3
10 17 66 6.7 48.5 59-74 6.0-7.5 43.4-54.2
12 19 113 11.5 83.2 98-123 10.0-12.5 72.3-90.4
14 22 172 17.5 126.6 153-190 15.5-19.5 112.1-141
16 24 260 26.5 191.7 235-285 23.5-29.5 170.0-213.4
18 27 360 37 267.6 320-400 33.0-41.0 238.7-296.6
20 30 510 52.3 378.3 455-565 46.5-58.0 336.3-419.5
22 32 688 70.3 508.5 610-765 62.5-78.0 452.1-564.2
24 36 883 90 651 785-980 80.0-100.0 578.6-723.3
27 41 1295 132.5 958.4 1150-1440 118.0-147.0 853.5-1063.3
30 46 1720 175.0 1265.8 1520-1910 155.0-195.0 1121.1-1410.4
33 50 2210 225.0 1627.4 1960-2450 200.0-250.0 1446.6-1808.3
36 55 2750 280.0 2025.2 2450-3040 250.0-310.0 1808.3-2242.2
39 60 3280 335.0 2423.1 2890-3630 295.0-370.0 2133.7-2676.2

2. Tighten hydraulic tube in accordance with the following table

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
Table 4. 10
End Tightening torque
Screw model surface
Aimed value Torque range
(a) width
(b)(mm) N·m kgf·m lbft N·m kgf·m lbft

9/16-18UNF 19 44 4.5 32.5 35-63 3.5-6.5 25.3-47.0

11/16-16UN 22 74 7.5 54.2 54-93 5.5-9.5 39.8-68.7
13/16-16UN 27 103 10.5 75.9 84-132 8.5-13.5 61.5-97.6
1-14UNS 32 157 16.0 115.7 128-186 13.0-19.0 94.0-137.4
13/16-12UN 36 216 22.0 159.1 177-245 18.0-25.0 130.2-180.8

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································

Maintenance Access Opening access door (6) will allow access to the
following item:
Access Doors and Covers  The engine fan
 The radiator
1 2 3 4
Opening access door (7) will allow access to the
following item:
 The radiator pressure cap
Opening access door (8) will allow access to the
5 following item:
 The engine oil filter
 The ether starting aid cylinder (if
 The fuel system priming pump and
Fig.4. 1 primary fuel filter
 The secondary filter for the fuel system
Opening access door (1) will allow access to the
 The engine air filter primary element
following item:
 The secondary air filter element
 The battery
 The engine oil dipstick
 The windshield washer reservoir
 The engine oil filler cap
 Hydraulic Oil Filters
 The water separator element for the fuel
Opening access door (2) will allow access to the system
following item:
 The shutoff valve for the fuel system
 The secondary shut off switch for the  The sampling port for the engine oil
engine Opening access door (9) will allow access to the
Opening access door (3) will allow access to the following item:
following item:
 The sampling port for the hydraulic oil
 The battery disconnect switch  The fresh air filter for the cab
Opening access door (4) will allow access to the
 The hydraulic filler cap
following item:
 Remote pressure taps
 The circuit breakers Opening access door (10) will allow access to
Opening access door (5) will allow access to the the following item:
following item:
 The drain valve for the water and
 The water temperature regulator sediment for the fuel tank
 The belt for the air conditioner
compressor, fan drive, alternator and
water pump

6 7

Fig.4. 2
·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE

Maintenance Interval Schedule Ripper – Inspect / Replace ·····················107

Winch Cable - Inspect ····························110
Ensure that all safety information, warnings
andinstructions are read and understood before Winch Cable - Replace ···························111
anyoperation or any maintenance procedures Window Washer Reservoir -Fill·················112
Window Wipers -Inspect/Replace ·············113
The user is responsible for the performance
Windows - Clean ···································113
ofmaintenance, including all adjustments, the
use ofproper lubricants, fluids,filters, and the Every 10 ServiceHoursorDaily
replacementof components due to normal wear
Backup Alarm - Test ································82
and aging. Failureto adhere to proper
maintenance intervals andprocedures may Brakes, Indicators and Gauges-Test ···········84
result in diminished performance ofthe product Bulldozer Power Angling
and/or accelerated wear of components. TiltHingePins-Lubricate ····························86
Use mileage, fuel consumption, service hours, Cooling System Level- Check ···················88
orcalendar time, WHICH EVER OCCURS
FIRST,in order to determine the maintenance Engine Oil Level - Check ··························92
intervals.Products that operate in severe Fuel-Water Separator-Drain ····················100
operating conditionsmay require more frequent
maintenance. Fuel Tank Water and Sediment-Drain ·······102

 Note: Before each consecutive interval is Hydraulic System Oil Level -Check ··········105
performed,all maintenance from the previous Seat Belt - Inspect ································107
interval must beperformed.
Winch Fairlead Rollers -Lubricate ·············112
When Required
Every 50 ServiceHoursorWeekly
Battery - Recycle ····································82
Cab Filter (Recirculation)
Battery or Battery Cable-Inspect/Replace ····82 -Clean/Inspect/Replace····························87
Belt-Inspect/Replace ·······························83 Equalizer Bar Center Pin - Lubricate···········94
Belt – Replace········································84 Front Idler Position -Check/Adjust ··············97
Braking System (Test) ······························85 Ripper Linkage and Cylinder Bearings -
Cab Filter (Fresh Air) -Clean/Inspect/Replace(If Lubricate ············································107
Equipped) ·············································86 Track Pins-Inspect ·································110
Condenser (Refrigerant) -Clean ·················87 Initial 100 Service Hours (for New
Cooling System Coolant - Add ···················87 Systems, RefilledSystems, and
Converted Systems)
Cutting Edges and End Bits -Inspect/Replace ··
···························································89 Engine Oil and Filter - Change ··················93

Engine Air Filter PrimaryElement - Initial 250 Hours

Clean/Replace ·······································89 Final DriveOil or Reducer Oil -Change ········95
Engine Air Filter SecondaryElement - Replace FuelSystem Secondary Filter -Replace ·······98
Fuel System Water Separator -Replace ····101
Free Spool Drag - Adjust ··························97
Hydraulic System Oil - Change················103
Fuel System - Prime ································98
Hydraulic System Oil Filter -Replace ········104
Fuses and Circuit Breakers – Replace/Reset
·························································102 Every 250 ServiceHours or Monthly
Radiator Core - Clean ····························106 Belt-Inspect/Replace ·······························83

Radiator Pressure Cap -Clean/Replace ·····106 Equalizer Bar Pins and Recoil Bearings -
CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
Lubricate ···············································94
Final Drive Oil Level or Reducer Oil Level-
Final Drive Oil Level or Reducer Oil - Add ····96
Ripper Linkage and Cylinder Bearings -
Lubricate ·············································107
Track Roller Frame - Inspect ···················110
Winch Oil Level - Check ·························112
Initial 500 Hours
EngineValve Lash - Check ························94
Every 500 ServiceHours
Engine Air Filter PrimaryElement -
Clean/Replace ·······································89
Every 500 Service Hours or 6 Months
Engine Oil and Filter - Change···················93
FuelSystem Secondary Filter -Replace ·······98
Fuel System Water Separator -Replace·····101
Fuel Tank Cap - Clean ···························102
Every 500 Service Hours or 1 Year
Track - Check/Adjust ·····························108
Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months
Battery - Inspect ·····································82
Final DriveOil or Reducer Oil -Change ········95
Hydraulic System Oil - Change ················103
Hydraulic System Oil Filter -Replace ·········104
Rollover Protective Structure(ROPS)-Inspect
Every 2000 Service Hours or 1 Year
EngineValve Lash - Check ························94
Winch Oil - Change ································111
Winch Vent Plug - Clean ························112
Every 3000 Service Hours or 2 Years
Cooling System WaterTemperature Regulator
-Clean/Replace ······································88
Every 6000 Service Hours or 3 Years
Seat Belt - Replace ·······························108

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
 Backup Alarm - Test

Fig.4. 5
1. Open the battery access cover.
Fig.4. 3 2. Cleanthetopofthebatterieswithacleanclot
Turn the engine start switch to the ON position h. Keepthe terminals clean and coated
inorder to perform the test. withpetroleum jelly. Install the terminal
covers afteryoucoattheterminals.
Apply the decal/brake pedal. Disengage the
3. Close the battery access cover.
parkingbrake switch. Move the transmission
control lever tothe REVERSE position.  Battery - Recycle
The backup alarm should sound immediately. Always recycle a battery. Never discard a
Thealarm alerts the people behind the machine battery.
that themachine is backing up. The backup
Always return used batteries to one of the
alarm shouldcontinue to sound until the
transmission controllever is moved to the
NEUTRAL position or to theFORWARD  A battery supplier
position.  An authorized battery collection facility
 Recycling facility
 Battery or Battery

Personal injury may occur from failure to

properlyservice the batteries.

Fig.4. 4 Batteries give off flammable fumes that can

explode. Electrolyte is an acid and can
The backup alarm is on the rear of the machine. cause personal injury if it contacts the skin
The nonadjustable backup alarm is set at or eyes.
theappropriate sound level when the machine is Prevent sparks near the batteries. Sparks
shippedfrom the factory. couldcause vapors to explode. Do not allow
 Battery - Inspect jumper cable ends to contact each other or
the engine. Improper jumper cable
Tighten the battery retainers on all batteries at connections can cause an explosion.
every1000 hour interval.
Always wear protective glasses when
workingwith batteries.

1. TurntheenginestartswitchkeyOFF.Turnall

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
ofthe switches OFF. that drives the alternator and the a/c compressor,
2. Turn the battery disconnect switch OFF. if equipped.
Removethe key. Inspect the Belt
3. Disconnect the negative battery cable 1. Park the machine on level ground. Lower
from thedisconnect switch. thedozer blade to the ground. Move the
 Note: Do not allow the disconnected transmissioncontrol to the NEUTRAL position
battery cable tocontact the disconnect switch. and engage theparking brake. Shut off the
There are two batteries on this machine. engine.

(1) Primary battery 2. Open the left engine access door.

(2) Secondary battery

4. Disconnect the negative battery cable at
battery(1).The primary battery is located
behind the rightside access door.
5. Disconnect the positive battery cable at
thebattery. 1
6. Removethematandthe floorplate in the
cab inorder to access the secondary
battery. Performsteps 4 and 5 in order to 2
disconnect the secondarybattery.
7. Inspect the battery terminals for corrosion.
Inspectthe battery cables for wear or
Fig.4. 6
8. Make any necessary repairs. If necessary, 3. Inspect the condition of the serpentine belt (1)
replacethe battery cables or the batteries. visually.
 Note: Replace the secondary battery  Note: this machine is equipped with one
carrier (strap)when the battery is replaced. Do belt tensioner (2). The belt tensioner
not exceed achange interval of 48 months when automatically adjusts the belt to the correct
the secondarybattery carrier (strap) is replaced. position.
9. Connect the positive battery cable to the 4. Close the left engine access door.
batterypositive terminals.
10. Connect the negative battery cable to the 2
batterynegative terminals.
11. Connect the battery cable at the
12. Install the key and turn the battery
disconnectswitch ON.
 Recycle the Battery

Always recycle a battery. Never discard a 1

Always return used batteries to one of the
following locations:
Fig.4. 7
 A battery supplier
Replace the belt
 An authorized battery collection facility
 Note: Replace a belt that is in poor
 Recycling facility condition, when a new belt is required.
 Belt-Inspect/Replace Reference: See “Belt - Replace”forthe proper
Your engine is equipped with a serpentine belt procedure.

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
 Belt – Replace 1. Park the machine on level ground. Move the
transmission control to the NEUTRAL position
and engage the parking brake. Shut off the
2. Remove the right engine compartment cover.
Accidental machine starting can cause Replace
injury or death to personal working on the
1. Replace the belt if any of the following
To avoid accidental machine starting, turn  excessive cracking
the battery disconnect switch to the OFF  excessive wear
position and remove the key. If the machine
 excessive damage
is not equipped with a battery disconnect
switch, disconnect the battery cables from 2. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the
the battery and tape the battery clamps. OFF position.
3. Replace the tension on serpentine belt
Place a do not operate tag at the battery
(1). Insert a 12.4 mm (0.50 inch) ratchet
disconnect switch location to inform
into the square hole in the belt tightener
personnel that the machine is being worked
(2) and pry the belt tightener in a
counterclockwise direction.
4. Remove the belt from the pulleys.
5. Install the new belt around the pulleys.
6. When you release the tension off the belt
tensioner the belt tensioner will
automatically adjust the belt to the
correct position. Recheck the belt
7. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the
ON position.
8. Close the right engine compartment
 Note: If a new belt is installed, recheck the
belt adjustment after 30 minutes of operation.
 Brakes, Indicators and Gauges-Test
(a) (b)
Fig.4. 8

Fig.4. 10
Check the operation of the SHANTUI
MonitoringSystem. Observe the self-test when
Fig.4. 9 you start theengine.

Belt (1) drives the fan, the water pump, the The system performs an automatic self-test
alternator, and the air conditioner. whenyou turn the engine start switch to the ON

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
The self-test verifies that the monitoring panel
andthe display modules are operating properly. If the machine moves during the test, reduce
The internal circuits, the indicators, and the theengine speed immediately, and engage
gaugesare automatically checked. the parking brake.

The operator must observe whether gauges, If the machine moved while testing the
indicators, and displays are operating brakes,consult your SHANTUI dealer for
properly.The self-test lasts for approximately brake inspection and repair. Damaged
three seconds. brakes must be repairedbefore returning the
machine to operation.
During the self-test, all alert indicators flash.
The digital display shows the following readouts:
Make sure that the area around the machine is
•All indicators of units (Deg C, kPa, rpm, and clearof personnel and clear of obstacles.
Test the brakes on a dry, level surface.
 "X10" readout
Fasten the seat belt before you test the brakes.
 Symbol for the hour meter
 "8.8.8.X.8.8" readout 1. Start the engine.
The pointers in the gauges point upward. Then, 2. Raise all attachments.
thepointers point to the left. Then, the pointers
pointto the right. Then, the pointers point to the
 The speed/direction readout shows “* *”.
 The speed readout shows “”, “MPH”, and
 The action light stays illuminated.
 The action alarm sounds once.
The monitoring panel is then in the normal
If the above tests are not correctly completed,
thesystem will not function in the normal Fig.4. 11
operatingmode. Consult your SHANTUI dealer 3. Use the ET service tool in order to perform
for an electricalsystem check. Any repairs must the Transmission Stall Test. Refer to the Testing
be made before youstart the engine. and Adjusting manual for your machine for more
Turn on all of the machine lights. Check for information.
properoperation. Sound the forward horn. 4. Reduce the engine speed to LOW IDLE.
Move Engage the parking brake. Lower all
themachineforwardandtesttheservicebrakes. attachments to the ground. Apply a slight down
pressure. Stop the engine.
 Braking System (Test)
5. Make any necessary repairs before you
operatethe machine.

If the machine moved while testing the brakes,

contactyour SHANTUI dealer. Have the dealer
inspect and,if necessary, repair the service
brake before returningthe machine to operation.

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
 Bulldozer Power Angling end ofthe tilt cylinder (5) and the head end of the
TiltHingePins-Lubricate tilt cylinder (6).
Apply lubricant to the grease fittingson both
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 sides of the link for the blade (8) and (10).
Apply lubricant to the grease fittings on the
4 bearing for the blade (9).
3  Cab Filter (Fresh Air)
2 -Clean/Inspect/Replace(If Equipped)

 Note: Clean thefilter element more often in

dustyconditions. If there is a noticeable
reduction in the airflow from the air vents, check
thefilter element.

Fig.4. 12

14 15 16

Fig.4. 14

1. Open the access cover for thefilter on the

left sideof the machine.

11 10

Fig.4. 13
Apply lubricant to the grease fitting for the head
endof the tilt cylinder (1) and the rod end of the Fig.4. 15
lift cylinder (3). Be sure to lubricate the left and
right side lift cylinders. 2. Remove filter element (1). Clean the filter
elementwith compressed air.
Apply lubricant to the remote grease fitting for
 Note: Do not clean thefilter elements while
the pivot pinon the main C-frame (2). Be sure to
the filterelements are installed on the machine.
lubricate the left andright side pivot pins.
 Note:You can wash the filter element with a
Apply lubricant to the remote grease fitting for
solution of warm water and of a nonsudsing
the head end ofthe angle cylinder (4). Also apply
household detergent. Rinse the filter element in
lubricant to the grease fitting for the rod end of
clean water.
the angle cylinder (7). Be sure to lubricate the
left and right side angle cylinders.  Note: Keep thefilter element dry.
Apply lubricant to the grease fitting for the rod 3. Install the filter element. Install the
CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
access cover.  Condenser (Refrigerant) -Clean
4. Replace any filter element that is worn or
5. Face the seal toward the filter cover
If excessively dirty, clean condenser with a
when you install the filter element.
brush. Toprevent damage or bending of the fins,
 Cab Filter (Recirculation) do not use astiff brush.
Repair the fins if found defective.
 Note: Clean thefilter element more often in
dustyconditions. If there is a noticeable
reduction in the airflow from the air vents, check
thefilter element.

Fig.4. 17
1. Remove the cover for the condenser.
Fig.4. 16 2. Inspect the condenser for debris. Clean
1. Remove filter element (1). The filter thecondenser, if necessary.
element islocated next to the seat on the 3. Use clean water to wash all of the dust and
left side. Clean thefilter element with dirtfrom the condenser.
compressed air.
4. Install the cover for the condenser.
 Note: Do not clean thefilter element while
the filterelement is installed on the machine.  Cooling System Coolant - Add

 Note:Do not use water in order to clean the

 Note: The filter must be thoroughly dried Personal injury can result from hot coolant,
before youinstall the filter. steam and alkali.
2.Replace any filter element that is worn At operating temperature, engine coolant is
ordamaged. hot and under pressure. The radiator and all
3. Install the filter element and replace the lines to heaters or the engine contain hot
filtercover. coolant or steam. Any contact can cause
 Note: Install the filter element with the filter severe burns.
mediatoward the inside of the cavity. Remove filler cap slowly to relieve pressure
only when engine is stopped and radiator
cap is cool enough to touch with your bare
Do not attempt to tighten hose connections
when the coolant is hot, the hose can come
off causing burns.
Cooling System Conditioner contains alkali.
Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
coolant is drained to a levelthat is below the
thermostat housing.

Failure to replace the engine's thermostat on a

regularly scheduled basis could cause severe
engine damage.

 Note: If you are only installing a new

thermostat,drain the cooling system coolant to a
level that isbelow the thermostat housing.
Fig.4. 18
1. Loosenthehoseclampandremovethehose
When SHANTUI Extended Life Coolant (ELC) is
fromthe elbow. Disconnect the hose
used, an extender must be added to the cooling
assembly fromthe thermostat housing
system. See Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Maintenance Interval Schedule”“on
page 80”for the proper service interval. The 2. Remove the bolts from the elbow.
amount of extender is determined by the cooling Remove theelbow and the thermostat
system capacity. housing assembly.
3. Remove the thermostat and the O-ring
 Cooling System Level- Check
seal fromthe thermostat housing.

Aused thermostat can be installed if the

thermostatconforms to test specifications, and
the thermostat isnot damaged. Do not install a
used thermostat that hasexcessive buildup or

Fig.4. 19
Since SHANTUI engines incorporate a shunt
1. Open the access door on the righthand side. designcooling system, it is mandatory to always
operate theengine with a thermostat.
2. Ensure that there is enough coolant in the
reservoir. Maintain the coolant level from Depending on load, failure to operate with a
viewport. If it is necessary to add coolant daily, thermo-stat could result in either an overheating
check the coolingsystem for leaks. or an over-cooling condition.
3. Close the access door on the right hand side.
 Cooling System WaterTemperature
Regulator -Clean/Replace

Replace the thermostat on a regular basis in If the thermostat is installed incorrectly, it will
order toreduce the chance of unscheduled causetheenginetooverheat.
downtime and ofproblems with the cooling
4. Install a new seal in the thermostat
A new thermostat should be installed after the housing.Install the new thermostat and a new
coolingsystem has been cleaned. Install the gasket. Install the thermostathousing on the
thermostatwhile the cooling system is engine cylinder head.
completely drained orwhile the cooling system
CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
5. Install the elbow and the hose. Tighten the  Engine Air Filter PrimaryElement -
hoseclamp. Clean/Replace
 Cutting Edges and End Bits
SHANTUI recommends certified air filter
cleaning services that are available at SHANTUI
dealers. TheSHANTUI cleaning process uses
proven proceduresto assure consistent quality
and sufficientfilter life.
Observe the following guidelines if you attempt
toclean thefilter element:
Donottaporstrikethe filter element in order to
re-move dust.
1 Do not wash thefilter element.
Use low pressure compressed air in order to
Fig.4. 20 removethe dust from the filter element. Air
1.Raise the bulldozer blade and block up pressure must notexceed 207 kPa (30 psi).
thebulldozer blade. When you remove Direct the airflow up thepleats and down the
the cuttingedges and the end bits, pleats from the inside of the filterelement. Take
maintain the bulldozerblade at a extreme care in order to avoid damageto the
minimum height. pleats.
2. Remove the bolts. Do not use airfilters with damaged pleats,
3. Remove the cutting edge and the end gaskets, orseals. Dirt entering the engine will
bits. cause damage toengine components.
4. Thoroughly clean all contact surfaces.
5. Inspect the opposite side of the cutting
edge. If theopposite side of the cutting
edge is not worn, turnthe opposite side of
the cutting edge downwardand install the
cutting edge.
6. If both sides of the cutting edge are worn,
install anew cutting edge.
7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for the end bits.
8. Install all bolts and tighten the bolts to the
Reference:For more information, referto
“Standard tightening torque of bolt and nut” on
page 77.
9. Raise the bulldozer blade and remove
theblocking. Lower the bulldozer blade to
the ground.
10. After you operate the machine for a few Fig.4. 21
hours,check all bolts for the proper

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
be performed regardless of thenumber of
1 2 cleanings.

Do not clean the air filter elements by bumping

or tapping. This could damage the seals. Do not
use elements with damaged pleats, gaskets, or
seals. Damaged elements will allow dirt to pass
through. Enginedamage could result.
Fig.4. 22
1.Open the engine access door on the top Visually inspect the primary air filter elements
side ofthe machine. beforecleaning. Inspect the air filter elements for
2. Loosen the four cover latches and damageto the seal, the gaskets, and the outer
remove the aircleaner cover. cover. Discardany damaged air filter elements.
 Note: The latches for the air cleaner Pressurizedairisthebestmethodtocleanprimaryai
housing maysnap open when you release the rfilter elements.
Pressurized Air
3. Remove primaryfilter element (2) from air
cleanerhousing. In order to remove the
engine airfilterprimary element, slide the
element outward. Whileyou pull the
element outward, rock the element.

Do not use afilter if the media, the gaskets or the

sealsare damaged.

Fig.4. 23
4. Install clean primary filter element Illustration Direction of air flow
overthe engine air filter secondary
element. Apply firmpressure to the end of Pressurized air can be used to clean primary air
the primary element asyougentlyrockthe filterelements that have not been cleaned more
filter element. This seats theprimary than twotimes. Pressurized air will not remove
element. deposits ofcarbonand oil. Use filtered, dry air
with a maximumpressure of 207 kPa (30 psi).
5. Clean the cover and install the cover.
6. Close the access door.  Note: When the primary air filter element is
The filter element indicator is located on the air cleaned,always blow the air from the clean side
cleaner group in the right engine compartment. in order toforce dirt particles toward the dirty
side. This helpsprevent damage to the paper
7. Start the engine. The indicator on the pleats.
gaugecluster will illuminate when the filter
needsattention. Do not touch the tip of the air gun to the primary
airfilter element. Dirt could be forced further into
Cleaning Primary Air FilterElements thepleats.
The primary airfilter element can be used up to
three times if the element is properly Before you reuse the primary air filter element,
cleanedand properly inspected. When the checkfor any damage to the seals, the gaskets,
primary airfilterelement is cleaned, check for and thebellows. Discard any damaged airfilter
rips or tears in the filtermaterial. The primary air elements.
filter element should bereplaced at least one Inspecting the Primary Air FilterElements
time per year period. Thisreplacement should Do not use a primary air filter element that has
CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
anytears and/or holes in the filter material. Do
not usea primary air filter element with damaged
pleats,gaskets or seals. Discard damaged
primary air filterelements.
Storing Primary Air Filter Elements
If a primary air filter element that passes
inspection will not be used, the primary air filter
element can be stored for future use.

Fig.4. 25

Fig.4. 24 1 2
Do not use paint, a waterproof cover, or plastic
as a protective covering for storage. An air flow
restriction may result. To protect against dirt and
damage, wrap the primary air filter elements in
Volatile Corrosion Inhibited (VCI) paper.
Place the primary air filter element into a box for
storage. For identification, mark the outside of
the box and mark the primary air filter element.
Include the following information. Fig.4. 26
 Date of cleaning 1. Open the left engine access door.
 number of cleanings 2. Remove the housing cover to the
Store the box in a dry location. precleaner bodyassembly.
 Engine Air Filter SecondaryElement - 3. Remove the secondary element (1). The
secondaryelement (1) is on the end of the
air cleaner group.
4. Cover the air inlet opening. Clean the
inside ofthe air cleaner housing.
Always replace the secondary element. Do not 5. Inspect the gasket between the air inlet
at-tempt to reuse it by cleaning. Engine damage and thehousing. If the gasket is damaged,
couldresult. replace theelement.
6. Uncover the air inlet opening. Install a
newsecondary element.
 Note: Replace the secondaryfilter element 7. Install the air cleaner housing cover.
whenyou service the primary element for the 8. Close the engine access door.
third time.If a clean primary element has been
installedand the filter element indicator still
enters the redzone, replace the secondary filter
element. Alsoif the exhaust smoke remains
black and a cleanprimary filter element has
been installed, replace thesecondary filter

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
 Engine Oil Level - Check 1. Open the engine access door that is on
the rightside of the machine.

Hot oil and components can cause personal

Do not allow hot oil or components to

Fig.4. 28
2. Check the dipstick while the engine is
Do not under fill or over fill engine crankcase stopped.Maintain the oil level between
with oil.Either condition can cause engine the “ADD” markand the “FULL” mark.
damage.  Note: Ensure that the engine is level in
Never operate the engine with oil level below order toobtain a true level indication.
the L (low) mark or above the H (high) mark.  Note: When you operate the machine on
Poor engine performance or engine damage severeslopes, the oil level in the engine
can occur. crankcase must beat the “FULL” mark on the

The engine must be level when checking the oil

level to make sure the measurement is correct.
Shut off the engine for an accurate reading.
Wait at least 15 minutes after shutting off the
engine to check the oil level. This allows time for
the oil to drain into the oil pan.
For additional lubricating oil recommendations
and oil pan capacity information, refer to
“Capacities (Refill)” (on page 75).

Fig.4. 29
3. Remove oilfiller cap. If necessary, add oil.
4. Clean the oil filler cap and install the oil
filler cap.
5. Close the access door.
 Note: For the best results, check the
engine oil levelafter the engine has been off for
two hours or more.This will allow all of the oil to
drain back into theengine crankcase.

Fig.4. 27

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
 Engine Oil and Filter - Change engine oil filter elementhand tight until
the seal of the engine oil filter contacts
the base. Note the position of the index
marks on the filter in relation to a fixed
Hot oil and components can cause personal point on the filter base.
injury.  Note: There are rotation index marks on
Do not allow hot oil or components to the engine oil filter that are spaced 90 degrees
contactskin. or ¼ of a turn away from each other. When you
tighten the engine oil filter, use the engine oil
filter, use the rotation index marks as a guide.
5. Instructions for the installation of the
filters areprinted on the side of each
A 500 hour engine oil change interval is SHANTUIspin-onfilter.
available, provided that the operating conditions 6. Tighten the filter according to the
and recommended multigrade oil types are met. instructions that are printed on the filter.
When these requirements are not met, shorten Use the index marks as a guide.
the oil change intervalto 250 hours.  Note: You may need to use a strap wrench,
If you select an interval for oil and filter change or another suitable tool, in order to turn the filter
that istoo long, you may damage the engine. to the amount that is required for final
installation. Make sure that the installation tool
does not damage the filter.
Engine Oil and Filter (Change) 7. Close crankcase drain valve. Replace
thecrankcase guard.
8. Remove the oil filler cap. Fill the
crankcasewith new oil. See Operation
and MaintenanceManual, “Capacities
(Refill)” (on page 75). Clean the oil
fillercap and install the oil filler cap.

Fig.4. 30
1. Remove the crankcase drain access
cover, whichis in the crankcase guard.
2. Open crankcase drain valve. Allow the oil
todrain into a suitable container.
3. Remove engine oilfilter element and
Fig.4. 31
discardthe engine oil filter element
properly. Make surethat all of the old filter 9. Always measure the oil level with dipstick
seal is removed from thefilter base. inorder to ensure that the correct amount
4. Apply a thin coat of clean engine oil to of oil wasadded.
the seal onthe new filter. Install the new 10. On the dipstick, maintain the oil level
·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
between the“ADD” mark and the “FULL”  Equalizer Bar Pins and Recoil Bearings -
mark.Refer to “Engine Oil Level - Check” Lubricate
(on page 92).
11. Replace the lower service access door
on the leftside of the machine.
Apply lubricant to the fittings with a hand
 EngineValve Lash - Check operated grease gun only. Use of pressure
For the correct procedure, refer to the operated lubricating equipment damages the
appropriateService Manual module for your seals.
machine's engine orconsult your SHANTUI
 Note: A qualified mechanic should adjust
the enginevalve lash because special tools and
training arerequired.
 Equalizer Bar Center Pin - Lubricate

Apply lubricant to the fittings with a hand

operated grease gun only. Use of pressure
operated lubricating equipment damages the

Fig.4. 33

Fig.4. 32
Fig.4. 34
Lubricate the equalizer bar center pin through
1. Remove the cover.
the remote fitting. The fitting is located inside the
2. Lubricate fitting (1).
engine access door on the left side of the
machine.The fitting is mounted on the inside of 3. Install the cover. Repeat this procedure
the engine cover. on the other side of the machine.

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
 Final DriveOil or Reducer Oil -Change


Fig.4. 36

Fig.4. 35 1. Move the machinesothat final drive oil

level mark is verticalto the flat
1. Move the machinesothat final drive oil ground.The final drive drain plug (1)will
level mark is horizontal to the flat ground. be located atthe bottom of the final drive.
The final drive drain plug (2) will be
2. Remove final drive drain plug (1) and
located atthe bottom of the final drive.
allow the oilto drain into a suitable
2. Remove final drive drain plug (2) and container.
allow the oilto drain into a suitable
3. Clean the drain plug (1).
4. Tighten the drain plug.
3. Clean the drain plug (2).
4. Tighten the drain plug.
5. Remove drain plug (2) and allow the oil to 2
drain into a suitable container.
6. Clean check plug (1) and drain plug (2).
Tighten two plugs.
7. Remove check plug (2). Add oil until the
oil islevel with the plug threads. Refer to
Operation andMaintenance Manual,
“Lubricant Viscosities” andOperation and
Maintenance Manual, “Capacities (Refill)”
(on page 75).
8. Clean check plug (2) and install the plug.
Tightenthe check plug. Fig.4. 37
9. Repeat this procedure for the other final 5. Remove drain plug (2) and allow the oil to
drive. drain into a suitable container.
6. Clean the plug (2)and tighten the plug

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
level, as shown.
1 2. Remove the oil filler plug in order to
check the oillevel.
3. The oil should be level with the bottom of
the plugthreads.
4. Clean the plug and install the plug.
Tightenthe oil fillerplug.
5. Repeat the procedure for the other final

Fig.4. 38
7. Move the machinesothat final drive oil
level mark is horizontalto the flat ground.
8. Remove the plug (1). Add oil until the oil
islevel with the plug threads. Refer to
Operation andMaintenance Manual,
“Lubricant Viscosities” andOperation and
Maintenance Manual, “Capacities (Refill)”
(on page 75).
9. Clean the plug(1) and install the plug. Fig.4. 40
Tightenthe plug.
1. Position thefinal drive oil level mark at a
10. Repeat this procedure for the other final horizontalposition in order to check the oil
drive. level, as shown.
 Final Drive Oil Level or Reducer Oil 2. Remove the oil filler plug in order to
Level- Check check the oillevel.
3. The oil should be level with the bottom of
the plugthreads.
4. Clean the plug and install the plug.
1 Tightenthe oil fillerplug.
5. Repeat the procedure for the other final
 Final Drive Oil Level or Reducer Oil -

Fig.4. 39
Oil –See “Lubricant Viscosities” (on page 71) in
thismanual for the proper final drive oils or
Reducer oils.
Final Drive Oil Level Mark – Fill the finaldrive
with oil until the oil is level with thishorizontal
1. Position thefinal drive oil level mark at a
horizontalposition in order to check the oil Fig.4. 41

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································

Fig.4. 42
Oil –See “Lubricant Viscosities” (on page 71) in Fig.4. 43
thismanual for the proper final drive oils or The undercarriage requires shimadjustment
Reducer oils. when the clearance A is more than 4mm.
Final Drive Oil Level Mark – Fill the finaldrive Drive the machine for 1-2 m on a level ground to
with oil until the oil is level with thishorizontal tighten the track evenly, and then stop the
mark. machine. Check the clearance “A” between the
 Free Spool Drag - Adjust side guide plate and the track frame (the guide
plate on each side has 4 clearances: left, right,
Adjust the free spool drag to the inside and outside).
Freespool fork disengages drum from gear train
drag. Drum can now rotate freely. Wire rope can
be easily pulled from drum by hand. 2
 Front Idler Position -Check/Adjust

The side plate presses on the track frame firmly

to force the idlers to move forward and
backward along the guiding plate on track frame.
So when the idler moves, the side plate will be
worn out and cause the idler to swing to the right 1
or the left or tilt and run off the track or unevenly
worn between the idlers and links. Adjust the
clearance between the guiding plate and track Fig.4. 44
frame to avoid the accident.
If any of the clearances is over 4 mm, do as
1. Loosen the bolt (1).
2. Remove the guiding plate.
3. Add shims to both side shim packs until
the totalamount of gap is between 0.5mm
(0.020 inch) to 1 mm(0.039 inch)
(thickness of each shim (2) is 0.5 mm
(0.020 inch)).
 Note: Be sure to add the same number of
shims toboth the left and right side so the idler
will remaincentered in the track roller frame.
 Note: When loosening the bolt (1), be sure
·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
not to rotate the bolt for more than 3 turns.  Note: Do not fill fuel filters before
installation in anycircumstance. Do not open
 Note:See Operation and Maintenance
high-pressure fuel lines inorder to bleed air from
Manual, “Track - Check/Adjust”(on page 108) for
the fuel system.
information on needed track adjustment
procedures. 1. Ensure that the fuel system is in working
 Fuel System - Prime
2. Operate the engine fuel priming
pumpmanually. Depress the priming
pump and repressthe priming pump until
Personal injury or death may result from firm pressure is felt.
failure toadhere to the following procedures. 3. The engine fuel system should now be
primed andthe engine should now be
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or
able to start.
electrical components can cause a fire.
Clean up all leaked or spilled fuel. Do not
smokewhile working on the fuel system.
Do not crank the engine continuously for more
Turn the disconnect switch OFF or than30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool
disconnect thebattery when changing for twominutes before cranking the engine
fuelfilters. again.

4. Start the engine.

5. After the engine has started, run the
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are engine at theLOW IDLE position until the
containedduring performance of inspection, engine runs smoothly.
maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the
 FuelSystem Secondary Filter -Replace
product. Be prepared tocollectthe fluid with
suitable containers before opening any
compartment or disassembling any component
containing fluids. Personal injury can result from air pressure.
Dispose of all fluids according to local Personal injury can result without following
regulations andmandates. proper procedure. When using pressure air,
wear a protective face shield and protective
If the engine does not start, air may be trapped
in thefuel lines to the engine. Use the following Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be
procedurein order to purge air from the fuel less than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning
lines. purposes.

Hand Fuel Priming Pump

Personal injury can result when using

cleaner sol-vents.
Tohelp prevent personal injury, follow the
instructions and warnings on the cleaner
solvent container before using.

Fig.4. 45
Use the following procedures in order to remove
airfrom the fuel system:
CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
suggested maintenance interval. This
may increase the risk of contamination in
Personal injury or death can result from a the fuel system.
fire.  Note:The service indicator on the dash will
be illuminated if the fuel filters need to be
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or
changed. All machines have a sensor on the
electrical components can cause a fire.
second filter in order to detect plugging. Certain
Clean up all leaked or spilled fuel. Do not machines have an additional sensor on the
smokewhile working on the fuel system. primary filter in order to detect plugging. Both
sensors will illuminate the service indicator on
Turn the disconnect switch OFF or
the dash. If the service indicator is active,
disconnect thebattery when changing
change both two fuel filters.
 Note: In order to reduce the risk of
contamination in the system, do not remove the
fuel filters simultaneously. Perform these
operations separately.
Do notprefill the fuel filters with fuel before you  Note: After the engine has stopped, you
install the fuel filter. Contaminated fuel WILL must wait for 60 seconds in order to allow the
DAMAGE the fuelsystem components. fuel pressure to be purged from the
high-pressure fuel lines before any service or
repair is performed on the engine fuel lines.
1. The secondary fuel filter is located on the
front ofthe engine on the left side.
SHANTUI STRONGLY recommends the use of 2. Place a suitable container under the fuel
high efficiency fuel filters. High efficiency fuel filter inorder to catch any fuel that might
filters are designed in order to better protect spill. Clean upany spilled fuel.
diesel engines that have higher injection
3. Clean the outside of fuel filter (1). Use
pressures and closer tolerances. Use of fuel
astrap wrench or other suitable tools in
filters that are NOT high efficiency fuel filters will
order to remove the fuel filter fromthe
result in shortened fuel system components life.
engine and dispose of the filter in a safe
place.Install a new filter.
In order to keep the engine in optimum condition,  Note: Do not fill the filter before you install
it is important to keep the fuel free from the new filter.
contamination. As fuel system contamination a. Install a new filter hand tight until the
usually occurs during refueling, the following seal of the filter contacts the base.
points should be observed: Note the position of the index marks on
 Only use clean fuel of the correct grade the filter in relation to a fixed point on
from a reliable source. the filter base.
 Do not refuel from contaminated  Note: There are rotation index marks on
containers or containers that are not the filter that are 90 degrees or ¼ of a turn away
suitable for fuel storage. from each other. When you tighten the filter, use
the rotation index marks as a guide.
 Do not use contaminated equipment.
 Regularly clean the outside of the fuel b. Tighten the filter according the
filler cap and the area around the fuel instructions that are printed on the filter.
filler cap. Use the index marks as a guide.
 Only use fuel filters that are approved by 4. If maintenance is required, remove the
Cummins. The use of Cummins filters is filter.
essential in order to protect the fuel 5. Clean filter mounting base. Make sure
system. that the oldseal is removed.
 Do not service the fuel filters prior to the 6. Ensure that dirt cannot enter the new fuel

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
filter.Do not fill the filter with fuel before Cleanupfuelspillsimmediately.
the fuel filteris installed.
7. Apply a thin coat of clean diesel fuel to
the seal onthe new filter. Install a new
Ensure that the engine is stopped before any
fuel filter by hand.
servicingor repair is performed.
 Note: Instructions for the installation of the
filters areprinted on the side of each spin-on
For non-SHANTUI filters, refer to the
installationinstructions that are provided by the The water separator can be under suction
supplier of thefilter. during normal engine operation. Ensure that the
8. Prime the fuel system. Refer to the drain valve istightened securely to help prevent
Operation andMaintenance Manual, air from enteringthe fuel system.
“Fuel System - Prime” (on page 98)
formore information.
9. Before you start the engine, make sure
that thedrain valves are completely
closed. Start theengine. Check for leaks. Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are
10. Close the left engine access door. containedduring performance of inspection,
maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the
 Fuel-Water Separator-Drain
product. Be prepared tocollect the fluid with
suitable containers before opening any
compartment or disassembling any component
containing fluids.
Drain the water-fuel separator into a
container and dispose of in accordance with
local environmental regulations.
Dispose of all fluids according to local
regulations andmandates.
Drain the water and sediment from the
separator daily.
1. Shut off the engine.
2. Use your hand to open the drain valve.
3. Turn the valve counterclockwise
approximately 3 ½ turns until the valve
drops down 25.4mm [1 in] and draining
Fig.4. 46
When the water separator element for the fuel
When closing the drain valve, do not overtighten
systemneeds to be drained, an indicator light on
the valve. Overtightening can damage the
the dashwill be illuminated. The water separator
is located inthe compartment on the left side of
the machine.

To close the valve, lift the valve and turn  Note: Do not fill fuel filters before
clockwise until it is hand-tight. installation in anycircumstance. Do not open
high-pressure fuel lines inorder to bleed air from
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or the fuel system.
electrical components can cause a fire. To help
prevent possible injury, turn the start switch off 1. Open the access door.
whenchanging fuel filters or water separator 2. Place a suitable container under the
elements. waterseparator in order to catch any fuel
CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
that might spill.Cleanupanyspilledfuel. thedrain. Allow the
3. Install a suitable tube onto drain. fluidtodrainintoasuitablecontainer.
4. Open drain. Allow thefluid to drain into 4. Tighten the drain by hand.
thecontainer. 5. If equipped, remove the wiring harness
5. Tighten drain by hand pressure only. fromthe sensor on the bottom of the glass
Removethe tube and dispose of the bowlbydepressing the clip on the wire
drained fluid in a safeplace. connector.
6. Close the access door. 6. Rotate bowl counterclockwise in order
If the engine fails to start, change the fuel filter. toremove the bowl. Remove O-ring seal.
Ifthere is a power loss, change the fuel filter. Cleanthe bowl.
7. Use Wrench in order to removeold
 Fuel System Water Separator -Replace canister.
8. Lubricate O ring seal with clean engine
oil onthe new canister. Install new
canister. Spinon the canister until the O
Personal injury or death may result from
failure to adhere to the following ring seal contacts thesealing surface.
Then rotate the canister 360degree in
order to tighten the canister correctly.
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or 9. Remove cap from the threaded end of
electrical components can cause afire. the newcanister and remove new O-ring
Clean up all leaked or spilled fuel. Do not seal. Installthe new O ring seal into bowl.
smoke while working on the fuel system. 10. Lubricate O-ring seal with clean engine
oil.Install the bowl onto the new canister.
Turn the disconnect switch OFF or
Tighten thebowl.
disconnect the battery when changing fuel
filters. 11. If equipped, install the wiring harness to
thesensor. Open the fuel supply valve.
12. Remove the container and dispose of
thefluid inasafeplace.
13. The secondary filter must be replaced at
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are thesame time as the water separator
containedduring performance of inspection, element. Referto the Operation and
maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the Maintenance Manual, “FuelSystem
product. Be prepared tocollect the fluid with Secondary Filter -Replace” (on page 98).
suitable containers before opening any  Note: Do not start the engine until all
compartment or disassembling any component service tothe fuel system is complete. For
containing fluids. instructions aboutpriming the fuel system, refer
to Operation andMaintenance Manual, “Fuel
System - Prime” (on page 98).
Dispose of all fluids according to local 14. Close the access cover on the left side of
regulations andmandates. themachine.
 Note: Do not fill fuel filters before
installation in anycircumstance. Do not open
high-pressure fuel lines inorder to bleed air from
the fuel system.
1. Open the access cover on the left side of
2. Place a suitable container under the
waterseparator in order to catch any fuel
that mightspill. Clean up any spilled fuel.
Clean the outsideof the water separator.
3. Install a suitable tube onto drain. Open
·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
 Fuel Tank Cap - Clean fuel tankis located on the center of the
machine below thefuel tank.
3. Perform the following procedure for a
machinewith a winch (if equipped).
Remove plate. Thedrain valve for the fuel
tank is located on the leftside of the
machine beneath the fuel tank.
 Note:Drain the fuel underneath the fuel
tank when arear attachment is installed on the
Some components are removed for clarity.
Fig.4. 47 4. Open drain valve. Allow the water and
Fuel tank cap is located on the left side on thesediment to drain into a suitable container.
therear of the machine. Closedrain valve.

1. Clean fuel tank cap and the surrounding  Fuses and Circuit Breakers –
area. Replace/Reset
2. Remove the fuel tank cap and
disassemble thefuel tank cap.
3. Inspect the seal for damage. Replace the
Always replace fuses with the same type and
seal, ifnecessary. Lubricate the seal on
capacity fuse that was removed. Otherwise,
the fuel tank cap.
electrical damage could result.
4. Replace the element on the fuel tank cap.
5. Assemble the fuel tank cap and install
fuel tankcap.
 Fuel Tank Water and Sediment-Drain
If it is necessary to replace fuses frequently, an
electrical problem may exist.
Contact your SHANTUI dealer.

The fuse panel is positioned behind the fuse

cover on the right side of the seat outside the
Replace a fuse if the element separates.
Fig.4. 48 If the fuse of a particular electrical system
requires frequent replacement, check the
electrical circuit.
Repair the electrical circuit, if necessary.

Fig.4. 49
1. Slowly, remove fuel tank cap in order to
2. Remove plate. The drain valve for the

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
Fuse Block 1 Front Work Lights (middle) 10Amp
Front Work Light (out) 10Amp
Rear Work Light 10Amp
Condenser Fun 10Amp
Defrost 20Amp
Engine Start Switch Signal 5Amp
Indicators on the Dash 10Amp
 Note: The fuse panel for this machine is
equippedwith all of the available options.
Fig.4. 50 The fuse panel is located on the front panel next
1. Remove the Fuse Cover tothe right side of the seat.
The fuse block is positioned behind the access  Hydraulic System Oil - Change
door on the right side of the seat inside the cab.
 Note: The normal hydraulicoil change
2. Remove the fuse cover. interval is every 1000 service hours or 1year.
3. Replace Fuses.
1) F1--Horn 10Amp
2) F2-Power Port (auxiliary Controller) 2Amp At operating temperature, the hydraulic tank
3) F3-Dozer Blade 5Amp is hotand under pressure.

4) F4-Auxiliary Controller Source 20Amp Hot oil and components can cause personal
in-jury. Do not allow hot oil or components
5) F5-Auto Backward Decel 2Amp to contactskin.
6) F6-Bulldozer Control Lever 2Amp
7) F7-Transmission Control lever 2Amp
8) F8-Heating and air conditioning blowerfan
30Amp Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are
9) F9-Spare 2Amp containedduring performance of inspection,
maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the
10) F10Spare 30Amp
product. Be prepared tocollect the fluid with
11) F11 Speed Sensor 2Amp suitable containers before opening any
compartment or disassembling any component
12) F12 Main Controller Output Source 2Amp
containing fluids.
13) F13 Main Controller Source 20Amp
14) F14backup alarm 10Amp
Remove the filler cap only when the engine
15) F15-Spare 15Amp isstopped, and the filler cap is cool enough to
16) F16-Engine Stop, Ignition Key 20Amp touchwith your bare hand. Remove the filler cap
slowlyin order to relieve pressure.
Fuse Block 2
Dome Lamp 3Amp Operate the machine for a few minutes in order
towarm the hydraulic system oil.
Window Washer Pump 3Amp
Park the machine on level ground. Lower
Front Window Wiper 10Amp allattachment to the ground. Move the parking
Rear Window Wiper 10Amp brakeswitch to the ENGAGED position. Stop the
Left Side Window Wiper 10Amp
 Note: The Hystattransmission and the
Right Side Window Wiper 10Amp hydraulicsystemuseacommontank.

·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE

Fig.4. 51
Fig.4. 53
Dispose of all fluids according to local
(1) Red Line (2) Yellow Line
regulations andmandates.
View the sight gauge through the slot above
1. Remove hydraulic tankfiller cap that is therear access door on the back of the machine.
abovethe access door on the rear of the
machine, ifequipped. Maintain the hydraulic oil level above the
“ADD”mark (2) on the sight gauge. Add oil, if
9. Open the right rear access door.
Right side view of new tank
(1) Full mark
(2) “ADD” mark
10. View the sight gauge inside the right rear
accessdoor, if equipped. Maintain the
hydraulic oil levelabove the “ADD” mark
Fig.4. 52 (2) on the sight gauge. Addoil, if
2. Remove the oil drain access cover on the
backplate.  Note: The oil must be free of bubbles. If
bubbles arepresent in the oil, air is entering the
3. Hook a hose up to the drain valve of the
hydraulic system.Inspect the suction hoses and
hydraulictank and drain the hydraulic oil
the hose clamps.
into a suitablecontainer.
4. Install the oil drain access cover on the 11. Stop the engine.
backplate. 12. If necessary, tighten any loose clamps
5. Change the hydraulic systemfilters. Refer and anyloose connections. Replace any
toOperation and Maintenance Manual, damaged hoses.
“HydraulicSystem Oil Filter - Replace”. 13. Close the access door.
6. Fill the hydraulic system oil tank. Refer  Hydraulic System Oil Filter -Replace
toOperation and Maintenance Manual,
“LubricantViscosities” and Operation and  Note: The Hystat transmission and the
MaintenanceManual, “Capacities hydraulicsystemuseacommontank.
7. Install the hydraulic cap.
8. Start the engine and run the engine for a

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································

Fig.4. 55
(1) Red Line (2) Yellow Line
Fig.4. 54 9. View the sight gauge inside the right rear
accessdoor, if equipped. Maintain the
1. Two hydraulicfilters are located on the hydraulic oil levelabove the “Yellow Line”
right sideof the machine. Open the mark (2) on the sight gauge. Addoil, if
access door on the rightside of the necessary.
10. Inspect the gasket on the cap for
2. Remove bothfilter elements with a strap damage.Replace the gasket, if
typewrench. necessary.
3. Clean thefilter element mounting bases. 11. Install the cap.
Removeany part of the filter element
 Note: You may need to use a strap wrench,
gasket that remainson the filter element
or another suitable tool, in order to turn the filter
mounting bases.
to the amount that is required for final
4. Apply a light coat of oil to the gasket of installation. Make sure that the installation tool
the newfilter elements. does not damage the filter.
5. Install the new filter elements by hand.
 Hydraulic System Oil Level -Check
 Note:For other supplier’s filters, refer to the
installationinstructions that are provided by the  Note: The Hystat transmission and the
supplier of thefilter. hydraulicsystemuseacommontank.
6. Close the access door on the right side of
7. View the sight gauge inside the right rear
accessdoor, if equipped. Maintain the
hydraulic oil levelabove the “Yellow Line”
mark (2) on the sight gauge. Addoil, if
New location of sight gauge
8. Openthe right rear access door.
Right side view of new tank

Fig.4. 56
1. Park the machine on a level surface
before youcheck the hydraulic system oil
2. View the sight gauge through the slot
above therear access door on the back of
the machine.
·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE

Personal injury can result from air pressure.

Personal injury can result without following
proper procedure. When using pressure air,
wear a protective face shield and protective

Fig.4. 57 Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be

(1) Red Line (2) Yellow Line lessthan 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.
3. Maintain the hydraulic oil level above the Pressurized air is the preferred method for
“Yellow”line (2) on the sight gauge. removingloose debris. Direct the air in the
4. Open the right rear access door. opposite directionof the fan's air flow. Hold the
5. View the sight gauge inside the right rear nozzle approximately6 mm (0.25 inch) away
accessdoor, if equipped. Maintain the from the fins. Slowly move theair nozzle in a
hydraulic oil levelabove the “Yellow” line direction that is parallel with the tubes.
(2) on the sight gauge. This will remove debris that is between the
6. Remove hydraulic tankfiller cap and add tubes.
hydraulicoil, if necessary.
 Radiator Pressure Cap -Clean/Replace
7. Clean the cap. Install the cap.

 Radiator Core - Clean

Fig.4. 59
Fig.4. 58 1. Open the access panel on top of the
Inspect the radiator for these items: enginecompartment.
damagedfins,corrosion, dirt, grease, insects, 2. Slowly loosen pressure cap (1) in order to
leaves, oil, and otherdebris. Clean the radiator, releasepressure from the cooling system.
if necessary. 3. Remove the pressure cap.
The radiator grill for the fire plow is shown, if 4. Inspect the pressure cap for damage, for
equipped. deposits,or for foreign material. Clean the
pressure capwith a clean cloth. Replace
the pressure cap if thecap is damaged.
steam to remove dust and other debris from
theradiator core. However, the use of 5. Install the pressure cap.
compressed airis preferred.
Inspect the radiator for these items: damaged
fins,corrosion, dirt, grease, insects, leaves, oil,
and otherdebris. Clean the radiator, if
CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
 Ripper – Inspect / Replace enough so that the ripper shank can be
removed. Do not place the ripper too
Tips high.
2. If the shank is worn or damaged, remove
cotter pin (4). Then drive out pin (3).
Remove shank (5).
3. Install the new shank and pin (3).
1 4. Install cotter pin (4).
5. Raise the ripper and remove the
6. Lower the ripper to the ground.
 Ripper Linkage and Cylinder Bearings -
Fig.4. 60 Lubricate
When the ripper tip is worn close to the shank,
replace the ripper tip. If the tip is too blunt, the
tip will not penetrate properly.
1. Raise the ripper. Place blocking under
the ripper. Lower the ripper onto the
blocking. The ripper should be high
enough so that the ripper tip can be 1
removed. Do not place the ripper too
2. If the ripper tip is worn, drive out pin (1).
Remove tip (2) and the shank pin Fig.4. 62
Lubricate the ten fittings (1) for the link pin on
3. Clean the shank pin retainer and the pin.
each side of the ripper.
4. Install the new tip and the retainer.
5. Install pin (1) from the opposite side of  Rollover Protective
the retainer. Structure(ROPS)-Inspect
6. Raise the ripper and remove the Inspect the Rollover Protective Structure
blocking. (ROPS)for bolts that are loose or damaged.
7. Lower the ripper to the ground. Replace anydamaged bolts and any missing
Shank bolts with originalreplacement parts only.
Do not weld reinforcement plates to the ROPSin
3 order to straighten the ROPS. Do not
weldreinforcement plates to the ROPS in order
to repairthe ROPS.
If the ROPS has any cracks in the welds, in
thecastings, or in any metal section, consult
yourSHANTUI dealer for repairs.
 Seat Belt - Inspect

Always check the condition of the seat belt and

Fig.4. 61 thecondition of the seat belt mounting hardware
When the ripper shank is worn or damaged, beforeyou operate the machine. Replace any
replace the ripper shank. parts that aredamaged or worn before you
operate the machine.
1. Raise the ripper. Place blocking under
the ripper. Lower the ripper onto the
blocking. The ripper should be high
·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE


Fig.4. 64
Fig.4. 63
If tracks are too tight, wear of the
Check the seat belt mounting hardware (1) for componentswill accelerate. If tracks are too
wearor for damage. Replace any mounting loose wear of thecomponents will accelerate.
hardware thatis worn or damaged. Make sure
that the mountingbolts are tight. 1. Move the machine forward for a distance
oftwo times the length of the machine.
Check buckle (2) for wear or for damage. If the Allow
buckleis worn or damaged, replace the seat themachinetostopwithouttheuseoftheserv
belt. icebrake. Shut off the engine.
Inspect the seat belt (3) for webbing that is worn 2. Standonthetrack between the front idler
orfrayed. Replace the seat belt if the seat belt is and thetrack carrier roller in order to
wornor frayed. produce as muchtrack sag as possible.
Consult your SHANTUI dealer for the 3. Measure the track sag in two places on
replacement ofthe seat belt and the mounting each track.
 Note: Within three years of the date of A
installation orwithin five years of the date of
manufacture, replacethe seat belt. Replace the
seat belt at the date whichoccurs first.
If your machine is equipped with a seat
beltextension, also perform this inspection
procedure forthe seat belt extension.
 Seat Belt - Replace

Within three years of the date of installation or Fig.4. 65

withinfive years of the date of manufacture,
Place a tight string or a straight edge
replace theseat belt. Replace the seat belt at the
on topof the grousers between the
date whichoccurs first.
carrier roller andfront idler. Measure
Consult your SHANTUI dealer for the the distance from thestraight edge to
replacement ofthe seat belt and the mounting the grouser tip at the lowestpoint of
hardware. sag.
If your machine is equipped with a seat b. Place a tight string or a straight edge
beltextension, also perform this replacement on topof the grousers between the
procedurefor the seat belt extension. carrier rollerand sprocket. Measure the
distance from thestraight edge to the
 Track - Check/Adjust grouser tip at the lowestpoint of sag.
Check 4. Total the two measurements. Refer to
Check the track adjustment. Check for wear and Table 14 inorder to determine the correct
forexcessive dirt buildup. sag.

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
Table 4. 11 of twotimes the length of the machine.
Allow the
Location Track Sag (Range) machinetoastopwithouttheuseoftheservic
20 mm (7.9 inch) to ebrakes.
30 mm (11.8 inch) 2. Shut off the engine. Adjust the tracks
15 mm (5.9 inch) to while youare in the machine's typical
Center(B) operating conditions.
20 mm (7.9 inch)
3. If packing conditions prevail on the job,
35 mm (13.8 inch)to
Total(A+B) the tracksshould be adjusted with
50 mm (19.7 inch)
packing material.

If this dimension is not correct, adjust the track.

If the track appears to be too tight or too
loose,proceed to “Track Adjustment” (on page
Track Adjustment

Fig.4. 67
4. Remove the cover for the track

Fig.4. 66

Do not remove any parts until all pressure

hasbeen relieved to avoid possible personal
Relieve pressure by opening relief valve one
turnmaximum. See maintenance guide for
track adjustment procedure.

Fig.4. 68
5. By using a manual grease gun, add
multipurposegrease (MPGM) through
Grease is under high pressure. track adjustment valve in order to tighten
Grease coming out of the relief valve under the track.
pressure can penetrate the body causing 6. Close the valve cover.
injury ordeath. 7. Repeat the procedure for the other track.
Do not watch the relief valve to see if grease Tight Track Adjustment
is escaping. Watch the track or track 1. Move the machine forward for a distance
adjustment cylinder to see if the track is of twotimes the length of the machine.
being loosened. Allow the
Loosen the relief valve only one turn.
2. Shut off the engine. Adjust the tracks
Loose Track Adjustment while youare in the machine's typical
operating conditions.
1. Move the machine forward for a distance
·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
3. If packing conditions prevail on the job, 1. During the machine operation, listen for
the tracksshould be adjusted with unusualsqueaking and for unusual
packing material. squealing. This canindicate a dry joint.
2. Check the machine for dry joints weekly.
Checkfor dry joints immediately after
machine operation.
After machine operation, lightly touch the end
ofeach track pin or bushing. Touch the track
pinor the track bushing with the back of your
Fig.4. 69  Note:Make a mark on any dry track pin joint
4. Remove the cover for the track that is veryhot to the touch.
adjustingmechanism.  Note:Consult your SHANTUI dealer's
Custom TrackService experts if you detect dry
joints or leaks. YourSHANTUI dealer's Custom
Track Service expert canperform track
Alternative Inspection
Use an infrared thermometer or a thermal
camera inorder to inspect the temperature of the
track pins.
 Track Roller Frame - Inspect

Fig.4. 70
To loosen thetrack,rotate relief valve
counterclockwise.Thenopen the track
adjustment valve by one fullturn and Fig.4. 71
allow the grease to escape. Then
closerelief valve. Inspect the track roller frame on both sides of
themachine for cracks.
6. Close the valve cover when dimension (A)
and dimension (B) is correct.  Winch Cable - Inspect
Repeat the procedure for the other track.
 Track Pins-Inspect
Wear leather gloves when handling the
winch cable.

Fingers can be burned from hot pins and

bushings.The pins and bushings in a dry
joint can becomevery hot. It is possible to
burn the fingers if thereis more than brief
contact with these components.

Use the recommendations in order to extend the

lifeof the undercarriage. Use the
recommendations inorder to avoid excessive
CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
Table 4. 13

Winch Capacity
Winch Bare Drum Full Drum
Maximum 14800 8500
LinePull kg(32628 lb) kg(18739 lb)
Maximum 22.3 m/min 29.1 m/min
LineSpeed (73.2 ft/min)(2) (95.5 ft/min)(2)
Maximum line speed is the no-load speed at
maximum linepull.

Fig.4. 72 For the correct procedure to replace the winch

cable,consult your local SHANTUI dealer.
1. Move the winch control lever to the FREE
SPOOLposition.  Winch Oil - Change
2. Unreel the winch cable by manually 1. Park the machine on level ground.
pulling thewinch cable.
3. Inspect the entire cable for fraying or 1
kinking. Iffraying or kinking is present, 2
replace the winchcable.
 Winch Cable - Replace

Wear leather gloves when handling the

winch cable.

Fig.4. 73
(1) Cover plate (2) Oil filler plug
Unroll the wire rope cable from the spool. Never
lift thewire rope off the spool in coils. 2.
Remove drain plug (1) and allow the oil to
drainin a suitable container.
 Note: To help drain the oil, remove oil filler
plug (2).
3. Install plug (1) after all of the oil has been
Use the correct size ferrule for the winch cable drained.Tighten plug (1).
in orderto attach the winch cable to the load 4. Refill the winch to the proper level. Install
drum. Never plug (2).
Table 4. 12

Line Load
WireRope Diameter
19 mm 78 m
(0.75 inch) (256 ft)
16 mm 113 m
(0.63 inch) (371 ft)
·······················································CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE
 Winch Oil Level - Check  Winch Fairlead Rollers -Lubricate

2 2
Fig.4. 74
Fig.4. 76
(1) Coverplate
(2) Oil filler plug and oil level check 7 8
1. Positionthemachineona flat, level
2. Inspect the winch for leaks. Repair any
3. Remove oil level check plug (2) for a
quick checkof the oil level.
 Note: The oil must be filled to the bottom of
the portof the oil level check plug.
4. Fill the winch case with oil until the oil is
at theproper level.
5. Install and tighten plug (2).
6 5 4 3
 Winch Vent Plug - Clean

Fig.4. 77
Apply lubricant to all eight of the fairlead
 Window Washer Reservoir -Fill

When operating in freezing temperatures,

useSHANTUI or any commercially available
Fig.4. 75 nonfreezingwindow washer solvent.

1. Remove the vent plug.

2. Clean the vent plug in a suitable solvent.
3. Install the vent plug.
 Note: Do not
replacetheventplugwithasolidplug.Damage to
the winch will occur.

CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE ·······················································
 Window Wipers -Inspect/Replace

Fig.4. 78
Window Washer – Open the access dooron the
right side of the machine. Open thefluid bottle
cap in order to fill the washerfluid bottle.
Maintain the level in the washerfluidbottle Fig.4. 79
between the maximum mark and the
minimummarks. Inspect the front window wiper blade, the
rightwindow wiper blade, the left window wiper
blade,and the rear window wiper blade. Replace
any wiperblades that are damaged or worn.
Replace any wiperblades that streak the
 Windows - Clean

Use commercially available window

cleaningsolutions to clean the windows.

CHAPTER 5Index Section ····························································

CHAPTER 5Index Section

A Equalizer Bar Center Pin - Lubricate ........................ 94
Access Doors and Covers ......................................... 79 Equalizer Bar Pins and Recoil Bearings - Lubricate .. 94
Backup Alarm - Test ................................................. 82 Final Drive Oil Level - Check .................................... 96
Battery - Inspect ...................................................... 82 Final Drive Oil-Change ............................................. 95
Battery - Recycle...................................................... 82 Free Spool Drag - Adjust .......................................... 97
Battery or Battery Cable -Inspect/Replace .............. 82 Front Idler Position -Check/Adjust .......................... 97
Belt-Inspect/Replace ............................................... 83 Fuel System - Prime ................................................. 98
Brakes, Indicators and Gauges-Test ......................... 84 Fuel System Secondary Filter -Replace .................... 98
Braking System (Test) .............................................. 85 Fuel System Water Separator -Replace ................. 101
Bulldozer Power Angling Tilt Hinge Pins-Lubricate.. 86 Fuel Tank Cap - Clean ............................................ 102
C Fuel Tank Water and Sediment -Drain ................... 102
Cab Filter (Fresh Air) -Clean/Inspect/Replace (If Fuel-Water Separator -Drain ................................. 100
Equipped) ............................................................ 86
Cab Filter (Recirculation) -Clean/Inspect/Replace .. 87
General Information ................................................ 29
Capacities (Refill) ..................................................... 75
General Information for Lubricants ......................... 71
Cleaning Primary Air Filter Elements....................... 90
Con denser (Refrigerant) -Clean .............................. 87
Hand Fuel Priming Pump ......................................... 98
Coolant Information ................................................ 75
Hydraulic System Oil - Change ............................... 103
Cooling System Coolant - Add ................................. 87
Hydraulic System Oil Filter -Replace ...................... 104
Cooling System Coolant Level- Check ...................... 88
Hydraulic System Oil Level -Check ......................... 105
Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator
Hydraulic Systems and Machine Hydrostatic
-Clean/Replace .................................................... 88
Transmissions ...................................................... 72
Cutting Edges and End Bits -Inspect/Replace .......... 89
Identification Information ....................................... 31
Declaration of Conformity ....................................... 33
Inspecting the Primary Air Filter Elements .............. 91
Diesel Fuel Recommendations ................................ 74
Intended Use ........................................................... 31
Emissions Certification Film .................................... 37
Loose Track Adjustment ........................................ 109
Engine Air Filter Primary Element - Clean/Replace . 89
Lubricant Viscosities ................................................ 71
Engine Air Filter Secondary Element - Replace ....... 91
Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities ............... 71
Engine Oil ................................................................ 71
Engine Oil and Filter - Change ................................. 93
Maintenance Access................................................ 79
Engine Oil Level - Check .......................................... 92
Maintenance Interval Schedule............................... 80
Engine Valve Lash - Check ....................................... 94
Maintenance Support ............................................. 76
···························································CHAPTER 5Index Section
N Storing Primary Air Filter Elements ......................... 91
North America and European Union ....................... 33 T
P Tight Track Adjustment ......................................... 109
Plate Locations and Film Locations ......................... 31 Track - Check/Adjust .............................................. 108
Pressurized Air......................................................... 90 Track Adjustment .................................................. 109
Product Identification Plates ................................... 31 Track Pins-Inspect .................................................. 110
R Track Roller Frame - Inspect .................................. 110
Radiator Core - Clean ............................................ 106 Track Type Tractors Special Applications ................. 73
Reducer Oil - Add .................................................... 96 Transmission and Axles ........................................... 73
Restrictions to application and configuration ......... 31 W
Ripper – Inspect / Replace .................................... 107 Welding on Machines and Engines with Electronic
Controls ............................................................... 76
Ripper Linkage and Cylinder Bearings - Lubricate . 107
Winch (Applications) ............................................... 31
Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) - Inspect ..... 107
Winch Cable - Inspect............................................ 110
Winch Cable - Replace ........................................... 111
Seat Belt - Inspect ................................................. 107
Winch Oil - Change ................................................ 111
Seat Belt - Replace................................................. 108
Winch Vent Plug - Clean ........................................ 112
Selecting the Viscosity ............................................. 71
Window Washer Reservoir -Fill ............................. 112
Sound Certification.................................................. 33
Window Wipers -Inspect/Replace ......................... 113
Special Lubricants.................................................... 74
Windows - Clean ................................................... 113
Specifications .......................................................... 29

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